Lucknow Sentinel, 1905-04-06, Page 6Now 411 0 iiiiigwpti;is�i" n.�.! 0 �01 77` E * 1% ton to Ifor),48" 444 R 'Ate 010"RUMV 0Z, NPe 14 1`00 t eP.g, 0. Al p4o --,v 1-:4 lie to Of 9 -the, dtloaj 4A ontasion t sh Ld 4 , I -,:# , ", 11 - I W 111w,winslolor,"d� hoothliag-. Ir loilictionju Soptlior_A� CAU dg Tor U.4310" alwaiii b _.queed -Y poe. pro' hild,,sof"44 di I stricto pmalls. the OV amizOd roads at.# small ogst. last, �bqop -war a. J for,ther, o of, 1i pdy urch 6 1 olved by-thotroq4. commisql9nersitt south. Job I -was, 'the MpA it _tL He mog,, w.ho, era CqIofIraW.Tbi*,bao been aitain0d 0,y __q b t e,. jsji�jjs —i-f-A-66Ain �t Th!e lis U rijl oll, WW rqat�are �appllcatiQuot,g Jim, S es "the th 4rq 41AW MALE cupit, ca oral hundr do, In' 04 0 t �oap L Pa Mg vibeushe"goes toiehurph x, and, mi Of -,AGENTS, I U WANT ed, miles oti ir", ouTisarehers aw.� q1tF fop,gevgrol mikirilors.- TXi* vas :i ti te d V0 the stat �. -4, o dr w in arn r *7 I Jo * _ h an&'third is,more,irritg. o -aii T, � box 'being lfiiafille44 IT is _A ther year so wits; td�4 ' ell. our., tloz�, the h W 0. ta- 0119 '10,u 4pri., for.aiike treiatinezit;-Itlas heoijOuni kate'. any. 'Blimo cilli, AR " , r or U u , , I ken -the tiori—. nk)i.o Coli hi yo 12kii'. to place roads in gOnditto qno* and,'mu& MIL A. toAbe grik .0 4ere4intio itific4es. vell cl Is* and I face Alt' thi C that grqsi� 00 mitts not );ids,. .9 ve It IQ Ing.,, o m0roughthe usebt -6pe4ip;,_a_#0r w a quantity Af Vat', ft Pointowalons; pigepts rmko' Oil is cheaper,than maliatililntnr them they sh and, sparkle. writal for �t 'dOI4 son io�rvtqj,. in I to ;L� mugh braixturi ine, , 4 , q4op, , Ile raps er was, tbrgwA an(l, it eases conditi9p, � by oprinifling ,t4sur with, w4 or. ill -f Ilowed by more cc-, exclusive, one 'of, almost *ad- tbk boX w a, the 'ir territory, And when a to or to jar .' h'othor thin �thin' c: ii Weaylas Vo -i,03 spa - ditto it' tires but,& small to k140p, 0 Coll, a re 4 me, *4" Ak� ruad 'h4a'a im, , I 1!l 'A fqr z'.while it b68 been -Qacc� Put 14 t" I-' S6ap,�,W A, &ppiaepS Ititloor— went . ui itt was r hi#te-in Kqutlpour art, Towi* bed V . , , _% I L y centici A , Vienne r n eloOmleo L , I ­ . 11 1 . — I '1� . I - it so.. Thw �,Mh.a b6iia',, to in- tWQ'AAyfi is the re-, vall,16 bloc�_, qt.rqpg.#s, ' P A'A �,bard­ own _J 241ifid Itbir 'and' clear of ruts,� with r So common w a A 4EW �LQNDQN. lindatkiii; Smooth Ihowi fol A" for IN NEED. I I L' . ': " L: " .. . -ADIES -WHEN ith A the'4 _011 ther M. e surfpLoer it ev tho.'Uniqn, Kentuck '4 - 1 1. 1 �,, for ties 6101 bf, our, a Vi, rosulte'ta ocuiple Wo design 1 diunejr..L�14b;%, .911st,,quick. a4d saft about twoInabe3 of dust on th m9re ocr ''So and.'al yes a VIM- p DWt. IS A� rich The Big Cfty"Is,' " .141 a SO, Loop alt, "*eat. 'IS, ,7apA#e Paris :, Ch , L Suit a 0 90, 1 -1. .­', � I ;'; RobutIt , , : , '; Where" tbw� soil is dlayroy, thovisli-the , - -, , .­ 'umbrella ber0k' 0 :100 , __q , lmili s, fba Be, a Rw, 0! NL tape na.amoQto and poildhed..'as Wts'? -7' L I 'I 'I, mqrrtrig Will MPIlitsif . . . ENqINEt@US,_, ELI eel t WA TOD. York 40riftce I& rutty,d, uilpranco .9f. is 7 Oul f4imeri'whose'Lpurger AjQ. not 44� If ow the, pbktiat�­ i a paper lie a E00TRIC- IL ' 09 teO,, ofL th�,groun(, -allay all dust and prevent 'L deiL ria e ya �Je beAvy ditt'a '-Jf.,Qndon4 is L bein, ro -Th I at P" e W�L " irqmen,�, and � Machin- adly, As ,afid if 'CUrj�$L tj )Ojai '01 q ;'.XaJv, yoik"' iii, as Tap f rtbor .40bay by resisting -the, 4444, 'Promien" w tesim-0110, nt for sp,4ugelid, ir tud. On roads *of eOp, blue soind',the,'011 :The off6e s,- had" by -6 formation., of, flOr lege,, so,� much vast ois ileidsoary... It SootlXe t 4, th 41;6 1' gineering; than the,,'Amelt 48; AllitstrilitIOUG �oai'cityr tha� the.process dtio ail aUs' h, tornibal el t rPjdW Or, era; lipet,"DOP. it he --it—re uceq� id. sc se t all h' M0y..be obtained by. t dneeA or,, t. Louis. a.. :8. -of r'o _PT p1rit, 't 6t u r 4 p r�`t as' the groat bridgeg .�dyer, 49; v set 4, �Ja e do d th" Idea o6unning aw xva& C A�applibattons; tfie;.V�at at,itliloi 41loged, irate pay,, ere. hey iialogue it!.driviei. olii ini birrel r Ile, and,- thl' PUbse t-tret- non66 th ip -Kfn ftree�� Ea ln.tondoutq roption of 19tels and buird' -'pii mile. Torputo of 7 it: iliola bisnoteo, Over' e es ments, at; A, rate 7 leQ_ Acig bu-Idiii �6.*Labova the- norm a up g, bip ni),& be`sirraltil TOP a in the ton f b im Xew' Y4 e Ke b�.ie,tls embeddecL. RS, b� Approach -b ici�um it nou��h�j th g he FUR MANUFACTURE t-9,11, 1VIscraper"-Queen, Anne's Mani ir is 8, Pleading Illusidn,and n: it alit gffi� at (Lon on DM 6rdez -the, a-secure- inster�yory to, their mktual. h lit amust , zlg hil figiL t Ing in eig., 6tance Of how Ignorant some. ly, P40,0,0 b b Von to fourten. 0001's,only�, be, scripmed , , . 0, wort . of vine- 7uro�- else how scotes Eniulsiofi w when legal a np.B Wood, may lowest rices in 'Canadr,�'send, -for cataiQ9161 ele p e. are FURS. a ofasten4 or tile um., York,prices., S.940 f4i, or 01 ISL - the i ItMa1a4r be e'govern , UlPowlegq, lq t th ba Witb Va k to, howevierI� hflg�, perofi- �a q�, 90 0 races, 810 RAW eop the r "tred'has. recently, leaRe o 14 �AS ib pajibig, highest OW.- jecti6n -thp K O�_ b L not, forty:mlles, from Loud abe, coin, sore throat,, i- c 4 ce I d'' gregt6s; Pugh , 0* is. egal, froma: of at' thro Q -'people- are' -eis fo Cfl gentlemen of d t W. ri-, ilin ugk�,Ik joCk, 'of uffi. d mate maL -that upLondon With or bron it* re rom abtoi thp� tr4d!ti quested by, a way car, u, is� vf ihii �nd the. Show bid claims amounted to About $2�50,- ticket, whieh-the-wind'had suddenly a Was n '13:111imbl' -Oil& toL-dodge the i OQ.0 t* �'made'by EILL SEND' YOU blown. out of, his 'bonds, evei detiled cientl ille, to i ;000, bot.radioal cu 9 wen thit lie had purehased.'one for he journey. be �gubstttuted, Ton _Will hig 'Will A-1 GANIPLE" 'FRtE., Sen me of.bei _calle4l.auc ' - Court of Arbitration -a pointed, -to A&A belng�unable to produce -the ticket, an plot Maid. Ahe f qwers. -me and address": he che -.9ossoins, ...it refe ad e no-. riAL-A,., Powo re� im your na tL �o tea -amug I. will. Sen Olt The 04feadaut p a&dod--� evow ]k Summoned to 1 Monte Sen f inancially, cis thqs6. eight vow- 5 0 co ined- an'' bloe,grars. b�lle does hot in Wu tit, 'it,- -genious,-defenc6 -that It was -"an set'of 'ue'oda are whii - bxoseii, With smillax.. all -about. Send 310 16 0 Thd.'bench Inflicted 4 -rather heavy. 1;As,g*petheartd e- pldfid%; for the 6itfs 0owing -MPGILL TOV.NG 'Asi 2 'he tries to kqep aliV-e-i theL sblaqp kin 7' -wi , I)opolati6ii�L�wbiile--one�-of--,the he Wife LE 00't . a Telegram, bpnches of. r6siiii.' io& the imcoe; Ontario. chi -7- hu - aband's 1p S hingi,for her lie an 0. treed, of' i Tham a& L for., the 0 lQr his iiaother, not'only place. bUthe lanterns. Smaller No Ireitis fier :A.:. has. been grad, A r, 1nL till h I �uallj dwilidlih in his lie finlibriallas -t, bu 'outward - dib �86 L tbkt.:it will ilik down her"back nd tops her, Is be no, ai t in III& idri_ ii�d. i1i'L this way are a,. pretty- decoia- Lit, ti��edtyL years to, L g1b ance as w'ell, in the end serves --her. own afield, before, long,'Jo r, itill tdbleig�'ii'a child's Three TD Sen. Finit" HA4die4.. with a jaunty tam-o!-shafit6r; cossary U a. e. de' .1 was,cure 'b 117hii 'groat, of*, a ba csise.Of.,Grip 'droug C. boy w o --As Always �thoughtf -And MINARVS'I4X0W I d. re flower Jor,.eachL -ii am - Ore in Shelbyville iIlopipg equpleq find a suppi Aer, that eon b pended d : , I' ee& - interests even�;better thatt-thei and:. kinerieani public is of ton' y of wi h rs, The or ifour.. small tab as are Mooed, in 'Puiling' Finnan hadi tea ,It�is��iLqui�tlittle,place,'w.lth on. in imer, of It. Wext'corned the p eye a tna6r i0ith his motlier and sistars 1 Sydneyi.%C. B., Marko W. ebarp obliging piroposedJmDrOvemeit of. th port, and, C. I!* LAGXiE.' Of a -man -in - the ish 'business. be, a 964husband nine timeit out -of ten, 0 0 �,,its r.eontrol; Olingie. 0 y exercising' OtWheh y6ti buy Finnan ha4i ies;, now&, ere., eL:All d d. the, poi%Verg I mcow !The love of the many, coin REPV Ut,t as -the' divided between the I As cured'of loss of. voil SMALLEST B e �a You- MAY ge a ilroad Thalili er gu� 01- 'ef the one, and'just no truly .,as, AiMS I;ikTJ ins b h elopers do hot,ta,ke th love IV' De bAn, NT.. f is,Conseivincy -and oth h kav 0 1 't which, is �u'ambked­jladdoel YOU May avq�m ear.,of. a loved hid -.sweetheart bette because codfish iiL' - on It Qlaris is Said, to be th am& led repubi; 'y. h%fi grown as. r I Iii little 1diii.L eel iroflili, Mothers ivasist6is,,he 24 ve I Olt situated'old tl V in -Xeiduck es" may Th You.' get_A'.sMO &n. s�Ptj y i' Ac,i �the world'. It Is CHAS il taki.'the, Sam a go me.' some se*qn or. 'Ud, f its the.oii� lay the roai-Tii: Idly,.o . Inate ou.,will a same. I wag on -sign Af Tavolari% is' about L ch kra 'them bett�r be�4�se dfL� hij. 4 -The #odr the,-, per los 4tig* Jus.t'th -and. Start '-down, it, should colitfixup. to red [a— 9V,S0At1 trom the �sisibk t qart-lumgry��Mothen`-�who -staid ban haddi�L�j-ice for it gr Lind,� a royal commu as raper ad, Pike in a good'Ag. Thei. then fW as. 01 by. 3UNARD,' W-Widdoa jaik-4ish of the cod fam-; JPP re' of he fid L�;� ith brimming, eyes,, tearful, thaV the� J JIYL CO the river -chanzi6l to feend mile In diameter' vtr�smbles "co Must- he L of her mrmiyy bei taken fr er; e�menp women and' ea. td�,. 1000'f6et'dild deepAned.to ". L -Burin, Nfld seat iy r 1 11 ;hLaI,ttIg ifle . V I ;, . , . I . id'doelv- has a 'black ge tbatXnot� be content *it �,I, m In: lksirl Albert, th i5ardl - alsi . whil�'that Of 7Ltb6 -% is, little late tring, 1!nver1LAt% of cod is vitito" or I OCIFOX!i9i �, a cat,mated t 'from 60 164 L� a: a lit Bilit."itlie' Ilia .7- 30' feet 'it"'' water. Th nd -for, er ane with,,b6o�jac1c,: gun. ke it ppie" Epente 'of' this t r., ��$M, lit for A if 'YOU will only. look .,;Of ortupt. the bf a bedtoweil the supromaej, 6 line, o , r . glAd e? ituprovernen h own. It is Ill ltlooik�tlil Bette d,,, for L torty�`.�SJX r t a color 50Q,000; and riew'docks; Are r�ecb;inmended , t7e: while a the loriggstiI ter, thi%! nedd d,XInk". Paul 1. reigned: In peace IR -years a I th d aliout"$2g400006 domath. He died "on May 30th " IM and those lines, chinge 'in, a, at., ort -of of the journey is. soon,, but' supset'L and- - h some coun 6- his demisei,called diflile"f0ilth- eirtoking - you'- can'.: tell iew i y . enoug ties in belfit 'I, III afte *oiild'lave sozn60'ofjhe rapiiii fUl' PUbloetpito ble:bedside And declaredit'to Of, a pri,ncipa pu ic',itapt romentaL of are, get1trig, what YOU. the number 616pinmeil is Said to. hayOl �tire o(. dawn �. if - her son's f er you - ;�, I I -last fit teen'due, Ad. I "Last, sumirl �,Avag t, Afg, S. OPM 'behlo eirfiest4lob1liftfiong orble relatives, d For. if 0 L the bee years have' a. ooiined.L -as oo ,Mau. URr of ordi e' d6r �of her..yo' 1 heart rapI, out. iu.tiie�eoun7 abogi succeed,, hiny, as, -head of the' govern - t Wbick SuIierseded ti auit.sajd dne day in a light u3 �Qurity �Coimcil,� ith t o --com4l ry, , it Arm-' ges., 1 'to .pa txao a t ere, 2fetr9poliLta �pf . V �Ment:�n- the - lsland;L and' that he 'cobsidero, fte buy,-Xifinan haddie, I Want bore. lt'for,.the � best that' 'the'g9bd people of * Tav- muy'� Vbiki under W trud'ainciiii Lher a a in!attemptind. �e 'no better on a 'nsirr�o* tap Rees 7 ii's wilgon, t , Afte rwrian cod.. but I like think T dak i 'the Local Government. Act' of 1808. 1phli plara. shoWd`g6vetn' theraliettes. 'a med"but' war overturned. And. I wag thVowu.'heO,.V,. :last. wish,ho'pandidate for the iacant,,thtond Pro*6 0, conspicuous � 'Most, COSTxy b*t .1 want-'Im-� idence.. rn of 'its Single U sup, a `06uld o'foitnd ianiong the family. the' de- ting M eped- ogether.L oc6d-- jdL:"tfia it t th a, , millid" ` t � I'M- n g, �16 badly .0-0- . b " I - "N -is �uni indertakinge 13lack-.* 'y coasdd. who werez used' to -consider heir ure� solietimer, are, The, one waliti, Well Tunnel, hich, .*hen -op0ae& in '1891, WAS; M' sprained A George Maiwel zhys.! wls TORK little lolafid' li law;_ and, the, I ohe' tr4! :,q 748 1in, )00. 'The.LnerXj 17bb farmer came rurinifio`� up.' to as.- ned�luugove Led -for four years. At bid-swallo-vired up $7,,�000,( island.was declared a repub4' uad6rtiiking 6f,the; r6r wha was 7fiP, sm 4her, little 11b. The, gist ng' found t West; �Shord 'cheap.­-exturai6n to': New "V t jibe tunnel from rRAtctiffe),id:'cxpeAed to the, Matterfreturned 16 his agon, ind -constitution: gives the y Rdtherhithw to hl" � to both Men% and *Omep., it resident ork Aptil 8. 1 tob o; th, elected to Serve 'slit years. of, tII8 nt, oft 0, � � , ., : -11 , came -tack'wlth'ig few get Maed'Un �'Noffe� dianPassenger Age onge, treat, "aii inubb.' The Tower rdg6 C 6m6ting, ne_W. der�-W arm., �;"If YouRlk Iet . aak a officers. recelvoo,ady equipehsat;IQU t 'a col rae�, ri c&,in_189C_A at o Torbiito, for fulr,p I Doad's Kidney P11116 6ired !a 6ut oUthili thing, a and Wcon $5 000 000m --the rid n Meg Most, conspicu6us qVLOIi_ rate KentucU Ibe­bna�-.f ArtheeV,,, ail rigntz-1 Couside down- 'IN _ki�n r6ubt i y0ngeb -4:tbatbis -a- n Prow and I was, on Wfie -(Pri "a-erph­fle Celt of__ auti; f4rmeoeall .,stream, and OUP ediLwith. morning,-- he.' said tile folks Aal e. ab t pdbild7P, them V ­1KC. IT iaof ota. five Mile ctokS. Wit anit�,wuihs --�-Iwresentitive-i -eh 4 or g.. of a no very stren- the, pa. y ankle � somet Hilgr erce�. gird consi'dera ter, -par th 7, -so don!t, l tu Me-ig, 0 Judge- Id.111118, te. Inor COMM 4hd tH6ff etgli�T6� on of thb City of London,;: an . Altioi NOW,, Me, a Perrectly lRialthy arid AtI16 6d -sontence-ida-,a-man-convic ur 6r. -- b' to O� The 'Judge said: t ough same ..body is' now., widenin t' Wdrk---: ves &II thi 4bredit ild'ifie: on, OU; go 4, !'Mrii., Do I dson ed"Lin 4' L itbent an hour afterAlie' The i'cost is I ate at WApeIIA As§k.,, N. W. T., 0' town., hanke.d.' It IS "my, Wlgh,'that you'and all 'the 'JaLNI f lik I wl your, friends on tlie f lv�r', to know that it 'is d e o1.'who cond6mus you, $500,0001 ion'' 45 -DbGson. 4Lt vhat corpora d t Oit. They most � ti4;;olled: of: tfia inany of Murder, an4, S t) dome of Bridge;,,the most., famous an .8ti �tII6 404it Adiaii Xidliiy have- a*: slidhtlyi,'661ing 'effe F -Says you are to -be me Any - fiarm�,,i I thought; � and it mig4t the jury vd-ya you Ore,, guJ ty Give -theA et while', I rien a. s artod­6ut in purs across ftsAiivift back t' em6i�iy-artd LOiie�told thait,the'b" The, t ',"bef6V6,1on 1peciaii):LbOred of'kiAUej,.1D1se aipj;�d thio, leavesJu th 4ppy ag� that. C 1 1. .. .1 1 , L' , t 'vill probably:; lower ih A creel; near b, laNy mr an th� Jiidi,;gone., to the 'hotel, for! dinner. e� ciowi �of, he had laid:him up for over a, year, ldr'.�Geo. then L boilfid them tight, would you 111, ttith.'the, aid;.6f h: te, to -be' hanged?' NY oul a- tag w lieb f -h man. here, is 'The prisoner ViAuAIIVL �invo praises o Doddli L Kidney hafvdkerchief�- estate .:md into my 'rideli f4ither 'his y aroUn,' L. My e:Wholel.party; bad6d by the'..ne 'd BAIA Well Ik I . , . M . made ansWdr that'it. was a thivArk- -Bri Me nov d ankle and a "' d arenci to, iiiiii.: and thit, he i6lilcd, ifitti dinift-_L: IvW�rob�ilding, is cx� lend � in inatt6r' of AAdIffi time onic, 11 re '*as brepar6d t6 be P*ubg of at� tad 'to _,SWa �t a gif' Nnen 'I re'aefitia' iny-rooms, I ... any nall is�pcc '000. .The d- k9orn and forin V now. 4, 400 Pills,-, for to -them,' and 'nothing else be _T_h"udgeTieoat4n1L IV and,, atter. to be' sw4-Y_�of_thCQ0*I1t C Vail tHe—im, qtl Ek Dodson*,, It is a serioui in n Bs QVle- 4iims hre .,happen Ti6tible')) Mir my ankle.,%Ya4 ni heaged.'. Itcan'l D11 trip Arg L neb legs'ciiie'd indi decided -: , ho ae'ri,�&, where* $Ij500,- -"Yes'� I hid: Kidn lnn�iq. but once 01 X, farthc In 6;� iinlesg'tl red iavLYb#6n' perform eing, spent, to Bartleman SaYi "I a pains in, my It isoldasaut t6 iakpi - the'neck is brol better take, marr;RN, , , IL 'is b h ill 6 give. the poultice a faix trial.. Inithe ie -'rope should break,before 9'everal 9 m - and, you- had uple,SoUght if-thi time you can. But' at 1�00. 'From her part� -of - mJI body, and MOI P 0 �d itebare­ Of 'steel,m� 'ke­thofb�'.wkia� abed- doe itmakei nw 6n4Ailroa&,,#A Bridge with, a Sir aw'O ins,.�ari'd Oil back arid'. iii ot] you. yaai_� ' bi -d I 'Lofid6u'in 'Trans-, Iiittely,:no pain in m- sity hing four Weeks ribfugol -iii eS Sit cL., to�ilay at noon, but y6U, inay: J*V k' though 1 the dodor did What he. �111YL auklo:wliatever 7444, fil. Ing,. inixi mih could for th 'jarnariy theLL slight t jgesiion* of. a Swell - ter formation in ,.,boat ch' the( a goq Alua0r�, first." me, I giew wors I As,, unable. to �L : . LL.� "t. ing: I _xcai Able to Ion my slide In ow efob I TrItnkfOrt. 46rk., swith: c "nd that -day htt�fffiitad to Soldier the XAr- LWinint Cures Dan ruff, started' to talib,I)oditi idi' Out trenblt,and The: C d /Anilinals leai4h? Do "Then I bulainesil as if niothisig had.belallerl.'me. '-fie bHitherto -his - _winter_ 'hit !'*as unable to Work.- d y ridli Vjils;��and._L_t ok�_theiil t 'in _t . 4*�suffered IE T- won" 7 7 and summer w I a h fnitli ties Deen'. simple. Xia on. first vibw, 'as, it. it mu'st a.,sprapilL,an c6iisebted-to ve��,&'Ieaf. ftrase - ?'God and.'the Czar;" 6ady,, to . ' 11 the Flie seems. actually 'thin] reflect;. Compgrei ad ­kou - an 1, do i took bftepi and now 1, aiiii a childlike; A. ol If t6buco' poulticriRRplied, whi4xesulte* bap'covered for him both rell1loft unes ofi'6 'Dispose 6f- 'the I when' We decide where,tb,place' ur. buse. j.' My pains 'are a sparrow it I k -to; OpIly-and belpe W. Jacob uniorIS pdrfoctiy heall t as it did in iuinl& `1 have' id him to, On tire, big I e6w, a little chipping gone hi's case jus L�1. tKI gtiontly and',bravel ates the f6ilai0ili t looking at b. thd English,.b Body After L 8 g a cry:. , -war 'am Able to -Work,.,' J, hdattilyr _h cebetwebri i two 'raspberry b a SO . she, and re-; _ until the 'Co L' 61961ried it in , other - ifistatices, bf slig t b ah hp,'to this, time � been will a butcher -shop's display, Wben,th6.butclier one- to, the o$qrbpeerlfig,� in Kidney - Pi Is tlo'all ulf, 1 . Ail, - in ,;'and invention in ibapecting, . an&- patently e g Ing,, tue h there wis pain and 4aigerL, fing to hold blumeless. will it continue -bo r,came out and.satif to'aii old man, 'HenrYj I.­ Amirie kept. going^ frdraL Mend Vodd% gonifity ei a longer? If tpIi, Rubstaiii soldier ey ferers es �tL do. you Want?' the. did'inhia it e saw a bin ffi�,the from !Udnoy , bigease.1 ' Want -you." 'Wha ro muc the question,of,the 'dead, adViUtageS L Of I of swelling, amid, hitV6 ifoind thatinvarid are -once d If blaAmagination ;: ever asked. - 'Wfiyi, said* the butcher, 11,11 give you Woodbine on; the' side of the house.. trying Dodd's; Xidney"i-Pilli -alwayi,.cure -the 'bly -it riliovpi'the pain�, within a, relitarkl, led 4 �:Of a -better and a Shilling drid-a. joint of meat If you'll kill: a, neretei is eandetheil-has de- 'to decide Which particular place: was tbd-best site for -her, nost. She hooped to, this dngle ably. -short space o uts nos a, these very htiy- ;s.':11eafthiaiAtieys�4frai All im! -Stimulited by a kit .,.M. f., time �'and, geiterally freer life 0 Ide orez, f all the'flies'.In my,:I3hdD.­tAII right�l sald.the, self to forms of con6reite hiinat puritie I a -Give me the. shilling fireVand'. the all See& 'of disease out of th friend 6f Ing, qualities which maoe,him so wonderful,: old.16iau. fit of shootO, and 'sat down -then to that, pioventeCaby swelling. "AL a solaier in *,wiversity, mai yer. be. equally weat. Ofterard:1 -The��bdtcher nded � out -6tg, but th� philosophic lihat, b r Dodd'g .,Kidney Pills 'laiins to hate tried it' iiith good, Its An , cag t I Odd. turni3d, around, she readjusted hersbif, she IA., mine. c f admiration *� I, a. struggle i�agaUu# the shillin& Then. the old mani asked or. a Aug- A�e gone7iIi 4teI11urtfi6rAnd:iu. looked.about; sbe� worked her -feet beneath cure stich 'i "wide range".4i'dis�as6, _ -'a W h . .1 �.. ... 1 .1 : - L -; brought results i for -slight attdck. of' theuma ,O.rt.,Y,, stick about a' yard long.' This'wAa sSsQs. n the. whole tlesi 6 sped', It I Ill - went. to -the Did L she make up ber'nifiid? Did She' think" makifig"up her -mina. cluding- Bright'19 -have, no doubtL'tbat it. 11AILi4a; bioA of the' her, she was slow in Disenge,- untatisin tiiiri. him. 'Iii gr'a d6o"ay -and sdid: ��,Now,- turn ISM out,. one Wofgh? L 1 L tires . 1 11, L . Ornliari, do hat b6liev'e it. when 1 and, Ur Troyiblos. IvAid. *hat he,'dlairnli, 'for it. bid,. tO. any: 9 etc. at, a, tile. i ion, 4 the dea -in, cities, is pro. pos d'to. be settled by "the -use of ean- obe found the,'righ't conditions, �he 110, 01011DE Minard's Linimen 11 � . - , . .: " - intei for sprai�s� -6r.similar injurks I anill felt a pleasure, and satisfaction, - and ,that The or 'K Ahe' Rust -:bf -e Lever,s'Dr ftete tjci�, in 1�i4e btilk. begin,�' - , . . lighiloinsekeepin 7.jL firth adv� e,,. oine- jr��5oap (a owder)� to Anward idstinctivi -catb of: the'siniol".,h noN1 -t a by 16tating Aba eep we a Aunels.-.youI1X;1 says ement, Age, -and'-saitlafted by an - outward kitchen 1wai small - hs,,a:doIVz front Orksh:: 6len settled the question. , An Oh the tedy' to' *h!W I' was introduce want as, met '6ii ".Railr6ad A&o ge. cidea find In tfie'. satne - way, t a hall In A lecture Alai aterfat .! condition. byy ace"ideni"JTI'L the, - c -a few and pans were f e secure" land which c'gh : be - converWit herinit crab goes from'shbIl to.sbell upbi And ih;, pots -ad 'at thq Urih�ersityi 'of Vfi6go 'And the. new.' Itttle stove Was perverse. by beach, seeking one, of its liking. Some- .12 es two'�crabs fall -t6 fighting over,a�shell Jovel, `gounj advertisingl, to the Tpuis.'GlAe-Derno. ' deliver inth cemeteries,- and thc �Icar bf hygien-,1 UsC week we bell at-� the Shakespeare's shrew,' crat. manaj6 , Of the Ch kee Dawn f feet Of jhOse "InAitutiobg . that each, wants. ev"h A's h(rtempei'of Social Era,in Oregon. fi tim kicag6I:,giitwaii 'I . Cremation pon public bea tl �harmit - crilb4hinks'and, residoil It selects I donned me a sack, with, the edge,turn- St. au declare& that- While ainard's Lialment. Rellees Ne P I h (Fossil Journal:) ural a refered:Ao aiid,theopibssible daiigei to the slthble shell �,Wstlnctivdly, iand, not by ed back,', 'gi " 11 rg'ddpicting, t e'l 4jPCe aS..'al' an hidWidual - act'df Austl . In t t he cap that inuring poste f A'4001hl-cOunt n at Stan% it I I , eq. " a W6 , ii For t . goes with a chel d it � U-, 1'. � I ., .�. -, A. r V( tho7to not,always iheirant, thotigh It milkas:1bwer -An f the matter­to-clifich� Spoke ly me a n, .,L areL4very Deindift's oliibe -Fr)day evening, Which' - is mintinity. from. ihe anations 90 1 ��e I - Plu mbef�dioitit for Ta�. t, , f, is -,of crei�itbrieg. Th' French, ... pronounced by *those.'present'to hgve. been - Ing up. ilia sitae el nilsiakei than yeasom does.,,,. The f6d :#quirre'l better re urns, to ne ipaper the begit dance. of the kind, thefz7o.ver it Pround om n Other- the bXtternu kilMy. ng;. but ilia ' f writer ', Carl L Schot,:, Cologne,. pro. uasualty'knoWs how to,,cothe.'at thd L meat' And bade mb .(bfil�kg t With, fheL,16ast .1 She 'in 6pr6o`4 found, and - s6 tl;� -A I) umb(r wad sent tOL the , he advertising . n r, There wag not a drop of boote-.oij We vreaiw use' 'of a ',As 66 big railroad se throughout, and as'a, posoo 'that -the bodyi shall be, 1AMW in: -P, 'n. an makes,, i0istaks an(i -wealthy 'br,kel, to: in 6 re0girs. !Is was,, � I- ­ ", ' , L' an equence everyoft6 h L then he 10 �dsiead. Of- the Her girdle In excellent.: , tastdo' taken by the butler'Jilit -the pahtri and.was $ 00,000 to -$.800,000 a a, peace trel gned ad'a. grand,', nty Cook as a - 1p cement -fr6ugh of betoh, IA�iijg:%o'duffi� strikes,the edge of the kerno Was as dat felldw'iaould bro6k' eaefor 'The cliff sWallow will.atielt 'beginning Ala �*ork­wben the t f thebodi, andover a, cover, flat side. 'its Without'iettitig things. go waotei -of 00. theib cien space or pinions a 111hen Where ur art not entered. ' � , , I I . I mud. nest, under 'the, eai�es of :And,l, said: "As a badge f :yo of i ei' in a r place Madre' house is, a in. the (1, enclosing. the. boards NAre plabed i6, smooti; .­ that -the -But J "Jobb," said she, With a! susple oll lance weight. er isin t., Eikhty Year of bodies nest'sodner br later, IS 'bound ; Lnpette's� your name'�no* Sea?' to fall. it the silver e'ra is, process -my, Ithe' rust off't e'ra taking up, of gtliec4idid And firnio Po,!remembdrj ear t le-ybu to in. toward' the plumbere- "rddioVe, seems. to have no judgmofif In � t6d matter. efrom the. sideboard, at onde -and look, U T1 c '1'ttld-doUbt that to, Ailinkal Its, � a'6ceators'. built ii�on the face of high bete, 0- .0 to blefoasbi e-distindtion 6 �tic a§;'a.`,'c olk dhou d be! to ateb c all IStAnt;, O'bo-. ce�ment; is 4e96rIbedj' Vbw; rad, - n bcI6ngA th where the- Mud adhered* more quickly, You'rq tirt �tan.led'blm,, "take ail 1, .. .. I I I �y h Millard a Uniment-fdr sfile, O�W A pe0ifiedtion the,*N-vriter' 'says, i6 3041j. Burroughs I �Aohl h P I .. issionin.t1id Brit ft Dedembet Outinj, a comm se few copper to 'my, Ife at' Thus accoutred. we 'gan. V�Itb the' loilgei,thkii any­othdr'ni�aj* lowed pietr6ficiiitidzi: of' flie PoVand th cee .4 . 1" Oki is I nvyi, bole niass.� III Olig Nuay thi body is Ifumin Hair Markot.. colossal e magical art! in. tile Enililre, 'sayi the tondon ro, prXetlee I oi igina gai.petrl;o' y Its t-' with, a: kiss at ..(New York, kerald. tho: ii4vy'Ift 18':)3, 1pregerved in. its' I- foi m, a' A. frdud,' astounding tit-ionce b idii the toast -we esa' 'd,,.bo, i Dividend. :� , , : Globe. lie ent ness and by 16"dudacity, has tbrLown every. (Philadelphla Lcdg6r,)�, The hu)ban - b *11kich'gives"hilln clear 1 4 in iied 'mass. &block 61 And it - ktAs at startl A ea lusurancetcdmpany� in France, into consterna*-' Sen Ahc nd-We hissed bnce, 00..4bts we stirred. a Atow began, the beggar,- m u -r: ci6e,,I�L, V raftce,. qrtme It most' frd- iori.ty. of ibie'ke't-is' ' 11 be tmed 6 build iiyolo-, tloil.' A few- scherriffik rogues Put their-hea14 §aj bosq,"" 0. 1le a 4 -With a, spoon and,a triatch ot-dong;. work, an—, _&entil lOtt, - ed by, the, hair niorofiqnts,.b6irr� Coliu1nn'der Caiwl 0 n b lee ",See hbre,' Interrulitod 'Go' Cred9d; Allier, Chet,% Dor- vioaof WIA6 the stoner will togetheri, and till, the biost Dab!. I t I . t b ness Of wbtch'�tuspteion is's, prime. With rat'sl nts last Week." dogno and. HailteNibnae. Theavetage.'-priedi of nerly thre on there eon us c andAove. and French and a stove 6dart, ','I-,gaVo t ose. o 6rrbze� i' 6f 1�avarino eyo cre1d- block,5 or caskets. 1. the things.go wronk?., ths. 'Adniirai­11oor- Ah, how. eoltili yer parned mote -since then,, ain't'. given tot. a long, full head 61 halt is In factor easy victims. The device -was a1mL,' 0 y6dred i�IW 'ill rAnk "of . ea c. in ese, will 'riiot, be bound t r.'Witli tY-fNq shillings. i PlIcity fie elf. A, doctor 'had a dying patient e. bg6the t18 I I eight shillings' to�,twdfi rtiiij, ateopt to a Very Ama'll degree, '�and called in an odent, the very best 4 1, f utility and color; The gi tin' itt 1866, bibaanI6 a� sjih-lieutehaut� V­propoAandied tor -.0 woe ot the districts mentioned, above,, b y. of oour�e,,baiiiie'becn -wh anything up' �AN­tnlscrurn Which', are thokoukli'l Surged up as I looked at. "Atinettal" Carrie; the yAr 16 by being left -for a rea'soz �- to' 21,000. A' healthy. Subject of, the saine What pain to her eye as we both' stqod,by c poor,.! stloi4liite that their hpile 011.6 In, e xceddingly 'fultJimit6hant 'in the L age was. put before the Insurance doctorto� I, The -tide of -thd: tuffed othelettel a chief, be cut short in frbnt, and con. Coike *,as a:`wH6 6ne,,Cassle wo - stiall not 116 1 0Ossfebbrrowed money, Casale "cam" to I t, %at the -shorn. ageatanc# at, the baok'by a Irell smv tile birth "of Xing tiniiiuli&r fbe ground. ac&�tafid d if t preinium was Instan �Thb;. best 4nd it draped. colored. tindlizorchlef. Thingo. Wondi?�'ftll toinpW �mav I a -' drcs tly And the'stew'.abd: the toast 'Wits alsd1o9t, CL Wit )e,con, pa I d n ds W. he n dth cme the money -was Tjy ah errQr we xioler divifidd; Cassfe had boir trial, Caasio tur= -coninlalidOr'In 1,945, fli'd 96 to Jail. sba.4 to SdrC,�,VL �r6pele V forin of irki h'Alf A dOzOn',coffiPhtiles for large sums, and 'when, C y from'Getmany and'SwitzLeland and for.these r officia tire ith e6oped I; Often the patient was puttlirough - � and". Were r must' lei 6f liglit' drid. blond -i halt ties Azw tl But we Rigsed again coinio 6d When the jury told her she, iassle to the in eig Angr oney wag shared between doctor; agent M a'restauatit Stot we dfn�dt Cagain iwollilt.borr6iO, niolfOy Mob velees ar6-Riven. Avenu� !114 ed fn Ile rLavy, tolltaffihlj� tlip� 110( and rellitivea.. Tho -total, sm, Of which Ito Now Orleans TimosaDomocrat, beWe comp6tfltl' We . 1106clod Is stated,.at . from E-10" 1. , U the t*6 prinelfidN.'are In,'cu8todY,, eInOdding SE, _1 id -d n e. Leopold hade s 6 4 6 0 o; s, DA, onof �CA '110 bequeatfo to Ilia *ife an I AnOwity .41200 as It dwingher wi4owfiood,of .)hg WRATED'' qiy, Ono year 4 be ty front OrcA 'Dri din,for Mote tWdn' an lid shall 'not. 1 Ul Y'Is affloarit liapiod if Mrs.,INfoyet, (100,4 not fit1fill.,this c6fidition, or. MArty, o Flat, 'or, $�finop Ro"06, 'ft -The, atin 't to be, f�diicod WAKE` la"Aid, f w xpro,of, firepli ),ler` Ji ft;rifibi alld chdapAl. tb 2'1, colildi of' na The PAHO make of thim W" ng C0,411, tbA bo,04m 'of paltO In MIrr id that' I elan't tell WhOthef It's In MV,1 (:dIIiAt or In my,back, CAM to too gin 035 gul as -pub Inh 1;4 ant - A I S ti stune V