The Wingham Times, 1908-10-15, Page 84
ittitee at ahttnges meat be left at this
otlioe not later than Saturday noon.
The copy for ohne mast be left
not later than Monday evening.
Olivetti advertisements accepted up
to noon Wednesday of each week.
it1iTABi+1$HII� i$ill
National debt In 1b78 $140.362,069
"{ " 1896 - 258,497,432
Increase to eighteen years
under Conservatives $118,135,363
An average lucrative of about $6,500,000
per annum.
National debt in 1896 .... .$258 497,432
„ " 1908277,960,859
Increase in twelve years -
under Liberals.....- . .,..$ 19,463,427
An average increase of a little over 81,-
500 000 per annum
Under the Liberals the debt per head
of population has been reduced from
$50,82 to $40 50.
To 'what deprha has the once great
esercative party descended? There
evaa a nine, when it had a policy and
the teepee; of the people of Canada,
now it has neither. Scaudal is pos•
seewe in abundance bat the people don't
want that. Canada requires men at the
head of affairs who are constructive
statesmen, men who understand and can
solve the problems which present them-
selves from day to day. Canada does
not want men, who, having no policy,
stoop to attribute dishonorable things
to their political opponents without a
shred of evidence
Notwithstanding Mr. Foster's dis-
mal forebodings, the country's fin-
ances seem to prosper amazingly. In
his days, when he made the budget
speeches, the gross revenue was $36,-
618,590; and last year it had swell-
ed to $96,500,000. In his regime there
was a large annual deficit, but in
every year subsequent to 1898 there
has been a substantial surplus vary-
ing from $1 722.712 in that year to
over nineteen million dollars last
ear. In his day the net debt was
When a Harsh Catarrhal Cold Fastens
on the Breathing Organs a Life
is Threatened.
$50.82 per capita, and now it is only
$42 84 In 1896 the debt was $258,-
497,433, with an annual revenue of
$36,618,5590. and at present the debt
is only $263.671,860, with a revenue
of $96 500,000• These are positive
proofs of national prosperity devel-
oped under a Liberal administration.
The Laurier Government has a splen-
did record. It does not appear that the
people .iesire any' change. Nothing
could be improved. no person adventeg-
ed (except the needy politicians). There
will always be under a democratic form
of government, party lines drawn, but
the conduct of affairs will never be
taken from one party and entrusted to
another without good and sufficient
cense. There is every evidence that the
people desire no change at, this time,
and until something is formulated by
the Coneervattves to take the place of
the enlightened administration, now in
charge of public affairs, it may con-
fidently be anticipated that Canada will
oontinue her progress, for the people
have an abiding faith, both in the
possibilities of the Dominion, and in
Sir Wilfrid Laurier, that he will con-
tinne to administer public affairs
equitably, wisely and honestly, follow-
ing upon the record of the past twelve
Tears, the beet twelve years that Can-
ada ever experienced. October 26 will
see Sir Wilfrid Laurier, Canada's great-
est statesman, returned to power that
he may fniah the work the people en-
trusted to him in 1904.
International Newspaper
Bible Study Course.
Salient Points in the Lesson for Sunday, Oct. 25th,
Given in a Series of Questions by
Bev. I1r. Linseott.
(Registered in accordance with the Copyright Act.)
Golden Text -Blessed is he whose
transgression Is forgiven, whose sin is
covered. Psalm 32:1.
Verse 1 -What ie implied iu the for-
giveness of a man's sins?
Is a man who is forgiven as good a
man, in all respects, as if he had never
Verse 2 -Which is the true gospel,
that God actually washes away a man's
sins, and makes him truly good, or that
his sins are "covered" with "tke robe of
Christ's righteousness," and althoagh
he is still a sinner, God does not impute
sin to him?
How would you describe a man "in
whose spirit there is no guile?"
What bleedings does a true Christian
possess, that are not enjoyed by others,
who are not Christians?
Verses 3 4 -Describe the state of
mind of a man who is always going
contrary to his conscience.
Compare two men, one who hashes
the voioe of God in his soul, and an-
other who listens to that voice, and
obeys; and say what, it any, effect
the habits of these men will have upon
the length of their lives.
What is it in a man which turns
his "moisture into the dronth of sum-
mer," that is tarns blessings into cal-
Verse 5 -What are invariably the
results of a full confession and for-
saking of sin? ,
Does forgiveness always follow upon
a real confession to God?
Verses 6.7-I8 it tree or not, that
There are times when a Hyomei outfit
is worth a life and having it at hand
will nave a lite, no eater perception can
be suggested than calling at Walton Ma -
Ribbon's drug store and getting a supply
for nee in following cases.
When a child shows the first sign of
croup a breath of Hyomei through the
inhaler will check the trouble perma-
When through catching cold you seem
to be choking up, diffioulty to breathe,
pain or soreness over the lungs and other
symptoms of pneumonia, the instant
relief from Hyomei air is marvelous.
It penetrates quickly to the inner
recesses of the bronchial tubes and lungs
where no liquid or moist medicine can
When an asthmatic condition presents
unusual wheezing and oppressed breath-
ing. Hyomei will bring rest, complete
outfit $1.00.
Includes agricultural produce, and
animals and their products.
Last Twelve years of Conservatives.
Year Total Trade
1885 $39.855.367
18886 39.718.212
1887 43,073,172
1868 40.155,657
1889 37.30S,818
1890 37.015,025
1891 ea) 39 634.599
1892 50,708.134
1893 53.785 989
1894 49,559 6t2
1895 50,106,808
1896...-.... 50,591.002
Total... -- $531.512,525
Twelve Yearn ander Liberals.
Year Total Trade
1897.-.. .. $ 57,227.898
1898..... 77.364.755
1899, 69.696,045
1900 83.665,416
1901 80,276,797
1902 r. 96,313.897
1903. 114,441,863
1904 100.950.992
1905 93,331,603
1906 -_- 120.518,297
1907 91,279,115
1908 121,171,199
Total........ $1.106.237,882
God rosy be found more
one time than another?
Does tree prayer ever go unanswer-
Does God take any special care of
the man who obeys him, or is he just
as liable to all life's calamities as are
Verse 8 -How much praoticai riepen-
denae may we place upon God in gnii-
ing us in all the affairs of Life?
All men in this community have
the Bible, the Church and their com-
mon sense to guide them; does Gad
promise any other or sarer guide, which
is available to all?
Does God actually impart either'
knowledge or wisdom apart from the
usual and natural methods?
Verse 9 -Is there any way of learn-
ing about harmful thioge short of ac-
tual experience?
Animate learn how to avoid things
whioh hurt them and become obedi-
ent to "the bit and bridle," but what
is the better way, possible to all hu-
man beings?
Verse 10 -What sorrows do the
wicked suffer, which "he that trusteth
in the Lord" is exempt from?
III Verse 11 -Is it the duty and privilege
of every body, to "rej eine and shout
for joy" at all times?
What are the essential eonditions
for being glad and rejoicing at all
times? (This question must be an-
swered in writing by members of
the club.)
Lesson for Sanday, November lot,
1908 -Absalom Rebels Against David.
II Sam xv.
BAPTIST ORU1toH-Sabbath services et
111 a m and 7 p Iu, Sunday School at
2:80 p in. General prayer meeting
on Wednesday evenings. Rev. H.
Edg kr Alien, pastor. B.Y.P.U. meets
Monday evenings 8 p.m. Abner Comae
S.S. Superintendent,
iifen:t0DI8' t7HvR n-.Sabbathservices
at 11 a m and 7 p m. Sunday School at
2:30 p m. Epworth League every Mon-
day evening. General prayer meeting
on Wednesday evenings. Rev. W.
G. Howson, pastor. F. Bnohanan, S.S.
vioes at 11 a m and 7 p m. Sunday
School at 2:30 p m. General prayer
meeting on Wednesday evenings. Rev.
D. Perris, pastor. Dr. A. 3. Irvin, B.S.
ST. PAUL'S OgmtoR, EPIsooieL-Sab-
bath services at 11 a m and 7 p m.
Sunday School at 2:30 p m. Rev. 0 E.
Jenkins. B. A., B. D., Reotor ; Ed.
Nash, S. S. Superintendent ; . Thos. E.
Robinson, assistant Superintendent.
Se.LVATIoN AnetY-Service at 7, and 11
a m and 3 and 7 p m on Sunday, and
every evening during the week at 8
o'clock at the barracks.
POST Os'n'IOE-Office hours from 8a m
to 6:30 p m. Open to box holders from
7 a m. to 9 p m. P. Fisher, postmaster.
PuBLIO LIBRARY -Library and free
reading room in the Town Hall, will
be open every afternoon from 2 to
5:30 ojolook, and every evening from 7
to 9:30 O'oiook. Miss Ethel Elliott,
has been beaten out in this regard by
the Dominion authorities -The estab-
lishment of neoessary public works -
Tho increase of revenne-The accum-
ulation of surpluses -Lowering the rate
on postal matter -One cent drop for city
letters -Rural mail delivery -and a sur-
plus of over a million in the Post Office
These are some of the things accom-
plished for the people. The building
of the Grand Trunk Pacific goes on
apace -660 miles of steel laid west of
Winnipeg -90 miles laid east of Winni-
peg -100 miles west of Quebec -200
from Fort William branch to the main
line -300 metes of grading done in ad-
dition -This is one of the works Sir
Wilfrid has in hand, and which he
should be allowed to finish.
A railway to Hudson Bay, which will
supply another outlet for the grain
and cattle of the Northweet, A. survey
is now being made of the proposed line
-Completion of the Trent Valley Canal
-Construction of the Georgian Bay
Canal -A further strengthening of the
bands which bind the Empire together,
this is work Laurier has yet to finish,
and he reasonably asks that he 1 e allow-
ed to do go.
There are no less than three retired
supreme apart judges in Quebec tak-
ing active part in the elections on
the Conservative side, viz: Sir Alex-
ander Lacoste, who is es it were, the
secret consultative chief of the Quebec
wing of the Conservative party; ex -
Judge Doherty, the accepted Conserva-
tive candidate for St. Ann's division;
and ex -Judge Ouimet, who has been
(Toronto Star„) R naked to contest Yamarka, and is said
to consider the request favorably.
'To the Omaha Baa fe dee the credit The Montreal Witness, in calling
of giving, all uutonscionely, a spine of attention to this fact, points out that
.humor to the Presidential campaign fa '
I they are all drawing large pensions
the United States. The Bee is one of , from the connrry.
What is this if
the leadine Republican papers of the not "graft?" Considering that a pen -
Middle West There came to the Bee sion is the reward of activities that
ales recently a report of one of Bry- are supposedly exhausted. there are
an'a speeches, fn which the tariff those who wonid consider the accept -
plank in the Republican r -a' tform bed a man who told profane stories on the
ante of one as a bar to other dtrenn-
beea quoted. The language used in the ons occupations. The incongruity of platform at 31aosay Hall. This indivi-
a sial statement of the Republican , haring men oa upying the serene, dual is the Attorney -General of British
Neaten,Neaten,on this question is not noted ! separated and sacred altitude of the . Columbia. To To show isle manner of man
for its clearness and strength. It rep -bench of justice au the while locking he he is, outside his profanity, at the time
resents, indeed, an effort to say en- forwar3 as well as backward to the he was denouncing the Liberal Govern-
oatgh to satisfy tariff reformers with- 8 world's conflicts, and party warfare, is meet as the chief offender in the mat -
Dat °farming the beneficiaries of pro- k as demoralizing as it is apparent.
Lection. The Bee writer, reading her -11
rigidly the report of Bryan's speech in I
which the plank was repeated, mistook
it for a. statement of Bryan's own po
What has Mr. Borden to offer? Noth-
ing but scandal. To assist him in this
campaign he imported Mr. Roblin of
Manitoba, whose record for giving land
to the speculator is well known. This
person made false statements with re-
gard to the Crow's Nest Pass deal, and
by the editor of the Toronto News was
proven a slanderer and a liar. He could
no Ionger appear on a public platform
in Ontario, and has returned in disgrace
to bis own province.
Mr. Borden also imported Sir. Bowser,
the beet land in the oonotry to speoula-
tors; neither does he refer to th fact
that the present Government has not
given one aore to a railway corporation
since coming into power.
He repeats the time -worn tale of land
deale in Halifax and Moncton, although
the land in each case was bought upon
the valuation of a Conservative, and in
the case of 31one.ton by a Conservative
candidate in this election. The explan-
ation in both cases has been clear and
ample, but Mr. Borden finds it conveni-
ent to disregard this. How can he ex-
pect people who ask for bread to be
satisfied with a stone?
zaT6,BLI$H]iD 1812
The Times Office, Beaver Block
TREWS Or 51.1asoareTluN-51.00 per annum 1n
advanoe, 51.50 if not ao paid. No paper diaoon-
tinned till all arrears ars paid, except at the
option of the publisher.
ADVERTISING RATEa. - Legal .and other
caanaladvertisements 10o per Nonpariel line for
first insertion, So per line for each subsequent
Advertisements in tooal oolamns are charged
pert line or enaoh for
insertion. 5 cents
Advertisements of Strayed, Farms for Sale
or to Rent, and similar, 51.00 for first three
weeka,and 25 cents for each eubeequent in-
OoNTReoT RATae-The following table chows
oar ratea for $he insertion of advertisements
for epeoified periods :-
SPAWN. 1. YR. 0 Yo. 8 ]40. Deo,
OncColmmn . _. _ - -570.00 540.03 522.50 *8.00
Half Column_._._-..-- 40.00 26.00 15.00 6.00
QuartarColmmn -»- 20.00 12.50 7.53 8.00
One Inch ---»»--•- 5.00 8.00 2.00 1.25
Advertisements without speoifio directions
will be dsa
Transient advertisements must be paid
for in advance,
o Tux JOB D1PBTMB T le stooked with an
extensive assortment of all requisites far print-
ing, affording facilities not equalled in the
county for turning out first clans work. Large
type and appropriate outs for all styles of Poet -
era, Hand Bills, eto., and the latest styles of
choice fancy type for the finer olassee of print.
Proortetor and Publisher
T P KSNNSDY, M. D., M.O.P. B. 0.
. Member of the British Medical Aseooia-
tion. Gold Medallist in Medicine. Special
attention paid to diseases of Women and Child;
ren. Office hours -1 to 4 p. m.; 7 to 9 p. m,
Tows Oouxom--W. Holmes, Mayor;
Dr. A. J. Irwin, Reeve; Devid Bell,
Thos. Gregory, D. E. Mel) enald War .
Nioholson,('.to. Spotton, Geo 0 Sauna,
ooanoillors; J. B. Ferguson, Olerk and
Treasurer; Anson Dnlmage, Assessor.
Board meets first Monday evening in
each mouth at 8 o'clock.
(chairman) Dr. J. P. Kennedy, Dr. P.
Macdonald, Dr. R. 0. Redmond, 3. A.
Morton, 0. P. Smith, W. F. VanStone.
Dudley Holmes, secretary. A. Ooaene,
treasurer. Board meets second Monday
evening in each month.
PUBLIO SOHoor, BOARD. - T. Hall,
(ohairman), B Jenkins, a. E. Isard,A.E.
L1oyd,S. Kerr, Wm. Moore,AlexeRoss,
0. N. Griffin. Secretary, John F.
Groves.; Treasurer, 3. B. Perguson.
Meetings seoond Tuesday eveningin eaoh
lor, B.A., principal; J. 0. Smith, B.A.,
classical master; J. G. Workman, B.A.,
mathematical master ; Miss Helena
Dodson, B.A., teacher of English and
Musgroye, Prinoipal Miss Brock,
Alias Reynolds, Miss Farquharson, Miss
Wilson, Miss Cummings, and Miss
BOARD oP HEALTH -Thos. Bell,
(chairman), R. Porter, Thomas Greg-
ory, John Wilson, Y.S., 3. B. Ferguson,
Secretary; Dr. 3, R Macdonald,
Medical Health OfHoer.
ST.&TES]tE),'" Vs. POLrTICI.&1 s.
In the one case there is the piotnre of
a well -tried statesman giving au acoonnt
of his stewardahip, with the eoneoions-
neas of having done well and faithfully
by the people who treated him, and on
the other the spectacle of an opportun-
ist politician surrouuded by discredited
men appeasing to the baser elements
and offering nothing acceptable to a peo-
ple who realize from day to day that
they live in a country made prosperous
and dignified by the work of a great and
patriotic statesman.
The people demand something more
from an opposition leader than petty
scandals which will creep into every
Government, and are nnseparable from
every great enterprise. The result is
one of disappointment for the Conserva-
tives. The people will give the Laurier
Government continued support, and this
will be the case until something better
is offered the people than they enjoy at
ter of Japanese immigration, there was
in the till of Mr. Bowser's firm the
money he received for endeavoring to
bring in Japanese in violation of the
convention between Japan and Canada.
Survey oitt from Fort William
Takes this Wonderful Balm.
Zam-lank the favorite household balm
is now adopted as "The Doctor" by
leading parties in surveying various
parts of the the Dominion lands.
31r. Henry Hall writing from Fort
sition, and then prooeeded to denounce A marvelous change Res come over I; was this Mr. Bowser's firm who drew i William says: -"Having proved how
it as a piece of rank hypocrisy. Inter- rl Ontario the past ten days. The people the contract between Gatah, the Jape- beneficial Zam-Bair is in cases of °clubs,
preted is one way, the statement have been privileged to hear the two nese agent, and the C. P. R. represents- akin injuries and diseases, I dei fclined
g to keep e. enppiy h' ndy- Be' engaged
would, the Bee said, be found satisfac- great leaders, and what ea h has to tive to bring in laborers to 13ritiSh Co- to go on a Survey I thong it would be
tumble by the back door, via Pitme aln- a most useful tbing take along. I
obtained a enppl in ort William, and pe
very well it w did so I may Rey homestead thanes ander one of the following
tory to the most hide -bound stand- 1 offer. Sir Wilfrid Laurier can point
patter; interpreted in another, the ; with Satisfaction to the record of his
rankest free trader might find delight , Government for twelve years -Greater
in it. trade made possible by a fair and { Ontaris electorate. The people looked
All that the Bee said by way of de- ,.equitable tariff -British. preference en- ; for something to place alongside the
nunciatlon of the Republican straddle ,,couraging trade relations with the I deeds of Sir Wilfrid, and nothing was
Oat the American fiscal question was Mother Country -The land given to the offered but slander and scandal, with-
quite true, but one can imagine the settler who is making su*h good nee of out s scintilla of evidence in support of
oousbernatlon that was created by the 4 it, that 120,000,000 acres of crops is the the allegations made.
Waring of that straddle by a Republi- result, and there is a frenzied calf for mfr. Borden het net eonvih' e -i the peo-
ran over ander the misaperehensicn oars to bring the crop to market -Agri. , pie of Oatarie ten there is any ocCaelon
t t encouraged and mar -for a change. No charge has ever been
that 11 wens a dehveran�e of the ea �, cultural pursuits en_o ragC
troy. The incident canteens a warning I keta provided by reaeon of cold storage made against the Government of Sir
for *&e. Ames. The gentleinau from i facilities --The St, Lawrence channel Wilfrid Laurier or any member of it.
Montreal ttiould be o,sr
efni lest he, male a safe highway by day and night The toted criticism amounts to $1 in
treat hold of an old E'arnementsey re- t`, se the remit of deepening the channel, every atenete It is not even put forward
The campaign of, Mr. Barden, backed
np by such men, has not impreeeed the
Fresh Fish
Centre Street
I have made arrangements for
weekly shipments of Fresh
Fish, and will be able
to supply them
Every Friday.
Wingham, Ontario.
Mr. Pry -I hear that peculiar old
Mrs.. Talkative, who was so fond of
arguing with everybody about any-
thing, has been sent to an insane asy-
lum. What did they think was the
matter with her?
Mrs. Malaprop -She had fall, , and
the doctors said It was discussion on
the brain, -Baltimore American.
Physician, Surgeon, eto.
Office -Macdonald Block, over W.MoKibbon's
Drag Store. Night calla answered at the oftioe.
All orders will receive prompt
L. R. O. P. London.
Office, with Dr. Chisholm.
Put to a Different Use.
Maude -I wonder why that man cuts
the pages of els magazine with his
Clara - Perhaps he Is saving his
knife to eat his pie with. -- Detroit
Private and Company funds to loan at lowest
rate of interest. mortgagee, Sown and farm
property bought and sold.
Office, Beaver Block. Windham
Synapsis of Canadian Northwest
Homestead Regulations.
Wingham, Ont.
A NY even numbered section of Dominion
,tLends in Manitoba, Saskatchewan and
Alberta excepting S and 25, not reserved, may
be homesteaded by any person who is the sole
heal of a family, or any male over 18 years of
age. to the extent of one-quarter section of 160
acres. more or less -
Applimtion for entry must be made in per -
sen by the applicant at a Dominion Lands
Age^ay or Sub -agency for the district in which
the land is situate. Entry by proxy may, how-
ever, be made at an Agency on certain condi-
tions by his father, mother. son, daughter,
brother or sister of an inten3ing homesteader.
The homesteader is required to rform the
that pretty nearly every day it waifcall- Pitts -At testi;
six months' residence upas and
ed into regateition by one or other of cultivation of the tannin each year for three
the party for cuts, bruises, borne, or yearn.
some in ue or another. It is wonder- $2 mthereteader esid if he ao dewires,
j y �perforfalia reqaired re dencedatiesbyliving
fat how quickly Zam-B ak takes the on farming Ian. owned solely by him, not lees
poren out of cuts, burns, bruises, and qthan eiehty 8831 scree in extent, in the :vicinity
on our survey it earned golden opinions of him hoMestesd. Joist ownership in land.
from all who had occasion to try it. I
hale found it very good for skis d1 euse,
and I can strongly recommend it as
household bairn."
Mr. Lasesiles Soott one of the leading
Government analysts days: -"I have no
besitstion in certifying the entire parity raother.t
of Zsm-Bek which in my opinion is t4: Tice term 'sr ln1tr" in the two preced- i
trill not meet this requirement.
(8i If the father for mother, if the father is
deceased) of the homesteader has permanent
residence on farming land. owner} solely by
him not Ices than eighty (80) acres in extent,
in the vicinity of the homestead, or upon a
homestead entered for by him in the vicinity,
such homesteader may perform his own resl•
dense dui:ea by living with the father (or
Morar To foes.
Orrice: Meyer Block, Wingham.
A R1t1Uli J. IHWIN, D. D. S., L. D. S.
Doctor of Dental Surgery of the Pennsylvania
Dental College and Licentiate of the Royal
College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Office
in Macdonald Block, Winghara.
Just Like a Man.
If I were a girl I wouldn't wear
My hair
With a list to port,
And 1 would forego
Ten rings or so
And all Junk of that sort.
If I were a girl I wouldn't put
My foot
In a number three -
That is, not when
.A nine or ten
Was the proper size for me.
If I were a girl I wouldn't try
To buy
A hat like a peak.
But truth's a pearl -
Were 1 a girl
1 guess I'dbe-Washington WshingtonHerald.
High Culinary Education.
"Oh, yes, Mabel is very domestic
She spends a great deal of her time
in the kitchen."
"No, counting and classifying
germs." -Cleveland Plain Dealer.
W. J. PRIDE, B. S. A., L. D. S., D. D. S.
Licentiate of the Royal College of Dental
Surgeons of Ontario, and Graduate of Uni-
versity of Toronto.
Office : Beaver Block.
Merely a Delusion„
"It hurts, doesn't it?" asked the sur-
geon, probing away.
"No," answered the patient through
his set teeth. "I only think it doess"-
Chicago Tribune.
ALEX. KELLY, Wingham, Ont.
For the County of Huron. sales of all kinds
conducted at reasonable rated. Orders left at
the Trxzs ofiioe will reoeivs prompt attention.
Wingham General Hospital
(Under Government inspection)
Pleasantly situated. Beautiful fur-
nished. Open to all regularly licensed
physicians. RATES FOR PATIENTS -
(which lnelade board and nursing, $3.50
to $15.00 per week according to location
of room. For further information,
excellently adapted for skin injnrlea and iLn;nPaiae imus t a duedect line exds.sicbo f
'ores J. E WELSH,
Box 223, Wingham Ont.
London...... 6.40 a.m.._ 8.80p.m.
Toronto &Sastll.Ita.m.. 6.65 a.m...- 2.40p.m.
Kincardine -11.57 a.m... 2.08 p -m..- 9.15p.m.
Kincardine _.»e.40a.m -11.00a.m__ 8.40 p.m.
London »_.-.....-11.54 am- - 4.855 p.m.
Palmerston.... - .- ...... 10.50 a.m.
Toronto & last.. _...... _ 2.08 p.m.... 9.15 p.m.
L. HAROLD, Agent, Wingham.
diseases !the width of road allowances crossed in the 1
teat, sboteiog how Western.anis real• ;f stld installing aids to navigation -This that thin dollar was corruptly trent, but Zane Buk cures cuts, scalds, borne, measurement. Ament. homesteader intending to perform his
1 wets plandeted under a Conserve- alone has ?effected a ening of 85^J0,000 a that It was exoe trely •pent. wli16h is t btaisee, eczema, Romp SOVSS, ringworm, reeidenoe datlee to accordance with the above
Or ulcers, abrcesses, ) places, cold while livinf[ with perentNt or oa farming Sand l
+tae Government, and introduces it in year in marine fnauranoe rates -Grain a matter of opinion. sores, blood poison10017'''',hronio absoesses, ff aWne3 b hsntselt melt notify the Agent for
sue of his lentera slide chews as an it- which formerly was carried to Boston The one-sided pseematation of scan- etc. As an embrooation it relieves 1 thol 6tI$C fa }ma tnnatybe alvere
laser tiost of what he ptofesaes to re- and Nev York, now finds ami outlet at dal does not influence wen whoknow rh6 nlatit�. aenratgis and salatbO$ All 1 to tl:e cxomalxiorier o4' Dominic,► Le at
oat se the inkjtatous rttanner Iii whioh Montreal, greatly to the txforternatkxa , both sides.. He does not deny, nor pat- , $04 Stores sell at i0 oent�s a ' c wa oe Iat'detitra to apply for parent,
oh* 1)e +Citi t of the Iuterbr has' of the Ameritwan..lipleti ittt+erea a,'who li.t_, the acts of the Cotuetvsttive Got. lee �°o 7,sm•Buk 40., Toratitta,
.11. Cc1BY
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fer I>rit+i. $ bores for g1.t�. good i gest De�put7' of inns Yialatee' 04 the'I.terior.
Inger TYiii:iLl". al.egad that their gosttrnime>ali; 2i B UntAarixdp�ou telemeter"
L t3t3t ad -
blew manly
eminent, which pave 00.000,000 scree of stomp for dainty' eatapla Ioox. Tortisearoat wig ask be for.
Toronto and East_. »..» 655 a.m.... 9.39 p.m.
Teeewater -. .-..... 1.10 p.m -10.08 p.m.
Teeewater... 6.55 a.m...-. 8.39 p.m.
Toronto and Seat _ _1. 10 p.m.. -.10.08 p.m.
3. H. BRS3i1.1t. Agent,Wingbam.
CoiwRioilre &C.
Ames sending s sketch and descrtption tap
Qnlcilf ascertain our opinion whether as
inventiontrprobably �Gx minket.
ttoneaviatl coaadeae AL ffli cmPatenta
eentlxee.r 115.1a�t� TLalpau�
PaISVLI taken th h Yana £ 00.locelTB
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1t y fll rekedwssaly Laxseet c r -
I or 3o`"�`rr•sa•hd, 524 s
.A �s+ast
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The Annual Exodus.
The chairs are in their linen suits
Of Holland white and brown;
The china's packed, the rugs are np.
Portieres and curtains down.
.The books upon the Library shelves,
Alas, are out of reach
Behind a barricade of trunks:
We're going to the beach.
We talk with condescension now
To neighbors in our row
Who have to stay at home because
They can't afford to go.
But even while of bathing, golf
.And promenades I preach
At heart I hate the very thought
Of going to the beach.
-New York Press.
Poor Investment.
Ostend -Pa, what is a "bond of sym-
Pa -A very poor investment, my son.
It never draws any interest from the
public. -St. Louis Republic.
Result of Practice.
"That sboeblack poet who is all the
rage really writes very, ::ell."
"Yes, his verse is so polished." -Bos"
ton Post.
Impoliteness. .
A 'normous dog came in one day,
And he and I commenced to play,
And we had fun, and nice fun, too,
Long as he 'hayed as a dog should do..
But when he got so awful rough
I hollered that I'd had enough.
But 'stead of stopping as he should,
As anybody'd think he would,
He knocked me down and tried to see
If he could sit on all of me.
-"Our Baby Book."
The Main Thing.
Mrs. Nuritch-I don't like that there!
Mrs. Swellman at all.
Mr. Nuritch-Weil, you ain't got to
notice her.
Mrs. Nuritcb-No, but the trouble is,
she don't take no notice of me. -Cath-
olic Standard and Times.
Case and Comment.
The accommodating husband paints his •
In a style to suit the wishes or his
And the neighbors o'er the way,
Who've suspicions. merely say,
"When he ordered that he must have
had a. souse."
Wounded Pride.
"He referred to us as mushroom
aristocracy," said the indignant daugh-
"Discharb the chef," enewered the
equally indignant mother. "I told hint
to use trufises."-Minneapolis JournaL
A Prediction.
And when the campaign starts once more
You'll note if you have watched the
That, though new men come to the fore,
The arguments are much the same-
-Washington Star.
Hobo -Darin' yer afternoon nap,
Willie, Son vine smilin' an' cooin' like
a tree-monVs-old baby.
His Pal -No wonders I wuz dream -
in' I had a job as demonstrator fer s
Caught a Tartar.
He thought he world be shrewd
And wed for money.
Well, now he is beshrewed.
Is that not funny/''
-Pittsburg Poet.
"Have yon seen Choilie's laatesC
waistcoat. Gnat heavensi"
"No. What is its hue?"
"line? It's a hue and cryt"--Cteve-
Ian(% Leader.
Out For the Profit.
Some men build better than they kao14
In stick things being unaknied.
Most building operators. though,
Know better than they build.
-Catholic Qt*nda dand'iimala.
First:Aide to the Left
' ocher-7olxnny. wba e. Js the taiii
Iogr►;n-tbe grxtraY'amidde;"IM/.