The Wingham Times, 1908-10-29, Page 6']eta W1*ICOLAM L'xllt ,, OCTOW I 29, MO " MINOR ,QQALS. --October 29, -Fall weather. -it= ad the advts. in tho Theme. -Be utital weather for the last week at O tober. --Regnlnr meetinte of the Town Ouun- atti next Monday evening. -�-11 1 Rance, of Clinton, has been Appointed a notary public. <--Monday, N veXuber 9th, will be Vhan±;aeivzng Dey-•e. public holiday, ---Political news will not monopolize the apace of the newnpattere after this 'week. Regular meetiuCr of Camp Cale- donia, Sous of Scotland, will be held next Monday evening. --Job printing of ail Linde sieistly mad Ilrowaptly ext•outed at the Tates eines 1 'Zee. ua with your next order. Ederreal Everett, of this town,, has been appointed section foreman at Allen xta;rk, and hers removed to that place, -A. H, Calder, an Ottawa baker, tikoaed to death Sunday mornilrg by ?aeoidentally swallowiLg a pieoe of *'apple. Mies Rose Fritz, of Brooklyn, is the tfn twat tepowriter operator in the world, flawing a reward of eighty-seven words A minute. A Cure for Rheumatism The Trouble Yields to the Rich, Red Blood. Or. Williams' Pink. Pins Actually Make. Ask any doctor and he will tell you, titac XIX: nntatlesn is rooted iu the blood; that batting tem cure it that does not reilc+h tee b'ood. I•, is sheer waste of money and time to try to pure rhenma- tietn web nzuments find lotions that may go skin deep. You on speedily euro rhn•inatiam wit': Dr, wiliiansa' Fmk Pille, which enrich the blood, drive out the poisonous aoid end loosen the stiffened, aching joints. Among the thonsa/els of rheenneti0 cutis+rens pored by Dr Wiiliatns' Pink Pills is Mr W. A. Taylor, Newcastle, N B., who says: -F.sr a number or years I wilts a great sufferer from rheumatism wbioll was seared it me shoulders and levee joint*', I tried liuimentas and blistering, but with nc effect In fact the trouble was was gt,ttiog worse, and my knee joints grew so guff that they wound snap if I stooped, and I could scarcely straighten up. Altogether I was ate ible sufferer and nothing I diff or too stave me arty relief until I began the se of Dr. Wfl. slams' Pink Pills. I to tee Pills stead itv fora couple of onths and every vestige of the trou le isappeared. That was two years ago, a rl as I have had no return of the troub I feel pate in see euming that the cure is perm nen:." Nine tenths of the common ailments that aff1.'ot humanity are due to bad blood, and as Dr. Williams' Pink Pips actually make new blood, that is the reason they cure so many different trou- bles, such as anaemia, indigestion, rhea• matiem, et,zema, neuralgia, St. Vitus dance, paralysis and the ailments of girlhood and womanhood with their distressing headaches, backaches and irregnittrities. Sold by all medicine dealers or by mail at 500 a box or etx ba note for $2 50 from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brookville, Ont. -Jetta Farrel, 89 years of age, a pio,'eer of Kincardine, walked from, E'nwmanviile to Kincardine, a distance rat 109 mi ea, in order to oast his vote. -Mr. Wm. Bishop, the well-known harm dealer, and who on two aceasi0ns Wee a judge at gingham fall fair, died nt his horse in New Sambnrg Gast Week. -Mr. Thos. Yemen, of Ripley, known to c. number of our readers, died in that village on Thursday teat, Mr. R. Van stac:e attended the funeral at Ripley on Tuesday. .--'_Miss Brandon, of Morris, who n rikea her home with her brother, met with a sexione accident on Sunday in tallies; down stairs. We hope to hear of her speoey recovery. RESOLEl t; ANTISEPTIC C TABLETS A simple and effective remedy for SORE THROATS AND COUGHS They combine the germicidal value of Cresolene with the soothing properties of slippery elm and lico- rice, Your druggist or from us, l0c in stamps. '7.et•'a5e, 1.1z,.r:s Co,, Limited, .gents, Montreal. Cox -Thos. Taylor, father of Meese. "Wm. J. and D. 0. Taylor, of Luoknow. diets in Loudon on Tuesday of last week The remains were interred in Kinoar- aiine cemetery ou Thursday last. -Lieut. -Col. W. Young, ccmmandang the 8Brd Regiment, has retired from the command of the regiment, He will Tse succeeded by Major A, Wilson who will he promoted to the rank of Lieut - Oalonel. • -Regular meeting of Court Maitland, Cerneliar. Ferectero, will be held. on 'rilay evenit.g of this week. Mr. P. B. Maris, organizer. will be present and all members are requeatsd to attend the sleeting. -;,rhe Ladies' Auxiliary of the Wing - ?Liam Etispitel will hold their regular monthly meeting in the town hall an Monday, Nov. 2nd, at 4.15 p. m.. Ali mein:hers are invited to attend. Mus. 3M. P1IX t.AN, Cor -Seo. -Mr. and Mrs. William Mitchell, of Turvberty, desire to express their grati- tude to the numerous friends and iaeighbors for their kindness and sym- rot` k7 with the family in the repent nfifiiation whish visited their home. -Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Hamilton and s 3 i.y wish to retnrn their heartfelt thanks to their numerous friends for ninny kindnesses shown thein in thsir xec vn~• b3renvement. They aro very thn*tbfnl to the hoopit.l staff for the etond e'srE' nal attention) shown to their dn�xrl+.ter. --Dr, A. 3, Irwin, treasurer of the 'i<it':lt;?bam Ge 16:rai 'Hospital, has receiv ed i cheque for $57.50 from Mr. Wm. Mc C 'roe fev sees during h'o recent rl, wm +.9. c;,. Jhic'°:L nesetei:.ic.11 remn.i..in - in the Itosl,ital for some mo' t'6 ]i1r. ;r1cG10g r.' i9 E0 i ..chain• vigeu'. r 4ti°.i L...,:rot of tho ilii ht;s8 mountain PERSONAL. =era FORWE WANT BARGAINS 1 1 Yorn TR$Dt'i Prepare for Cold Weather. Our stock in the many diiierent tines is Pill to overflowing, and the time isapproaching when customers will want their Fail and winter supplies. Read carefully she lines mentioned below DRESS GOODS..-._-wa show the iaegeet stook of . the best goods in black and oolere, in the most up-to-date wenVe$, and at poplar prices. UNDERWEAR.,_ m''Ezr,-See our extra special line of Fleece at 500 -, .,.... ,.�..,. ..� -the best an earth. Lae: s' - A choice selectiou, from 25o to $1 25. CHILDREN S- Tba best limn in All -Wool and Union. FURS. -_A large selection of the beat goods 1`iom the most reliable Tnanufaoturer9. Our $10.00 Speoial Scarf is a dandy --- -you eau's beat it. COON' COATS. -The best $60.00 Coon Coat in the trade. Lacier' Fur and Fur -lined Jackets in the beat makes at close prices. STAPLES. --That 250 Wrapperette for 10o is the talk of the country. WAFTED -All kinds trade -Butter, Eggs, Beaus, Pnultry, Feathers, etc, Butter 22o. Eggs 22o. GOOD GOODS G. E. KING. ,•.A:•a: gt . ,t, CO. Dried Apples, C7 HAP PRIOES A MAN DATE FOR REFORM. (Toronto Star.) It would be a great mistake to in• terpr'et the Liberal victory as a de- claration that the rankand file of the Liberal party are not sensitive about the charges of "graft" that have been made in the last year. What the Lib- eral electors have said is that they be- lieve Sir Wilfrid Laurier and his col- leagues to be honest and public•apir- ited men, who have no sympathy with the practices that have been charged, and who will make reforms wherever they are necessary. They have not condoned any wrongdoing. They have armed the Government with a large majority for the purpose of carrying out Liberal measures, and oorreoting abuses wherever they may exist. Some of the dealings with the tim- ber limits undoubtedly created a bad impression, A batter impression was created by the chanes in the law provid- ing for greater pablioity in sales. Bat the vote does not mean that the people are indifferent to the manner in which the public resources are dealt with. Whatever profit comes from the hand- ling of lands, timber, and intoes, must go to the people of Canada, and, if necessary, the laws and regulations must be made more vigorous. The charges of extravagance and graft in connection with purchases of auppiiee also call for serious consider- ation and vigorous potion. Practically all supplies most be purchased by tan - der, and at prices so close as to ren- der it impoeaible for a middleman to make profits out of these transactions. Political influence ought to he wholly eliminated, and supplies purchased as they would be by a well-managed pri- vate business conoern. The Liberals who have renewed their expression of confidence in the Government have done so in the expectation that the re- forms will be carried out. They have not condoned any wrong doing. Certain changes in the personnel of the Cabinet have been expected for some time, It is generally believed that Mr. Mackenzie King will have a port- fol'o, d the Liberal leaders cannot do Miss Birdie Kent has returned home after a few weeks visit in Detroit. Mr. L A Bell,of Toronto, was visiting for over Sunday with his sisters iu town. Mrs. D. McLaughlin, of Detroit. is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. McLaren. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Johnston, of Markdele, were visiting for a few days with old friends in town. Mr, John Martin, of Cobalt, has been visiting for a- few days at his parental home in East Wawanosh. Miss Norma Dinsley, of Detroit, was visiting for a short time with her moth- er and old Wingham friends. Mr, Scott Gordon, who is attending art school in Toronto, was visiting wish his parents for over Sunday. Mr. W. J. Sharpin, late of the Gorrie Vidette, was in Wingham on Tuesday and gave the TT.rs a friendly pall. Mrs. John Davidson and Blies May Davidson, of Wroxeter, were visiting with Wingham friends for a few days. Mr. Rcbt. Lookhart was away for a few drays attending the funeral of his brother in the Township of Clark, near Toronto. Rev. H. Edgar Allen is in Ottawa this week attending the annual meeting of tho Ontario and Quebec Baptist As- sociation. Mr. John W. Hewer spent a few days last week visiting hie parents at TiIlson- burg. His sister, Miss Hewer, returned with him, and will amend a few weeks in Wingham. Mr. F. Buchanan, Mrs. Homuth and Mrs. Ira Parker are in Orillia this week attending the annual convention of the Provincial Sunday School Asscoiotion, as delegates from the gingham Metho- dist Sunday School. C'it f:layns is "{ eink in the ,..ver /. 9. c i feu:, latzli. lir,( ono yee,Y O 0l Gish f "'.iiia adw" Tea wcnail, iC j�iAf �'+�. '' t:? f"16d, prodUCQ 11 Left in sleight`, or the highest moite:�,,.in 1.i tare `1'pc al. Can you 9,11 Il," 3'>tt`ario v(f W Hoc, a'Y C:7 .,v. a'. Tuberculosis vs. Meat and Mrtk. gingham, Ont.. October, 24, 1908. To the Editor of the TIMES. Dear Sir: -Wo are hearing tt lot said regnrdiug tuberculosis jest now. Not only to it an exceedingly important erabjeot to stock owners but in relation to its transmission to the human being it is of vital interest to evoryoro in the p:oviu e The milk supply problem and the d, groats o° tnherculesis in cattle is not only being etudied out amongst n�eniterians and the medical profeonion but by the i eneral petite at largo who ore ra at and milk consumers. It ftl7,:.are to be the general impres- sion, n , that this dir.ease in cattle is on the inereaso. r.Cubercaiosie spreads un- eusi)eatedly, one infeotod animal may beeon1 the nuoieue.of the infected heed. Ccv18 i-nty grow fat while harbouring the beetling and it has been proved that acute tubercular deeeaa© of an organ .mi,y, give rise to n0 symptoms o¢ a poet• tive chaetoter. A cow With tuber- tsulede is a peril to the health of the m cit io the milk will cure in- f�etion as well its the meet. y it shoals therefore be imperative to A L.00I ' O ';File '2 i Ei . tv'ery y lent and nadir conenrner es well •^n t11a farmer and Iive stock owners to Tuve their cows tested with tuberatilim, A . Il^,li i,ua z',, '' well ?3) I+ 1-:nl,Xes and the ben" means known to science whore. ;4v;: n� r ] ?:. a?`, 1 91.111p asten t:6,,a'1 nater. by tub-vr0ulonis is recognized in til 1 ,i I • whit baro exceedingly etl tileC,i r� c c � eyr� 1't .. foxy seizin is r., living ran ma , © g g y (,t. to tttz Istkl: neo bat ;necnra'ta in its °Boot it is when properly "Jnr: tuetL ric as +, tl. Baby's Own used, entirety hataniess to healthy ."aL et�i is jettlt oda Pure) tli :IAO 1' a ,,:sic mo Then cattle. :a. _c.:ta c: cali�?elrcta Ey ?t5r the greatest importance is its 1 an better than to call to their aid men who are young not only in years bat in ideas, and will keep Liberalism in tonoh with the progressive spirit of the age and the country. The mandate given by the country is a mandate for reform and progress. BORN. GIBSON-In Fordwich, on October 18th, to Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Gibson; a daughter. POPLE4ToNE-In Myth, on October 21st, to Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Poplestone ; a daughter. BRowN--In Morris, on October 14th, to Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Brown; a son tstilI born). MARRIED FRS"-GTLCTII,TBT.--At the residence of the bride's mother, on the 20th inst., by the Rev. D. Perris. Mr. Norman Lorn Fry to Miss Annie Beatrice, second daughter of Mrs. Cath- arine Gilchrist, both of Wingham. a: Dm) HowvATT-In Colborne, nn October 15th, ,las. Howatt, aged 78 years and 0 months. Sw.xrs-in Goderich, on October 21st, Nedra 'leen, infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs, E. R. Swarts, Aged 8 months and 8 days. ANosiesors-In Turnborry, on the 24th inst.. William S. Anderson, aged 80 years and 6 months. BOAR FOR SERVICE,, CANADIAN HOME CIRCLES Wingbain Circle, No. 434 Meets First, Thursday in each month, at 8 p ra. in hell in Chisholm dock. Candidates for cheap, reliable insurance solfeited, Ask to see our rates of any member or officers. Ladies accepted at same rate as men. R. Awns, T. E. ROBINBON, Leader. Recording :Secretary W. J. WYLEa, Financial Secretary. The undersigned will keep for service on his Road) premises, hbredrYor`k hire BoarStuavale Terms --81, to be paid nt time of service. T. 31. $ENI)ERSON. Wingham, P. 0, aele1•b•i-3.4.1444eltes+%4.4.3••'•k-1.4. 4 4. TPtrst •� and A,Ilrls(r tl°(y " raIllcev_^ v✓ell arfi prevention and i have oon,Mdeiace in ' play. -well. q ry °a h ey' *arc rd cllclaclvcly moving that with the before mentioned .4.,,, ti w p,,, ra>l ethocil vigorously applied 'Wo should + ,{r,ps i.,.._tJ xa 4 c, ,_o�. za. C4. Collins, be (able to bring about its extermination IIXr a1'�, Man., tit►ye:-."Itaby's Own in catt1o. The advice to boil the milk .`� o ren o. + o he meat it a fa good. t r ell cook g ",1;rY,:.kt 3 ask',) 4i 3 .i1b9. ].ui;,;�l t ry meal. a"X., W ,H cine ar 1 r cis; "a f,t' ills r,". +ion it Ent it mill never remove the root of the .1. rtllit'rrc;ta i.la T'.•Ito n c "'l ani rn el06,t1r t?ailrer. We ought not to allow our 4. in the lx•:rae.°' Solei ii.,' r•l si': it;a .sal• children and delicate onee of our noon.. tt �President*. x at 'tor a boxr ons r,. t f, The Iatiot to consume oowa milk plus boiled 4. rit., r� «n±�t. +lentis, bacteria or net with r waTufo rted v orroo+terns, �3;+# • 'f •tr s ' ' : ' ' 'l='f"T % 4' afters means eo much. 18 lits . Ineant tueeess to thousands of young people who wrote for our Catalogue as the first step to- . ward a good salaried position, flecks the stets today. Address Central Business College, 893 'ii' 6irtitreet, nn Toronto. W. k1. SHAW, The Great School CENTRAL / STR ATFO R D. O11JT. Our past ,record and our present grade of work stamps us as the great praotioal training school of Western Ontario. We have three departments:- COMMERCIAL, epartments:- COMMERCIAL, SHORTHAND, TELEGRAPHIC. Oar graduates are, in demand as Business College teaohers as well as offi.oe assistants. Individual instruc- tion. Enter now. Large catalogue free. Write for it. ELLIOTT & McIACHLAN PRINCIPALS."3••p•1;3••pi•+•Adrt:•hi•3•+10,+ t+44 a .r. Royal Grocery •1• C ail and leave your order for FRESH OYSTERS, d• TURKEYS; GEESE AND CHICKENS -1• 1: for Thanksgiving Day. 3s The Best ALSO +++++++++++++++++++++++++ 4, Groceries 4 d• •i+ The Best Tea and Coffee • The Best i• Spices and Extracts 4. e. AT 44+ ALGOL M's 4, PRODUCE WANTED. 4* Griffin's Old nand.PHONE 54. 4 •••1.4••#•3••b3-+44.3• 4• i s A success so spontaneous, so decisive, as greeted our first Bargain Day, assures us and Eyou thi t it is here to stay. A new feature has entered the business life of W' g- ham, and the crowds who thronged our store Friday, profiting by the great '► , money .saving values, will be here again bright and early Friday, to, par- ► ticipate in this week's carnival of bargains, and with thern will be 0.their friends. 0.le Sr v vrxrrvvvvvir vvvvvr•rr►w.ry ****+********. *********** yyxvyrrayrrrir'VVYYYrYVrYrr say friday Bargain Day HANNA RO8n 4 I Notions and Small Wares that Assure us Big Business Friday. ',xsAy DU:l1.tc YS EM THANKSGIVING DAY Return tickets at single fare between all stations in Canada. Good going Nov. 6, 7, 8, 0, Return limit, Nov, 10th, 1908. SPORTSMEN Daily until and including Nov. Ord, re• turn tickets at singlet n 1 fare to all points in C fui�ls�ftaitio'it Deo. 60 1, nticoeongn f earlier, to points reached by steamers. TO WESTERN CANADA 'rhe attractive route is 'vie 0hieago and St. Paul, Minneapolis or Duluth. Secure copy of time table entitled "New Route to Winnipeg find western Canada aria addresss f.DMcDorn°ald,Dlst lotPassenger Agent, Toronto. Pears Buttons, 6 dozen 10c. 25 groes white or smoked Pearl Buttons; good quality, assorted sizes. Special Friday 6 dozen tor l0n Hooks and Eyes lc card. Black and white Swau Bill Hooks and Eyes, rogue lar So, Special Friday le Hair Pins, lc package. Heavy Hair Pine, assorted sizes, plain and crimp, ed, regular So. Special Friday. House Children's Hose Supports 9c. + Children's blank felt grip.Hoee Supporters, good quality elastics, regular 120 and 10o. Special Friday 9e Furnishings at Reductions as only Hanna Bros. Mahe. �t. 4 4 4 4 • $1.00 and $1.25 Lace Curtains 69c 15 dozen pairs Nottingham and Fish Net Cur- tains, elaborately woven, registered, hangeasy top, regular $1.00 and $1.25. Special Friday.69c All -Wool Carpets 83c. 4 patterns only heaviest All -Wool Carpet, splendid colors, smart designs, matched and sewed by expert free of charge, assuring you a perfeotiy satisfactory oarpet, regular $1.15, Speoial Friday per yard 830 Now for Workingmen's Necessities. $1.00 Black Overalls 69c. Mostly all sizes in this lot of Men's Heavy Black Drill Overalls, with or without bibs, a regular $1.00 value. Special Friday 69e Men's 90c Underwear 63c. A11 sizes in Tiger brand, heavy ribbed Wool Underwear, guaranteed unshrinkable, regular • 90o. Special Friday. , 63e Marvellous Reductions in Dress Goods and Staples. $1.00 and $1.25 Holnespuns 49c 18 ends of from 3} to 6 yards,heavy Harris Home- spun, light, medium and . dark shades, fall 56 inches wide, regular $1 00 and $1.25. Special Friday per yard 490 15c Shirting 11e. ' Heavy bine check Gingham Shirting, regular 15o, Speoial Friday per yard 11e Up and 35c Dress Goods 18c. 10 peices Dress Goods including lustros, tweeds and tartans, splendid variety of colors mostly up and 35c. Special Friday per yard 180 10c Glass Towelling 4 yards for 25c 8 pieces only fine all linen Glass Towelling, blue in red cheeks, regular 10o. Speoial Friday 4 yards for . 25c Friday's Offerings in Ladies Wear Black Moreen Underskirts $2.69 Black Moreen Underskirts, deep Somme, neatly pleated and tucked, regular $4.00, Special Friday... $2,69 25c Embroidered Collars 12 Ladies Fanoy Embroidered Collars, in no as- sortment of patterns, regular 26o. Spetoial Friday 12%c Shirt Waist Suits $4.98. Navy and Brown Lustre Shirt Waist Suits stylish pleated skirt, pleated and self trimmed Waists. regular $8.50. Special Friday.. ..... $4.98 Turnover Collars 5 for 25c. White Turnover Dollars, fine linen, fanny em- broidered patterns worth up to 20o. Special Friday 5 for , 25e Prices in Gents' Furnishings that Mean Business Friday. Men's 50c Braces 33c. Hall's Standard Suspenders, good stiff web, strong leather ends. Special Friday 33c Men's 75c Umbrellas 49c. Natural crook weed handle Umbrellas, strong i steel rod, good top, regular 75o. Speoial Friday 49c Men's 50c Ties 25c. An immense range of Silk Derby Ties, generous length, new styles and patterns, Special Friday 25c Boys 12.%c c Braces 9c. Boys heavy web Suspenders, medium size, reiru' lar 12. Speoial Friday 7c OUR FUZZ DEPARTMENT is replete in snappy values. Our endless variety of the latest styles and productions gives prospective purchasers an opportunity to get just what they want. And our absolute guarantee goes 'with every purchase. You will find again and always, as you found last week, every article exactly as advertised, and we assure you the reputation Hannas have secured for fair dealing and reliability will be fully sustained. At 8 a, m, Friday -we will be waiting for the rush', with our special values on display. Come early, some lines are bound to be sold out before the day is over. 3., Wingham. Speelal priers are strictly cash or tt+ad0. ., `arm8rg, we want your produee ; hfgheet pr WS. A` iAi i A t 4A SA:ritis'*t* i0. 4:. l.4R�.; t Mia ( AA. Af Rititl:40 ►`A' ` . 2i