Lucknow Sentinel, 1905-04-13, Page 1"71 7. 0 U. jNTA Q A NO OK �Tli POL paid And Tw� �6']Pdl�qv . L, .4 tiniodPao, fi Ybaro I lef test wee etitiqu tea! �jkinj, fo E d 6 '96 '�64 0 great d i ' 9� were. press e lqg-.�VA e b 7 _�teatu during t e, U1, b 'WOXX W QXL ARM. the full morth.- side.';-. Pugh. 'my learded� fri , for go ''* �.* 'L , 'i ., _. t did ne'nett Wjate,r-� r RAJ& n'S. W. gt*Udq fOo. 8 e w 4 t0 b D h V Street.' Cieik, wai 10 57 ESTABLI best p4iht, 1 -Paint thi 4T#4 .'would i0ee4 Ae@ -ve 1potiilctea, to -- d .0. ke the longest d teadiii's-io t s, peillug,' 'Ut n 4 ee .�W ... :. , audaolofto�:&rroga r Ott loatorib ittedrafts' tim6 A�d- ooks" o.x*generi� an bu e" d, T d welt As...Qns as* ORI jjLr"ra to drid ItedL (L procoe NA:qzid US, Un -.0whout Caw ludin J. 0116Q in1drIng.9 and ot Iq ie d , % - 'a 'a f; gra he ques 9 . _�U_ Ne P L ties and, to,� be orw-0*14104 POCAtL ing parts cojaplaiqed�' 61 1n -7 �A ;r 016 4pog- d octogen­ wa; at Q 'ver' til-ne2f '6b -valton, 00 on, 'latest d''s:igns , or '=a e liiie� T6rri6iiex , Q de tbi arra ge. t meeting;. Re - Hill de etery= t Q Should be a.; fgjl fledke and Gen. notfif Or &PqQuu 4 T, of- eder suitsi.q ld,co eo�wit�ia the meapitig -9 -poil; of,colp ideevf*pQtitiqas and* by- itli the qeXtOPAP tA arta f Manager., and trimmiugs,, an so :sE plot", will p1dese" o. 7, ou WAT N' a- . 14'en *o d. i hav We. A it G( Notee d d gatmeril 'isle not" . ma ng ed no. d ft h d M7 L anted W6, would h CAN e , 0 1 1 adti 6 lie. tiken oralnile, notes. afternoon, Alpril 22nd).'it- D. C. Tay- : �giyea 4iin too, years, the advintige., -on petition of W 0, T. U; L re shop j?j a tore. to 8 U x loan to famers on 4ouble, now,, at �&m, one to twQIvqi' nionths' tj d to (Wour "td'% 'tt *ort� friend h� --was-ad.op 4, �teeve ,a '10 However, as license. to ntjj�Ute t find th.eni, 6ofteet, -and, qvoe�ially to farme" dealilnO, to RepoA hVer winter an graw Oim doris who wish FICP0 f inwe inthortzeo o arrange V1 i those, d W it clalWnge in 'that' Qort akup' the' tE*,&Ti jIj]Klj . 4tl. BUSI 0 anamall oj� 'largo, ati met, reas nable, anneii,:�and the -for dttm�l AoUnte on =d ,to th 'GirIq-Sb6lt0j, send pillow eou ea ottittd'., 9 S 10 heets_j ja-rd I unmerit9d enconiti lartg em --on. re .00 Aid and or'd6red print- farms.,or otber -0 a on- 41-a' -1 't. ed *It met—rep!irt was 9. op ind on firat ObAttei mortgagibl ms, es o J3,ryan. 6 Xdtolt UMCCUM4 n towels to will b 'L ed,,, , PIark was.- instructed; to. for e I waive all 6. d' an yn EA M Ien h'and Can&* do t with "on avid dictiow! he day�' cf�un�il, the h leadi%Znglis anOIL firit mortgal ders'foe- ravel-, fi ng� 6 =Ogg ni 1 41, Urs' -(Di) a, t on .146 mo�tL ri W ou want,.& to fia oUU( t6 4i proud to meet hun; nob atook j4 at lowest Irit6i sas sc?a ly combit, bu' DY A, 1, ieS, And 6�11icted.; S L19 XotEs Wought' un ri� h" decid.ed 0 0 pan as'possiblei The ry an t 9ndence we In on `0 6j!k'L All istes, d by priva e corres adjourne =*f �rty.� in it.'Until fall'. effect Ineutanciii on.all 61 UIT Dlt&P-Tg issued, payable at'. All, 'the sto* ormixtual c6mlian 'not. to send.cate.of fru can Orafig� pToliminar els' which :the eknow, A ril. U HOURS 10 a.m. to 4 p.m le ..Y OU 11. fill. for, c aniag ouse f inoipat Points in And, the Now is ti U 0 r OFFion -will get notice o tim" an 01 Mi nice range: an p your wa, 0. youy ppr, a" tzi e ­­­ 11 Harry- plac the me public VIM 8 d jt. at Rpm Wedding Sells rgest stock, of: t Wee n. Thanking you A Pic i aiticipatigi �Waw idele- very retty', we 9 —tow WI q, p eas hoon at d this - -corner, fib -T-50-- 10`00 a papi ed. at' ig j ,,Fair iew,t 0 4 ?wards, 40 bratt It . i U1 w tea from ar. in 'the S66tinel.- bb' suits and" surd'r to.. A itivereit allows I at ciirrPntL,ra you Youi'valuable,papei oold hi, i not:.s all on . p, ease� W IL ev it or I acob i9ter 3liSSL Vy be rott AnJessie' was united in the We residence 6w�you. through hia samp es. of are'no y of,dap�sft to (late (if withd sh youi� truly LOt FIU4jeot ro 'Yj1'e" IT (at, f the tho-witharawal o Opow by.toupage but 7 povtioli ofthe Fa V Intereqit cOmPOURUeu. a3py". t -bonds, of -taiftKinolly 46. _Capt94 YS,L' _�b I - 4Dayslas-bxer�10 000 r011s :in ­'S ,4q,le. L Ro t' s,rth in, each jr Mciody"a me a nis 0 ei'� teamer ear. th 8 i�0, S&ODPIRS t ropp to. t e L SW 'e6t OD AGBNT. -N4tjoaiI-PortI&Ud Cleaten ppe t A iar Of and. C' Taylor W.Lucknow!, for D. 'A 'pretty :w'eddin� W which Or, range-., the ck�i rchestia itraincof -rail'o Exciuridon tw 1110dol. 'FAVin, : � of Boy -a wi `,brbthbr t '6ie. c��diall inter . 6st has' been, , biq&e Youth -8 'Fjui ifj 'larger. tiltda Weer , , . , 9 '' athis rang�uie tjje,Lgtbom,supporfed'- b week,,' ts .. 1 4 . 1, - y:. It u es at )the. Diitri�t Pass6oger�: gent's kid djah R -m ch as'tbd families of bo 0o )ine of efteithan before.; groOn, n oi are so Vell and, widdly ka"W Mr. ius� keIanis. xiody. I 'L. : . . ' . . . . I for the thL 6flice qflhe� oront' o;, wa.3 L thtt which -vias scletniiized: i boy net, s a nevv.- SUI T and was, imme j�tely who' t 'de-. e The' A. list'of the� new! granolitbic si annual eicarsioti t the Model Fa,rib,' on Wodnesday,eraning, 'd 6id Miss 'should Oee our�-sult$ �nd the followed . by,' the bri earas 'wal ks:'to -,be built V ursd brb 0 e Groce y in '. W P his summer,,k VIrk John'.Haigh, wilt-7be Th the bo 6 of hlr.� and -T Fie's A *hie se pear id',our next issue. e nnie and the'L Th the J6 th Conces, ojon, of Kinloss, tall the: ointl fni. 0. -ce -9 Viill 0 bbld—iii on tlie, arin'.cf. her bioiliiir. The' them ghterL' e -mony ape, ed in marri on L s u age t w heD. their, eldest dad Fri ine u wa nit' 0 Mr, eformed -by I. pv. td%yvt hall day. a 17- h C �bgbr. �The home w s lieatitl io�byterlau c Don't A. MdGr penoL e, 90 Fri' The, A easement a It in gr a A t flowers ..qnd,,,ev Jus'aii6d. b y Pt ince �Of ockhei R Y' g so! Ati. 4ta; lod "c 0' -pound.- 6 f/' oub Olt jully. d b y OV.. e6rat�ed 1' of� 'j;u�ka Alex d I OW, :assisted e Gilliva, ry wiftnet, perf! .,c ea. )rmed eV. -A7',n' tuber of. hfi­6 ce. tbe:.Rev.' groom, -han 6ome pij ho�bride 16 , ol�ed biiati a III 'AM. t reniony d —4 -din-atis -tg rfal�rq—wlt Xsj,i#jII, bf�,.,Ripley' ed 4 t oiate d e he, a 'shirked gnwi�of w opri Air. OtIb� _5,0 R., 0 od witt hite-1-duche, ra0c. a'doz R., There is a _,_ _i of- b nvited_�gues_6 e t tered 'the` �drawiugro6m, Car - k%7 70%. 0 reagoti.,wby fstmers should%be', disatisi, The bride en d bf father w q ri L 66n, . 6v6 . j�,7hite organ ie 9;L w itli essars are eaning-ow- d* I the change' 'Ass thib ax.E id 'I an t rLed&-boqueb--,0Ubt a roses I . y gave.he away. The bride wasf tod io yaiu& t�rma--at - their me a n ia � tho,VAII I .. L 1 -1 bowiexpe tired', in hite -taffata silk trita ;Ual value but if 'Fait liaeot' this bri�q 4. the iisw 9 6eed',,�,!,seed ­ Vdth nes. rs.� T owned in a led hobtiddsmaid S *t HAX Y_ fo�rrnerly. the 6, titifut cres- I .- ., . ... . I..: , garden eP men ug er than inser !on bi white SP trimmed. ace and h OU fie d and'flp.*ers,6 t 7 of a irring —carrinoe p __ OV -Dayi�_Dki eC _Sent of p o��irt qarw thL K —9t d Sh6�"*agattdlirded-bVMios.][i*t!a- en thell he partj for the. Eieoaraie y4luatio of taid-in ogitulations t Of' Salith. Alai the.. ney Who was dAmtl jr6cloed in4hite. .'ih to' Miss Miry * c- d6l urises. M, SaeSLMO enzies than to give aFa-S of� thbL. 'feiends 2 8— Idi'DgS thit hive no, ® K, IN M iihiftiflunc laii 'Wee regori slater' Aroorn, prettILY, by, four. gir e reltuv G .1 ' L� .' ' I. ' to,th the. ss"ples, .b%oa6ag n i,' oranges apd vLlties �qt. 4p� ingo:a" d I%nd0 crosin Voile,' acted maid OfL eau: 0 g, u ill:'the R. M -RK hL T It M' RY ..Ly6as and Miss, Mayme d th �a8siste a groom !Se rt e v at 'r6by'. gi -th' the co-' i 'bridesmaid ul pure. c am 41fte Of L toth6` Th6'diaiug�rooin was :.decor&. inen AOW. tUliog the,kroo whet--mAid.bf honbrw'Cre'goid1jracel6 ted and -�owddrLis� th6 best, 1'tio; in. half a subAsti O&L be ­ a Ing, During t e repast- e- prtneribip,heret6for' d:': IF THE nd to, the, �qroomsmaa a 'g9la i 't e-underaignq �x L P gene f I Af UtifUl L ON IN'THAT- iii, 1 pound P: k4si nd 2cio' Re . aw ea HY/N Iter'the ceii6inony', and coniratula lig t e guOs 4 W and throa re W no be pen raci eyej me hinto under' name... of tio' ed,A4e,g'ftests en,. h d b kL W §pedAl aq no'. h' 11 ouse 1 a i8te- . The gttleqts,� corips will'be Rt.,the 4cintosh,A Alto has tared the dining rootn..w et r c I . WTOR"OF YOU9 t'h Luc no' Wedil fly, imp �nds­of.3 e co k w 'P Y 4WA S. �par io3 �o y.=- ;;e call e. --*a ge esd M&y�3�d- 'jUljj h Ived -be6n:. 11 un ay as n, Luckfiowl,� The: busineks' will 6 k i ��ATU D ust,�_ . wh is Vret- 0 6 S ­r.�after &car 6 ' on5p �the­6 we b spon mes and- dan6ino,. I Ar: very e bride was a beautifiif/ go!4 bro wetan t,ma e -i -,g i t 6066'set'bro6ch. Yidder will on b D. R. M�al 'iosh 1b 901 a umber'4 eititiful a*nd :cost y ithtpearlaand.L_f6 the g�oolhjmah,: 6pe egg else, eeI siApi 61 the uln ay- ty nearly. -A h I and NIGHT' bli by'I'ea'v'Ing- it" Ifree" � 11 -ly . �be.old-firin e r eati At will. paid and the., potmlirlt,j. 4, us6f Dr. roWn'L eyqj Ose d th6 'S of n e ar n atait di c li..��bride an to whon! Out s! An 'OK- a cOun 8 0. L, T ie ot er prpserito were udin �Cb tbebride-: w��, a, 13611vbuir, rings. �Oa to I)e, oVer. Up". Usin paid, t id' teI ei� 6�m Pf Otte the 1� by an. Hopse, Wdn. gr ivas. given U , 1 1 Local - a W.1 bt dels.grind- �owner Bring it to 118o, ny Y M I h' 6V13V4 d yi-A-priLl9th e otosh r ae I r R fwentVy�irs ago n t. of s'lv� froni Mr. Alton`- 'Att&� friends at *t rT LOL of 'the' Steamer Juno., rent. Y to the AppY Thoc,11 [et"'Us &V6 on on o n P r ng P, Pat id t E -0 up will, be -wo. home:& r �4' G n, bet am, the' hdppy� K no,99j, amf 6'UPjo'I6f6.ca the tion home, in' ham'q§ford,; wher' ilt Vt e s a to Mr.' Robt Walk6rton peop e vist ing'the Cou Mr, W At th: R Miller, and t a -a 9 1 b C lie 1 left l6t wee ji s: n I d. ta r is.editor, �ndl.i�ais�e v st concbursc.q� Rep d to' ne. K110W 0 men 'T 01 6iten 011 with �wo:._qat� 03�ilibga;, kit orput) ately, - t' t -0 0 s%'06 Star.' �Vhe'bride'4,��ding­aw eongra u ek 10 s.an LU nRY n i0oni p Ilk iot,- with black ide and gr& loaddlof settleri�effebt3, for Zablia hav been aurprioe c evi --b6n,. 609006.060 III was OfLblue' -voyage., 000090 hetin6l :e' end b Aucti of Mr. �fiiff6n, hat j 'Th bAk4 wits a mi- PkOsellt 9,11 on gete of, 6 John.tt 'wlaad. on, the. Piernier a xt d di e0ato bt6i n"' -at nGregor e: a Atine.: re., bi?. 10 0 The. bri es a�d, "W�. RONG-:. tli6te , . ARMT111 oonald,' ' d' 1 6 ng; course swee in mat Shoitly after the 04- '�"ble ; I c ea ou ury mar ied life, it e rop i6tor. - 1 1. WjeD h 11te, crepe do P wlei'ad,' 'called, o ILDRER. es at a I pric an ibh het to d ere1 eleatiod,,M Ro �ov�r b in'the now I?refti�er;atid, offered hif,,; con- ripge it. ost, I I . I Ina distance we e Se tul in of colors,. fancy d a . Eee YOU, The gue4tis iro' Mr JEWELL RS 4 �OFVXCIANS,, -,4icllad to , _' 'L. t�. g6 M, -meeting 6f 9.9und, 491; so e 0 and'hi 'el d Call -and have a see6u, hope a �our ulr 01 too t .. Dk. 90:1uatdio t Mr: M It .4t Days ievr a OQ it of now rot Sjjj�j&j- from 'Mr� Areby Harp . On!, bei& to -,a' -The R :dinl�t e-4 andj -M 0 �611 Tivert f d Walk6rto: n are- ..well., .1, 19, and Anosh, -a lOW Tel Ow very nuto% r to-dAy. 4to4end, o eev Ahdb§. Jeffrey, hog: had '.Wee We*' Mr. t1gin r t, ­ es.4 I X.O�lreto�"..�ii8d.bbiLidti�, Lbndon; Uiss pr ent. tY:,Mijjj0ft,' �vaW egooa-b e.W es 10 L Fir sjait� In y colored., �oiue OiIat� 0 .r"tt6wland, a sl preqeu . iplcy.�. B, eanii- ug with �bl' ew r4od by to urnifig,it to Mr end and..' rt, p -buffed 111131 not lookin-j for%& "r Aisul?Oie, t be ,made eptied "Orrison It i - The Ande ift b [`wbre �Vb,64. bi ra Sci6nee! In aa&Mm A ' "res6nted 1-iffil ad 016 iunirfier. on, t 0 LL little e d" ood $6.88;L' oseph,� poust,.. imarriiigf ) boat An a orwa e product, in the, rpqr� j6b.iij the. aimed ia Wind' at lod *as present oC h' 61 I a � g Th' th' time or A IR rge -wheelini About. in� aqW, nsoct de! 9 Ish. fe e the Pteqbyterian c uxe oh,"electife! owl Ma I Sania an og'.60; W 'StwafC 11100 Your"h, To ments ftieht,�, flMy dear sir give me ro are -no fiernoott jasb.tol beir the, str6yers. da t 1 4, Hdiidd�soa Canadlao engineer s Y tt 'the omega " - lit. mat, c flax delighteLd1winee art) 9. qblp, 'S O'Lit d )to L Mottiadni work� tk LITT-L fil preach 494in on Ve. jObt e Kayi Ale 4Q idge,61.50; VA Wi I, � rk oi� bri k0t6d 1"A ',V66k mRk o ma Orot n.of the It W Y , neib a 1 V3, P., to. yout ter talar' f1hp6larrangemokita foe,,the, rout froni. LE ZENQ now: 0 'j&u'dkn'oW.­7'AU%8U yCar r-th-wly, t­-wat6114 —the- hil ihe 6100tiono x1nd . _$V_l 1 od ndwork $1; Jbbii teel, of 0 Wo t Price: 10 old furniture o&ff be Made t three routes ere sit' 6 look : LE STERgHlItE, ho 'Until Yo . U 1163 e m Tb *Xiiasti P& 'Cj8tdVn C, t them, wit 'now;bo! d6cideau'pon Pon NP, th Sheiwin-WilliA 9 -3�-; '52 DI St' dte�n, C, P.. lee.' in ed IX$ECT Ol ng niiy'pr�l TOWbt]RS, It beato every, ing,,, ova ii8eful to cordi *00a tI30,00. ig to. be One` [y d& e., approximitely - give tho-alifte, Y.' -were ea oto skgThe f bi Structicn, Om9ga reA4 t t, ou 6 t Bijieo ()L I Iti ftbest, AdVettiser 0 - td�.Piiglj xr"ti ek.'. Y od'. 011 to 0 A squore or rootetigulir, aty In D61 n%,mqko an mletike, a As we a f wilLo,opoft- w, le Ila, nter,'hag pas od .8010't" Day - , LAt, 0 . ­ wir alv� 0 loin d' th t� jh then multiply k Olt 110 ��j PP . Oge P17). I . � Lk.' jo and, It jb jq, Ilit k$ tog. gra t thi, by ibbtil Co., thRt is no g, 664" sub be cho6soltbul aMIdd, by .8 hApPeft �s T.pg4e,, tufletins geribdrs to the? Sentinel, *110 1 his *iatviple y0h lwm'tei - , to 0 pairing 1118 by, ARbb;1 "dil, Co'01 in 1 bo, f Q ursfor 'Any 1gin tolep Ittloh I `6thersJ6,46,66L ffo Wa wa , ble I amultiply r . 6pa I ., r eq ari g tip.1ar Another; I'a uTb yeiir�, 0 es1 h6use And I 'W" 1 5. eryAde, by " y j6L 6 pa' to t ano r WA toil of. Ali M I b� tha-au�l�f TO LLI aTU iWP. L P. R 0 r101.AN Was