Lucknow Sentinel, 1905-12-14, Page 10esni#9.0Poesmoos00,* '140PAL..1,t1IVIS,. • Hakey shortameived: at, AKnew), • 400,11tOre• • .0 • end of dolls to please t.110 • Medicial Zone and feed' ewes on. hand ab • P.; Magotigle",, 14''irb,90apikipepke. of Toronto le, '1**CP the "ilfage. - • -,M • AC34.. ,m0Oosodas /keen stock of greceiles always. Ail' ban‘at D. Mallough's: • • 4, t7,P1K-.7.4 1 110ti , bqokaXedical Hall • " .Woliien'is Skating shoiti, fleece lined at, Agnew's shoe gore. . • ZNOF fruits!, releies; °orients, • date's ••. ' and flip it P, Acme Steck Food is the ..leader; For aa,le at D. 11114,11migh'ar, . The fastest men's and .0Y'S -hockey shoes in town at Little's. . , Toys fraiii 5c. to $2, Picture books, 011 lands.. Medical Hall. 0 you like a good cup of tea bhy your tea at R. Mallough's. Miss Jean 11cCrimmon„,of Riyley t.he guest of Mise Birdie McIntosh. 'Oatmeafand alk kinds Of breakfast foods• lt.0.e.fial, awt:Lixyao7. D:IllealtlonagtTh's: Is. Treleaven's, studio -and fancy_goods • There have been- six Preiniers of Canada and'eight 'Cabinets since Con- • ," fed eration. te.4%.011 - see. ectrOns.' ef„ 1 all 001, to ea enin arakidn'S: were•- rfeCk'aucl-•,t the never a• or. 'Sthe„season . , . 04,009900,00900.09-9.00490.00.00 WINONA •.BUSIINEss COLLEGE Is; a High-grade CoMmercial Ocheol: THREE COURSES! csn71.1411411 •-•,•-•=7,rste0**Plw ° tet•nogrr • rite CEO. sPOTTprinficltipa', j. 4 4-.i.0,00-0-.00D4):0960,op000b0000voq The next elision of the Ontario . , • Legielature will'Probably 'begin early Pelarharf: ' will pay• as high a price'as any , , body for-hides„sheepskinis and tallow Robertson.. r• Mre. Arthur McDonald, of Owen 1301inel, ia the guest of Mr. end Mre W. O. Treleaven. • standar s -been the 411. ader e. eauP) ,!) more •er than °ter- • . • • , 'A hosk- of • Xmas ' avid Xevp. Year . • • . .need the money pleasesall and, setile• yew ace**. 13, Alanagh.. • *know has jaae' re4ervect Karoo, eidi.shoes; thes6 :shoes are excel. •rent: Wearers' and jut the thing.: • to : 'keep' your feet warm and dry, Any gentleman wanting. a watch, clock,. chain, Pendant,. Hog, ecablein,', 4e.art pinorailytbiog.i0 gu"ratieeed.•'Attend the potion.: iale in: Saturday. 717F! J. Mitc.helL Chof!O ptipeterii3, fine linen paper, 'enieleptia,',7Padarpicture-,Ipost--cardsi vieWn. of Imcknew, poems in good binding and other ,boOks.frorn 2.5c. up, .bibles ; lotsto choose Hall. • ' • ••711,ineti in the' geese,' of "Refuge " at :Walkerton. There have been 178 ,Persoes •• committed in the 13ruce • flOaie of RefugnainCe it was ofiened nearly sever. yearenga... • , • present i can. hnseen at Harry\ Days. -Greakbargain Mr. Moorehense Mitchell. retairned laat,;iveek from, an elttended. visit to thnOld Country., s The snowfall for the month of Nav- embar aggregated 4.06 -inches, against 2.0.06 tnalies 1n,1604. • a • • •"5-” Geo, A. Olddall• broker, lea • ost,,ate, • aid 'fire basurance. •Private funds'. to loan oa nOteS and incrtgaget* • Dolls, /..dolls I ,,The laijebJoitt of dolls everhhOwn,in Iuckioan be :seen. at Harry Mgt?' D,rug, tore:. ' Just received a large. essoroment of .eatiriteled • goods •. Sed Ahem, in our mandow-: Ann -strong : What is more appreciated.. as a gift . , than a fountain pen. We have them and up ....Armstroag.& Ifddred. leave:Yowl-Order for a.cOpy•Of the • laristmea Gleba. 'ab Harry Days' ,Drug Stare, infer& they 7are all taken . . , . . 44444++,.*+111414.114+41t.•144.41+444"44414+141,*1141+.!,* bar. D. 0..memerran is prepared to give lessens on the .sbanjo „ mondani.% guitar' , and violin. at his residence on Iiiivelock. street Poplin wihing to • take lessorii,mi any of the aboVe„nam-. ed instrumentswill be ;.supplied with • inatruments free of charge: during ' Hours for 'lessens ',Axed to suit. • When,,buying watches' or jervielerY :.the public :should ,,always see they ,Lare7fully. *tirranted„4anCljny when they can .returned if not gieing satisfaction • ArinstrOng & Hildred ' intend demi! busmesa at their old' stand and their -guarantee 'of 'the befit possible kind.r, • •TreleaYen'e:is the great Christmas.: • itore,of LaCknOW. We are,prep•red for the Christmas reek With • an AMA.' vfle Selection of gib goods Such, as 'folltivring;--bibles, prayer books; hOop;.-leether • goods,, • Eliony, goods, ,sterling ,.ellVeri • ' 'cot. Jtase.: French, English and other higrIrade • china, bronze andinetaliegOods.:: , ' • • • ' 441 ciNTO SH,t* •••••••••••••••••••••••••• • : • ; • ; • ; • • • ; • ; • •.! • • • • • ; • ; • ; • ; • ; • • • ; • • ; • • ; • • EDIIUCED PRICE -•••••••••.••••••••••• During the month o November in order to make room for our large Christm s stock which is arriving, 'we are •:Offering ,25 per cent discount on our entire stock of fine Misses Jean johnstOn •and .Aaide jOynt. spent StindaY, with: 111..• and W • Logon,', of ,, Purple Grove. , • Auction 'gala ef' high-class jewellery, witChes, eineka,booloi and ettitidnery: 'Sae on Saturday .14 2. J., Mitchell.. • Mies 'Annie ,Smith, sister of Rev. .W.Suiith, passed away on Thursday • last, a further reference will be 'given next week. • • „•• / Armstrong & Hd.dred gives special attention co repairing both to watches and jewelery, „ -We guarantee.our re- pair work. • Mr. 3.• C. McIntyre, general. agent ',Of • theJi, I. Case Company. in Tor- onto, ',visited Lnolrnow and *Sinless. friends this week: • If a. Iady.e+riquilicos,,,a,,goarantee4 watch„ bracelet, chain, bernitylin ring attend the sale Saturday at 2 p'.‘• Mitchell. ; CIIINA AND GLASSWARE Our Christmas stock -of.Choice--Fancr,Goods and, Souvenir Goods is nolrbeing pnt into 'stock fel•••••44 Remember the early buyer has the llrgeht assortment • to • choose frton. '6"rAww"Winvm""-• • We have ,just received a shipment of men's fur ovcr,' Coats' Made by the Leak Fur Co, of AfOntreal. The pri0,es ranSe'frtnn $23 to $33, If 'You want a coat that will. gtan4 dYed. .wallaby ad the black deg Skin Coat; all at the fewest prices for good quality. In ladies fur coats we. have lt-,assiat lainbiXo•nflitiiii—seal,:electile,,,4eaLauft.Astrakatt,,,,Oar,,4'ssOr- .` talent of ruffs and eaperinei is large.r.- :Sable ruffs",from"'il.0°7— tp $30.. Give us a Call or 'anything Xot,i wantin furs, 1. • .. Our stock of millinery is still well . assorted With:, the latesp that the, market affords... 'Big reductions . in fall hats, We are agents for the Butterick Patters*, .‘fashion Sheets or Decenaber now on hand. 010T1\1"1..., • 1,7 -44144444***444+4•81.444•444 *44*F+++++4444447"t++++444444+44+44+0+04-1.4++++*1-1+14 .ummoixarautatauxanamiestitsioussisPeenintemnsee'r6afteglAnsloSman FOP, Sale Mi. 14/airy ',13ogues, of Lucknow haa- . the following Prize poultry for .sale. 2 trios brow,. legliorae, 3 . pens white • • , legIxerns, 1 pen ,131ack minorctis, ;also somehhoice barred rocks and houdans. • .. TIMBER ik LUMBER OR SALE ••Ati parties. , requiring . lumber or barn timber would do well to call on we at once as this part of the Seosonis the -best time to secure what You want.. • Ail kinds of lumber, suitable far doors, flooring, etc, a.lwa,p3 on hand • • THOS, TODD, • St Helens, Ont. Any partieswanting elathe, .boeIrd.,„ • Stationary, faney goods or:Wall ; paper„ E6,:ntia be at W.'. J. :Mitchell's, auction sale, Saturday 2 p, • 4,sie eielectioa, of papetriee and also, the., popular lieokaj.sitch' as, Chnine Voting Canada, Britsh Workman aid nihaber of .etiitaiti at .Treleiven's, .Don't forget to Aponte a belga'in • in anything'in any' line bY ;auction on eyery gala 'Straight' W. j.. „ • Xtri Beattie, Webster, ;ot Aflifield„ • who was in,;',Iorcinte undergoing ail Operation, luta returned tante and :we are Pleased to knew, he is inipeovtaga 4 public sate..0 muss old bloat re Will be•held'et the Ashfield Metherliat Nisi:Make,' on Sat:, Dec. 284 flanci lips tea* batee,he, 'latter :pert , Of tbiu'week ' . the anneal, ineeting of the'l 'White ohtireli ches e do' .41tootod, ,tdrera C6.1 will 1,1e. heldhi the Areal, eo? hall, on Ateitdsii,_,Pec, .i8th; at o'clock p, • L. TRELEAVEN PHOTOGRAPHER cettrices:010:1.7,402403:eisgewsgucte:1 • ",'• WOOD POI "'ALE • Any partimewanting tobuy cord i',09d' from James Gaunt apply to Jos3 Anderson, St Helehs P. , cr. and he will deliver • it. James Gaunt. • FOR TO TTIE PUBLIC I.beg to state that 1 have purchased the business of D, p. Taylor of this town and would kindly solicit.the liberal patronage - extended to iny predecessor, ,. • I have had ample experience and thoroughly understhnd the re- quirements which the trade demands: W ith a first class stock coupled with rhonest and •• fair business , methods' r feel confident that I can serve you to the best advantage.- . ., • I, would alsci-itate :that Mr. D.°C. Taylor will be in the store for • a time to meet his old rriends and -customers, Trusting that I my be favored With, your business,,I,remaii,„ icespectfully, yours WI..MUiW1E. • Fr •fitst-OlasS well built hardwood storeconantsetorsreApply were pnpsedtfoor.a,. time in drygood ' •Robt. Baird, Eincardine, . isainiiiiissamagiggrage LARGiOnre...t.AND,4PW • CENTRAL FOB! SALE. 00d farm, I-Ot 28; p, 29; Con. 8, Culross, 150 acres, 42 acres bUsb, ' all inaprovementionade. 'Wili be offered fer salaby public auction atN3 o'clock, December 30th, 1905,-Kieg Edward Hotel,Teeswater. For further par- . , ticidare apply to Dr,. H. M. • • New uninWorka •. • , • B: Molienzie has opened • , ne4i, pimp !they' in the building. on. the north side. Of Campbell; Skreeto. next, to ThOintie Reld'S .bakery, .votIgie be 'ptepared to supply the Wante of all 1113 old Customers and thoPubliegenerally. GiVe hire TtACOUit VitANTED • ' , • FOC'. So L. XO. 1 Astifielit 'duties. td begin .thd Iletst .Yeer1906.,Ap ptipatkiond stating .e*poriendo„ qaMiil oittiondatid salary expected, ; ,E0bert•TteleaVeri% • • , ....uttitgannon 0..• 4B1TP3FBEI+114,011fIlfriPari141014E3E3F3fBIii:01“: • ..STRATFORD,- ONT. . This schuol enjoys the reputat of doing the best work in business uoatloninthe Dominion. The le, schools in Canada and ti.e Jfli• States employ' our graduates as tea ere. We give the ;same instruct i ,to all and that the best. e Students may enter at "any tim • Write for free catalogue- .• ELLioTT Principals, WANTgp. A reliable agent for LUCKNOVV And surrounding ,country.. Good pay weekly,. exclusive territory, sain- ple case or outfit free. ,• Our terms are the best in the busiL ness. We need a man Of good ability 'and character' 'during' • the- Pall, and „Winter months.• • OVOR 600 .ACRES: In Fruit "Trees; small Fruits, Ornamentals, Shrubs; RID geS, • Vines, Seed Potatoes &c. The choiaest and most extensive list of stock in Pandda, • including fruit and „ornamental stock small fruits and seed potatoes,Fast•selling specialities offertd for the first time. ' Waite for. terms to , ,he 'Pelhamlgursery CO. Toronto, • DR. BRoVVN. (kit. 0. • • • e new homeof the,. ant Shoe Z. L it. O.T., Loodoi" Vnglond. GaduaLte of I.,,oilon• New it;rk and •' Chicago.' , • • • . pleoaties 'of iyes Ear Nose and •t hroat. • inc 'GAIN. tIOUSEAUcktieVi' Tti/RD Wednesday of oath month Ilduts 9 JO 9 M, We have just'received a 'shipmen shoes direct from the.,Maiiiectucer,, Mr SLATER, of Montreal V 00.00000000000000009'043060ec Call and, see,this celebrated p betore iSutting your money i mething that will not stand wear of the Invictus shoe. . • .0 • • .• 0 • 0 • 0 9 • 0 di • A • • 41 9 9 9 0 „Also ask to see the fa%iltless ing •DorothSr toodcl shoe ” women. Sold ex.clusively' by 4 0000000'600(xx;000'00.042,000-443060.6.0?<>0c4oc..;,000000,,,,,, Repairing done in annp-to-dete inan)r • NV1,.. J. LITTLE, 'MIK ' lied': Spring Are reito, . , , ,,. With tarts, atItt stay •-•-tt.e,• Makes a ri'....rfo'ct fence% ' , igot one, intitiff'd tett' wire euter5 iii th:t We ,141-iiiitoi.lipt: jf ,•0.1)‘, -1111P PROST. Ilie Uprights 4:4 it*ilistuv.:4\,,,,y 1„.;(..,Ikkii4t1.`ttil• '''•:.', 6 `J,!•ji:,;:tx.• twining wirer. with flit t426.4r Wtiti(01.L•)•,•1, „.„,k1•1 , lo, • absolutely teca-prootynee-, i'lle 4 si,t41111 4 ' ' ' ith ' th' . I 1 ' Vi` ' it ' VI.' l' ,* . 'or driinping e e% 0 stays ur *tent , ft*, . I I . t -oevi ro.nliad of iteom4tting'on4 bolting pievonoi Nig. l‘hte* ".' . :54x;,,t ' • I/ 'to 'Olt a ppealamee it • the;tinat Melee it9 iiiiiie•ius, hay, frit 4 • ii is the heeiVICiiit laid thi lo•i1C . ;ike sate to , .•- f•: 4,4 4, ,2,,14,,S,•,A44 il.,,14,44,4464 ••• I