The Wingham Times, 1908-10-15, Page 4KERNELS FROM THE SANCTUM MILL
Interesting Paragraphs from our Exchanges.
Many an ugly man ha a handsome
hang in a barber's shop.
Lots of bad people are found in jail,
atnd some worse ones are found out.
Green Sfekneee,
Is a disease of girlhood not unlike
sttaemia. Weariness, shortness of
breath, poor appetite, indigestion and
irritable heart are the symptoms.
There is no treatment so well enited to
this ailment as Dr. Chase's Nerve Food,
whioh reetorae the healthful glow to the
vompleaion, vigor and elasticity to the
body and r. gnlar and healthy action to
the vital organs.
The more a man talks the less he
.Dan bo depended on to deliver the
With the advent of her first baby a
another thinks she has discovered a now
The wholesome, harmless green leaves
and tender stems of a lung healing
mountainous shrub, give to Dr. Shoop's
Remedy ite curative properties. Tickl-
ing or dry bronchial coughs quickly and
safely yield to this highly effective
Cough medicine. Dr. Shoop assnres
anothers that they can with safety give
it to even every young babes. No
Opium, no chloroform—absolutely note•
ing harsh or harmful. It calms the dis-
tressing cough, and heals the sensitive
membranes. Accept no other. De-
mand Dr. Shoop's. Sold at Walley's
drug store.
Some men aro
courting trouble;
marry it.
Seven thousand
fold near Cancra,
farmers for $93.000
not satisfied with
they go ahead and
acres of land were
Sask., to American
For Chronic Diarrhoea.
"When in the army in 1863 I was tak-
en with ohronio diarrhoea," says George
M Felton of South Gibson, Pa, "I have
since tried many remedies but without
any permanent relief, until lir, A, W.
Miles, of this place, Serenaded me to try
aOhamberlain's Oolio, Cholera and
Diarrhoea Remedy, one bottle whioh
etopped it at once." For sale by all
A $20,000,000 terminal station hae
been planned for the steam eleotrlo
and subway lines of San Francisco.
Some people marry for love, and
some for money, but in after years
most people wonder what they married
Doan's Kidney Pills act on the kid
neys, bladder and urinary organs only.
They ours backaches, weak back, rheum-
atism, diabetes, congestion, inflamation,
gravel, Bright's disease and all other
diseases arising from wrong action of the
kidnaps and bladder
When a woman has occasion to visit
her poor relations she always likes to
talk about the trouble she has with her
hired girl.
During the repairing operations car-
ried out at Exeter Cathedral, workman
have extracted from the wall of the
south tower a carved bead, which is
said to be of Egyptian origin.
C9.A.!Siri'CIO Ma.
g E�..
Bears the _ , The Kind You Have Always Bea,ht
A gas Wall has been struck at Mon'.
tan near Welland, With a flow of a
gnillion fQet per day.
Ola Nov. 30 tile' G. T. P. will he
completed between Fort William and
Lake Superior Junction,
Dr. Chase's Oint
mentis a certain
and guaranteed
every form of
a; ki itehinh,bleeding
and protruding
pines. See testimonials in the press and asfr
your neighbors about 15. You can use it and
satisfied. 60 a
t pair. money back if not eat a ed. c, tall
1�ersor. En\u&NsoN. BATES &Co., Toronto.
The Government has decided that
volunteers receiving land grants must
sign an agreement to begin settlement
dutie8 within six months after their ap-
plication is accepted.
Laine .Bach.
This ailment is generally caused by
rheumatism of the tunnies of the small
of the back, and is quiokly oared by ap-
plying Chamberlain's Liniment two or
three times a day and massaging the
parts at each application. For sale by
all druggists.
Saturday evening, October 3rd, at
6.15, a number of Italians, who are
laboring on the G. T. R. system in the
vicinity of Clinton, were aboard a hand
car, and making for that town for the
night, when about two miles east, one
Dominick Male, in Mania manner, came.
is contact with the handle of the oar,
aiming a severe wound. The unfortun-
ate victim was brought to the Clinton
hospital, but it was at onoe conceded
that he could not recover, and deatli re-
leased him of pain about 1.30 p. m ,
Monday, Oot. 5th.
A pain presoription is printed upon
each 25o box of Dr. Shoop's Pink Pain
Tablet. Ask your Doctor or Druggist if
the formula is not complete. Head
pains, womanly pains, pains anywhere
get instant relief from n Pink Pain
Tablet, Walley's drug store.
New York city pays a large funeral
bill. It costa the pity $32 30 to bury
each of the unclaimed bodies that pass
tbrough the morgue, and there are
about 9,400 of them in the course of a
Folks who are doing an angel's busi-
ness never need to worry as to whether
they have an angel's beauty.
German children convicted of serious
offences numbered in 1905, 48,003; in
1966, 51,232, and in 1907, 55,216.
Go to the blood, if you are to drive ont
rheuraattsm. A Wisconsin physician,
Dr. Shoop, does thio with his Rheu-
matic Remedy—and with seeming suc-
cess. IRub on's, says tho dootor,
'fever did cure Rheumatism. It is more
than akin deep—it is conatituional, al-
ways. Because of this principle, Dr.
Shocp'e Rheumatic Remedy is perhaps
the moet popular: in existence. It goes
by wo=d o: month from one to another,
overyuhen'e. Caetetel patients gladly
spread results. I • it art Pct of humanity,
to tell the eiek of a way to health. Tell
cn c: eicb one. ilol3 at Welles•'e drug
The Clyde sbipbnildirag yards prodnc.
ed 5(9 vessels during 1007, as compared
with 372 the previous yea:. •
rete else relsala. .Ease • <
Vectra tae -1"e Kad YCiI Il Ye t9ah 3 ESsela
ie;' ] ate e r5/,7
'tlihi YVIIYt:}ktAtYl TiMV1E5, OCTOBER 15, 11U8
Brace Up—Get Strong—Get
Fat. The Cure is Simple.
You're nervous and uneasy.
Appetite is poor,
Sleep is hardto get,
Still worao you are thin and fegged
Work must be done but where is the
strength to Dome from?
Make year laced nutritious and
you'll have lots of strength,
Your only hope is, an in-
stant blood .muker, blood purifier, blood
enricher. It brines keen appetite, di-
gests food and supplies nutrition for
building up all the bodily themes.
Forrczone makes wusole and nerve -
fibre, inoreaaea your weight, mettle a
reserve of energy into the body that de -
flee weariness or exbauetioa from any
For men who toil and labor, for the
office man, the minister, the teacher—
to these will Farrczone bring a new life
of spirit and robaat health.
For growing girls, women of all ages
—no tonio is more certain. Sold in 50o.
boxes by all dealers.
In 1907 Philadelphia's export and im-
port trade increased $25,000,000 in value
over the figures of the previous year.
The total value of the laity's external
trade for that year was over $150,000,-
For Chapped Skin.
Chapped skin whether on the hands
or face may be cured in oue night by
applying Chamberlain's Salve. It is
also un,-qualed for sore nipples, burns
and scalds. For sale by all dt'nggiste.
Hot weather brought a marked in-
crease in the number of children taken
to the New York hospital for treatment,
and the diagnosis shows that 90 per oent
of the trouble arises from improper
Stomach troubles would more quickly
disappear if the idea of treating the
cause. rather than the effect, would
come into praotiee. A tiny, inside, hid-
den nerve, says Dr Shoop, governs and
gives strength to the stomach. A branch
also goes to the heart, and one to the
kidneys. When these 'inside nerves'
fail, then the organs meet falter. Dr.
Shoop's Restorative is direoted speci-
fically to these failing nerves Within
48 hours after starting the Restorative
treatment patients say they realize a
gain. Sold at Walley's drug store.
Crossley and Hunter, the evangelists,
who have been preaohing daily in
Cobalt, have expressed both from the
pulpit and to the press their astonish-
ment at the high standard of morals
they find in this mining town. The
co-operation of the people in church
work ranks among the highest, they
declare, and while they have hedrd or
the existence of "blind pigs" they have
not seen half a dozen drunken men in
the two weeks they have been there.
As a spring medicines Burdock Blood
Bitters has no equal. It tones up the
system and removes all impurities from
the blood, and taken away that tired,
weary feeling so.prevalent in the spring.
A woman short skirt league has been
formed in London. The members bled
themselves to wear dresses which will
not sweep the floors and pever_..e_'ta and
so gather up dust and microbes.
The estimated coat of the Roosevelt
dam, which is part of the Salt River
irrigation scheme, has been cut down
by $1,000,000 by the establishment of a
Government cement mill on the spot.
More Than Enough Is Toe ^T'uh,
To maintain health, a mature man or
its just emu foe to repair
woman nee,
the Waste and anpp'y ener :nal body
heat. The habirnni cox e,amp.ien of is now owned by Hay Bros. who will
more focal then is EScr_way for these move it to Walton on the new Guelph—
[Edwin L. Salu'a, in St. Louis Globe-
Oh, tender lovely avowau is,
A thing of down and satin;
Some 'pct of deathless meets ebe
Should make her habitat in.
How carefully she wraps hor up
When winter whirls and rankles;
A sealskin eacque upon her back—
And gatz r span her ankles.
Oh. graolone lovely woman is,
Ia Gilead the balm, she;
The mioisterint; angel here,
Man's stay in storm and calm, she.
She smuothes our brow, ahe buoys us up
Through fate's outrageous twistere-
And with fair lips she soundly rips
Her luckless errant seaters!
Oh, fragile lovely woman is;
Behold the "weaker vessel,"
Uofltted, by her feeble frame,
With stress and rnth to wrestle.
Not hers to walk, nor hers to work
With ease her path we hem, sir—
Se that she may but shop all day
And "bridge till 4 a, in., sir 1
Oh, darling lovely woman is,
The vine about the oak, she;
Our ever present joy and light,
Our ever present joke, she;
Without her life would be but grey,
And we but doll, sad foxes;,
'Tis she supplies us paradise—
And sundry paradoxeel
[Thomas L. Masson, in Life j
I oome from many a maiden's lips,
I fly through airy spaces;
Between two hearts I make quick tripe;
I linger on sweet faces.
I bind love's bargain many a time;
I heal up many a quarrel,
Adorn a tale, inspire a rhyme,
And blot out many a moral.
My first is better than my last;
With age I grow muoh colder;
I linger often in the past.
My memory makes men bolder.
I may be false, I may be true,
I may be sweet or sour;
For me the kings of earth may sae,
While babies wield my power.
I'm nothing; yet I'm everything;
I die when oonsummated;
From death to life once more I spring.
With love's sweet message freighted.
No rule for me beneath the sun!
I scorn all mathematics;
With one and one, why, I make one;
True only to emetics.
Dividing two, then one I've made
By addtug still another;
The best laid plans men have essayed
nightly touch and smother.
I add, snbtraot and multiply,
I've never been refuted;
Yet my sum totals always die,
As soon tui they're computed.
I'm full of sadness, full of bliss,
And everything that bliss is;
Yet, though I've never made a mise,
I've made too mauy Mrs.
8100 Reward, s1.00.
The readers of this phper will be
pleased to learn that there 1s at least one
dreaded disease that science has been
able to cure in all its stages, and that is
Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure is the
only positive cure now known to the
medical fraternity. Catarrh being a
constitutional disease, requires a con-
stitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh
i' directl
Care is taken internally, acting y
upon the blood and muoonssurfaces of
the system, thereby destroying the
foundations of the disease, and giving
the patient strength by building up the
constitution and assisting nature in do•
ing its work. The proprietors have so
much faith in its etirative powers that
they offer One Hundred Dollars for any
ease that it fails to cure. Send for list
of testimonials.
Address: F. J. CHENEY & Co., To-
ledo, O.
Sold by Druggists. 75o.
Take Hall's Family Pills for consti-
a►- _—
To gpickly check a cold, druggists are
dispensing everywhere, n clever Candy
Cold Cure Tablet palled Preventios,
Preventios are also fine for feverish
children. Take Preventios at the sneeze
stage, to head off all colds. Box of 48-
3Q, Walley's drug store,
R. O. Edwards, • proprietor of the
Eye Opener, Calgary, Wednesday laid
information against Dan McGillicuddy,
of the Calgary News, charging criminal
libel, McGillicuddy was arrested and
later released in $1,000 bail. The notion
arises out of an article which appeared
on the front page of The News, which
Mr. Edwards charges reflects on his
personality and on his morals. The
article in question charges that Mr. Ed-
wards is "unfit for human society" and
is couched in suoh terms as are unmis-
takable as to what is meant and for
whom it is intended. Mr. McGillicuddy
who was a former resident of Goderioh,
has atilt many warm friends there.
Prepare at Horne By Shaking Ingredi-
ents Well in a Bottle.
What will appear very interesting to
many people here is the article taken
from a New York daily paper, giving
a simple prescription, whioh is said
to be a positive remedy for backache
or kidney or bladder derangement, if
taken before the stage of Bright's die -
Fluid Extract Daudelion, one-half
ounce; Compound K rgon, one ounce;
Compound Syrup Sarsaparilla, three
cremes. Shake well in a bottle and
take in teaspoonful doses after each
meal and again at bedtime.
A well-known druggist here at
home, when asked regarding this pre-
soriptiou, stated that the ingredients
are alt harmless, and can be obtained
at a small coat from any good presorip
tion pharmaov, or the mixture would be
put np if asked to do so. He further
stated that while this prescription is
afters preoori,l'ed i4 rtleuwatio sill+o-
tiohs with splendid results, he could
see no reason why it would not be a
splendid remedy for kidney and uri-
nary trenbles and backache, as it has
a peculiar action upon the kidney
structure, oleansing these most impor-
tant organs and helping them to
sift and filter from the blood the foul
acids and waste matter whioh canoe
sickness and suffering. Those of our
readers who suffer can make no mita
take in giving it a trial.
Boston waiters' and other unions are
making an effort to have the license
commissioners make a rule that women
oannot be employed to serve liquor in
any licenee3 place in the city.
The old pioneer grain warehouse off
Lucknow is shortly to be removed. It
purposes; !s the prime 0512M > of :t tmach
troubles, rheumatics and t.1r r&ere of Goderich branch of C. P. R.
Ailstee Dentin ores sentenced at Mont -1 the k '.fiefs. If ttonbled with uediges-
i'•i a�. na is c at,�, years` p 1S x'!11 17tt fes. on, tion, revise your dict, let reason and
not appetite contra and tale. few
astonishes e. oeuno attn. doaes of Chamberlain's Stomach and
—ansa ---'i Liver Tablets and yrua 'roil! semi be all
right again. For sa.O by all u .cjgiots.
1f yon went a aura cure for
• hero it le, : : : : :
CXEflflT i
Ttia tnnrool membrane being in an
inflamed condition crunning
uses at
Ito raze tett when tura rc ;iFoit ,:c z;r
ha,.r rZ the discharge cc se
F a pry e c,t Ototild :,o i atle £h Duro
f t'..rr i for it is d r to Catarrh of the
Tlrr.,at t trael, of 1 _;deer, Consump-
tion anal Bright's Disease.
"Oxygenator" is put op in large eine
bottles Dries, $1.2.5. $I.00,.end Ole.
"Oxygenator" is solaes by all wholesale
and retail druggists.
The Oxygenator Company
Toronto, Canada.
An editor died and slowly sJ;r,t1'd hie
way to where he'Shoualse a warm re.
coption awaited him. Tho devil saw
; him and said: "Poe many ycar:e thou
haat borne the blame for eveces the
painter's have made in thi3 papte . The
paper has gone, alas, for $1, end the $1
has often failed to comp in, Tao print.
ore have deviled thee on Sat—Imlay night
when thou hedat not a cent to thy
1 name. Men have taken the paper
1 without paying for it and then cures
thee for not getting out a hotter one.
Thou has boon oa ed ti des 1 beat by all
pas000ger eenductoro when thou least
shown thy annual pass to onions gaze,
All these thou hast borne in silence,
Thou cant not coxae in. heaven is thy
home, And besides if we let you come
in here you would continealiy dun
delinquent snbscribers,—for--d--is full of
them—and thus eroate discord itt my
Have 11705 S ispec d Vow
Kidneys as the Case of
Your Trouble
TWENTY YEARS AGO, Local history of the early 8012.
Items from the "Times" fyles.
Mr. P. McKibben has removed into
Mrs, 3. Snell's residenoe on John street.
Mitohell is likely to have electric
lights at an early date. Their rate is 2
Dents on the $,
W. R. Davis, of Mitohell, averaged
one hundred 'notion salsa in the fall
and winter of each of tho last three
From the seed of one potato, Mr. LP,
Loatit harvesters a few days ago, 32 fine
large potatoes, filling a good eized basket
and weighing 16 149. ,4 rich return,
Mr. T. Bell, of the furniture faotory,
left for Winnipeg on Tuesday to look
after his business interests. As before
stated, Mr. Boll does not purpose build-
ing till next spring, but has already
purchased additional machinery,
Who has not witnessed the rapid pro-
gress made and being made with the new
factories. One week from the day the
by-laws were parried, Messrs. Gilohrist,
Green & Co., had the roof on a three-
storey building, 30 by 60 feet. The pro-
gress sinoe has been equally rapid and
(Toronto Star.)
It is charged that the Laurier Gov-
overnment has maintained intact the
burdensome tariff whioh was denouno-
ed by the men forming the present
Administration, when they were in
The charges cannot be sustained by
the reoord. Very material relief has
been given to consumers is two lines
in whioh the consumption of imported
goods is of considerable volume. The
clothing tax and the imposts on agri•
aultnral implements and machinery
have been lowered.
In 1896 the duty on socks and stook•
inga was loo per dozen and 35 per
cent.; it is now 25 per oent. under the
preference. The tax on knitted goods
generally has been reduced from 35
to 22% per cent. ; on ready-made wool-
len clothing, from 50 per Ib. and 30
per cent. to 30 per cent. straight, and
on cotton shirts from 25 per cent. and
$1 per dozen, to 25 per oent.
In the case of agricultural imple-
ments, it is the duty on imports from
the United States whioh counts, be-
came it is frons that country practi-
cally All the imports in these lines
dome. In this oaee, therefore, the
comparison will be between the gen-
eral tariff of '96 and the minimum
tariff of to -day. The duty on axes,
scythes, hay knives, forks and rakes
has been reduced from 35 to 2234
per cent.; on mowing machines and
binders from 20 to 17i per cent; and
on portable engines and threshing ma-
chines, from 30 to 20 per cent.
These reduotions have greatly re-
duced the burdens of consumers gen-
erally, and more particularly those
resting on farmers. Nor have .the
changes made brought wreck and ruin
to industrial enterprises. The great
agricultural implement works at Ham-
ilton have been built up under the
Laurier Government, and in the five
years ending with 1905, the value of
the output of Toronto factories em-
ploying five or more hands, increased
from $58,415,000 to $85,714,000.
Why Colds are Dangerone.
Because yon have oontraoted ordinary
colds end reo rvered from them without
treatment of any kind, do not for a
moment imagine that colds are not dan-
gerous. Everyone knows that pneu-
monia and ohronio catarrh have their
origin in a common cold. Consumption
is not caused by a cold but the cold pre-
pares the system for the reception and
development of the germs that would
not otherwise have found lodgement.
It is the same with all infections diseas-
es. Diphtheria, scarlet fever, measles
and whooping Dough are much more
likely to be contracted when the child
has a old. Yon will see from this that
more real danger lurks iu a cold than in
any other of the common ailments. The
easiest and quickest way to cure a cold
is to talo Chamberlain's Cough Remedy.
The many remarkable ourea affected by
this preparation have made it a staple
article of trade over a largo part of the
world, For rale by all druggists,
If you have backache, swelling of tho
feet and ankles, frequent or cupprettsed
urine, painful ee i.".ation when urinating,
specks floating afore the eyes, gnat thirst,
brick -dust deposit in the urine, or any-
thing wrong with the urinary organs, then
yourkidneys are w1
It is really not difficult to cure kidney
trouble in its first stages. All you have
to do is give DOAN'S Kin= Pui.s a trial.
They aro the niotls effective remedy to
be had for all kidney and urinary troubles.
Mrs. Alfred LeBlanc, Black Cape, Que.,
writes --I feel it my dutyto aa it wordrd
about your Deen'u Kidney Pills. 1 nuf.
fired dreadful pain across my back so batt
I could not stoop or bond. After having
used two boxes I feel now most completely
cured thanks to your pills, I highly
recommend Dean': Kidney Pills.
Price 50 eents per box or 3 boxes for
$1.25, at all dealers, or sent direct on
receipt of price by The Doan Kidney Pill
Co:, Toronto, Ont.
Cr „aell. lEi 'lC' 4J R. X .A-
Bears the , the Kind You Have Always Bought
sa of
Very few people are wholly at ease
during a violent thunder storm.
Lightning generally strikes somewhere,
and no one feels absolutely safe from
it. There is a simple way of insuring
one's self against danger, however if
yon put on a pair of rubbers when the
lightning begins to flash, and the
thunder to roar, and stand on the floor,
so that you touch nothing else, you
will bo as safe as if you were sealed in
a glass case, Rubber is a non-conductor
of eleotrioity, and if the lightning has
to go through a sheet of rubber to get
at you, it will leave you alone, and
take something eleo, Ire other words
when you have on a pair of rnbbera
and aro not in contact with anything
yon are perfectly insnlatod. This
not a theory merely. It is a fact proved
by innumerable experiences, A pair of
rubbers have saved many a lite in a
thunder storm. But they must be
sound and whole. Do not don an old
pair with a crank he the toe, because
eleotrioity will get out of a very small
hole when it is cornered, and a pair of
defective rnbborl will do you no good.
Women's Ailments
There is no need whatever for so many
women to suffer from pains and weakness,
ncrvotwness and sleeplessness, anemia,
hysteria, and melancholia, faint and dizzy
spells, and the hundred other troubles
which render the lift of too many women
a round of sickness and suffering.
the universal comment is "Marvelous,"
Messrs. Kincaid Bros. c$a Co, are busy'
with their foundation and that big briolr
struoture is to be completed this fall. ,
The Wingham Curling Club' held its
annual meeting reoently and oflioers
were elected as follows: president, John
Inglis, re-elected; vioe•do., Sextets Kent,
re-elected; secretary -treasurer, John
Neelands, re-eleoted; patron, Dr. Mac-
donald; Committee of Management:
John Inglis, S. Kent and J. Neelanda.
Postmaster Fisher has been confined
to hie house by a severe attack of
Wallace -Eadie.—In Tnrnberry, on.
the 10th inst., by Rev. A. Y. Hartley,
Mr. David Wallace to Mine Bella Eadie,.
both of Tnrnberry.
Johnston.—In Morris, on the 4th inst.,,
Obarlottte, wife of Mr. Wm. Johnston,
aged 65 years, 7 months.
Kerr.—At Wingham, on the 8th inst.,
Samuel Gordon, son of Mr. John Kerr,.
aged 13 months and 3 days.
An Irishman one' day went into a
barber shop to get shaved. After
being properly seated and the lather
being about half applied, the barber
was called to an adjoining room and
was detained for some time. The
barber had in his shop as a pot, a
monkey whioh was continually imi-
tating its master. As soon as the
latter left the room the monkey grabbed
the brush and proceeded to finish
lathering the Irlsbman'a face. Atter
doing this he took a razor from its
case and stropped it and then turned
to the Irishman to shave him "Stop
that!" said Pat. Ye oan 1aok the towel
in me neck and pat the soap on my
face, but begorrah yer father's got to
shave me.
• For Infants and Children,
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Signature of
To Parity the Blood.
The blood oan only be kept clear of
poisonous impurities by the healthful
action of the liver and kidneys, whose
duty it is to filter the blood. Because
Dr. Chase's Kidney -Liver Pills sot.
directly and specifically on the liver and
kidneys and restore them to healthful-
vigoroas notion, they are the greatest
of blood purifiers.
Wo are sorry to reoord the death or
Mr. William Ondmore, of Exeter, whioh
ocourred on Saturday morning, Oot. 3rd..
Deoeased had not been in good health'
for some time, and expected to submit,
to an operation this week, in the hope,
that it might prolong his life. For to
number of years he resided at Kippon
and engaged extensively in the export
of oattle and hay, principally the latter,
which he bought all over western
Ontario, and only removed to Exeter
a short time ago. He was a man of
enterprise and integrity, a man of his
word, and enjoyed both the confidence
of the farmers and the commercial
public as well. He was a staunch and
oonsietent Methodist. In politics et.
Oonservative. '
Have Restored Thousands of Canadian
Wolnen 10 health and Strength
Young girls bedding into womanhood
who suffer with pains and headaches, and
whose face is pale and blood water, or
women at the change of life who aro nor-
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e If a man oan write it better book, preach a better sermon
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Z Times Printing Office
Where mouse traps are not made but
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Is turned out every day with neat-
ness and despatch; where up-to-date •
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