Lucknow Sentinel, 1905-12-07, Page 6-77 r 41 A�' "SIT .1 SPOTS OV34 lssut,: NO. THE, sgNSATIONS, DU WORK. tq, *.�qf iqT 0 S6104, W!, r. Thiy An soothipg >YTUD 11 WAS NOT A Oi Four 14 children Topt0ing skl*ais b used. for 'e AITT .01 Effect oil ailothe* the chl1d.. 8 CUM bo5t,ra,mPd1.;- Plat - HOW TUE CITY OF Ir Pick W u(I A*g Cut in Two gw rrol exing,, Of ifie Hprvaxd �l c4p aha 0 the Colic 3,r r laigr tbo,., goi ASt of �40 ED. sent. bdwa_ ipg his fate. , ecause 09AT$ WAXT son: spo ititerast, in. ta. $bt 4 b -�blo c4eri*e414/NXT-P .0nonticat st4tion, is At Pro, b as- soo v n to. provil, 'who G A ANAU$. e4 been am �Oxl IOWgr :Anini4is suffer pain olf'SeliSatione POP `]Q 14tllpy red', virs. of emy, kina owifn injured. Tho -moist aya the Boston Trauscrio UI Mr. -day PAPE,)Oq,� sl . _4 rinients, wei�. made Iry tr- dA MO.- g, Of thee "V'ArIgb-it's P1s94*qil eartlivirbrull. such a at to the AmericaA cons, ;q, e;W. but uirigo l4c poured iA 14PQu - 11141 like others,' 'A4a pli tit in-' 61k, -,the' commou on; gs are tell doilais dot , JY 00 1 rgsulted in a letter,Of p oub, 444- wkibel JILW h e. the id A at', 11 ', S middle mes Fl :tbey Natiqaal Ste a ico&, , I �, �... low anipw be divi e sa*f;Wt*y 'qd -I �. __ ''A . , g, A0 Ont,. on� to Mr� J4 thej.! CIA On thd -ba III ver auq� . ,ULU . lati transvol I to is lig"mo.nu y psterior riel only ,pq oo��i of M =4vp d, nxw-�_,We 0,54 -1- ­KV VV x L L ,,t e eou th given� Ta t4wer jeri j'�fialf 4contAipill brar. And. was. especially. Juterc t1owed seem to Gaicato �Wn; tile:.fili, .!,I Wlsl�, I ld''Impy iA MOL, a) cra*l.% I I '. - . r L . & the, mass, of the reading.,pilblic, th ANVASEERS WAX strquomers do not rega, 1 13:ie consideration W of top Me.,of -thL- Alngliq41n; -­:Aftsi Jhos. Ad4insi )x,6 'Mo4eil here 45 ordinarily,. IiWayt owf, U rd, sun spots as C, or ers for' Iwants, 1104�41,190PWW fl"For- pwiership, in r ait such, at- about'tWo, y6ars a-6 from. Fallsi those ha LA.oiwbndetdul phenomen4 y, niany CP Ho was lebriafident, t] Jv& be halved 09ain the' Pos- 1)01,4 . . ." _­­ I ous and, 09J150W ch r rs; used b AMP ares unless PO I - one,'of �ithe in uy-bati 16.�. terior segm kL�.Gf ea� L 4quirmsi While su in .4 4ans,Wlib o#ce h 16 would -be 144il P .­ 1 , �O. daily papers.wg4ldleSil one -to k",r,, All pay salary, ana, rol; 'voiced had Bright!o, li an 1w ise4o d are, IfOW, st QItg bal�ea crawl, 4. 4y., think. T -&re'mAIC-' anta -Ma4ufacturiag "Co" U irpm tilli the� ante pre- . o . I � Li ore -completely .4 the, feii of V* who .9 Dthers alke, was, tiaj, be eontinuea,ivi ..0crAqid, of, cit ItIcials, *And tbe.,114AWIt qud* We 1. '.1ike all the: i same process X ing a s , cial ptudy of the -so, OcCUTrq2eRs- Until th,6 plede0ir are no :1 pe ANJ)� GENTLAMEM y tho,_ 4un by.- business men. 94, A cured��by jWdis:.-Kiddey Pills. 7 cisely like result on the face- of are, of' LAI)IES L Inva, $11 -,Ts longer -large. b'.to; emwi indgpen- Quick, Eellel d pa plant Moug ri;,' evory0d.0, u" �P3,. Was'eight months 4,13 lid course, deeil interptst lust s dif- iido,� east, lror'ontoi 04L IV 111 , Adei tb the &lk qiiestjOu 947 hfrs.� AdAmso 11and. no one 'Cam tell what dentl. Thia s of Mason- J,$ef re.gOing, 14... FENV �HU$Tl irked in p.q., W is v3iimuig"A A, liberaV contract 1W 5 . _o -. two set -p ferent,'cloud 'forms 0,g into ZRS WE Ilp of tog Diight pla it by, the the. make �qfer'�d. My doctor, said'! had _ *��' But - h Ad�,Of OQUO. . offer a,'bobt. tide weaso and -S lklut1`90t.nQ relief lat"hli0s, in th vAtro;, S lal iow, There, b,. first idiAtica. taken relatively with the Ot roposill.094 VkMt her, :or longer;, 0, go.,vernMent of lord. 1) firraing and, jerEng, And wolit,fis:or longer;, s which 'Are 66U46111it b vp re'properLy,. 1111 from: aythirg, be, gave me. ib, " which: 'prOdUNS'tho b �Mayor,, or mo, 1J t.. pornich dv to start, 0 on t, elected for -a. term., 0' three friend oft my ht indUcM,1 Me to, the. "other circulp�r,' ly drawing. our xlx�. attention�,the,ppearan e rse", cornpaX�_ d aet4- give DoMs.Xi"ey, Pills A. trial.', 11124 1prov ' os siliand", crA*l1nj.,W.y in the posterior se".:igonts really emall inattet;4s; oars,�.Undorr-heuVy xpense,.nu the' f6riner set abo stimulated aud- a. y ulil be rQx S ,A olit salary, Apoor, m4n,, there- no faith in,- them,_for L, thought I',Uever Mir no iicient Ing. with. r the latter s6t"professor kfiee ixiterost­gocs, ld not'hold:,tho' office., 'XlereL tikijig three in, tbe anteno to.'their, effecit. o#. the - carth, -we, TZSS, IN 0 fore, co geT, DqTCry bUt.afteir §T GENERAL BU$ID E, a Rl I' e0 do my INQrmau sayshe do1cs not know Foi its Or � Ards: boxes of' may.riasonAbly assume, that they ar te za War s. -and, most' of thQ'W was 'able 4t one-thi Y! - d tbex A�em& cofielullivq, for_p pose the exp�riment -Maimer. with our, magn'Alc big rd good health ever put -abr may e Allied in, sonie h&T46 three r live -ba:d aepresentatives..' The abdomen of a ermit, or is about all. Ad, as Posse ll�dy'is. elec each year. All Fills om3- but thait ted, at -of thi e, I Used., POWs Kidnc.Y -cut two without Any but a Very, slight er F, r ' D i know they liAV40 pracltimuy 6, Ah two f ny%rcragiing movable orr w response rom 11. perve withput pay. Then there s chosen. bj'�'tbe twq.:lqvk� IIA4 FOIL n this plaadt� find,.. %AeM,, DER AN D SJUNPLE M seico nds infliloce UP6 f UM reprgllierkta ive, DDggie. p, A.,fe, 1_4 saiq $10W RMARD -Grey, q would- JlW uld u9t be.'one , slits % fore, their stu ounty; oi York an ee Wei hundred ql�domin ing trade and a tour or fiv W P-4. �-cwnery for� luoial. Johnson The'greiit . Majority �of: these Member V:e .4rb se�gmqrkts, *ie cut'Awa.V; t., en proceeds,, initense 'Warabam Ont. h i: public impor atfectionati four 4nT t merqbaids� sOrder' P IS other phenomeila far grea at popful diatly 'h�z_�more,. ;ql �_�r�athin- as. before..! f In senteA to they oidy pre oUghL, some 0 MISCELLANEOUS the- best men alao—nit tooted'compartion. ue us- - 6 , breathing,LL.1exi Still I on oT min pri the, best the ci y serve,_. athe, Average rqr� Vices than Dry move'. pu io in �perly t�rtal virtues, aud� ielly i, i'u.i4ite& 'ATENT .,is, cru summer..; n two'14. the i -and I bope)�Onk�p day the uews� D -idha" UT. F doe3 hold up to.4%IR6 wbxt:it*WAs jrl6ndL on t7rd during the IOTLt. til Leg 'wliidow 19CIC!, 'the frolicit paper. r exs will appreciate thisr- then, XP til nu 'its, In the days heit the. mitui0poify Jirst UnnecessarlIF AN r -y of Mad dog"'. ddlp continues , crawl4ngt Hamilton,, III if prk is real - as. skind, rear .4, w ook over,the g viork-s. More than. 'qo continue III that is - Possible dories ivard and thelt' heie-ttit Our the � Having done. I - half goin or w has, lorry X... when In' di e baicj�*ard. Milli receiving its .up.. 0,. 'on. J prominent, citizen 4!Xyrressed. the- warilk xionth .. weather sets, � ­aes: 'de*idid w1lile 19 I� d iee HRIST HOSPITAL, JERSEY t ht th, falunci -off rk C pp6batlohieri *,aated; to entlarge -that iC will be this h Mid d9gl.'! cry especially rid 11- ivalking'do. ndt, stop nor le 'thou ni, becomes, Sikiperiulaiddent 0 the qualiiy,of,the' rs of t.6 ICU It t tio3L— Chine itreciable, 6b"90 thb dog catchers are let. se parts of'their� abdoinen -se Xedicitit. Nur mit that will, in A, dozen Urged to chase. cAtebL,and Put. tQ 4 in pos Ste We 011 PQs 0.Ly Star. Ilhysieia'. PV" be th&,teal toil .8 Vbni t,oards, 1P y of the the caulnes-who have 6ury ad Stlekq,Ltito pean Rerliaps, '.the ;ieated, te ashion fro o way. f'municipal ownership. pistoli'and brickbats during 0, cisely the oppo too,, $1;; 20, the And r an -its P. fi n for' 10c;'60 for 150c; t ,value Ji" what Is . , d'.... Died ,out inan's be Tta; hel V a. only one liquoi, dealer on May Waste'Tiltke� e tieat-them. Each tim) ' ervb $!;: all Wffotent. I Largest dud finest a om-,,­ i Is IthaL which - is called If. W1 to pr I 11)&A and'. polihaps A, . dozen' citizellIS-al Ye gods I h business it..is � ln� Canada; W.0ailied, $3; .0.1bunis. . . . t I � a c&n n as, W�. R. Ad..q,.'ToronLo6:-ont. !kro 1, - , wff- heheiallat Of hat f1mili. anit little tiSheil slelan W. We merchaintsi shop Owners, treatment ap que�kiaow And AnSwerSi himorded to "IrliiEW �`Wliait is IrP' By. repeating. er. mie37 inu&'of tfiflem airlthM health reigi ec B Milan- tob is the.L physicia* our MUM THE- GREAT, SERE OF L By- spen. 9 too stated gni but, fro a or professional y wyer4, 'There are no iENT *u& �Unie with'slow Inot ount 6f pay, When, a Le-mber falls ill A a h protepaiQual P6 I & I't, ay�be,well pup Be4 for all hoiis6h6ld pur; hiq� isea. ex'11-ft'diree lug t.' at DISEASES .41sease "Xiilne:� . � By.giAxIg.jII P. cl 'ceases"And is4iot resum. ies' bankrupt .. I . -;t . 1 11 �L iELLEVILI, BUSINESS' W= becort r"' dlsea�e, S StIM". is', restored. a Adilrti5"th(l be called the, --boa, �011itlrlcttl ul and ffio*ay pom,:Sudight Soap uunskillf it gets the Tid-,, I ' 1 .1 t- '* ' Ve COLL--QE,; LIMITED, Bal Some of.t ese mag-- g pjppila�.too. 'ecting aid 'Unrelenting, By prOpigip 'pal f )rms of ttOA, anm ers serve susil Conspicuo in On, �of the' ery V.15 most artmedt gives sp, a 'in' Chfiko" used e 'd t=tft, allL i y po -Sradua�[W 46P South Jkm� confusing �YL. ino. life JeL qmd'develop T irushed out litat thq the wadlingdf 'gir -great PAWL, lie &ter. the. pain -the PrOVed matter, ent "of, 146ssofis , to, other. rewaid th- Ah n .:So P ird" all athletes, y. 'star.. and more violet 7Wiudov�vs;� 11��AV ek and without 'treattineut has I 4rican Kidney'.1L rio, . .. AA)ie tigatmeut.,,�O:(tenthncs i&, tono Its power overthO man ;VOrk, Co.=nb AL 'degmy 6 en iiiudows Ju,:r6Ipas;%,, IkW in who roe td, disease, It tion that� they By. tardiness'. the p ysicanns" h how tlrin]Y� e=ei;bcd A w t And kneel riesh a toi limb right mp. an -L -m eim the, wal Lil 2, Preventive. The nece*Itr Attain - i the cl _t, pun,An* e pa an am tion- drub"wei"it' AeIaMUY-7` tardy, m GAIM. q thorough tentilit p- eS �of W �.Aoiihe chance 10i, a 11fau to' SU&b raCtir, knir�iti& hsleeping e sufferer., 11111til: -the recognized. But Ut of"o and beat, Ah .10 all" the, not, ted lied 'to. Omro' Uke Merej.-exceed. the grOAXIS place wherb the fliul: himself here is,far i6s 110-1111in Feasan geeitest ID6nefit'.6001 frWIL iillig the Leave at, least onvt� ut a By, poot.assighnient�df emong. - Or Russian" reabsk at, cries air may See. that AU.PU Is. E 4 )d. ne feels lihen be obt lin, L He will, not o'IifLilad :thOL'advice, of blgb Authorl labor for jeawdous to avail garselves, 0 what work.*, H thd daind more -,than 1% tidceslidry.'td� PT. t k. ties,, In - winter, 'as. (4 , summqr,.- 0 IqcQ wth l4tud IS U9 WOT o heL joet will be to the next few' days. For 'st' Je"e ft"Ch Acount. of -cold it en - Can: noto t .beforii at. On; ce,or M01 Rimewber�d -His.RdlOill -. - : �L 00 ea& t the city, the great for. 'add own --And., thiiefore. ough, -blankets are Those who gow, a Ik: husbaxidman, 011101111L His whole' tion vAoured. W orS My' ong. hoAn Goodman POUP. wJ114., the windows open witer� a- lultea ise each daY'trish And bu6yid`� a It ad 11 be safely washed.' of at, popu a on I;% of One 'race hai . been -enervated' b7L enslAv By become acqq nornt" v isit, to the hand at least� pay, house ont S64 tht 'ex6e ledingly early. I mer, ar ed as brictilg'ast-S. t pi ­in, Wiujak' the' affect 'Is oft bad goTernu;?u rendered f -can To a, CAP=10 OL StrUSSI of_'$50 A'��yda` . L'' . tl�e phy some ' suburban dweUW&, remOVG& tIt's Paw"s or, Wy thosfowh5 - � thin ever Ms. , wbattl4i Of MAK 84DO tonic. 'open 'Udrom windows sniaa� bett stlt, and defects A, 4,6 the amount g' .11IM', less. h Doard P iddl With dd such as deafness -ug std iper froud�tl , door 0 reat. MI ell lr near the, kitchen atid drank the �ajth* and more y in. life it=. cWnA ir im"I wor and . wjL- lionty--ad- Ong :b "an 'the inceltaiddal stidig�ft' way Off, hill h 0 easy old h" clip gr HEART PD S"I tiiined -in wo sr- IT -W6=4 -in al .4 ing-the j0p, -grea. It nterest" not �an take the t mt Ouse: eet A, the-jogootia. LIKEL NAGIC.��Tqi years �i[IY gr"Ws - -XP W�k By. = - �� E May. do tuire, or m: ''don't : rave Y1 utilities 'hal, W rganic'UP.aft Oalso- From 4 -blackboard �Cidii, force o'f flit'T d r Thewaft,60198',O ostild; IS' illustrition'i pie C6AV :,publid enemy 9, - .1 kings vituit', d int.aear ixLIes9 or. 56ft W t d Into, UamaM' c out, of re beenaelieColilfUl here, Ulkeskiihie!33LIP PAIPttALWok"It r . hake, the. As S' rtng an gq L' 104 ass" akin t1longli from mny points 'of view ast ablu6tioalt Obtlon, niiltta for efunde-d W�"Aedler T 11 ut dowu deal ng sensations. Dr.. Azitia OU L icaule, r6lati a it V Ti 'for a Chingti `?n choki IM Its a an -Still very jar from: being By b .00 Mon*y r gow at relieti .,and the bad frorn.V,Aktim.. Y'cia buy SmIkift,50P. if Y6A 13 ci*­ the .,H=rt trd:vo is, instal In Ii, able.. ad, 'It As 'talk t . p6it offic f In ..to s d entirely distippear C&= lni. -6,�p e. V, el '61 t day t tents am all i5yukit6ins, S� D4466, Pitts- (araymer,',:Mo;. Comec as anous. a,wouder,*orker,­—Rev� U.Agoing Md. icolding. as been. A ining wha. payablei t�jupilq irra&'Luchs 'h each Vgs 04 entirely bWJ6 P2L. 5�. expli . , 1. . . orde By w cy� parited� as tbbua Take, ow.., ChZ 'Pliarl Jong..-. for exam&, kh Zromm xjmme& Toronto him I "tilact. company. artments, 6OCII- 'Influenced His Modesty— gas dep B Orders ater and Y.� giving (Detro. f] the [,a6!k'ifi c ha n gm the w,' the i�a England. �;n Illymg adloliting"O �he_water de By. jot., Using, be gas usei. you hi0o' givea, UP tour lilg nenj�'is` L charged for sirdbitions aud�aP greatest:. sure Fait] for: just as it x [6ieioUl4 iy like Whei �tudy .,.what tbo. car. S vd s indivi b 1corroa tlm- The S d WQ,:wIt1L the B they land pat ks_.�.Yeis,, i decided' lj�*ould:be established in a four, Willen the" oilier hand the Jin! g'Of the. ladder' of oelve& - ' - - :.. ­ ... I t of G6d used to be daparti�er up thererio Z AID Atw do y. explaining What, PUPIL -the gas c- the,tOP'trup i.gollij to follow �2' buil at regular, rates'* By 6Drrecting, language pupons, when ",nobleg.. 'people, VILter a tmeAL for. all the. %�ateir use& -Street, out for ihems�. kotent politieAl g 6utiol of tho rMinhiting Le let the though' ey are I omes -the Astes, y M ISEFUt'H1kTS.. the iinly rule as ice . and the I -street, liht.- Mired feet ho . uld e i selt.d4ods ihiouA! the se reverolfco 7''U to'which -a liti as'. sea. sait oi� those beneath the, poli t r f6r 6 '33 Y10A b �vfi � bathed. in gao� depa IV - th for their titles, ce; itLI C bon. warm. wa at,, . . . 1-9 Y,' an Of' that eWe! r, gas haiL I 'bl Ue con 'added.. Di7, thotbu images t ols., One. is won- -They- are. ealthy, Mej4� 4if course, wi 9 , 'T 0. 1P. -b is, it does f6i'libuse lighting =an L bejoreL has, 614r6cA in Ora. ha a, "t '95' mles 'rub. -with Aittle� lemoi juice. It. t' in all the' property it cqn r. with Like fact that when �tke: Jail* aX. 'nt has YM Ly iS the feiful how this t,rcatmenC soothes: thouL :,so much., inibstance. 1have am Y 111=3 financial c6n7 'it is -well.* U* be vfo­ gnd then� �&ttdnpts Ao was sed oit-bottle: corpora,tid.n. vided with a 10, ff, . ti dition as'.. Oul'a lo am ess, 6uld, ji6t. establish 6�m =I' t] this say e16: and �-Cbl�� r.� h its exac. ilfh; Alone uice to 5 0 but their 10 : C % noula to of Amx . L . . ff" L effect The depart! S I ....... .. Inelat hbh the tilkien, in 'A incgleis"Of wa- His: 4ealth has 1110' to of wage M t6,20 adrop- If reg MQre I a. Cara Or td, England, id te oft' -.relicif, One is 0 for,; Mi. 'As r.m. Alolie'it is" the ru"ng nC r will On give 110 MO; lttl3l I well �o. pi6_vidq* lik by be, anqyo�, tboug� #,:,13. Mue u�ed Shiloh, viould,not Fill t1iree-bliklio the same, number .'of '&V'. 4 Is 'a, tading' T6Se " ho have e 6''., '10 1'. On miair rob. Wlkb,* ham n6ver OIL, ii no eritte&jUlthe Pdtsou xe ll�forehaui e:,Te ec hanit is,71 U. and. t 'utatives of d a. t"- -is tl�e., e=0L .-for ail- fertile dlsea�esw is :an nip ers bo,�Vithout i I -water -tind.Aa * * s. ,It Write for' descriptlox� 16. la -clay bom of lon �im utditeil free S.'keGILL. ffect.' The repiese b4tle with"'boil 16 possessor -A iti i P,0311 Int:e es Uwd shaL weg'stid, e, Ont laborer the some Im positive unidi ffisk � if it spoonful OfAlke spidts� LMstryi, �,,it is, tlil� .gb t 'cir lar sal&vAh- a., cax� be taken iii two firskin P &WR khk t0i't j. , yo deikf WM, fdUad' Primacy. 0 l'beial �Mplo�nlf�t of ctird cork T .. mote - I U.. CS hft he diiem t dos, r apar lays'its resistles is: "FfAeult to'Co EN ardit-l' W t You I j.W M4 IL "Mesi but..L, ere & Zlen hen Idii6p.'hair becomes eth6' f.Zcy,.Ana bows jh-6: spOlt jor Vra mb the, forij , : 1*& if, instance p, the price' Ock' ibei should be'saitt r&t64--*ith I e'S 40 beeime a, CL thii, it L_N4Tth A=qrican ReVi6vi. FA E H 81-: bdore i RM -a fof �ffiifipi` btaiped r9m cum ill -given dionsil as of t14 .16hol. , Thi'& dov6 III pal e w is, never.. f L4 ii the cc Or, amA CC�&6-, C brush and comb.as or indiid0919 of- -IPA. MENT "d LUU& 211, V K: NI, y magic. 02 the, .�ublib. �th boo! 611. . I . _' ft - (Of dke am aij, -plain I�ftu'. ReMov" I j�okskfi from, horal tan: I" to r1eO' c' but b galid is,improvell itLIL' all bArd,: 66 WLath No itormation. tO h' wmte w, O, lilt - or Co a& O�nion is. a a Imp,., .'In n 4,60eo; bnt� Ca,=g., um coda small bi as, W.. keeps thP 11, :MI WaS lJ014Itb , "M dd d iklad blea ' ' " i M' a _d.�2 t 'ba 1, c;arse is adollted because salad bowl with rpKnt&,.:1ang n W,11ilig, to I a. ts429 CA11q. rub �g,e - thr t uwa I ided a commo spx"� alad, xWouen � es j� wit *qhr� grocAr, ir" , E the bi- bdRUS Ct"d IVA"Winief IL'hjAr&vety,bW Of eL love. of, "esi Bytgnall. sore inn'. to �a pri- akeo ii *or singe ins bot - v toltbe city.'tl p weak 1h -by u2tio C Ts", Utter prices_ I kitiiqe beford sendixi-' to ug�fi, OW o $60. j4 his. do nc Xxbottles d Shi-V EDD V Imp . W, th 61 of +AttagO t1o;. W&TM t want to M iTate 6va &'eait to woeffal th ble.- moat like all ha g , . a I dwo - 'now it well aii —& kaow* �es als Mak -9, delicious adffi� r bustoliliers' 11 is. e.*V, : 6ave tbeir 6the or v 0. Blemi6 Cur er �vas:,tol(l the vgiter. tin Too ease In POI tidn and be in Is-buslilds" M TICLES a saW Public S&OLOls AttftP 9'�- 'j'. A -it :Lo a W to an tL will 6 found itery' benef Pue of. the meni1krii, Batliinj�L with VA n exte nisive P0011asers `�?l t d -it thoy lw� e6 of. e u Ive h I bed the I Y an Are N� titinuous efforts Jiren. 25;� ht', T the' 1 or �biittle finger nails An WhO613'ft0le , their At u(,, rbo sclin&4of 'to' pervert , the' P41 Dt prevatIng foi V06 'SATISF,�CTIOX er T ky nig i va ligitimalie flinctiOn OIJ WILLVIND -THEY 4t tbd i Triade, a e build- tiaring, for. dip -thobi, onds iven AL the Illegitimate function pri EVERY T han, A did tb;,tl a. ol iji warmy ciiing-ovii., it overli g ri to sup"-, lie. bad Ah And IhF� 'a University �Lstea the Public funds, altho a t6 grow'better CA, a e the Pap 9 wi . . the Public! 6411661 'the IM_ no and ic �Lhd, I Me 0 a.,4 %3L E"" LIS., -�,NO SBTITIJ: tbat 6, price srs:Ap attebaPtin Peet to the watbr wears , Cut, teach, V the great A, inch of 6r. pilt iT POSS 'are -wOula int6teit t the puplis The schools 11co t le fitt' 4 -:=Will 'Or.- inaJorItX,- 0 ing at t dtantly. spuried -into att.psapting what BE D. WITH Ea P.V Ry, ME tetm Of- Of le(,� El I I a DYIS Tlult I C Ing tons 'hi y r they t1hat I Owhe can not Pos; iIot,on1y�ptOf1tftl)1A_ but even T, D TWISTS FF: B For jld�ton, xm clauqw, satland, C6, -Sport. R"U:kA.TICS�,'. RVGG 1Qormptjou, in A�matbur convenicnee dt well Tor9pt low w 0 here �ftthletjc� g afL It .19 not y, I , . ,art th, ng'on� the heals of the ojutoh6s from Rheumatism nes!f o, surprlsltit4, follow, EL Was 'e��oh r u, f ellabld in munlci-, t).bYqtcl tisl�j South r e, �sureg,'in gridt tosuro-nde, L8. . aud, no lintij sb6 be b' e,xpc WA gin get is th c; ma4 Ild froni PAJ1L,FoUr i S. b6cotri-ing Pit Affafts (knd in politics', tal 'curb cotild the get whog, the ,witan of, s',tr&%vtad' i I ntO 'college life, �especlw�l Rhetinlatidi ; A geink, ba he ur art' V re 'occurred is, f f_Jkt the expose bid not cured., lidt',;'Wrlte, for' conlitma4011 ars 1)y OLoed b - ' toon" 4hAve -bottls or twitO, rave, GIVE by 6.1 erebe- It ydb FREE "(i tho- I u, Ad in �vr6toit N: AW to' th'i S. 0' co the News Gcnt1q..' F Uille gq cral ptibllc� sblontd College h6tior, but Allswers 6ble"on.6, Und *aq dro'OnO 'Ireakilig .- .. I 601 &Y, Wa8l A fell rhob faf vld-' (C10VdJ4ud,,Ltader. r r a r y: sr=gf,d opeUg Ic Th i letters to the left this Adoc *1� Ville, OVMI'� man of, the bleftcher' rusernefit when 1*0 tu� the dcl -are sucoly worth tr )U bovi�,eartidd;: The fact 6A V, the it go the &,katid prizes Vf=ffer OuV.throa of the , I'm Or torles, to rhater do�to)_bid ter no YM.1.1d t� by� tbd n r'lhon (at mrrla", rectAnstror P "q ilugtcur standfng or 16i, UyqUqAn tiddisaithembutY that the 0 Ploles on of Lo ndod, 'ih 'nine c No. I properly �kftekh 6d M*Ua the! blame a, I for, lee rodned� entire T. OCAJAZoe4au latiolity.Tb6docond 0' ing of �1)6rtlftpt Athl6t­ lits liho 004 *Oid wSlaxii tho lette aft n , t;,i - 'Inte' 1.4 sent prep Its, Will b6at-tho'llgh�,of intpectibb.'. 11r, .01 'ate4 g(I till aw the T�hlttd _Wb jjalle��Ifb'dl& W'ai 0, _11th'6y. illorexn6u ' L ' 0 TL 9, i totter than other lioaA Olm joyl1tov; lid tit haPPOn? WordW atetbeiptteftAr6tiroporly thd Sunlight wgy. vortmiLt!116 was blowdd tIp '60 ix,'cbAf6 tho ntbkis� No. 2 rd P th4b thlrd.wo corbpl�cte, ird4t!Sd tut is bolit whou prop6r y -tit, Y' Rx" tXCURS1.0N oolnsteur�latits " , igiu Wktc S!��Vr�aone mid t er d 4 'ES fourt h, r 1Pn 146 :3 D tatistrM as to d I '�ola IRV 0" MW &,Wb hU peks! Not one o rot, your i5th. 10 for �t the 14o-rke et� led torvo,wt *frorft Sllspfyl ad ing but tboL 4 inark "det tho letfb r Ae to 'N Ith. any re are manY n6fudcd, free e, rethOdy' 0.1 gout nkillitih *ard. NOW JUL ulie sce no p tUJ. ()n The V oPC eitnillf� b 604*6U. on6oerkt to tT U o1k y Islon iroin Y, rti( I Thibet'e-iti, U.. "k: old are corre* you or Agent, 1,6 Of1'JNJ6ftqL0j1a ilk"I Jj6U t 'do livi, a do 41� n and 9. oonttst like t1a iibi at We IbLet"tibit. t dootnet hiffitter *W,6 Y4611 geWthojnaftr�� a I it you can xPell out thr"ol I thi pl4inI IV VOU . I ­ , .. i 016 61 Rekifi.. ()ttoi, xi,idoTy to6k log t, *Mllftityl givin -a YVI All s dro,a pala Not at (hat itliir Admit be* iAtii:i- er on 34-1! e_-Mbdd I oild tb il� ?J*i t1l dA0114&(V, ;-f 60tjg�j fqb '44 - Pottilg'696, -11 etg'and his, 940 on sy sailed o'tot d 1 the, York., and tliq V, port dolt eeOJAI ya�!w .00 for A. 'A A IAT P. a T t 1 4��Z�