Lucknow Sentinel, 1905-04-20, Page 5, ;Ya , irto".•A�i,!!0,01!****S*141).0.10 .alpiessna • 0I0,eil r,farksSpewrtr sseWoats!. 0,0ni errraerag►,c MMW Browns and blues have had a bit; sale this Spring and no t e feeling seems to b° for green; •We were fortunate -in securing this weeka* number of pieces of.:' greens in L- ustres, and 1VFobairs. Daintypatterns, :_ . ; .. ... alad suitab%.�wci . ;__ • �. shir Wai t• suits( fovsellF. -.gots for ..the :.P± fid•, White muslin • insures '1.00 1.25,. ,1.50;;2.042,50. „,i • if r it ,'Underskirts 75, 100..to: ,4.00. � n ft LGo rnsT7.5c,:_1.:00, 1.25 and 1.50. Drawers 40c, 50c, 75, 1.;00 and 1.25.' • it Dresses 'for children- 1.00 10'2. 04. each. • i► Is Drawers 'for children. 256,'and 30c. it • . it,S1ips-fo.r ch ldren..at..X:1l0Oeae. h. Ai :it' -Cbristening robes at- 2,50,and 2,75. See :window �thi�- week. • , It I Linoleurns and:.] oor Oilcloths .Floor oilcloths ;1 yd wide 25c,, 1- yd `. Mares—Scot chlinoleunas 2 !yds wade 45c sa. yd.4 yds �vlide X giiah ity ;,tic 4. yds • Equality. 65c Ex- cellent paintings 'a�ldcolorings C>i,Zdrens' ;Dresses Dark print and cambric dresses for children, trimmed . nicely with broad' laceand embroidery at 65e,-1.00, 1.25. -ens Pi -int Sluts '. New` prints and 7cambric shirts for men, new patterns, trrict•new colorings..;- W. G & • ..`brand: vvhich means *:fast; colors; 'goad litters, and, good wearers.. All tkie qualities that go to make up a • good shirt. ' .1 Price' 1 00 and 1:2,, A few cl'earingilines at 75c Amoue the new .arrivals of Spring Oxford' shoes for women, : this shoe is one ot•'theneatest Patent colt..vamp_.•. with dull kid. Blucher cat. top.. Cuban heel, turn sole, sells at . $3. We ,`'are•; also showing. a: lot of iiew.dain't .shoes.: for men, women ` and little folk iii black and tan high and low „cuts and Itt.prices consistant; with the qualities. • ores' Close at :. Ezcept ng Saturdays Evoiiii • WANTED « A :man to reproseno �s%AN.ADA' Citiskrke'r' •NtritOiattins" in •tile town 'o' LUOKNOW: ,,: • und'sitrrounding• co>irit ; and o>+tl�r 'toe tHII HARDY SPECIALTIES in Fruit Trees, small Fruits, Ornamentals, Shrubs, Roses, Vines, Seed Potatoes; &c ,, ;.,$tock true,to name and frac from' San ,lose Seale: A.porinanenf"potion o' tho right ri•Va oft oit;her Salary •or ootnfn:ssion. Stone iSt ' ''VdeltiYfgton,' I`f1 T Iii I`i S R.. N Nirlt � I .. . lI, OVER Goo ACRES. • Toros to, arriago ,License. W r CoxNicr, ., tssuer of tori: age Licenses Agent for Allan Line and Domliion Liners Of Steamships, 1, LIf and Accident 'Aeeuranos. tlainpbell St. I,uefenoti/: tlta. LADIES READ THIS We send one' pair of erceilentlate curtains 1 yards fang, 2 feet 5 inches wide, for recur ng only :ttvo subscri jtions for MCCALL's 5I,au'Atilfit''SS SW. cont's:each. This ,ii' 'nine—et' remarkable offer, tattle 'only oneof 375` offers tt our Promiuni Catalogue, N, that We 'Send Free on Ropiest ;' (s:itains.(11 !}tyles) slugs, Silverware and Tableware of everi dnnorip-, tion, Jewelery (Solid Silver .Watchn,i,,Ithigs.' treeelots, Guard Chnirus), Aili,%pot,1`urniture Duron Scarfs, Centerpieces, Linea'1Yapkins, W:rint. ags,.everythilt?..ynat lay this paper 'aside" without 'w iting'for a copy of I fcC :flea MAOAZida---find Catalogue of Premiums N No charfrb fns either..'jWe want you to dee our beautiful Magazine --she Verybest gams and Fashion :Magazine and to know about our pr'emlums, Will yeti not kindly write rte at oncet A scetatcard ill da. , _ W THE MaC.AArrL OOMPArt t.. 113.1.15-1l7. Went 3let strati New Yorle City, : mil mak. e,ce1'ebeated rico M designa li'attyaroi.: . Y 'Fisc ,'gt11��Cri�r� ,to>`` �rt�n 1RitNiCI. • WESTERN 'ONTARIO. LARGEST AND ..SES` ,CEN'fRAL STRATFORD,' ONT This.schuol enjoys 'the reputatidn of doing the: best work businessed. 'bastion in the Dominion-, The.,' large, schools it Canada and 'tl.e! United Stated employ our graduates as torch. .Ors We give the same lnsbrnctior t o a 11"`and'that`t) Is s StUdonts Iuay enter at any'' 'bine; .Writs for free catalogue- • r ELLIOTT dt . Md1f.0AHzdi N Pntnblpato• t . bus a, ° E d far Sine. :ipor ia1d in the Village of,r,ucknow, a Stahl frame hotneo,,and one acro of ground' attached, .t bier, drivee tkinds andf *aid shed bath and* hard and soft Water: Ates four acro ori Bob etr9et. The property Willi*. bold teg>:ther.' For particular, apply to�tlio owner, •Mats, `HdS. 13illt ;' Willaaghby Street, or• to daft, ri;TE1i 001t4tGA.b, lt,ncknow, • council, .piv e941' wi,tlh' •toe laying 91' . k sir, --ref ecorAmd-tha* Gkln petitioae: Fluor is , be referred 't0' Clark;to atceerta.iu if snl, clonl1y sign ed .Carrtcd..: cdorl a f qu eau°: ] Iokrisop for watering ;streets:` ')vaer recd add aoceptod. ' $!awes)3iyai4. was; gppoigtod eagu sex: ,ro QldewaIJ a and clerk"was i; strutted tQ;correspond; witil. Frank, .atterson as to,." bis! actpg, as inopeator,' Coutloil b heg'iiajourned. r , • Pr 4.. Najcowson, clerk'. • - ""sr+''f�5r :rfcy�A`"`i . K •�'p,° f...""s - `a •,;,,r-i.�.= Mr.J. Murchison has several houses for immediate; safe at' prices. that . will pay as all investment and apeelallY at tractive to tho113 desiring to secure •holnea., See about', t'riow.. F li_o l acres in \Yawanoeh '.townfihip about nine ' miles from °': Leeknow. First -sags : 4ai1 'and good buildings Will he sold " cheap"' Also 50 acre. about four. miles from Luck •Oco, -filial. land, will mike an excep'tionall good gra se farm,apply to G -ear o : A. Siddall, Banker, Luckpow;: def�gr renew pour subscription fora " �r wee : ly newspa _ r i ITaari y Days. s agent:tor ani;; ttar. Q _e_ek y newspapers, •.periodicals, fashion „books; etc. You cannot do letter thaa'give him a call News 'Axoncx QW,. is the time _to leave .your 'or SELL FIR •.'LIFE, ACCIDENT and' slag.. -• NRSS aroLICIE , ')cean, rake, Rail and 'Accident Insurance, Tickets.} buy and-s,ll Endo vnmeat- Policies; Renl•Estate and business. stocks. Acoounte audited and collected. MURCHISON, Lucknow , • i, FIRE GUNHrtrcy4 INSURANCE, ANDS:='MARINE GUELPH 'LE©AL- Iozn, oN & ICGaliaow• D BARRIBTIQas,.9,OLIOi tors etc„ oodericb'' Ont. • L. Dickinson; _ 'Chas'Garrow, p 1.. MALOONd'QNf,_,�3ARRY91'EIt, SOLICITOR, - •' Conveyancere etc ; {Tate of=C"ameroq Holt if Cameron; goderich.)• .office upstairs fn Atha:Block; Z,ucknow ' • ■fl MORRISON•:.-BARRieTER, Soleness; • 4,,, Commissioner, Notary, Etc: ' .Money :to loan', ' Office over Watsou's Barber• Shop. • • MEDICAL • „McI) GORDON M D. C M, F T M S; s M;C P S 0, Physician, Surgeon and Aecoucher.. Upstairs in Allin Slack,,. Resi- dence Ross street, behind J. G. Murdoch 84 C�o's.store.` • AM, SI'ENCE, M i?;: C M . Residence .• --House of late Dr. Tennant , rind office over`Elliott', Grocery, Main btreet, Luck • SOCIETIES f1LD LUMP LOAOIC, .A,.F. V A. M„G.R.C., meets: every Thursday night on or before the tull moon, in the , Masonic Hall, Havelock street Luckuow. H. G ARMSTRONG ‘•12. 1L �s, Sec. Lt'CKNOW LODag - Y e No. 11$; meets • ,.))-��� Over)* Friday evening/-�-�, at 8 o'clock: in their - �. hall. Campbell' street, All brethren cordially nvitsd Win. Johnstone .S. Reid,' Noble Grand. ; Recorder. dCKNow-poug 3 ..r4 4, - i F�rie: