Lucknow Sentinel, 1905-03-23, Page 17 T 4 4 A V. in. f4eit PiPw% 4094 -*8*91? 'V iold$ t 'ag si eat. o ` . , , , , , , , 6" 1, : 1 .1 1.. .11 1..", 1 WO&N, 1 .. . : P ,I . q , d- ,jk wear is t q4qi wo, th tirvis itie, aq JW;qAl0;qi Apl-pa, TW OT a Co r "J, ri lived 41� es Aq follows: of, tb W0 AnO iuiAJfrj�4dq of Pp4ri� Sa.4 � 11 P "0 is the hasboQ oes 16v 7 ois, ex ,o is e n, I Innopi, in _W 'd dil' , I J. ICSTAB J�El) MS I ', TQWAPW� 4 1ted b 4 y ur,' shei hs4t '48ARD'OF 01-RECTOAS The, i4 �Ptioli -of 0 pi,miii o dd h ]a, IrW ' I FOP= --par 80* Gj�So��', P do',& sonefal bauldng bnaltiess 10i 4rS44 s"to hiti 917 ptaced ther gp_ q;.w en, qu nSqd,-the: United t Acl'(Oa, -�iia,Wawanoli bwashio i 7othe hole f'' cb gob.. 4. NOW Ing. 'op On, 9 an atte on ll d L di am wilt w� bing', latr tre bab ffle* rom k wii .,ug pq UT it O� 4,",te Northp; i'H mence it h �k� . 6 t First-pla : , and Wf�f Territories -and -all collep0on sit, ko 'A I pplrl oit, & I n 1. bq sold ci - egstar pie,. the r.0 and A;, notei, W f� L wll� �io� ompt pi )?re glito -t d,roast of VoOfi 'anil n xCoquiell, au4 Aau 3� h neour, I.Pi, OAL rain ow, �G' 0; our �new 414 1 D , p ,, �. P Ao, 00 4 R,X W To zi, Aest, Qen_)1xn, : Loridai tendel t lbao he fqaq a toeq, lid o gQq . , . , ­;, " a -1 � f J;0 JW t ' ' r? I Notei dl*�ouuted --wilf i�q6L aft !'jXoOpti cash id,grAss farin"noply toi G prill I limn td,lai 1, on- doulile or idnOW-notes McQQnqellr'la 0', week !��vqry sdrap.of%er Vora.. iticise 9. tail, V e 1311�01 r0 Banker, Lucke w. ioppecISIly to farmer -deaWaR., to food 4ttliO ck a ennie a - i R "aid e , a h overminte and gra4 them, dpring suinmir, and 4el_!.seqd.s [A t r ra n bal h u�Jee At, from, onfk tor two Ve� =94 Me and '.Z' 0� 1 Upo choice Btd by uftan. We. to h r- i6rhar to a- d o Td IFfent tip TO'WPt Ws-wq, h a 131" 0 W at lor rates. on it be bair keopq'the pla t rdin a �4 pfideq,, Cal on Ov r.' �,r. GraPy!s*, frame hous6. T 14 r l9an Bill or lai amounts ta with, r 4 0 or DA, - fikiMIA or -other lRuntibir. -,-h' so cannot be, -beat fo 'COmf AW bar. a'W&At Y.QA" to Ase In tMes 4 JI941�,=%ke- glu neourity and- on -,has ajpp�ared, Sofio� �bod has qJ k t6 4 - Notes discouitel AL live. stoov, imolqmSIRts �ud PFOP0. The f,,AF.Jy robin, 0 oseU off the kitchen v "or- blood �u4ed ra�, AAV43�004 s�b to farwis to 1046 do to PA4anoa repott-�. I havo a taiia imount, Of Ina agletey.�O.Citizeps, have. bepa, g4 W si� are. FLANNJ=TTW�At. 4, 70, And.. oft water avfiaaid, wske,Our,du r hitb, 'her P good hard �ud r eop fir4t mo#K.. gja at l9wipst rai the leadink th6ir'jpr�liiei all winter, inistsi -Iowa ki�rden AM or6i Every- ground,to fertilize th re 11 ighti soft, sal s, iiig'the red-Weagte grogbeO for tP.0 thi�.4 -that. mau "fe a a man from, inches wide �AX NOTES bought and.'collsaied. Sngllsh'iwd Cana Plir heavy we 4n6p 04,nipinie F 04, esirs. go e wih and Id d'. I nIt t o;ck. fleec the ..44000.. ai olassei r Or RAPT iSs-UQ41 t ni g. VON to, tha,settitig sun; -1 son$ flia"n'im6llette wis rer D lb ta t 'woo her,l' do 't a 49' , . 4,pan '0 Ato ori an �40& ............ t that turne 'a cle DO; it SHIRTINGS�­Fqstl I .......... �kfici�al Poin i1a q%na Netbodi OF BIOS. albbat,, gervi , es a,, the� for 0 d C e. praide IXOXAS S. aZlb, j",:' hur6h. SlAbjec. -1 a.m. W 4 'Mitchell" Lucka ;eias, xtloi�, itod, States. 71 "Chris was'lier sons �tbai Cr� WA T ti4a B qvr. no�pioueers of the Wgb',l I XAM�d R.. Priveliges.�. . Re'tnove schooner, for th b, "ings 'De0aftett oft ot aigoodq,y�WlLfliid the6s�va* Upwards, reddlv,�. this. a"Depoalts.6f LOW and d country. while, she folloi UsNotteritli flie*i' rks2" Gob, Y.. an di welcome, seats. e. and, lateiest allowe4 -at ��tent,. ratei,from. A'rn�geraeuts 4.;ve been m'a ori and -whe the d --mirchillwai do bb� ays ne. t� of',da;inslt 6 date of withdrawal.. -a ruit Institute Meeting t.b. :1�6' held�: TICKING$-C(jae sp MS a ho ' milk,to tee' Wortn,,25c. Thia, M4 TE h ca. 0 r ecial. line at .2, , zi L, - d Mo:&p4Mor is -not -qubject'to :Li6c.� in n wliateverlhthe,'withdriwalpf the ihoj6. oO thlT Hall, Luck69i b' Fri- the' babe 'that- w 0'io4ai to, b ed ��w. Ukny we havemarked dow _Ruy� t, f the' 4 , It " . 11 - , 1- e- it.bo g Poy JqA 0 epios ur grasa . se, I me I i� . '-�,,,well t it biet ss see n . .,-the our foi 22 inte'rest 6mPbun6d NO' tie' * ' i,to grA d aycome' t.,e r of this ad 4 ilist and Nov: Mhiefilias. behaved -6�1 li te h ter ei aline to'20c thb stiowAo thW4h n: it melts th6: ternoron, P ra nIN so- our range, at 6e, these E 00' TS 81 'orest-and A_Giff4id X e4for w The' no .ba� �0 -are, rai dimain be washe'd: into I 1w 0, LUCKNOW pid�y seed will' �oft 6. 777�' eall ef t The "Rome" tv Th'"'best ap- of are kiiiand7ia w.,iiil b &6�ied fifth iiiiifil:' W do -5.4'ln epedd6lit- eat -6.olors�: - Qdr,406- An& 12jic ithits, will 'T , i r 6bi4a a li&uce f6i siowing grass eoa is the t U U &]*a bo surelo, Jintarest you a fts, o eration i t covers 36 feet to cQ"P n i of 'Fbie�tcte was hot iln� 'the, nd.'colots, ire I)rettir 'Cyclone SE44.10r. .1 PC 109, b o"ag '6rde d ad other sprid", it-L'c now N o.,A t bkdi rmer"r";opai round. Go. tolD., -C.- TaylD aftici'marketing on Thursday. ei tie the r, s An lip g, t re 7 7.- ifiaf7.�F &'ad like, all -A kor pring,wor ou:will t, hit full gran -in, of Ti was in good or e. '�d 't prices, where. . __7d f !no4 �_Owpie'b Homes of thi ord' tit: or ffi-e Wussioa� o 41 w ------ 0 er as a PC ­ flub ery K'. IriN .:. I . . I I : range,q e Y Y4;Ur.4;1 Mo inst h 'COTTONS--In_&ray_a; d Groc L o th 0. UWeats. 'town- -this Week, mill­',E'cree4ingw­­ 6 k,.,at :,Ceiss. The iiaii w' ; 1 .1 1 as beautist.illy decor f ver* at 1.06- and 12f�.� "We tfili Lk.� A 11 Whurs ill osoreensi :'Sonie 4f tu k �ated: with flagsi, bunting -and. mllrrors y9ur. aunlipg M., . . I,. 'better thait &*braxdmalue, C now. rdarkdts day for.'the West. t eni are rsted and need ae*� yvirei�- iind'da t 6 south h wall vrss� life": size, 'llowing aThe fo , 01111i 0 d ' ei.O'pecial- photo* o Dr., Orbdh'yateka,. il x d JbO SYS"of t Mai SU ofi,16okinj. fdr d h I Tivabthy, and 'alo'i see wr, is the market, pri 6� ir bar; sTh or grain or, ursdq', morning., 'reme,Chief� above el,061theso specia ines. 8�6: tea,., a winner, -Usf was a 12 �ves �la O�a w lCh valu a ',05 to 1' 05 -off q.sy now And" f ---- -- a are reported '016401 u. ta' hWif:dcat- i,' 'dbeeslicadIJ qlablem -ome, .... i a t ilog, an 7- W W T -docoiatinui tte'-.1inad' I.. .. 1. . the B, 61ng, 0 to And.. Charge 6i 16ros. Murdoch 40 a4you reaeW t 6 wire oe§u it 6ost vpry muLch1 V program. iq ri P for, the o ietproduced Why not q6. it reTAI to-- A _T eT I - eierve . , a pr oz to'' w0ii pu your, scree 'g, 8 T I 'Do' Oths Miss"Edfis oo �i 'Butter., fres; rao h, p6rlb. 16 to� 14"; rIt s shape;, ons a ed, 6 by viqlt.her'Jiker iii -Staple f r Fork i�r 1.60 lb -3,;,. 4601to."460' ohnstdil'' etur'ned M Map cobb- a4d- �40 b' 46s ie.d. _06 r is G. 'M4u*.cb9:. Nr. A Try-'ou IQ SfTao�� ih#�) iveeki I Poi c -per cwt -Ma4er'.'-Wilbi 60 last Pio'tatdes,,,.�pier us el... 30 t6 TO... 9 o d Roberts 5 0 -lie le- _*Q I T 0 ohis,1ee t St d c Wse 2 n Pro e W -b 1's6leebed stoi �h­ on e om and _r a -&-Jbi ton-2and-&-re ;:Wesb Huron. 6ak: c ala 0 ca Mo. dy,'alt of which:.vvOr6 grostly, no- A it �to h h Patronizei t e' ome weithant rath preset one Iatl mai or er, ated 4Y d Preal "TO nic h estt&. of on - on. gav hey': who.hqs� been Mr.. L6vei blur H6ua�s F6P isilto. a thuch rgspected f 7L d forth. much e. than'lik0b thatr'. yolt'_ �eek1rouiZraubrook,, Bridiih Cclitta-, 0 a as Mr. �iurchiiou � h0;:.8everal houses resident .6f,dur't w i,f r the past thr lae Hufaii erringv, i .. , i �.. ': "R.W.V: i1t at 1"' t b iWI & e pFe� h d' at.] nowri". Pplause, their readeri, y eing espect out.'k ept fiv�stbek� Misa,kdna.'and�,Miss iiii1610 utheiia Air b- a1iy` .-lane' kor.uninediatis,§ prices t at, wi I int6 t�e great unk and tr are visiting 8 11 ata6roh of Gi b PiA .:High� No. o., r pay" a 0( So t 'et-st XiJovestment said',specia y1a - va mnd hajp'p�,: iti6ilgliv, thA; h o Be ng., itesiring, to ecure she Nvas bei g ushered otli foedd Stratforii this iraqifV6 C6 t o I Bro" C 61BB of d h *6,,k C ief,Ra�geioiO�taii6'4ave-'s�,in.' quA 'kn enee 6: bee -Saviour h 'ALL OODS" b o-haA litifit6r.' o te'resting, , k a Forestry and explain - e s an YOU, Witell , , , , ! . tal o 4 the c',gs of �5 a ed th ;ood- w6i o Y. P410, . , where, 'O- TURDA 0A e A 1 1. - 'Oro'epta�� t -store had paw, through',a I the, vatied., ex.. Z2 ery.1 S 6d to, t je iffider-L �-perlenaes df this 0.,?* A a w I I ']if ' ith-little o1al _T' d 4,in. ill jewe ery i A) parties, itideb, at Hud on is in, oron- tage miss Mirg Ot. 8 gn tt e, thoi -Thai!'s(b ause, 320 qq find Avas only two we(ik t the orde� potiai pakitulail A �,A;a a'S A w ioJoia ie the 22'5,' ba he fei her treft-th as1iiliag­ tie -is'.110 .,so ak .;accoun s on, th f. Ie pop ()Id a in be an 'tWittio6ndWas uear^.a e"Par pr-opriate, r -,a4�after ilie'y will d' the �O`clause*hereby me bir qjew6lo i4b,thia; 4eek I - i ... iniving 'attained -the' 4gd of : . . 1 7 : I . . , W�,.­ HJL.�L d Y� plAced in..00'4 Al , 7 c6 ecti6a. ng. way on onday In d, q, In *empt ram., paying �any more 'by '11 Walter'fl6r4iii Blheksmith. f v Yow ever lookeds. for Detroit,, where she *ill res.id d' oh' Y� eP chil ren., Xi% Caug ei po.. icy he a 1 premiumi on' his�'i' li waii . i6orri �V`4�shiri6i, Eng., . her, : , t ibin r1st6ek: of �liklblesl Don't. forget Miss H -S 011inery Flih;23 1114 dr:4w'' 16 per cent, year 111-41deh.. "namelfoing ]3e!lby;' -She C&Ia comfiltesionovis -,, I . 1. . . . - . i, .. , . , . 0. - ... . , , . :- � _. ha Uso Aould-t� :Dpeuioj�ii; Friday. and, Sa . turd; Y k4th ly,oi policy'paysible tb'himself un- and FisOier, At . to tiIis touni vilieh a 3", years. -tit the Whole P'lici has, 4edwpaid - or 0 of age_ 6t.tldd . e,, C ieefo�o iegdhingA64 4gie. OW A be" 1'. roblein I no/tip! er idr)jalllin CS13110a E '-p-areatis; Don t, lorg� t onniR n W I heh W11 in fi . e1r. -shoultutie a� A r -ch 31 d ur d ildrdu John Shangop, Jaii. 'Stromy. of . eigbt� years'i%* ba!auce is II1 ObinParousyt, tne 1 ryribp,dnings, an no, - , - aid his R.'pairing:,.pi6*$1Y_ and, tr -OIL Xkvh_e*� tobas she wa� marie to histIate husm' :he-wi -oil "4 66eviier,Wit ox te in a a 6 Ap'kit is't. ing...,thp Age of '70 jeari he iskaetori ge sveral of 'our local farmers- intend hurc-hill,. in6.1itifle tuiniw�a -travelled o6r -a IC 6; th6 oider an re�xdibr'.the po �laied',rda, to' Hu r6 hero in for. -f mob Ut t0'work to go ARNST rewi g V �gke� the pea 1,06,grant undei Wt' W, fy r,'�eet' ',County "Nv tothe suja 9 fo", hie he -Berlin facto opent o draws 10 oeir c hb,' thb mo' nt Ur, 0iiZeny. are - suff6ring., thb f4r,int W M, witis, who as: just o th SOIV68 blqari1bg log, peodd,. Oul I I S. r the remainder. acon. 111is, policy yearly 6 f h h sttuat6d, on b, 26, HUI ILDREDIP rula,grippei.w. to ome Very out A� new, millihefy- sh6p .1 Luck is no* lJow, IA�.' -life. 'Bro.: amerow- -' hr�- ner t revai in. towii. Cli�h on, had tfien but "One ,Jog, f. "in nds to have her rui licer openings was. Ill 0 its, a, 1dresp a tid'i .1he nOwdst ttlitij in .4hoedom, a ca Frida and,-8aturd4y ot this,.4,i Uter,eat Wall present. At con-- lengand 130 Dj, 'had advert yws axporioace itt thi Y . ae are y o'th A L Fiftv milliioii' wa.t6hioil haidj,tnens, pwe�rit tivac6o sho�. W. Ji, impall, hei has the hbt�6t of thii Octiiia 0 u 1, Sibn ro amale I h was the' 3 beat goine 006dr W I h had,. been a b The base ball citylradei this 9bod'old W�j' 'who has jasf." ...... Alld .'Art -presented U t,-111, tIX­ bowling,tit d'golf. iblabs-ave talking ro- ceive a i tro es of Lq tk6, re ladW of tei vi bir of the- illage, After o lost her -flu tht4is ., - H A L wen'y-eig t -yeari . I at a, ntm� in t h r wad, T erer.B,riIi�'ThoaIas'Reid'ae&, 34ectbd -Oroll 'adi' now. v ago sh. but wl' o0kanization. far thie� edbin seasobi bif� sons - and dwu� ght6ro, Ao bad' Me'� �Fr�d Lewisik piatioi U Aid. h, W a f6 all yi�h-& 'is iei t6 enjoy, 4' h6urs Thia'r.&'tim r B" 11, ood 0 It' dindbg md"all went I 49 qp'W' -tho'hatne- in T�ater. she 8 royer 0, 1homhebt b h god -with. the hdsflital�6y- bf - t 0, Iudep- About thd last �'of"Mai Ampecial train left Luckilow. for th' t 6 b6tch Ott, onions no ia'seo k And d; 'htil her reluo�al t6, 6-)1 The e ittee A of den t living: obil it te the best."Wateh vr du 1dadviole eally living as supply, Al h6ts 'A 6 Winnipeg.' ge'of tho'Ab 4 word ma world, Price 101'r, -is limited'o, Paris -k Hunter. 91' Miller, car.,g(AtIors Act§ 60 IRIELEB "kith Taylor on thio hiiin stekd- Y Due ­ PD 'n MIST P.SHJ6 III n, car eae to,-X'Utiala. , __1 X nd,th credit a . .... f Th't), 0 tApg *n candid t, t t e recent otibrii, W star 0 itself has tit I f io a -Lq 61 bib, tb6 iuen�e as op. or, k EMV :,o on" -ca s hold on, Wed4ca Vin b A ral ir -Alberta od it a'ne of Vi -Sed As Wd, are aviogj t 0 ter lo:scghlot, dhiii,e foe sof� ic6 flibn to titortiAt Cui 10*1 us nW 4: palls �Pn'd 1. Wib al'W&yd �alrry a it i black, 6 Aitta j enburying gro oaWere :61d ftilelid§ I kinag done ii Lee '4 W o61 Wobllen Milli; t, nt6 iteptilri no ad� a�bici- §udeto it, �Iake, 0, mclato'li ty, go A' 'hn �mig �rxglr� -a to fro thaOn 4116 1 91 1 11 . I it ter ve 4.1A,bb1'4 tdarn tqu ehom ai ox ra., ism. f/Vo §b 0 all 061 p y to 66 gti iox par told At Ap L sAN aAs" Mo 5 nice M14D., I It t,To