Lucknow Sentinel, 1905-12-28, Page 9I.. . .. ... .. win his good will by seadint t1te Mess o0upcienw. Good, obalm 01. 'TOW *0 men -W P11 1 4 iu, OQ4 a qnid� -3 - ING Bin ..o,*C d Mm A;4 111,11110�19 111161t LL'' he iis �Of thesheph (vo �TA The AN za to� lose.. te, his he 0, W- Mom", ooxiong* "wTe fithee and str�uStV'by seebg- fQ dawasi fairly a0Jve,,w44, prJeo --A#er the n'!#Io Street '� uwr%. those d theRm eii 0thJ*JbiD wh expqie6ced :1bAft­9g 4qhn ,and bcfor* tlipbWh, Of L" 11 *MW, .1 - ras`� ADO;!t 209' t).40194 9Z, 44 IF.4�04 .. g 14 'to: " M ad' and -.0seser Atgustua-Vie. first of has learned, dW .9W';Amz* emperora�, AV, I 0e woild�, _11Ied With; holy joy they !�Infd quire *r solabuhels, of goqge,-,.brqug1;t that'' wai laprAy, 30 bu sfound 'It 0,prob0able that' of the r side oni'm wo"04. At th 't L dieA ;it, the re . .eq sell4 ff at, Illoil than W"510 busli,il., sb 6 Mom empiri'extenilcd. further thin g 00fir, exp to ,of her, "ooa$, ohs another. theii ,jolith: tl C and MATO , f� or tAa4 Vnl: as= The work of doubli-etr n �troad,­,.I&s own, a. *44 3 g6odIl'derna�d for hay, 40, 1*XedJWq1led,'oT registered -11.7Xade lmo*n nd a Then Trunk Rallway'. between, Xio PP a knows,, a loa,d' selling* at, $9. 'to $10 per, too, for Nq� v wi It w, view of tax�ing -to 1[y4- lragk iii'Very -:Pearly Couip lite 'n bl, . 4 _ f- , , wk the tiMOPLY' and lo,,S*8 foi.,ini e4 Or q Ffirst, made­TheTe mu#t, halve lieen teU. the g a ,1qviqr. k ;tmw..Eol4, at $1 Ite,44, pe to "my One 0_ gt .,on. the Temisk4ming: I planting at, the." .r ton. Iem C -Ti" is the met.� Thipy,were true preachers qf,the p.,jil Dr �ed, liogs. gre. line], l&id1"ty:xpfin beyoxid'New that' .11 . anged, h4 and. hi� quoted at, T8.25 and heavy. st, is. thrimol6giiPl. , 4ifficulty goo , 1. I& v by qvdered�The ­iiaiao goyet story -16-A Npeqlt� whjtp,, b s4el', 76. jL Jesus is e. most wonderful to b, earw later s -for a - stra Do., red., bushel 78 n A; 1,6 tei YL Pi" _mohlp,10 be, Do., w 0,76, whIci;l human -ears ever lisUpedV, aid it the Pactrio,r9opehop ARQ'use Of com Ing, bw�be; Q'76[ 0 00, el '"UAL 'OK he -took -a Do-'. goose.- b *ILL the Oanxdia�n Picifiez.RailwaV ff"Pr ushol, 0, inL'sulin iu 0 00 THE C01OWN, AL- 19. Ponde St. Luke, irefors in Acts -,,weig ug-!o*3eP;c-, I Ilzinci - Sj era *61M Ende in the -Z ring them Bar;ey. 0,50, I0 5i C0 LTIONS 96LD e phipationp have been. fully - con eas,� bu Shel 5, sido'' ini eircum�' is 'suffeiing,from. *zi, attack of 7 t GETNT x pal - Pa of Wycliffe ory ex# Decide before tin Ryi bushel 00, IUQ' um, Ex ;"The'mait satidget stance was tresured. up in hft memory. 0 M 000 ion of the matter aeemoo be that nervous Prostmtio]L 00 10 00 TTRRA111 !J� ia Bar. timothk, to:) 20; Glorifying dud praising-Theop -was twice- governor. of 4ria Trade returno,for th� last, five months Do., inixed.1-ton, '000 So obestfitnetoitim- St a o A� D. 6. p-e. me'a retumed to, the 6;iie, 6V� their raw, per top 4, as weB aii in show 4,gal,� of'$2fi;0WAW, Of, which ex- TAR. In Ly C01W to �bi,� a- will established fact. Ay wasting canditionsin flocki. giving glory, to, G6d, for,AU Wy -6 Al Or�s coiitn ut�ed sisoqw. sl;�e, No. 1, bushel 67S 625 I peen,afid bexind L _ *, '' Z, ' 'IS Th it solutjo;L of, the bgi tfic hum- body is Do No *2 4'75 51 "D The late IA%rr&tt 6 XJW PRACTICAL � !PrLiCATIONS, - i6i4k, President Do"' 4 ft Ity llis the isaumptiou tba Quir . , , A -: %em the ev4 is too . 0 No., 3 CID Toronto Consumers'., C.4s, Co.,, lqft an Red, choice,, No.,'l,,� lipaii,el 6 25 I GO ORS X"r, 1. ncaynsitla, was twim governor of E1ym'-,'grd - L"A Saviour" (T-11 in -B , orn -first V ,estate 1`01'4 it $IL Mfift.13. roOtc& At ale, I qm" Timothy, hilish I ...... 150, 2 CIO Jiss been made, almot certs a 'Ffiviour" '(Y. 11). The so 'OHIO 1346��. IL A. t, lip. inof aoA became `Ifirst,, It is- reported'at. 11a1Jfii�'tii# the"Co denix. of 1064 9601 MIR 'fesearches per an the beloved Son Aples, bbl tOrn JMS� . of L Mary -(v., &=WS EMU8joh.. 4m, pe I r ozen' ... 040. 0 .4;) "b Divine ke 175 CD PYN]; =U" AN"YST. a winter, d 3.,, Into big own cit Ri� 7). P.'IL will ma that city was to'en I rot . persojis atthe One became, tbeL'limnan. juffrerV subjea for their., new, Atlan tic p , assenoer staini- JButter. dairy .. .. .... . on 0 L27 :,Do., ersainery 627 0103 to illysical law, mentd,,pa in and spirit- - j11113111111tW' Of rf5iden'*` out tb',-JcWi6h'eU,s` L, should �,b4p. Clik-keris. per 1b . .... ... 020, tk!.enrqbnent to ta blini. Bio d' �d at�Spenejs i" RAVI, � por lb'..,,.. 60S 0 LY4 ke place 1*1 , triall. was mur 2. Ignorded 'Brid e--VictqtW,-�]B�-C.�-y&terday.--by--4L� -'diately., A WAATM us, e e up.� r�m, Asid, him g Pty. G� oil. 012 Cabbage, ver doz6n . '" �4 tothe'inuch'inoo qtloyslted ilegion bedauiie� liccaUse, 'there was; DO f gang ;f toughi; �.h;�.viiring'.about r that W D 331AM&T, . .. I so 0 e City of David -Where 'ITM babe construction Comp. 6 0 .y Cauliflower, perAozoo -67s bern. 53. Vith 3ftl* Ilying .Potataeg� pier bas'..., room fe]r him ifm the inn!V.(*. 7). ti�sue 1 in the, mong, t Collingwood Boa,rd of,FAucation ukmy oi �IVI@VJM 0 P11 41 . . . . . . - Celory, per doxeA 0 35* -040 Mr. Geo;ge 11 ill" :' ' whetlier her preseneeLwaS L ba# at ynru ,pr;p* Onions,. ter bag 1,20 for or vokinfin - but Itim f)bvi 'the. neep�iw of Jesiw from cipal. of th notit"te'. in SUCT, 1600 y, the:'ergae I of 700 %is Own 46 Impecto than I&W-8 MEN* After Vbst:sbi,ba& sVffpxed received, Hi*L woolen r Mills Do., forsaugr4r4l 4,011...' 500 EDa ree", is- &W 12). Ife" "M . 11414i a, pair "t 5Q pir Imobleben ( toffi, wme at a .of bet humb"& 1&NW for 1111111ke Whair 19,00 'IrIblij 41101,1116. wifoI.-Better, "Who iinA thsir. a obiwoll1w. 411111, Por X=OV]" S. - bills ii Iffameth".L -ney. i1si3ee'thiiiat "stioy"'by rv% 3,00* 900 to V. While Per GWIV. Is Alp bol A*i i. Is, 29, 20)' am was )AZ .'to , of the ekyo (I 'th 1111=U6, 1W wea t an _joy. Toronto, -Live Stock 1"'of sher . b"d rein x9rum '&,an Be"", Past" s4 methodi4 4AN OR �PY*Tid"" to. pnowy 'Of 711110 now"* te, bas.been appeiritaill refes6r f hami- .616wlat low .0, -Pie" Of the Iff. Tbe. anying, 61. I�Zo",$O.tbo Wirth kes, raime fIrm Ja $tjo Soft'. 111MIC $6.0, 110. fo-of tlw aftels.vie a in Vjateffi�b^ UZi7eMAty'.' $&S vary 11083W - - I -7 So todiadIsim? QML, .0. coumv 7. Von, $bo� f ow Tbi the,*w -7 Vat lilmixionsed 4jro*WL sarL'4rwL. "d ons, 6 ame 31?Cts it shi but, to, U" bo,�will be I all OFWY omm4w* Azi t" bek 4 402gd ple" kokemasort., it is unders.. ORK 44af; n4divin ­Csulo� Goid vusti.vill the Kwe"iyA in,the, 41saii a ftviour- at'XAW $1.15; oonobiss at N:s " $Lag;,. a sswi* 10i X., iliG olial. Y all, ILA. to, $0, &OIL � - I . I ., . . I lass , . , -vw* am � tt+Of,-tb­"f,of_ .1 . .. I - 35 �And $2.50 P"Muse 0 saw" AlK, ISL- 'and4ii-, f ae; tht 31oail� nboot paiiiie'-tho, beem appoinill- me .*Ype *I'llbe *ln", VoI inGot, 1,0&tftn of the ]ks� rris sm, cwt.; mosdium e 'tAki ritil oit Of a aryo fisa"Of i% 3010 to We JIM:" a $Lis so $La. 'Na 16). 'Ae joy of t -ANW- J 06 2NO rim 4k: ", is IL56; a a ankega-D. socias, AsI from i the: Lord is great in itt-1466196 y obill *T- boot o6ftbrn, s6i XLW to in "O� fit %f IBM W Fight, Ftoek '-ANBF $1.76, to. Food, MGM us . d , Oda W,$2.7L "M tbwo n that Ousts, you bo sosrilot, for salkiii, cover. you good. tiffi4e ;.(v. It Tfi6 Anium am two nowl. 1, gind-1winsers Was, M"@fir90VW 5 ibb Mann SAU16 PASTOR DMICTED. 110 seltesineirs for the Atl*ntio OM fty, vu To been im 4 siod �'tkat, you; ye It find" 275th anniversary of the lonsd - I , M-- at was Omfort are in t1he Frei, Pe- :. III 6d Jaw in 4" of The =01get .07 wed With Frau&J=iext3y D- to $6 rm .8� and j moune ',I 4) Of Cambridge* as' celelimted there Chiip_� !1*)dL ai'$3 CWt. 7% ibile, 'I .. . �to V.�, . L, . . . jwere r Am eye eta tvana in on �Awelkngs `bOU 4art tili ftan," :Kathiiia.;ng' that a I eir e that Bi ong for cali" ef good,*chsi" qualfty. _ds. . �JOWVQ�L fteeii? and Larobs--Bxpot ewes; $4 -to J& 30- see writAer' 2 gin David (2 Sa*'x bd- 2 t ell 1�o' P . rdpa I ire a p! Jesus paid per �evt I )i "" 'ila tiniiinel. The,yesguin hriail parlistuient me�C ag4in at - $3; L,.to. $3 59' �O late for youi 13L * ' �­ X .25 -.Rev..,, f I . r, to P es'. January rad' r p4stO f �,weq, er . ewt. : or, larnbs sold � at sm6 t; wing, I Beinard 4 13' r. o SL Jose Is f tOZY;:to Z.piorogu ,. . r- Al mel�eq eet more 44 di�d I 061iii xiv� -,j. tieked . to, the he ph arm; bwksI; Mg, Irt. $5.50 to up wx AMR I 'o by: raysd decree.. 15.75 0er c��: -cement Gospel' IR -atholic clitich 1t:*Ybnk- Oman, C era, was "dtfi Magi a thi room j". (v. .15). The. ep- the mw ier ri Haps---Mr. Harris 'go,p -on 8 e havo een: reiii=. P�f� �i I �­ TIN;,plant'di uuu�lp ek rh. epherd! lif t 0 a;� bords bell -t, Ohio, *a;s ',liur3ied ar., in cte of gr elite �.ol pq eump"y'. 'for thi y l he bigher'fer,the le -Their fait di d ia�pen �b 'ib��Grjjia: zaarket. zt,a'de !-30c Oer ewt.-, rse'. about two fi" an y . y *a* �A was.. y ily.--Dr. Tho i ... IV ated it $�(),- Jury' to -day. '. It -is 'efiarged that he at 46-15:amd Ifilits 4nd fats .4i trans6ni throug _I6, which IA'rqmediatd� "W- u6 -:110w - go- Pro- causing,& lose estim $5 *r cvrt.;, otags. $2,50 tbe t 'MeSe� qU Waq i6 tranamit, 10011# I grdatination is,ia ith f. friffilliently decured b dtatio" are for- wi!4 and bel Insk--1 w" not likeftjLAiaerx� ii t steals tim equest of proI libm, tbi traveller's, *ants OfL-,rl hjg_, wialered. mMpplied - or piy, but '*as, x-squ are a. little 44 "Aiiw" imis. t req aft 0 strezigtbxiid�opportili3itY.�' Dalay.;'is 1- Liith�r']Fllmore irly �Supbriil[tendwt erty ;.Worth *10 000 for the we' The. rLoWuers eadd' it h Th K, the �Onit�'Paelfie Ceast - ( � ' eblil*h 'at Wilk`%4' 3Wgaict, ppsh.Cattle Karket&­ e, 'ent i n rrbw st sivi - i2don.-Cattle: are' 4uo' ed ty contlifer AailreadV: between O�klan& aiid' trky 'reciently seveTal hoari-to penetrat,t the L a tft*a th th migb guage) a t 'US a2.'. An active e� at, 10' U%e feet of the, tum -4 'idof. Xda�h" �6� th. S 'now 3tite; and . ii,�w'ill *as �oiferea for pron rfrigetator, -lb.- Sheep,-. Santa brur'! died,'.,ye day, rea niagL . L d th t� ;Oke "How dd- $oft, obate gi��' his entire -property of. &r er* . I , years.. - Aso&% Ch jiccomp�ish so,mul 'in. life?" Y - 4LAXWer iiidiii �Vnest,.Zxtkfta, soiiM, 1hen 'ad "been, diminished Sy. UW' ch A Budapest dispatih says.:, 71%e Bin- Owering of� *.the'- water in the'L. iinn04,', 'n 348S ViO4 San 'Francisco D. ee� 'Mir . ea L, L anythin 9-11to"41C a.4 decided., that in view.�of lirge steam p'u`mps bio=ht nt to' "My father taught me. whe J' z �e knuounreiiiiint was not. was 0 to go -do * t whoAs to on y ffurviv­ 95 861/ politi 'I, Detroit, J.. 91 water­dowxr��O l*6w that an atteippt wix but� to,humble it faith. 13*in unto Iletb- -Xngxe!2�lve� c62testea1be validity 9 is 891/ & A, earfilot, accept- the of te gli, 'roac *b -Th4 - 19 ,O� iceiv4i the �glad . flock too find 'w berhe made to li.46.=en in boats left -their' ill'.and. case r DUlUth ...... 74" �; - I " . .1 'A 853-' w�re: laiin6hed L in "ot er, part. of 'tb)0� lehe I.Fojervar et" je�Terea L'y - , h . & rXzThey un y Cal�l�' a",day. Gr U 411' doubtedly. 27. St. TL,6U 9 their Saviour. 'Ch they ThI York Periodical �FublisherW tunnel. the. boats,- however, could not er Wln ienis or booths: und U e 'At the p6int. They ciins *itlt,f aTdent. _MjtOcV New York 77 sq eeze',bene4tfi' t hasite ". V rke.' KeePiu6,' watch. cidL. Says er ye % 0 I d Abrpham, .1i. Blimmeli",the VRADSTREETMOS ll� 'i4of y:deeld to at= jypitheta,6, tm elnpl in-,-]�riiit- where ''the' ter w" liigheit, and'the t- --Or. .."'ketoinx 'with sL: 'lawyer, 4 o for several days 'bna' been . .. . a gh Qht watches j. . L 4 w� 'f le''trade tielil i iven up.,.,;'. re usi Montreal: :o i wholesi a. p was hc Ali lines I SLfip I Surrounded of spirit, s ak. . . . rem , Ccujt;f: IDA e -V oo- b' CL tontinize to A "They wiatcbed`.by tu f ;bg -theAafght-hpur day. to On. trial 'in water;.. vhich beas urgency, 16ked "a k'and ,threw wild ell, 'racy. ipconnec !on �wth: jo irge, oi, 60nsp. t 19w a. quiet Ioiie her tLs:.AW robbom The lover of 'Your UriL e; al- thingg, Of a Iiiet, that the shOphIerdis. were in the fields rewarded faiih� '7114y. Aftind thet. Dodge -Moist divorce :litigation, 'to- th' �.s a r6a,d.V'some to ui;5ment the, i ��as�,to go to t 're"order �tradekin . �6ine.L. is no grd6itd for' co din� The steauter Christmas goocb. comprx*96a air should. fail-- to. i6ld It ia 31a ph and L th6 babe iii. a. iniji� U114 ��z h irTived, d, nel that eleqtad to allow lih he' ' , ry and Jose i h eheek: ,the two *utombed.m6 b iLd - kV*1 take '. Ii tb fom: zhhw ysterday, biough -�mews. , as been'gefieral during the it , 114 vity did not . , .. L P ace in, 11� ger" 16)j� God bids US, Tide and J solely n,the -evidence iubmitted 2 L toin L t and iesulti sh6w,' as was e:x-,, e ave'rage' pera. ure. at -that - i� rumo'r* is' etdent, throu 6bout 'fa- past, wee cominumea, ion� - by, h, ter. -Th D, Wtl-that ihe Ujfij.�d gtate s accusergi k it: year ecem- pec4d,'thaf thei'tusine6�of- the' -p s�u�fce by rapping' the' lii�es­ ken faith; The as 6 A ape comp -th theiii air., ?A;y Zro, what 4fie 1oid. lig e )ly ;with 'that of el %eir'54 4 es. Angel— offejed )F ar faVordl aust r. Came upon � hein-L4ftood Over., 15) toL.thera. 'I news -Was ces ed whd three- -daring men t pr�yjus.- sea ons� '' Iteinittah -a -to ttle, s 16 9 them -Clarke. Glor . I 11 'lip to tb�e'plitrcirni on"wbich they MMIM � I kiciwn'! Ing, y otthe Lord,-4hat IF I ' i -.werease, ;df teri - p6r: ce:i th Ong( 466 goba to� e: OF. R 000 i ed be - i�, li but: Alvere ii a huddled afidLnduced the fri te ed, keeli. It -be t. in e ghten I A ives. -emp bp LL-!! f6rthe futur�.ori-tfiis Odreije en or. in M441he Deity is � le oi. , t" 'a 'by' th P wgges operati L D point- -water. 'i Arepre-s., . pes, to and. oTp,� y was PERIL TraelleA' are un-, 'eaned'the nger swimmers -of the' eiito.4'.as ap Lnng A T1 ME 1 ieturiing'ftoxii their c6i ,��The oingpis. Angels'bav� always taken A i inexican -Woollen'e I=, PAINAN t smDetilace ! . . �" annt�rist in the affairs of -this iorld.' at a. meeting of, the'a om ry r( f fha t )Uteg, and they spPak,,.very ..hope� took a man 'upon 'hig i e frequently attended in this gent o .,pearai h pany., Ork -,P� MISS ftye "tbist 'Li.6a' il ilitly of. 6e�. e of country tad#* 1A 410hp y ;,.case by.s. We freiluezl4y read,ofJ1.0m. in'the'.0,14 held Zi�x -day. t& onditioh ' tLird swa i<lo read to Rio Ac appeared unto. PInkh='e Voks blo,com lias Alt -retail t mell-,,'and I .J Kilburii of''the N., y.. "s 9cirs. Arc in� TestilineuL An ;in WOL -is tik aniouncing 'the birth Of, John' S�w.ed 'Lter-Xae, s�iid ka" Uar WSW 4 ere is' & good 'so' ua basis �t rk.on, sist, JWW I It 4y that 6, angel aji0ear- Zacharias- )state; banking, deprtnient tOrdAy' ade in, e air,at" some '.1ittle, . jinsLano - anno�nciig 1 the' birth,.'of and the str' Ilrea. �f beanti ab&e them,�. that from him and to'Miry in the pros -of public a call for reportti of, the 6donditioh petity th,6 46. "n" f111YOnfig rn�nity-, Whieh'has S Au Angol',appqired �to'Jestls� in of tb �paniesj) ow many L 'been. i a beter trust f -the Sta,te,,,314� I jh' ­ L -' *, never n 'pro' L io� than* it'is .of of'the Lord 5honexphrid MUSSULMAN' X!!� 'fa the gaiden, Abd L to tbb, - disciples zat'the uaj,y :first 'nekk as ey, inancial posit to -day. ;E arb - I, . . no tlii'r�ys of. light 0opulchre and; -at, thp Ocension� Jesus on rer4 iipcnino,into Jected r6m the sun.-Clark0l.-Sori afraid. pol,new. mutinle TOr6!Ao,-,. ho es4le otber y Ar "Na :1 ilmm't one occasion topia �an tweivi I At 86baith enta t trade, here has een4quie ,at EN AT ansaid: He c ii�arty irkerru + the mornehi, afid'is likel A carried .61 MNU etrified ;rAih the ippe rauce,of so the bleig- h eenAeveloped, tit thisim'Dortant IT DO soldiers have be6n di4* HUNTING .TH bi� Th. f legicins, of ere. is no proo I . 4 ed aiia,, �er guaid.' Vietioops 4t s unt id"OUs ZL Ing. , assurAndeL and -we baYi , tuld 14 to C Iine o., ' if, after the new year, ed 'given that He gives,,-Hig riod,vesulting. in years of jmfferm 1FL11"LIX9 DESR. 1here. that ibeF sheibeird4i -wire fted and t e mhabf ,g T' barkoft thave revo, Flo e ale dry go6ds,iripii ka�6'ahcixit fin. Sageli charge over us rusais. Thel�rcsult.+is -Constantinople -The loware and afraid that :div' meL jl�Axce" y; nts 'are Al ihed 4heir litock-tAkifig. 25. the hour'o� temptition'ifid-anglar % I ., th 1. , - , 1, . . , I I I . C. XoijoW. y satisfketory and ab6ut to be"meted Out to them. e anier correspondent oif-thel3eho ather more u,an iairl shows thit lhe'ffado of the past year Xven when.. tbiy come Is Abbie do Parls, -says pretelider. t�,. the, dre of,.Mussulmas ' brl Arnie ns supernatural. Moorish throne, Bit Ham'Aft', comparoN witil'that 'of h year ago', M11 nin prog�ress'aioiihis and 'thro to, atack the Sultan's, troops The r 411 d" Tmiugs�The-, literal meaning. ith,a trh& in fAncy lines, �ete., out Iof "too m, 6 to diCIATe li-e CHURCH 0 di *erouiJi army.ndar' the -A gerian ftoriticir. beed'e'tceedfir-ly" he 4­y�- TlieTe has, &-spAtch ir6rl Tiflis' ­6n tbat' datc Thi;, - Dine I N 16ving -kindness 'My , in .re . eing On, accountr 6 So , ind,eonflia been go0;�. hardwAre . I' es, MohArrit modans' * e - b hunt�d) do" i of the,. Lopl. -3 , mes- koli tile Metals dre 'like d&r, -no �d igage, will cause -great joy... It in 'a *mes- 'u, t i50fttion beint, me& eral, strike was. I" i d at illo8cow- 6- proc itiqle ottomamus ,ver , y . ii.i. in lines, are Pe,rslalli T-artnits or MAY B" = r "., . magic to "you" iirst, aM it also CHICAGO VMSTER�g morTqw, .111, and, all tween, at, noon nistedd df'/to,- d Av6u� two' illouk. na fi�miliew reaches to, "zill 1be people,".. 11L. 10 UNItARIAN 'CHURCH ad' ug,rq 1!ave. tidvallcod 311-Ati 66 with xcpmplete. waq m�ugvratcd,, the P �ught re'uge' neighboi- nU, abt� duntr, and of Tiflis bail 8� dix Watt ke, W� 28 Wa ly� dix thee tfit ,wholehuma'n race.',,Sec:G M oLu -32, 2 1 4- hundred, �,Citv 11 �tridd Is -ther.incr xxviii,4 10; 4W, Chl' gc`� Dec, -05--F':vf -to con4i&r, -23. -I 1. Is botn-Isa ix 6- c4o Ministers met yestetilij- L i., 21 motd,snow. C61- tr�op el�ntillucd to pltinder'- the ho"usen for dr�'wwild jiexitl o i 14. � "David's gretitek Son b -ii , -teps, toward cliurch: Weiati The ferry'hol ystitilmang, at Tatati- earilili iareer inhi& ancestot's home. it awannx,& Westeih. at 0'e,,foat of IV eadion �2nd street,. ilnorove WiLh: tile, ll� vea�, RA bely" 'I t ore, a prqphet the �xclusloxrcif,Abe Unkili-�r destr6yv;d, And that- of'the Joeiev Ceu- ' I en hundred 'years W T!6tal -a Ips Witt COT 'did thItAltessiah's. biki t xadd. is active, W" h it jfoles;ale e r- barred' OIL' snotW;able *as - iial ba daiui�tged by' f, a l4,310"O'n to- oly�, , 4 I � I juaf Bnidi3h eso, oNvin- n( 'the; gqu�adron'Will, Mahoeuv4 *en .,'A t I3. A pre- doctrinal grounds ir�m1lie':r -ent, C011- I& i' doxibt� to an matt L',;, te I :i#,Sb .1 ec Off/it em co genet at of. CiIiiiz. all be- tefenco'ga church fidera'flon'lield hi New The Lt S�Ii-StAl format I er-comphints fr(*fi� fiqhmg rej a o on tir ted, sa85far 'lie Spani-Ir di 2t iment of, the ceived bitt a Sa:A9, rist York citTV, but the seat civergen�iiiiz, 1.9 the ln,favorofl th, Oel owners rcatment ie pqr .. TV 'y' -Itk cbnfi e. 'Ch 'it sa ex, ibii� t' t nita rMs d rep ' ini erc�i.i,66 here o' the ef4; sponin to e � e- it. 4 boeh etehatig,r- th, su s arq e. �(!c Ott n, �,'Iu Ancien t, a ahbiOct With the Br4iah t t g :se'tbeyvI:ifh fte hat �thd t th Winnibege Fifte sb b etber b. -m FAch Of 4he pe.akoit bad been iL ue� 1119 no Oa, eonfidebee at hi dtit�&- p6ri n4 e w antic and' Ch'i �q*,jil�lrrons, 6Ornpr$1t4 ide I, 'ti.`tO'tbe,Xe' - York con'teren"O' 'And s, -irnpeti%.� to th-6 tloliday tra nnel A, r66thcr �jouj4L eb6e.to 410� chi and, kings. wdre'pnqinf� a,bit* K i p, 'Will cdudeutrat�6 I t t when scit apiri to' their ideh'refeiTed'& the,actip of that con- The Mationa" have, 640 .6t, Boo ' in h6re, Wh of Cad17 :Aop b6lp;Ai 0-nedr the Guf. is appro- Veecible will ae thbl, Chri J&efico ilt ering the"'JabneSt 'that i�e' in Po�and hara's fices;". which we may' share hation go to.nO o, dd smu4t -b� iiabsforril-ed. into �1`81e4 nd the �Iru;­prdpar6 tli.altit'sWrn 6 o xlaib g alid aPeOp 0 CT Ifi6liutd �,tb" regarj h"'onle neintluir us witfilthe h andry 11 aethe jn�09;tffig was ca. ea. by, & join alists;theMof� arld .5tart L 0 1 t 6 grovry� trad6� 0 'Ali fteidt � iiiii tion ca�Ommitteo eptgAeliting th a on, Israelites, tio'dlsdon�, fn a pain Or* gd6ds tra�les'are qtffet. th presMice of, the i3iiti ene e *ben, the 14 am�-thise; un4peak-atly'im- iissociailons.,4, the various =no, Yiddish ad -to loam tho frrdittilzriti.c.. Shecause l(e _the Vietoria, an,l va&olitrr" tsifiegs gert- fiee osca as 8 NC,an L 1ti*;(%e, cAn: :coft ere tibs,qpa-the central department of' tha kolish, L U.�hoina,, Teiitil. erally ha.� a C Vi C�; ()n 80 very mg -M' aY "If 'C A. A corri'mittee', of !our, let sh oidg. Bhsi� pro it qui an� anglilf J' an tne' is been ftAu 4 but the voldhteers pointod'f6 re-ccmitruitv A 1pl for the. 513 that f ut to$6 e calls . em chdr6b federation., -1wantfoiellyi 4 v�ars ipa in: tLer f i 4�* �V,, a sign untbo thoip. "Any fear sallois, landed by' the L health Of s�riiig, tradej whielt ,ill to I y approaeh.the� t lipkhWh7s Voz 6 her they ina 'M ft remain oil, duty , as .11 q. Ther'U. 0ol4nd, ry b agains a thi,riotji . I .1 %;,to b� vo ijig, and offit hini'theirom, L5 fog hAs. lvtil to l"Whert toarteed rqLof tvo 1. e 'OiIS' heie - V Its en OlURER SHORT, ffic-4 von-storit th-rld tOr two ot tbt Iu p ­hl n n iny .iii;16 ello Iad t6reriotl�s` Wou. 4hll�,tbiit-, c:(ridl vidws rq A h. t lines, is quiet, skingabiriolit th The bbildi of a ed to 1ert�- Im HA.4 IltEN ]PLACED W INUMS W net', Tg' '' L' " "Wlmington & An fail in to honf) , the -WAJ�P '(jp�pk­ 64 11ifill )ol,, for,spring buMflem c6Aititles bright* 16 NI XTIARX �ip't6-day. ticai Tirdsboro,' Pa., 14111ing descended r Ch IFA ark- 909( l, numA I atid it�� iA ftin&�dn' 'd t kipt,mift to Im ftalj�, t6kidirig, It. W ;6 Fa e 41 a represell ed mile rey angels wbi title Shbitig�', the Otte Of, the" t Gy life engineer. AfRill il� itrg lip. for eohOowilj be whpT� with tile traile, %lot IiIsc, �a four pri rkod fr6m. ft'Viu brAk xindlo Xx ng. frolo oritioo, toworki-j for men cent he Ae.,li"iteuttitr st At the I "6dr L f6r­the past. �e, .*egkfl �Wt oldo la York �f 16htt A, 'ImptArily-plikeed hi the I ,v6tk Life yet ktio Ad ili" 'of, tA of!ivy V6,A,�lq heyeae., ferit of the XZ gi glotyo. In the in ance 6 pan 1 ill 41el. slh& 1100-ftfft r ly g (I V'C6 TOty, Wrtia tatig, to hinvitif Insur C 61 totan; tr. AMU '66t, fa IIWao ei9, white 6 iu' dt'v � reth, the rlil*# stA Wt f 't tbrxt� v Ltnit,� Y sost: b0a,fttm 3. 0 In tue big J Tien, To A L6 t for 4 �Vln Put e"nr On -eAl'th Pft ml dL,� t Inj :ej ext� ee 0i#U'tfi# Works &is A toltOrollt, I fitii :Local iftal 4.6 v4dej oI