The Lucknow Sentinel, 1912-09-19, Page 7......... , W 77 d 77" SlUMMER, Com PLAINTS -FIX 4 LAD Tj KI�L LITTLE -w� 10 LASSES, andwiplicifl, I th -The.*defense had,closte jhe -pro,, F!;­�'j f Re W Take - At first signs of ililao6s Allri goon1p Opening Social, 'had 1 0 r -0 D r giveilte'litt , I ng fill, tiiI -%,Itfi those argument, And, r6ho, judge, a,Iiather ROY TO, RA R b Ov�ij Tablets,,' T L pomppus, 44 In gip W Orki the Ito qours he may d, curp. The destructipo -Of the bottP4 0Y ah,'a�'Journ Side, 1) on tratel', w" har4 At ulgl- e bey MONEY IN CANA al dpclarea, cha: ging.thq Sio,.jafity to ;�ivep qcc -D.19.rd, of Health Sti-44'enly -he 'noticed that "PRO -blic dqtv� opt. - ever 'Alin TheBe Table WAR 3 omplaint§ # 1i K and will progip; V% qqL ng.Tj a,prusade againstfiini.. .0 a well chi]41 d iY Lo!" on -TII pe-Wils 1he N Aify Granulated i zi HIS Withy, or# the-Jvry.nie W4 fallen.Asleiip- Vhe. I - �iri­a�d­h;Lbits , - _J�'R 4; ES -a _4 i4dftmativn - - - - - - - wn:0 the-facr tust,_., qs �od q ea W ,4 jadenyv t 1JAZZ; III& 4; "lbA �6, "0"- It -4T ig-ht-b i elx- re�4 r ; us cati ;a n . f so.,w6AA ni, 'j -44,';,i. Ltlie.., ngIdn e f 'ho, w Oung p b*., use PIP T_ !�Tlla ec _r s, t n: el. 'he, -weA- in an fi#p� -w la�% r le4w� theJ Ui7`hi hi . ....... ly sa .1 1 11 1 110:. MoAD I I , ­'�­4, 4+-,.' f6� rs TV _VT JUP4P I I its n P0 rt sal n, fift,by 'Point"a 4 -Will, llee't*t, n :41tat they.. -A �e abibliffe i a -short time; - hat it L a wIqy­yoix!at�en<y,t�y� _1 j R, Alp -- ----- sa'ys--11­Ba4-" 0 r6fhe-rappear & fo-'rtune. to- many. a youth It y_s, wri'Tablets� A ve ot. it� ]Englis W11 y10 I re Ab-901utely. a is� iti You 6; Aia . .. .... �cari �give' donjit�� v , e ne a mbther -in the Old' b La , s nd ays Lbn A, so U+ e Y., p you t in y -I .'opinion Whl-1 be of er little outp and I alW ay§ keep, Bits Bi t to h-ve­Pq a-itirk! 1) 007 t Wiltshire, i�fig14n4),evgpgel,isf, k e, Zablets- hput. in, the., Itol e-':' Th A yotiog girl; w. thJe: Are's6ld �b, -�'jnp it,- rned * from the. ue, when I se,�4%yog;6ut to deter - no -o�aerfs Holy,il'and" kir'21 year.$ of t iii joriso is,ofieof the fined�,j�jth n d `1 -"by:11fii9t. half -of 6'r fe�en 'hwd u g a is re I hqs jixat.: retta vaj h6 is onl�, 'in A* ,4 An ei e. niine t6e�, fate W p choI mail om�.The: pip er . Cen atta. dard,of purit*, y, t is peril, wilL be, ir� 4ew-sugar AW4_9 'says., bbic It th �­Yes, sit, js4id the p"Tan, t tB_a siI _the--4mplpy­ &f- the: �C -'­ ;in Pic &TI.- h the."abb ri-e-vi-a--tio'n-1 f :11len Q9 XF quietly_ ­'r 'I -thlA be-!,, Bio It I t ..Dr _4_ W. en_,be .- A I I c�p,�qgst,!+ T�y In y9or, h Willianig'­M di i'o 0,,o - d iply,­ dtt­d'-­­ eIr iva's. ambngst thq­'B�qio�in . Arabs, 4 -",ir:witUil� ville '01A 11 1 �t �: ": , , , wfeii I -th4o,'Caji­adi&fi PakOfic, Railwgy C in� --k- _ .6 111 h" p. :7---o u -b' I ­ _� , .9 -o u -etweem-Keral _Anqj.4� .-J, 71 7 ce" r *A�e lately, a� tell -- h _C_ F h V bu ces in' h v, ie, h 13 ilt- ispa6i�O'B,, oil! io R11ILL, SPIREX-S b itig." yb, u.", '-w ulj�, cre wh Lc.h ­6ccurred a, �year ago last., 7— MnA� M LR,. -W ONT -f 11ed, Deceinbti At� "line 7.4 p 77� jihi�1j'+ .. I W -- velr.-Y, _,day��. W Kiil! growp . is 1.00:' m,i,tes Y tk KAA'k-A,:;06eilii1, oi, j oyei�, 1: do "t k ion g., haw� V �Teply-, W I R - A4 -Z , , _4 : _L11 b -p W hQ e :0 - T . . . . . . . . . .... .. .. Amil- & 4 h k Til h L . .. t PvL wisco-vib uy,"�'. "on 'ambf ff:-� *i0i� a I itan `A`� '�jh k 0,o]k T A- I P - _.� In � g_ t_ t :,g_ j . �_tgq W W.. 3.8 ap ipe _G YN -4nd -�a I a'ry Id .16" th�e ost P�l 4 CE� 0, Ai 'fY, lent pw.jjn 11,QdY ... ... La's Do T. e,-n.ews,, Is -r -co c 0 e 0' � . . Th eii t3llr,elki� Fi­ h ra A yp .01 7 was e: I Ver am- U ust. _P i- - I _u London Field'by a 3-4- e- ous- �11099 e �J: infantile�, ' 1, �j b- ul Big is!144 e roo s of ii 'g h to .11111 7 1 is, - U ere Q thi, N Lnln eB in Q§*, Can a order -with his wfe; and" one III 11's re, ers... Special s-v.ml3A- n-_ id_:o,ther. dise Af ,as.,e& The d t1ure un ACI 1-aw.—e -d. �,Ua luck �af; some', meri t TY7 aptuxed-- Xf wat., r ir h' h ently-,4`�tfii:- iond :6i --,b 1.6, !M a .2, e -they -'antie�i' 7 ere, h t do 8 6 rv" a's ice slates, 1 -o -u -M -Ma -t -Z '11.0T, Ell] -6 n.: 9 last joZfoig�Z .=Xf -Woo-dTa-Ha mies, ana five Rm-ei r;ve., Ivjejta� Ther4b 'are z< houtos th -be, en .1"i4gefl'in the� )w so Many- h _0Qi ' ' A y -, Alwel�,,Yearg f h �M6 a even, with'in Tag''b ria. an vic - 4 W: .1, 0 a 4 J_-�ta_a, -ore ro ,ej.nad&n-ed--,b-e. �ge)n�, -I 79wa 4kiv, diseaI -ft--stops the hou�e, --w-A is n jive I. at s� �,ing ing as 1ecome quit, a, Rh -"-d spIt4biused_ ni�ih -ecialty- exe it, ot a positj Th �vio -1h "t -1 line the.:` nih-tting, �q- for -thi" D Dre hi s - T1114 -:1061 -1 -naad&b -,�a "Sp fOY"tY..Oubg. Uleu, ii:, *-h'V. tde 9-wilLY _"niedi 96iiiisdl tri That MAII. lin _.V�'i_a&a_� 9 _s ON a F some :V, V gtu� e.. Is q Vaux in omewhat'q Rk and nimbi !evangoust. 4e ri n Lk".4"s A 'atives e natives 'in, 6K e here!. appli eun-d 6:k't Th rts, $0�.�a.d and mi-etimeg, .:.AfterWbti4.I t A6, en o he small laaTt*Y,,.ieft' V ak exieb 4�1 I ing isj M t b6fi"ib­ a u Tl foand a h,;I s §e vil e of. spi, eks, a, Iti tr hich facked'�sevdraljimes. by nomsdiq be n'tl surfi ',,aj� thAt'n p e go pe ew -Ajainst, the'.- fly.� pest.,-',,� The hoiaes't and �ne of these- iiiisitted: -1e_q.uaa;tq1r. hii�&thy lissu,4 is 4ifickly formed. penny, � tri 6B, 6 lan to -the' -'Y'' d3urm s,._B.e�. :they nia elive'r th-6 ','ri nest - �bf s6hool. it out -W."'astonished - itt -:a.r a :certain s6cikl RI t� thgar camp4` Looking at'h secret, o- froin -belb,W -3s7 B t 'OhOer-n— -wh .6 line jan, MMI"i'l�v Inig V an A 41� AR fiWID-44Q,1M ow� rze_ smal' thiels Vee&� 4,hfi lm-luuuut . I M7ZE - -a- - it --very Ju striou s� B�re Lds vering, end4*4ithe, &411,�B..,M, rafids�Z-Qi % .2, um, anz( Airti gr a A -2,�-f�strung fly -- 7 -jz&�Ab ------- x Ave Mon eal-' ag4k V u.L.L alLa-wt.im ;.iA U.— - 7 ath ' ' 'L s._6.ixIiLA`._a - and led upon the, zaI uji Coo ,U]A, the tor-tli,.em,to "ill him.. Th' p4&tddl down 4-66 ey in ended. n 'th t.wj0nV- Aho.bH6 11, - . . ncbe's� 6f -th 6��oik- 919t, The -mekican -,off a tmj Then look- at th�6, to, taI p,art-,Jo..an_is4,D]:at*4 spbt cairrip-d -it, ag. ihe, home:- ak for ov, p �hb-st pp�ortupl e Is'-withouf any. r I -60B . d ifie�reBho-ot,th' -oh-thefqnqw�, Stda4.' and: 1n­the­.-p.i6 years, e a, ii 4�4lnartyr to-ec' nd 7f �11�_ - _ "an lapi ing a nest of these. spiders a _TYPI199, g �eima.­ His, ha'fids �werte­at -one time.' . , .; . I., I � I .. . � A-1 I.. . . ne' - - gduowtion, .0. erig'apeL uts b -1 -ay and family opepedj :t�.: 4nd 1 _VA -'I e s-- -that h�,e-----haa URE.,, W r 31 tv- shes i iro� eig teen inch Is e book aTt­'ouV to do -f, -and L A e': I6iig.'w'jth-,.th' he wi in, fliels'. 6r'il�ejnselves -I- F4Du,r ee. - . I h Is eep, in g oves, RAR R EL LAURS The_S_pideis_..&T*e -elvan 4n�--la��- 8 - �t& -bejly. � n - - a 46 & ZijE�B.0 --7,Was- intriadueed BIB re, st d-vf6m _t sl_� 7E, ke0fp'�-'v gir �6-. --do: -an ---an I Ar­*b'.'a' -4-h-tBI4ittr6 ch-a-p,­ha,&AArB-t�, W.aJ+-ow­- A P74_7`t� . Ito sp 1'hel. W119. Ian do, rea -all 811c axe 1n .11 ., I ., alf&Ie-r- wim If arLa- 11� :' t. I, ' "'----,three yeaks - r-:, his it pto hp�k_ 4 eas wi receive W il,­W, ey. in 1o1Vqe1r_., room-, It is, 4esspu, --a. ftt-Ieh t.i,6,u s ii 6 n4iorp ney 'of i!7-� =-L by_ 1he b�g eel, �:then':c �re' of a disease -he I 1fo vi at. craw. 411-stry to watekh th k :tLlar6ugh, .-th -gill- -A tm* -yq-arI is still caired 1fo ax -rived led -'-.,out oF tlie M-0 r 1.1 " r �.j - _0 dt"U97� - oxl,-_or,_-w-e. wi -d` lik At t t, I was A, s�e All, Ruggip s sell, Vihi �f" ir x estina ion.- on ime. swallpIved'ky thb- A 0 b brings, persol A,, 0V-. ha; .-tij Aha;t -o-Wed--lak -djrawri�-'th6� 'd T--.-- 7: :him,. to he -1 -p -W -d a Lmttst� ve- ne-46-41a A i,, bo �`if a 11'.B66d rial. ind . .. ... . �a Y7 - I _. :v k, . . 6: -pay _h -bead=a,,nd= _61 a -1 "-no' tr .414-4i4vm la-g_-emn_l *an "the're., ''k 'to, drI and- ha sfiel-le; d d- apatI �pb m is'. _r -a :that_he shia.- ii�:b' V ci -pu!I hiis!� -re urn-, t.4 ass Sl'�a�"LS�mill.:­ h &rel- -6he.- qu g h:, f --ing -to _W Lqndon__Twjst_S1e� ip left -B ---On U.er t1we e__ cej� _11� IT07Mnp!i� 1 1;" �2� QX� 65� ildl-th A py _P49 574 -a-s Q "May,. so jvji - - l, `.'I !11,A,.T n0s tile h XUR'SER- . ... ,f Van ,"-: I . . — . ywe 1,w we . . . . , . ' r " . i " .1 1 . r I q:u :tU.M r'w�jljpw -h m an s Acting: oil e pernicious ha, it some as the V 1� -fl' :Lb IN; WQU 1. have. of re king on nause- Ae Y ii� -tbi& an ca r d&-` -rem une iati-Ve i -r, -itomach-A F16r- atvonr :-h-e-da-III Tli per - ' b Y� a g' n "n $10.00 d 06 '*it a! arterg."in th io�iiei 'Part Of the 'At . I . . - 'ere is anot er: kind' -of work,, e RODS whi4�h'_ -­yer crepi-ibrough ai�rd­hI us tbe _eliev6�� ro U Y_ M, 1,6 r . 6 is vto I T, 01 AN. ep a qP4, 'a ill, f .-b el B R IS , 'jctQ n, -aju P tile - 6141 ag Acbep f"4.46�. th-0* T AfW the' are _;int2V ria_AwoJarge_:.. ospitals, �buigr­. oBb -'a 7 -helps keep - -,u Ime ati se�:Ia,6 negle6tjpd, -to. heed you r ad, ub "-pon---:its Wed; r - h `h' finighed . is here 'Y.4&_Ung­',g4ir'15'., may, lbrain' lor� aimyo bi d�Srpep 1csA -twice. Sqjd1low im the 6etle'-steps jorwaLrd n tiftions hav . 6,,*'b lqndijestion--�'d 1 's rong6r. a alog je�: niarsifig. Both insta, [yspepsii-�-is causedl --i�64akiiag tfie Hbuntinq b d d' _'ES6Q -L;L Sjree an q 'liah ra h Y! bffi- fArrr mway-the re' spine. kn�, j'jrlts Y what. is P to -the, 9tilm spebi main' aning,, an' lit in �Ac -in the use I re ue!%, q 1W, - 777 WIN s. urj� g .:kin4, THE, W Y,TO "I -46 beeile cats. aiip-.411, the: reiniain they,. pa, d 11- that _tinleie them the, way. o iznpro�er food the Th 't eng 11 &Y pf�l -6, Lto_:1�ela­th�mselves. -Once 'ih�.,t --so, ;taxee the­� 4 . r" 'th- of, the- A'k t phe, 1' a.r- s-_ 9_� ,, r!5:� _,Y_�� -PI "are �r�.ined.n�urse9t.,Lthpy��,are; s ve-,or t e3� -,00ming -your-wayj-s- --long� f4o 'Bi or -b '6D e'e-VegetableI iai, yr pec-'- ji A: _t $20 a- , -week" I s ona -go -like any other, stomach t6g, toi, I- -jLar ene.e-LX1Vd 005 h K i 0-:.thr�b.wB- 'if-- t �tla I ., . r' h FW�Vz. ' 31" , agal-IIS15-T7 el -r- - brI Ifig-the 'irine .9 1 -St w MONTREAIL a.AAmb r ns ted's _7­� I td Z16 - Work. B, PrIn Uo Of c i .resiili:',of�--long,;-sttid�',of: -vegetable ou-rsc, th is h4 -"p' 1 7 hb'_� '150"ttom -of 7_d­f� tac h ngj a QU11 1p - nee ear 0 n 111'e est -He -1 the bArde ike-th�V,of- sician- w ippi one )I or: 4-Mull'at;1_1 '.to 'stimu'atO :n ere s ar s r 7- . ..... ... J -qn- - -Tnia�ln=h - ze horse with a'big load. --.-EV -ifz-�th =ha.. 4,b6t�gton _n�, t' -,s- d 4 _q- oz.4. eirinnilul B_a _�so e iplaint qc ion 11 la�v"AMA U i ortr Q Makk --con jr ion.: ��MM —ur �-bottl af� g�,-s-,Dy:�,-,tain, at the al 0 d .-st Aard, _,ja -I)i Q - them, norm rt t h . . ........... kiiQ jj hes:­ -L the _rI -X%a _s pL pr6_04 hei fp 4 a 4jork4ectii-alliloosenest oFfhIo,bo,0�61s 'faultless c t;e- move e4o d; 41, 4-hesietgiv a 4enaUjj3drt6 . ­Jtaft- , A, r xcel-jefit .'roputa 7 -bank abo6un and feel 4taite-and T ry. helpingg. the stI by, leay,- p rbmptly and.. �ca�itsh� i-: hea iI 16 1 : n& ItIsef. -- tip pe�'& .. � -, � :1, � . .."11., --r- . off 5n, 4 r Ing 4s &'linealcin s-i:eputa:tTpn'they�-have- ain ain- i­ -mas '�'�Ctrf6 !oil' no er nt., e hi need testi- aptk i d r. the, Young' And old ars' 111111141 b t s.,pavvers! oth t' �' ' ' ' "' ' ' _' '0 h"' ts 13;� monial o 'it or than A7 ,er,V ry' udrat ve: emp oymon .F - _n '_q, n 011 y__ -.mai-Jazaan)-.. ese -pi an and is, rapt 1V6r-Vr-J-e-r-1f -for coug s, are plumbingi 'Carrpen.ter��ng-, "Pla -n 'r ild lb-, A: J-��he� St f 4 brain, in g, f -mol Ii q 19 -.'for-, fer-ingi-% p�aix!Vj-hgi, -game :s�rebgth for e veB, a . r !. ular -114 �Av`&Yrs "sia-ild, at, -the -hodd: -o clits,,or-oontusibr ning, btick' jpop ever- urh, o it4' ' there's, no waste �comtn A A -S El- daov­�-�lfldpR&Ery PIFTY A J�. 'a. ­-M"`-jfbb­ -$" _arm in an E a atchewin. ali& Alberta: at ri ht�r�r!669 i�n-pa,83r, te JF RuN,`afriF,.tA I Ontailo. sizeI right s, for pains in the laying, atid-.stone-'e .11I cholera, dysentury,,.e M nll nl I . . I �'I dprains or. burbi ing. Af ter t e 1 `6 OR SF I it . tt T -.energy. when, Grape- -ANT 'TO Is of time�­no mj)r e, I W : Y LL oell-1n6w- fh�at'fhe the k I %MW of' dairj7 'farm conault,mo. t 'a in t dnt i icin,4' no' Nei "'Did, -W. QA gr Tor m. s. or o y .-v intice wor A is, Nu s 'is, the Mod. you gol, away io� a vaca ion 'proves As6if need' WSON _!02f,t,e "a e is w.karn tour r f K." W 'DAWSON ;Thennto AChF ODDLIS. 63--PIPT'Y. 314�- E County; i China is' the,' " L , I . . I --_1 .1, - I i - ­i� - es yelu rgett'old tr pn--�,� STATE. tuylvG REA -ing 1hat ma -_r e Gilape-Nitts-an o _AInLIde -rb -man v -does, ?lot cai�e- id r life "There -is nothn 01 is n general us6.' ve. d6 %Y,. .0 u r t,, -,,e n .�per,, 6cit., of plied the. ho f food, writbg mAh-; "I had -S t V.e'a8y4 or &,,man wor ng -a. any . �i -am. an e4husi4sti �':use , ­.to,_Jo'rge'rt Youi­tv�ibleis-o�,_� -] Ws._�.�r_l � - .-c,' the- alb lli�en­60nstiL V 0, d'� 64d xc u ing b Idings; telepbone e Tur�l iiiiil My�, in:llOI u d - Siberia, was- a run Own a food milI Liniment cores Dandrum' bli� like'going 01A a�d, picking up.A At pee sweeping ehvf,.ry; owner an�Kioijii to awl., disiiife�tant , dul The' 'laripst, empire, in Asia. siant tlxe' b!bAtmpiyipg occu- Re. do me�'.`biii -.,Western I] Rrtate,'U. n ..Ont: seem6d to little, 9, life� _ndo is ofling� pow'd'I -adi -g, q M., ell eTul jr -.0 7.V1' .4--_- 4- --'Q on a, e patt -Froin-,re oxo 0"'URSE ic hu r -WANTM tried - rapo-Nuts oo aIiA, ge rm "i7 MALE HELP kh; *--g-od j!!jker--he­ik-1­,I50- s. e - y -us" yol suppos 'P­aI�+I an, feCtLj,.! ere, lfj a. g �Ieat in- j,tly imp�rpved XLD-I e4V.; cat biablOv aft&,� attending here &I 0 e -f ka )b � § = - - a 't�'r_ -b " - �,t a', ew. wee W f r e MV -11's 5F,1161�:41611"rl- widely knowil"th* y on, tonibs. We feaoh railwnv dtatiom wo-ik er'�7 -0,lks MinA49 Lfiifl�tiit' Oo'.� and sweet jqo q4dinp, Rn iiways;­ -dust While sweeping. for I'll flux of Pb' u1s,tion' her'e,. and ilie'de- "Ain �muA, stronger',.'. �acit n t- V§�-_why h plet-9 briglyb� horne le smile,?" "It's th6 kind, in' gre4 yoltill,-M�ther bad, -on;,hor­ fac4,-. this P ..fo� �.Jgnd' "And r �),W ­ L an waseR. into rhfilg�-wfit-ri I told fi�ei bit mabd 'S. ­;,ii___ o -s now.. d c mucjj,"� Dear girg,-I 'fiad'i DIOedbig Ttr&ior On 09i" work". d'- DwMuio� 961 last tW,o Y zi�ing,% Toro &A haut- feeling '-so. ired,_-,-,-and; My fnee for 'Whstngood R-Ilro Mi ght ":ke'e P1 Idol __toznIgh6. Withip-.1h Wlt m it. )brig, J n of itciiiodieb Nk!�CELLA�Wtlbtl& 4 iiii iucr a --ffi rn d -.�i e r 764re- W 8 to P"ific 00a At via X IN A R V. 9 ��XXL_ d tt- � 44to . - _ . J_w.as. advised4-tI Ask yoor a1pjr jpr� It. `oqh Aveke-rn per. 4, W �:hw* g46P.t._g5tb_ .413 -NT;' 2a.-nd=49Wr-'1i8UY9 -o- "" kv rr ,. I" alit 101 MD IFA X.LBB: ever, 96 litlb real estate.:'tp '4el] , ail V Nbuili-,IV'Poinie Ill aridda, to made a cbmwete enre-li Wtar6 imperial 0 h 0 8 �88 66'', in and use fbui.' eaping. wa- ngele�,, L, Sall FrAncioco, Portl t uf6d if"Sh us . 08 ndlAdfi3app±qxT,,d a] zether. it q as.- e, cer.,84 Part, Of a tieat Victoria C R TUMOR%-_1,U,Xrfsid,q Ialispallr­- -Poea 10 "Itellelift: StatI t in Yd -Ki67" Vhoir- Butte,'- zole, d'! AOuiaFt..,100, 6.ratarld- U, and external cure on$ e iellolr byr� ont bpw-6-,:tieatmept WTIte de. -f—al sit r1e se.&6d dl�ifiiidl:f rt re�_� zamoz, . Sidt take Icity, ogd audlc Ondi6--&o4r—isjifr6e� n i s p %IoE4 wid Apra mih. Toiirist:1sIc THE SAPH6 M'Fd', -COss m4id sa s o ach tc era in 'e e't late.' br. ]Rpllpp nd that is, -trouble whp Vpu�dj�e #Oflit� _by from hica alias It in' bd, mentioned and that is, _b� - 1. . ­ IP Onllirm�'i�riit- 'ree j -I Ir" b is a w. o r less in- usin -,Gi, -giN N SCAL19 GUAkAN 13. Wil'son"s fxgh,� Fisir �yts m6re g �pe-Nuts, ' Nafiio en by inf.11uia�t�__ On 11. 11, ])ell. TW -tspir i 'the adi:%ii_I!oBtu* -,:Co:' Windso ,l.�t Toronf-o.� Can uer -de, h I xscole. Workw,� 9, a.nad�, jp ocean is, alivoA. i�,.eAWIstible" Sal- On 1.,Read ill Jftle book 'Tile 'AWAIT'S -COM. 7 ALARIEI) TIOSIT Tliat,dog 'of ypurfi 'flew at ID43 jj�� , ". 4� : , �,­�­._­14, � .­Ir(%jand�,ha&., tair-lo , �to,­ -u- -Aw .1 -ill,, ,, . , �'taito nd bl-l"I"', Mon 1z LIMIX & 7, e s a It Year, but� on tile V-, oil eaabadov 16A 46b 9 -Y -P' Rw E read the letter how ana� no fewei than tw.�61-,VeAiffi mei&p, veir 1h46 Indians and, half-breed i are. the t'I iilI. t it The � re Milatti's' Lirtionont ur aaft dvit who tlle­fir6t� timte, Ice lippear�� fedifl. UM6 to time, Y a "The'do- -is not mad.11- "I ermen of Ahis- �oun.tl mad'! ALL ��TOXIS,; YIDNV,:r �ND ..Chief, fish' A true,, aodJttiti of,hutnan inforesCl . kri0l .1 noy 0oublei Gratel.... "4' A F �, der Stotit'i Howorer, that,. does no prev.6 "Well., b d, hoW dO, YO-li w:, �,e,�gvnot-,Ma-d. it t he.got rs, -have .reason, itidreit jiffinent I" UiF.We Vo Au 1 777 Mal, Lumbago mid- a PI r-_ e, n , g g fIVIng NO CHANCY. 491)ve, Mad I e�r­new-remvI�� white. peZple from taxl-�sb.tip,-04 fe6l.,bully." mn,atI bIeca�ge it, has.''relievod for Diabts-Aletbtus, �abq oure cure, - 19 Y, juat eatclit, a �plate of.-hash:.64d' f661' "Iutt&rstan�. Wre, isaving your,� JittW. on�s� Pf Suff_�' i' � a n&L. -Sailol'S -Ptln $9- N' from, bb.§ijje1BB, - ­ ! I ', �, .. 1. 1, . r ng Counter- bahg e eve r,� t h n or'direct, The Sanol Enufao� Im' piliiti" of the Bloo< thein healthy. f CansidaII. LI mpuri ies, hi U,7einv Optnpi�ny o ited, -I it' the btooid WiunjPcg, Ifah. Ail ' . . Y .� ... 'I - 1. � ­­­ I . , . .., .1� "..; I I ­ I - -6th e r Ahe Of old,, or 'Motlal -the Vh comp fipm!defects' in"ihe acii0r, 6! e a is A er larg of all Brj­ im ChtA h. it Must, yieldtte�"Hol:t �A �p rig IN-tudituiI a Ointment. _bt 'h�;q oorn /be !nl ;b t, U 'E, 1 .0 -_r (0 e tie he liiterI, The' revealed, by, 'N 1_1vill Be op(ineitjh_ 1�, e, AC w �,grow. i a;i t is h pos essie - F_ AT H - E 4fl. "Ind, : -, ", . L ', ll '', , - _. I R' DY C �fj _Oe't-d 4P, 41., "1,7, n e-4 "Ciliel t e- pimples� an -d unsighd:� bl'bfch6g' on C16"I'and,.durli-I and kid C $&no k P, on, C& h dL wr' , I - _Ao `� r T." , ' ' : 6,96 e6t - - a r I I . 4, Qn� t he -A& qoye 40 ere the' 'skin. They must be �reatgIil M.1nard's Llftlmen� cut a F3u nr, M.I. 1 c,�t n.� be sen( by post, io per ox Ciradhim Ili i, all o 11 0 7 p 90 AWRICAN IDAINC Coo tift *efit a goodword for CuM6 V1 rijk, tt td -- l:fto..ho§t eurs Soap w6d 01dirrient, Ili. November. PtsC inwardly,' aind fOjr,'t1l' arls" wct vvill- tic f OPP tS pur�pose Wrp i-41AZY'� illi MiB beach looks,,.rath' 'M *4 'dIng- 0 're-M-a-rJ7, % lifidvkiema, MY!& i'ltMI bIL',6 �4OZ tah6 !ill),. a It. I tion in. 0 of 6 "bo y6u, think,tiiai�lbw'&46 pio- to, 1�d u$M 'thin ParnlPAe`4,1B f., L ind Itchy. rwia that tvi, ill winter. I irt wad lycp bf ffext v, 6 a, Y, 1,1061 "Don't, . pco drowne<l, Aierel 11lere Y, Vii ac<�Qun 40 ta e Th�v ire6fly �on P* 'not'so badin Ad simmot. fn,scpto� & f f le get, Mb bu'04 -41 jm�o Or f.14CIe IVill C.�( %d the, c, i,j, act d ng Vctry Often . �NK ­­­ ­­ ­­­;...,., un- ses-- are, �'­a­ bene I? I I (xI I C L Iq III I 'L I �; - ; - I I - .t 1480,400 tW o c I 11 rit ne- .1v 11,9 13, Ood, wasjall N, It.got worse.' I had the best Oct r9 tr n waltk J.'f but.did -'me no '9 _�,ettevt_ - "' IL a �Pon- thi 11 1 i -e 60, _11111EV& C bloo,4- -sb that . i tki ` t, , ink) ft 'rowned; down I bet, 191o, I -a , * " olyrc'u L10g.ethe how 6, n health. Ili No :01 Y g *ome,again. c jm st, h had It, t& -me and 16 will bIe 4 tMiulal'' ,..of cuticura; Soap,;, on will e*xpeki-� hieh Mmo, Car, . le, w I got a box of Coticurg Ohliffi'etit'L. 1 &#4 likbititik iildd it FL ILDLU L afitredr6mg 11 A" hi, b e. 16 ti e. to P, i t r=qff ft' r 5 rff V I i t I h L arid', Aol fiel pleasii q ighted, w th t em ftr 01. 04 1106" h1i wbich iq 1111" kkbave s6methij I nave la I thoj 141, n in nO tic stfon est.constittit Ul t1leL AbY se -1 an healt ne De Su eriTig M R`o Cd1d Cr, to�id auyo Id. be � I', Ir i C� 1� . f L - .11 le"If M J!� aN f h t li, gre�jj sa e e rpsultq. 1, am, recornmeri'dil he _rr tdifqt ddlight,'With t�e exq Ab.,sotiafef'y f16 �VL_SL h a t6niple_ 'j" VV �ha ulsite mpure 00 n Ulu 11 VIV PC IAr fr4grance of fite-sh rosd$., 'It If "that in�, Mail bad 'is one of the ti, �X �riefice." (�'5 d) 11, is !f an I eVeltl S'l)"" 'J� I a i I itq d' eadaches, , E0 f 61 �to, Kingston. Orit., IAUYr 30,� thi� a- c6ni- VULT1 A the' 8kd_f" or ili6to than 6 g a 8640, t6rV6s 'th' 6 lient Cau �s 0 �q P1 e m6st, d6ho�te Otte bd f hendiciric. th6to VM 11,11. l, (lo JeS" 1,J)', �fdkion 'aka op6edj6gt rt dii 1. a I n cuticura; -4 in!sf §�6, wind ;knd NlOf6 WS d tefit h4tic afifol ed the VIII(In j iti� S I 0I Lnd i 6116ftHefti trcatm(, dust, �Ind 116cps hadds and arrn8 .Ateh Irni o.ding §11 in and I I , o il hov to ai&,lt Y, fkep� ndian Koot, Vills Pssitiv�lm, clitt P lgle �et Off and M, Splendid fbf' 6 - TI' 4NItiftl�' lir,,,, n t 0 P 01rit, 'MA�T (jt(" M ip�_- Try. con�66 i"tion and do no� w. ).�f 111 'Y VIN titil I Pil p'n4sl W&Ol"U to 0�k-k(2fiL 6l`N4l"oe­'Pr0sdtVd1 :1 CIRILLAA- d _N jil 25c,6 _TtV) FEW,= Vo 1I �f&y ATI 4 to, h 6, A k 6 ti - 00 6A 1. "11W % k �7 . .... ......... .. ...... L'10- -A-r S 'ail, `anil-�'taltion - Ito- lkiin=aLro�Jac,iiiI An -the cou of t,raiiiing'hiebided in ..be Con b F%rfxp)i-SchpoJ. 2 Ger- on invtt�d a John�ton, ,n. Aent. -S El- daov­�-�lfldpR&Ery PIFTY A J�. 'a. ­-M"`-jfbb­ -$" _arm in an E a atchewin. ali& Alberta: at ri ht�r�r!669 i�n-pa,83r, te JF RuN,`afriF,.tA I Ontailo. sizeI right s, for pains in the laying, atid-.stone-'e .11I cholera, dysentury,,.e M nll nl I . . I �'I dprains or. burbi ing. Af ter t e 1 `6 OR SF I it . tt T -.energy. when, Grape- -ANT 'TO Is of time�­no mj)r e, I W : Y LL oell-1n6w- fh�at'fhe the k I %MW of' dairj7 'farm conault,mo. t 'a in t dnt i icin,4' no' Nei "'Did, -W. QA gr Tor m. s. or o y .-v intice wor A is, Nu s 'is, the Mod. you gol, away io� a vaca ion 'proves As6if need' WSON _!02f,t,e "a e is w.karn tour r f K." W 'DAWSON ;Thennto AChF ODDLIS. 63--PIPT'Y. 314�- E County; i China is' the,' " L , I . . I --_1 .1, - I i - ­i� - es yelu rgett'old tr pn--�,� STATE. tuylvG REA -ing 1hat ma -_r e Gilape-Nitts-an o _AInLIde -rb -man v -does, ?lot cai�e- id r life "There -is nothn 01 is n general us6.' ve. d6 %Y,. .0 u r t,, -,,e n .�per,, 6cit., of plied the. ho f food, writbg mAh-; "I had -S t V.e'a8y4 or &,,man wor ng -a. any . �i -am. an e4husi4sti �':use , ­.to,_Jo'rge'rt Youi­tv�ibleis-o�,_� -] Ws._�.�r_l � - .-c,' the- alb lli�en­60nstiL V 0, d'� 64d xc u ing b Idings; telepbone e Tur�l iiiiil My�, in:llOI u d - Siberia, was- a run Own a food milI Liniment cores Dandrum' bli� like'going 01A a�d, picking up.A At pee sweeping ehvf,.ry; owner an�Kioijii to awl., disiiife�tant , dul The' 'laripst, empire, in Asia. siant tlxe' b!bAtmpiyipg occu- Re. do me�'.`biii -.,Western I] Rrtate,'U. n ..Ont: seem6d to little, 9, life� _ndo is ofling� pow'd'I -adi -g, q M., ell eTul jr -.0 7.V1' .4--_- 4- --'Q on a, e patt -Froin-,re oxo 0"'URSE ic hu r -WANTM tried - rapo-Nuts oo aIiA, ge rm "i7 MALE HELP kh; *--g-od j!!jker--he­ik-1­,I50- s. e - y -us" yol suppos 'P­aI�+I an, feCtLj,.! ere, lfj a. g �Ieat in- j,tly imp�rpved XLD-I e4V.; cat biablOv aft&,� attending here &I 0 e -f ka )b � § = - - a 't�'r_ -b " - �,t a', ew. wee W f r e MV -11's 5F,1161�:41611"rl- widely knowil"th* y on, tonibs. We feaoh railwnv dtatiom wo-ik er'�7 -0,lks MinA49 Lfiifl�tiit' Oo'.� and sweet jqo q4dinp, Rn iiways;­ -dust While sweeping. for I'll flux of Pb' u1s,tion' her'e,. and ilie'de- "Ain �muA, stronger',.'. �acit n t- V§�-_why h plet-9 briglyb� horne le smile,?" "It's th6 kind, in' gre4 yoltill,-M�ther bad, -on;,hor­ fac4,-. this P ..fo� �.Jgnd' "And r �),W ­ L an waseR. into rhfilg�-wfit-ri I told fi�ei bit mabd 'S. ­;,ii___ o -s now.. d c mucjj,"� Dear girg,-I 'fiad'i DIOedbig Ttr&ior On 09i" work". d'- DwMuio� 961 last tW,o Y zi�ing,% Toro &A haut- feeling '-so. ired,_-,-,-and; My fnee for 'Whstngood R-Ilro Mi ght ":ke'e P1 Idol __toznIgh6. Withip-.1h Wlt m it. )brig, J n of itciiiodieb Nk!�CELLA�Wtlbtl& 4 iiii iucr a --ffi rn d -.�i e r 764re- W 8 to P"ific 00a At via X IN A R V. 9 ��XXL_ d tt- � 44to . - _ . J_w.as. advised4-tI Ask yoor a1pjr jpr� It. `oqh Aveke-rn per. 4, W �:hw* g46P.t._g5tb_ .413 -NT;' 2a.-nd=49Wr-'1i8UY9 -o- "" kv rr ,. I" alit 101 MD IFA X.LBB: ever, 96 litlb real estate.:'tp '4el] , ail V Nbuili-,IV'Poinie Ill aridda, to made a cbmwete enre-li Wtar6 imperial 0 h 0 8 �88 66'', in and use fbui.' eaping. wa- ngele�,, L, Sall FrAncioco, Portl t uf6d if"Sh us . 08 ndlAdfi3app±qxT,,d a] zether. it q as.- e, cer.,84 Part, Of a tieat Victoria C R TUMOR%-_1,U,Xrfsid,q Ialispallr­- -Poea 10 "Itellelift: StatI t in Yd -Ki67" Vhoir- Butte,'- zole, d'! AOuiaFt..,100, 6.ratarld- U, and external cure on$ e iellolr byr� ont bpw-6-,:tieatmept WTIte de. -f—al sit r1e se.&6d dl�ifiiidl:f rt re�_� zamoz, . Sidt take Icity, ogd audlc Ondi6--&o4r—isjifr6e� n i s p %IoE4 wid Apra mih. Toiirist:1sIc THE SAPH6 M'Fd', -COss m4id sa s o ach tc era in 'e e't late.' br. ]Rpllpp nd that is, -trouble whp Vpu�dj�e #Oflit� _by from hica alias It in' bd, mentioned and that is, _b� - 1. . ­ IP Onllirm�'i�riit- 'ree j -I Ir" b is a w. o r less in- usin -,Gi, -giN N SCAL19 GUAkAN 13. Wil'son"s fxgh,� Fisir �yts m6re g �pe-Nuts, ' Nafiio en by inf.11uia�t�__ On 11. 11, ])ell. TW -tspir i 'the adi:%ii_I!oBtu* -,:Co:' Windso ,l.�t Toronf-o.� Can uer -de, h I xscole. Workw,� 9, a.nad�, jp ocean is, alivoA. i�,.eAWIstible" Sal- On 1.,Read ill Jftle book 'Tile 'AWAIT'S -COM. 7 ALARIEI) TIOSIT Tliat,dog 'of ypurfi 'flew at ID43 jj�� , ". 4� : , �,­�­._­14, � .­Ir(%jand�,ha&., tair-lo , �to,­ -u- -Aw .1 -ill,, ,, . , �'taito nd bl-l"I"', Mon 1z LIMIX & 7, e s a It Year, but� on tile V-, oil eaabadov 16A 46b 9 -Y -P' Rw E read the letter how ana� no fewei than tw.�61-,VeAiffi mei&p, veir 1h46 Indians and, half-breed i are. the t'I iilI. t it The � re Milatti's' Lirtionont ur aaft dvit who tlle­fir6t� timte, Ice lippear�� fedifl. UM6 to time, Y a "The'do- -is not mad.11- "I ermen of Ahis- �oun.tl mad'! ALL ��TOXIS,; YIDNV,:r �ND ..Chief, fish' A true,, aodJttiti of,hutnan inforesCl . kri0l .1 noy 0oublei Gratel.... "4' A F �, der Stotit'i Howorer, that,. does no prev.6 "Well., b d, hoW dO, YO-li w:, �,e,�gvnot-,Ma-d. it t he.got rs, -have .reason, itidreit jiffinent I" UiF.We Vo Au 1 777 Mal, Lumbago mid- a PI r-_ e, n , g g fIVIng NO CHANCY. 491)ve, Mad I e�r­new-remvI�� white. peZple from taxl-�sb.tip,-04 fe6l.,bully." mn,atI bIeca�ge it, has.''relievod for Diabts-Aletbtus, �abq oure cure, - 19 Y, juat eatclit, a �plate of.-hash:.64d' f661' "Iutt&rstan�. Wre, isaving your,� JittW. on�s� Pf Suff_�' i' � a n&L. -Sailol'S -Ptln $9- N' from, bb.§ijje1BB, - ­ ! I ', �, .. 1. 1, . r ng Counter- bahg e eve r,� t h n or'direct, The Sanol Enufao� Im' piliiti" of the Bloo< thein healthy. f CansidaII. LI mpuri ies, hi U,7einv Optnpi�ny o ited, -I it' the btooid WiunjPcg, Ifah. Ail ' . . Y .� ... 'I - 1. � ­­­ I . , . .., .1� "..; I I ­ I - -6th e r Ahe Of old,, or 'Motlal -the Vh comp fipm!defects' in"ihe acii0r, 6! e a is A er larg of all Brj­ im ChtA h. it Must, yieldtte�"Hol:t �A �p rig IN-tudituiI a Ointment. _bt 'h�;q oorn /be !nl ;b t, U 'E, 1 .0 -_r (0 e tie he liiterI, The' revealed, by, 'N 1_1vill Be op(ineitjh_ 1�, e, AC w �,grow. i a;i t is h pos essie - F_ AT H - E 4fl. "Ind, : -, ", . L ', ll '', , - _. I R' DY C �fj _Oe't-d 4P, 41., "1,7, n e-4 "Ciliel t e- pimples� an -d unsighd:� bl'bfch6g' on C16"I'and,.durli-I and kid C $&no k P, on, C& h dL wr' , I - _Ao `� r T." , ' ' : 6,96 e6t - - a r I I . 4, Qn� t he -A& qoye 40 ere the' 'skin. They must be �reatgIil M.1nard's Llftlmen� cut a F3u nr, M.I. 1 c,�t n.� be sen( by post, io per ox Ciradhim Ili i, all o 11 0 7 p 90 AWRICAN IDAINC Coo tift *efit a goodword for CuM6 V1 rijk, tt td -- l:fto..ho§t eurs Soap w6d 01dirrient, Ili. November. PtsC inwardly,' aind fOjr,'t1l' arls" wct vvill- tic f OPP tS pur�pose Wrp i-41AZY'� illi MiB beach looks,,.rath' 'M *4 'dIng- 0 're-M-a-rJ7, % lifidvkiema, MY!& i'ltMI bIL',6 �4OZ tah6 !ill),. a It. I tion in. 0 of 6 "bo y6u, think,tiiai�lbw'&46 pio- to, 1�d u$M 'thin ParnlPAe`4,1B f., L ind Itchy. rwia that tvi, ill winter. I irt wad lycp bf ffext v, 6 a, Y, 1,1061 "Don't, . pco drowne<l, Aierel 11lere Y, Vii ac<�Qun 40 ta e Th�v ire6fly �on P* 'not'so badin Ad simmot. fn,scpto� & f f le get, Mb bu'04 -41 jm�o Or f.14CIe IVill C.�( %d the, c, i,j, act d ng Vctry Often . �NK ­­­ ­­ ­­­;...,., un- ses-- are, �'­a­ bene I? I I (xI I C L Iq III I 'L I �; - ; - I I - .t 1480,400 tW o c I 11 rit ne- .1v 11,9 13, Ood, wasjall N, It.got worse.' I had the best Oct r9 tr n waltk J.'f but.did -'me no '9 _�,ettevt_ - "' IL a �Pon- thi 11 1 i -e 60, _11111EV& C bloo,4- -sb that . i tki ` t, , ink) ft 'rowned; down I bet, 191o, I -a , * " olyrc'u L10g.ethe how 6, n health. Ili No :01 Y g *ome,again. c jm st, h had It, t& -me and 16 will bIe 4 tMiulal'' ,..of cuticura; Soap,;, on will e*xpeki-� hieh Mmo, Car, . le, w I got a box of Coticurg Ohliffi'etit'L. 1 &#4 likbititik iildd it FL ILDLU L afitredr6mg 11 A" hi, b e. 16 ti e. to P, i t r=qff ft' r 5 rff V I i t I h L arid', Aol fiel pleasii q ighted, w th t em ftr 01. 04 1106" h1i wbich iq 1111" kkbave s6methij I nave la I thoj 141, n in nO tic stfon est.constittit Ul t1leL AbY se -1 an healt ne De Su eriTig M R`o Cd1d Cr, to�id auyo Id. be � I', Ir i C� 1� . f L - .11 le"If M J!� aN f h t li, gre�jj sa e e rpsultq. 1, am, recornmeri'dil he _rr tdifqt ddlight,'With t�e exq Ab.,sotiafef'y f16 �VL_SL h a t6niple_ 'j" VV �ha ulsite mpure 00 n Ulu 11 VIV PC IAr fr4grance of fite-sh rosd$., 'It If "that in�, Mail bad 'is one of the ti, �X �riefice." (�'5 d) 11, is !f an I eVeltl S'l)"" 'J� I a i I itq d' eadaches, , E0 f 61 �to, Kingston. Orit., IAUYr 30,� thi� a- c6ni- VULT1 A the' 8kd_f" or ili6to than 6 g a 8640, t6rV6s 'th' 6 lient Cau �s 0 �q P1 e m6st, d6ho�te Otte bd f hendiciric. th6to VM 11,11. l, (lo JeS" 1,J)', �fdkion 'aka op6edj6gt rt dii 1. a I n cuticura; -4 in!sf §�6, wind ;knd NlOf6 WS d tefit h4tic afifol ed the VIII(In j iti� S I 0I Lnd i 6116ftHefti trcatm(, dust, �Ind 116cps hadds and arrn8 .Ateh Irni o.ding §11 in and I I , o il hov to ai&,lt Y, fkep� ndian Koot, Vills Pssitiv�lm, clitt P lgle �et Off and M, Splendid fbf' 6 - TI' 4NItiftl�' lir,,,, n t 0 P 01rit, 'MA�T (jt(" M ip�_- Try. con�66 i"tion and do no� w. ).�f 111 'Y VIN titil I Pil p'n4sl W&Ol"U to 0�k-k(2fiL 6l`N4l"oe­'Pr0sdtVd1 :1 CIRILLAA- d _N jil 25c,6 _TtV) FEW,= Vo 1I �f&y ATI 4 to, h 6, A k 6 ti - 00 6A 1. "11W % k �7