The Lucknow Sentinel, 1912-05-09, Page 6I4 Iea! I0 U. IT) i4 11 �rolla �t 7 U 71,' T a;e7 7, having t a R -7- 4N'' a 11.11. 'j an'In �K, 03,qtle y th&, "-A th ja it, 'so '% , dpx ke?, h eBe 0,1' ta V h6.w f. It;4 5 t, 7�, wet L hill CAi IM -,r r �'ti� t e ttho to ISO s, f of R6,,, W" eery, f -ber-- P Buit t'hig, tial%'- a WWQ-�h W -IT' '.q QT t t ce4, pop-. f -hr olig.[,� 4nd- Bix e, h -bb Th jalb re, ne 4el e 'V - e xP 0,�lonsi Q, 1. IN a, h t t ttjo,­ rIZona- .... .. . Th6y d, tr4ou, kv SO a , 1 ­ re. , �A is, AT F,,V In d -F F el IA -66�l,� AVI 4B + y pila, a it Ib 1orror h niti5ri., eilt: ell bQ, w U Tit veii w tj Pe 7h e. i., a J' the e_ t i t ae hsh .7 feig ed:74i." _,W .X _pay W-ol -ilea tony. ol, tin essevery `6f' W -k 6 - 'grass to g6s, -re atch, Of �ui ie otit-And a eft flinipy '0�- 'e ing ­% as t talk -'Of t eL ine, a, hudr d. gplill., Wen T, Be Be t that n Pat �q f be W A - A' i,ma,ls., ';i,niliot �Id jSAhe,.wi$eS- an4 t, .6f; t M e ig.jeT d w av, e,s 00 V S fa I ayin P the, 1Q sB the. extr g,:,tbis­b C vs� se, g6cd s 0 Bid it t on y-,-- eoaxx of, the' e th o Ves waves. tfie briAe the 'e016 e hatl i IZy jy ti U h e--laoV. -bee t ge BU ric' a�d npt. mganj�st lowe and' ar7 V se e i81 liould have -b on,, iii. 17t marq Miss, seen: to,,:as v b F itish East Al.. a af,, ; I... I . - - . 1 "t or Ra 41 4ei__,e1p_phan-t__&s- r6 pbuerr. 1ladba, al spe. . ! . . . i sojoW- xlI �I� r h' agun,4�. b t d ir. IS to. e W ,, Mi ipared, a ru, er 1 �onti - - - -U 'I , A Uda Tv quiwco wife "d im k Ilia,, C A t' d" t which ,io6s. the'wor 4en_�.. isap ... , I I I 11� p ar pro; thu or, -it,e to e, tarning -g aw. Irs. we 'As -had' se� hi t in Mr�. 'Ava Will the , pog '"d e -kb tltl- Ip 'Untitiri a �_s ru., . . " ; -The f Ili f li-�y. wil 'reM.Wve, from re. o -Maxi' of called voircie,� -from' ovl the,mioxike'y. ig p -.the fuir,� -five tons q, a d 01, Aill a t -niv ight4 r ,w"'thtn, ml Y" .0 re 'h&r �9 -given,'' he -�,iceptea. �- ­_ " I i `--th the d�ecka­of 'd- p.fpor 9 w They &nunbed the' er 'y fore. PA. 8- . �h2 r, orce, y o gpe th of S ed, fe b 'a, m )otxS h the �cht *hl b ;er 'a h � 'L -q:7 A' ­ - , of the com- d1go e, VPAii'P egAtion,4- gene more,. near y appr6ac es, oux i -r- e the A we'-Dilis w t V .4Dw-n- an --or . w - hi � -he m e1rcrila- --the,' to. ai U an4 �hal, I Prbividence wil h y: -d h Ss ibert -a�-Gdngi' A' 4,rp good te, ks' of itier AoswriO N<.)w, Be*ho---bd- 'd I d _�to u Be, One,- wt,W�;,'their le: ver.; A� da -e r-'soilIt, 'orew itr6te':4 -.0 �ipnge & _ . heof eau M n , i a, vengeful C4onBI 4e It I S. untoutohi� ojd_ .-.q. ere swep t bf �poash. hit aft,Ahe isher: ' [� . - St"-M�er.S. or many years, i, ia an Torn o it .,he has.r 04. The.'cuit-&*ay, 'on the ot b -depen e4t, wave. n 'T s8l the plilt ire y egl late e uhine'ry,' havin Niue.] �he ida 4 4d t e h Bi- deck by a., S 9E $' 4 r m., P li*vo -!:the", n,( rtli eed;- th cril'ilr Pre, it �mea)qB. il'-need, 7eCj� IS rare. Y. it .4 Ind �it `g�7it -h p a t a0i u'ld n4t' h -n. A .11 u-,mbria. wa,5 d8d b)r' ti*" t TO bw h' 4& ot,.wa Tj en�, ix, �poor ou lihe�rs, bedi� fitte 'd every., yeat _W AW, y'. sprewis "and' d:ii�le set',Qf. -hat _g ql�,t, 8 �I-G j�h -large. amollin a -F -jg ti i�abin- on-- hi _0 `7N" 4e _y 17T are m&f 0� -or Y�p as h A di ec rvi izers on,'grass iiii and t i.offoiers' _qttax -s--. ever itsed The bull;eWh A 'that" )W Over, tni�� Untio! W, I to r i4e.'j cl ters'. The she-. &i f 'thb n who" weed. graps,a ric the OII� Ity f! yl __ -'';Sh' i1'edjrbnr,:.N4e*, York- rap _tlr ad" h gre-bli co or.. and gQrj emen )ff W- hil T eg gone d V �b- Ii ju- t be de- -isp e 3' B I 7 �.j e -they �vll -no 6fie' a hS 'buil -,J�pbants,. it46 tilla J, S T iin 4d iusing.-her- t xe v Th le pal.-fo :, royd-by jy �ar;'T )1111&­�� W��,� Ljeuljo y Ti q i n I�M ! - , e�- a .6 -- hiddrI, T h e;�,OfLi, iirse ge w, jina b, ea-. 'n -Btir' t of h a d idi _A b ---fh h j h - o",cLit wih- 'the.. Mower ina'lint atuat ig smash h llvi2s In t e:, -rooms- on h- h ef ehgirit� int h V d - again ano: agitll, . et in t I f4l t"fli 'y 'y spo �ot .'jodg4i� .,d�N jl elephants ave. e iiit h IIP Thi id e- rs We r a t th sit ri o .an S w ,.the',stiarbpard. en 's, us -4 thin crop' d ii, Bky imal nM be ,before,cutt Ing.,, Y �t ence of -thi2� q 10 8 'be- an many grass an ld" broke.down in consequ t by' - iany.�:.,whkh n'tie I . 11 Vany _thrown uxi., w e -'the- -gin' ll�iass fraetull.: er, 9 tirboard. prop -�ves� ferened, b, vint_storni w. n of d b en ne,-- s ft roy ­to—r i­ef �rb5b-s o r m 0 re he- 1ay. iiind-�,th"on`16nt-t Y, - a -ey-.tV cutt!.4g -Tht§ o -o iV he ro ea s- - '_ . 11) o and, at: brie rin with',th an acre, r the bein h6 S4'D e:ctit�awaY w, t- le f4 t1rI Ut -eren-c 7777��� -prevent theiii t. e --ma boss,�xo uiol in isoL -t -,--I c+ : gal se., aLntbe e s4j _., I - 11 - I., I 1h I ,I -':' -see pc, .0 very a &I SMIQ40 rug. hairo,0 marYr aj�, s-'Ivp I W -rifatiL ' 17 bilde the'litill 'hr.) w- t -­ _ -the��Clltr' . -g, I --.an g� aving and d 6Ajhe;1bulkbead 'Sc w -ge, t, n qi at wle p 5a.me reas u I btW h-64 Iettttel b with kn. -pory -comP :b6e.-i- inves- res- their: t h th- LIK16 veg­ -,w io all so ., r , f sihic t- yit, I ni, vb -L-OnsiP 'er d4estina ion.. no , est After -the,� -It :� 'on -with a. tes "bth, 40. e 10his age', I of the,, ,P. idding ort r,--: S- off o ad. in- h -a qww­t� C61 1;sl 17 I- whidh-ha'& b I hoat kh d t tire, ad tI io _.�,06 646 h -d e sy d- th -b4a vesse - s,,,:W.e!gbt :L,-,Yet_she� -Ag�A stil yi he -y ��s I r�io,t­ aina, �b , ii;inLti��-,itMM4e�yi-l---�it..�-il� t,-., - e, w ter., ca - ------ T�h - T1 y Wc Eh tme:nt h Iin e �every. pqt jow:, ber 4t�t'L alf I_,W a'. o BIc th h Lrn­,,&!ovex on -from thpl�i PREDESTI. ED; in`,"the. sea Connections. -of., the -ves, t liarnv. to':the Uxiited,:StiteS.G,0vicr can dral that t 16S ' ' I _ ­ -!4,- it- "' in - I I., I . . I . . �'- -If 'A, happens tha, a hu e. Be were c T Od with t ieAgsis ance. —XIMP t his _t 1,� .,ge utnQ Jiad­,,-consIde,rWb rhechwlcal ar the bitlls-w theisqlveS iire� Parits. ilysidaw Ar6 h .,Pump eleplialit, the r', Ons �t at, rIth !:j out and '-with-1. - h pa- ntd&., IVe -Pooj� ih er por, eng: Ines an< one, -d - d b 'Is mor Re 61 ithe� Colli6s.- me, leit'' 614 OT . , Tib t7-NivT f cariy� -off. a.big- h p '656, 14" n Yetilrib, tha-li othli�'Pe6iile�' witi Iif nd itig with 1. e' ito- Li�,,ert_j Ve1;T- t C'M on. 110m.roys, Well 4JAI sa j:ho,t , " " ,'- I I 4 . ­,� I . I I . I 1, .. I I -1 e circu its nnyos h o-ited. Among'' h7g, Jlivieftiow make. any The fact t Itt s.3 been Wie -to t1h krelict liet: If he ha, c, or i ar e, case "Sue, way y zo U S,� eir,papa I I 1h y� k 'h est, h&C ii4 ph is.; .t le h h- be4pi . 6W 'LO disApipeired; Wlig of Me tur) m m ri e ra, ej� a bt -steamer, theAt, anti' It the �A ce 'h 4(j, i X Th 0 0 a, In -1 .'Of I d exh,ber 102, "1911 off dape- spai,, hitf;-P -6 au a vibratir d intie rhL 6 r. twe 91 ontll r i n o: . h ver'a mi M up It pesons, as r yA*r:s, 7. 170 W ine an his eni M e, r f or, qe if 'hi"' st P awngl� rlativf� Aulift; , a,Ve' 1110`1d4 the' dack' 111141. the A rici 28, '0. A­:b�a�rd 9CStip,Q it is, -U y the, the; tine or, wh 'be, h aftet;-'eareful- pa res�� of' a87 the. -Du 0 -Fife"ind the" OFF M�a LETHIM.' mutr -e re w, 4�j 4 rene OW 200 d f F h'i'vas in Ing o W was Royal, an.,he r A!avi glitPrq,_ uAr y In-gl"S The. are The,' Mrican elephaiibs ha,ye mDaT, ity, - One; hull r4paming, h jit Wo ..... r s tha -V -1 -er',Hur6ni&dJ,eft'.G1aS - R1 1) w, I,,, s 0 'r, I, J; 1) 4ull use. -tot h A Ian. lin t&- it is about- ill Wid e, and h 49 4 Le XG111 e, ep, an Unters. Immun -a _, I K j%. a -ge.ts-the win 'briiiaiqj .-1902 -Jor. ainif'joh�_n's Ahe. F� g6x� d ill tl�- if lives.'. The d, Scipilti . ...... bViiiin- OAS type Usi, i0 6n gitard de5troy,pt1ii �sq R 6e. her ale oat, c iii the, Pil, OwevQrl, larmon ,di A -i x, tha, T, e i,are a. mend b lve unc ert. iltl 1901" b�esides iheo' "th. oIr& th, �P- Out'-propor. 101M many lessbr�kown -pro- gofi6 ;of Iiiii -link, to'thie' grott-04C" -They �h b h t nf tlw� bod�, 'ex C" e p -ped, 'y Tart, I.1. "', �l: 11. . t�. - . het Soine. v6sO,� iihstead.- o6�e: - t _,:�4 'a S-11 t, '' peptod of: the, no, among, bim', ath t npede and -, thdir d not !'n .0, k 0 gi �W:Ao and 90, ant 1111.41iffidint stal he foriq,st' an .1 f causes , , , tr sveial n cAr eePlng SIC Aess� orrying ifi,'Ydbinary, orl- Idjj.'with the_.fitA rr. le -W Iay, aw W 'n Se a, v Ott) -dt e th iti.,rejut)i to CY _Uafi digaIp,pe, riezi, as int c. s zei, - II . nb tie Te a is dr;qb� tlmt thb W -di POS e6mP th CAT njoVe q6 U A14�ttl_l 11 :60, is x1ral that, t'hey Tho Y. - r, III). York.' a, -rnont -ovexo r -j .th very.. lnuh fi�iety; wa�! telto to I I_T ttet�' Ta b, _-ng the &rge s, -,T e vY W:car�' ne zsit, ,was.'kdown tb".h,0. -.On irds 'of a, big b6ast, bahi 4�7ekperienucd in the boirlig nts as they ate 6rted. t a k at I Zoalxli -A, iiIa obtaig. r g N .......... 'I' vi nt le jun TX A TJ she -mikhb- 'have. broen`&,�m atid f On 96.ve at* e. c, re t Oil Azo s. A boat, :'iint,xplainc`o1 ship,24 6h stu t noitto -.I I `iv, n F4 5 I Tf�y s I -h ........... ...... ter 'And -In. this case .4iqhs on, tile othey c JU 8116 -PDXIL Ili sthe of n, itL NIt eh -par ich ail, -00 ot, 300 Nvi I )o% race k R6rJ.%Qf in, Xay of 61, PP Iill-tod fiflikto wi I(jw.n to xt.e, na. Ve vi '6ti I t. bfilk hi6p;l o"i. _�i eeithe farrMi- iiirotoiol it g rt) i.Tig MoIA 3 i-hiat only Vit." rx ry r), , ' ' " ' � hot'ge� ,or othet o 4n V wc� she 'to ll k k.p IIINip abouxt :1,560 frbiti' "k .heyf, I h d will, is kept' pii'� t .4je IP to Aak b' I �Tl rt, d' t oa take ny -laN 'I.(, fl, t IaA '7C aefit 'Ito 'at ae'i the 7h U111 V. bith, cucqulh 0f`L veit w w �vi 41, li'l,Ji n Illtl `IV �t tS M7 'O r) �t I tb iivessl to ibeit 'doo m. n6ver he. t on, o,r W, orily lrlj� 1. � . 0 �,; t o C f P the I nac,14 00 11litIf, 'lye ca;n tyt!h the e 0 pit, In op V, Ld A ' I th oelitirri to, to IT! t I(ii, T W i f t fI 0 "what, -hag,take o d i P I1) I6 Eli Iso n is ftt d n h A H� Ail I g. , vto P4 ol '111 o, I , ,y,, now a,hd tj t 0 ()f Poo r f0 t110 - tI I 4& L indpi [101511 10 rg! Inaec cf, ally J)l t!fAN nown coiltolg, 4 iS la the ,con 04, tiges iwhich �wa IN�L'O'. IT. IMIT19% a! o,f, rr.$ isMage fti 1) it; fvko by the np nIn oil� 60 0 fl IdIffil'oliai 'to k(t n it 4A a lriw Vb- J'e j: , u8 .o Of In:6 f'' iZ- if h q s. r<� Mggrld,N LyV PnIq loll t f, tl P ith two pi =Xire, _3 7� of Soitith, I 'orijy X 01, Ice the T7 5 ab o iimoil, 'it yqo' t t I oh oy th c iti6i y iMf, rl el 4. I