The Lucknow Sentinel, 2014-10-01, Page 11Submitted The residents of Sepoy Manor in Lucknow gathered to celebrate the ground breaking of their new addition. There will be 9 rooms added, all with a private 3 -piece bath. It is hoped to have the addition open for January 2015. There is limited space available. September 2014. EQAO Grade 9 Math and OSSLT Results Bluewater District School Board Submitted The latest Education Quality and Accountability Office (EQAO) results from the 2013 - 2014 Grade 9 Assessment of Mathematics show that Bluewater District School Board students are exceeding the provincial average. The most notable gains are in Grade 9 Applied Mathematics, where 51 percent of Bluewater stu- dents met or exceeded the provin- cial standard. This is 4 percent higher than the provincial average of 47 percent and also signals a dra- matic increase of 13 percent for Bluewater in comparison to the previous year's score. Bluewater results continue to be strong in Grade 9 Academic Math- ematics, where 86 percent of stu- dents met or exceeded the provin- cial standard. This is a point higher than the provincial average of 85 percent and 4 percent higher than Bluewater's score of 82 percent in 2012 - 2013. Seventy-three percent of Blue - water students achieved at or above the provincial standard on the 2013 - 2014 Ontario Secondary School Literacy Test (OSSLT) taken by grade 10 students. The provin- cial average is 83 percent. "We are thrilled with the latest increases for Bluewater in both Applied and Academic Mathemat- ics, which really speaks to the strong commitment by our educa- tors and administrators to provide quality instruction and learning experiences for all students in an equitable and inclusive environ- ment. In building on the recent positive gains we have seen in Reading and Writing EQAO test scores for our primary and junior students, we are continuing to focus our efforts on intermediate literacy while recognizing that overall, our students are perform- ing well," says Superintendent of Education Lori Wilder. Wednesday, October 1, 2014 • Lucknow Sentinel 11 Avon Maitland Remains Provincial Leader in Grade 9 Math Avon Maitland District School Board Submitted Avon Maitland schools continue to outperform the province in both the Academic and Applied streams in the EQAO Grade 9 Assessment of Mathematics. In AMDSB, 61% of stu- dents enrolled in Applied mathemat- ics successfully met the provincial standard, compared to 47% provin- cially. Of the students taking Aca- demic mathematics, 90% success- fully met the provincial standard, compared to 85% provincially. Not only are Avon Maitland students scoring higher than the provincial average, their rate of improvement is significantly greater. Avon -Maitland scores in the Applied stream increased by 9 percentage points (up from 52% in 2012-2013), compared to a 3 % increase (from 44% to 47%) provincially. Scores in the Academic stream increased by 4 percentage points (from 86% in 2012-2013), compared to a 1 point increase (from 84% to 85%) provincially. Avon Maitland students have also made positive gains on the Ontario Secondary School Literacy Test (OSSLT). The OSSLT is a provincial test which details how well our stu- dents have acquired skills in reading and writing up to the end of Grade 9. Students write this test during their Grade 10 year. Passing the OSSLT or the OSSLC (course) is a requirement of graduation. 81% of Avon Maitland students met or surpassed the stand- ard on the OSSLT, an increase of 2 percentage from last year. School staff will be taking a closer look at the data on the PD day sched- uled for September 26th, 2014, in order to further refine their student achievement plans. (ri HAVE GYOUR NUMBER? The Lucknow Sentinel's 2015 Phone B OOK SSOON! Additions, Changes and Deletions should be phoned into re Eueknuw Sentinel 519-528-2822 or e-mailed to lucknow.sentinel@sunmedia.ca