The Lucknow Sentinel, 1912-05-02, Page 4;0 J I# A 01 ti 41 ii! A L 77777­7�:—,­��; IS holo,,*g ""If vow %; " i 7. W r N W.S HAT A M,410 d 1,110'. JR 'gooli 0 4 0" V4,:! 04 A 4 60i d PTA USA ei RA 7�7 OR* ox ov�6,f�qt b Wee alAg- 'p, 01 oilgkitj�k jg�tamI tit- q IMA t t g: 0'�, jettera 1,4 thi It .7 mu `10# OIL'. ne pr 740 W S P �Qrlq§ �Abb,-W P�4,7- qd&tJw,_, vtoni__., '100 Pogo lhp, VAe AFIW WOOK.: bow _07"Iff" 'e- lqvv_;-ot:1he �Lpno 7 0 'W 9tr I t.11 .F - �; ;v�', 9 MW W 441MOIJ 'Ain r.or Flw� t M M2 W � �­ ­ I ; . PIN'. % vM M, 9,0* or, 9—geY. Mims- m0dy 'Madb, s , RK.; "Y11- 1� thb. -lea ze azms-�nitl - �-tpr U V_ RiM -b i� *M�' d d" uWS' � ­ . q- - - - tow 0 0 MiatuaL, a -, 194 :770 =1!40 4. x"thp Now 8-U. 0 F_ qrd�, the, ��Lmp)in IMOI- eff 6 Ove ee b __j4k," - tore im1hi9,',wALne,q r k1 f.kn as i U an`f"l IJ bieuiiiea 14c bhe-'4,ork A soun as, M des d igns �;vea,rs o aoe- so ilW' 0 -yl OKI to th6i"lWe t; Alet., Md 41ben 11te. trb a ­Tht8*66k .:See -W�h W have brqa Al't to U., AAA :!4!A LAIL�; C1 wr mint -a-'-po c 'UAA e,:x , I I _Iowjx I ;�,� '-'j ': ; ,, _,_ .. � -- r ­ I , ". _��! ; .1 — q� " . - i . %V P,:o ort n- �e at on E. rirgetw-07, M, t.; hav , X s L ft r �, I r . . 1. ­, 1 16 j L 14"Ck QO Page 7 77 ti ad 4:y r' Inver: ot Aine & 'a 1n, 3 A men, qt" 1) p g !4 j j Itor A,'x'ALdox$_0x, �:taAistor..'.: ictsiqn-orgaw r u dVe ts pn Mli r Lin"ekhow, wid ei�6t , joil"L. If j, g and 9ta for pq L rruesday. vurr to, �j `C 7 -i )Y,o R nQ 10i fi* 1,0*kU f* G 46"L jnV a4l d `ve W id 5;. , R 1361 .6 e;n IW 1knoirlo equo W or - 'lip , 4jartih..Jaue Ain 0; - M., , S& T Mla -elh" it e6- 3 r arge: Sizes ­!Qb e _n & _T V , ­­ �L El -Of �and- direction. IV '4� in f ­:Lucknow', e S,E­ �ne �,iS Cli 4 Vol; . _. :� b �: �­ �, 11 R , :7 - � - . j anuv.y� 2n C t M, -Y, N. itAkyXUDLIP �And-',Miostlikely a jj�j-jne 4 nl _W chei or-b4ftm',�1ge Tgt!�04,*e ven�Ahbnths,;Lz� �- - � _ - - 'r ' I . Inner ana vonvejancei Q* lory.:; Dt rur Y,J 4:"Apt e i�*,a�cowpaii h T, h7� , ­ oUr,.,e d )cLucp4 - hatAU% )LU arS ­'. kv.M.NMY00 U.:,.�b j� or"p'% Jig .4..U, . n to 4ha _0 RWft&v1voxM �A up ambg A _",QwM J�Ut'%Ye nQWL:l Z d "we k �v r h ya, n,-,pory Yrv, IAW­� -.UAA U 4. ­ 17 7 - _1 _� .... ­ � 1 11.1 � ­ - I . . I - _W Of"' borses; an -12th ­6on 1 in �1 0, ron are: 1. e4ili one, -owi j s. rVup --herej. 7777777=: With , a er , 0 i N W4V 'XW4 ,b" Ofll"- od ruirew, ro r j th6 --p 3141 " Luiilehiiw_�,ftt� ernAwe,co P:_ ...... J:b 7:1. ta Ck: d'11 'd PAiniess �ext d &Ah6 lhtest�_ s .___v Lae ss,vncp,,,, the sb k '*e c q ii-tter-4li M o an gr t efg- ... ... e our 1q.g&he rt has Ce"ed-E0, 5MMUNdU '4VM . Y&d� k�PMC lb"t e the: 0 J)B are -W.uTwYlEnow that y­dur dbbVTfCe kabte.i­�- -'eu OU': .0 reisFe -it the, Md- vW1I` badeamien, lh-- th t­hA. -atreets-ofifo _C1evb14qqtQ(v� ton, V. Cl, , e e illid pli OLPS§eal ajil 'he *—d oso n. 01119p"Y 4� h in the�-past and %,I '416 tN 10� JW6 Of niis's that Ae�rs t tgtowii R shl -d' D plpl d, A rs orv; an -6-our variety..; JL%flave.,se sl T­h�usands6ief-a' m' ii Ifat-dkerij -peaven; b -new,- --varieties, - of weig,�`- ,test 'e W es, Ns eaiin�&,whichiever. et niA jainftdd�veife are justri -ir,honi th 1�eing'., icted in -thL., y 'b rteit6&46ih�:*i�; b6�jhi` th D ffie, 'Pego .if,*: youjlt ooi�tdwftrl tei�n, . Le. `41ye- :+ Anisa qC( the - -u­rew34q._+r._. V.- ."'e Pg . af YOU., _W opi as; -11: d the ip �ee _*COIL U but3 TeR w' 9- �7 Call-sor6i "M 'b day. F SIM s t'veeik­R6.b&t­;N'xchoj aqa.�,e *vWer��. as, h,­�. ,,,I;t on o jouiiu,6�.. Moil, f -to wish �6- p 'gi-o"i'' Minish. anyone, b eeMbepnd the, skies. j 0 adt is guaranteed. Otato 0 yv.n-s .1p, w I ., - I . '-­_._­..;,., . 0 `)�Lj­_ 0 in;L 6U hi'�- woa,, It-bease fivux tin onetweOping. 4-W 91: a. thatwribesld��them, -bo.6k§ on.,g n h' d- d,:. I'll th�e; :keay -for roarti RA d- ­J 6 write cftldrs`� le b Pou w4nditill some'tinxeago,� -3�0,,VVAQ .10 WtchUWprOv­1U d . ..... AT _N 4 -My if �b 6 . lug pp U -WLt- am -s W -Out- "L'I "quie C R -my thif em'' W ng4aia Slat negs lieg'e- rds---`,A tio' the, dama asl e g6 d HOOL, RT on A heason -Geo'. Sp ad Pri � I I I i.Ch"'._-Rurns, n w t .9#9n,: 'd �4, nthe:nkirsery usifiess4and-.1 :-,sev 90:�_WW"PPIt. _ - A_. b 01A zi� esid d ill- e-acci en e 'h 1 :T me,,an ;k­fbt -04 ted the�--tiqiel of AV t Ana, 7 7-7-1 I lithinkl_'oqght�to -now' sp d* h "M ME— Altoli,`�ab., 1��t 7- -,eventually ites".ol -;A iot L7wa- done. em. -t XAR4 some,4 the DAU work --has been ma e k va-A I d or I bu f that'L A,e- �S�Ukbn7o -bb qii�, MM i6ttre'. hi -his Aini ;�.,_4q0.:p1qwxnv waa� e�, Literature "ARR'AM '7� 4 M MY Gei C 6rwhfts on Mvi 7b tN Y" ZZI I xn :,55 5hA lit, el W _In end ing,,,p owing,�,re ain to ig e ''gotatoe"s­ sent- ecil-Johnsto lan d' th b 11arvey Andersoil' iv&adj� t�.- t _411ti, k"14�1 '11,11AM I ­ I i,. 1. :� " . 1 11, - Uo 0 1 memp.lo k; Mp p ��t!W, ,,e x MIA.,�,"OMP-10 ��gliteiwugck6tt - '70, A boixl� 9 N_ ­­ � -­ -q , - - I 6 .1 ­ _ - _. W-11 zRtk C W _77, i"reQ TRA ay jqTRICTL e f r 'iL D 'te, some tlle� V -P 7--__ *of.� ;­­ --- , — — 1--lonsare invittil't(i 0 nk that, ought �to h�lp �fb -6bbe .28 ie, fal -T 7_mi_,� �_X 77 S, dqn6 JR b UX' th TaIr W4 ft tu dit 044 "_ of, large' ry nk M6rarjf� &ed --bei tb� M (m.-Ifac Mon oL ii Cor M, 0V In I 9P. "Olige -dey -or'6ur--cat&logu Enter miow,if--you te F ra - (� I roated. I ha�ve,_ v in ban -readil�-get,�em_. tenced- Ao�,�� 7Y Twan dn L� -it-Wo ce. peq c # 14.bn. �4 'A _.W.�.I­ZLYAOM, Mn�Ma satn too m�tl��Jj6 43�,.6aven niolrum Fei�rs! I A innon O'Loug Or. der _3wi. g dron-,me7higir eve g aven c 'OU Y re 8 in t 'le =L)en ae;--amdge to any y ea -w em--yow, S -A iarcmr(E_, e Wfli iehek of'_:Iife� time 040 P�IeQr wa, 0 n th&,tfeeg� 6ii-thegridtind -oth� 'er- arm- 'b t fgjj_!,._ from it] --el 4#,-jhe--_r, M E ere, y a jj is,- tli�4 d,n4 d 29 bo Mus--Plo n half em th _P_ Uul-ey. spent 4ikh-t-.'�trOn rr rvd-fi6t.,en6 4 -;-- -'k'e­g7tq-r-u -m-g-', 41' 0111�andl S e arm:.: _&AundrecLtrees_on_khubd_i -sw 1= X -.S�h--oiff&b­e�4- CL tell:y'oii ihift" koples jio V -'k-11 spent .Tues ay�";, Others va Mrs'dhks Tet d, to- arant a 'transfer. of, ique. PO Si 1Tf.0)N and' there- �Lis a:, jgxrop Jen -wh T mormligil :�thq, refuse 901, 6s&y-*ith'Bervib�'friebdS.',---i Ther'4'� is, 4suA, ere. Y,t,he'n'.Ahe'r'e-,:ar t lice e�-goo _ - _&_ - d- =5_7 - A_11� It - �, I . ­ , UL -d dik� a , H 1- Wh want G--'*''' "and Memo er ourgm uAvs, ;sMcej Ancor Y1 goes own,. . 6* i 'th t wer6 0 11in Y t W ba. m lon,agglus e th, ploy- YOW :4, pe olus. in' ..M -N� *e� OW Porg- ill e. . .. ed at Harry. o iss. on ii�i� t�,�. oni Eni '.Can: ge �Oble e, iiitended. p4rcb' er d. get full f h 8 day". ent.Dpp't. You n,�x :'Ji��od'wai in A thlwdo I M t�e -apples, r an I rs. um and, Thorough propi*dion *#H� US in. d`MX--`J' reph more wen in fo 0 -On t - t r nd ]qO Opuld .,not;_ r 6d at a:nd W YOucan supplyi., if: Ayes inuneaiatia n,,Ca.-th�fqr,_, S CQq e x 7. -c 'Hipre er, AA I Ki the.same -variieties� etter:pnee ghter o W-.�� � . % 0 entm b qgp!�6�� f, Husilles.4 e�:. a11a---q6-F77- Om"u__ 'tifftu-jriied; W, Witid- T, -tk -v; MW iU,'be' great F,7Rr,,SWr .1wkown,in ha 4 .b 0 e: e 15 'h" I - soWed* 'aiiety, ard .'4h��re ,itz, . Q. ploughing. '0 '606 bbJs, '61':6n6 Yv �6 ouloson) �h Xha&�-Oue�Tuala lone�ru--­I-IsL-shipmen �R U a S 1''t i# h o�e_ -hote,, kwirdz: -butthe-spiri 1 --b xi -ver inre tp:-v­- _2 AR, CO x �X f -Hass Na on erel Wheut 16r, - 'T o,. r y, Jn� i avtk� ii 4 e,: r 8.1 SE TO-, 0 ff� and -Wirg - R H- djj�:, of Qliij't Fft7. outfng_� _L as Some, ry to :,sav e S L Einmelson-,speni er '0 eZ 'ej 'pM �_JaSt_Thursda b _:,0xf6r&R dinall �hbpb. wg�s Jheid 6ujL j6j, of I M f 1xi S� ain I 'I , , I.: ont- - - ". a - . bt. Of ._.Y,a9ts ',134ck,34. do h -the home. %r. and`Mt�.' W A W" e e� eftlu Y, - UFLUZ77a- aR er_ I - ­ --- -,-- ­­-411LO, V- -R t n ­6uAe, see - ii e res :that_ ne� )e e -*Lo -coughli i Y_� th" ' t- J -hat- in zi'octea 4 n, di L),� of T_� _SIL� t vi -W-;t JU.-rete04-:.;w6rd W es Liran '4�ejjjilng�djajg and Mg, -Ae e _4" th; t'. Of zvery case N �M 'ere our rein and W h T iis. *as. the cause 0 !fjds, �6 ;p7_vWed, at i ioneer o in cw formerly a Liu ei re'ttl. JL,� the --money he troll, 6.nfpst sensible ojr,,� at is, th t ear to'do this WI h kI , I , , - 1 ' : w, p689ible', �,7 d 6r. -P6 Ero, ii e LUS Rat As, M h ��hqrs la" �that iyorse enelty �Iic I I C . I . 11 . t of Waut'�:Yojj� to iil tere&L ead t, to men WE . . ve� and Fv�ellfar&_ - ll�wed, 'the h h 0)jDrh6ba,. niigrat� V 'j substitutaithe6-4t�iidur n­Ak h 'r. -t '. $ �hbra&f aq ent�.., 41 h, ire sepnis to bp�_ 4_�,jwyo rd6r i6 us 01 ail: b �sititabf(�7@a�SgL:of 'm�jj -giils -in . imalill'a luinvi�., of iheMigliik h- tq` of theli&lhdt' MIS %'y- e. tkkeW a time 0,Y 0, ).�LT jiidie� b WraundL here. 'I have'beerl".asked: to.. Bari he hliA,� or WTI SrOmQ Waltonj were engi�ge 1E an :,reorgan�- :or night� "do k1bt eau§ c e rmin 'fri e_x the fa P 6e forxxier!§�-� ReC, Eno .0hurb g districts �in' It ­._ _1. iggt_.at';'g ized Eno flurc PVjj LUtYL' They -tt uk-ca, or e*-. aS7.,PVejj "th's M_ a iiixdesir;iW* W h 'T.4 irny-in a Ott, -er erelr­ .1 ffi_j_ h, _Om t lik- I e are th. Meet in t e,,vestry of the '6hO& 4he, i T dj train 11 le -Ba', r 'mi ' the O#x1fei.166 diau,56 st'ah' ash G 'e fil ' b '6Very -11 'ry'. the a f, rionth-LT-heir _v d, -but­tposklve,;'�,�, r &U O�Afi _4et-forwaa enough. w ith _ __b I -df- . odef --train ,the *be ors T "'Ub";�. to M �v first,Tuead, -0 Ic Ahev. ebine- 'contg9t Mr., Jame-, th hj with, nlv%work:;here� If1` do So L -Shall -ident4-' Mrsi�- "mes, _Dtirhit,� 11irsC. vicel n ye me u n RON., Mr. q& Lyle f j___ on red6i-ve-d7&-.-broken breast !o �j 7ri on k.,W r o an "r9p �Wr -a' �bfld Im Ue6rgd me piesidpht-yMrs. TljOmjsLjP'jjiHips,; second rel ul: so I Xe,. of elhe- bo _s, e s: HEN YOU a tb6U 'Ij .1 f 7-,s iellLdanoe,aild IiF;,d� McQkfiffil.14 t ri, ; di '21, at MbRobbit� ki ild, lit. g6iv h� -6yalbl,� ime. ypa . M I (_ I L , eerjary�* Ino-st r �vlo �Wi. E, amies t f mine was'Also badlyzhxL6n UP,, 4t�d InjuW- 6r', Mrs� 164u- J on, a�giitWqvt trem-, A qoidd h a s oble 0 ertakin Se& -- ng 1;i e s t� e, flist-'y 4, -'Aso&, �ne of Ole ljo� "at C glon' d bm%zt-:,6� itssiE", d Piked f OP aunc. 0, M8, ing Ing, lvo­' .. , "' - , .. .1 -had'to be kill n., �! f le _Oken,and. e &�IIA i oldl folks'. T'w. e pll1tj, jar U M. We8t- and t' .11 t� Ve t,ai , , 9_ , 'a, Aeli6te, ffi, 4 - 7 11. ._;, '­ � 'r 7h �'vrard of'SL-yea. ��unot� too, on% J.�� e tRoI4� Wren, � 14 th , "� �4.1410 Opwr f olu'l iffi" Id 6rbs �vho wen 'did It 1,ft L n, ­ _, g minum. v was Ahodked t6- ]earn r of; thei 1111 W d C enO �e lin xg1j'IT-0 4()M� repilir" b�elin nee a� t lilt ti#h of v 'W' d' 0, go,. spo�i&llv, -of, last -*eek,-4­Post� highly: r�� liena them" to gi -iu Crers ages country .6 qA1 U UJ, vull Ue M1 C13L and. Mrrj� rice shy with 9 an' Ic ans -�,Bixr W orm.of.. -obtst�p�ti grid bit. PMP Of e, la�' t6f.hin 0 0 a" Pe her ii� Tbxf.`s­*hS,`V6- back oweVeIr, a fh C C1 appeared I)e U;d ..wi N 'hem *ith,,6i4' 'prom''J'se'. 'of, th: your red, �'bout'�. 1.6t Ziu�i t.thljs,. 'Itanypilo 41se has t` the i)�.ia -sonle, dkit 'gd �110 - retii 6iay, even-, ali them, lef, X A Gli0*Wl.-,-.G INDUSTRY.­ :,corres-� suggestion to'. "6ettej go -i;a4p-il thoV'do n6t-give entire. he- Cup in the'. - nib, One �veek, ilig. ii i,� r �Ust�m to ge ney p I at a il� a i ivulig...her ��§�ys tbait -the -ne _W100re., ng, -4iskebibIni �,W Another,,Ietier-iii,,ilie,,8enti�el� vv,i, ;-�.-�'Thv*e' gije:S'� jr�Aal�letsjq: lu J` Morning J ets, arow't in, tbat ou 66CUU0 7"1 h& si.4teir�-but, Ue4�_ -tat) e' 6- -:and 813. �tablets ivi�e -b I ts, nt� 7, tiJfsJ 6i ;11'�T a�'V ornin 1 , 'd - I ;is Y ar er-tian, sec;aon �E,. i 3 siArte-d, -it, Luel 60 biow-so -'tbat e up 6bin I& - " .:, A&F fei)ed to,do­s6 aild'Arhen hez; ng omtb N n _iesin­ uckpoiw A try all around, Ope th , e, coun sjrj�efAjA to '�-,Seo 'lled Tbt jo. -G --;A G T Ir'LLJ. "p1l ITI lij 'Nrong. sh DAN J "tb' h�, wasw�lf.prtAhc­ &Wer- -Will be' Arctlur h"se& aymy duting e nig us UY u call DIED "ge 0 "ORE 0 F 'he L -it,h . ..... W i connee ion I— The fuh6m_ -to, "W"'Pit of th6 17 -in the I D v e t to�.�f tile b e. or, ii S trolt T:, N6 will ooxne roin tht, Ve q�&Jl)g' Will arteb aqd Ki t'hi "S&' 'on Thurs AY s xei fl�hd'fa 'iii" ` IV, dant.'­ -IV q, d , la On ipq 6r Rtot6� Lieb - . Sol at), _fia I�U'�Iic).3 i k' 14� t6 p;1r4.1sf", fv)r Jot �ofbe U ClAughter of, M r : and �J. A ,U :peopk.a�o ex�PEAR at Wat d f,jrj n �j Og�'j _1[v '4; S't lit" dayg,, neral'W tefT P., M� oil Z 'R _M_ R01 W W d 1 the AM 12 f ku, .)v t le". 0 e re A, f I t y4i 11 n ttp�vol h6. ft� up, 'n s o m e tl i i' gy I ik 6 i rl e, 40 11 a I Per 'j,?t& elpi, arger thad . I ' IL P 1, er or�,fi:dn* �L th �ieg, are no.: i All h�4 fon, the_�,'boein -.d e7r, lot "an 5 POR AA, U, pUr _Jrl�r; lisi f. d C"O V'e straudeA for ijhe`rn'1jg`bt in a qiwters � d' .6 rbolft AM A" tft . 1 1, THE '16 &*-ay.'the i1th-e` bp: &did 14- -T& aff Mq% Nisql Myle. 6f V'n�on dRTTING At -k :M111C . enJ& at jjj�' JjMd�" W 'd t�46eLt� :bl E H6p'.)rl'of �,he 11ne, eX nee n atilf& to� H 8'are d'ertalb �Rp0km,' Miss -i�,lild -atttild. a raA6, Whicli '6� r6h1q, Y 9, coup e-9, m. es i, -tile thebest, - his _n an W tb e I f ' M �Mr��tonlse b6l(A et,i, fgrm.hou§e� st�mi6h ltr6�Q aiding The' j N - a ita Land,' Yru and Nck nie t supp s- Atu 'it, _5f(.,n e we -dt d t gi-BAjilit in". lement8i t6: 4b en ic Y" f tb t *h -y ha#t,posi ons paying w, - in b" tte &5bek f1i � � ` the PS C jul ip� CA,1 ses in- 'tl -P n, Pog�ib 6, 36.� blit of town- 0 obr4kint ,-srs tl�Lht the,po pe&tg "tot that 06"IM I d_ L 'h� It "tet" te, gC6a trop 0 ap it. W&S time th"', return, to. P ptia� They4ia thd �bolit-:'Oft'06, SW* .6 F C '-T. Ge,,,rp C� P es tir� c xeel $ $125,J pei tnofithw digIesii0t, and, ilygro lid ij, 'tomaeh, to hjtjqej�:'theL �rortjd p6S_s�,_ dig cggor ofq-& ed b] 'd' knd (,rit:� of I he' J�,Iky �Lbiti txvre�. OLIV.. e har �e aft -ed" est.f6od And-tO e tr6.o,,� in their dg'�.r j6vtrttft*fit§, I 11 "4t A Y U of I'M' With in - iijktit(k - '. cooerf it into Rh W a , Ood he��% v bu&, I th"ir 8 tw� .111a verponlin In, ihil, fal tf.- dhIlicked'i1i",tho, -pigktl ned u W A Yb hd1a, I I g -d t6 efts.§Aty 0 th tte6 int-.,' n�ij.' ei�ad, an HsLx e W" tb�,bompgtv en.senriod. gtur&.1 body te bag, 6*et nt �Ii CU "S84YO."'T .. D. Aj, 0krry 'a PA4E4e of Alt tom 11 . - I � a , , 1 11 F (I s I U.rn 11air x ill, , 0 d; BUt YOW fVvtlar]Alte)�� 11411 WA A 4.01� Wnjay, :ver e otb16,1toft A neAth,, Ze joke -h 6 bO d ­M,tN- ­", ­ - 'L. cfra;t�oist- &nd the X)LU,trp I 'jblj� f th hem e er peo�_ q�t, dX 9 -h up. And td#p 0 tb it hIMAL. h, til thfi-t �reA,t, 'Ag4 CAR' f�j,,6,vjecd fb��bag be� found 'that W'h y04' . 6 &. iralt, Ile d �bd t&v "he W& h��d ;i k1flpd it t�e ug e,% , j -not oftllr 161 ;'jLJ:Lj"& t! UUIP�tb t 14, like, inAll -A, e eM Q I v th E LJ bthet, W 1Ejb­ d but r a6d. tt%'Cltit re 't, Ctr ha,�dA un-, tb,� & 4-xt rt e. W Cl: n iu� tolir, m Thfet s t, C;mllioFn t_4�1et* tliv mPan v IiRte, 1 IAUM, the d6�d pig itf the IMd I)E4(ie PPOA� th th bm" MAYS ttf oney. it� �i - - 4bp&g, bo ce and . . r bo, 'it �of 4e, 7, A I vtft;v 0. n le d bAbow W IV .4. lk� :!L. 6 '1� 112. 6 Am= T"