The Lucknow Sentinel, 2014-06-04, Page 44 Lucknow Sentinel • Wednesday, June 4,2014 opinion www.lucknowsentinel.com Lucknow Sentinel PUBLISHED WEEKLY P.O. Box 400, 619 Campbell Street Lucknow Ontario NOG 2H0 phone: 519-528-2822 fax: 519-528-3529 www.lucknowsentinel.com SUN MEDIA A Quebecor Media Company I • MARIE DAVID Publisher marie.david@sunmedia.ca VALERIE GILLIES Editor valerie.gillies@sunmedia.ca lucknow.editorial@sunnnedia.ca JILLIAN UNDERWOOD Sales representative jillian.underwood@sunmedia.ca MARILYN MILTENBURG Office Administrator lucknow.sentinel@sunmedia.ca Publications Mail Agreement No. 40064683 RETURN UNDELIVERABLE CANADIAN ADDRESSES TO SENTINEL CIRCULATION DEPARTMENT RO. Box 400 Lucknow ON NOG 2H0 For any non -deliveries or delivery concerns: 519-528-2822 • lucknow.sentinel@sunmedia.ca SUBSCRIPTIONS Regular one year Senior one year Two year regular Senior two year $40.00 + $2.00 442.00 $35.00 +$1.75 = $36.75 $70.00 + 3.50 = $73.50 $60.00 + $3.00 = $63.00 Office Hours: Monday, Wednesday to Friday, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. At advertising and editorial deadlines: Friday 2 p.m. Changes of address, orders for subscriptions, and undeliverable copies (return postage guaranteed) are to be sent to The Lucknow Sentinel at the address indicated here. Advertising is accepted on the condition that in the event of a typographical error, the portion of the advertising space occupied by the erroneous item together with a reasonable allowance for signature, wit not be charged for, but the balance of the advertisement wit be paid at the applicable rates. The Sentinel is available on microfilm at: GODERICH LIBRARY, (from 1875) 52 Montreal Street Goderich ON N7A 1M3 Goderichlibrary@huroncounty.ca KINCARDINE LIBRARY, (from 1875 to 1900 & 1935 to 1959) 727 Queen Street Kincardine ON N2Z 1Z9 We acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Canada through the Canadian Periodical Fund (CPF) for our publishing activities. Canada. /4:cnal Member of the Canadian Community Newspaper Association and the Matto Community NewspapersAssociation Dog Days of Spring Valerie Gillies Editor/Lucknow Sentinel It has occurred to me that recently the Lucknow Sentinel has been going to the dogs... literally. I do not, however, consider this a bad thing. There have been articles on dog bite prevention, keeping kids safe around dogs, the various types of Dog Guides, the Lions/Purina Walk for Dog Guides and the guest speaker at the Accessibility Awareness Week event at E E. Madill featured a blind gold - medal athlete who uses a see- ing -eye dog. I grew up around dogs and have had very few years in my life when I have not had one in the household. Yes, I am very biased on the topic of dogs. It has gotten me to thinking of how people Val's Views Valerie Gillies include dogs in their lives. And, yes, I hear the cat lovers protesting at this point. Many dogs are utilized in work settings. Of course there are the many types of police dogs, herding dogs on farms and security dogs at various businesses. There are even pooches in health care set- tings, some who seem to be able to sense disease and those who are part of the visi- tation programs to allow the benefits of interacting with animals for those who cannot have pets of their own where they live. Going for nature outings is the next best thing to having the animal king - dome come to you. Okay, now I will open up the topic to the other species that deserve to be lauded as well. It has been scientifically proven that caring for a pet helps the emotional well- being of those who are prone to feel isolated or depressed. The responsibility of taking an animal for outdoor exercise increases the probability of the physical and mental ben- efits of regular exercise and getting out into fresh air and sunshine. Having a family pet can help with teaching chil- dren how to socialize by hav- ing to take into consideration the animal's safety and happi- ness during direct interactions. Many types of animals are used in therapies of various types, with the species being matched to the specific need to be addressed. Within research the creatures that mimic human body systems have definitely saved or improved countless lives. Here is where I am really opening myself to criticism... yes, I am a meat eater, as well as enjoying other animal products. Pool Announcement: I am happy to be able to inform the residents of Luc - know they will not have to endure the dog days of sum- mer without the benefit of the pool programs. I have been advised that since the posting last week, there have been lifeguards applications for summer employment and programs will be running. Campbell Street Project in Lucknow Addressing Concerns Valerie Gillies Editor/Lucknow Sentinel Signage has been posted indicating that Campbell Street in Lucknowwill be closed from Bob Street to Havelock Street from early June to late July. Bruce County Engineer Brian Knox explained how this will affect Lucknow and what they are doing to reduce the impacts on the village. There have been many meetings with parties con- cerned in order for the County to address con- cerns. These included sev- eral with the Township of Huron -Kinloss and a public meeting. As a result of these meetings the following actions are being taken. The signs that are now up will give drivers of large trucks the opportunity to plan ahead when travelling through the area during construction. Bruce County understands that truckers do not wish to maneuver through construction detours. Those who travel the east -west routes in Bruce and Huron are quite aware of the road systems and will plan accordingly without there having to be specific truck detour routes posted. It is believed that this will reduce heavy traffic on the secondary roads within Lucknow that will be designated as the detour route, specifically Bob Street and Willoughby Street. By posting the larger signs now, this detour route will be intended, but not restricted to, use by tourists and local traffic. Some heavier vehicles will still use the posted detour. Bruce County has had several meetings with Luc - know Public School Princi- pal Mary Martha Uttley- Shaw to address student safety during the construc- tion. The School Crossing Guard will remain at Have- lock and Campbell. Addi- tional School Crossing Guards will be positioned at Havelock and Willoughby and at Willoughby and Bob. New School Zone signs will posted on the Municipal and County roads. There have been oversized Stop signs posted on the detour route. Knox stressed that the County has great regard for the businesses that will be affected by the road clo- sures. One or two busi- nesses will be within the construction zone at any one time. Directions will be posted directing the public how they can access these businesses from one side of construction or the other. Some work will necessarily have to take place outside of the closure area as there are no practical detour routes. The businesses in down- town Lucknow are working together to ensure that shopping and doing busi- ness in the village will con- tinue to be a positive and rewarding experience throughout the construc- tion process. Watch for announcements in future issues of the Sentinel to learn about the exiting incentives being planned.