Huron Signal, 1860-10-24, Page 2- . __ - I - , . ­ - ____ - � __ . � I - .� I . . . - I - � I � I 1. . - . . . _ � � - ,� _ - �­, , I 1-1 - - I - � __ I - - , , " ". I . � I I 1; - I - . - � .I... � .... I ., ­ . - I . - - . .. - I I � '4 , , , . . , , z. . �� " -, .__ ____ - - - - ___ - - ____ - -, --- ____ ___ - - - - __ - - - - � - . - - ___ - ------- - _ ­­ - _. - ___ ___ I - - - - - - - - -- -- - - - --- -!!- _! , _�`!_ 700!!! 1- ___ - .. , - - ­.­ .." ..., � -, ,", ., , . � . I - ___ ______ ______ _____ � - - . ------. --,------ - __ __ - __ - - - �- - - . I *L 7. _* -----.--- ____ __ - - ___ - _. , - - - - � __ __ - - .- ___ ------- - - . at e ne ther seeks nor wishes to be ro consicu�rations and try to pick up half a dozen 1. U:7 -We hare also to notice the Ploughing- I.-emarks of The very Cheapt. y =. 0 Mr Gibbons. If any parties wan- tion of his fiendish purpose, he scrambled to above as a goodly battalion. 'I went outsid - 'honored, we ask, ll,ts any other man a rioht liberal ideas. Consider that the prizes, if ' Match of the Stanley Branch Society, which I te�d board sidewalks they should make them I 0 , the roof of the shanty, and tried to throw off and measured with my eve,' said Geller , In order t i secure a Nvider eircul,itio,i in 'to subject him to this ano,nymous and unmeri selves. (Hear, bear) Every part of Scott, -the height of tl;e floor from th 7 � J apeting for, must necessarily, tall takes place on the farm of John Davidson, I the trouahs a task which - requited more - worth con t em I the Town2 however had a alit to have side- 0 ' t'ie United Gouaties, for the Signal; and I for i ted persecution ? Every man has his ene- to the lot of. a I y ri . I ground, and saw at once I was, beyond reac - small minority, and to be use- Esq., on the 'I B,ibylon Line," on Thursday walksl when it was commene" muscle than he could commandy as thq were the principles which it advocates, the sub- I mies, more or less) and if every one who can ful � ed. St. Andrew's by about two inches, of t6 tallest rattl , must be awarded only, to superior merit. the 25th inst. (To -morrow). Also, -,,, ----- bad no sidewalks at all, and the little'piece green and heavy. The poor woman 'was ter- I snake ever known. I knew as a boy fro scription price, ji-om and* after THIS date, write a paragraph for a newspaper, is suffered If ev_�ry man possessed aninials or articles experiments, that the rattlesnakes neve I 0 , Subscription Matchi to take place on the i they now askel mi,yht have been given with rified beyond description. -To Scream was 0 , . : . witl be' Only ONE D(n,L.ka AND FIFTY CENTS A I to propose his candidate anonymously, and all worthy of prizes -there would be no room for I fairn ot Alexander Annalid, Esq., Colborne) ' better grace- 0 1 'hill . half a Jumped or darted. Ile stood up as far as b ' � Mr Gibbou3-We want to give you alasting , Vail], for thero was not a house wit could reach only and then bit, I returne YE.jLR I And to brim, it within the reach of are suffered to analyse and criticise ther fitness comr�etition, an&not utility in giving prizes. on Tuesday the 6th Novemler. nille ; defend herself she could no� aiad rat1ler o ' 0 " - - - . one I I and told the officers that I intended, neve allb we will; ill future, accept of 4a�fyearly. or unfitness of that candidate, it is not unlike- Nevertheless, were it possible to obtain a I Mr Watson -We will be willing to accept than reliliquish she would. have died. He theless, to -sleep on the floor and pronoun subscribers at SIM­�TY-FIVB CENTS FOR six ly thatY in these dayz of pol&eal s . cribbling la::�--We beg to call particular attention to 0 , 2 a; concentrated -view of the benefits wbich 0 ' the gravel, if You will now commence a sys- came down from the "house top,41 swearing dd in safe. But they left me alone in m d 01, the Auction Sale of Park Lots in our adver- tem of'su * 0 glory, with my martial - M-O',TILS I It. is . to be distinctly understood the same man who proposed the caudidate in A ' griculture has receive fr i the emulation I ell sidewalks. for, in my opinion they Violently that if she did not admit him he 8 cloak aromid me 6 tisina* columns i and we would at, tk' same are likely to be of wreat advantaure to Goder- a temporary Sir John Moore�while the that these prices in every instance, mean 4he Signal of this week, would' be the man and competition called forth by these Socie- time o remark that the property is one of the ich. � 0 0 would break the door to shivers, but if she camped outside. Indeed, I rather erijoye to object to him: in the Signal of next week. ties, it would be cheerfull acknowledged would allow him to light his pipe be would CASH PAYMENTS STUICTLY IN ADVANCE, and He had Y C . most eli,ible in this neighborhood ; we would Mr Runciman-The Sheriff has moved the o the discoi;ifiture of the snalces as tliey ra the credit price is also reduced to two Dollars , perhaps, sonic spleen to wratify, and that "hey are entitled to the support arid e 0 a Bank to the far end of the Town and now depart peacably. Not knowina what to do, tled around me to sleep ai-d- vainly tried t I . 0 1 n ' P ' the cloak and the Editor's indul,yence would also correct an error which occurs in the ad- wants a sidewalk to it ;-alll very well it we she opened the door, when he entered and reach the holes in the floor. it year, or one Dollar Jor six months !- 11:3 coura-ement of every man who is dependent ) 0 vertisement, ill regard to the iliterest on the had the money ! Ile should have rather 4 �_ - Lo oking at tile s i ze of the Signal i n co' in par- give him an excellent opportunity for doing on Agriculture, whether farmer or not farmer . tried to lay hold of her ; but she rushed out 0 0 . 0 . . '�' . -upaid capital -the rate required baing only g , Bank up to the business part of . . , ison with country papers. generallyi and con-- so. Indeed, were we to pull the cloak from ,The efforts of the Hi rlilan& Agricultural n 0 brought th � of the house and the ziight being e.ttremely The ffile for Sale M Naples. o, 0 the Town. (Hear, hear, and lau,rliter.) . 1 6 per cent instead of 10. o - - W � I.: siderin', thii reductio,'i of price, it must be re- the shoulders -of "Huron" an(] then, mention 'Association is said to have advanced the Arts Mr A. S,i.Rh-There is a very dark, he lost si,rht of her in the pursuit. She :� - - - � passable o garded as the cheapest weekly newspaper the cairdid'hte Ile is so- :-,ealous�to introduce, it of farmin,, and stonk-breedino, a fall centur , C�'j- We would direct attention to the coin- sidewalk there already -(hear, Ilear,)-and then i use The Naples correspondent of the Londo I 0 0 Y nade her way to the nearest ho I published west of ILmilton, and! nearly one- would be difficult to, convince many. of his and through. the agency of other Societies I cannot see that there'is any �eccssity for a Tintes, under date of Sept. 36 says .-. , friends, that he had any better motive than , 13 inunication. of Mr. W. Wilson, Sec'y of the new one at all. . I gave the alarm, and remained secute for the 2 . half cheapepr than -any other published in. .these benefits have been extended over the Hay Branch Ag. Society. xemain&,r of the night. Next mornino- a these counties, And havin,, to secure the cl:-ance of having "a flino-77 . . n The vote was then taken on Mr. Runci 0 0 The greatest wonder of the day, and th mencement 01'since its Cora- ' .0 . at civilisedw-orld- And if our own local socie- inan2s inotion when it was dechred car- warrant was issued for the villain's apprehen. fact which inspires the greatest hope for th , been the Cbunty, N,ewspaper, that catidi&te. On'- opinion� of "Huron's" ties have not beem productive of the advan. C:�pTHE S-'O--NSoF T_EmPE_`4­s_N_c_E­wilI hold a 2 sion. Constable Reid has been on the chase futureof this couutry is that the Bible an that is� the rnedinal.through which thi- official. favorito, were briefly but plainly stated oil a tages expected, the f�ult must be our own- Public meeting in their Hall, on Monday ri3d. . 0 ' but has not yet succeeded. We the New Testament were exposed forsiale i I 0 fo-mer occasion and are not chan-ed, and the blame, in fact, 07 0 5- K ever since, information appertaining to the county is com- ' _' rests on that large class Evepin'r the 29th inst., at 71 o'clock. An - . A STOVE FOR THE MAR ET-HO,1SE. hope the villain maybe apprehended and re- the Toledo Square; yesterday. I have neve 'D should the Conven ion which is -not, e . samicated, we wish to ind,tice-the rate -payers ; likely,,� iii- , who stand aloof froni the Societies. on the I' Essay will be read and ail Address dolivered. seen them before;1hough t'ey may hai o b�i � . . Mi ceive the rewt rd he so richly deserves. ' , ) c'ude him in. their list of candidat", we- *ill . . I : The Market Committee reported reco ; ' Altaission free. lying there for some days; �ut let the 25th o ,generally, to subscribe -for it, as, every man oi ' . pretence of not -ettiD(I "fair pla.y.1, If this : M hiding the purchase of a stove for the Mar- it may be mentioned that Mr. F. and wlfe 0 . .40001, 1 - are Scotch, the beastly assailant being an Sept., 1860, "be written in red letters in th them.should be�llposted up" in the business feel bound to object:. and as we can -not have multitude could Ze made to understand that, . � kat House capable of taking in a four foot 0 . I orthe counties.- We mknowiedo,e that the the benefit of the cloak, we decline to place without their consen; they have to contribute I 0:�- See W. C. Pridliam's mammoth adTer- , 0 Irishman and a papist. historyof the Two Sicilies as the day,whe lo ourselves in a disagreeable aWtude till after annually to the suppo'rt of these Societies -if t1seinent, J stick, and that $21 be advanced f or that pur- Agigpud bas.all alon- been su'ported with a Con. the true lio,ht of fi-ecdom. was skA in thi �n P pose. a � � P 0 -esent size, it 0 0 country-Diodatils Bibles - selling in th good circulation, but at ils p) the proposal, emanatincr from a legitimate they could.be made to comprehend that the � . # , The report was adopted. . : . " Ploughin(r Matt& " cannot be publishe 1 at seven shillings and source7 shall compel us to do -so; meantime Annual Government Grant, which is the ill 1111 I r i P a I # . 'The name of Mr Watson was placed on the �n streets of Naples 11. Who could ever believ - . . is taken from the Public - e& I - I it ? They were English editionsi and in th sixpence a yearexcept with loss, or except we refer "Huron" t6 our remarks in refe,_ mam-spring of them, �Finance Coin., and that of A,lr A. Smith on . 'he Plouc,hin(y Match of the Hay Btanch 0 - -_ with a very large circulation, and hence we -ence to his former communication. Fu -.ids a fair proportion of which comes out . I a 0 C3 duodecimo form and were a marvellous sigh 1. I 0 1 1 he Marliet Cora. in lieu of Mr. Kay, re' A,ricultural Society will take place on Wed- for the-Neapolit I ans, for I have no hesitat7o expect, throu ,-h this reduction to obtain five � We think it will appear reasonable' PROCEEDINGS OF THE GODERICH *t ) I'D to every o C their pockets, they would. perhaps feel a ,siuned. 0 . orsix hundred 'additional subscribers. 1 intelligent man, that the ri,,Iit of proposin,, little more interested. in. the mana- TOWN COUNCIL. A 0 nesday the 31st inst., oil the farm of Mr. in saying that not one man in a thousand ha ,:) .,ement.-- I 0 ?7 D . On m otion of Mr A. Smith the Board ad- William Cooper, First Concession, Tucker- ever Seen a Bible -vast numbers could no - :candidates belongs to the electoral body, or And were they. to pluck up a spirit and resolve (Reportedfor the Huron Signal) , . I . __ ___ o I ,journed for two weeks, after a commendably Smith, I 110' have read it, thouah the kino-dom is teemin " Parties duly authorised by it; and it will seem to take 11 fair play," and determine to excel 11short sittina of about -one hour. I London road when the followi . 0 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS T111S equally plain that, if. anonymous proposals Squire This and Mr. 7"Itat in the competition Goderich, Friday Evening, ? - 0 prizes will be awarded, viz: with priestsy who'a'ssume to be the liahts o . I I a __�_ 0 WEEK. are allowed, a majority of them, and a still for prizes, nothing else is required to render Oct. 19 1 1860. ) r_,g-Read W. -C. Pridbani's mammoth ad- FIRST CLASS. � , � . . 0 I 7he Council met this evenin(-, pursuant 'o : vertisement. IRON PLOUGHS. I(MEN.) the world. ­_ ­­­ . greater proportion of t&e criticisms, will come the Societies productive of all the good that adjournment. 0 Ist prize, $4 i 2nd prize, $3 i 3rd prize, $2; . Worth Xriowhig.-W C Pridham 'from outside the electors, perhaps, beyond. their projectors contemplated� - xmw�. " . - AN EARTHQUAKE. Life As,ociation of Scotland the limits of the cor)stituency altogether, and The next class to be spoken to is the Present -His Worship, THE MATOR, )TO- 4th prize, $1. Sheriff 's Sale of Lauds', o . . 'certai ily, from parties utterly irresponsible. Messrs. 77tis and Tlt4t- the few enterprising do do a siding; the Reeve, and Councillors Wat,on, r SECOND CLASS. Tebgraphic accounts from Montreal an Perria's French Fables Indeed, were every one allowed to propose a men who, as a general rule, direct the affairs A. Sinith) W. G. Smith, Wallace, McGardy, Q, Or"Sp 011 b ell ric. WCODEN PLOUGHS. (MEN.) Maino state that shocks of an earthquak 0 Offices to Lot candidate, and all others allowed to m. ake ol - ef the Society and take all the prizes. Gen- Stewart Runcituall and Rumbail. -- Ist prize, $4 i 2nd prize, $3 i 3rd prize, $�; havebeen felt at both places. At Saco Cotta,,-, Wanted. 0 jectiong, and criticise, and find fault, without tlemen, you are aware that you are looked The In'inutes of last meeting were read and � GODERICIII 13th.O� t. 1860. 4th prize, $I. aboit 14 miles from Portland the shook i M-Mcetin i, of Toaahers� 0 C I ' givin- their names, it would be impossible to on with suspicion -you know that jealousies adopted- To the Editor of the Signal. BOYS' PRIZES. statel to have been severe, rockina, the build Divisioil Courts o 1 calculate the number o� ill-natured critic�, . 0 Pa --0`4- -_Nrbtice-.1fcPher-=- & Ure . __ or a�e cheryhed . towards you, ,,,and while you .- After the transaction of' a little relief busi- (Under 20 years of age.) ina ,'ringing the bells, and accompanied 'by - - . ` ,F_ . Dear Sir, . 0 os , 1) 0 Nbtes' , L�mt-A Ciintelion ' the extent to which fbts'anon�+,Ius dissection feel conscious that you arejustly deserving, of hessl"'Ine' tl�e reading of Ist prize, a plou,,b, presented by Messrs. k,ad-_-*,ort. At, Montreal, the sensation . , - - .--- of character would be carried co, 0 In your issue of the 3�d instant, you I 0 , . __ � . - Half the the prizes, would you not be gainers by, sacri- ) PETITIONSY &C. call particular attention to the Schedule of Brabason & Verity, of Fraucistown-tbe were less severe. scribblin-, talents in the world are good for ficin -r a little of your right incorder to concil- Account of T. Weatherald for services as Convictions therein published, and in your . winner to pay $3 to the Treasurer of the 0 nothim, 0 7 Society; 2nd prize, $3 ; 3rd prize, $2 ; ith _*40-0- . except snarling and fludin-, fault, iate these . prejudices ? Admitting for in- Eno,ineer, $41. comments upon the same very justly observe I -0 . 0 0 ) . R 'BI I RA D �4 i 'lull I - 9 N Ad It anol traducino- other men"s character, whether sta ice that you have the best cows, the best I prize, $1.5 0 i 5th pi ize, $I- Wooden or Iron .,;, Animal Food." 0 ) Street Inspector, $18.98. that the Counties are larger than eight of - public or private. Scandal, orfoult-findinwis hor-3es, best pigg or best sheep, and that Thomas McQueenl Printino,l &c.; V6. some other Counties, and by that C) ac- plouahs, The furrow in all cases to be six 0 a 0 means 0 inches in depth. The health of an a,rricultural lhborer in on their peculiar hobby arid where they can in., therefore you are justly'entitled to the first The above accounts were referred tothe F. count for the very lono, list of Convictions.- 1� . (34 (> I )� E� - R I 01 I I G - W. dulue it under the cioak, there i nothing too pizes would it not be desirable -would it Committee. 0 . of the rural districts in the East Ridincr bav This competition is open to all residing in . 0 0 1 However, when the Counties were young and 0 - WEDNESDAY, OCY. 2,11 186O.. gross for them. They feel ,�refreshed in nit be for the benefit of the Society generally, . -luron County. Men -who are not members "' somewhat declined, lie called in a medi . ____ ___ , Petition from Mrs Quick, praying to be re- contained but a small population in co "' I 0 ___ - a inpari- . ____ rakin, up the errors of the past, �nd in expos- that you should, occasionally, leave these lieved of taxation to the amount of $'-she son with other and older Counti of the Society, and boys, whose parents or . 0 1 es in the Pro- ical man who at once put him on low diet. - U in- the blemishes of human na�ure, and no bests at home and allow the prizes to be o,iv- vince we always? unfortunately exhibited a guardians are not members (competitors in After a few visits the doctor found his patien C:J�- Copies of this week's paper call be had " 0 not being in a position to pay the'sarrit. ; I man is too -ood or too innocent to he passed' ell to other parties? -We take it for granted . c' .. much Ionger Schedule than, I believel this match) are 1 required to pay $1 before so far improved as to warrant his tahin at the office of publication. Price 2d. " a , This with several other letters of a smilar any � " that, in supportin the Society, you are actu- Same time did, notwithstan 0 . 0 - ?hP number, Ir S I by without ffettih(r a "rap I . 0 ; was referred to the Court of startino,. . 0 'D i . - nature others at the * �omethino, more substantial, and he accord I : 114011y ordered him a little animal food once o -- --------------------------------------------------------- who tried to get ai anonymous ated by worthier motives than the prizes, and I we at the same time were invariably compI7 The sons and hired servants of members � for instance Revis- din,r I 0 I f ion. I- I twice a day. The wife said nothing,; but n ,snarl at Mr. Gibbons was really mortifyino, j if you continue to take them year after year mented by the Judges of Assize on the very entitled to compete. Competitors to be on A C`OXVE1 NTION,. � y 0 - THE TANKS. ? i land after we had apologised fol, introducing it is plain, that others will get discouraged, small amount of c he ground and ready to start at 10 o'clock � � . 0 " 0 rime committed amongst us. t sooner had the docter departed, than sh � 0 ,ible that we may be in er.ror � his name without his - knowledg- or ciinsent aud will ultimately turn careless about the ,bolted out of the house arid shouted to a.nei,,-h Ix is�qjiite pos, . y I The Inspector reported that he hat e-xam- It may be that our macristrates are ined the Tanks made by Mr Bell, %nd the o moye zeal- A. M., exactly. . but right or wrong it is plain that our friend ,and after .Mr. Gibbons h � ous in the dischar-e of their dutie%, than those Further reaulations made known before bor 'What do you think they've ordered zf'O 'n oy I ' , had publicly Society's prosperity. Besides, it is probable 0 0 1 "Eruroll" is not di&,-)osed to adopt our views idisclaimed all intention and ctsire of beino, that in your capacity of Director. on may material provided for the unfinished Tanks.- of oth our John to eat now? Animal food!' '.A of L I 0 1 Y er Countios, or that our Clerk of the starting. * on.the method. brought forward, we a' � After defining the q-.antity and nature of the P 0 very good thing, too,' replied the neighbor . bringing Candidates before re inforn�d that some be aware of certain changes which if intro- i � eace is more industrious in preparing his WILLIAM WILSON 0 1 CI 0 0 ri 0 2 Ili a passion, the former exclaimed, 'Why . -ut would be decided give list and that one or both of these reasons may Sec'y, H. B. A. S. the constituency, and we0feel. no inclination Jwo or three columns of anonynbus snarling duced into the Manauenic unused mate als, the report went on t) i W -S&O his. Tb come directly to the point ,had actually found its I 0 rather an unfavorable description of the water- I ace'ount for our very Iona, Return of Convic- Hay, 20th Oct., 1860. ;, way into print. Now, improvements, and would have a tendency yorere as bad as them, How is it likely oui 'Huron" ,seems to think that every man in! ,under the circumstances tanks, as they at present appeared. 7 -he wa - John can eat hay 'and straw, and such stuff . , we can imagine no to render the Society more popular, and con- - I tions ; but there is one oc'fher reason that ac- , the constituency, 0 ter varied in depth from three or four feet in ____ -_ I :other motive than malice or small B he has no teeth." whether elector or other- I -souled sequently, better supported. Even you, the the center to about SiX inches at the Edges.- counts, to an extent, for our lon(r lists, name- . esides, � 0 Sale of Valuable Stock. - wise, has a ri,(),,hk to propose, through the -jealousy, or the mere love of linding, fault, principal prize -takers, would do away with Some of them, moreover, were on thec'point : ly: all the disn-iissed cases appear in them, � . 0 0 public prints, his own caudidate-that he has for such uumanlv nibblin--. much of the prejudice which exists against of falling in. I and cases not finally adjudicated upon by the An Auction' Sale of Thorow,bred I and IS THE SUN GROWING COLD? 0 ' a 0 _" a,rilr1it, to do this anonymously -that eve by giving back to the Society, a consider- A committee of five was appointedto ex. Magistrates out of = other many elector and non ry We repeat, that: if ,,t. many w-thout solicita- You? 0 0 - amine further into the matters reporteduporl. Sessions -such as cases of Gra , by Mr. G. M. Trueman, Auc- There are now more spots on the sun than -elector, has a tion or request7 puzhes, himself before the able proportion of the prize -money awarded �.. ,felony, &c. These are not intended to appear tioneer, 0 .1 of have been for many years. Soine of thes( . 0 to you, or off6ring it as an additional prize THE SIDWALK ON EAST STREET. belonging to James Petty Esq., right to oppose this -candidate, and to harrow electorsas�a candidate, we or sny other elec- ' 0 2 in the Schedule of Convictions, for in reality the township of Hay, took place at Mr. P.'s are visible through a smoked glass to the na- contributilim it to an Annual Plou,,hino, and rake up his past history for short -comings :tor, may Very properly examire his preten- or a The Street Inspector presented a report there -are no Convictions in such cases, the farm, on the 17th inst. The prices realized ked eye. Several stars -some of them of . 0 0 0 and delinquencies, political or. other, to sioris and the fairness of his claims and if we Match. You do not wish to make gain out with respect to this sidewalk, which las not words ofthe Statute beiiigy every Justice or were by far the largest we have heard of yet great brilliancy, which, from their ascertain' analyse his,cliaracter, and qualities and qual- know or discover anythin(r vary I objection- of your mernbership-your great gain is to until to -night been taken off the hands of the the Peace ii who convicts or imposes a fine, in this part of Canada. Amongst other lots, red " ificati3nsy and to publish anonymously, his able, may, in duty, e 0 .see the prosperity of the Society -you will contractors. The report set forth that the 0 distance, must-havebeen as large as our sun . .1 strictures and criticisms y �xpose it, lor the benefit ii . ever miss the prize -money, and your liberal- contract had been duly completed, wi-.h the " forfeiture or penalty, or damage, upon the I two imported Durham Cows were bouo,bt by -have totally dissappeared from the sky;- " ; in the same journal of the Convention and for the satisfaction of exception of a little grading, which, however, " Defendant, shall make a return thereof in I Mr. Robson, the noted breeder of this sort Of and the question has been ia'scd among ,-s ity in giving it back, will satisfy your fellow was of little importance. The inspector wish- " writing to the nQxt General Quarter Ses- stock, at the respectiv " . which. pablisited,the proposal -and th,at the the electors) generally. But it would be 0 " 0 e prices of $150 and tronomers whether the li,rht and heat of the members that your support is unselfish and ed to know if it was the intention of the Coun- I( ) editor is in duty bound to insert� first, the very cruel -it would be as bad as the Inqui- . sions of the Peacel &c." -Con -Stat. Chap. $120 eack. The Sheep were principally sun are gradually fadin a" Z sincere. cil to have the drains cleared out this Fall.- el o way. As tf is would proposal, and second, the:dissectian of the sition to. allow "Huron." I fr ? 2 for instance. with-- It would involve an e � 124, Sec. 1. Now, it appeara clearly to nie, thorougbred Leicest,3rs-the prices ranging be accompanied by the deatrnction of all the in40cent man's cbaracter7 public vAI& pri,vate xpenditure of about 0 o Z) -POli"; social arid moral, . through, the Signni, some respectable un_ numerous class who continue to be members, Moved by Mr Runciman, seconded by 34r. cases, or case - 0 from one of fhe above cows S, U t it is rather ,out any warrant for doing, so, to pi The only other class to be noticed, is that $30. from the fore,mino,' plants and animal o the ear h, 0 ropose I that neither dismissed from$30 to $55 each. A Bull calf only three I s s3lit to a bi&ber tribunal for mo�ths old, ; aft interesting question. The stin's liollit and s assuming citizen and to pay their annual subscription regularly, Wallace and Resolved, . o 0 1 These views -are so very diffe'rent from, our � o y who had never dreamt of 0 That the portion of final adjudication come with'i"n the meaning of brou(rht $50. beat are diminished by the dark spots about I " that we are not di.3posed to discuss them at such honor, and probably either could not or but who take no other interest in the Society the report referrinq to the Sidewalk be acop- the Statutejust quoted and that our Clerk of A'sale like this speaks volumes for the much len-rth, but at the same time we desire , would not accept of it, and on the foli i 01 its proceedings, and seldom enter the list ted, And that the c"lause about the drains be " per cent. 0 owin(r 0 the Peace gives himself unnecessar trouble progress of this section of Canada. �of competitors of the annual Exhibitions.- Y 0 . -_ -_ ook at thorn in the true light and to satisf week, allow another, perhaps half a dozen give the inspector such instructions as nay 1 C) I ts the public to a t � or 0 y referred to the It and B Coin.; with powei to . n copyin g such and subjec Oar readers that we are fully justified in re- others, to vent their petty spleen and paltry Now, Gentlemen, such an amount of unselfish- seem advisable. . very heavy extra charge quarterly for pub- The Prince Gone. jject0 ness or self denial Additional by the Arabia. inT them. When we took the liberty of personal dislikes on the innocent man I This ? is) just, too much of'a good ;, ititr jHE SIDEWALK QUESTION AGAIN -PLINK IS lisbino, the same besides occasionally sub - thing, and yet it is neither good for yourselves . 0 7 OdLwirigg the name of Mr. Gibbons to the would be cruel even if we compelled the a GRAVEL. iectin- an innocent individual, who has been Our Correspondent telegraphs us from Port - electors) we knew of no other man who we critics to write over their own Sig or for the Society of which you are members; o lla,lifax, Oct. 16. land that the Prince arrived in that city at a ) matures, and and were all members to follow your ex Tie Road and Bridge Committee repored wrongfully complained of and honorably ac- ' Ancona has capitulated and Lamoriciere sugposed; would be willino, to accept to suffer them to write anonymously, 'Would thatthey had examineod the portion of W(st quitte"d, to have his name published all over quarter to two on Saturday afternoon drove of the honor -our suggestion a ample extension of Sid I Mous . was not anony- be monstrous injusti6e. Yet it is for refusing 7 it is obvious that there would soon be Stret upon which an ewilk the Province accused of a crime that he was � surrendGred. through the streets, and embarked on board , and it was well known that we had to be guilty of this injustice, in the case ofMr" ii, society at all. If Agricultural Societies I Garibaldi is said to have sent the following ship at half -past three, amidst salutes from 13 was requested by Mr. Macdonald arid woild not guilty of. 0 made similar Suggestions on former occasions Gibbons, that we are accusod of d have accomplished even half the good which I teleo-ram. to Genoa : 0 ictating to recommend a crossing to be made somewlat Yon refer to the very great amount of labor 0 the fleet and the shore. The people of Port- ' - , ba it remembered,, that in the electors) or at lea-st-1- of denying them fair which we give them credit for, they are cor- above the end of the present sidewalk, vid I emploped by the Clerk of the Peace in I Illead Quarters, Oct. 1. land were exceedingly anxious that he should a play. We;, therefore tainly entitled to other support at your hands from this crossing a plank walk three feel in making the suggestion we took it for granted y. intend to leave the Victory alono, the whole line. have stayed lonffer"amono,st them on � preparing the lists for publication, and men- o a o 0 , but ,%re tuat n.? Convention would be held. The selection of Candidates entirely in the han0s than the mere subscription of a dollar a year widtli to be carried down as far as the new tion that be says the Bench allows him only The Royal troops are being pursued. presume that Albert Edward is b this time ' Bank of Upper Canada. Y voice of the country, however, seerns to be of the Convention, believing that they will No doubt, the dollar is liberal and servicable the sum of one dollar for doing 'so. You The Sardinian chambers ha':'ve resolved that pretty -well tired of his first trial of regal in favor of a. convention and, therefore C! in its own place, but your example, Mr Gibbons said he would a(yree that the 0 ' " ) we adopt such restrictions -at the outset, as will . in taking . 0 .- mu 'Ivf r 7 King, Victor Emmanuel be authorized to an- state arid is rejoiced to be once more Oil extension might be necessary, but, with re st either have misunderstood . Lizars I do not propose .Ur. Gibbons, or 31r. Dickson prevent the INTomination of' any man whose a lively interest in the management and prc- c' or he has wrongfully informed you -the nex to Sardinia those provinces of Central board the 'Hero'. -Globe. I 2 cee( gard to the proposed material, the orany other man but we leave the choice interests are not identical with thcs3 of the Iingp; of the Society, and in bringing your time must Bench has no cho'i?ce in the matter the fees and Southern Italy, in* which the population 7 0 entirely to the Convention, who, we have no great majority of the electors. Stock, grain, &c., to the yearly Exhibitions soon come when the Town must have durable are re(rulated by-Statute,and the B''ench can- by direct universal suffrage vote to become ail 'D 7 gravel walks, instead of that which was so not alt'e'r that. But instead of getting only 0 might have ail influence in stirring up emula, destructible. Many of tho wooden sidewalks one dollar, the followino- is wb 0 - integral part of the Sardinian Constitutional doubt, will propose both Mr. Gibbons and Mr. - 0 0 1 The Earthquake. . - I tion. ia others, which .would be worth fift ID at the law a 0 Dickson. aud, perliar a some others. - _i!!!���� Y c . ? , and be gets it, Monarchy. It might were already in a very dan gerous state as it lows the Clerk of the Peace be very desirable that the Convention sho,Zld Agricultural Societies. times the value of your yearly subscription. was found that parties who had to drive over namely, for publishing the returns -besides The Sardinian army has not yet entered I The.1afolitreal. Pilot thus notices the earth- A-ricultural. Societies can -' be instructed beforehand them. to gain an entrance to their yards, fre- the expense of publishin quake of Wednesday morning:_ y not only in re�,-ard o prosper and ac- -the sum of $4 - 0 t _' op e same in his office 7, the Neapolitan territory, but Garibaldi an- About a quarter before six o'clock this 0 quently neglected to have them repaired when for fixing up a e y .f th ' 0 - . S - to the number and names of the parties frorn The opinion is now pretty general a complish their objects, only through an ac ive, broken. 'He thou,rht the better way would and another in the Court room, $4 each nonuces that they are soon to do so. Victor the best farmers of Huron mong 0 2 morping most of the citizens were aroused whom they were to select their man, bat also that their Ag,ricul zealou spirit of emulation and competition be to employ graveol exclusively for such puz- printed ones are used in the two latter Emmanuel will take the command in per- from t 0 in re­-ard to their characters, arid abilities among their members and erery member poses; there was an abundance of this imper- places-makin in all$ 2 ; a d , heir slumbers by a violent shock of an 0 tural Societies are not answering the purposes 0 1 Ir I n these fees he son. I 0 1 ZD earthquake. It was felt with great severity and integrity and general fitness fur tiie office, for which they were established, and as a should assist in effectinu this result. ishable material within reach, and it should acts no matter hoNv small or large the sched- Messina still holds out. I Y ules are. Ili addition to the alove, he re- all over the city i but more intensely in the We have, now, ced the three classes to I had the present extensive system of sidewalks ceives fees for receiving every paper from Garibaldi has n1ade some modifications in vicinity of the mountain. A loud rumbling but hownis this i 0 consequence of this opinion a be used 1) all means. lie felt satisfied that 0 nformation to be obtained. , personal obser- noti I "Huron" says, by anonymous discussions vation has con'vinced us that the Annual whom we must look for the encourao,ement been niade in such a manner they would give which he compiles the r" his ministry to meet the views of the Neapol- 0 0 s eturris-for example, mbled I of their.fitness and u21fitness- their popu- Shows are sadly on the decline. and prosperity of Agricultural So I more general sati faction te ) n years herce.- in the Schedule you refer to there are over itans. noise was distinctly heard, houses tre I , 01 Owing to �:) cieties, and7 (Hear, hear.) doorsopened, bells rang- and crockeryin 0 1drity and their want of it, and that these better arran " ements, better man,ig)re m"ent, on another occasion, we will point out tile 160 cases, the fees for receiving and fylin(,- Bernani, nicknamed Gariba�.dils evil genius cupboards smashed. It occasioned for a few and perhaps, a better class of Members, the I Mr Wallace remarked that, with �ceg,�qra to the papers in these will amount to at leas't 2 � 0 0 ibb $11, and about sixty lists frorn Magistrates 0 discussions shall be in blie public newspa- necessity and advant'a es of coucentrating the pers.. Harpurhey B�anchis all exception awl - dilerent Branches, and of having but the material recommended by Mr onsl I has been dismissed and a better feeling now moments, considerable anxietv. Old resi- Now, in the. first place, it must be borne i raind, that few' readers care to read anony Mous communications, and in the secon piace, no intelligent man plac 0 es the slightes 0 reliance on them, especially when they inter fere with other men's characters, either witt praise or censure. Anonymous criticisms or character ax'e generally re.-ra.rded as ebullitions 0 0 0,f mere �ersronal feeling. Still, were there two or three, or half a dozen, of anxious, ambitiotis,tdveiiturer*92thrustiti,, them,3elves on 0 tha- - attentioa of the constituency, an& all equally earnest in oudeavoring- to secure the ' nomination of the Convention', by fair means ot fouly the" it might be all well enoug,li to discuss their respoective characters, claims, and pretentious. in the public prints. it ' mi,rht be desirable to put the Convention in 0 P08Sessioll of all available information, even if the informants should choose to write arronymously. Bat, we have no.such ,tdven- . turers oil the present occasion. If we find a resident candidate at all, he will require to be solicited and entreated to accept of tile honor. Tile ri ght kind of candidates all occupy this position -lot one of them want& the office ' and it is very probable that a majority of' those who would be proposed on "Huron's" Oan, would not accept of the nomination if they received it. Now, we ask; would it be fair or honorable, to allow the names of such retiring unpretending, unaapiriiicy men, to be " a dra;,ged befc,ie, the constituency, by any or every., anon-yinous. correspondenty and to. he made the butt of criticism, of censure, arid perhaps, of ridicule fur every Man who owes them. a gru-4 ge ' or who is envious of their popularity? Is there one respect -able, eligible man, resident in these counties, who,would! willingly submit to such treatment even if he - mere cei taiia of bcm- elected ? And geeing 0 ) � I I 0 V.&VI they had a grav sidewalk which had cost makiu,, $4 more, in all $16 fc,irrece'_ ing the e think it is the only one. No ' in bfiriiio, a or at most, two Annual Shows, for the whole 0 IV . . wy 0 more than any wooden one of the same len gth Papers thus makin g his fees fo 0 7 r receiving b 0 11 few remarks on the subject, there are two or County. -he had reference to the walk leading fro the papers connect"ed with and Prim a-(), three classes who will require to be addressed - I separately, and first) we will take that 0:::�-Being- aware that we are expected - t largest class of farmers who stand aloof from 0 say something in regard to the Assessmei 0 - the Society alto,ether. This class consti- 0 question as itonow stand3, we say, it stanc tutes an overwhelming majority of the whole 0 exactly as it did before. The recent deci larming, populationy and we rearet to say, ion of the Judges did not affect the equil C, embraces some of our best farmers, and they I I of the quest -ion in the smallest degree. I di all profess to be actuated by one motive, and 0 I not, in fact, interfere with the question at al to have only one excuse for their conduct.- I but simply declared that the matter was b, Each one when asked, why lie is not a mem. yond the jurisdiction of the Judges. ber of the Auricultural Society, replies -140 0 7 what's the use of nte johlill " Mr. Harrison should have known this whe git? Squire Tltie and Mr. Y7iat, and one or two othersy keep applied to, and should have prevented tb 0 y holl in their own banday. Applicants from seekin,y redress at law. Th - 0 and manage everything for their own inter- 0 redress is entirely in the bands of the rat( . - ests, aad 1 would never get a prize thouo,h I payers, and before the next municipal ele( tions come on,.'we will try to plac were a member for seren years." Now friend, Fair Play, is it not a fact, that these of redress in such a plain light that everybody 0 tgentlem-en hold a monopoly of the manage- who chooses, can easily understand. Th( necessity of obtaining all equitable adjust mant, simply because you and your neighbors I 0 will lict coin- forward to relieve them from ment of the Assessmencl question, is now mor( it? It is plain, they can have na manage- imperative than ever, and the ratepayers oi Wawanosh. Morris, Grey, Howick, Turnber. ment except what is given them by the Society, and if and the ry, Hullett,' Hay and Stephen, should ag,itatE you all other Fair Plays would become members, you could and discuss the question, and by every mean,,z in their easily vote them, out of power. But is it not power, endeavor to understand it, thoroughly, Wore the next Municipal elec- "We also a fact, that these gentlemen take all the tions. will return to the subject in due prizes, simply because- they- try to do so and , time. you do not try to prevemt them? They take --- - the prizes Simply because. they study and strive : , 0:::�- The Tuckersmith Ploughing Match to have superior animals and superior every- -takes place on Friday next, the 26"th inst.1 thing for which prizes are offered, and you . a 'McDonald, when the Silver Medal of the Ron. Donald neither study nor strive to compete with M. L C., will be competed for, tliem� Now, if you will duly consider these on the farm of Robert Carno�chan, Esq., two, simple facts, you will easily perceive that the miles South-west of Harpurhey, and adjoining evil of which.you complain is not the fault of the farm of George Sproat, Esq. Squire This And Mr. 7Xat,.but arises solely from The Editor of the Signal intends to be -your negligence of your own interests present, 0 0 and,'Your narrow jealousy of more and persons in that locality having, your enter- .any prisiug.nei��Iibom, Tlu-.ow aside these selfish au . business to transa �.t with him, can have Opportunity of doin((r so.- a I � 7 11 �- v the Square to Mr Wells'. It was certai,aly a these thirteen sheets that you speak of, $27 is good sidewalk, but not, in his opinion, so plea- iastead of one. ) Sant as Plank. The pr�posed extension would I may mention in explanation of the one t not cost much. Again, hemlock was not the dollar, that the Clerk of the Peace is required 11 3 best kind of plank f"or the purpose; if construc- by Statute to send a copy of the Returns t - ted of pine they would stand for many year% above referred to, to the Minister ofFinance, and the difference in the price was very little' for which the Statutes provide no fees. The 8 k -s Bench at the last two or three Quarter � It was true that many of the present side wal * I were (yettina- into a bad condition but the Sessions allowed him one dollar for transmit- . 0 C) 7 F inspector, whose duty it was should see that ting the same. althou-h lie has been in the xists between Victor Emmanuel and Gari- aldi. The latter has written to the King in - 0 iting him to permit him to return to his 0 land Tonic. A new manifesto of Mazzilli dee . lares that o King of Italy should be proclaimed before 0 ie Kin,,dom. is orc,anized at Rome. 0 C5 � erious Accident on .the Bufralo and Lake Huron Rail -way. I . they were properly repaired. 0 habit formerly of charging and receiving a The London Prototype of the 20th inst. Moved by Mr Runciman, seconded by Mr much larger sum for that service. says :- W. G. Smith, That the Report of the R & B � Coin. be not received. I .1 am, yours respectfully, a "On Thursday night, a special loaded 'D 1 . Mr Runciman, in supporting the motion __ J. P. freiaht 0 train on this line ran into the Welland � said he moved thus from the fact that thE; A Disgraceful A air. Canal, at Port Colborne. There were thirty Town was already deeply involved in debt.- . There were many streets needing repair, but Hibbert, Cromarty Oct. 197 1860. cars attached to the two locomotives, and the cn, they had no money at present to be expended . ) greater part of them are now submerged in . in such improvements. A most disgraceful proceeding took place " ?D the water, with the two engines lying under - 0 - Mr Gibbons said in these matters his motto in this usually quiet neighborhood on the neath." was "The greatest pcssible good to the great- evening of Tuesday, the 9th inst., which has Another account says: - est possible number,' 7 and alluded to thec'Bay- as requiring field Road a sidewalk. He had created no little excitement. "A heavy freight train bound east, on the travelled that road for many ycars dnrino. A villain, whose name we did not learn, Buffalo and Lake Huron Railway, early this . , 0 most of which time it had been in a very bad has'been loafing for some time around this lo- " morning, ran into the Welland Canal at this state, and, although it might not be proper to speak 0 he thought it cality arid on the evening in question entered 2 0 dwelling place, the swing bridge having been left open. 0 0 personall'y', 0 should have a sidewalk a3 well as any other street. He the of Mr. Alex. Ferguson, and at- The train was drawn by two engines, one of would not. di he before remarked, acrain sup- tempted the perpetration of a diabolical deed. which is in the Canal, completel"y obstructing " Z3 port planl� walks. The Town was now labor- . It appears that Mr Ferguson was workinfr " it. The road is- also temporarily rendered in a under a burden of debt that could not be q 11 - X: some six miles from home, and, therefore, impassable. No lives were lost." � I pai o n twenty years, and it such improve- could not come home at night. His,wife was -."on-* 0 ments were entered into at all, tile most sub- all alone, and a lonely place it is. Of all this Gen. Scott's Snake Story. stantial materials alone should be used. He the villain became aware, and seemed to re- th-olio-lit Af r Wallace waswrong in sayinj,,.�,, that, ' During a dinner -given by F'ernando Wood the ' -3 gard it as an excellent o portunity to satiate 0 gravel sidewalk mentioned had cost more P than plank. Let a proper comparison be in- his hellish promptings. He accordingly, on in his mayoralty of New York, in 1855, Gen. stituted and it would be seen that it cost much the above-mentionem 0 'Scott , who was present, having been toasted, d night, desired admit- ':" 0 was called upon for his rattle -snake story. - less than any board sidewalk they had, and was tance to the.'house, but was interrogated by quite as pleasant for pedestrians, when once It seemed that, during the k1orida campaign solidified and covered with screened gravel. � the occupant regarding his business there at the General and his staff were quartered for a 0 As regarded durability, they would last almost such an unseasonable hour. The answer be- . lit in a rouo-h building constructed from foreveor. When it was considered that two ing of an equivocal nature 11hig ground, an'dD the floor open at various pla- 0 , admittance was such sidewalks could be made for one of plaill-, denied. The wretch then be -an to smash the the superiority would be obvious. This plan 0 ce.9. Scarcely had the preparations for the had been adopted and successfully carried out door to force an entrance ; but this was not bivouac been completed, when a noise from in several American cities. easily done, as the building had been newly below of rattling told conclusively that rattle - M -r Watson said. he would� coincide with the erected. Intenty however, on the consumma. snakes had their bivouac on the ground- under , the floor. Indeed they were soon seen. from: I I dents state that it was the most violent shock of an earthquake which has visited Montreal for over thirty years. Shocks were also felt in other parts of Canada East, and also in Maine, about the same hour. . A Singular Presentiment. Some four weeks ago, a singular circum. 0 Stange occurred in this vicinity. On the mor- ning, of the day on which the Prince arrived at London, a gentleman residing in Chatham 0 2 rose early, before daylight, and proceeded to 0 make his toilet preparatory to going East. - when he had nearly gotten ready to leave the room, the candle suddenly and without any apparent cause, blazed up unusually hioph and 0 then as suddenly the flame disappeared, just previous to a movement being made to blow it out. The circumstance was noticed and the wife, fearing, something was going to hap- pen soon, wished her consort to remain -at home. However, the husband left Chatham that morning for London. Arriving at a sta- 0 bion about 30 miles from Chatham, a letter was placed in his hands which informed him ' -,hat his wife's father had shortly before been ;eized with a paraletic stroke. In a few days ie died. Of course the wife now believes hat the sudden going out of the candle was a I 0 )resentiment 6f the death of her father. - "Chatham Planet. marricb. On Z4th inst.7 at the residence- of'the bride's . mother,by the Rev. W. G. Leyster, Mr. R. WALKER of Gode - rich, Canada West,* to Miss ISABELLA; fifth daughter of the late William Lauder Esq., Port Daniel.. ' I - e 1B. and L. H. RA VAY al e h aw ;W� W -M e- n 1PkLS5,4e_1[1LCV-eX-_ �r .- 0 Men Jaill r � � e , TIME TA13LI ' d I 11 r- GOING EAST. c- STATIONS. Day Express I Fr't � 2nd 6ss, - _-, - __ __ I _-y_-" Y . GPoderich. . DEJ 9.50 A.M. I 1.0 0 A. M.- �; Clinton ..... 1 10.21 P K � � y 1 9 A4 ,-� 1"" d Harpurhey. .. 10.40 . � t- Seaf`orth _. . .. 10.45 1.001, 0 C�arronbrook. . 11.02 1.33 .- Mitchell o ---- * I 11.16 1 2.08" Stratford ...... 11.50 3.00, GOING WEST. STA'IONS. F It& 2d Cl's Day Exprest � ." -- __� 11 Stratford. .DEPI !'I. 55 A. �1. 3.40 P. x. Mitchell ...... 1.05 P. 3i. 4.16 Carronbrook. . 1.33 4.30 e Seaforth : .... :1 2.10 4.50 . e Harpurhey.... 125 4.54 d Clinton ...... 3.05 15.15 GoderiA..'.-. . - : 4.00 11 - 5.50 . ____ . - 11 -_ I L�3A 6, r-A'V f* -ph# skin sum 4�, 64 0, 21 3K A amoh TP w."""3 0*41 e . ­_ __ � ,.� :GODERlCH MARKETS. - u � S C:5- Corrected every Week -the quota e tions given being the Pricesproducers ma3 e expect to realize. The rates statedinay bg depended upon as correct at the -date of- ou? e . . . t reporti, . 11 Godericli, Friday, Oct. 19tfi) 1866. a The weather having been fine during the " t early part of the week, the roads were con, 9 siderably improved. We bad about 200C bushels Of Wheat*6ffering to -day, which were f -n disposed of at a slight advance on previou., quotations: Fall selling at from $1.16 to 0 $1.21 ; Spring opened at 98c and closed at $1.01. Oats 25c -few offering. . 0 d Saturday, Oct. 20tb:. e To -day's receipts will -foot up over 2, 50C 1 bushels_ at a slight decline on yesterday's S pricesy: Fall bringing $1.14 to $1.19; price5 0 for Spring being on the whole sieady at from - 0 0 a 94 - e to 97c.r � s Mohday,'i0et. 22nd. Yesterday's rain made _ihe'roa6 heaTy and consequently grain deliveries of to -day were small; prices for Spring same as Satur. day, while Fall declined 2c to 3c. 1 1 1 Tuesday, Oct. 23rd' e Fall Wheat,. .. .. ... . - - - . - $1.12i a I.;,G, - Spring do ................. 0.90 a 0.92 - Oats, 0 .................. 1 0.25 a 0.00 . . Peas ..................... 0.35 a 0.40 Barley ................... o.50 a 0.55 t Potat'oes, ................. 0.20 a 0.25 , per bbl.... - ... .... . 4.00 a 5.00 D - Beef, per lb ............... 0.o6 a 0.10 r Mutton perlb....__.... 0.06 a 0.08 ,Veal, per lb ............... 0.o5 a o.08 ) Pork ' 'perlOO lbs .......... 5.00 a 5.5o ' e Butter .................... 0.15 a 0. 1 7" - Eggs, per doz .............. 0.12-1 a 0-000 r Hay, per ton ............... 9.0o a 9.60� Cordwood ................ 1.50 a 2. 0 O�, Hides .................... 5.00 a 0.00� . --- . . ) MONTREAL PRODUCE MARKET. ' ? Flour -Extra meets with a better demand at $6.05 .to $6.20. Fancy, $5.80 to $5.9o. . No. I Super has, as usual, been the staple of the week, but business has been dull i sales are made at $5.60 to $5.65y a few samples bringin g $5.70. Wheat is without much clian ge since Mon. day. Good gampleg of Upper Canada Spring sells at $1.19 to $1.20.at the cars, and $1.24 f. o. b. $1.20 has been paid by parties bav- ing freight engaged. British Circulars main- ? 0 . tain previous rates firmly, viz : 58s to 6 2s. Oats are comina in more freely at le. per C, lb. and ' are inquired for at:this price. . Barley. -Sale of considerable quantities at 72c to 75c for 56 lbs. . I ___ - . New 2bulertionnents. I . - - - SHERIFF'S SALE OF LANDS. . t,nitcd Counties of Yvirtue of aWrit of Ven- � Hur(n and Bruce, � 113 ditioni Exponfis, issued ; Tb Wit: olit of Her Majesty,.s Court of Common Pletis, and to me directed agaill8t tlie Lands and Tenements of Samuel Lindsay at the afilt of Weynworth -Sebrieber I have seized and taken in Execution all the right, title aud ityurest of the above named Defend- ant, Samuel Lindsayr in 'and to Lot Number Orle in Farm Lots Numbers Thirty-one and Thirty-two and Lot num- ber One Hundrea and Two in Lot Num- berThirty-oioein the Town of Port Bruce, utid Countv of Ili -nee, containin"!,bv admeas- , _ urmient, Two-fifths of an acre of *land each be the same 'nore or less, with the Luildingx there0l] erected. I Which Unds and te'hements I alial) offdr for sale at tile Court Robin ill the Town of Godcrich,ouTuesday the thirtetilth day of Novem- ber next at the hour of' Twelve oP the clock, noon. JOHN MACDONALD, Sheriff, MA R. . by S Pollock, Del). Sheriff. sheriff's OMce, Goderich, ? lith Oetol)c_-r. Is6o. i 36 1 __ .- N713-10 41"D312219F, 1860. __ 10th, Division--L-Clinton, Monday, 2 fth Octo, ber, at 11 a. in. ist Division-Godericb, Monday, 5th Nov- ember, at 10 a.m. 7th Division -Bayfield, Tuesday, 6th Nov. ember, at 11 a.m. I 6th Division -Dungannon, Wednesday, 7th) November, at 11 a.m. 51h Division- Exeter, Tuesday 13th Novem. ber, at I 0 a.m. 4th hivision-Flana,yan's Wednesday, 14th November, at 10 a�'m. ) I 2nd Division-I-larpurhey, Tuesday, 18thDe- cember at 11 a.m. . lith Division-Wroxeter2 Wednesday 19thy. December, at 11 a.m. R. -COOPERt I Judge Huron & Bruce.- , Certified to be a true copy as entered of:' recoid, purviant to the Statute. . DAN. LIZARS, . Clerk of the Peace,. 11aron & Bruce', Office of the Clerk of the Peace, Goderiche 10thjOctober, 1860. 1 ff8, LANDS" FOR SALE 1. - TOWNSHIP OF HAY� 29, 30- and 31 Lake Range :. MULMUR-lot2a on 3'rd cone6asion. N.H.& Sullivan, NJ Lot 16 oil 5th; Hui on, -7-0 on . ist; 35 and 36 on 2nd; Bentinck 1 27 on 10th, 27 on 11tb; Holland 59 on 2nd, 3rdi Osprey, ' So on 13th; Flos, 27 on 2nd; Sombra 2 on 9. SJ; Sunnidale, 13 on 13th, 12 21 on 4th. Wit,& a large numb,er of other lots. Avply to . I J. R. MOUNTJOY, Rossin House, Toronto4. October 12th. 1860. 37 6� - LOST -On Monday last, a Book of P'rom7* issory.Notes amounting to over $Soo;, all made payable to Arthur Canteliod. The notes come due in November and Jannary hext. This, is to forbid all pardea, from ne- gotiating the said notes, as payment has beeu, stopped. Any one bringing the same to the subscriber will be suitably rewarded. , ARTHUR CANTELION.. Gode rich Township, lot 33, con. 9, Oct, 25, 1860. � 111R*1%