The Lucknow Sentinel, 1912-02-22, Page 4% 111111111 ': , 111! 11 OWN A '"Worw 1PXM1RWWT 77W� MIMP 7�1 X % yo Y, 7 p� , "M =i1ir . . . . . . .77 4—T loillie MqKo�­­ gh nzie has'bou t, tile p ace s1ftoy'"011ow TV e 41LY ;,known as t. Upe , 4 Farm on. t. e 56, -j?ubht*ed1, �AVO . or IV, , -0, wit 01 77- 7 W '�b Old-, Ws X, W. AL know E -, M - OR- T f Ack fle DI. - T' 16. WA -A' f W, fr -11 tW lo*Jity.a z4d'the L UZ YVQ` ovMwanotrolf Ice t Pit ariy-r.elid:,tqA e. Pr Ae Ino U '44 ara 41,IPL 40&�; d X t-0 a' , 14i d: um tho� at ?r a t er, W pez 'Ailn 'add '-A. .... ...... aMra. 2Mra W-1 ie . ..... Per'a Rum -177' 4 , -Z were. Are -the on Y CANDIES I at meiitt - IT -y-- R in i6qes or years. AD XY. S. subfiMiptibn & cc m beein a ffi- ad, --FLOU, 7 ,Tfl�` d*- this vidnity and Other. great many from your. riequig jes. follow' ex�qtl� the skmp �i CHI J-th 'Advert Ah2. filli nu*ble to, ten No two ­mi, Ing coinp �n' isting Rnte�. -Dr....­fflIe.s., . ". . d- the ;A t niwinpi,�,.!-In-4', difforen votisgraepte:, W, -.nouponet n ,gi! rU 4 fact, i --no-, two- sertiog e pe it he beaten. h0y­ a Ve eht y� Huejor first--Liim' r4lno fOi� M t rq4the c 911 -�rqrld are iii the. exadly vXike Tn,( Awch Ve fouli ­Me6arsii- Dohil MA -1 t and% cl n yro ihar.will git6s�quiput iniefti0fi thing I ha ' , ?� 't 11, " LVQ7"-= eno** "reRevQ. F�-r, tu ro �9 -e , K a' "', f� I everytAM91- A logo row, �.L --angaido- to, MI 60ntitins both, ------ ;�Oon, �A and ��et tbL lie F fRffluv - ftexu , Men -ir ',M'U,e ana pa Ay, k ::-0`- �U Dy "nor later, mom, -,hozii,"-­ f t6t­gpendiifg-,� Th A DT,. �'.ph, 06t n,:, 3�4,-p mp w, York Stat X CfiAXLiS..'HILDkk RAN ;friends �in Gue' and Apple i�xdud, b, , :, grd- ed' v&ch hitend Box'20 L BOX OF, E AN, isan.ALL'1UGH-GRADE.hi4,' 00�­-- upuTy larg� il �t,� friends, .--add- r of, ;6ii 2' td %th -,TAU�LSDAY` in� J4 i - V�- I L . 22 -1 equain Zittended-iihe­juner MIM t aye, ti P te -t -latejohw�qiab 4, r vaiii—wh ---not i do. b p - � I Y * 1, : " 111, � � �,,i — - - , ­ , t - ­* � � 'Ro.iI&Y �i, er; Mon 'h 7� d ­ Ang ­ o T, los qxpaq, Is! Into mom 6 y Alan ",a h -HOW Pgrests M rain P R11 h- :i�ori,j6ur ntio,bat0b of !the' batt e 7y, d pjll� fit q u OUR, y �911.' Bind �exigt e ..,;How c enco orests r" -it V67 coi&14 I . 1, . . I I. 77::�; - M I : �iifei 'how".,stilbboin .6:con ffi - 1, 'il''. ". � , -, , .1 y 0a": 1� %� - . , , - ht i;,)Fqb. . Arl affeet� M 4h Ru-, ou S rif oro Is. vit iting TEW-B terv*�, hvktreww*f� z�� M, lu�questio��2! To a swex stan on-; Ich.1 y: ed isrn -cu —5, Till 1 Mhe­chi reg,exteh the 0Ug--,A­. ' ' - an& d�n d­lOrl . . tic 44- -One, -best-kin John McNay of Egniond 4L rplants watm,, -of, thaii 11 d, "the fitost paCkRQe'ii1aI16':t0.bona�,- your d h IN a iati -W, t) 71 'ter Mi ----.E MOr oh- 9. dV-Gil w� -forLe 7, P*tepa, �pru -her -­m6th I d- d TIA to f, ery t PA r4n.,fro. ­2j­­to�& t�­ I . -i -T a -ti --. 44�es,� 4 -UP th'- In aesw -.7: i 7,7 inches: deep of the, soiL T F"�-A :4 ij' �wk M1, 'a ra; V, 7 at% 4 Uz A1t�7WJ60kz"'1Ayijfg--7"- 06T-411 D. R, 11. lhiwweortithe.: e Wden'ce;�­ -777 ot 11,� 12 ��@ u m a rh Ahe­i�6.0- -ofthb�'-plants­th Leasder­jt-i u j#, Rdnt a qthe' water H for:the pkt' t UJ�i" Usf U, --An i gro -in-d-jthb --cr(-, wl jjr p inj llp�m ­ ... 1 4: WDRY. -- - w e a" �oii*i J*cenmmb@�-tio "Usic, er'; runA ining-'99-' t�-' More breaiva r '"d" `:­��:': 6bta per NW� 'kW Un' n %1' be 4toe -voil' how wa VOLs;;­RL� *eit,l& di e., -L"eng-Cool �Ot­:..W -theJo, J order: ­%to rediicel some ines','' fori� if mue w9 iW,:mpreAQ-0 ter i th can 41 ter, M 0 water _M K` ii��6 p� _iss- I. ie Pon ­ 11C --commeao� 01177 ests hot'-d-t&-�'diys erar. .9 ro e near [d,.ij[kor6L fiptritiou 'th'_ b djn4d f 01 e- r(=--su -a. L" �:.. n ell C 00 . L '61 -fr- , , I j1des t is M in sum -theii weather !at a its Lway th' ouLr s�: e We L ]JIG mu- tb ruer Jljjrjd'L wan 7 e. to ­ I : ., L, , " I are. n June, *eatfi P RR, P. R. M�N Q RPM av *M�s fil S �the --v. - ' oi �7 d­ pie-ciust it fiff-1he"'light, de1icife.6kdL?1L ;.an .ao the plants *ill 1ind quafte'r of, Northern Farin Build- -�nol-ZiWev—arsnjp at week as ew ays )a Pak ugs, aupt-L-PwA-ff 'hg­4t-.Firna& es, itute mee ri, 4,E�WaM- nff- e to etr lecturi prert Out. 4,isc M 4, Vou'save, your large. fuel bill In order to keep up theUvel of. the 'C' ay'! Is an' Up-jOL-date ings., r ..--.You.do noO IiV try'j Ib�r'td wiiat, be t6win- th " ty in this makingi,pas plr��-te mork,411-guni suminpri' ere. iryii�ah,/an is an au ori MeM, streams inthe 'du' _thafi �r�qjjjje& �,VAffi. ­ Aerr yQurL "6­st6ek.­ Heifing­&6 Skatei --Sti sh6rtenjj*L: -the head- I t,, L, , h CEOPPL_ _Year jMore n Ck a constant flow of water froin -&-'It-gro- round: -Three- -.i6pQrtaAt:­br& c Ure.­­' aa-­�-- wa -that;--whers- ts., 3& ters.' It is well' kn6*ii �4CCIUIM Alit 1 ordinaiy --or­oq.-.ae.eount0-A �.e Ckd�& -,in 3theiyeai f n k;ross, Ot M. 'Ofesi&l��ie -enraw Y, `-,'th e�DW-ater- -7 ------ f tr�ngtb PURIT- FLC ih urnis L�Fal es a bilk Arbor a e jh­ fjoniLthe mehing.of z e snow in. a ri 9 Wh for I P. II the rest,of the continent is in the, M orte"Ing _0 ' t:_ potjj��ajj tS L pwo* away _of promjXeCj,L�,t6 eve� 'LL.. I s -ft winter. and. the iain of other scoon- atfdF %'L P PPP" 'Y rapidly, often .0naing dams oods. Splende vFar e P. arand r we Y u6s s s ightly more' ge'by fl 8. -i t Regul ro d. P kg ii�'bULUUIV177' LA -Ghiffi�= i R T dt; 177, rjfl�-­ r in," btaine-d visit$ t-�, tr6 tj alMOSL Vy. jo. �P",r - ' :: L Ini yoti'lf it!s-­worth�,more-m arn. a-- L -t "' ­ ; " . ---Cures� rheu ffere hoWever, is oUa liful eliii;aie - , I , . I 'r. , I fi Mealt, 1. 'in The soil in the forest, tubefealosis. . �` - " -, �, " �0­ ­­­- .. : . .�, 6fth,68e art lvpro V.,: uture. a than the nee. � , , �§F Anyonf.,, 6edin, n tism and oi1gy-_ at re ------- .......... . n u.''.4nd,soaks oater.[�Li­ 'All eL to �ed I A MR& out., and c. nvince. Ad rf gr'OMFT" P L, We haye__ oft'a Rdilway St gradually ajad fu­rip'�shih �a even withit :1 to IS Im"ance, ire t r 7 e- O�Mm ftieffli -cc So n Xf T'dre her-4he­.­r­. '11teratur 1i Thi -,W e;- 1 e, in n qk Rntae& For Fr maintained, a lie th6le*el of,. the water . .. ... LL t j6" on e orn Ad d. W� ­., r I an the easier the, p -11nd it to); -917.ow­.�- j t --is- or -reasons oiatline"d that itr i farm'r. TLOWD) LONIZATION 'F th 000eft P I ­ :� r:, - ., . . -- 4 so' important to F 0 D e Be _Lj,. L in --ft -Nor W W,�S t: the,: Dominion -fore Quert -Luckhb ''Remerabei t e ace th�� LVq say h _The... -r The eserve 'shonWbv,,niiifi� Air ountain; -th R pq�-,rts rye U6 7- T E,'arL6;6e aln 7 serves the,farb�brs c 'G �e e hhpm6lbl*� t*, Viat ar e a. floAner Van the: idlng �Iid �Dudk Real Egt�i6�, nd"M60 Ut ones., Sblf.:. For N16untainL reserves farma of 0 WE i- -T f �­IAS-tkftcej 0,11 r--chm-4, lv rtleXofin ain­reserve�a­ er� -tiint,004irst and' -E 4-1 Ijji� -b& n ooa� mo;r gagesi., 4 erty''and on 140� estee'M. YOU. 0 r, on �,'f 85uthwestern Ma'it It 14 fift-i ­, j , ' hold�' f4rin pz,6It �j d. 004EIdInt A VW- 61, mill Its 1 nob our. U an" KIM ea. Y L gerVie L th or -th( ar 10 ; , z ��7­ F t M-, d 'F�t or LL goi.� -Yi0- 7 0 -e' JL Iie age inerton is 11 t6urid'Trip . Tourist �,Tieket&�' no'#, on can sugges -ae- a 1�j ' � L, I r --In I d week. ea in I rhe' London_ MUtual �tjjjj g Canadian companies; the:'Aioe Of ..In r Also Real P S& 6 -to, all Piin W* te 'Shipments of irihrin :a I he Aisttict' 'maiater visited" the, ;% Resorts"inchiding, $State Of . every Aesciipfiqu bought' prilig, GOO`di.a�e, pd, ugo.- here thi's--W-edk.- (pon , Ot: -c unii 1"r. d Ced e4t9W" dt' lowest rdt69.--1-" ­� , , :, �:` , .!�e O.Ii- --- --, ing-,sea,90n- Ljl j T 'f -Toronto n an In iss argare . ennysoft, 0 -W '�YOU --d-a-c-q- mit �&XNZ ap e,goo ­�- :- L ­ �7­ in M an P �F ewe 41L U" WV --Aid nim -oxir may. -be lhterestdd, hi I exi 4�6.- - -Ein em.? Th( old -tir�&Ltea� which was Tfi -tive- qut� to A. HF.W, s ow -no Actvance j�, th -,6., ON C �"D h e Aittrac st ye4 held .'in, St, 'John's Church Ciii *6an6s- In.1b 'i "I'day evening W.Aa,'Iarge y attended 'beautiful Patte DE N TTS 4, 1 9 'L ­ -7,: : We show 6�door, riisA E deties, 1 reppipts. over fo. Otinte ..'to Wedern.:'... C�nada, am ro �d C --is d t '7�W ­ * , ' ' , r �-'t hite-Are 'a leagoi ataterig.la j civow1j, jud so i n 4 5, Chi 4hi�h lasted till 1�:16 the is vi E�rnishid., al' 16. *ldth-�--. —w y, I ....... ..... the -of -It -4, 4, ment is re,.,wj v ti, 113 V 011�, ate' at: r4uie' issr i Rv., 8w6*Aiii M 8 ''MiSS C.' a en- MJI�. , � L g''tjon.'L OFPM. Nevrl� Our CE ' lil-In .request 'from. art 411.1'' beeLb. Iss taking ch t eCLentralCon 6"'' sk i bli., h imiitee'i of the, VS' arp 0'Tbroiito' V g. icu f ­'­­­ � , HL� "'i" - "' 0 -yi* pattern� -4nd-,,.sel Ciing� hq� M Ion c pp, -ser ree 05 nd,4-, im, anin t.hodi4t 'P d, vic� of the th' g,�f r , a -y6 U ri Can, MAR -11 PC -Me r,68bi �;, - i`7� I I... . - -'' '.' --S ' '', ", C .. .... Was ­ V Aj6it n '71 6LI 0 Ab i. * 311 U -51, 'held An.` th& �ektn U M bepo kkRILISTEU,. CiTolk" 6".EvAgetIt arc4: vil age at L the . ..... . Kinear'dine and Luaknow. Ai :Lu6k-�� this h ugii4l hour:oi seven �Ofl 0'ejoek']? 'j`0tLSUjjdjj' At novi _V. an" veiy-. Vneiiday.: A)WL Pff� ae 0 ovidefi(,, that,,, the --d our., i �-Yvas one is 0 06iineotion with' ooave�inoi 'Ut�kLhiiF�h,as well h di-t�- UT Wj4*, 0a 6__e e 1at �t e -gi-gathering and,� the, 'horses The' Homi) Marohants inerit your, Ila, "R CT Agnevir �'v er -o r--e-e-7aJr­g6 "s"h6das 6ul be OU7 TV h ntI taxed utjjjogt� toL L. Ao by, Mt. Jaidp to "the, leL 'Q dal Reat iapervisioi- bdlAikecti" CON , .......... .. 3rt, 1hey riwo, tfio�, mainitays, of DO &Ud;,TVQ&ve ban( t e fo Tully 500 -peop leCj:an&enjoy IRPPP. 1. - I sUran Agoidei" vo,oa will,se cheap; the'veryable iddresses L ClefiVered by h, 119M le . Me ..the couj�unhjty.L And an �you ae 'Waker. Vfit, re, L 1886er- d tW.ewt er ee istirp� The ----1- 11 --.1---- '. ­ I �:� : the­'­ihi ' -- ­ bay -of rit 1-IOxf6rd: Oikj'. 14 in PMU -.'GIki7s--aa IV 0 ch. pot W . et or S10'.50,� Addie4a'was given�, by to� L'OSA6 M L i4rathoL at honIntercess-, Oak 1,5 incb.'pet with f or' .50.1 L iiieson, Knox charp 'the second 'address by the Rev. W. E, a p.o� Y�i4 j6e, er $11.00 Methodist ..... .. in Wrling, .-Ch: -ic SOCIETIES u lt�� on $9 '6,�o L. I Itex0ak'1416ch�. t with t feedek and' Thanksigivigg;- and. 'the thii� -XNOW­I-,oiaqi �V i"Up on, :thQ 0. can, Churel W 11 great 4i ery Friday, eveni con hij mi7a6ek a 6. i� oil( s 2� Meets -topids were "0 ol� . , , These ni6st ably SETTUID"'. n� 4_ xford 6ak-$6 00 dealt �vith:and bcadtifully.illustrat�d. at 8 O!Cloick in their, 11, �b�ll St. n1`TC6rd* Lft fnv�i is, All bretbie glightly, ma6.d,:$I0.00 By int6rcepslon t e is, CIF ia y ed: gpiritu a,:, life 'ituat'L tiog 'N -Spin 1"ife-b 466 -Wed, -Neble ran d,,L .-TRA-1 A J Viee Gr�nd­--4-r-G,. Smerm leads, to -Aise and Thaiiksgi 1bg Fin �Se 'b, P ' IT, C,Y" . ATURSO �tb­ JIM& a Au a PL 74 � I I TO & Ree., Sec'�.-A. .14, 136YD (if' 'Prayer, Pr agivin� A, 'Ross'. MA N I B illustrate -'J&L worldi -great, � nee ur r liwi or - kise,' And - Thank 6 --spiritual- -thab, e'tjU -in-o zt,� ­,"''. ­­­ tolet. -LUCkXOW-,, 40,1501C, -7 W. -,7-609 ------- e ary Cause the great, iiiisgion of Christ S A SAI T. C 0 Independent Oidpr big., rkeduat P WA ME 7 b6th---at- home-- and--abioad--rec' ive,'-th nix of donsiderAtion, jgh earnbAt and, prayerful urs!g ilie-.0ilffelipws" Hall �ori T LOW OL R;,A` Ahe last ue of till Chriatiaii , people. The' cho' ONIST Ul of each mouth at, 7.30, of,,thethree den6mipatiotis United it dea tt�vdi e musim � P' musle- ' Vh' 1� Q'ddck.� V.W,Ujig bre- th I art" 6f"kthe.- A&Vice thkin are cordiall y th ,a, � E U" luvii�d td,atteiid� r e5, ive, unt6 the Lord" S les, k"a d I ren iy, s a. ,,,tiot, ' H.J. see That.'s Creaiii of WeL ;-IT I th 0a 00 th :of A A$' we do, no ' t Vishto Ca&YL age S fal jjal at L foU'L'� -L 0 t �a L, I)�b - Bei . t - . ­ 11 � -1 i) 111-L ;, rvie �o see a, co gregqL ion� *11'"Wa sell the balah'te, �b r st c �a f 660, T11we Fiour k 90 W U people gathered togethdr,� 'addressed,, Each TU66At A" o. tj ,.�Q. U/i - 14tcxmo�, Daily 'b 9Abir`qithiit'- 0 If 1�wi: lk,* I hat-'Creiin of f o U MR A -Mir -ihr"Xh� 71 in OMM114* w ICe,c R,ng� YL� Y�Afl the' "TIMM C �OS S, crinapinng 'Har possib ancial ecky/—D 't Recording be co iti - es to' enjoy� 6ft-414 Tr I C,y-­Gn&- POTTM, AVe a - AL�, s11 " -h AICJNTO�;, S�, Ut 'a XC -=Master-j b4 ��h �jitti=e�10ix P oam full St WS W � 1. .,� .1, ". tmteg tL e ilitieai of C61on'14SI �Cai Fin 4, 1," ir t,'� � , ., :. , , rn�tn .0 for e a C r. TreAsurer.-A 1169s. -3 tis An fts " , . niore. reib e .. ..... . . .... . . .. . .. ....... ii� '�o-opciad6n. ou onto to 'd to fo i*h* aeg`me an f urtlmr, hi the WorR ofthe Christian'C irch bj.a 11 10, Ch i C am . , : IP( an G R e ,F. A. eAt ' 1� �, A C, gadi� r t9 hui 'd fV hai 0: vent tor coto ik _&i, b�f T6 'full WOM e r -Ien; Inn... . .. ..... h qua C wo il C1 KT& 0. -161-ir 01" fit *iffkiVe'�Oti C 0 R*- 1 t Cr wi L '7; be� Ir rura i se. -a ko'bung, ja and-,old.,ild oro Zffiant�,� POO 1 77f every �titild` 1, " KN W, AI J 6 % % t Zak . N