The Lucknow Sentinel, 1912-09-12, Page 17 7 ? J N_ Ilk 41- o, . . ..... in a&anee; i -S gow r .00 p�!r yqgr �25'otjlerwl L Kr 'Hip Luc R5DAYI:. PTEA &BER'12 �h' ;e 1012' e, a---, L, U "d `1 -4 YV Rd i day aojru�l 11q L 9 Z. W tbEff,�,. _,ze. -q)LU ONC.-ER,- VP Y spot it, K llaine�fr­ h' K e Pt. ri er a 41arvest - ser R� 01 9, -will: be held in'St 'thP AN . I W_�, b re -grew-,,ecerl e -and M J� includirl h f', old Ones P� -of A u -peipai-h 1-0116 li'llev, "D E- C' DYJ ne',d "ALU Godert h., e ply, W A� EF��a"Idff. 'b nieron.' 1*41 S- t and R ncdrt in an- pi local Ldvertisers,only. (Most other b Rector 'of' 8 - s� ell rel BruFs KE01 ticknoW, T�,wn it 'tillie ispla�y- ads arie-chariged rggula 1 Mi dr d John', 4� t e. d -ay, sep em-1ber 20th at :6, 14 d il`�arl -14G M - mC6 is' attendi p6tutas It rly' X�ss� I C S asurL i o A prejarran ed schedule) Pi g Y Rev. L. Rut dge, of Winghatil. lnsurq� you an, acco diliik't eighteen I 'h Urn, I ler 1Y 0 . I '. evening's BAJYsWAN1,r, I)._Frouift; io-ai"Yeal"i of odialSellool, n C1 on. ne es across in � its averag to -01.1c ill -riiUtory I itt,t IL OttlCe-'o lot a f tea, Vloymfut Walter ` 94wards, Cpnlic, All 'tf , ) I v r, _LTIL LllcknoW 11'ullllj�uge Uom b(Toine, lka'�aor of Weshiyl �6" P44y: ohb-�ofthe,11164 �ipllenolklellal ptift rst �ciiss',cqluedian and lurch Clill 01), next. yeka -w o as. If"Wid—ni-in -or6nto b -AJ Is one h age' 4 Altmther-this,was probably. i1l,it;Lti.r ull,(1011, has aecep an Vocalist and' 4utertaine App y I r F -T_Ari&t�ong Mrs G A Siddall. and, A* 1471 la I et g,. ..... agf., t &W York, ilevek Arlkared'iq n Co, ChLrk is also first J ; �6c] Joynt �Shoe St -6turn e t vq;aecel�wd: by -H0USRJj10lt, RP,2s'T" Tl U18s'LorehmHowey,i ed to God,' lass and is, wrifi M�ino'1116. wind he . r W 41tee­ -- , - I.. � -1--l"t—.- -a -doubt-_ 6ie-of -the: b -ed 4 t lstxeets�Lu�i( J.. G.''X66 66h: iuft : UA W. Af).ply W -0 anters. of to -day. -Marietta babell I d e AlVelUpp.. Act9-i*r th eth Okrne'r-' f Wihglialfl,� late Cutiou'i8t,_'a nd g h� T`dtfHlf6d,�-Jroti Marie J�dvw 017 --pr dai 0. Xnarew. v Al 0 h- R, G, , 'ill Q , T.Oshk I .. ,e Lai AA iding �i,:few,-dd Z t "BI . ..... . �6�' �fliieji-Z7 � s� -pqb1-1Z',-i*iie'16 p 1,�Amrs.! -,d , �-" d !ptiq I FOR' SAI'k -'-picriel ptiopw __ 1=_Oi,�L in—Alk, the �Xe i A - Ox thodi r d 0 oft Tlhut.Mai,� vs, 'W-ii,4. .0 ;vert0-rsi-,- isitst ci kit &Jje� the in -luen pay P& ve� -IRA 77t 0 Iii1k, of 'win anke'll .. ...... �s tis r space' Wive U10 14 'a4; V D hiz- Own- . . . . . . M W=P r palro #41111a �.�You ITFe KL 7 MUS -L, 0RZX1_V%t ia good oenari; "T �jw 77; r T AV rs t t_ ---- -- t. tire ISO-, nj tIng nd r_ -retur 18. -a -a ee ee- ean ay-noo tie r�,L V Will'b6 heJL iW ro, a pendliig �Miontft b(-' d rfkw� -05, ­ - � is the. flbrik-t enen bfthi s Mont hd ilv. - -­_­­'_­-._ , 'tu ---------- rEt-iid- "and right ON Pe". R-39 f �n r but; C-T.-ATOR __1 -tui z .1- � Jlrigaellklet ta 2dendoYlson U "an _7L__ --a "I d 6', 7 R ii y si�' nee. J-9 ,t:,tll L -4 iffi."ii:p1itcewft76­,_ -, lanh. ,c I AS- -5-0 sell �s"4, - � - - . ­ ­­ - ­�� — 'a __­ --QLD-- ff.1_1,,D7-_,7R�;Z, — L PC, B w _�.�.o XfWi:_R:� - ubG RU M -0 . ... ... Sheriff are visi ors �Vtlfe iiliih p e 13 1, 11 e WY D 11 .13 ir,;,. Ake-fia ri'ab A llw� out n v -o - ­ - edllesday;* 8ep-t. 18th- -T! a won 114ich appla4dejar all... corree..'V094-vo U 111YOUS ......... i;.. led t' b 4" -at W�R .0 to", 1nWW-eak=,_ ..i �Jlelrnew. Q XJWX`jj_WQX;. get -know ri -q B 9 q ....... nw. t business 8140,11 wil ark and 11 lub­* kiiined to--Xill, fsb�f itqfa�kn_ �'r . ............. Y� . tb�e! P n L, afternoon se MAIM of the.. town' Ji hifting e"tward.. 9 e'aL'nl or et'i I s a I -:,�411 be held The -her'- mad In W Al ten a .2 'FAR,.) 'th Mltin&y fter visit* ock and'di Bank is S. coniiqerikk�e at'2. d'el Eggs, fr6 h.., 31 new'.. r0fit in tile na !21 In Arlie L. f' 8.25 lown or some, tinie, half of Lot I in 7 ever 4he Fourth C611008s] aLdres-e- -11L URP, Divis %I shOrt a Vvesteril: eirig ��Oniplck on likewise �b ... andJW. too :Lie., tku1Ja[Jj&�L;c Wr 16, `the. �aft&rn6d�nmld, th: t i� t . n - 1-1 YQII -In- . . . . . . . . Pr � , dilk oll Ig -400= 1-0 Xhi� Edyth A-9 t -4- e k PRIC ba fixine, --eyefiffig1tev. A 'S La ifi� n i"V -'Of -Campb�114treet._. 4i.7 rviW El 'Y4#Lly "" ""M -, TORONTO Iss Je-a n, F., 1k., re�%v 'eR':u orouto will.' f Paramolin Y� un e 100 A fT tei d VlpkiZ� M44ieiaic. ine and. 'to ra; ,4o.n returned home F-R-14ZLOPT-1c A ert, 14CY VOR --W-fiat. F - A. f dliT9_--a—W-e-ek �W) fe-di -0-& R� on- M ,h in malcing, up., ;atigey Ill AkK$MJTH- SH'01'. IV 1_Y."___& nk dy -havIttyg7iii Ili cresting tIl— AJ­-V2LPU,e t: Y -1esthege.daysit-, Single,knd double Ber -Y stand -on -very T ftt teW, easy terals p, Tinio 11. .s w* e t eir6p Y' _4jLglitcr, Nfri.,F,&d ay -W L U �'00". to - 16 00 -Wools zephyr Woq1g,.-1U&�rd Ln�dcniiw- -'Plvesbyteri the� I- ,00 ticas. -all Chtir�k­6n e tarill-5�-4- large �Iauk-8. argk -aiW� i2' 0, to I ()W4 n 01flutodious'dwollil 'W011-anbilled in. abd- ny, out, ou so e land �Flosses;' and Six6ny, and half jidleg-6 vcninj -Nuirdy, who f Iver.. 0 a ternoon and el HANDS .�WAN.T.,ICI)*-,Lto,-,.w6rl.c.-at the 'Andalusiolf-B -eflingL, "Cri�st, --h- l7th-_ NV - hQ_ft theL !COU wenkt.*Qat ai� 10 1S 00 t(J` 15 5 ee�Hive, StL ie sirible property. --ll- 'ks agoltis $Ccur6&. posi- w vapor#ton:' FActory,:t6�st-Art, Scoic,h Fingering and -i6 ee ilig road', Uh areh. r O�, Lukn,6 9 V f 0 SPIendid Ommon' arn S... of'tIle Yotltn� Peo0le?s'Sod, r ROC Ju - attle g_o,.� to' )Ai -A it the nip d q 016i;.1 !`fi _00716-- 7 Septemb6r 16� 1912. 9nquire s,1nAf4t_ �tion i AR have #g ast book7keeper., at"'kolle"(JuaAe, I . E-111. V. We -all these in it0dic 'in' all the. land I W le'S ISU 'lie .7 0: - 11 OgSi 35.'i6-! 9' ' . , the Bleav, lat-right pric �,,,-,'sbytery. will, be held -la' 81411511 kick. decealied t er e. 4 er-.Block.' YN t, a A rge-i-wish,bim. �ue es&' - n% ow JoirN�Jb le C ding, -Ous�uboc Ulg PANT 00 %pyu ru A'Ar P! �,U MA A, AU 11 Nw —O�RTJY ell -he ori a' connections 't w initWhOlid�ys with, h0r -pa its, has. om .this. �he 3 254 t;D--,..: 5, .010, 1. ' LL . and souti for thbi rentertaLiument whil� in. Lu&ziow. en .,w t. ace. - That� th 1b, retutned to_: nt.', buys the 32. Runfsvffle----to� resunie: her� t9rL oods�t de. MRS .0'rarnblinc, po Is true - dliritig -the weeks -,i Th� will I D tis as tq�che Eggsi- oz ....... i28 to'�, 35 a abt, sp ng. w. at is 'know' -as a Cow )s& ­s ree of-, th-61;ig Eihibiti6ns.. On' 6dfiesd-,�j� consist 01 a- restas frofti-3fe", ra Combe',1 & -K,,_- " " - , m of., ikaHinc form" hers! Handy - ii t 'en . . - - dke. Onfi er-1 -Tt­ 6 117 -read �g . 1 -�6. t&j i1OL 3r, for. ­L1Yekn(,W- B" t D _f a Ion W 5 to, this- week' -d , A- lk�'54;574 .11 -P 6r,-'7 New fttatoea,,�Lbu , 6W 85 Dr iliStq'ill ljtlie� oi of - testing'ass s _AJ `-R ron, 'V( 11%; stove, ill T . "L.I.1 �'. -r cor,4 is: !L you -y�­nextzii�w. Th-tirsd ;lyLp ilk I P -o.11 Jill. ­ -tck­�-__ . Ig ob ea 'a sam 'le.. cutlfbi; souct all d� -15FA3119171 to-ts l,vrou 11 Cow.giv & ill be' -th K.A., d'L of,Winghani and" Btadle� 'or 'J:eeswater,, L, I 4P ev -an lk St per, - -- - ----- ent.:--ol. the j�6�nili Vne by- - ,�ersoft.thbre7to-dAte-. -:n, --­n� 4Ad� pug-Wous- In IS ttek-niciw- -9, - '-d- --lixP1168s, and receive Aral Higil, aSanre takeiifr6 it and thol ext traiii do;%�ntff.oml AIL&' I Mr.ni ilk is y �v dy fie I �ae�, -Ailto th, -,were a; h _;=7 , ' 'b 'V6 -h'-;: Aested for- J cask,on. aitri _b g7 of, �G esb priceii for -Muskrats eri n a: ow­much�buttw, nuin er---of-- udLget§-,'1feki 4 _V a s' ar-Y St or u e fff _iijg_t ese ImAils ­Y7�R mer Jur., 4pl�cqonipd-meQ ILL e' 'her to, the city h - �h -ordinarily corne about,&S regularly bili&-. W�i'A. X iestilt: ldrii4rqVs. Collegel lin-lis. he -rd i mve d' n- -aid&esi__ -o acing, Th where all _tkiany CoLWS,wiff� �S 94" will be-thit'a, d as Aocic of T6i--ontd 0 ma wil'I'visif, for a wor It "Training :f6i. serihci�.'! s9PAD 40"' t0dgi Okkfing, n PY ur ... RIC" t An H W a re itift� RL 'ff BV 25 -*ft& WL Al STOCE.; 13WL�ZM Camh �P��L&.'jj"__;�.j.e on� 4-nJJt----get­b IC, 'iAn- nne -.pq na t A 'M kl��Mljk;y n . . U.� wl�atlie :.has f 4 A 60tat the _,i _qn' ..0 ofl' * ' ki ' -_-1. '­�` * , L ­­ _ _ _C - . �L­_� 4P_r1s6_Jhep[�, ().w Ati'didii 8 sh. thur A' t a biss' atid h,L Durba tit r. ineat as fre. .as 'pas "t- n(Jre.L In Road,. Kinloss at T 0lI-oiIe:-OiT-tw6 prqviou�116*&�s after. A 6i%ontig.-_ �He will be, ry, ai-buth'''. , � 18th.,, the folloiving! asolla; As, I-- LU Will on ;Wedkl64--. Opt. Me e;;;, :�00it-,403P"R "'M o"Lat---4WffJ--ri nier--gak-back h ff gi: *-Mc IM �X I�WJJ figo. - t �y eL:: .14 ML ts ifickr' h tion a-- V, ". I fli I Ffi�r:, �pirents.�_here . rve At s$L lateral urpose.te4M; -1 Aged -Mare, suP-11 ats e !� ­­ ­ . , -J� sen( e I ! I ___­ _'!W . rftkab Of* Aevorq.1hyllnnth -the o8t 2, �U _b S sdg6-ailid Bologuaeqnany�goo V' y _7 i an ert 'Towei, L e-sentin v h --f-Aff -Fi1r. is 4.411CPw 7 JDR-5`66e-il r . �On b e ri�i er;, "Y'llit & ... : ­­­­­- -_ - —, for _RUTTOY WOA-twaiid -ibune 5-st! theWilkie.Ti c, ig, epr 4 zwo i%, beir, W to av, teet Ion ns. -arte Din urge, iquantaily of- impleine 'HOT ME . ALi;:AT "t 2S.. I ubure you rrecentlysi. ie. t J 'tron �'s. g- �&M-­1 -"A Rob the neu­�ape D. v,iac&e e us _4 V -'to frie�q MLO -�rrth_Bay-,48-0.WW - a"k v� Yv.,;� It this is J A4. W 14& g - _all,�­nl- ta zj�_Y_q__ toI W apa, ill firist; class conaltiou.', 'OR, X X M, w nn. 3.9 -let L I , t-,.; y, ter -W641 - 'in I`Akiekli��%.' Do-llb, mifg-49 L�� -day Usale' -TW3&-b.�- 9 - lia.,purpost usine other niiht' Tqrals on sale of 6dif ot fli,,� -cec' ', 6i .qdifq-'r 'oL­fhe"- -Senti. _""4 n_ LA iQL*4. =V4 f It f s _Jate, . Lo, l3at'lu.1g, hd- 6nd#, S4 CJ4A 12 lll6*ths'-0,redft:or45 per- cent per ible,:�hjs ul� t It. ',.it yea -(10 yott­w�dl-,�niis�-ai chapkAi Ai" -, M- I ul�� big eir.p po-tin ., iss a riends-here, Hugh.Waylor;-I.W.kietor 5ithdAy s kin',l ec[)O$ters,forfdfth4dipai-tidular pos is -a' clean digni "kiWn31W a thlie, W q 6h. I�et ald6n` 6f li�et 6pbqt all) Yby R 4) -7 adver sl6rs and :,Ywd _'Colwelf JA_ At�jh_ iftlifilitod''I 7� 7 ��911111; z a her frie in - W. al die a7a.,: 0GUES-7, 'ji-AU r. -f ti cut � g" : , r B; -T U-&- bin'g&' lot, tho f r -an spem ild t6r va w % di-" 'the: -0 anc 'Tlfete�,-. ka 6., -Yd 'ed London -T. e Phone 66. are atten ing westhrii fair -th me soun e ' 'itoria 6onai, this week at -day - I , x z3KOR Die ".terid lle-junepal (LfLAIutir t- I rd -S, TL ten -0 ... .. ... . e - z: t6ai �o i tm ajp��-t�ih t t J1111 N Y dolt theyia t e d t her IfUn -wh6 died At, is' ii edit6f -,�Ws(F �bilij�k xx�_Awomaa P ocoe along th t Q! -NUT-ANT "Sh ­�Xd-" been, a e iki. -,�:esterb er -i whis QQ Ili IM, . ., ire. hill, a 8 'YCILrS, _but_'thi� & atth&bb1Iibf ten 6,c1c0k,__ heX 0 M' ThollipSoll pas evidently beconlq: ob� Out and, �aiit- gone, to Attend 'Lo-zidb­ 6-r-n� u *fi_ Wit of, soeasej;- vur-. ell Oil 'r nes; increase �k visit.. ith. day of'Obtdbe' : 4 -his 6f di- ab �§n_,Ila � y, -_ -Mi hc-t6` 1YON' T� -an Q aj�4)Q�,,ido d ped' .'estate, va votes cast so generously he . . _� I . I F "I . I %J . , jo I IlD. d atf" th ea. P of ed n :1,11 "q 0.neyer,�ieernea. we ,to in on 0 G, E -a daughter Norina to wiii a -h --i. for t9fitable 'tit id�­t�bcn -yon-W n n. -wben ndaosiriiy.� --watc, -to rew J E. 86 n -ves ment---etc. ill tend Welsh.. oke" lss�s` Afar i and: Clifis and theri a now, ril rel, c -t urp in -sing Y opti- . ro foi�,s ie, upies,,� tji6 tit and' charges isuit: or ve IlMong resident "'I A d -High fv�r&66o� re - od t ues n Ut_ - Y .0� 0.1�8. SIX" . tittles as 'just closed. er, d' ad" a bar id-Ar.nistr6n t rq. k�: kl�,�:a j) �.qjiowi 0 =rett a I Y U 4 -as- Y16 -Vi�illd- _I-L`� aird", G d "I rs, W-..-.U.on ne was h., 0 -C r arrears o -ta - "very r", U&, -an olly, one Ark­-Saul't Ste: t c - anie thifig. for -.the, -est 430'st; a. s, ddd� fi pe Wt satis. .:poisono -�Xak�, on't.. last. w.eek-- visiting her- broth e [fie �pr mp band tw - On it( on _,, .r- - s I` "_ _t_B I , ..- , �nL , 19.L�� 1111 6t, ot-Wis I br _11- -7, 'al1q, aryi at , ome. coi 'a b fe h rld, 6beh - 86mei­�iIIc'__WllO ' I MO%&A -a- irn naliL646 I jl`�_ lit "r-1 r Mod KrfeWl'A"d 'tdx&j at nd, te lit, -in', .. rition., to a veky ill. She arrive& 1 1 _,lot o era Priies for Young coukinis,4ion, i.M. to e ow..Frida Ptl�niber- �.th; oliday �itble`� nig eaving -.bi. I ililpi,6ved subldi-ve ot p a it, 43,L �an&:u; a' 'Fair _is of mount" c t Y . ' . - It, , j . . I T in th�� I erich,- arream-of c6st, % -took. ace on. ainsan it' 7 'fro Widtiesday -a-. message Caine myni ', t. .3 �;aftern-66ii borkiinission, On Fall til OC C Oil TtieM, D. N. GO . : I 1 1. - .- P . leMa enzie. t � 11, the: . 2; total, 20,87. 'Villa Io..use-an&thbrou bly . -1 11 .' "... ­­­­­­, - ge i6tj, in eni of.-speri t6rest It is -safe- he -died suddenlyiol)L'LT-6�sday night. fit.` his son;1 Neil- b k �,2 :22, OS SL.ap T E X PES i arin. oys. Us r6fers &a� Boys? Corti- A,week, lla�."L lots .�23, and- �4;­Atnloil 11 V; -6f, �skrreal.F; 'b :reliable. Coulikilli�sloj ege tr uCt,riA&,4 hof�6s , RCHAN,'T L -.Business. .1 �ti_ - petitia i ft The,Central -Col 4; c At --Nothircr Uke' if, in the foM i Oro ii i ion ff�ii`d` ffie'diffibiti Ile list. Of Lo r6-oi�n6aNvith'ardeord attendance. pri7e of' 5.0J and the thir 10.57. k curnple a TAILOR of $1.00 'f.' tn&.to be sold for. Xes 8 it a -1t.is-surp -g t e work Miss a 3spe,4 a, ow t4 i p bliAed'in the issues of ::The Y rnter'4 the C.' B' 0. is'4, are doilated 'by., Srank, ti% gi.q the trio -hog.- Ad the T SazOtLot_ 6r) e Ify 0 te 6rs., �, h _Y ruesdak September 4 oth. 61ugfi,e; and of he Aar n %'cL diLl ------ 6fi 1* .., - " -I - Md�j W." 71 the et t6 &y to,, lWifibuin. You 'way',, en'Wr, th6 -Colle& tie find point krlw -Andrew',,spent Thuraday, R6 ert, Wa-. beat pptiparatiori. on - n6w:�receiving. froin­$750�00..to­'�12QO .1bbp �h6iild �bu�y` *t �)nce; learning 1. b Ik "and.hisbrdthbr,ja �s abdR �hol,sQS mes Of-whidb­way�b b . e 71 C 0' the-- r 'f all Adjourned Suld TsL tie ill ii g. f d i ' 'i , 17 ild� 16 echurch,is, the. on: 'be- Efid' � . f6r, its. I U tpo (1 6 byh it 4b1&owTu69d0­­, ' " kill pj��aJte y Odrg r'AP 0;.C�n Jf_ ------ -.-,Prospedtd-are�-A ' Ge6r*-­Bmdf'ird­jeft�"jujj- :10-6�k -16'r" pill �Pq L4d–U ....... will �n -be Cloni-where, 't, Oil within k ie, neXt,two 'The Unte Mr' C alien e as M.M' ' L ' kill and.,Belfast 'frielidi -at pr�gent. "If -thinking of going w,(ist or. ta;k� -or th�eb 9 6iiipf V, 'Oil lity of'Bru a - Dated at Wall el I Pt n he I li;lpil MI. gg a" 8ummer �Coin' in- and' k - -6, -ib(su t is -ex t�d ,stab 'Ah lice that the lle- . �VdJJCCL and �1:tr lobert U Don't , V"-' " ' "' - " ­­­­ ­ w- , I u .1, $old only," at les� and ling rooni-mili., ail in, _id ' been be av __ .,,.of A bi rill Alex., MadLe n4n­ who' has 10- ir the foltomiti. V, e forgp� -of Tit it-th' Inks Ale- e-iise.011, WIT :air!', d. -vidinity -on �Llldon_ s' nd- e6ra-thh- -is honie here. Ines eturnis iing, W r ty 6 �of the efta tt�iffid t . ...... U -J"X . � " , .� ba In 'A eptei�iber­--Sth, It` I& S A, d. QwTi-on-8niW *�a J&' -big-hoildingis. an utid 11� le qyy�- D1qX ie4j Valiteia�..Gta DUFle(i Ill and. -Mr w0t,be� acc6mi lWile ted.G 1619 4 in. a. Fur-- t gli com- 7 LnS in) I n wn -�plotd4stock­ of q� rices" o R. , I . � it". , 'L , . . � �' th r particulars eXt ec 3hock@ Sfoiid 1, jp,L.� XFA�� Osteo Aiehhr Browni ged-one-week JD]Ee. . P 'AR , iii ian su n o lida. pathid 13Md I Ig- whe ey:lleariied ',N I rs, in- Chroilic dkbasc,9; neryrous -.' J d , dauig"Iit� 'If A P'KES 'WANTii; at the all r Lucknow ixdn nd' fainily,' who 'have ell had be led to Nelfi6,.' Ate Vi.�itillj"fri troubloq and the, JJttlagL or glaS,;eS, Will be' to receive E�p Cal Afeoarkry�, s6 12:W to 11 .... . ....... h I re ra Tues(ho, t f i . Thursday, -ptomber' UV41�.Oritdi. Will be r Ady I the -inellibe of" Her lids. in I _ffinlki4on beeri� n9*th slimmer ai�,Ivfr. a 0.. , f SL e­x­'d_e­p-t�16-n1'- ter� � 3 at.present.... S'' Jo nston ow oill, yolillg� ela�10.liesome-, philadeip Tolldoli so to early apples wanted;' bri�ng your 0 D , hia-� , .: 1,� P=` FOOD. GROCERY, N( Y diii&l fis' Inelj� fe . ..., . I . ­ I I . .... I A - - ­ . . We need' sound I h her - --- -- 'g6nj� Of 1,acknow, n C M Surgeon, eye, ell apples stilted r,6 wit r tiaii_ _� �­llo"�.ajid thrbat-bls;%Ic�tclsted andglas,,-,cs tliesAi; A�ys. 'W6 -all know Deceased.. 7 -Win, ticking lq. ha( apples you- have that. - are 4ar 'till [n, r Irly. litted,�.Zw. MIll be atthe�uaxn . 1�41i ­,­ . ouge- ra"M -ila CS: our api, Her husbandF ''.1-11': 7 ' L TbuiWay-,, Jilly, 18til., till, theYaro. re"6iiably ripe The 1904 and lived'in'V ,iy -visited' -pair 66, dki 1.5th,.; Ric is lkt * Mr. arl,a. A Z. � �y DENTAL liplO 'and family, f.l., R 0 p-:ir ent-y. 1� Wish )fr.., tt�h,: and �T)ec. hil pric -atcz,1`41'tl� to Wl' _Jl �'J, , �.ftji , , 1 4 ' ion she moved to er- r an Xlr8, Geot&6. n er on CeS9,111, Is , h 86 161. 86 16 PR I 'FRUITS 'ILI gaal ty. "104N' JoVXT, ]?jop. 12th Oc D D. S. -Dentist. U � tll� to la,�t ye I _Wit li a Wedii"dy. Allin 8)wk; Luc�fiow, 6nL All' ifind­ Nbert, Sask.,,,whe're her jist -n moryv..bf tl infant.soll 6f be -,;t niatetialg t marriage,W menCe )ftfj ng ier�.rpsi, elloe h6re she 11r. alia irrs. N�� G.'Gardne -i and Aid. Ai(;�41744 7 Crown Aridg'Hd V t -k * P ,1in( 9 o ruits in zcaW All r an(! M r rl.'� fetAhvo ,ain 6 exia-act. 'h RY WANTED !b­by'Lt'be-Jjk§e"o e laM4 si!Aply S, iiiaAe Inativ frien(l§ by lk�r�gAipial,]�Jndly, �,di�d,Nts. Qb ,Cold POULT .. .... ...... I - 1. . I ' �, SOM z' Onto -N-OF Fl ­7 i CIO; tv& 11.11 Ardluiti bfiiie* tho 7 a% e ow, - orever- are �o 4 0 00 1 a.- Li Ve V le on-troak blo, A. it r(_n- AOck. 6 14 i1tiit eatetc. C ivlo N01 joil day InAjjl� il&­�� 9't Wjtfi� :,�l ­ r 41t." wherillary f';tfvc, nr it, 3 i rn6i�rning . her dea;t1i. Afri al id.Ur,4. 11alph Nixon�ajid daugh, ith kladuess fifted Edythe, the ybun,cst, re n., That * ome Ow a r n -at, )jd;ol, I are daughter of the litie.-MrilindRA, H(%.ry A scillilice *as held in r r" 4earts ed with,glo"an1w Wee Yl Nf s�,Jofin '1VfC'kfiYatteIid- No. theTto 'ks; Pie 0 vi, 0.0 fill ki 116nkS� r,;Nlary,. all any- and mat �Iki on Tuesday ed'thd ivedd-,Arie� of lligs'Rose Baker, . ori Nrkiile,' was'finifed ill nI&rr'1ag6 to� Mr. ty an ei,enin4. ing M' .0ees6k, ..Turkey s. Bi you I, heil at one as .'they - ----- gitianna esk, iind. 'D. Rarry Victor Rolrnke,4, lliallagei-:-, f the nlorrllng,-11(�nd Wh�1090�.-attenaed. Re since my baby ca�le so: Ota�, gild $Oil OfL :T hat r call biln?" I ar6 bilti BY9 S-1, o THIS 11�tik Of I'dill"Iton'L Vorril �R' 0. Arnistr,* spoke fcelfii�gly of the to the-augels FRE e, girig A higher it nuhibbr 6 the farniergarolind ...For. he.d, 6d- itho life an&,�cbliraUcr ._Of. Quite, Mt. -of- .-deceased. _8%nyt A iii a--nanke.. _ffff - --- ----- bor.e silent, hin awayj 0, Your eYe8 seej� to ot r", I -Y wea L g: V69eta,b 69. of,- I�ve and syllipat'lly; ROWA6_ herllus� diul, Colithims, will be He Wldl(l no longer- with us stay. Lucknow, -beautiful floWep, testimony - C BUJ.G6d' IS a -All kinds of you have to bold..fitie, ivork 'or' mad- �-=ih-e��Hiffi 'you fir -it ni Pal r *T1 I (IV ropiery Stbook __1*aYo_qIc lle�s,jtofie the victotls.path�t'o4i past week li�a bebfi.iftstriii�cnial in, skv- W:Lj, Djk'�iaon 5' t Y§,L' , - to See it. cl�Atlj?. reL YAO Liiekn6W, Ont' *A - A` ordel A'' 6watL 's - -jig' �elk foionnoll troubled. v �he P 'itlook, sk 3ft" Wd"h ari& u 46�dato, i6i thbitAu& of dollars'. wofth�ot cfop,� . P. It ki Asi&ldli n., r e qk� oft ' e gob qith I per. Brad ept d -by 1�i'jl liluell 110thiiie, Dit &&61169 & 1 11 1' 1 tphin L AJ�fi ",I an rove- Shuft,41. Mut A -fid F6 , ' S i 1 13' tic d Hutoti. i f Althot A d __Tue-sday, 1* of h& C&A - .9.�afii takibn in has not-been,in the be t 'Ar X,� 0 : U311 as dd, el�L nes iiy, W t, for Clinto ief rill' Its Of old Ontarl(i have far fo li�, E6 to Lucknow Where v1s' 1 her . a:8t Altogether rielnAin8, were -t�k n to, th' C Il R Mis's SI!k'(*Y 7 ite, of Stra tfoi-d,, ie Miss RiIa.Sttn'ICY' nMtt_AhPr deat h A f ter t he krviC th I ion, I wi a e Va uab, 6 �inrsk pah­# and (lie' straw as, f6filizor. let , L it epo r a ipmen COAL. OTL-2: ga long of "Or L , i 11" !f n ,t *het,6 she' �411 ad d Model I f �nfTt, Vrs. W. P. Reed, EY, S FR 1Tft .6ason to coMplain than, 8,9 to of ifi�lfl- 'fit ment i0ff fakeLolaee, Me. Sf c� 6� od �hni Oil _r I or Atillea.4%. Fvononq have falc'ii idyantag f 0 -ic I for 25 c6nt4,. 6 0 thb, S ill, oil) 6111V"d r AC 8p" lit' $Rll�, dre wiffin to, d6kfiowlCdg6., and' his datighter;k Aifi%, Rotlini N1 .', T C C, accoin -A yathipr`dw �past week io gatlibi'An ACCURNCY k )Me hatidIke olitiiii, I � It. of' d 6 1U 9.48 . � - 1-1-1 1 11. 1 .. _i- , .__ jil"ll. 11 . . I . . 1 - , . � ".. 11 "Ijkg8day, W 4V - , 'B, tit. .�'On' 'n Oinen"itim I r Poth 680 ttor, guest of 7 TR Viaes sitlitll I ano Y. a1v 0 Ju �IV i'l"Ya L L L r d sell 0" 9 6 Y'lildIs crIV 6 -the ',%46 oil gties't of. oil xegday� Septeilybe"t oth, V - At *hie t" ..... . . ..... tolls, � pie I el 'lie trits L,,q 6 f ��O. 9 11 EIV& Stanley,, ert pe to- -166 tij it �011ict�jng- ...... 'ber :;is a CZ es An n d 1, aW 96 - ed jig f6f 1hi �,Xlfd t ib sonvices o I r . ani �y a I K hd, Of All,linitne, as 're urhe to, ir thore iff it terni, �616� h i", NK,..:- TATE At the RAI tLan o J i X attena. Jlnd6fi q Usi 0 be' abj�4 J�b oliths, visit at herbdflfb�' noW ''pieog' th iWek ubdlir the 'it �l 10 gaiii pai t1vol tit L QiAPELLE h tiTot, loaaarip"tili1q, 6ii 8 ak, 'to 'uudei Ahb tr.eat 14ef tiSi.- -Mil� Ahat 130INic, 11tod who, 14� bb6.,ft*, III Mr, a6ld M rs, Jo. 1`611o6k s'ent 'A 1101��A W r wine 8eotepltd Atch Doctor Wlio.'Cums lfw8 be, Amisti ed - 0 J J.), . . . . . . . . . .......... ... 4 4 t ir Met - If on an 7 -�N