Lucknow Sentinel, 1905-11-09, Page 4R,« .;.K '+IIs',"."• wa t' 1(en'x n'liiiD r .rat f 1 'eR a'English 1?p shoes besto Men's'° long boots M French kip, enJong; boats,:} 4 ae above lines are rade of the best of eat or and if you. are after a shoe to keep your feet ''dry, ,they aree kind foryou: - AO d dgveldpatMlt ,.,' Wink'the #*4140 iiiQfl et i,,+a rR:nia:tstbindeRr `:Ru' -•i tiro ,p494 the number xf well. knowOrelen fro: the old oo I. who.-ettz e, ,er .fs tb' .Ola :u i ii uLng=TG�tt`�L LU1 lfui�YiitiYT� "L' "1t'iar ! titularly noticeable. -The, statue of "Sir O',iver, S oWIts, e±reated ontho wept front of PMrlia..'. inenb butltling, Terouto was unveiled r 3 o'clock on Saturday aftert,00 n lieut l�'ro>ernol� .C'ark::perfgrpieii, `the: corerno y and aeiivereathe - Introdac tory ,a'dress, :'Hon 0. ' W .itiies, fol- Iowe3 #fin npatlo` the ° wldtes;..of the'' duy, $pd Premioe'\Vbitnej' closed the pr iuge with a short; epeecfi,, They. .wels.tb bias,fine Rua :ia consequence• a 1prgk crowd was pragent ac the .core xuony eplyir g to n tr 1F'dPpntattOfl from Galt, .Berlin, and "various town- ships of'' Wateerloo County, which' made aeveral•_requesta of tho;Goverugtont last week. Premier Whitney said`the new. County Couaces' -Act,• would be, reintroduced.and paused ab" the 'neat`' seerion of titer'.Legislature, and ` that the quost7on of; giving, aid todarge and -441( 11040 wht Fro na seraagu. ayetem' e Gist to euabls thele to adopt' ijrop@r t nethoda; of disposing'•of sewage, right have to be cc►noidered by the^;overn. snout, 'Jn regard to, the„ ,!county -Oonneils! acs the deputation.:Were in= formed Nby the Pceinier;tha; they' were' wrong in "thinking ,teat rn yors o owas. would_h ve to servo ,on. the 0 -. fi e, or wood with equal. facility;' , dire -pot and feed=doors, are a burn any °:kind of fuel, and grate is' always supplied. snterprisfng dealers Wr to tot ;booklst.'' .• r e th some SPEOI Temptin A MINN ft. 10 13a,rs Laundry Soap for 25c, B1..ts,Fe's Naptha Scali for 25c • . Ba. s.'Richard�`25c. 7 Barsivory livory Bar 'nap. for•'2ac, . Br rs .Eclipse Soap 25e. 6 Bars Bee Rive s ;,x:p: f�tr 2c.,. .`Tomatoes' l‘Cr .c:3' n 10c. Corn rel cin 1,0c, • Peas, per can 10C. Beans. per can 10e. Maple. Loaf Salmon per can 1.5e. (h �aLe hand picked Beans 1.0e, White Swag Coffee, its fine, 40e a Moody Lily Baking Powder. '15ca can. �• lIeintz Beef and, Tomato Catsup, Sac. Heintz , Pork ,and Beans ' 20e and '30c Ch' is +' Back Tot ;w nth 50cat. 40a Pi. Rev. ` ;• Robert 'Martin of Knox :Chureb.=' Stratford; : preached on ' Sun- day evening lis` ,Stiratford ori.' "Faith He:lcnu;'T : He:expressed his•`;belief it, `gowb nod with medicine; ° and said that his ministerial ,experience had. been brief, but be knew .cases where in conjunction with medical "skill 'his' own ;.prayer for ' tbo o'ocif had been answered, and =cure'rrrniib.:' Thera' •had even been coxes' i� here'. he ' had been sont`for by people of to.ther de :nominations,to pray for 'thein because 'they belived his prayer would be. more, effectual than that .of 'thier own:. min- ister;.- !to' in-ister .'•-;Ho' did not 'say this in any :boasting way.. Wei. know ,the ,Holy: Book.`:tells •u's;: that;'; the; prayer: of a ;righteous min availeth Much, ' ondon, Toronto, Yoritreal, Winnipeg, Vancouver. st. Jolrn. N. B., 1, BED-ROON r.. UIT1 PARLOR SUIT RON BEDS IFR • a; LIF And all Cher articleto' be , found in a first clue; furniture: stere.` ' • • ; TBE JagAntlIG. tINDldt `JkERS AND EMBALME)rg 4 u a. A postal change is announced in the treatment of,coriespondence posted by Persons ` engaged, in illegal;:" business: The'uise of the mails wi'l be iefu'el to., 'any person publishing anything of an immoral, seditious, scurrilous, or libel-. • ous cheracter, or in: the business of raham, FloiirrO!d -Gold Corn Meal, Rolled' Oats,. Etc. Flaked, Wheat argue valugs.in Crockery, • Chinaware and Glas3waro. selling "green goads" or . of .: ceitain medicines, instruments and prescrip- tions': Postmasters are instructed by the department not to accept postcards with written communications' on the addressed side for transmission, to any countries -except, the . United States, Mexico, the United Kingdom, France, Switzerland, Italy and Tunis. Some of the€o'cards were:. 1ate'y : forwarded to japan, and the Japanese .post -office department'has° made serious objection to their use in correspondence to that ►:Na. PRODUCE NT Two women, apparently' ;:30 or . 35 ycara:'of age, weltdressed and heavily veiled, made' ,u their : , appearance iii Wiiighe in o -': ?ridgy; last., and putting" up ab thc King -Edward'H:otel, retire. - Seated themselves as canvassers '.for the Si>t,Cbiljten'd ,Hospital, Toronto. • Theyeecured,about$20 from the,citi- zens wheat they, interviewed., Sus picion wait monied,. 1lowevor, in' ,re-. wird re- gard to their method of Kaliciting as it was noticed ;then Oa :each leaf in. their subscriptionhook was filled they tore ib out. Chief:` V`annornl%n was noti- 0ed,.and 'promptly placed the pair' 'Rn- der arrest. They rein od togive their . names to then officer, and observed dis- creet silence, as, to ;where they came from.. The,.money.collected wag band- ed over io the chief of police,. who.. a' on& forwarded it: to Mr J. Holli %oberteos . • 'forthe Sick 'Children's I"f ospital, No' proceeding$ were taken against them an,d they left, town ierar.y Saturday morning.' it is Oki "they . have been cperatirg in ae�v���e/ral towt•d • in Weal ern ie: ark,.nnc1 '%1 e , charity disposed public will do w -, ti ko ion the.lookout for thorn add gi+ o•.them a wide` rttrr ' ', GRC O A: Wonderful Discovery RP: T 1'\'S • CELEBIR.ATEU GROWER. Physicians, Scientists, Etc,. have.given. their'° unqualified tests. to ; the only known remedys which, will absolutely do what is claizned for alum; and at, 'the ;Same :time may be..relied. upon as °•abscluteIY harmless and effective.': We'rlo dot claim to grow bair on a; shining bald head' where the roots of. the; hair are .dead or destroyed and no Anb'hair left; but' if there° is, env' fine' hair left we can make it grow,' we. have grown hair on heads that have :been bald. for years and ,years and there is not: a vaso to °be found '.Where ayoung man or woman who'islosing their• hair and becoming bald where our celebrated hair growingremedies will fail to produce a good healthy, head of hair, if used.according'to the Idirections, Bhisis to'` certify that I have "used crown's .Celebrated Hair Grower, lan4 it -has grown for me a good full heed Tf hair; ' I .was quite bald ,before' used it and now X am',perrnanently urel of baldness, falling, hair and. dandruff. J. R. , Johnson, Guelph Dated this 18th ,da t of December 1900 "IllrFOR BA4n, 11y $•° 7a WATSON, B1ARBBR L CKNOWt.` ONT J. E. $1UW N' & 00•, 'Guelph Wanted—An'idea ,w� c tt thtal ot, crime almpla thta6 to patenti Protect yoor tAoa.t tli.y my brim w oft ealtp etc •J UUN �Syowir.NfuRN a'ep. Petoet Attet. anyet wnAhlritubrl', 11, d d0 ooze their $iooze Asst • mutltet of tt+o h'uadred lnretlttn,ya welted., 1t>7tiati too young to 04'01edlbic s inay ce"t ct hf efou�S, Fold+ .by using," tiOto.0 4r, ens -tbrf' I 0040'0 11. ♦A! i u 1J1.lrNiririlifilll'ti SMWWW.'..' To supply the publicwi the latest u i0•'. ee aoaiaoaaoeesti*ae.eeoeaeeOi(rNO4. • ;e payparticular attention OR CALLS' ATTENDED' TO DAY C1t ,N#GHT 0