The Lucknow Sentinel, 2013-11-13, Page 3H -K Council goes over long-term strategic plan Township of Huron -Kinloss council was presented the final draft of a new long-term strategic plan at its Nov. 4 meeting. The document - "Our Future Huron -Kinloss" - was written to guide the Township's deci- sion making over the next 10 years and establishes a community vision and long-term goals. Over 650 people were con- sulted including residents, businesses, local organiza- tions, Huron -Kinloss staff and councillors. Mayor Mitch Twolan thanked LURA Consulting's Jeff Garkowslci and Liz Nield for their work facilitating the document's development. New Street Light for Lake Range and Conc. 6 West Council approved the instal- lation of a new street light at the comer of Lake Range Drive and Concession 6 West. Members of the South Bruce Beach Association informed council by letter they had voted unanimously to oppose the street light installa- Steve Goetz Kincardine News Huron -Kinloss council addressed at number of issues at the Nov. 4, 2013 meeting. tion because of the "light pol- lution it would cause." The Township also received a petition in favour of the street light signed by approximately 80 residents. Concession 6 West is the only concession without a street light where it intersects with Lake Range Drive. Councillors said they would approve the installation to maintain safety. Pine River Walling Bridge Council discussed a request South Bruce OPP report 13 crashes with deer in last few weeks The South Bruce Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) continues to investigate vehicle collisions with deer across the detachment area. From Oct. 23, 2013 at 8:00 am to Nov 6, offic- ers attended 38 crashes, 13 of which involved a deer. Drivers are reminded that deer become more active in the fall and can appear on the road with little or no warning. The following tips are offered to help prevent drivers from hitting a deer: Be especially attentive from sunset to mid- night and during the hours shortly before and after sunrise. These are the highest risk times for deer -vehicle collisions. Drive with caution when moving through areas known to have a large deer population. Remember - deer seldom run alone. If you see one deer, others maybe nearby. When driving at night, use high beam head- lights when there is no oncoming traffic. The high beams will better illuminate the eyes of deer on or near the roadway. Slowdown and blowyour hom with one long blast to frighten the deer away. Brake firmlywhen you notice a deer in or near your path, but stay in your lane. Many serious ail IN. 'ii 4114011, *pi Make our Own her. V ii e, alirdrgilthriS1, [' IARICH 524,11n AW4 L crashes occur when drivers swerve to avoid a deer and hit another vehicle or lose control of their cars. Always wear your seat belt. Most people injured in deer -vehicle crashes were not wearing their seat belt. Do not rely on devices such as deer whistles, deer fences and reflectors to deter deer. Slow down, stay in control and stay alert. from James Doug Boyd that a pedestrian and bicycle bridge be constructed over the Pine River connecting Point Clark and Lurgan Beach. Councillors recalled a bridge was discussed years ago and estimated to cost close to $500,000. "Anyone want to raise taxes?" said Councillor Jim Hanna. Mayor Mitch Twolan said there was no appetite for the project at this time but council would support community efforts to raise money for a bridge. Ripley Reunion 2015 Council approved $25,000 in seed funding for the Ripley Reunion 2015. The money will be used to purchase merchandise, make down payments on entertain- ment and purchase equip- ment and supplies for a kick- off event scheduled for May 10, 2014. The reunion committee has also applied for provincial grants. Crack Down on Barking Dogs The bylaw officer continued to receive complaints of per- sistent dog barking this month - a contravention of the Noise Control Bylaw that could cost dog owners a $120 fine. The Township is also closely monitoring reports of aggres- sive dog behaviour. Fire Hall Gets Cell Reception Booster Council approved the $500 purchase of a cellular recep- tion booster to address spotty service at the fire hall. One of the firefighters has volunteered to install t he system. November is World Diabetes Awareness Month WHO has control, Diabetes or YOU? November 20th 2013 7:00 - 8:30 pm Multi Purpose Room, Lucknow Sports Complex, Lucknow, ON A "How to" for the Diabetic Foot Presented by: Danielle Bannerman, Chiropodist Resistance Exercise 101 Presented by: Amy Cook, Kinesiologist To RSVP, please call: 519-357-3930. ***Door Prizes*** Light Refreshments*** `fey 0111'0 .0<,...5\ RIPLEY REUNION POP-UP SHOP SATURDAY, NOV.16 ALL R�pDS LEAS NR�E RIPLEY-HURON COMMUNITY CENTRE lineal�J gial 10 a.m.-4 p.m. and 7-9 p.m. Come out and buy your Reunion merchandise including hats, golf shirts, T-shirts, hoodies and more! Cash only please. Reunion Kick-off Dance tickets and History Book pre -sales will also be available, as will book gift certificates. Cash or cheque is accepted for book. Wednesday, November 13, 2013 • Lucknow Sentinel 3 Submitted 97 years! Gordon Morrison celebrated his 97th birthday at a luncheon at Lucknow United Church with 42 family and friends on Saturday, Nov. 9. LUCKNOW ARENA SCHEDULE NOVEMBER 13 - NOVEMBER 19 Wed Nov 13, 2013 10am 5pm 6pm 7pm 8:30pm 9:30pm Open Skating - $2 Per Skater Atom Dev Practice Bantam Dev Practice PeeWee Rep vs Drayton Legends Practice Rec League Lanes vs Holyrood Fri Nov 15, 2013 10am Open Skating - $2 Per Skater 4:45pm Jr Tyke Practice 5:45pm PeeWee Girls Practice 7pm Legion PeeWee Tournament 9pm Port Albert vs Ripley Sun Nov 17, 2013 11:30am 1pm 2:30pm 3:30pm 5pm 6:15pm 7:30pm 8:30pm Old Devils vs Wingham Intermediate Ladies Practice Public Skating - Sponsored by Lucknow Kinettes Atom Girls Game vs West Grey Juvenile Practice Midget Dev Practice Bad Apples Cliff's Shinny Tue Nov 19, 2013 10am Open Skating - $2 Per Skater 5pm Jr/Sr Tyke Practice 6pm PeeWee Dev Practice 7pm Bantam Girls vs Kincardine 8:30pm Lancer Practice Thu Nov 14, 2013 10am 5pm 7pm 9:30pm Open Skating - $2 Per Skater Novice Rep Practice Legion PeeWee Tournament Rec League Kintail vs Lagers Sat Nov 16, 2013 8am Legion PeeWee Tournament 7:30pm Juvenile Game vs BCH Mon Nov 18, 2013 10am Open Skating - $2 Per Skater 5pm Novice Dev Practice 6pm Atom Rep Practice 7pm Bantam Dev vs Blyth -Brussels 8:30pm Midget Dev Game vs Howick HURON TELECOMMUNICATIONS CO-OPERATIVE LTD. 519-395-3800 www.hurontel.on.ca