The Lucknow Sentinel, 2013-12-11, Page 3Wednesday, December 11, 2013 • Lucknow Sentinel 3 H -K moving ahead with bridge work Steven Goetz QMI Agency The Township will go ahead with $280,000 of bridge repair work on three Concession 6 bridges just west of County Road 7 after receiving a bi-annual report from the Public Works Department. The work will be funded out of the Federal Gas Tax reserve fund earmarked for bridge repairs, which has a remain- ing $264,000 that needs to be used up before the program expires next year. The remaining $16,000 will come from the 2014 maintenance budget. Public Works Director Hugh Nichol said the work will probably start in July or August and all three bridges would be worked on at once to minimize incon- venience on residents. "In this case it is use it or lose it so lets get it to work," said Councillor Don Mur- ray, before council approved the plan from public works. The report also recommended imple- menting a 15 tonne load limit on a bridge on South Baseline Road just north of Concession 4. The bridge on Centre Baseline Road between Concession 6 and 8 will be closed for the winter and will need to be replaced entirely or closed permanently come spring. "The concrete deck has deteriorated to the point it has become very thin in places and there is a concern a wheel from a vehicle could puncture through the deck," the report says. There are significant cracks in the bridge's abutments. Councillor Jim Hanna offered a warn- ing to council they will have to start pri- oritizing the bridge infrastructure in the Township. "A future council will be faced with the decision of closing a concession if we don't start getting a little harder on these smaller bridges," Hanna said. "Lets look at five to ten years because if we fritter it away on these side roads, we won't have any money for the big jobs down the road." County of Bruce Road System Open House The Bruce County Highways Depart- ment are hosting an open house in the upstairs meeting room of the Lucknow & District Sports Complex on Wednes- day, Dec. 11 at 6:30 p.m. The County has proposed upgrade to the road system in Lucknow, specifically the Campbell Street corridor between Havelock Street and Washington Street. IM •5 04pi A /Y4 •. es• L DOM}.51114 Mzke Your Own Leer. Wile, {. ix(efs ..'r1 I uiL'ri vie AM.rer• Ave et az kee0 51,, COOERICIH 5 a AW4 •s County will also present details of the proposed milling and paving of Camp- bell Street between Havelock and Ross Street, a new patrol garage on Ludgard Street, resurfacing of County Road 1 from Ludgard Street north to Highway 9 and the possibility of a traffic calming device such as a pedestrian cross walk in the vicinity of Stauffer Street. The Township proposes replacing the existing watermain on Campbell Street from Waterworks Park to Walter Street at the same time the roadwork is conducted. DECREPIT BUILDINGS INSPECTED Two decrepit buildings in the Town- ship were inspected for compliance with zoning bylaws and the building code. Chief Building Official Matt Farrell told council he inspected the two build- ings on top of the hill at 1582 Bruce County Road 1 on Nov 8. The kitchen and laundry appliances had been removed from the buildings, water services disconnected and the buildings are no longer habitable, said Farrell. "The owner is aware that these build- ings cannot be occupied in the future and can only be used for storage or other accessory uses permitted in the Town- ship's Zoning By-law," Farrell said. Farrell addressed concerns raised at a previous meeting that the buildings foundation had shifted. "A building designer and a contractor specializing in foundation work inspected the two buildings and neither could find any signs of building move- ment or structural failures that would to- ek. (.OLF A COUNTRY fZE_S(7RT viev ofti pcs yS¢a or golfer's that want latest design and top quality conditions all season NEW MEMBER SPECIALS Adult Couple Intermediate (19-29) Senior (60+) Couple PAY DEC/2013 PAY APR/2014 $990 9100 $1645 9785 $595 $715 $875 $995 9560 9700 1 Membership - More Golf BlackHorse members access 80 additional courses Now on Sale! • Christmas Gift Certificates • Discount Books - Multi Packs `#-- ' Buy 10 Rounds (9 or 18) - Get 14 Rounds (9 or 18) Save 29•' Save Book Now! Best Prices • Best Dates Tournaments/Groups $4995 GOLF - CART - MEAL from www.blackhorsegolf.ca Call - 519-395-0009 1436 Bruce Rd.1 Huron Kinloss NOG 2B0 Between Kincardine • Walkerton • Wingham normally indicate that a foundation has moved," said Farrell's report. Councillor Jim Hanna asked who the inspectors were. "They must have something wrong with their sight," Hanna said. "I will show those inspectors where it has moved." The property will be monitored to ensure no further infractions occur. OTHER BRIEFS The Huron Lakeshore Friendship Club donated $1,700 to help replace outdated tables and chairs at the Point Clark Community Centre. Facilities and Recreation Director Mike Fair told council he will try to find the money in the budget to replace the rest. Council denied a request by resident John Mclean to sell him and his wife an unused road allowance adjacent to his property at 446 Lake Range Drive. By-law enforcement told council res- idents are already dumping snow and ice on roadways, which is against the law under the Prohibition of Snow Pil- ing on Highways bylaw. Dumping snow can be dangerous for vehicles passing over and pose a tripping and slipping hazard for pedestrians. Council decided not to invest the estimated $15,000 it would cost for a wireless microphone system that would pave the way for televised meetings. Two kilometres of roadway were adopted under the Town- ship's Adopt -a -Highway pro- gram in 2013, bringing the total to 39.5 kilometres. The Public Works Depart- ment is hiring a Casual Part- time Snow Plow Operator. Three dogs were admitted to the pound last month. Two were reunited with their owners but one was put down "due to very aggressive nature and poor health." The Township of Huron Kin- loss are considering a new pol- icy to govern the appearance of fire trucks at parades and during victory rides. The draft policy bans passengers from riding anywhere on the out- side of the fire trucks that are in service, but allows one adult to ride on the back of the vintage 1949 truck Passengers will also be prohibited from throwing candy from the vehicles. 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