Lucknow Sentinel, 1905-11-30, Page 4I,umbermbn's: ern; , t,.B rein Neer 'Break and
ub ':r,
. 'These len ' tibe: ••Call `th good xwearers and.
Lees, of�Rub�ers are bo
ve exe 1 t satiafa and examine*. them be;,.
� i
fore you. decide to. buy, •
Repaying neatly and., promptly done
Managed Lite Engin.
One-third,Of a•kousekeep!•r+ lite is spent in her'kitchen:
One-half the labor of housekeeping is at the cook atone:..
Your•rabvim oge can double br ► the cooking.slavery of bouae•
:A poor range add. w�rry as' well as 'fork, and:worry' multiplies
housekeeper a care.
Get a range that reduces. the work and,ehminates the'worry.
The' Pandora' as easily and accurately: managed en
engine—it responds to the touch .as quickly and: certa aa,the ge •
engine. obeys tLe• hand of the 'engineer:. •
The Pandora Range saves worry, and ;because worry kir longs
lira:: Sold by enterprising dealers everywhere. Write for isooki
It SUS Tartrate, Montieal. Winnlpep, Vancouver, St. Jolla,
L'uolctzow, tot, 00th 1906'
It. would°apsieai , fromn the; high priced,
realized at r
ecent ;sales of puree bred
�1�e'-G,:..." :,$)S. u�ilrr�r '"� yt 5i'l,rti3"•;
ere,, throughout the: country are fu1f3r`l
alive to the, importance ''of improving'
the standard of. their .berda• cf both.
the beef and the. dairy breeds. The
contention that there isalway s a de -
:Mend for good `animals at handaome
•prices is full. borne out„ A good `ani.
anal' costs' no more to feed than an in
fetid- one :and mere and.; more h • the,
farmer. becoming convinced of•the Tact
thati'altliough the initial ' cost of the.
introduction, of a:pore bred sire into, a
herd may be large that the improve •
meat resulting, justihea tilt. paid.
in the corresponding incin the
herd value: Not ,only are breeders of
established herds introducing, ; new
-blood but:loundations r for • now =.herds,,
are being "laid by . men not hitherto
considered''breedei`s of 'pure' bred stock
'At two recent sales'of shorthorns 100
head. brought $35,123 anaverage of
$351.23 etch. At the Fiatt at
Hamilton 64 cattle , were Fold. or
$27,303 an average of $426.61. T1n
lot. included a dozen or more calves
under 'six months of. age. ..The • high_
est price paid for a sire was $2,,100 and
for a dam .$1,600, amounts paid, rang
ed from these down to $110,; At, the
Attrill sale at London: 26 head' real-
=$7,780.=an averaie price of $316.1 The.
highest.price:at this sale was $650.
Ab the. Hunter sale of Ayreshiro ;ab
Maxwell, 47 antmale realized $9,355
an aveia a price -of abu t f6'2O0. One.
"oull brought $700 and one cow $675;
•In this lot:was included a number, of
calves under , two months: of age
These prices' are probably the; . highest
ever, re:dyed: for:aniniaie:of the Ayr
'shire breed .. That the teachings: of
the Farmers'' Institutes, the Live
Stock •Asspeiations and the work' of
-the Dominion and Prov inoiel Depart
;menta of. Agriculture. in.bearing re-
quite' is•apparenti from theabovo faots.
k �t
SKS, : . ROCK -PRS'•
And all other articles: to be •sound
si first elaaa furniture stere,
�'SL ADING 11NDEItFLKltte. A111),E1dBALM1 tS.
We ha' ezju t •opeued.•up these••goods fur
will sell at close niargin..
We are sending you•underseparate'
cover;a, copy of our S hort Course Cal
endar •These short courses'aro intend
ed for farmers and; farmer'a:'sons' who
cannot get away for along course,; at
college. •, You will 'note that they
occur in the montir`of January, when
.nen may io :• spared' from Ontario
farms. These 'courses are 'absolutely
free, and the best men tliati ctn be 'se:,`
cured anywhere have. been. -asked to
assist 'in the instruction work. in dairy-
ing, judging live stook, judging seeds
and poultry work As this is not_ a
private;; enterprise alta the. c►urseswire
free, wo would• be glad if you could
see, your ,way elegr• to make. some
notice to this effect, that the -boys' of.
your neighborhood• could take advent
.age of the opportunity offered.
Moura very .truly, '
G. O. Creelman; President.
Implements • not already stored•
should be brought up from the fields
and .gone ' over ca'refa�ll ,' and note
taken of any ;repairs_ needed _any, Qr'
missing parts.," A`,Jittle coal oil on they
castings will' helptd`prevent rus ivnd
not only prolong the usefulness: of the
'machine. and render' it more, service-
;able for , next year. The' Wise :man
will not.. require the caution to use bits
of board to •keep •the wheels- oro 'other',
part' off the_ -ground,.; whim necessary..
to store them: ou an'earth' floor, •neith-
er will. lie,need to'botold to keep: ',tile
salt barred, away froth the..p106 where
iron tools and implements are kepb.
Such little,a tentions characterize :the
Method's. of the,thrifty farmer, In
storing things; 'away; ' do not forget
that the plow,;, harrows, and drill •kwill'
be -required bofere' the ";mower. and
-binder. Some, people put things away
in the order in, which: they finish with
them; and some in ivhateaer order they
happen' to,be' brought too the, bard. A
little ;thought in the arrangement"of
things ` w'i1l' savo 'considerable. tints,
•work, end, perhapa,, some profanity,,
"d6,•nortlri,, y+onog tont$-, -go north"
14 'now the 'revised form, of I1oraeo.