Lucknow Sentinel, 1905-12-14, Page 8C S --- W, AMT1111. 4.1 DUW== WEDI?PI Rue, &ft ay, 'IVA IS* RPM Tf Nt -1 04" Cau earn. 1441 Ise, in ;It p N WL by! VWW' Womxn Diwo"Xz, OW 6routo. OF CHUPIC Ste le Co.. t.�A- ve.c iv VA a 4 �rftdy "'euiont, to, u bef, o for Use, wbpn, Aer'Sex Pa- A Um. X., QUO * Billiton bax:10113i0511 ed, in playing 4 mg, and, Ae feillPwing. 1�awik. Wor Amid, ,Meu.a� jj�tAvlt 'se rpeiporized. by, tak N wr,. AIM, p4T ST nught - #ks. Oia;�R 9, it wo, t- , TNG� jAR%P be.pre r new outlet zor goinullssiong a any c V. 0 , r' . __Vg4,?i , charge of wedaiR , I,. thp, W. of AQNN gwPau7,QRwW,*1k T.w pre, oTdeTe4. tO '%ail 00 �'*f Tory. 3M044 prig, .8 4W ­­ -r-W _lop bon"k.business; We, Man' e feet, are tlMee'O, itogetuq remo,"y tuo bride an and too t d hm e rl se qg - . _trp to, -t,grad- 0 t*wQtku9` wors 14, A. -generally too busy po. wenieut, a leira fre' 0q, C'Wu Make from fJVe to SIX do land,they,pi ust,awirl rapidly *rou#c4Rpd Jorj, to =ePau-mbold, So you' Ilar" lkiyo, muca Auunt ' bell , OPM, N. 6ler In. " , SO day- ' Apply. to its for particular$.' then slowly �qomq t -title a 100,9461tt a stand a bell T -he - Gm 04 mention. of tbe edding Ctor tw, writers, L 9n!,4#turlP9.!Qo., 11 Milton, on gait of tIlp Psailorslm, =10 the;e! of this, pioneer is M" A*Ct as livw,wil W. had -34t prpIRTLe, wait- Tile name ZTED, YQ1JN 461111ttlPs, -sacred ala �WAN VITTED FOR a.1ter W14_,%uggeat athqr and $G AM,�t qrough.we f6 both conemercial,ir oi'a A d"gliter on Post ,W�00crai we are. told, th yelle eavylae&- m, In four weeks; lionis itu4y evenhigz pQglqop3. guaranteed. A piece, of. par 'Imme merican school,,o 7 rue or P�� - _Or imim7imisv-, —,,xt2� 1,P1 4ed t to ;I -by. their, W f cu� to ZIT 1:, trousseau. 51140, el zp, rPV FM fan ADUMRAT1,011 ALLUPUV�68- 0. 1�_-, -;A je*, in. it "tL r 11t; , , ;? ,',A 4 _1 . I 1 4 IK n aM just,,riRik Still 140W,` Tiismny wa* �Uag� GENTS WAM4P_ "T NOT HAVE M, t gl6VE4 and 'The br$" ear Mir Lung� !A the best swille W_ 1% best goods 'tojd�'to hjX� or herself" �'rking of kid A her laric The he , _ h �1)sga zand".", takes Char": at- the pac x, that �every_. 1!9 'One 1SL ki ur of bithlog and tho best Allreq,� Tyler. Teas, been in conifort, knowing X on t1je. ;q4ccted'im- thing she Dewg % ome by .2n. OuL which Ingy be-Aopo Vill �jle An ancknt-M t trU. 140 known 'at ado Ilig a's to Itts ptecise; locs, 41 00r: betoM a, ea.oxie the; Marriage cefonlouY FOR. it' on. 6ii jJQCT,,PuT^ I D the last'� gr ino., 64� its. top jjjdL Pu4es. touches LtOL' 'hurch. The &l,,?.Metjier ting.� b6tlk- k, gorwil be eg that � roo enteis the c to for& tbo'brldql AS t1jew tied 61076head oil, UMBER, A2 a GLE eir,,:by w;t M' MILT4 OR, a" tfirde '9.0 0 lZed fr�M having to aft srey 016ity;,. or w`qWL Pe mii� he, must turn arol d t Ler after ihe� newly, weddq& Wife pjit. in OR our Ow 'weddiD.F, tQULr.:. Wrighu. jhRek. and the � i , , III bow th �P u�,' with 04 r!a�t, W& Ulet. '10� - - hiners ;or, rqMPT4, jrves that. gone h attends toli all atr 0408 bilt; is person W a t the Wbrk-OtAbOvedding'dim. The y 'flDrmer A. toy, ili told t�' He on the flow full o 0" a p9pul&rIty ARGAIN 1 jj, k- ' , L' " ­ " th "gelle t h b_ rij* foloed� Cn4btlibsp r",tor is., best attested: Py aiid'rig h6r busiile�P,. wis in eccios- led. Ost h InNaugm, coutains an B PLC- -about, Ora y att". nsidere.d As.flig. rWA IIST OF VAR=;, MAILED th6r LOU. Ont. A Gaimalm'band is. announced ai. ..use . Blifthis Says, coined indir6cUr. It baA'WOWW th t of- a. t And t the advel4isernep to a, perferl#aace. Three, or f6ur hk an the principle 0 'It You ari tolcl, b,; it ilt0fiims, thsit, find. any certain m`irch=t souls Team. &90 b�t forfeit-playdrs are req#qsW'to.- imitate for. S Wa7,` J1 YOU dq,.tlke, Bi illo of 'Orleans, Cause. year LANEOUS, idixt, _ 6 the MISCEL ninient in', P 1: _j#,aln sle the Bonn(! 49'soU16, Unfdcal, itat ein ;�: state Tif ge, Pthem at,. SeU6 At f' . -MPT Pf te vooh"_ b -------- e6neert,'Ad.some fami. ar air. �ople w" incline NY ;sr. To -day., �t, a w0ding diml erSon alid thenjet d y pooll 'the I eft, 0 Iftightened. away t, e HRISM'HOSOITA4 JERS ZITY.' N, Blindfold lviailtqd; to enlarge the company give him a, S]pq, 4- EqU;k Od,Wi S howevlir� they have learned that, even to run bals which C J., -Perwoof the S, weddhg Propekli L, t j I XCS S . 6MG expert,kilowl­ ftj;,IgMg ftr tiley.-Were Tic guM. ?t At t laS8 ti 0 Bliffins Is a rtudejl Apply to superintendent of x. 'Proof 'tliat I he Ofran I known -in. Franm Jul of wat6r from a 9 6 art- as well as'af,the ehlrak�l and decorotIv es W h t is fee g hilu.: - t. yo mnneNT TO'B.UT Olrt* SEij; A StRad two for] Ppoilte iro lipills 'are 0 fashions, Preqiieat ilE11211 to New bug -§hlp, -,or. hotel? �Con-� 'Bede,, in. e Before that per- ]D*'ro"r- wA Igit-payep., at 40 'occ9sIon4! ons�X IQ'P"tS enabIbLbf .630. Manage, *65e year b T st I�P& hol4ft ted ideas Of how -they Abe 'early'RVII �slde of the oc. igh tish-chostianw eau in 0 er, p den Irittle, . . buildi grave, oe. �'V I oCAU t eoag�t er womans WAL41II& ly lomik int67 each ot�her� faee._'W1I6U* th' ENTRAL�TELEGRAP SCH90L. -3 h. t W ga 1' aug't. tp,&d4 to, 90 H ;n* of the filthid togetuen: Hinl. of the woodia& C he beauty, a Gerrard' Cast To under L Rrillel- Or OpPeAred. t elig� "The Princess is deA H W6 0'eirgelTei1oveil a truthfill,-quiet Mrs. waship, '01 T., i. Johns liteen ; years' 1, the Tjondon ActiMM, hall PhBadelphle, Tel!i. -and gone -r, ot v6sL, thorough. training,,for �rail-� defunct VM] I The, , =4 CaWogue. - free; L.** to Xot I L Ui handL_ d L, LW Yo. 4e se6la &q�' Rua were'. afteftards., topj el A - d. R' tinli pj&6ssions, experlen";'gi r efliving beitter than any her way, f6giie edS aflffilei": IL Vsed-� by th 1 bells, ope3*1ing; ackLan dends Pre- , k _ ­ '' S�Dme QRSION' 110gn !as RK DIC possible? Al alast" how *,ould We feet to'see our I on mg.. of her lay with ing� dipqui N 'day, Dec.,,. to tbeirstarting 3 ajo'held 610 they walk back -to ce rth4 Upon S'stand Thex b�te our Ill subject run . via Tebigll� Valley ftilrbad, Fa .8. P tj Ad oonfusibnt; If 'We, es. suppeniled' Ait �Vith tile aiin I weft, some, jUjij; &13!2p y 8 -Nat 16r others a godet 0 Aind, struck with, hakam6m ou� oi0m,. 441ned, Ilk ven 6st,,,,04rdS loea loving. TO; bUy i kfss--:-8tupi ension Bridge, Niagara Fill-. irriyal of Idlj6_% and _-reht:.pers?Um U'fQr 1(jC; L So for 5%. 100.' ; 20. Sil; Sft Own, avy--thn , 0. from . Thi -L, ", I ft. more ig else T�' Idis. orkv -Proper. 3ii; all different XArgiEist Slid ften stock to -see our friends by ringing. S. sistjj, xeir York City and return. bow *oqN1 siffeet us �Pt, tly greeted in Cainda,.5N milled. ;3; annipm AU price&, An obliggation� inli eXee _"Injul&us, abbot.,of T�, kiss ones good on all regular express, ra benjr. jj wife� rthe ' r. W_ jft� Adama; Ir(ftnto. Out. n bent foir. To. kb.s ng peop ack Diamon TJke arnifes -alout 110% s on, Invest;," Sense OYL -press. iss. Robeii the Of For in preparing for peaks �They mairch. and surge.'and awayt the C=V particulars,- call On or addrf them. as'being vellIMOWn m,.hb kilia an Uer... det .8. Lewis, Cadkdlau Paijen� 10 escen g , an department stom. g%v2Ug r To ol aid tier" array- if WIth ip.. 4111d says 00' ,� the first. abbot of Ciq� Street east, To)ronto. alina.gave six bells to jhat"UOUELi�"117� �Whck ftr in their war" vQte&ess, .............. ones, BUS11NESS to' "bluAing whih 'Address, AEMJ� To kiss a , th say, �'two great WlUiiJxj MR hill wq_ g� e on- . . . . . I . illthe Demand.. They sin Whidinla- COLLEGB�.ALJM1TRD.' 3"ev 0. Out . Wite'LgLijo Biiitbololnew and,' M around the busy,C1wk% -Thq ki�s mother -in- h ves, W, training and d baul, w ---:A saq1 jUM Tw -ebel- ery �Ut. zi, *Aitendoin :To ''of' a tied And, pull and jam,,an l; gift thro By, aulver_ er public an miel, or -woman f And1loak theiziselv6s with he MM1001A .5 .44. sere or grou#& .4ii; Ae- nt ani Betenne;�, And letAbeir bundiesi Ul I IQ& at pint' and )gnize. To. kbs' ana ed, regj�� ajld']O� squirli el if they api i d-$6 'and, $9 Thls� not: thlos' yrup should, d push be uded -for Cblldren,� Tg Mrs. Winsiow =� , it ietly, for tl!e rel . tra ised'at Used. th b6 edL And.shm, 'agaillEirthe d ie,-;a;.d . vag 4ra eat bell to' made eUdn&, U 9L ... But'after bavilim ance, /� piddoul q gr that )le'tha 'tuned to TI the� tau.. e day better melU.L the other, supthes the� Soothes � the gums. cures Child' Guffl*, Which,, was le toL . ­ - I [ � " 'ilnd.ls. the bed remedy for Diar- .14 to file tra fo. the via 'Pro The big -and - I1ttl0­tOe#:, f vaiue of the land e ju� the, *I ty Sy fkom force o noi'to be' llel01A. rm Entlan&. hen ui" in the jL rranuc, fighting. crewo jj,,g,Aoubrn-_ 6 it all deaIML to,ta& atLOnebi ani .3hqZUnft#t L',. P tind bills. th ;alne a '10U01W. duced woUld, jbA beati is demand habi% go,on im t f6r'farms to nd that, is,'What.they d*6� ]DeC, Tbie'lle us -Aunie Paimon,. (3a 1. ea in'the moiallteri" welt I' ht�'LeMe`% d Aseque A ber isame es with. rop"11 I*Vw rRSS�, ie '20,�o jKjjjftL W '-There. 6" other tim bi .g 9 for, 'te. _ere. rings % Ae- xqathiy Magative for their actuAl artht -or in Vel 6un"L by �sound� has' -eail hq rush be . , 1. 1.. . .. . f -at the -eud. At r morn t in li7 mos U yLhe Priest% edme' 6-" 1 e- i# _111311011ts p land 'tle .. Ji. 11 h mtor,' The clerks bew, to w thilivs th JYL txmir b the fad of k NorWS7, ipv Oe of the C01*4 s -by -We s *111111ti who'. has broug t i's " lu'Ventioij, &'mj Tin wouieA WIM firm the odometer for Use bt mrvt�"rs, -.15 whi& may bil',mat6ria y 'for the w of eours%� 1 .1. ambination t !themselves, a. n, In, hiS-�, (jevi�e str1dig, �AR 'b JiracUcal f0__1 _M91% � heniessuring Idistatices y *nd, sclinq es e storq.% and th, w 0'VjWMbft& sound waves, iire sent perp �cRslngfj 1 stlat1UL by, those ivaeapable� oin.' JY HZI "6th' d, fterwird' endi Wilrly - - - . 1 1 - 'i d 4 TWe trObble Is an t8P an. qlalometer I I , . 1 4 . of 4 es as W IS t nAmd gouge each a era eyes. gs.ofhe in- 2h the flourishing daySL �Qf o They, jab. � each, 4 ON 1, U14 ater Rnd th;L,re"', sound Aher'lu the ilbs, P to !Idled along the V01111 lin a el by.aii, 'xiderophone., It, Eid the 'Wen ac 'd6lihite1j: Jim tr&-:, d lue., e' twill bizlitized. and aniijuted, with ol, y I e also known nI �'ol The ud, each, otber.black;and the the; distane' . or ho,j chrism becolnes., Nor"stop to! sYMP&1111110; �or be, distailce' -y wer diqltot aho "d %Iessed'� by the Bishop, te'D verses telue[W are aIr smV7 one, of; U�Uj[tip They rlot'libraugm the swres, in and-tyramijxe.- 5, if4hat-wlieii-thi6se-ceretiionies trate-Is Rol The soun hen, the gro TheiO e lL lie Fall and­'%jMt(j�­ the power 7� 3s. so ro %a tAj be "diffleolt of, rformed they had ing rifte ft ' , L.. measurement ifi-ii:uy bottom of the �ea. before be" They wagg e- inadly t6'and nest, even w out, of the' to &nd Mingle In the,light, *1th Dodd-$ Kidisiy.' PlIts. seedu d '0115 1 , Aievas th an e CP a Tquic� will awar, -the.. zi� Ju the bunch e surve fe t And 16*07 woms otber'lash' 'soon n'Verte fri r to e yiiig p de !'Lj,.tjtha3&ftC1(or;SOVlny-?, is 'the"boundar* betwc;6u I ISO tseCere W =0jjjeS Alod� have' SoMel 3_,tnt toy$, t46r 'at rUnum, e, Fill 'divided by,'t0o an home at nfthw 2beyBroughtpackHis trelngth -Trendh e alims, in-;.tho omizoeil, for. BagriA an tual for te X;ague.� Th infifical L And is jL' the tained in.-Ille'Roman P( deep' sm When tb at laor rAdne tiltind that U6'*sa a" Rassag" M. chwhea. �d, in ma; use" r.0 L Ca C COU ey con men thi'Ala of� tl�e he Coidd determine: the, i�"er A�, &" of ab§;ladly short of the afWjj&jy. lisrujan pfAhe-,.ocean, '.were Usual tV give bells the 'Pth ica. . �ure_,pents' G omy' Ae 0 U t.,,.'Wjjnol1peg,. Xajiy.Dec.� ? (Special) hiszuo� 'Was f obible distine , tocurearyour es. -some saink. as Ornierly, be ineth is, par-, b la�t N L V, trij,10djed by The '25� boUir Uame' of PC= Is 01 Iken�-,Rafferty, :tlxe well,,known� Pr ie iuMnglanl 'ef here the dep, h an� in P. IL :engineer, Whose homCis at :17:v -me pel;a� n 11 or _d %V1 bottom would'prevent e every- WR!;,f0nU to one pfthe� njLtjvew.atticb'Wto, the party, sell of the ticular t - ' ,beU.was notsi called,frolu� th bili UP* The saints: HaP16 Stre�� Is one' W d me obsc�tiou it. dres were"O f ithe sis t that 19M Merl wire*vic�. r.A they e" not ce prilliend #Y' aji,6ra by D;d-Ps Xi4z�F ViRl 'Charh, t, Wb�jch'it.� U11119- t] her�pa �L­dons; drains, wooden, ho "Long on. the,engme the . alon_ aispesed of Mind the -odometer-' ,ea on it, or of the houi -for trun 'be but tcause.eit always -e down uy son e longa, ete. - but -the bigger. oys, CS jTound., They were o ma q in t h me mo Rafferty M t, w en the pn _ca tiou,7 31r. wn toys, W e_e�t e. UT46 entgro' t;be white maxi' �e out entir 'to I el befor6 theimi e Deus Up' ar'RejAzi4oU�L Sallbath"p- pur- 6, till I zent'ot P Domin PaIltlir -foil t serview-� "Sallet e a of, to suit. , Hdowever, Smete,: gm Getting b6xe*; lotos (geo, b1difi, on - le evelandL. Leh(ler,) ag felt,1 Was: _ph1cal an 1i eduld 'not Xoi -the boys; and 114ndk I M po§ej ,y.t,bat..those'.pers0ns w.Q 'froln IM at: ow M noroeco, bagsj` te We.'& tit to d abat Pwj d' r er 'Cal work boies, z tot-' 15b."' said Tft miht , 1 11" �Wodd to thela*yer w, a _6� the native enatolin of!" 1gy Sol t dioe ag ., � , . L U L . - Ai ]h upon volemn office tho. congreg-4tiqn -were i��r IiN� b" ts. There. are 0 41 in. 11s: will. �'to le , avo P 000' has , toxw- Soj, even In wer eV eaA 4—A slOep, aAd't e -thgt,�,-jnstant eng rest, anii er� the beaql, elplayees, ha "dr' h t f to always en CI.:Opplug Up- r on o sig than they 6d twenty.,fearsi in my,servic were.,no 66olie; plet �thek absence, it leasi,=o;,ved'to ery..eaSy, e things I could not- 'get'' But 'that j4 �00­ generotir,". :stinimtreao one% �el ed'tb�.*dre comfort tallid a d Rdbob _,.A astonished lawye_ ltheir h6artSA6 ffim- 'mmide� D! tndnds' �werel crowde to Jay off w6rl julfty to. riend I0[4d -necessary . . , ',!Ire -ill the Old ot.at aa fairly.good'e-th, but t -Thin 11 Sta;rteil'to.Uke:Dodd!9 Kid� h a6t one, time were thought t live twenty It bi hem, 1, slept einen morrowL and I t It'll be A ijo.od., ainst ;The 19, ney %.RUdLj ones., to- Cali' first ni-fit, after using. Mrbite' =.in t a ative e 1, do m is, not6thout reason &:msterdam Proper The, ft"u ing f abbey churches Me,' e X. soundly in three., &3�s I were th(l,� in ny for a�.muslng., Rilly, the %61t I 'Ve r 'W''OrA afuted. -the. ji�iiud inott;6 byr" lightning. to that Canada's ar grrest heir get fidla G VWSGA' 0 raid cured, h 6e., 1 1 do '.LL' TL-*elry housd tfie`bells in _st0'j*r eU:'to,r should, be steeliles� w eicii It 6 it inena ere (the little Cooking entitledAts , . i I I I r L ),sait Uhle ji'their'Cot- cius92 the Pe: To cum, fat an'-ftilwas D* rid positt a. abdold leffieacy,, *ii as Who HaU. .0 kno'Wn. "Aoiiful knell tage&), - WN�n*e finally became almost $bmt-- nt. Z kezA I tell b: th distr$Wted With on and Heaven- ghtning.anel Viuneler'l'break e coifusi the IkedL. -Alf -qver the C6nti-. list '-we the boy v -on' earth ference between lo, e "d. �our ;OR Ssibbat.k.l1i to, chiii, i.all- imerit t store is amOus u be conviiya but. in tranqui -pute iaigei . from be h alled what,he had likedw em. Ch6a.Ven is no he'w�s.6ieve T heslei�y head ga givingg. u equ years old. at sehoob aA4* be assured 119 an., bd in� wor I"and The, wine djajjj6_ Tallies- -ni moods i .may, ev Ls..sb fierce, d6 disperse, -vei and gens.N h be r� liked -,k t ix oa`eart 'Mix s oruel rag�- P `iirnaiientbuying-�staff b03 I'do. Christmas ­jejSL it the Vilis, by Mary hend by the­5jVht'ot,the4jiri'k lappeara abbey xtt:An-ter.d_j-,e—r6S (Dece,*_� in hj:;�� -lizedr an eirthly ineon, in the Chris has r6a h�%t.. Wadd advinta-eous,purcha&-' t,r goal f� cus omerS steeples, Ong witlIF bells' al� love: aspires t ft ainit 0;4nd its�l' -BIS niogt.elp-t-pie, were nol invarl r our ky' t ptogr"s. begins, ueveT�to cease., The s or 11y, doals�jigtulng. .;Vei, gen-. v6 the pridd bene& the sw6d te 'it yearned in - tbe world towar 'Attenerq 1-r , --AC- 70W heaTeusin mpe-As,tUd d *hi on era When the Pr �is Udchme the ground Which ilip fire 'bhd H Ntiture _eg go tands here,, but anoth r lber Steep CS 0 sky. is f abbeys roved, A od the Of war iaxiri often-ilicir timbdr� whose freq�eiifIlurik- wited ifiean's an g he s portended' iheir 'and pe t B -,F.D-DY I . I r tj bij&Mte. To PoSl� L., ' the'-fllfil- final. .,destruction: abs6lutoly ken above. it. W -e foree"t' heaven us te-, 3,ce S, Ing e E, It h" er eC, S one� pfesence� eiud�jjtlr, becu'reported, observed th mt destrev e,,]�n heart's nis,. still, received, that the *4chant Duk at es: AQ .1lan is inot.-so, -poorly content 'assembled in FIBRE q;iatlse and,'shouting of �jjeo- lotel'toplait the'l We Ica.ve heP_V in, his. blismess? CnzAomers and f -us �of. bo wb nat ith ntyL lnultitides haid ' so Bq birds 'for iniefied and brokeft,the:dIr that move. al;kAy', Li t0ions bbdr, and, in AavLin_we ibor not .or i ' r . 1. . �tnd :fij;lUsri' - - - air -3 'traus-4ot their I 'det. ; . ' suppo gm . I r , 'r - 6, 'Vt)tj WILL. FIND THEV'GIVE"YOU SAT 'ftble'to GNTI "ijoes' net. pfty' 'jjC 41 ST. -.6'ather over 'have falleh down, 'the 3.8, They brc�d, rihneat, or shelter; h6akts;'arc, rt th and t �t-parted-,bv space and.tilni; weAe-' ot b ig� To - must �e aped. (Nito ONT. 'bkibyea by go EV Y.TirrIE jin_�;g' 1' , cas i�' N. rate 'to eive ;ndt strive tot, one heIlie thair, ftrc�&t' t ,to *alt other o1hers,for 'mu 3 as ejent. air., abor, t old, ter� ft jr.� tire on, bd,6 of bell ities. has Oquilibriam names S in POP olils C f. awny thttiuder tind 4186 ��k� as;'&st, tlaq of our own name or me. Lj- dis ipateil 1111, - T N., -NO SUBS I VTE 'Et) izy �AE hfed`r, gna huinil js7i� ON S EVE p thailt Houstilse.. einddy but 'ther,6.AS 'an atif, Air jr U;%juml . I thtit, - i: havLl cil tene4v thAt nevef falls 'd Pil 1 the trick the d fsaw pp� p� pllpp s nct atly ThIll 4 the rti4* p the Decei-alhe'r Ce, it" Pong. tbat cor.es' illar SL �e a- the goo treet,*hiltl, Ju�t bt(Ke winitn'sets in '11air Dye. n I qi s bang ry.,L hftActf�g, Di I Wits as funny.'al A irecto" u. think ir big 'brwwn lle'41an bunny' 10th .;Lrd th-A-t y"Ate You. 'mean I&, ay thta th a elerhone wera 0ull& builbles, i ? L t ilop: i4 T, a bis IB AUfq 'AOay. in161 r o. Lot Me tell, FOU 961111t- ' n, the. e �o lien Thayer:4 d "t Ing', A dear friend. Mine. a I 01keular' plate or t cb flor., oui i& abst or jL gol-man lZial d i61' In bp WM' 11 sbj;ter Dl�d WO n. y the groSQ fifteen the he marr e folf frc go erg b I plimes aniftt,46phoni"linnibers, erM­fr;m :i�� cIrLoirafeteAc he :the pe opld Who are andmy tot; t o 31, St e-th "t^_CM eUp" o"lliltift, the, Opel aer's PbLe�, -at6r to call a,deaired- ;-,t. 'C�Ouja he oarn h d-, b j�do eflei "'t It of gatiolftl eZ J, in tbe,t 16 1lo'lat t1le .Ztion. b v� an _GL ii, not of ri�ttltxltiobi nat tbd'& It, -hie g%ve the'viga inqn. l� full nuiber is A\ itor oil t e in ig h 'he deq to t lited ripmber, a, bell i$, r ngj, tL, -I f!, Jfap p Co and t.he Office �Otntral oj��rdtot Th oat & injtCtLa "rAqjiled ;P�Irus+ orct-ntxy, Xemt&M VV #0 nd simlar devied, sr quie. Abotilt 'Woula thd NP�IAMML not Of sill ui6 Tile trangmittii 13 ttv" U -W. ti or 14r; 1 1 %re but 'L 0,, rtf,. P 18 intilhAd *fit 44, S kh jaLb�- -t hon� flange there iA- rdeni for A d6zeh tebae Y. It W-1 a Wa heto.the 1pbotb'. Df.�A J:Oult JZ b, tia a tem fie cola at tfijt60,jS:b. 4t $OujAnCjjSt!i% �tk�bq�* orl" 01�fbj er knowledge, t�ud tbq, ftiedi�in oXX took tbb Wrong oollsh in no"6PI tut Aft,f hW1 T, roosm