Lucknow Sentinel, 1905-12-14, Page 6.ei"4 e.+.afFY*r:,'Jfi M,,...y1.W..p„xy., r.,64 +W04,4,41.4*. k -..,..n "'
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7 1' lEra� 3QTlin eves'
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Ebony **WO.
14th 1905'
Decemberr dzys are the Wit. in
tbe'ycar ,Tye. day 101 11. be
Tnrsdsy*: fiber 24 .'hen the
limse, between Marisa and :sunset iti11
be exactly ofoo bonra.. Alter tun list
the d&}a''� n to k. sn. tlloogh
r;" "-,p] i- rut%mornese,
the rats of a, minute day, .. .
Li tt 8x : '1 1,41to,4z.tT. ,,,'The
Ou'rerament,:has teen broad. to gnash °,'
thenentente to death enKu hk re'W
and 1.6,000-30 ; have matioes ;at
E .At Eieir the revolt
boasts holo: the fortress and Mosti.
the city, and in Tramps there:. are
militery diaorders, Peers at'
,tea '
trouble a1 St. Petersburg and Msscow,
and the murder of Genn; Sahh ro$, is
gen rally applauded:
The recent book, Canadian Life in
Town and -Country, --has the.etat neat.
that "that there are somewhere in the
neighborhood of 15,000 women; farm:,
era in the Dominion, sone of ' whom
raise' wheat and other cereals and
others follow mixed farming, butter
and'cheeae making, poultry,horticnl-
tu- bee -keeping, 'mad gardening,
hoigrowing, etc. One family of girls
dii the T,a"•g, :.of
melee anan, ..orchard .: near -Montreal.,
In Queen's Cgziaty, New Brans wick, a'
family o€ women . hive snceesstully.,
conducted their own` farm cf 35o
mei for the.last.twenty-five 'years!'
These l ens tai Rubbers are botkgood.. wearers an
giTO excellent 'sciava,r
forO ',ids to..
ring' neatly awl fitly done.
.-rte is A.
Nprt ,Vo -6',',.`"+ : .,,. -� u a' � �v�t.,�,•M- ,:�xw'm.,,�.,.6,.+�b:
Irrost-resistine aPPl . arejust now
objects of great,' merest' with. ;orchard,
dote; who have *master'ed the method of
produt g theta.. The • 'particular :e -
perimeats whielr have: led to, tint were,
Carried on -at th'o GoverDmental ' fermx
'with ears to_the ortb ireot 141:7
.ket. All.of the' improved Awesicau'
'varieties of applehave failed' or have'
,been killed, by eoid, when grown. in
the Canadian North-west, but the• Si
began 'genii)" apple has survived some
'ffteen year. , Unfortunately the
trait is very small' and is *suitable only
for xna ing jellies `Its $overs•'have
been cross ferts,izedwith pollen from
some of the. hardiest and best. sorts. ;of
apples grow in Ontario; and froth the
seed :. thus obtained seedlings nave
been grown which now old enough
to have fruited." , Such'Snob fruit'• ze 'Much,
larger than the • crab -and.' is 'greatly
imprQtred in quality, and .the seedlings
have proved. capable of ;.withstanding.
the eevere nostbern:'winter.
Zama Mc: an Engine.
of a bonsekeepers fife 'is sport ie her hitches, .
O ehalfthe cook stows.
Ove l�alfthe labor of g is, at
Your sante can doabie.or halve the coo$iagalavery of
A poor range adds. *cagy: ss we't as pori, and won7m.
hcusei s cans , the teoer9
theta-Oda/mil the. warhead eliminates . Pante.. accsiri as,:
36r random Range ' is as easily and y .
e- it responds to the touch, as quickly and .o my ea:the e bng'c
askine obeys t}.e'bacd of the engineer. ' '
The Pandora Range sares,irsrrn, and beeanseworry
Sold b cn crprising. dealers emerywliera:.`Write 1
Our choice new cluster raisins; ares'
something rich for your -table. 25c
I�ew. Sultana raisins, seedless, sel-
ect fruit for baking your Xmrs cake-
3pounds for tae.
Finest black -beauty cnrrants at, ' 3
pounds for 25e
Very choice select raisins at 3 lbs `
for "25c
New Haioweei+ dates; £s for
dry our new bakingfigs, something,
special at: `;5e per pound.
I ewEleena figs. °:These'make very'
chem eating
Our stock oforanges.',.lemmoua and'
other Cliristmas fruits at rock: bottom
We have a large stock of shelled
shelled w alnnts and, all other
;for Cour ' Christman .bak ing
Bon; bons, chocolates, creams,' fancy
candies, etc, in boxes or in bulk We
are headquartersfor these articles and
sell -them -cheap, We.bnlieve, in hand
line_.: pure • confectionery. Give" the
little ores pure candy.
Our. line ,of general groceries is set-
ected ;from the best houses in: Canada,
and°you do not.have't‘y pay any more
for them' than for inferior, goods. Give.
us a call and be 'convinced.
Sea our, .choiceline of China, Glass-
-ware', and Crockery. .We are selling
these lines at `very;close.:figures. They :.
. make a handsome Christmas present
°; Which the receiver 14,1 always . remem- •-
ber you'by.
erson "bu buying, their` Xmas,
<Ewery p y.n
supplies<.from a will get .Hohy to d'e
corate their Christmas cake
r .
And alliotlier artiol.ea, to, 'he found in
Thenew .Britisli cabinet'a ca ji
net of strong men, but, whether it will
have the strength of unity-, isa 'matter.
of .doubt. It.comprises various shades'-
of' opinion,, t)f Which' John* .Morley,
hom :ruler, and Sir : Edward Grey,
antihome ruler and imperichst,' repro
Sent the,eitremes; 'It' miry fairly`•be
called, like' a famous predecessor,
iaistry of all the talents,".arid t Will
' a' powerful ministry it it find®' some
• principal. of ' cohesion on the irish
,,gnevtion. J. of since the' great disror-
t dn, of. the Liberal: party.have so• maer
eminent, names been assembled iii ,any
administration.: Sir 'henry Campbell
Bannerzaanis' at 1_ast to • be c:ngratu-
ed upon
lac . an , initial success. The
Conservative papers admit that it is a
much' etrongertumhiestioe 'than had
en tl7Vtl�rit r �Szble - J -d ,R ;
berry's onai sion wes expected, hit the
inclusion of bis soh -in -Law'. :the. E3t1.o!
Cre�re, arid'' of his' pt,1itical congeners;
Scientiats, Etc; Lave given
'their unqualified tests to the' only,,
,hnown,remedye Which *ill abeolptply,
do_ what is Claimed for ; them, and at
the same time taay, be reied ", upon -as
do not claim te grow hair' on a
shining bald head 'Where- the rPote of
'the hair are 'dead or. destroyed,ana no
fine hair. left, but it there is 'anv fine
hair Ieft-Wa can -make' it glow; we,
'been bald for -yea.ra, and Years and.
,there is iet -a:case:to be found "where
&young man Or vrotuan*bo is losing
their:hair and becoming bald Where
our celebrated hair grow,ihg remedies
fail to produce .a. 'good, healthy
Sir Edward Grey and 'Mr. Asquith, la •
ri,overiitFient star,te With his 'heeedie. 1 Ith'isie. to CertiEY *that .1 hale Awed
'lit bee grown: for me s. good full aead
Ti hair, , „iris. (tithe biaa 'before 1
A260. it at
.ce,Fost Sat. BY Ate.
NT,EDIAltatitIc a (.104 Patted AAA.
o supply the -public wi
e latest up -to- date
CAts'ArrEii-nkti TO DAY; 0R.' NIGHT,