The Lucknow Sentinel, 2014-01-08, Page 22 Lucknow Sentinel • Wednesday, January 8, 2014 Huron Health Unit to Lucknow's resolutions for a new year investigate cancer cluster claim CONTINUED FROM > PAGE 1 Clark noted that, according to the Canadian Cancer Society, half of Canadians face a cancer battle at one point in their life. Factoring in that statistic, "over time you would see more and more of your neighbours and acquaintances getting cancer," she said. The information gathering stage of the investigation will take two months and results will be released in March. Clark will discuss her findings with Cancer Care Ontario to determine a next step from there, if needed. This is the first cancer cluster investigation by the Huron health unit. Other health units, including Perth County, have undergone similar investigations she said. Generally results indicate there isn't a cluster, she said, but "it is important to look, we don't want to miss anything." Contact Clark at 482-3416 or e-mail: eclark@huron- county.ca before Feb. 28. LUCKNOW ARENA SCHEDULE JANUARY 8 - JANUARY 14 Wed Jan 8, 2014 10am 5pm 6pm 7pm 8:30pm 9:30pm Open Skating - $2 Per Skater Atom Dev Practice Bantam Dev Practice PeeWee Rep Practice Legends Practice Rec League Lagers vs Lanes Fri Jan 10,2014 10am Open Skating - $2 Per Skater 4:45pm Jr Tyke Practice 5:45pm Atom Dev vs Ripley 6:45pm Atom Rep Sun Jan 12,2014 11:30am 2:30pm 6:15pm 7:30pm 8:30pm Old Devils vs Tiverton Public Skating Midget Dev Practice Bad Apples Cliff's Shinny Tue Jan 14,2014 10am 5pm 6pm 7pm 8:30pm Open Skating - $2 Per Skater Jr/Sr Tyke Practce PeeWee Dev Practice Bantam Girls Practice Lancer Practice Thurs Jan 9,2014 10am 5pm 6pm 7pm 8:30pm 9:30pm Open Skating - $2 Per Skater Novice Rep Practice PeeWee Rep Practice Bantam Rep Bantam Girls Practice Rec League Holyrood vs Kintaile Sat Jan 11,2014 9am Lions Novice Tournament 8pm Lancer vs Ripley Wolves Mon Jan 13,2014 10am 5pm 6pm 7pm 8:30pm Open Skating - $2 Per Skater Novice Dev Practice Atom Rep Practice Bantam Dev vs Hanover Midget Dev vs Wingham HURON TELECOMMUNICATIONS CO-OPERATIVE LTD. 519-395-3800 www.hurontel.on.ca Lucknow News Ruth Dobrensky The fact is that I don't make resolu- tions, mainly because I never seemed to keep them, so why bother. However, there are many who do and a neighbour of mine told me she always tries to make some sort of resolution that will help her improve herself in some way. So, although at the time of writing this Purple Grove looks on to 2014 Purple Grove News with their family for Christmas. Mary Mary Anne Kukoly Anne Kukoly gathered with the Forster family on the 27th, and with the fami- We hope everyone had a great Christ- lies of Joyce McEwan. Fran and Jim Far- mas and New Years meeting with fam- rell were with the Logentenberg family ily and friends. at Agnes and Ken Logtenberg's, Fran Some of our Grove family gatherings and Jim's family gathered on the 24th. included the Boyle families at Purple The Jack Farrell family gathering was Grove on Sunday; the Finnie family met delayed because of the ice storm. Wilma in Wellesley; the families of June and and Cecil Sutton were pleased to have Earl Elliott met in Wingham at their all their family home. It is always great home; Carman and Cheryl Bridge cel- to see how the children have grown ebrated on Christmas day at the home and/or matured over the times. of James and Wendy Hooisma in Ham- Cheryl and Carman visited with ver. Also attending were Kyle and his Audrey Rivett of Dungannon, Wendy fiance Holly of Orillia, Diana and Ron and Jim Hooisma, and Diana and Ron Ellis Auburn. Saturday Cheryl and Car- Ellis on Sunday. man hosted the Bridge families. The Our sympathy goes out to the Clifford extended family journeyed to extended family of Jim Rivett of Mount London to be with the newlyweds Forest, formerly of Dungannon who Julianne and Andrew House. Maureen passed away recently. and Roy Collins enjoyed their visits with Nancy and Brian King of Thamesville their families. Stefani and Mike Simp- visited with her folks Largaret and son of New York State visited with her Karen McInnes on Sunday. family Shirley and Doug MacDonald We are all looking forward to the Jan - over the holidays. Deanna and Morley uary meeting of the W I at noon on the Scott were at Susan and Fred Doupe's 8th at Fran's. lucknowsentinelcom GET SERIOUS ABOUT WINTER DRIVING PREMIUM TIRES BUY 3 GET 1 FREE Let our Ford -Trained Experts find the right tire for you. We offer a full range of brand name tires. SEE MONTGOMERY FORD IN LUCKNOW & KINCARDINE FOR DETAILS. ONTGOMERY1 Lucknow: Kincardine 519-528-2813 519-396-3436 column, I haven't come up with any- thing for myself, because where do I start, I need a lot of improving, I'll try to come up with something that will be beneficial in some way or another. Congratulations to Lucknow Legion Branch 309 on their lovely New Years Day Levee on Jan. 1. A good crowd came out despite the cold weather to enjoy the Levee and visit with old friends and new. I did discover something new (to me) about Claudia Baskerville at the Levee. She and her sister who was visiting from Manitoba are Ukrainian, like me, so we had a lovely conversation about our families, where they lived and most importantly about Ukrainian Christmas and Ukrainian food. By the way, Ukrain- ian Christmas Eve is celebrated on Jan. 6 and must be completely meatless and have at least 12 dishes. Hopefully by the time this paper comes out, the cold snap will have bro- ken and that we don't end up with the cold weather they have been having in Manitoba. Apparently, over 16,000 peo- ple called for help to get vehicles started in Manitoba between Christmas and New Years. Oh well, we do live in Can- ada, and it is winter. Sympathy of the community to the families of: Lloyd McGlynn, 82, Teeswa- ter; Diane McClory, 67, Wingham (for- merly Teeswater); Karl Lorch, 81, Tees - water; Michael Marks, 52, Wingham; and, Rev. John Neilson, 94, Ripley (for- merly Turnberry Estates). Two-year term for next Huron County warden Paul Cluff QMI Agency A tie vote went to the status quo - Huron County council will keep the term of office of warden at two years. Council met Dec. 30 to again discuss the issue. They voted 9-7 at committee of the whole earlier in the month to essen- tially nullify their November, 2012 vote to extend the term to two years, from one. That vote didn't carry through and the 8-8 tie means the warden term will indeed move to two years, CAO Brenda Orchard said after the meeting. A majority vote was needed to move it back to one year. "Both sides spoke passionately on the issue," she said. The two-year post will take effect when current Warden Joe Steffier's term ends next December. 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