The Lucknow Sentinel, 1912-03-21, Page 477 % 490, 4y, Tbursd TME Ltic"OW SIRNMIRI�,­ v., I.W% 1kA Tan 'Uty' T, v A LLWI "A6 'li'a t86Ahk" Och fq* oor*, b6' do. froutior A tu ptono. wo at one time 4, - - er vnw'U at 'B _aUd 441 timo. 9044 F044 1WO., 5 -4(1, du* t d 414ur "I of *VaTt sPe His brother R Wn. , 1. �. I .. I . �,­ .11 .1111, f�p 'ages inter on the river below \ 0 Pi �atrick' -kas' L -pn lrtii�e were , , _ao#ers '' 1 1 -, ... 66�V . 2 , - 17 -�nstq --is --ci fi- T the pre-Apat time! 7 C 91 My, bu_t .�­ V t -ii— _h(� P-, Ice -fo-1 4L-&h09VtiJu9 In. ..k �$iOthqrN of W1rghaM%..PP(,MA a -7 einli� rm"Or 1 1. , 1 .11,111,111,111, -11111 ....... ... Vent VA I . , [ ::: 1V 7, 1U. field,, was rtfu Alt tue, x 0,"411g to, their inibility to 10k Swie 06A&MOn �Wltp ",For q': ifi t U1r W Umin.. Le4w tOrT, Ine Sk r,,.c itisin m k �jr Seaforih fac q i � ­ it l'i than, we, .�alr order, 443W too oia, f 7 0 UP&M QF ''d old -7 �' 77 �q 00 Pr pany M Mar 'eq. P 7 MARCH, tfblAP '$kjr r 4:.QO" orders to' fill '5. A- t4o 4 �0.g,moq ityik R W wl;I F P, alt loo. wNp., gusl", Thq*eUAW"ft0BUerY-- ,.94 atonce. 11'aw, - . is'A at 50c, 75 *1.00.�nd 1. 0 Godorkli, bss,.��- J§6h ang 'he-, -c rho& An4�%,�h �Pmt perpird, Also �t Paine qua ities ts� 11*11 Ws_� I' t -it I I I I 09��4_ ­_ ­.. p _00 U d ro eAkew 41, of Vinbor. "U I" pp_4.�"_ 4tjjjs -Reed L46know. Wes�IIVPIOS'rl R _MnI4 i& A POSSOM g# re& V -so 4 , , 9- - are, �Lqhr.6 0 P! oque tcir Ho I .... .. _7BI a da -sad;- Mob -Pe�i Victbm. S." SPetl ng,s`_0OUj) q ")UM U. Mara U -tfuch o�7 the.;iti 4(. 'ten j0p auto "'JAW jo dtd In �.b, ­�_ . - . .,.: 'ia&r i , . I - . 11, " ; that Oiby mi uch as'turn Fergagon, Lapec �eex� ited -4 &oy,so in they -are-, thej 4eisrn, B. 4 U ItolL 77 f W64 ik� thar 1w;& to, p6, whether n _41 pbi W-, - Aekmlt ,,a CIS . ..... U Ner next. her& -- MI -1 �7 4 4. til M 1 SN il L hotel SA x ART" V qw, -,. �11 i7- 0 I blicatthepre§_ A�. XL'164q.�,, of "the im I I livery UR -aed �ti5 �,thp, �'7�77­�. _-7 wAs bw pay, 'n� -.6 dispN3 )Ay �,77­-- e" 47 h'' :T-aivi the'buain�'6 a " d, qil inery" w, Mr. -n T R -tae4: children, I'Were_ St -_3 ekh T ylbi 9 h Am ""ADA' ed-flis -,`the.'bui1* fire .,We . k W*Ao#4 V 'K , , _1 _ g I A. �1. W pn "Plat Rate W&nA& Is. ftA taI A "M 5,kl t est W _S�cenl . " .11 " �.i 'te-'s - . - W1 V 'ni Of- 7 KIM X7 kon -4 4W -P a to, 0 W-00-, -qxm� L "7 J N7 -_J J,' -�J 47-od-, _N[M f TM109. W__ e E VDIC4 waS e tA X *ud Me of VMS K 'thi&, for' tn f ne. on CODUA-4, ....... Z-4 W. `AAesar at on, IV - L ­!�P"' I rl��_­$ "4 sly I or I 7N, tis a 67% a- 7 N LIL'i M - F.N--j r r NAM did -f A wq A. � 7 A -d othe Aj er ITRTA -XT 7,_ V. Affi-_K i;;i _ba", Abi., Wrighk stsm _DBid _S7 Mani witt,the.Wtter ei _T . ....... . 7 f :Vb­ - -­- 1�� N! , , a, -do Was defiated on 7 —THE-STANDA a -A f 67 -&Rr-_ bled abo�t_:8_,6� time af Y�5­­ a Do ter, e��, around, :arrived-iA-"�dt a4d d M_ -,,returning. S60n win _f --till been'- unerous R ru 7 PUUM U '�v 'th Aln,6 th RITY, U lix-the insi Of MA�­­ 4dress i am quipluy gru Ir-111is. - _there� __T hil h D L Ve A16D 0. mere .;ct -bbe, , . � 1. xn apw, REY Ly M_ nj to to eSL -be prod !,ur c6n�istinq A P*Uiup�IR, . :E ­­­_ q, changed 166-ed.-byfl(i :iuld, all �Tbz W, 10 i6aning, W,� e 10T f wip 0 e vvqvwx y go t BfusAite 1141 9 `10, th tin;( lGodefich, A0, , _ � I I , ,, ­ ''I 'that' ia r777777777= hiid 'wheit.-_. pi rece* I av�, eubar, i ts edit bed—W. �.estejrn A di6d El 0 IS is.80. years o. IaMan' as spry, 3S MXPY vrple:: rove our indeq�en.dlmt_ 0 mot Ind 'y i6, of the_' "YeaxE.6 --�k -supoppp . 'L and4bat, on TL ili�__ TAe T rt, APB 4` his I i6tif a Ifl who e on1v Iss.: 6i'mi Cun us to 'know V _Y__,�Iar:� P7 U. W Win -tory, cards fiow W wi%= T y �G_ clu e 1rom t'e-. e A f Bell ------ .100 congrfttul� thi� week ivit `Iiiends of tite cpalpasst1le. ood on recen ese, 'ored, st �q ss In itb W in, themiHiuer D- IM n, Ins, m e, nioi FOR -10121' is lever. th w. en -w for premutoid, b, 07eata.=d y cxell7j , . y'._ of Wijigliala q e -Puwislin� , E le'.. e 0 Steiridam H wer_,curio i by' I_ M 7� us tbe-'presentation - W, f _e P --spen __73, 'e h --Of .:__7 T god hea'd6d U RADE. ALL �,kd 'h oUrelxtives molirn --the., ­real-llts I' AUAinixed-1 r Shart�.'_ M FIT& hard:ai J& f. , in - "".7 7; L f1wo. isitors Ash&1d W I 7dayti ;����ereagu t 7 -ed7bdd 7 —77—­—� U ste-­ tbe� ­ k�&­'-4­ -last 7week, tki 'U1 iVe sj.� ut F -n� t f M_r U to God 'her 'i A �re� U11 "A mo L 4�ak�s)mid- Oki: VIM �wb Vre _kg_there fim, Alibm 4 -:L-He-r7ear-1y-- baff- -7.6 T TL - 0 T M-- vloul&�iklt t�TORQ 0. -cleei)ly-regmtted,-)U-her-,husband-aud-,aU- —Gr--Ad-bfft-es—� reaffily--6btitiu si�cj� th ' ' , .1 .4 � Ir 1051 Y... prom 0 and the' aeiiLin& 'jq.. N46 t.., C 5 ypu 6 t vet 17. Z. who..knew her., aAd, re sympa y, u ffi6, tit lc gye;- ey 4 . 9 etWjj(j4 to T -he, --- -­-0iir-�,sop r6e 1--. t16- mlM -Shape vV the bereaved usban fnllj� -three - n�es IJLIU Of, lis�_6v� d �xv 8 -!,Urgip -were- nwhler ear. re 'old �Iome: bit __.­ I _1� remains, tAe' Ilege: is o�en V� last for k7 Stipip V fits ba e 7 T wing'- T 11 $tanl # monlmg -0�� 60 -$100 busy M_ GIMIF!S� you in Kincardin cemetery, jR , , ev. y UT e A, in,�nth -F�nter e� a, tpiAs-bui ding-this'summer.:11 -on strengt 4.. y T, ey 'I T YL V L6UA'_*-R`­-k�4_ 1. - Mrs. Sherman de -y` d-4 t Tt�Eiinoi�.E A -P AL.Tow-Ep— R Buckets S a [s, Etc ---- no'W-. FA ­E9'; -D e s nd lbr. -Mi6dd I Idini the, house- gy h -tile.8 ra - PzA.L,, The� r ;-,o And,'extra-,qu, of U Pand, 19, 11 Ali:kander Sig' 11"N w,_,� '11, : I __ _ . . . . 'for I 7 . �U ded A ini:446haij nx0efilig Co _X Ap -al sic A tstr 00- ot _e k� e___ I At _v�-%resu ts� -M C w. 11 _. :_ � .. ryi AM, y8r W !e e ludgme-fit-inAlb-cas6s of Brtw§64 mho 7. _M ephon t W_ e9j" An va er w en ma plyth. vs. MAW' M T' eph - -8 3tein- .2,ti";­�!� � Uut;_ yj =4= �;b t7. VeAd qu c r 7 RQr ''and"'M 'is 4L tbj ftal hflW­. u al'Bogr& 'f Mw' li,� V'TIIEM_�", 1G,B PR . T R Coppeu-] and May'S,', 1911, �m, ,to s�ndLthe�-c)rder-,6f.Jup6,.-2.0. t9ii in,th Blyth,'cak,. The mad'. Ji' _PAMSE&N-:-SAGx penietraters into 'the e. allapi cati �Toots ""r771� Of �khd.Bl�thl­ on 7777=1­�_ �of-the.-h*, _MUaic,palL _d&stroys_the_,&6ndruff L J, 14x -new life'int6 the. th Railwayand Bomd Ib haii 'd VOU s, puti _g&__M eounee on', lnlereo� ti AM-SUalnet: P s 0 1 rom W Uit'r In of- 1�us ..... . ciptoW.use' ­ the tramamigmon. 17 Gaj"Cr reng gU A:Ne �'&Mnteds it failin jj­ d, enen "a o e,-systhms 61, 461 Aikddruff, sh ItAiug % the ap h' ILU but 60 p i a, Mnnic g air ts the.X6K�Hop' P 1�;ZLU and, a �pttle -P M _ipal-System, upon., ihe_terms:� brr,-Ove at-.,,-,. en ou ;M -m- e A lodn 666 mention agream A� SUC -AW.# _g, -W 6- qU&rrW to,, ------ he r- re , r ( ' '"rema "e In'spots" OM' the-�be- --of `s- eit e �-b t, `e r b, ad ds T -in r g7v* us 'S, the size of's sAxer dollaf. "I OUB_ a -,,board mj& &id md e A 1ail It& detAa&.d� consulting P ly, -Z �.�Jppy I Aecided an 7 bm�& t6, w -Lest, cloth% thin to stwork- tT 9sl ttvLu oide. tknblw b ...'and Xunieij� &AGS�Ahd- T lluintp:, W!v Board TiM - wlit ps 133 hair eiie 7- IA -4,* W. VjL,, th F­d­b'r1 kag(_�-AkVs, , e .. (T _._,ye�,qan o, 16tttv, give e th Ul AGE t d how Su e, 1�g ii'�Cvp V cUss -and-, *0 4 OW lovely _,AU N40_ -i"- ki N 6 1 W NTT,; S_ t that" `—W-6ddijig— b Mi n 'COW �%LlebMa. eateMMt% dodge�%r Mrd et<Lr, all racei;ve t #e "me -h 18 eunyson IST� M, J T C e3r­1k;1lis_­�LWWk lts:head P�1.14 7th. of EK -L "', - .. .:­ I . 1 �; .... r . I N�ai Senf. v -r D- W, �royod� 6,be, a! Idtd- rii beiii- the I sEcoN B -*F file 0 0 s green [JeC ea­We14P1�-q%q, rn,' je�� oi&� 8001 have 6DC,� Rasqerm Ontan k i 11 n A Class iild: ess S 001s dan, 944, o 11L6 'Q"b e. L,r� �,)�dojn b h, 7 AUatr V efe d tw_ �!kr, t Dr. Bradley' indl6hu D&zj ��d- pchsoii roiiu,or M t, wce m ay en er lod 0 'A at , V% M of -j-'ed - i? I Z! , A WA he inoeting of ih�� 'A ' _:r 'H- Al" D q d BARG 'JINS' IN coli -;e, vn-.-boat "F 'iur Lo d this' lr� p bobdays� oil' kaiN" i IOP�0 A J 4TdWi6b­ jj .0:"- U -C at M W -Jttr'Who. i :stuji-r all 'at, Ilew. nten&d 90mg e4. lh�l d, P, Y( 'V�i - 11' Whi c,t t, )U' "d� km h .,the ov� A ol tler-�, 3n nar A sea. a jor the �b a 9 or 1: -ate Ing. Ir. ome peor, e tr6ato Ust r T_ 2, , E� W t_CtATS ag e I -in -.0 4 -6r,�erl5a --t,� Tff tw'] iA Irin ends Air 'Fieg W'� all A�) Fev,:. W.' EL T)rua�ear sud a. 41 95L ,� "i Ior *ire, farni 2 1 j ' V�jL'h�:thi� C61n� f6r W. . 1 1 ' ftr ' k: - 11, * -4 * , L t.., ;-_jb6h j gee�kr _6 ,_fiffed_ ''PU P'it� W en �1 reaS -�V j, n 0, ege, ire,p e,'3 t 1�e OW b 4 5` W'. b ih'� b 0 13tV -or g - L r ghi7l�. �3 Wool '* . I . h - &jjr;" here, in is a Senm griy. and th �V re9j' 'L h s�ri 6uA. a, tter 't: '-$1 pal d, ;-y Gd Chas. :We�ha :&ncy collors, rMulir er jj� L' Wii'l jj�'� amyk- Sidebt, -sev -steel, -,c t nail !�t ,d V j�rllj 6 mr. 'and Xm J3. 'ArlIbLetrong. eft S" cents An Ssek.L 10 #51D I fl�'r' on Z home ,out vOthout any s�rioiis oon,4oq*nee_� e ny size aV$ I 5 'p6e'k �3 r f S visitinit iriends in thii lodah V4 -y In IT. 'ate E*9-Ailft like t tit, te 21 &ehtl.. W fi "P .1� sale P. n boiiok�, I'aAt: att� Spending 'ibxee, Mon: 1 Or "Aid, Marqb,, l AVY Xto� �5 _on '&,Moant _6 L f th,16. ;N dn's� and B6yt'-0,0tr- ,Wedding, be are ringing '&'ud ida Isst xhail train' � did - �oie tj ringlitig, '91 Dip �j Fr go , ­ � -- P 'jeb. It you �havep, g 0 r coa a so a a e n Uto U6d '-'k--- ue& as6 IZ:LV OR suit or; yq4rZ*P you U, ll AIN Wt 11 . r" - . -6-1." 1 ur �Lle VU got. g Wng ing, �Uca e jL t V 1, iftern, Church,, ra o y ry quirs, at 'o tmetat, n.8 all �'Xed U�' h I -t v6to on -h *ing ts 'in knyw ere beefOrlt- R t)" * 'L' "b t e�eoVftgs caft Pnces. It, VS -1 11 O.U., STAATF .�dN ti of XAox , 'HjLlf gallo �a pay, Mon, ty 6 Ia J: . us at '7 5" C ts, than Our c1psses,lare a 11DT1 a M # "i 4 few 6, TJng;'�VU re. nd6bt-4. Y a, V ki .0 t& be i0,4 , , � 1. � � - 52' 0 St"' ""_-R5Z h, U lib� 58'' ILL �,911 a% Prayer and If pitit c,, j n,,j­ t e ' F I -t- � ­. '� ' : , . k rowas.. y- vening, av On favor of" j%Xjji.., . ....... I , any, t, a" -o our, gwas. Jr 6e� H� tw jk, A,*rt'h iii ti W- e 'bo 3k 4 T j, d- J. 1 d t e ft e � I on a col'. filte, oxpeli en ce. each if gai O'� the. best. This �:.'ivqdq favoi oftuion�, 6---37o Ou 1're Pir �ent�,,­ ab r9ts P"'S SA , : 4'._ em., M M_ in- I ., , , . , . r �'. - 11. 17. �7 gte 't paY.ing Ts &g&jn Mon Steele.� _4 ­" tw th MeMbAd '�nt�ert.�ine 4 fekof per mo 70er0 it vorb Thr-'ee. C) - Y T d th�& stjko AG kVV' N*dofa a4d i0k. n, Stj --T Mi , M-0 1 7 . ...... �n, dt 0 7" -7-7; 7 X jrjT -7r 7