The Lucknow Sentinel, 1912-05-02, Page 8s r sui ustom dar_Custzne eadeavor t� gain a -customer. _ viohey o ' uires a strictly supervise alues`- Prices an ervi works out your., advantage.. _an& pleasit. ---ure buying -and also ecititri ute to the rowing influence- r Business. - , . • e paSr ;HighestPrice or your At in mrneta. - of- AndY`ljn,lt at 'other Oliva you can only see his hat andllie h&ses -ears. .•A S'IMANeTE PApi,TOMEN014 WAS sen ti4 diatriet lately, Two well known :reSidoote'' last- fall, aerated" each- twgeese anda gander. To their, great aniazetrient .they ,;lificoVered that the Ra4dera' hul• "nade.K.takq.PrIAPArilal-dikties crtir-4.0---&1E1118'01g eggsslil tonanagn 16th:their Mimi() •conijiaiiionli. seenid- F.ObOle'that tfiere' has been A -1114,talie soineWhei-e • voisolow."~ii".001•40.0^1, LIU KNOW SENT, li`RliCE NEWS k Continued frei.- page ,5, Sageen Eleetiiii• Light Com pay aga417-furnishing• light lifter shtit .down of 'several weeks on account ....olthe_flamage-done--to--ther-platit -15f• the spring freallet. ' ---24t -umetteg of -•;.the RiOrt1):',-BrIeD EL 7 .correspondent onbeing a:“.goOd-guesaer pr on .being yerY. happy...in .....-drawing inferences', froin,Whaf we. said -regarding 1-11nahents." referred ,te 1;')Y" . the Lothian.' 'special' Nharacteristidas_ lendeney to ward --socialism,4-S9 thatz:every fesidot; in this township ha-ve the Means to.secure • 'one • of, these rather ..dear ...T.11.11abetits.;-...1t:-iseertainly---iiot-,,,a;dis- gracatto POOr;•Init When a- respectable. ..you• ligniait•ha,0:4.1"••• hard ork, secured ".SAcient 'means. to propure an aute,:iS noti",:t-O6-',1).ad. fig 041,y04-9;,:Whet4er,,.rieh to tiAlke,'diSPargaing..1-Cmarks';coneetning. the :Sawa: I „:..Rather,;* congratulations 43hOu'ld7-*A-e.H.OtdelN:60.04-0.741-Wl•-'Joht may probably uot be so .: 'thas-46-rdered,•-iiii,'Eaatersliat-•That expensive sonae-that • Citi..7Board pr.On'YLig,t1t„M: ennn, New York, butyet .f .0*0-ttote,*-6aod... in the publie'prints as a "Cletili.little Ala_f_..--";••?..fliere=avould±-nudeufitedly-- Short time be "soinethinr doing,'-' and every,body .would Say that it served the .victim right. There are several .." pro grSi --ealle&rnnabouta 'that. has_caattedlliejk with- .the e24ceptroli of one resident •• in, ring cesst use Cleaning Tinte has arrived and tire have the articles you need to help beautify the home, i" astae--Speciaip_ti:eusia9:156A.cleanb_ta.stpai!icek,afgOers ofnoer cents. Regular- 2package for 20 ' we' only, rg'cents. We 1..14'y '-iyiursco also Senour floor paints; outwears., all other aintguarariteeittolae foo per abn,t pure. Try once --you:rwill-rieverbe-without it. ai-,?t;--a-te..---=..Put 'on your furniture and W604:W#1' ,makes it just_as niceas new. leveland, Feneeliiiirei:_tiestgrade ditor ortl-and Cement Odorless Coal Oil Stoves. lieerise comiaissioners held at the Ar- lington Hotel at Port Elgin,the fol 4111‘,31tlaraber$1,t4I.Qta*'gred ''';7011it;;1•634i4 on al Tiverton - .anci oneit •C(Oay, 1,11e:commissioners:were net by a•deputation proe testlnu against the- gra,riting-of at'Repwofth, atwhichviI1te Inc) licencewisallewed. -...„........:„.--,„.,Trz,.,:: .• , - . , ,. - -,.,,- Sleepy . --liollew- ----,- - . -„,,,,, - ..,„ Iivdne,aay, may t. s r elyi f li eV.- --- :1 af-e I11 . -.tlY.'1.7=1±--"431' :-'valuable' . i }.3''': :.poi-iikkmttobitiaii,,,,is, ,,wor1unk,.$04.n, . - prihgr ,41.elj•-etige.r.g 1,40.' A,*- § - A -Milne has, PUMiaSeelatealicale-Olii- and intends to work his farm this spring. -Miss Mary „Ca'eSar Ii?;ii4iiiii7afiii4 '48''11!*1°'4,-.4:rilli4i'iitir ek_lioiialdi.„.M4teihtyie, sn4 er" 4F,.. - 'Mr: ald raTeTeliii7-MaclIntyre,.-OT TerontorVitited-at---Donald-.:Mactistyre's CM,•,8,0.adg'...-.±:-.'-'-''' ' '' t7,47.4.,P051:“Yilyi...:9 ...t.I.O'Clian,S.-2;7-ArAppipg.,Iiting Black Water Creek: .".that."..rtnas:. thfOrth . . . Mr. Lesley Howe •aiid Mrs.'W. • 'owe.;-• of Clihroas, visited at 'Mre,,,Belle Mac, Kenz's off 'Sunday. . • - . . 1---';--- - &a -, - 11-611.7:-ii6wr4 , althouili-rria-'-'veilf7hiceltwald- weathe-!;.:;-Wd-Were'.-liteated' • to another of. snow, on IVIonday • night. As old d A ril :30 neg aY4 P ,,., , Mr. SanderSon of Dinigannon; niade a short NI.S.4, to his SOLI) ' N.V.,' ' P,. Sander, SQII, , WilLa0g41441,10-'-*74:--tAkcilr-411" 'OW Monday, is iiiipteving; and, .we• 'hope soon to see..•liiiii out again, - ',' - .,- .. ;.FrancisiSeptti.i.eii-417:,:40-i,-inOt•YT.ed.---_,:iiite.-, 'til,Onakis..6,6ixierly.:Oe0Aliiealiy_44-.8.itielt, , *e are iiifernied Teriffgoorl-aitthorlty 44gliest-prieeS:-peSsile16-for-:prOdile6,7'anol" 4ay .last .iveek„, Nit: ,tiresent.-, :i.eiaorts -,say iittheilighei-than seine-iothe,rs.-. -,..,-- .,t43x::'.y.,4r.i..4;ic;•71:_jet:glYte1413,1r6tit64tiiiio_e,eniV,i,ci,ix,r,..t,,':_.'mt-i.,e_ii__;i1Ln.latill,:yrszSsit.:.:ortit: . he s On a fair way-t6-convalcatence. --i "sitere• . . Mr, Saricle'rsoo 18 giving the tO,15,111ind-iiijiir6liiiiiSettSoineWhat due. tc.;-11r,iu-n'itafte .teek'iltrieeiriiiiiIiis.late•residenee-,-oritlie• .:10t11.-0..tAttATS1174-et,c1;7•.td.Ilie-R.T.C..7.e.e.-fire..:7 The funeral of 'the -late Patrieit Doyle , . . _ , ... -patliY1S7,02.4640.42to:the'be'reavetI.J.::' ' -.7'''''Thetiifinrfriefid--S-'• dr -12r-J'Ii. - who underwent:an Operation for appen•-. ,elicitia. iii...0racellOSPital,•:',Detreit, 144' -,week,;.. will be- pleased to; heaf he is -:-..,:),T, , PT,PYXPV A60Y,4•:43.14 -,141.1,.,g00.3,1 -Q431;i1P-;.:t:O_ leiUrTe4lf S Ata ' 'I 2-, . 1 , 1-7 spent- ',Sunday: at the Lake; ' • - 4. MacKenzie has bonght a 'fine horse from Jas: Forster. ' 'MarsteMalcolm MacLennan is again ttehnehpoLafter accident -7 461-1e-ardine - High Sehoo 'was at his hom over Sunday and to 'to 'describenein aS•:?..cheali little: runabouts would;:: in - the' case -Of. Wealthy Man, •_ be redieulous, and in the caSe. ofa .poor inin ungenerous. Let - us hope_tha,..t..no-Sentinelcoyrespondent will draw wrong inferences butlale all Lothian • .' ' . .-sWednescls,y, May, 1. ,Mrs: :Swan, of 0- rewe;.is visIting .her daughter, Mrs. R.H.• McKenzie. • Mr. T.'„F: Henderson was in. LucknOw -last ,weekt4natallingtptiteleVatorin':W.- T-:-Hohnes'-WhcdesaleproclucestOre. --crewe , Monday; April, 27. William Durnin made --a business trip to Gederich last week. , Tom Parks and wife, of Dungannon, :visited 'John Mary on Sunday. Mr. ,Mena,ry isirnptoving nicely and is'ow able to -be' about • the house. MadDonald, ef., haa. engage&-nWitti-v•Paiirilde-; summer. • '. Mrs Huol- Belts sale .-On-Trid-iy-WaS one .,of, the' best. in this 'part this year: The prices paid.were high. . . Jack IVIeGee, .Of • Port "Albert, was: Midst haVing...,. horse last • vveek," .also. • Jas Forster : of .-West Wa-wanosh.. William ,: Buckingham ,intendsre, Thos :V,Vebster, of Lite ow,. aninseit huilding.the__datn_at_has___mill_ag-:.in as a,few, of our people With his- phOnograiili, -he has bought the cedarbarn of Duncan a few dayS'last Week. Cameron,. Lochalsh. • ,, The, new scribe is :called ...alien to Frank $. 'MaCKeezie Who has ;been relate that NattieiSkunders itud:._family"..attending:McOilts C011ege„•,'Nfentreal„;„ got booted iii t1it inSaiiiday spent at lfls hoii on 'his eoning • • , wayto Vancouver ' . • . John Firris.14. '1St con, was in • ',Church . here. neXt_,S.unday eire.ving.,kredrielLtiitteni" and. _ have,: erieh-on7TridaY, a • hOrse Cbine""if-onlyie:iee'llrd6e,•.'s-Orlii-OVe-C-t-ratt'''''N.-.' 0..".••"Melteriiies. liern•se. , , . sold, for which he ,.rece)..yed.a,.....batidserue,., proverona .1k.-,"-Burten, "engaged o work for . . . . , tire. .• • .., • • • . ••.bestowed. or this vicinity• • . N.; 0„fOr, one 'year. • Word has :been received here :eV the •• This . edition will,: introduee...teL7geriDeS- - death in-.-Satilt.-„Ste-:-.11'arie'...Of Geo. Mac- .:and'enbseribers of. '•tlais, :paper , a • iiew Nataarar.yotingestsbitof:'Mre,)itaitaket Writer .:Who• ,MaeNansitta; pi -eminently, before:I4iiblie7-7,:- • ' ' ursda Conimencing Monday next we ittau ui'ate .1 . ve ry depar(rnent i1i have—its.--quota- -0 -barialn- -,it-msp:er-A.1„,lart.t-4,braterzat- ess„, -11a41•4 f4 a ?;-,:a otrs zit°0-_Fit1a-tirig-' flns �n Tihpric gatly reduced .- 1 hese .are goodklOu ?need-, now ap.dduring this . and dependable good chance ofprocuringneini''7i-U odibitig seas°. n and we -give-yOu ivve_q_l_c a c _ • • - 1 New-,Plints extra (rood- value • ,at 9ct prgql)reskOquis:,. reg.. 90 •,etS.- •' for .. • eta.; '••'• 471011 • 'Ll.ne..11.- T41..64: A - - vaIuaT,. . -L.1„ace,-;-euif-godel-mal tie -Ai- $.1.60 • 16, . Hulled net regulai;;;.:,... 20 fits. La Yard: fOr 18 �ts_ mxie.nWastunete--211.ese;I:ex- tra val.ue at ; . . • - :::::c:gf2tht:nfgleji:0s0:P. T. itwof a c- 7 ma Brand Special ..,. ..35 cts. ' -. sals'i -...at.-.,,..,.,,.:,el0' ands,:k•,.";5 v,eW. tls: -"-: w7htgp:ci; ';;ts' ' ,worth $25fOr':1o. ---- ---46w-,Asserted..-Lik--:redtilaii... 191- ',to 18 cts ehoiee- at.--10-ets Men's. and I3oy's ..elearinglot . . ;19 -eta. Men'.8 .32ies hook on and Fore . in hand 19 cps. Highest Prices for Butter and Eggs. „.• • P'--"-P- ---14R43.:1-t- WIEN ifte; tialyrOod ' -,_24Tueselay;„..A.pri1.164: Lr.: -.--LL ]....,1360.4,...$tatterei ,..ef ...Chesley4 ....risiteet:-. T. Siiiiday, iit hisiather'e-honie ,:t0th..- con., --. - ....13;obertjlarriee-anetion sale -Was -•-held - - ' yesterday, with .-,I,.' Purvis, Yielding the , , , ,, haminerin his usual„,:effiicient-manues,.. - ” :4iis ,13, olio, Eddy'..., -*h6 - has - been visit,' 01110§7Oik0,PS"All'itt Settlet'S ing1'elatiVeg.4ee:e-1116.-fiast.'Weeft;.rett411-• EiCitt.. SIOHS:'.i.t,t!;',.....,ti4e.',,West, :,--,...-)40;1.DOlialirOiCrfaipifyitif-'773,eth-.4.-'- 'ed'Siinday to 'her. lionie,,•near Winghant . - • - • -• ' • ..... •:--::-.. - ' anii.moVed .last: -Week to the ..'Donovan ... NVALESCEN jfourft-,70i,.---Aiiiiiips-ei;---,-Iii: Ordpr,. ;to.. be : alearer.T:itheirprk:•,•••7....,,,t-.77„ .. .7 - • ' MasterEddie. 'Switzer' •Was.„. having a .• good , tii.WaSt;Weekllareakbiel.ii.,hiS driv-,:l., -11-iW.,,".',Ted-;---rio-V-Piiht;76k-Peete• to go ''.7.1).1.-11-eilircil--4--.:si-killIclioinn:irf,to.,'. ' t.' ' .._ _ --To' ri , , .. ' ,oidere4-...aii.:.atii,o-106bille .and, expects ,tO ;: s'een. be,iii-poisession'of the saline.- -Quite - an advance, [his, for a• Kinloes. :farinet...... .. -ott''Sundakniciining--146724--tlingnartee-i-T:-L -3y,.:Si-etairiefital=$eivicea-:*ilk-ifilitelitin...:, : lirMretlf.'ddirsttlinrcli:. liere. ' ''' The 'WV. • Ili'. 'Forel; .-"of • TeesWater, . wilt, 'offieiate." - , .. . • ..•-• The-seryice,iii...-tlie-.1Vietlanclist ehtireh. ,last„,'Sanday-'i:4wiii.:einieltieted139,1: ;Stat., tera.;' the7paater, 'Rer.v.-.. „Mr.. Ball,' ..Whe is . -iitAiresent-iiidisp6sedbeftignitiableLite ,.- --- - .. - -0.-AlrARTIri.7--.- '77 71'3;e4:8.1)rQes4iiiiit.',. S:A.14.:‘ gs.it' ..i.ii.' .:..A.:ndelvv‘: .Sl'ioe, . ' Denot:Agent,i liettottyl;onr:.agent:fm_Deta.ValjAeParat:: . ers4Lakiiin O.a.=the.--r-cias_L-selling_-,411d: -:-..---t-• -deli-Vering'-tlfe,,saine;:"IiiiiieliTi1e-dalibt• ' • '.W.ilt„gjnrldessthe:„_heitrte:.6fina11Y4ffdWr „ ct•eds-iyurow. re*: page: ... •i:ii.11:1:0-:;:qi4S,10:;:s:,:st.sy#A6ri'iriii. _.,ke"..-t"i'7,_i3,,t ,..t, ‘L,s.,..-t-tro„,, _0,411.• • ,04.1. 0a.6,:r-.9-17,0-1e-,. ke,..,x.,d,„.0g,..,•,...,•:-....,,ie.yisds.,,....4aiolOITTitit^.;...;:le3it,-ii.isial;loilii:.-Nziliib_iotligiH,,atirso-"-,,:-.' . .. . . merchants , of ,.11,rii.s.sel0 •,' _ .. ' - . not -working sritisfactori y, . being' very, .. T6_,, , , swt.'si?'°:.ali37.'er, in:lit-ewFiter,''"11.44.PEPIt41)iietia.tti's.'w1h l46;'L 'e.ffirs.•'et,'th.r.,,, ..,ticeesSfid is_a_salesinan-was4M.r..4-,• : SCHOOL REPORT •: ,•arcli•re'ryanoilerate 15 his Chars, ' . A number 'from Whitechurch in, A-sueeO§sfitt-oporatiotrwaa-vorfOrmed. .Shoebottein, "thattweL3•,..ears_ago..,16.•.se;-; . ,., tio„Tp.. pronutwativ(ncyfidarr rweiliiii , ,T)i,e''rc,' lijii,i,:n7FiN6rilli,,. ':'''-'ii'-..c71101'(2,1'). 8..sr-4, i1,'.;:fi:....11!,-e-i!,1:p`r-,,o.,'aresurisianngLii4...7.11.1y,.,..4).: 0,:a.g..:.-.4,s,..s,;•7-0.- :7, Teure. d the, ,i.7 ..: .,beautiful:'gold- in-rateli;' ': ' ' • , 1 7 ' i olfeledbY.,1).ther.,-.‘cemPany'--to'i-the.---agent---.-'--.'..- -the.;``.0etoreon"" ,py given.:11Y.:_the_Wing.... last. I ,-... L._ : -....r......__', „,....._-_-'''....,...., ::.,..-theiriontla-of.:APr.11..The_nsura_are....m -.A---young..„. -". A Winnii:J57-Enn'rg.---The h9.*AXr,.„ 9,1:c1:0'.',,:itinerit';'based. en. regular attends, Wingliara . was .acciden ly shot,. •• . t an the . ,. . .. ,.. . . . , . , . -. . , . selling, the, most ,sena, raxtors. folvir th,er,sse,sp.mon6.i.,-, ,- .Cettle_Was.honOiired,•ohr."•'Xienday-,eyeit. ance, deportment„ ', . d general efficiency leo'. .'by::_af..,..reiplier..- which :'. was ,',,,bp.1-4g. : , A Goon ,ENTbitPu s.:7-7-- . ess ,.. ,... , . ing last as • tko. maw -of- i.,..6,,fii,,g foi. •the 1. --4th: -Class'i-ElSie . Shelton, MPerey,..:"11, in; el 4.ad ...row; ripd ; ,..24 the ta!pe.hy,,his om pan , ."Q ilta,o 0,to.Y. 4.: ,./,'Oer.E3i,ir.li •-M . E . -P. ,. • •Iftefajreinstrii•itfou.oth811O7i°e:hd-krotPlatae:ritea:ia:_tilioning!ife'-';'1•11etnh,eh,;astp:e:ettli :._11_.1?Iii'dli.,.,,,' el')111aescs7::::i,l„...i.l'..m.Effi.;,m'e'r:::0' 64iinti"...,..7.,'.:1'd ',.::6n'w:6::..91',P;tt,praprprisri°P'. . , a ,, . , ,, ,. ._...,..._., d, , -- '1 he, ''...-bullet jeafs.iLutkenk.o;,:wx,.;11,tveiTrie4117g...,otit.:4-,,,...ni7igth4);(1009:11".;...1 i'll thigh'bPJ1P''w-beek-tt)va7edy • aids, - -' With' a --view:tdtersing-thent:Ior ^1t"--.. op o ition •that.-..- even the „belt-, c, .,_ ....,, Fd Wit;::;.e: jfi,.., j,, .•,,Riehii./..,,j. • , Ed,ria. .1145',,teetr":1°,:ii.,g.':::1)::: I). l'...';'f':!'Lfr::).,cjnr:f..ih: tr.' ..n.ict: ri, .tithll,nti•b,,,,,e,fre9bf.a'Yide.ae•re..;r'eT-.p.bePrigye,” cetinittlievrna,teen4. eliliilmo,'• • theP,Qsneen's 'C.Ittiard--•WaS .c.ritkized. .. Thef,..-.',..13e3yle.;-,L'SS.'- G;1110:11; ,,Cera ''"PereY, .. ..-. • 17 Parliathen.lts_.ii.O.WeYer,..ii making good.was.-.faerndtilsi;eraildw:ittoh i.itirebees., 0,sciir6ap,.tr:itfil, thp,erunb.eeli, , ., . k art •Slietion' ; W.Silli..0-811tartrl°01yd.'.-:.-(‘!":11;!7!;:, • a'as'ilkde‘-'1L.fieoern'Sse51(.);-"e•O'bbinip.iiislillises81.0,11P_Iiieeiq'ee:i'.:t-ii•-hiPtia_6•:.' rit7ist6.6raitiar1 J. ..:1•11-14:3jc4etliedio.s ao.at.Aus,r44414n/1141:,„t z.i,„,,,,,fiftear.2,J.....,..„.. ...._,.... t he.A.' s II' itli ..a.'ht-,e,t''*or-i*6-blea.611eillt-,..7.416'f 'adidi.clit•-(jar''''''N1414:4:'T'''''irib2a-1:166.114-1t-iis'13C'eli`ei:1:alt.1376::,-i.':j:ril.:Sii77'''ec6.6.•LtRt:Ya.:iiEl.c'''k''.-e-.11. 7''-'1::-'1'1.-IV:-.;iitoetna41;bek•..i'C-Ustuore'ff.-'i' - atir'he i-7013eoi'Or - °0-41-e . 1Pg °I,It.tit. aindl_ar-e_:-...gOlOg,..to., opray•-• tho.i.;,. •:-.. progress. '. It bas •alreadk. 'aeconipliShed:'", "its aim 6f 'erea ting• a greater' interestiii, •_.• - • • • - • • , ..., , • - . • -- - •• - _ -,....P.t....A...Olass:;---„johnin.e....0.ialisin-B?Ot114ttititid-•-atlegea:tbah•lio'7*-0,t rorefkIT ,sti-.,.1441,(1. thef haVe-already „leased. . As ..-- ' • -- Lochalsh -McLeast;'P: TWeedy,.:13.,Illackwell, ---; - ,. -.Sr..- T Class':-:7711aicci) ..."::"Psicy,-.:-!...jies4eT':iliije:dliniie;iii-',-,i;'evtt:6v.':`1.:ihitFin4nr-ilrlt134eAe49Ztiibitilile' e:fillrie:iatill:•ti7(:ifte::-"fearlf:iliii:2§;-*tilnihetiiclirha'Ot'clw.all.trblies'"b'vt641f:',:',;': ,,t-TiliidaY," A.p.,i'i 3.'6, .Pinnoll, 1) McFarlane, .A. 'Shelton.' - - '6'atient was 'held in Goderkh tnii Week * e. in. etter c. 1 ch ion • t an ' ever before . .! .:„.-- ..gr, ,..a.i.m.tz...,0-f,`,.6,,•oderteli...46Taitit•htifeh' ' ., Pt., I '01488 ' r. -Sidney' Btill •••-• C:-' ,-,Mabel.::410do' ..e,nd,Ing 9.P.-. W. ecine!?.,....t,ty-,r,..- ',rig -..91-e `-"-- r°;', .ceieess.h1;•oopectith.7igite.nitir,einnaley:1-1:b.wchaofianritonienia,..v1g.",tsiuileg-ki -.."..,1, 'hiS auto." ,8•Fta,re,ndidares•BiCu'''ll. 14healy:tiito;i,,i, a . 9.___4i,char4J„,,ir , , :--41141aeferiiiers•-here••'ame :wo.iking--'7-01.1.• • - the ',land, , ', 'Very .few havenitich-se6d... . -.Perfect in ,'Attendance: -,-.E. Shelton, , ',.. Herr Oracro,r,P tin PINED-.-z--Se ,-ei••'al. ....... urther-pu'ticu1ars- will '.., , ' A Meeting of the ball fans' -we's 'h. eld 'rlifilde :Recoieririg fi-om An3i, .ser, : 25: -ie. ''a::::::Y:3::e:fi;,r:,e:day, , .. intend to keep this plac - -.,...:;:-.._.7..t...._..., .. -ic HICAGp*A:pip,IST--„-PAu , -- -7 be available next week• ' ' -'. ' ' - ''' '''',"".'•-.''' it.Filr- izitli. ant102/311517-PdNk..11.t1:1:: 'and-- . ' Twe).-very interesting.•a. rid '.' inStrUctive in , 4. 4). -:-Rulloert'i • store, 6,14._ 61-eded:' - :,., .,„ ,.,', v'era. l'ilness,...,',„;:„„-_,' ..,.....------...,--cir. .4;..,!..h•-r,-.e.--4.1tr 1:1-11:-,til---8.-1:--L3....____:_7,t:I'-i..7.:--..-:. :- -:aadie'stisi-on::Piciblem5';iif-rufiFlife*eie- -Shad.-Iiiiiett.;--Pi-es-ideiitf"..11,413e Xeiiary; , . • , • • '.., •4IflapeR 44q,retUrn•:., ,'. .,*:ofiu ,gloipp,,, -I?y:.4.,I1......MeLeanc of '„AntiberleY,... ,Manager,'• A. D. Culbert-,eaptam.--yz-E- - After ,11:•--long-,wasting--Alnessi- :eon- iiii-ion••tiiii.-and..i.etUrn__.-_-.1.f...4742O0 .andr,•=0:' ',Ste.wark,',.et...-:.-..Xintail',73-677theT -„Cifiraii,-Coach; -,----,-Any.--itearailisihine.-, yrdee•Oeutetre4uii-O7 nourishing., oo V-I-Clt,Oe..WIlt_:,_also..•:,be'zoiinsal-o-iva',-e-ertain.. "ASaeld---;PreshYterian' ' Olititeli., 'Guild games can arrange 'sa,mo by cOrregpota,.' . that''•-ivla; • Pet -.overtax- the digestive; ..datee Via. -Sarnia and 'Navigation (20y i1h ,Wednesday night April. 24th... :The ing • with our captain ' - ' , functIons-and 1n• • the . iiii4-.:-. of•-•:*,.-Thritriigh, 'PUllniii.' T4iiit-I:Slef.4tg will . , , . . , , .. . .,.. , ., , . . , questions affecting rural. districts ,were • - , strength restoring and, vitalityrm,•akiiig;, be =•eperatedieleniTienognxneoeitiiiiiern Nitiaot&i.oa4,1?vdny.„1,47r.e. discussed " in a very able Manner., ,•,..•••_: -. : . •WhiteCkilleall:-.1'""-- ..:_tonie -3V•el_krici* ofjP.othing-that'oquals, -excurwalq,, ' , .. — ' - _ .. • - -...-Viiiioli-xiiirAelieraus coctliver,,aud---"iron,----.-------,----,4-,--- NO HAN 0,.n -6F-CikliS 1 ' —T.11--C-17:-_.,A..pril-315:4,1-;-tcm-_-'13,.-:--(-Tlithaut-.611)- ^ . • • • • •• ' 7GF'1-1Lin--dt'ar,r.t.iliNag‘lendtieorki: •:,t:mrs :fitr,e6.th.......13': ',----..--4------. - ' '• - ""......v.pio1-o1-an,-iippetite; --ittestab, - R ' It Al Ea hem. viaited in 'Lila- p•-•,.. . , liiihea. good digesthati. Paid'. helpii the D 3 Y i' ' ' . District„,''''Pas81:1!..t'''Agent''.1:111-iel: now last week. .` • contapo. . ' . •. .. ..a 4.. ,„ ke inch-, hlocitt ••form ' ••?.'414.9-14::--'''-'r'"t2' ' -- .--Miss -Ethel Musgrove---f-W. -li- -:-.-- - ''''''' '''s'-'4''''''''''''9' - 2,4----' War ol'ffii:''.K.:1-)ateiSoii; Iiir the past W111 refm1d their _money, without- guess' .4)oesy_;4rc"lig' ''' :13:'`Ibrir-aaa. 11.01)Ort now ,,... . .. . • .,..,_• , ,, ., .., „,,..:,_lite_inil 'Vitality ter ev. etir 1/4, ''' ••• i - the• '''' ''' run '13a'iii-cu'la .1”. 'at ,spent afew days:Witli her •C'eaisin Mias 6.1vbfirpsa!'-Hw. eipii:ii.fioli..0.,_ .:ii.h..)„._.„,_•6,8,8_:-...---064.!1,--c:--tice:-. , as -those---who'7-need tt . ,. strength-".''-body and fleshk-' b ui . I d i n g* ' 'tonic' ';:e.a...-- •'.' past year. with relatives;•• :has returned torittive. to , eat' at. our store and . get a - to lier..: home ' here! . - '. . • ' , ' ' . - : - "lbottle 'Of' 'Vino!, " with the understand ,..___,..- . • , --",,Miggactje.----Kine-ci');--w11.0--,'-hag'-'130ent4..he7:1:44_51_1kartflr.,.4.0..674:11-OrhelP,--them we- thtee-weekk-has-retnilies14,tO-lierThorrie. -lion- ,.._, __._.„........... , ,,...,,,,.,, - ......-',•.--- ' Misses -Nettie Cottle ' and 'Margatet _.;.A. ...M..•.SPence,... Druggist,". Luck n ow::-...., .TibiliSTeif.",,Viriftiliaii1-1.1ade--a,,:.iiiint--7---,Viait; ''' ' '' ' ''' .' : - ' • '' ' ' . . • ' ' ' -.--- to the:home'of 'the 'fernier sea.' Manday.,' • ''-' ' ,. - ,..., • - '- -Tlic-regailar--Aiiiitutf-Meeting-,1"4-7. t Et, afelong- Ripley ,BOwling. Association will be .held:' -- - LItOililay.,4Pril-_29.• this -week': on Thursday :' evening.* ..6-0-1 --offidi.-3•11i:tifeSedetai7;-.J.TH:"Cliatiiiiiiiiki:'-- Sam eiiii6O. aiiiiiiWirggct i; lie*. . Rev. 0: -W.. itivers-las-Lieceived a , klotnittn-Bitririvel1;--of-Piffalo;--visiteci unanimous invitation from -the- -eflieji, • iielatiVeglere last weekboard of the Methodist' Church -to • re- .. : e.- .' . Main.' a "'fourth Year:as the_pastor.:_:.Mil Mir- 'alla*rs.' SaMShm4a64'-axid-.A1-1iss givera accepts the. 'invitation'. ' . va..Browu..._Visited. at N.' Sanderson's oni., • - ......_ 'about ' 0116 hundred inurtigrantsarriVed -citicd-Mis-,-T...--W-Finlay,----of:',Luely= -fo-1,-7.-147. M-0,-.,ley..,..8,44,i•spos,aL.,_,Q, 46.„4..the, 11O'vr, were g4.0-4 Of their emi ---A -.°80-r4 nUmber tOoku badfainting sPell on Om, .. itturdaY-4-;•-- • --,:•--7', , - • - - ..-.'"'' ' ,Streer-ati-d:WaSiiiWfiPider .--thecare-.. •OU , . ;... ' Miss Edith St:others,. .Dungannon, Dr.. -McLennan: _ -- spent a, few daYg".""lagt week with her ---'Mr..- -Jqlin McChallek'Sri Of the 2nd, eensin, Jessie.Stothers. • ' : . Con., passed' aWay-this-weer4ft-Frt- Riehard.Finlay left- to day for COch.:.. brief . illnesel., He was one of ,the best aiie'NeW--CIiitarid,--Where:he'purelia,sed: Aknown : ineir-:61"•-the-Tel'v-iiiliip- and.,:ii! Operty'and spent part of last. year.,___ _ _warm_friend_of_everyone.,-..The4-funerat TP:Misii'Jennie' Cluft,. ..teacher a Crewe was tO Ripley:Cemetery on Wedriesday: week -Lend with her The aannal ' I.. '0.• 0:F.,: . parade: to -.-4-6:1'-';ilttt i•-•1‘,119iiiiiiil-Sia. Culbert. '.- : attend .DiVine "WOrShiP Was laeld'. on, ' 171181nThesa‘nnual nri' ,eetings of the Sunday Sunday :last and the l'Iturnber -••-turning out' ; , aa- -.ir '' &niter i school and. Epworth League were -.held was about samef 0,-,e,-ek---iaikroaiti-eiirAnd-offie-ers‘:-ap.:-- -Years•e'--T1Wservieeg-were--held-m-K-no-x-- --pai#ed:for the ensuing year . ,,,, Chnich and were conducted by „ Iley, -.• „ -.-.4t,, W. A. 13reinner.- : • - ' - • Dimwit 014'' LABRA.Doit:-:-.Last Wed- , . 7' nesday•a-.sPecial;Prograprwas-giverr- by • --The-ig41.- 50'1.ir8-Yoe•the•---(Wath-• of "Mrs:" •the League; the leading feature being- a Richards (nee Minnie..j'atterson)in the lecture'bY th.e:',•fA.S.eqlt.OX, 5, -4efferSon, ''West was'1.6-°°i•Sed lherO4hia*ee.k--- and .lonJ.I.Afe..,,iii.....Labrador.'2,.....MLJeTetson: .1)16.:11elati*.e.:It:. -and:. Ilderda,..LhaVe.....:th-e. sympathy and feeling' Of the. entire • has sjperit •twO,'years in' missionary work -neighborhood in the Inas they :have • on the 'Labrador coast, so' the lecture - ••• was full of information and was „qiiite:, an8quIii.e.d '.bir• ••,the passing, of inch!' 74: ,. efiteitaiwing. -al0f.' The offering - waS, ,young ;' life' ": '-''"" ''''' Xe•109-,.g.--It9,...`-1*.ard..1",ng,Yenlent.:° detit, ' Of the Leattikttelk,--. ' ' ' ; ' are •pleased -to.- seehe=genial;: Signal scribe -Of Lochalsh around again after,„ti-severe'.,-.attack-of lumbago7-He. tells us that senile nights the pain was _so' eicruciating , „that, -' he Was almost iconapelled,Ao4kilk4liefleeet-Jilthe- Candid , of everybody' that he ;shoutcl-haVe-MY e,xpeliefierlif."41,PW walking good•iiiiiiy-years ago but not nursing a sore back. ' : •'-.1 • Iti Woons ,,--On Sunday That's „ ' • .T.,osT Ill.:1,', . , , • , , ,, ,_ , , a , Why' -Thankfid• Woman -Pienin' g..quiteE*_seii..s_a_ti_o_n_w_as:.causestin liPoOliiiiidildii7Parisian-ga-giT ' this neighborheod . when the news t aroundthat 'Robert Blake,, who is in -'his- ' ' ' ' ',... 1 ' ' ' : • • ''',:- :: ': ' 4. GartiOt ArinsittingsVill ..selrytiii-ii -eiilities,,d,n4 his 'little Ita,nte.datighter: fiftyAentAjottle of• 'PARISIAN '•SA0P- '•----.'Wlid-ieiiOtAti,ite-fOur:'Yeare'old h d A- ' ' -Miis.1•740TSITelThT1124-..the halif-ortUne,.. F . an guarauteeiv tiChanish dandruff,. step • ..' a eareannOf 'them could be; . dda trace. , • faiiiii-eigo-ondifelliiiiealli.-76-firiailek ity=gtti70--a1-411415Totiiii-iiiliait'' eYes-^OP ' ' Ionia.. 711OWeyei, thanka. to Itiiral Tel back : .1ta a delightful hair clreSsing,that Friday laSti'Whicli ii Causing ',hen.: Mitch Eiphpne• and a large force of 'Rural detee- makes 14tir last.tcycis, and ,fa !initiator .,.,... ,..tvesy....they...-yzer,e.110eatOd..31ie,„.save....ev.d.,.. ''.1a the §pti6Z r i,rdrieoveprig fr9trf Ping and brought home Safe •;and.,.spiinel,.: - . --a seVere case.elLeOpipelasovhicb left ino., ' Early the afternaori-they lia4 gOrte to- virtually bald. On the ,front o,f my 'head, tlieto woods • to' 'gather flowers,- and. in- and next- .to' my 'ears. .The. hair ke'pt ..Waiidering throtigh the large . Wood.a, had Cbming outqapidly-'and nothing 1„ iiicd. ,i-Nzi_18 7,.,‘L'..yru-khos, of Lurgan ga,v. 'a) ' theY *ent,twicd. out to . the concession • ., - used o :ha les of -1,4a ja„3-.„AINI,,,sair,.._.,_17f_!..V PAN-AgQ$1,ing.,,Neading, on,. 0,4hr, ttt's.: at ' -'-- ' • • tittiae toward ' I 'iq -1-1' 'ill- ''f.i'T ,,,,,,,..„ 4.„+,.. '," , • • , ' , .. ' ,, ",- a. ., kitten so ceiIiPletelY 'turned ainund,that.: , . 'stopped migetting 'entirely:. :bald, • until •sout o • tome ,an,q. "then, as .they were -.e- ' t .--;--, - — - •• , This tonie,Mtide iny hair'. Start to i;;ro-1;v , l",s-iiichiy•el'rPeneial:Iti,?',2",), T.Ta. ''''• , ea. re „ very 'tired, went to . the 'fidyne of'. Mr.' S : in and, in • fact, gre* me a 'r'rood• 'f • • 1 Quito number o mir, young 'people Treleaven, whi), t6letilioned'atr: once :to atnoun ,of hait and it.has, entirely stop -.1 y„,• i• ,.,, ,, , kr. and Mi.& utrT-617triltEf. hftaximi"e''*-04-119114alliog"°.ttt''''----'::41-LarL4-cdi4iiieXtrirAdaririoati:Ni.niii':sti.chtly-7 aspens ones at home.. •In the ineandine It iswithPleasine that I •gives. ,r.i.u.b- 1 '6,1AX1LOUS 011 aceenntof their long a'bserice ';:," Mr White preach to the OddfelloWs. , . recomme id. to-,7PARTSXA:19:....SAG)i";,. :„ - , r:' . , Ore honrs.seathingthe woods -''' • ' bilt:ii) fieirpoSe,and fear •pt' ing that Mr, which 1 kribw is .a; Wonder."' Mra., Elia-- 4-..---''.: hadspent B..•;;•'v• i. Hlake:liad taken sink , they 114i -tied home G4Ichri't:.'811.` Pitt St" Bedford P'a'• 1 e . ' 'y , Wedne$day, . May 1. --F: flainiOn'is '•biiii. *enlarging his slipp this spring: • . Chas. lilion-Sdayed.With hi P-ar- mita at l'elfast.: . , ' , , $ecding has corninenced at 100'4 every body bard at it, ', ,. •'; ', , ` ; Satistrnent Will he held in • the Metlied ist thureli he.re,,•114t,.8iinde,y,,, ' • .. ' • s/lint McKume ' ‘" • t-7 ar o or peration ..th sum,. No "TIEFERE$O.E.We heliO10 the_I-Ienileclr__CitycorkeSponiterit, exebfitiori. to :the•-tergt,J4cheap-littlern.,*9.1.1te*hich-, "..diTtiie."-"Lothiaii, 'news some. „weelte,a,ge;--forlia-doinglicadinissien_ that hi znachnie -or-Spriiiiiiiieliitie'73.11- -..Which he is -interested, Opines' ander, this. ••category.-_ ..1COLOTIY7' who kn�w the. jgrieved party.'wento. harbonrithe' idea. 'fora moment.- .thatheweiild-ptircbase- :a " ;the highest -priced-,r,unabOuttha;t7flibiley . After this; When, he, •hears; any ante -glieken•ll'ag•.being 'refetenee to hie .but to a:little one seated affair-eosting: ,a few linridred .dollar.' . Pine River " Mondcy, April 29 'I:louse-cleaning is 0,6 topic of the ,day among the ladies - Suckers are' not ,plentiful aroun'd Aterellais year as They gen,era,Ilir-are. • • Mrs'P. •BrownOf Kinearcline is :at present-vi4itinglietInotlferTgrirKirk- patrick: • . 0'...gowell.Eraser; Of Reid's Cofriei.,s;: is at preseiat visiting ter parents, ' Mi. and • -On azdotint of -the baek-Wa,rd weather: -the:farmers-ire Making .poor 'progress4 wit,therrin • r-- . sufferia_g; .., : , ,..... . -..........-;.-- W.A. ll bas started his 'waggon on :the roatl'. to 'stipply the farmers.- with dry .. goods and grOceriek . .Mr. Bell is, , doing 'h,good btiainesi, ' • ' : .- .'' / ' and ealied up the neighbors. • one •hp..4 seen theirnd, as it -was then almost disk,all the men and bOya around lest titue iri getting.to the, Waods to join in the aearch, • When the Weleome word, atived s t6 their *hereabouts, there fief/I-lock City APIA IL)aniel timg bas been, Orn'What ' Uttar tlie weather for the ' sat, week was" a " general feeling of thankfulness .hut he hits tally recovered.' • ' ; that What might have•been qt,ite a ser- Grant has completed dialing iou. affair, had ended n� worse, his first,well near 'results than the wanderer:a',feeling, very He spent Sinahy M Big 'holm hem driVing mita some dayss. hilt 'as 1 . KIpley Pa not suit ntui ne 6.0 not aeep, ong.- • ::-L-Wednesday; •1, . 6 liaSj'een kde t d '17:week On. tile interior, . ;Quarterly Ss.ernental held in the, lildthhdiAt e = Thos, • 8a:tidy's new- auto = itti8111', 'arrived yot.'lit the other4 Thi S ()I'd& haSn't bqeit ,:igrt66t1J, ..‘soon -enough, but lit-expeets-the-Machinc-1. 4,ily (1E11 now, • , • , Anay/B6-sivicr 'present pioWing ' _ , • . , ' It On' 'the , 40 d :'Quite a number froin areiind tended the,'Masbnie.,13a1l Kinea.rdine, , dn Thursday.' .All report good time • --13eattle BleelOvell •'inade,, quite - thauge in (Air'yi1lag this spring by, put. ting wire fence iti,frorit of his prgper- bOidc,:00n lift4 .4. . s. _ 111; Pinnell I. 'Richards E-:- Boyle, l'e,..-•provincial officers. _8u:spewed Nelson. - Wg•49ne -14•-• ' ' ' -:-'--- - - ' - • : -Cialiaili;: J., Clialiaiii;713:-MeLean, B. ' ii -.,:.hkoiln:le:ai_Pr.pd*:i..-111:13he 0-1111.7vviihisf--"vtitSo.,:olivhde6oirw.stir-da:7.t.1,..-i_liiiigr. -1741"k7:71:1,,i'431vin.ritel.,Irymy----:1,11-Tc'ea;i1-e;:7i6i7:eiedat:118-V:b7d1:1 o'rh":60;ptr.-:61ilitlegetinfieottliCt:r 1 i:11°J;i-iit'pt-ri'oaf‘=--vi baX7eh:'r". . , We are pleased .to report . that El). .11Lialotigh *, The officers sectired a large qUantity Armstrong, Who Is still • Suffering frein :of liqUer,--which-they-broughts-along Although he is able' to be ont he .eanhoti , ,. ' '.• . 4 , . haul: Police Mitoistrate 'Morton fined Itimbago,:pontilitieS-ttiiiiiprOVVirlherilth.. d'O any yvork Yet , • - • : , , , :Jae Carleton wt in OW burg last , 7---"1--Tuesday, 'A . .. pra,''',30, with the keeper of the inn,: to Wiug. . ., , Alerdan ' --Tuesday, Apra, 30 We are sorry ,to hear that lira David Wednesday . , ' oMr(ri.erPedettprspoonvin'e$IriOcoa:sdbibreleOsptst,iip,pipnidi A., 0,,,,fil.,afi ,visited ee the loth •Rutherford has been ill for some -thine.' -.. Iiialte'Brownsinn a Kinloss was in • 'heart is --Very-Weali4,--÷'SlreAiltir -tic Ve-eit ----.'----,'-''-'-'---''''•-•:,....,--,..----,---;-„,---,,,-- .',-,-.----t,---- 114-ogitioh--0(-1g-itio Was, received ' fruits ic-hooi in _Ripley, • . • , to take charge .of the liquor until dis-, .• .. . • Wesley Boyle, received a shifunerit '.- . , . ,. .:1A1,0::57.1:i1;a:ezrYeiyle;v1:01ai'cLi)litIl'foi•lige6r,'Iltil):1-tig,,,_.,sg,t._aritii,ae,(dfL,'._7.tsoniio_i.,g-iisi,,., Her limgs ar6"Slightly affected and her oule 0 ' S ' .. ,k.,1, ' ' it: il :CI 2 GovernmenteE-rNjs:. :' TEi dIrlyee '11: pc" di Li eici :cril 10- i if i i k sis t : ---; ',"fC' ?)::. ' Cli:id' theig,... we are sorry to report Mrs. Sprout ' ..... . , • . ........ coining year, in 'View of the ,_ _fit6t ' is netimpreviiii AS Was 'expected. of 'die inyostigation -oPPned- 'en.' me4». • Billie Rebinson Spent Thin -ado' even-. a ay, by the license 'department of .the. in& With friends on the ,boundary. ; nharges- laid by 'a,, Ooderich hotel keel), vv.itglaia4ii wpeiudit_.„.isetisr3;d•oavyyniatruldvi.Aillaiar,adisfuutiu!st.e era against the Ilaapector and One 'ot , Walden pent last Week c'tivitifdo:irldaebehlirn.dril'on?lisee8eli°1:11n:tihrnset'V''.intheeaa)rriesti.rntv'oa: ' WeTilohane Swolti!lislAirtuis:f..8 ' • . - fie ter: MIS.. Roy•Hildred of:the ,with the' Kinca,rdine Hospital Ilpard, itigited gra. liaise' Sr,-, lite ' beginniug yQjleur,i,ic,68::ogil7, hwAee,t1:7661'iigieg:.:0.•ttet idicao'itiledso;i'o$6ntfer'oa.;s711?it'll:iie:: ettloi. 8v,seetii: '.r:fla.o.iiyi;:i?lioe.el i ow:11,1;6{4,1,i rs,cf,tloosrrit.aitillt;e:vd,Lt. r. !,156110.7,i Mr. Flptelnir,. who ,was suffering f'",,f611I of the week... ' : • " ' , . ' l'.aral3r1j.,g4- wag Phiced in the .1168Pitai im Peter Hodgkinson is iniproving the an i"orab'l°tat' a charge of five 'd°11.art a appearance ,' of our .burg by plitting a ilicewetnh'ee "3,,aeta'IS,:'aifn(wcti!ifr17.0.4e11•'?tahlesowi'eal4710e;1,, ' ' A certain YO:i.n. - nntit dOWn the fourth '- week.. After Mr, Fletch,ir 4„-A,,.!beFtv new wire, fence around . his lot was. AN OW ,er. i'f;.r 78011103' toruntinie tyir' 0. -,i,.p.k...e.,: litta.,,,,,,,itt .ew le timtirs-atztrw7-76-nyre',31,1410b), ira,,li_o_ettliellcre_ar,id_t_wiLt.T.,ithe,i,•,,t,haogrts i..:._e,tbs830rires,....10:isTy.,:th..te""'0;leyririgon. gr,n_.0„01.'br 1.r. g.•i.:.t., litadt"......:,...theea,in,le:.;...irlti.,‘....t... 'ir- : -6•ewihgihile6..thy&lo'd,t'oiUlAarr!-seledwrlaassgtp;tia.I;ititiPinnie:bafry'ilylit,4er!:sh.'.01111--d8iatilalii..: 4:°tirhth.t1,..1,)-ehl"0,e, sArrnvegirliem:7°wriillCii-876bliell,hthe'''elito,a'‘7.1,eialaleiresd•t'.'n„ 0.44.-4-e pondiyig, • 1,370,,e , meal . .p,wp . seeding is : a tio ,Ord6i.:,of the dit.4../..„ IVIr. MacIntyre refiiSed to pay 'it, and th6' day ii;fter'n6" at c'el°616; ''''- ''', 4 '2' "inclir,litt.ohri'g h'il:t.6-,;s8-°46aTi-14--1°.tteal'he-TPr-1-'1172,g'i'3 ca-1.P..oaClittiii-gy ft`j'ilditii'liciaencit.6-;3110'',etil",-stehee-, t'illee3.18:::-."':, hoSpitat board sued him for the inoney. We are pleaSed to be able te f4ohrt Vho-trial- eame-- b#, -in: Xineardirin-.-Ifig- that- 'Miar LoPiee TteesedY 'alit' Mfg:" ittlewn(1: 61' the' :Year The". 61-'edelicli- :-•gittg:::•!.1.t '1.41',161•Xl, tlirfigrtnifaity -otriLe3 i JaS. PereY lietli. Of Wilein '• We're'. Under betels all gdt one mont14and ;the .. tvto Ole : ; vv. ene(lict, osr4,34trilier,•, MO. td. be ,• in , :hotels to be 00.6ft ivill, . be, decided d , a .1.1081%--4n Locknow or between Luek7ow. n;:nd Rol..(1,Abe(irsitin_LannIlmtnd-Sable to in 701Tar ,atittn-grey vel. tojnaoplenso:leaxe .." .--;•04the Sentinel Office- tir-,forrirti o- :Kiss • . AOket 11013=1,0ml • . able_ tolie down for three Weeks. Frank Mackenzie, who -has • been' at, tending McGill Unlyersity,. :Montreal,. ,for.„411e-,Pa.st-tersa,,-anade-a;shert-visit----tot his home On the - He left. on theearly train on II/,Ionclay Morning for ,herseit froni Ileitheirn last week. , Mrs. John.Hedley, of Kincardine KinloSS en Tuesday April 2:3rd to Mr. and Mrs: John Bull, a son. Vancouver, where lie-ititendS40T.Pursue- •and, Mra.'Wni 1VIeLean' visited the. 'Mi.," siton at Ned Hodgi, ifs's the: loth COn., fiheisids,tudie WoN, }hs CAst,s-john 'MacItity,re, Mallough, and of Tees, who has been acting as sole executor ' in wateriSited at Richard. Richards 3 on diSposing of the money anti estate of SUnday, ' ' • '; " the late John -Fletcher, has woe hie case 1 Di ,„na Mrs. -14, Lane,of P1 toovilin, Friday,' and Yir, kaelntyre had nki e tttity lohliog• '014. :t401. 400tOtti, ai'elfOt st yolor r ' -47 11