The Wingham Times, 1908-10-15, Page 3TIM WING- VI TIMES, OCTOBER, I ON
Anaivertary servioes will be held in
he Bethel Methodist church next San,
day Oot, l8th. Rev. M D. Madden,
B. A., of Pine River will preach at 10 80
a. in. and 7 p. m. and Bev. J, E Ford
of Lacknow, Chairman of the Winghe,m
District, at 2 $0 p. m. Good mush) !s
being provided for the 000asion,
The 100 sore farm, formerly owned
by Peter Jackson, 8th line, has brew
purchased by J. R, Bell, who has been
a resident of this locality for the pest
9 years. Price was over $5,000. Pos-
seseion will be given on the let of next
March, We with rids. Bell success in his
new home.
An auction sale has been announced
by Jas, Sherrie, 4th line, for, Friday
afternoon of this week, His stook is in
good shape and among them are several
good brood mares and prize winning
young horses at the Fall Fairs of 1907
and 1908, thorn' bred swine, &o, The
sale will be unreserved as Mr. Shnrrte
has sold his farm.
Every dollar saved is a dollar made ! You can
make some of those dollars by buying your
Boys' Clothing now ! ! The lines that we are
quoting you prices on are this season's goods
and are up - to - date in every particular ! ! !
12 Boys' Two - Piece Suits, sizes 23 to
30. Regular price $3.50, $2 .45
for- - - - -
12 Boys' Two - Piece Suits, sizes 23 to
30. Regular price$4.75, $3.7
for - - - -
12 Boys' Three - Piece Suits, sizes 27
to 34. Regular price $435
$5.25, for - -
McGee & Campbell
Store closes 7
p. m., except
Saturdays and
evenings b e -
fore holidays.
Good Rubbers
As we stated in oar talk of last week, we believe there is more
real trash sold in rubbers, than any other line of merchandise
we know of. As a rule, the merchant buys anything in
rubbers if its cheap and yields him a good profit. Not so with
this store, however ; we have our faults and make mistakes,
but buying cheap trashy rubbers is not one of them.
Good goods only and prices as low as it is possible to
make them.
You know what it is to buy poor rubbers therefore why not
try this store for the next pair you want.
We claim to have the best and its up to you to put our
claim to the test.
3 good makes, Merchants, Maltese Cross and Canadian.
Take a look in south window.
R. Johnston's old stand, opposite Bank of Commerce.
The home of lir. and Mrs John
Craig was the scene of to very pleasant
event Wednesday evening, Sept. 00th,
when their eldest daughter, Miss Sarah,
was united in holy bonds of matrimony
to Thomas Bamford, a prosperous
young farmer of near Weetfleld. Rev.
A. E. Joao performed the ceremony
in the presence of about seventy guests
After the ceremony and congratulations
were over the party proceeded to the
dtningroom, where tea was served.
The evening was spent iu games, masks
and singing. The presents were very
nimerone and costly, showing the
esteem in which the young couple are
held. The bride and groom left for
Blyth that evening and from there
took the train for Toronto, where they
intend spending a few days before re-
turning and settling down on their
farm. We wish them mach joy en
their voyage o'er the sea of, matri-
Prevent Taking Cold.
Often you Dome home, cold and Waive
ering—feet are wet, throat is raw, chest
a little sore. A bad cold is just begin-
ning. Pat a Nerviline Porous Plaster
on your cheat, rub your throat with
Nerviline, and take a stiff dose of Ner-
viline in hot water. This prevents a
chill, and checks the cold instantly. No
remedies so useful in the home, so sure
to prevent serione illness as Nerviline
and Nerviline Plasters. Sold by all
dealers, 26o. each but be sure you get
the genuine, and refuse all substitutes.
Jonathan Wright, lot 21, oon 10, has
quite a supply of ripe raspberries,
second crop, on hie farm.
The trustees of S. S. No. 1 have re-
engaged Ralph Langdon for another
year at $600. He has been in the
school for 2i years find has done most
satisfactory work. Mr. Langdon wrote
off part of the 1st class teachers' exam.
this Summer.
We are pleased to hear that Robert,
son of W. and Mrs. Work, 8th con.,
who underwent an operation for ap-
pendicitis at St. Michael's hospital,
Toronto, is improving and we hope he
will soon be able to get about. He
has been filling a position as druggist in
the Queen pity.
Rev. 3. L. Stewart has arrived in
Ethel from Ohentu, China, on a year's
furlough. Mr. Stewart spent a few
days with his sister, Mrs. H. 0. Hodg-
man and nthgr relatives in Essex County
and then left for a month's visit in
Vancouver. He hue been for six years
in charge of a college in Chentu.
Mr. George E. Henderson, of the
Egmondville Brewing Co. has purchased
the old Sage hotel here. Mr. Hender-
son does not intend occupying it himself
but purchased it as an investment.
Mr. P. J. Ryan has sold hie fine farm
on the 14th concession, 1% miles west
of this village, to Mr. William H. An-
derson, of Wallace township. The farm
which contains 132 acres and has on it
good buildings, is one of the best farms
in the section and Mr. Anderson is to be
congratulated on getting such a good
place. The price paid was 68.300. Mr.
Anderson gets possession on March leg.
Mr. Ryan has not yet decided what he
will do, but will give up farming for a
time, and will have a sale of hie stook
and effeots on Oct. 22nd.
Defeated by Dr. Hamilton.
In no way is health so menaced as by
constipation. It leads to indigestion,
insomnia, anaemia and a hundred ills.
Ordinary remedies fail—they relieve—
don't cure. The worst ease is defeated
and oured gniokly by Dr. Hamilton's
Pills, whioh cleanse the entire intestinal
tract, stimulate kidneys and liver, keeps
pores of the akin open. You'll never
have stomach trouble, yellow complex-
ion or headaches if you use Dr. Hamil-
ton's Pills. They are a perfect system
tonics. 25c. at all dealers.'
Horse Breeders, Attentio
On WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 21sT, . J. W. Sangster,
Secretary 'Treasurer of the Clydesdale : orse Association of
Canada, will. be at the QUEEN'S OTEL, WINGHAM,
to give assistance to all desir ous .f recording Clydesdales.
Owners of four -cross fillies : nother eligible animals
desiring assistance in gett ing • m recorded are invited to
the on hand.
N,;B.—Clydesdale fillies showing four recorded sires and
colts showing five are eligible for registration.
Going into Consumption?
When your throat rattles, your lunge
and ohest are sore, your throat is stuffed
with cold—don't fear consumption—use
Oatarrhozone and get well. It eleare
the throat, cures hacking, relieves tient
chest and soreness in the bronchial
tubes. To clear away catarrh of the
nose nothing could be better. Catarrh -
ozone is Nature's own remedy,—it heals
and soothes—owes every form of throat,
lung or bronchial trouble. Presari ed
by many specialists. and used by thous-
ands every day. 25o. and $1.00 at
all dealers.
say take Cod Liver Oil — they
undoubtedly mean Scott's
It would be just as sensible
for them to prescribe Quinine
in its crude form as to pre-
scribe Cod Liver Oil in its
natural state. In
the oil is emulsified and made
easy to take—easy to digest
and easy to be absorbed in to
the body—and is the most
natural and useful fatty food to
feed and nourish the wasted
body that is known in medicine
Nothing can be found to take
its place. If you are run-down
you should take it.
Send this advertisement, together with name
of paper in which it appears, your address and
four cents to cover postage, and we will send
you a "Complete Handy Atlas of the World."
=Wellington Street W.. TORONTO, ONT.
Mrs. John Barbour is very ill at
present and very little hopes are enter-
tained for her recovery.
Mise Lillian Clark spent Sunday mid, r
the parental roof.
Miss Wellwood, of New York, is
visiting her sister, Mrs. Geo. Webb.
ldise Lizzie Rutherford, who is teach-
ing at Carlow Sundayed at her home
The date for the anniversary of Cal-
vin Presbyterian church is set for Nov.
16th. A tea meetiug will be held the
following Monday.
Miss Lizzie Rnthorford had the mis-
fortune to hart her foot: we hope to
soon see her frilly recovered.
The following is the report for U. S.
S. No. 10, Kinloss, for Sept. Sol,00l
open 21 days. Earolled attendance 78;
eight of these not presentat all during
the month. Ont of the remaining 70, the
average attendance for the month was
59 47. The greateeb number present
on any day was 70, 62 of these being
from Kinloss and 8 from East We-
wanosh, With the exoeption of the
following the attendance has been satis-
factory:—David Kennedy present 9
days. David Goodson 10 days, Henry
Rintoul 11 days, Geo. Rintoul 12 days
and Annie Rintoul 14 days,
During the month, one new black-
board has been added to the wheel, and
the front one enlarged. Tablets for
the Part I olass have been bought and
a library of books for the Junior classes.
The standing of the pupils in the
different classes is arranged according
The town of Listowel was visited by
a very serious fire early Saturday morn-
ing, when the splendid factory of The
Morris Piano Co., in whioh the citizens
took just pride, was discovered by the
nightwatohman to be on fire. The con-
flagration started in the fourth floor,
the origin being an absolute mystery,
and in spite of persistent efforts on the
part of the firemen the main factory is
now a smouldering mase of mina. The
building used for tuning and readjust-
ing department, general offloes, eto.,
remains intact, being only slightly
damaged. About 75 men are thrown
out of employment, which is to be re-
gretted, especially at this season of the
year. No accurate estimate of the loss
has been made, but it will probably
amount to 575,000, mostly covered by
setit. ot•te.t•AttE••••t••t 6!!t►q•.t4t•ttt•ett4!ts,••44••••t
We are sole agents for the celebrated SCRANTON COAL,
4 whioh has no equal. Also the best grades of Smithing, Slannel and
Domestic Coal, and Wood of all kinds, always on hand.
;�• lull stook b!
(Dressed or Undressed)
�.. Cedar Posts, Barrels, Etc.
4. Or Highest Price paid for all kinds of Logs. "ft
J. A . McLean.:
Residence Phone No. 55. Office, No. 64. Mill, No. 44.•
1►.11;•a•••••1Na4**s4.••••••••• i►•••••t••N•11.Wt4i1►:•Ay►t414•s
Anniversary services were held iii the
Presbyterian Caureh on Sunday last.
Rev. &1r. Anderson of Goderioh preach•
ed able sermons morning and evening to
largo congregations. Mr. Anderson was
ordained here 27 yeary ago and was
paster here for over '7 years. Although
being away nearly 20 years he name
back with the same gospel of salvation.
The collections which amounted to $150,
will be used in fitting rip the basement
of the church for holding Sunday sobool,
Guild meetings, etc. The choir gave
excellent mash) for the sorvioee.
Farmers are busy with marigolds, and
potatoes, Roots are a good crop and
the anality is 0. K.
There will be no service in the Meth-
odist ohnroh next Sunday owing to an-
niversary services being held at the
Bethel appointment.
We h'ar a number of men are out of
work at Winahiam. Your correspondent
can secure 100 cords of wood for the
cutting and putting the brush in piles.
Thin as a Rail aro You?
Every day spending as much energy
as you make—if the balance goes a little
further, well yon get thinner. On the
danger line to•day,—tomorrow may be
too late! Better use Ferrozone, it builds
up—a little gain th3 first week, but the
gain keeps growing. Next week, not
quite to thin. Keep right on, lots of fat
won't hart at all. Your blood is enrich-
ed„ cheeks grow rosy, your heart and
nerves grow strong and you don't tire
so quickly. Joyous robust health, a
sturdy frame and a cheerful mind—all
these come with Ferrozone, You'll try
it, only 60o. at all dealers.
The Grand .Tory at North Bay found I The close and thorough inspection of
tree bills against Thomas 3. Wright,immigrants now being maintained along
James Quinn and Miohael Morris, for I the international boundary line is
the murder of R. F. Young, evidenced by the fact that during last
TIMES and Weekly Globe to nett glib. month 145 persons were refused admis-
eoriberi to January let, 1909, for S5 nd10 ndaeirabao oda, as being likely to prove
to good conduct and progress:—
Form III—Jean McGregor, Robina
Henry, Genevieve Troy.
Form I—Alex Henry, Leny Kennedy.
Fourth class Sr.—Robbie Harrison,
Ida Carrick, Willie Moore.
Fourth class Jr.—Bertha McKay,
Wallace Damian, Sarah Clarke, Tena
Kennedy, Pearl Mirehouse, Ariel
Third class—Mabel Clarke, Lillian
Longman, Allan Duncan, Johnston
Conn, Chas. Gillespie, Jane Kennedy,
Edith Campbell, Olive Terriff, Roy
Casemore, Lizzie McIntosh, Henry
Rintoul, Ona McLennan and David
Second class Sr,—William Henry,
Greta Fox, Marjorie Harrison, Lulu
Conn. Alex. Kennedy and Annie Mo-
Second class Jr.—Florence Kennedy,
Edith Clark, David Goodson, Pearl
Champion, Annie Rintoul, Lavine,
Carrick and Geo Rintoul.
Part II Sr.—Frank Ross, Mabel Gar-
ton, Willie Johnston, Jamieson Petty-
pieoe, Alba Fox, Oscar Casemore and
Willie Kennedy.
Part II Jr.—Andrew Orr, John Ken-
nedy, Roy Champion, Alex. Lockhart,
James Orr and Geo. Champion.
Part I Sr.—Marion Casemore, Mabel
Johnston, Mabel McIntosh, Garnet
Casemate, Menton Oasemore and
Priscilla Champion.
Part I Jr.—Angus MoKay, Winnifred
Holmes, Melville Orr, Flora Ross, Maud
Conn, Kathleen Terriff, Evelyn Garton,
Harold Sperling, Richard Pettypieoe
and Sarah Molntosh.
The marriage of Mise Amy C. Elder,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alexander
Elder, to Rev. W. I. McLean, M. A.,
was quietly solemnized at the residence
of the bride's parents on Wednesday,
Ootober 7th, at twelve o'olook noon.
The ceremony was performed by Rev.
Dr. MoLean, of Goderioh, father of the
groom, assisted by Rev. J. L. Small,
B. A. of Blyth. The bride and groom
were unattended.
After an illness extending over three
months, Mrs. Elizabeth Fraser, relict of
the late Hugh Fraser, passed away at
the home of her son, Charles, on Wed-
nesday morning, Oot. 7, at the age of
ninety•three years and six months.
During the past two months deceased
had taken no food at all, milk being the
only substance. Deceased was born in
Nova Scotia and was married there
about 60 years ago. A family of eleven
ohildren were born; five are dead, four
sons and one daughter. The family liv-
Mils Bessie Lovell has returned from
Northfield, Maes , where she has spent
several months. ,
0 F. Edwards has disposed of his
furniture and undertaking business to
a Mr. Mathers, of Peterborough, who
took possession the let of the month.
The fiftieth anniversary of the or-
ganization of the Wroxeter Presby-
terian church was observed on Sunday,
and Monday, Oot. llth and 12th. The
services an Sunday were conducted by
Rev. D. Tait, B. A., of Toeswater. On
Monday evening a soctal re -union was
held. Tea was served from 6 to 8
o'clock after which a varied and profit-
able program was given in the auditor-
ium of the church.
On S unday last jubilee services were
held in the Presbyterian churoh, in oon-
neotion with the fiftieth anniversary of
Presbyterianism in this village. Tho
preacher for the occasion was Rev. D.
Tait, of Toeswater, who delivered
thoughtful discourses to large congre-
gations, both morning and evening.
The church was appropriately decorated,
and the ohoir rendered suitable music.
During the half century, five clergymen
have ministered to the congregation in
things spiritual, the present incumbent
being Rev. L. Perrin. On Monday
evening, a tea.moeting was held at
whioh there was a large attendance and
a good programme. The services
throughout were interesting and
will be a
in the
We're aiming straight for 1310 BUSINESS. on Saturday, and
along with special offerings in every Department throughout the
store, we will have a BIG DAY in Ready to -Wear Clothing. A
COATS of the B' ST MAKES. Ail new right -up -to -the minute patterns
and styles. Every garment marked in plain figures and at a big
saving to every customer. Come Saturd ay morning and get first choice,
18 Men's Suits.
Choice patterns, medium and dark worsteds and tweeds, well
tailored, good, trimmings, every suit good enough for
best wear. Good value at $12.50. Saturday prices only X9.50
Men's Suits.
In good wearing tweeds, dark small patterns, strong linings, �� �
well tailored, A Saturday bargain �_ E 0
Special value in Boys New Winter Overcoats, made of plain
and fancy cloth, strong linings, every enat a bargain,
prices are 53 7b. 84 00, 85 00, *x6.00, $6.50 , 58.00
Men's Overcoats.
All the New Fall and Winter Overcoats are in, we have a
LARGE stock to show you. See Our yp,tel:;,l coat;
at e8 00, 510.00 and 512.00
Men's Pants.
10 dozen Men' Pants to sell at cut prices, new patterns in gond1
strong tweeds and worsteds, priees begin at. 00
Men's Underwear.
All the best makes are in stock including PENMAN'S, WATSON'S
and TIGER BRAND. See our Saturday bargain at per
garment 50c and Y5e
Boys' Underwear.
Lots of Boy's Fleece Lined and Ribbed Wool Shirts and
Drawers in all sizes. A clearing line at 25e
IL E. ISA rr ► .0
Hunters' Excursions.
Via Grand Trunk Railway System.
Return tickets at single fare, Oot. 6th to
Nov. 8rd, to points in Temagami, points
Menace to Port Arthur. To Georgian
Bay and Mackinaw Division; Port
Arthur via N. N. Co., and to pertain
points in Quebec. New Brunswick,
Nova Sootia and Newfoundland. 001.
22nd to Nov. 3rd, to Muskoka Lakes,
Lake of Bays, Magnetawan River,
Penetang, Midland and Lakefieid,
Madawaska to Depot Harbor, Argyle to
Cob000nk, Lindsay to Haliburton, Shar-
bot Lake via K. & P. Ry., and points
lug are Bin. McKay, Cleveland; Mrs. from Severn to North Bap inclusive.
VanEgmond, American Soo; Mrs. Seel- Return limit on all tiokets Saturday,
ey, Cleveland; Bite. John Scott, Morrie;
Charles, and Mrs. Fred Haggitt, Blyth.
Deooased was a member of the Presby-
resbyterian church.
Deo. 5th, 1008, or until °lose of naviga-
tion, if earlier, to pointe reached by
Steamers. Full information from any
Grand Trunk ticket agent.
14 4
I oduction �
ik1 ��;;
vt OF 3i
use Eurnishinsj
i —_
Established .1879
Whooping Cough, Croup, Bronchitis
Cough, Grip, Asthma, Diphtheria
Cresolene is a boon to Asthmatics
Does it not seem more effective to breathe in a
remedy to cure disease of the breathing organs
than to take the remedy into the stomach ?
It cures because the air rendered strongly anti•
septic is carried over the diseased surface with
every breath, giving prolonged and constant treat-
ment. It is invaluable to mothers with small
Those of a consumptive p5ee
tendency find immediate ��fI%fa��
relief from c ughs or in- 1
filmed conditions of the up
Sold by druggists. l'
$end postal for booklet.
Ltrvmnsi., Muss Co.,
Limited, Agents, Mont-
real, Canada. 34
. +Q
F. We
will give a straight discount of from 10 to 20 per
Linoleums and Oilcloths
cent. off all lines of
We find we are overstocked in these lines and they a,
must be reduced. All the newest designs and patterns.
You will also find a great many Carpet Ends at 3
bargain prices.
tWe Solicit Comparison. e
t -. ip 4
p. All kinds of Farm Produce wanted, highest
.r Wingh0m, Ont.
aIraWi"ill:i NACSli"ASA iKIPA IAAa skicuALriet,Ad4AiitAiAASAAal,AAf,Jt,aAAUtagal'
prices paid.