Lucknow Sentinel, 1905-04-20, Page 67f .51 .1.1r:777 v,6 t A Number 9i rotob*. 1, actiothillow, UJ�IFI -wine a 41 be in for"0141dro a ObIld sorse t 4 Ila- -sq000 11 19VP In a Wit 4 a th-i Various , the bipa­ "004 be, otllude& legtber bags, A tbqlu h%1 'ot er iacceI Are in order, glupe witb ..... ...... a -Til I Going UT ip C� �Wa�TXD unies, it my ffiqAP ,Butter, N W 4, 10 V art. just tot ilI r Bag, true WMW rlxol� �J?rm tj` 41 e4t. of le#4 I kCA" il 8 ,,dL tnRuw, lit Treiiiiiiindooli", ind. jj,� ould 'h caW ila, largo as likup"M 4 hty ".00,0 9- inVent'rRilklI X! I 1C. I's Art WA uur9xu,*,0t1 rlw;;t . fOr Ba;I Ad %,thlp .0griot OuriulF ing examples vo, *Lov- e- tipAlyr d .0 1i b 0 '00 Aro, Ma Us -.,ayqr ited In 04 Xoi. ture, s, el. Ito th Why aoriteil. gpil 040F011": tl D giftam T: S 011 hy t ST �D 0'. �BA 4w expe no. �13 it pe, for 019001m 'For men th 7 ku TUR 0. IOAIX leather '1#9wu oleplIon -'#r : ' Th 'alif oi�r t e .......... w-0,0: 'C er niI '*Qfl, IT gpcesto f iheh6r$� *Xe fl�cus. put�� In: p, ai wwery is M-0 fr9sh W troI wh re Alqn` 64. IM e*� (the *is- :01silg i,.Qap life., JIM Ing ew Torl; prices ter, I will t D, ispm,: upon W'' 11191ffOd 0i 'brown is in ai!- T#4 !ShiIi4iiiii , X.,I li' kiiiii g e, aq� tne credit lees, jiiL6y, 'bofCj 6�,W. e C tre ted toil g�blA:VnTlPts. they cl SING ROOT. loan It to ll 4illseatiol'k, of, 'LIM Lit tbo,baby 409s; tern, - weir N Aef these� �eii'Pumgt;Ll �bLn, dig ., I - -!#,' 64 ; 44 'WII II All 'n' tbolbU .Uu r f hgi� tit The Q t pit we elleiih The IL011687 Was coun y shoula, My., -049411 . I I it a Psnitin kes, 16 'Uv6s by I'the exe S WJL -all a It Ve said , I , 0 I'� ".) AV -Dazz what step II By t gu d subhluse�thervdqLdb,,'Yo-,A'wogl%- q Must oftew, have� .�pav `4uq'e,svI loam, amid It , ". n oue,'mleoit See& and, Plan 9. Ap 9 a own. a U 0 t, 94ITUro W 'gleklyboit in I like I a* price -list. Re. ok, pigol, -wad, 4, kliag"t4a M get 6 -k�or jumpillk. He. ..to . fit the Isom f j; Send for n o0el. iti, inch t the newest Wa 1106 -A. RA ad to o, particular M itiritinsr side -1 , � W ..... 9 9 t Opip -ted is on, U11I ottis'' 'Tfiou�hyet ii pd, ad ibis, iomeI lyhen hey came, A lie orp 16, f6riA se n hat, V- banIP94,11.0uq8 But' I men.,, lit' t t p ­C�""Tpsli 6the thoUg AC �.DURIPQ9 rUu is not in -Q style, as To lay. a ASIX10'1111014 40YU410.4441 Up -P th. NPDXIV-1-1 upa "I'TIRAI&V killilix evanaf, --`664t-� It PEAR" STIER.: jq% on. :�oil Win, So 01 11, —i+li, 111gO .. I ". t4el-new gun, most U no' nit t 1!k and, kre, e a i ug CQ 0175-, Would. be tile -OF� V Rig a 1-1 w' I � bl'4-Akboo- I k a W-somm-of. Li-ard—, T­ 117-theft'likey-14-do- ie--ValutL- : - Un 14t k0v.ruame ;ud,,Aqdr9s3. I; p"lltes so thavj 'a- Pext in less a .1 will 0 front d a y to 'd,190.tt 46d, :OeS 101, �iM thing, y6u.411guld know nimal'o. whipli.,div6d among :0) sit 'Jw's . tb�­Caudooqa d T9 w , I 71 1 liangerouq� deellyide4,uhilt, Crop .... 00ut end III brQ a ;-i a theseoon b" eovalument, and 14m mo ris 3 -aild live: ftr rn, or u .,R'f in he 6:4.6o'd thatill.the. in sbadjugs I)SO(V'On 90QX. 0000, 'resulted J& slow -4009, 16 golden' R, S. wrill, His", andettora *em not - so taupe and grey e cowd -e I to, bavel: been V,040, I hA ';TheI ii d S Torrnal,,. ii.' , . . -1 r. i Gkiind tbor st. D Uncoe, ]its o was, orly, 4 liable *to sudden gttacks F9. " wild besqts "i in , . .�� "L I_., V calisit Oil �394 -and' And gUU 0 a, onp fid wbuldgo tt�, w A d gull bad A 'bb 0 0 1 1 1.", ass'. Ana' wild pit, to its, tAA -slip, ouddqn makos, Scott,is. Eonpision on is SM stuhnift '6 � will general ubders, .17 looking rive year olderl Ica an., I t4e thening; t On thc thtir mid tue Dnav n, ead. to, oblITt tivpl It dan- in-( goI 'would. hve been pckK fn 6' naturil scal,and t Idor, g RI Rcious them'. OUP0q11 the-44ttr 21 OF,.tbe! 10 outly­ AUPY sc her. choijee De w. u bouI hid. �X,, s reng q dop �Uot�A M -'Medlw the belug,i very Agm4A 'bet 0, ziother,'.1n, d inlgl,' 60d 616pbalit seal, did t-1-:06iii; V Jeatriiia to �txv6id 1. e � I " e bdt'mUst-Ioio7JtS­-b rdiv beeli p4tting her little aug ter to,bqd �p th ­ pledg* it which 1 11 �6-, rich r�jed with-... Ire, .14 . .:'The In black tbe'el pilau Ah, veil; the n it01 rig 11as.,bow.so useful, 1. t the w -led -crepe.. Tiie'craille yle heavy thunderstorm. J n- dil' wuret; .. or ld its trea, a the Child, was Inbed the moth - a yance: fin, onsu 110 out. Whel o the, cl or onkey, is at endfor DAY ,the 005 ititV. MOM �-JmI whit ex­xfy like rich crink tiy h js� pequl�, iti.4-1 d6utaliteA- 96i'deseelid . or,' brides., i _White_ 1040 Is pl, �v I ii4r atoll S moi _ Cuke Pr kiss it lier, and said 90' t a, to.,vie extent bt.: 31,01 ofed -from th 9., In the or- find down beside . t- leave: you, go. r -All ppir this, X .-the "P ma I -Ar God )e as-19yoly, et ese, of ngo I - -.Th&- scales.m. 4ad4y+zy u -ne6 ..AO-tAe-; Lther is 4eh, 1 mat hich -th 'OTT -4% 11 0" Tb And when MR aq ancy Wn ov, ed + Vouff 0-h thrit'uiQuAf inbuy- bboki� 00 aof witnesses, it40 u V4 matureE the 'a] -,th ions iri,not bo p ait w)ien -there Vaii J? res*ntIy­a.*white iroe& f ig.- J4 er note oCa and. guy d ure. appeared in the doorway of'tbe �TOOm Y'dibbes, pots ge, Pans, x Vlaus -tbOro, is always ok� rls*K� attending tim husband axid, wife The Ingovillog a c nutbe. C "++I I -edge JAve wde thist t, " ' I` 14, thlq. tbir zyndtcato for a,pub'Id r. It will r and girl U W little b, tJiry.ScI po: where ere seated, vot: differ from. t e, ff now 0 with thigreatept easo, 36 -said- I think Every scho,o a01 LL , aylittle vdice itlying tlA:t if, March,,gontes, in iuqi4the ireas ith il me I'll do 1. lamb it, Will or. 'be, hail'foi, $3.50, adai �'whil t That Pide Qod'. froin. 0 ko m ha aose, iditit, 1i 16 hechDT It is, to sa)"', I WOW 1, "the' first' day of VIC Mloard's Lialmi!lIt f9t. $Ole cy boy.iWert a7acivernment., ionm! or, a new, bbnd',nf,, 'and jouvyear�old ast wiII16 bins T4qJ j, ril ho;ppeu�d. 1,lablyff Fit extra iulpi ep x X-Ja TeW v asi 'd ' -And other suchana IT B .,p There is and, �6�1; (if -the 4; ICold. ind with a,rall acrosk n, Xwo )rdv6ib still in- 'th' fr6fitl:,aud,,the iI 11 ed to, t roves at e lime 51", IF RUI U the English min d 'Scoicb- aoil, Amerim' Is A TheAnduittlill S -191 , I I . Preaclierlo'. away. FIT -t9th t9tions", at, very" gen vogue, among usiaslin to, carry, icountiandoil s. Kidn pre 'hi h' represents Met Re , . 1 .1 1 � : . maekeq to ills allow his'enth, rZaartrow, A "' t v7bollv artifIcip d f6th bv,�Pbe'er --- ltnte-f6re ;W,' 0' day"roui-Aptili-4nd-in- Y-Iffe AIL - 'Ri nr. Wit 10,111 -Ite-6hoitted,.-andLstep�e4.�bAck bort WM9 T14P mope : - . . . I t" t6ido, go. or know a to 0j*6n . comitted i: Exctangq,,xnRnIp .,Pr wo, aer of, -cap k hey.ars across the. Pult0p ges lic'., -is it liornis in puz..� too, p= S&ND FOS A razz 3 M#% Id ljever YBL a Vication: e The - child : wate Cal' a Ion'' ti U C �,btkv� 9-blO and' thornbr & "N OrX I t ghte!j- -be -could and w" Sim By Now The fi in- a .$#finge zled �sileude.' The- rrepald llSome' Ye s� Sifit:6 He hote at, Bedford rst it. sh e f6l-, who pterrell,, iditora.wa!, know stock, . but. on Ptba, a' -to :his, father; 4' President ing,, turned: " ti;n Gooil Health, Ever fi " it it shall b, . , . , M 'I , . - 6 f. Pat to th The pe i and among 5, O� Snow, and sleet, I. :�-aud He ds Had nan eeze. bad on6n,'been, givel Well ee 1oWlug,, in ormation. owfr, 11r. a bf.,:,the se be,@W at Lij&- At 0 e ighill'gar.,the I e' h in -no Quit- full" the Siva teThe�.%IIM.Ar u]I Wb JAI. t 1; 1 bv Since-.-,St6ry of ffI6.lilatter, *,It,L t' addriRill , orade arefully In, Mini' birds sti,ckjo young t tit, it,W. To C. a 17A t The Lieli'S :15041a Res. New Bri*swick Man. 1 for marsp thb 904 tee t1iij interes jtein from. -his own wants:to Fe "A - dl H- i4pposed to,, be, thei fall', ition 00ii �olght 11 �7 His Ptiliiat It, often bat" of war. w It Oil Coln TWO S,, AB4D. P ba. y L Pr-yor, to -sh d 'k..j D.,� 1,A ilsdiri Carleton, - . , e tn z on, ade tfte, 4ppi 6.-�:: thc�of-Rolulllus' a".11D I _wh y be t amitted that set; firs midemory. yes is been,rea higy*p a In bf, �d the, book th'at'elie itor four stron ey pd; could -liat, �Ios� '0 n! who' ddfin' cc es i matteni; for a c er as MrL T. yea d 9 M: f 'Do ly whaVis- -tl q. 111104,� b Nb6n, 0; voung lawyer, ithd t nkin Vauses on mI oil td tket'amoug - e in �sa MUCA as Pe h e; g , th to A, rlow, T"901 ulg� Inq �,bdd tbo controct Pillfi." 'Xila SP iik ear. On t knoNy b onths.-Ui he�.y D -great f 0 an' troult at banK-' �postmastcr­l matid Cure. curious'thi�g'in -the world-?" 'almost dleata �w, It la� o,e Rhoul h �dmiato Then' I tried- another way: or Of t ie brutal half Val ey yer Id. lie part, of the reb, t 0 pippro, ded Son Tomoday''1 '(Sure," ansWered tb hy'in ti raen theibegin-' s '.oj! Without,,ther use 0 1 \sIt up pee the eoilutry.L�­ it fir uLinox thouAt out kiter tIIa L g :�yea begita,;With of,,pa r,4nd'pen.� V as!; ning of 7'spring, UI e al :UU qui is gin in this. cook, 287 Itto, street, r fifin'ued';' re- inci d 11 41. that time hfia:beed d -that ign't"Cu ... ed to give, his Oxperi7 date i ve r set address was "-Mrs. 0 n the c6inlI Ai(The Berlin sin i great Canadian" Kidney a 6nto.�2 the worl is �a Vo aw 'to :aecure the JapanpRe innations. , joiis."-.7wC d r'Mr..� Tl'elyea'do ilenerIn Renre: , I . 11 giill,'L does. -idneys �efit P616A.' It Mate, avid t6rl U 19RU.'' �.Ullt monce, be'- A.wo e.,. in 0 e- ck trtoff Aq,met, the inI r `-Revie it ;iviris 'at 'the v ;geS; k of.:Tinie THE BAT be - of: years. -1 trie& jwsevc-ral Jews. Spring 4ea 'Tie A XQP . I L. I : 116ii. Into pihqtiqe� sifid for te Loutsvtiie courier her Wit& �of , equinox. We're com1I TLEL kinds, of plslsters�,an&;,ot] sed' i F.—If d b1i sern t6 get', auy� -�Dtjsj 7--sky-ntlinf wha"re -of -heal WRLY. abi not, �,sqem Reed Vnes s uirch. Rebrionlis The indlicAlon' dy.spe 5, ul rfect nos a trlfl* out Jones t4641 dre we -nded-L-ldeclae -Had-Ctiopatir. r r -'wtth a ntio atr­ o been but: poner.%; short :, . . boulla wl"neryouis 'Prostration, sneiec 6 PU iman a, ba Id Rria tdrive 6o enemy so LA 4 they 'L er. luld n ade a, comp Ben or a on, ty, That, is wo.ayea.z. ago. now. oin& art 0 Mar'L the beau Thel�. 0 OVID. cht.: but swift ind., rentures,� "dolf, 'dOXVB.. our Ing weak utej a lealt i ever, since used Do a d *orld*- 1:,Rct ip4 good UrI t agreed %the torm tic Thid Orettlest'doll, in'the; I 'icild, und _hogs tatai- gr er very .81 hit ears Illy ere t res of tI &,,*hlch these, Her chee)L.s were. so red an.d.1so. V 9. Z I,'k ition,.thei. a hair. -so prettily curled. 'qdre, onc6 and for 01 all oor It Amid liar oing Journal) all,' There somet ins' day' I)Wdls� Kidn6Y Pills:; arriors left a t t, at'I loot May ttie dears, rid'stige or' Drin Ir 3(ight, not linve Iz r, at kv I a ta loss these snan 'I played U -tor-her--t -mom- e ti cure I cried adre ly�o"hwtr7dntc- A- 9te0o. 71= it 11W 47 e e WVrt eir 81 1 a�: . dieste gv4 '99 INRII loposed- a - im a ties, t,. ix ver could.,,find'where she AGI Tickets good, gOl' B-teachir was, ;,q The : a I go w n orIdLsU ose e She ex- ia�U,is; It ere' C t it Isn't, to by theL"Idngth the poitlp of cc ss., a j6� dears, and:good;for five,days ter r I et --the- or II cc ben Rs, at 'a ell's 'Bases Ay.p6or foaud'tripL 1116M Suq idgu -Ainva: "on �'our�-right is the SCUM your $ ralli t -Arvs; AIplayed in the fields one Q!LY.;, 4WA . te, pension III T)l north, nd n front, Or, YOU the ;)bed' at the Start., Dragii, 6P 1-2 Yone itex tbe e ha s�jW d T� Ito, :M11rItet, for thei boI Folks saY.-B eAs terriblY.-changetiv, ears,, Now, 'wlla,,, frir' a. moment then pue t IA behin&y filtit., a, oroi tioli! k banking firms put n: lamo Tribune. F6r,her Int all wasbed ioerou's,;, pinnil', To Daddrdtf. . : -street;, The 'boy stud . .. ... ar,,r re or up- hir 6 1 id baWled: know for s den off II the cows,'40II acit aculty,: In �-carliag *4 ard's Willikit 61 And r la 'And bef,lalle,:Bot � the'least, bit curled.* 6' rOd- YOU'dL' See that �Rtdh I" my still,'dears, lie Everglades! to' tIleu,'bad,,di4l I , . be Diame Id rush tar�,raall,a on ;,There' is'. another., 4aplshlog,, I14dust17-. The the salotnI In the. T 'Blinaln.-ham 'p, -boniip'L " to n the lowshar IdilWo 4. IV' eta t ot'Disgacieful. to" WOrk�146w �yet for alit'sika's sake. �she Is premium, - Soon, Ai It world., MosI R lid n.) these lioldl in :the, t e,� collapse a The. protobst.4011', to -a bau.. wily, 0F lig 0`4, 0 'uart6i: f- a 'e'er to o -s, subsctiIpifon lirice; with hial mong.,iiavage per Tlio,jd�_ is lit le-m6re than' a q Oi�d, to rec a M, a in pri Pore bsk 'been, oil th t all 0; finally vance,"of ,,dIv`iIIzdtI0A' den ury AXb, roughly ex- tL 10 vwreglon- can a. nNSMAII iy "EnLit mO'n, A FEW t 'JENPLISH- SPI ry iI to the It is ­13j,co kVLI N balders tbe demand- a t 6ATARRA FOR, TWENTY 'YEARS d i vu x r aov. IINIMENT ''Dift 1ke larger and" 'a d. tbo'great an ictidallyu .4 1 go,' th6t ineb ere h nalt0li Florida. t6L oblet Purich a pie III IN id t,al,""Atillew Both i e, of, tw6 West 3.77 acres and ,has of p1bieh;'thotigh' excursions, have. ltemOVes- �all �been, made har-goft, or d t at -W .Ahe native 90111so says�-t "'d 6 asud an securing Agnei'.* Ila sty *alking, in Piccadilly,' on. ;eorii J'amesi teats r - 1. 1 .,. . . . I .. L 1. 1. H . 11 it. It s4bat. -the, land bloo [Ual,"L bscrixitkus di to sfly� tO the II have been ' believed COM- h6ips. iind lilrernishcar from ittarrit for, 20 ibrougIII as many,,J4tvid 'Graphle,­ands one -is, ma e a martyr to 011 y V41dable'lUiltaided.'''A 'dropping In, thb would alm coosta iiiI 1 0 work pivin, ringbone, sweeneyo. laiVe pany has been ir they will' ye be ver armed WiLidde;take'tti of. rl.the*beadi Very Offe; throatt- qiher't �' "Do, not walk so fast' thriciat and � pain I n think You t breath. .1103d Dr, 'Catarrh litow- �.lknd.,w message In'regatId 'to th matterL 5 eX-, stilles, sprains o.ao.11 Those ' sere ond swolle Agnew% owalidj'to tbe� Flitill-ta use of one, hot!. Issue but"'In tli Te aInstant re- pected. v 0 N3111.1 y West End from Governor pr. .1 still the days when most The first applicatioti � gave, � At piresent 06 state kets' wonderful he b- the m a believe After Using "a few bot�lez,l Was' curled. 'Statis Legislature. wtite, tte Warranted tile, whereby, the e ad little else, to do but ole p, dr ss ilef 0 reventle.whatever from tho,xiegloh,J e. to n; b *Ion,' or only rv,case:of Diphtber mien utamblei.gos-. W Cute ver "nown. or N. cure v� A r es weieldrawed end a, par tool k I 'ER; th4 if te'.sverglad BEN BAK 't I Ld- i rverdale' 31IRS. a. streets, eat, ­9 at the region, put under cultivation !the sip a hig: clubs— at s. dittnali'tak return would pro ablk - larj;e� t ,An& '0CCfleioj1a1ly'Ldr*k I went a., pre 'C' d b -be_' 110 60 tgn'g! ban 'd66ming.- Things lirst p ying gig, lit Ian wa's b Mau beli6ye AiINARD'S LINMENT wi, a lit -tie more, tl In for', the Knocker. 11antenal, stipulation. Said enorru6nely -,have neiverapit invert Q an �ause' If e of hair. hg,'Oe altired- in -the � (U: CAids' ere , and Milresm ent rutPP '7� �AR�. COAS.'.ANDERSOX. Two' of, 11117( a king. ria knocker idstornaIry for* t -e- West 3 bHnd a C e a siu.cgi: tben.� StL Iji;f an undesirable c Itie -call f ear "IM or 5 or '19 per, cent. of ',%he Pub -i inen 'now hav� �s6ajcely time"&en. k Fft —C., P.61UND­ find4r. call tear down, in Charles VI. "H is rep., On ris,. dyspeptic fa to End This ing was ifray pivllo�lnar cre tlahrr.n. stead to, 40 it, e devoted ,yr R to'. air, in I ske nitifil"taythehis. i6walk a -yard reaen courage:- can r6ttr, im a, month. A knocker td bis borio*e andL bravory/A a day L MI rq. ;they.have td,huri$ ffoxd Ili war; ' fit r Ni�igNT is,the. t 1J I 'de of.. apIl columuklity *ttI underwritings, varies INARD'S 'Ll: place to p ace -okeep a mUltit'll ki"jikehonai lor, hal. 0YA the e -and dIgnIII �of a Th evei 'I-1d'J8:R tborn in, the -flesh. He's like no I Ned autit�ftill at X"r)F 1ROMOr A A I or -court piastdr,on' the',giriltubosei, 0 in r 'to' tiqd� how berd.jsndz� ;weapon PC d' tNand terlils of: tho be -ho�seliold rem y on earth. 9 iihot from ianwists, curious ;, 6V j,,=T T U(,NTO. 0ANAUL. jr Ont.. of 'the kind have, n0,tw'.em, RPODS of*", always 'conspicuous, And, besides; fie's tile Yir"hald te L,agreit I )fobability re.7- Oil City MOM& f0to. - int, the bankers who.toolt pointments. is Upanese Idan willAL, 11 1 1 ang allono. we at, alp, Sotdialons )[le can' advise sno0o* for tb'e ,underwril '6 l4af: an wisest,, 48 e;;� .'ot all, tb flied proper. go, scarce y find yoric rven ril L.' c6uri. lakw.ebr, a 'feat' -6 'parliament-- to the - ploy P d cc tit g for. ThatIA. otw,ner plivite sdel�6tttry. Even 26 Pnl 'us conduct Is lines iquiber h f suite bas/iti, king; 'ew Emb'Arrassing t e Ing Post, 'Ap age, , . ber- fopnor the. Junleae- be, win' office�-haa so:.mxWh f states. pension office. ertir - tie after tfI d with it'a' let,'/ Comai. and 'Clarkeii, An, Ir*'Jilltl ade 1a4.6, case in which .1001.1 , , I r e East'L do ItIn6t,deoil !fill a' toobs W Attrono work 4 -,­18ASTER, TO N E b -E. a-eI alres. r4I 16,,- the the �adeusdd i man �Itnderstopd only Irish. In "tit v near 30 we hundred yeara &t. the, moluent:,there to d4gly- sii6rn. 'p1dVI 6L XCURSION priArate -secre- el; i' , � Olgieri, -A;naud` n 'L interpreter , wits acor Jour.. ings" '�vent, to Perii. Il, Jea�d.ng demand toi lie n troll eta' . .. t, hi irene - - HecI - avoro. Tile priscifi6r.sodUsomet ingL' to "the in r -the work of,Ahese,is by A0 Each king bas his ?01 de 44TH6UGHT an.- , t�grlesj find "ill [t DIE�NT bF to ufdas-dre� tlliii are of merid does­hd'­,.�say­r ite do is iibbVe fill -find ber. t rinish dita' fi6alls,light, eyen.."if - Aligir, -iat jne� 'The ice. 1 . erpreter:, J 1 h arts. i& to, fit a4ded L ibis Lciid Nothing-, My dmie feXim., at Dunnville. represen a es of, trooPs� Oil Apri 2! ntraf.will run allI 01. the wli6i, is generallyL.kno all. t bodill r416w. the size and no Lord,'� wo4 the- darO You' oha $t BilraCillotis law t I 'r " I . dga urn for Xcursion fr6in bout two ovaii6ud strein bl?r.,'Agnow's, 'heap 6. earth., The are i, retu vas . ­ 1 . 1 .1 . " heard hirn. t-' Come frdin ", "I i i lengthlan 1toW Sculpt6ra Work m stbU. IIA and Buff,�10 to �New '.York; $;10.25 bUrLar'd alia. it d oitik, �"My tow lt� said th�'­ lir,:, htli I liegnh tot king, tblj� r�lall I'Ti� twenty , :,iiii Cl,' -�keg a.incidel fire siro wha as ul t r roun, rip., k6ts good until April, 7 r ter beg despa I Ire dlijf� a I hiia 4ei:W, 'a' r : " one , ago q P T' sirl 'roar-. -olle battle -T itti the,ca&" I dver wayii'life siz-Q,,.bu�'almost none of.thern. Olely6u; on d' uIis the on y one I ted Coil 74 hibii4 U gL so g cured 14 yonme d't' tifth the exception -of A, short ifirc artis M inning to,tremi;le, "it, had mr return, Write Li Drago,'69 duttinj In' th orestra the Isoutliciii:41t0mishhere.- aefilitily, do. 06 one Ir4 nce -is' heaith� dob I;, answer 16, uff! -full'par icu ara R.,ecirathission headed' by Y' is. ivotk- I's 1 111 killed ilave kilt! i, ., I iN Tito riugs,f alla ars eT a dispelled itrect, Tor rit6 M`Casu intiusted to hi" DoiI foll,6 W L & Jud e. ow, wh C did his $av at. is 0 TlAs Tfil ';Mlo. I : y6u. id th icinean- artisqnls, Who, 40 the wotk: t.�eli; and.robta Takei 'b li4e, Biagi s, sent frolif 1, Taket WC110 MyTord; excuse, me, U� he officers Ito.. -rintend it pgi�hs of qiI tl I the, sculptorif supe. 10 L he we miti. with th q Conceited an %dBute'l' directions; itni elWho's tiliti �old Alic ie 'are -in Peen. I If, . I h �r on4i'd, gxp!abatilti;�. , )r,, 4 01 1. 1 Spieiltl IQ all" nj totiI an, even ig's the finishi ho mg, It I Once upon men --is I rded a,' t, -red bed [i do, oin j' of tile eltiting '0 r n a f .tile -1.al Mooila Kan'V�V' J Utt �, 11 � At which the court fooireTi' ly., ortane on aceblmt,� '6 there He *as aMad Wbdn, the young. mlstr,69% of the, cthat have ben f �A:moag- iac6 'and haildg. e -of the mere# Mon'la �sil �64 Wip, e n TIC Lactizal Itch6n Zh% dhetse W aM trd looking's titite, one �mfdj eiiii what' did you' say asked.. tllb Stofit; is i�69t diffidtilt proce,s rtable. tbo li;'L Ith �Wtltdh goes not disting /C Ju. "Q.t uis h. Jilint -from otlier, -ea.t. r expeit, kIll. dIiinI(Y,. �h�. bad e lr e, spa peel comej to call -the cook "I'mu4t In'sist tPat you, Culptor re SIii Luo 'thing about,this Alan was Lininidn't R�lievcs Nerlgia. full siz*da model is invide' - e Lung g6h�t 'to, hangr YCZ* d at g butter, le #Aktt: "whenever be, saw a Girl and �redeiycq sefiag It tid, a, �tbfesgional Toni a Ito oft) 0 gen k)latdil hours,,' tina that 'You hdvd Jiis bri he'JumPed 4t tile i,6IIghlyIo1I4'pds the blo it d to : Ilow'. I in'tbe, kitchen, bit nlght, Lftst niFtit an intrdaiiduction to Ill d. with Tlglii It is guaran cc BobId F" a I shape 15 e 61wok because of tl'4�r She Wag .�JnfatUato IiI the Mail. �Jud a I 61ton 'give U d, -wit, r, lit core. it has� c re miny'thous 1 .4 itept'awakd' the uproar ont Ulm from 'before it leaves the ma, eyard, to save cry laughter of one, -ot year does not 61st ngolsh t4e` York PrOss,) audg.. vitilli6rlinnoWhy are. to ig so, Bbbbyt jiI Jiden, Wladh R; Man comdA borne Ydry late at dIctra, freig] Th ' r6ugh eaf�vjlig bL s. C. WP:r;Ts & do. .,a- 001' , Rose Russlang an, 111' Mary replied I C . beer - knows wbothor 'Wert! Is no tile ter, w sV.� Toron - a. Can, r Ilyis, mum, inow; par instance: 'night,he, never Ile, it ' to Cut ho, Pnc�, Sod. $1 little bo 0, ofr tj 71 ot trled'toioa otoaltea',otee'r: morning be- ;then done by t, -b6 Ed "but, she couldn't.licip it. I Ond day he let to, 010g; anketi tue next to ' a , kind Cou% S. wife to I gIV6 j�' the t -90 do her how Y t otjlapmwas lvef� gracm - it's and frienmI money in h1s, T) Ue hi was, smart shapes. tit ugb� at �was 4ct Nature to, be- so w�in lat & bed bloel rL CA o it day habinihg." know, he wouldn't Mention he be � rdpro- about it in Oct.. tr,, bed, enough 'to outline �of" fe -figlifie tool I Since Out New Motile ha"'te Wet 'dr' It' IS the subjectl wribs of It 69 n Ided., He'drill .'s, i '.And theL'bilin. 4.0 11 " r each of whieft 66tie, fie, �hout6 is bright and cheerful �o*,'W I itb Can t 1 'bd.plendly wan any� -Museum.L T Wo 0�, A eornan orL-1 point of windows opened wide; man'. but th�t qrni the, i sunbeams dini alibi! And In 'if life?, mt6 hide. +ally felt very badly ab6lit It be:,endios6a. 41%, the shadows Usca the ho'll, I 6f- J31 Aayt t he Ity lirl of 1118 l5got The so fni letent.numbel, f theso' 11616 We sing* and shoutJ The up tzo ilcons.pefonginq to'denery itkin a;nd -a no, one to ry, othei d Lt III At re dkerminorl ti the etonb he -re Thei bo.seen. not litardf, .6 no aVreeZo V will -b "children them to N'ri doubt theY will ads n suoul V U111 foratetl r uperstition. bC the. to, our:uew ivoiFfier--camei- it h I ai o 1) t, plapod in, tne National-WIL since it 6 �P6 -broad. line, the, aber onkibbCtl lum with ail bet- tIqht as, Curious 0011i0l 0 W a vhen­y9d start out frbM 'It's vice N sAnd mcai 1,19eq are so gaY !a' chd to cry, eel"sn"'Z - ard, happy nor RAL MAW, hith6r's eye sJaughs, 'and taiks.. tne Same th0s do- j.pther �U'R To FRONT., oth YOK, M f And - Ikto. Wla'ehr it It,-ddrk fitia, pur3b oave b1con, made, with" bas-goiab away, is, oritie§ to slic6mob to, itneel, beside t "gome tit- Ingprayer we saYi pit 16L ii6y, hdwL IT05tou t6 Tdftlita a1h boatime,s, nave tile, ppPoSite diro.r- e. IloUq upf odjuent between TO- irbf'rp IS notiIIIII ir the lifigirk nilffe allrah"Cl Ing'r 4 0� I - ill 'both- dircctioAs.' ronta'an L;p . 6 J, he quality of vv� y L. Drogo, Office ti�radtfcd t 44, Eitropea po:14engars wi . '* ....... ... N"NM MOM& nt. *hftt dobs Rik 00 1-2, YO ge sttcg�,� Toronto, for itaTON I C, NG"CO, 101 RebecO'Sit M A Roof I to afle6"Ort ofr Jbig *Jjr6� 4*13it YA 4A I aon't do#— C 'ja tiI 3(" i.1 th 6 wil iwho ton, :at ngu 9 6 Ara it 04 4ildh very sick-III4110, just, HAM11T4%, A NAD A Rk t V .4'