Lucknow Sentinel, 1905-03-02, Page 6"""7 MINNOW #N!Ooqo�o low I'd ON 1 411 AU lialb* Machine V.A iQ.Jr 4M ''I AXPLA" 040V ISSUE' OW liome-wade. PrQ044, *"04 tl;4 itll Pft.y#, -1131 .0 oon rol,�)-iftigh 1111,� V*0 oniolv4d -.57, MonlQ 5: . .... . 8.11, All 9P twm, srruj, Mrs, winal9w,aliloolldr., ter$ tbi� -igill eczem. 1r, .0 lag. .4, FA an -0 X a' M if,. oarse- �h 4. be, umd � 1; where WkLgl jpV# q4 "Vonalde S like jnlj��Vr� pda 14�wloo. rep4tAtlop, 9Lf DthP, the Chlldp� 0.01 a ith ' I 011petAor ta any, copy'�, rod,11 or "'hid il Q "at' Engl�%%, j9 1p, rempriegble, �4ow q1Qth0!5#.,tATu*e 001164 34-the"t or. Xe� IS: linpMV "1 1,10", U., builiolly ft -as to Its. - Internal 0 UeA�'�� 44, Oisciandly, ho -1.4 __rx .4 - 'Lct;thfi�, erls prpper� wqr#,InP.!'StapdIZ6 in the Very #part of z4a, 04"kilaffiri oL bed.. F110041 'OSAUM . I largest, city, In 10.9w arid markeP 1"s; h 4, Waxed, with, dim 0 emist byina_ #Z.�., at th'o ;:gro4t- histropoi*-�".6vep. -the busy f4on A ba KY of: t INTO* V.) Wh4t, Y'Ague4t V-04stble,kapBriedge,of wAat goes, Oa ON IN�.XEIPIX Wt. 'J�oigdo T40, Ou ,r I I f "�: . m4i to and A Xg, 'truth". its 1",qtlopa Are for free�lrfxl�of Our- .11119vw"' e w 0 *bAlag go. A44 Jahed acti'd Vq,past fif month$ 0 - # If SEND, imttft oblk o,.00 can tell yq'u; LADIES. scop-Mori:h4s JU o'lVoli,ingrerattentipti,a RAW Its the !or No MOZY, Its 43taft �sq iap famlig rsfn0j,,i rell I ,,Jo ferdl*lr t6 pr,;m§4q,,a40 be Ail- if jul6k 'and' 2106. tlea . t, It so TV; tb�at,zaaay oveii-of th 4po. Paria Ch Cal, ropit Will, 04kft exi"Pon Of 41va.- :f d 6 0*01e, i Wt i 10, 11�4 KIP 11Y4 -spent; W. 70_4� t4*tj' bjbyObd ham, 'piu T, Wotyu), - L KH, VV'EE. TO om wOMAN t Wmpil c Ioeats., they kgdjo, btA� ptt af X� A-,V0Ur..b10C411' A; write; for our � Pli,0121P. AY168 and, samples' e.: o IMPOY.4sw 4f; The, Bank at -A%nd., -6piglu of. pui� J4.U.19, flt, 400,r :In' cloth- Bilk' Bad t a �1 Xe Scotch it, suit PArfr Well Eno'4914 b" the Or"Oext 0'0" doef'o'r 'fel 'WhE4t brain of - Wilu .aPrf;5 &no *&late. ,4. LYA, be, "g, w9 t4i '14 .(oo luotror'slao raincoats,, . .. . .... � OLia CO. qu.. 'a UpSt tafap,� FWT., the Oeftx*a b �03r,-FQRUO 44 004 or- RIV0. Will YdU 9, � orgpinizer , A , Bar 31' Write , mar better kuowp, perbippi,np, Ali or, 13out1loo-, P, Ive, the JlI44t*CXArIA*Az p.4 yolli-Irteed to. fertilize it. CO., Dep :4.4�01110011.,Ou_ but-. for, the; rial joy Vater. 0 e ovolat. years, on gnet4,are beepip more artop UAB been thole, 4 mor# c6mmoli for 4ftin "purposes, Tor *.a that �,Veir. This ell date, of 1011i - ig, a *44� Want to okato" 4 �Sk er .,QT a ,u bi fly '&re loclemg in it,, It W Aybe twtluie renewed, th . I t Ade t the, work form years In taken place. the tun trade. 34. of:,,w4 "The brigWal. capital at thff,-� ban]; -Wflis but, Ilinw.w0te't- to 'got, all -the n"d glad arik, in -9,do grc4ei�'. livju Afl.:, �4?11ilol­ out lk= wOaiddit P" �` 9 99' neeomplisheil f$6.000,000, Bad meauS. Olt P, chain and' FUR MAIM, C1 room, n�, carried, q its buffjq$*� in a 14 ber? Why'" C 0 t la Y, Pot.; He'd get hook. -when, go iron. plates has to rt'l I Mercor's; 1411, *Itlj� a :staff., t the, imerclit 1 1040,000 w6 Uttir OdNellp, in. the f, i-th of, Fine rurs, clearing at mTop§1011 ID en pure, euougV.._ �hlcb� IS ano; fat', iA lift y4fbur, of be, -handled th rvice 50 Small a'beginning, Q as tbitirg bid'it bs"wauted. ability Of" the eleco, "A 0,pinm­a I Ine Motbool'is oblaver Ckin 310 ,40, )nqutb 1, Apre, JiIA' hao, grown t_he pte@qfflt� gigautlo� bataplish, tr0- a&A. w6st.:flrlces '167 Canada. V,, , " -'their 'A �64trc,­the -Yiearftin P _RAW,� rU as- d -fb bjmj--: he'd 7,start. off; Ahrqugh Zuz q --joljudry-4 he i; -con 'the binlEIR 4 e ex As, the, ay _ 1p, opq -love- gO on is _presses up and down li I ading-roads; main --pa the, ordinary btislaqss' of - bankers. Hore atilt a je'.6 bat n"got" 1,6� eMouth -r�py ifvfip�o he!d jig qr0,,to,.Iodk:'at,- and, rie is" �n6 fa� f4tAr.'.t,h is, er banks of 4 W A. l64 ' ftls,, Thb keep. them -!,reserve; afiff, hence, Un re Used." ag; Ali English ;.all, Caw 000 P-0 t ve Iive one. you, It's: JU it' de� un uPPIJ08 Off they require them.' ne PArtale4t, Is Intr istec; with tile lime pefos� A 09,the'noids, of-tho bank. whielt ist -1 ',, �ao e vAt isfaetion,; thdr., a e 4 a V Ocurrent, ;it a Ve t h oat lt liequtiful. 6yes witu zu 9, IN a, Zort a o, W19wo; he ban E as a io Arsenal the 04 e� noancernent hat Mr., :0. Ajd�r Haggard r fro It. Vve ikh-4 latod Iq government to, e. a I ant of 4UqIUI;,,3 �Outjr Inspires.' ditor Of Al t has, befen.'nonaiiiiated, by the jSecretary Of. %to 0. and, t tafind r a no,. amount an salgw: sigb Of- tti,, seeo d You /fAll (10' Its t9.Vd1-_'muSt, wipit"add: twist fz� all Relent seburit 6. is ilo 0 -t United S of o in ountry use e a o a y, eta therajurc.)jea*.'; and,you is . at S, on a In Qfkv eights� transporting them,' 'upon the conditions end in I ' "The"e'c' S 1�Muls 9ve. .,, 1 1. ­ 11 1. Ol pservo c Arelct e m4Y JOPILTrOM-4 ..up U1113 in One lilkee and' set t a .1 e t as 'Ir I fro due point to 'another a e res 5 A 'eve tgr*. Xapeta.o -to UMe a ens, tife - moutla, is ?e earth with% 49 leys In. another, of". &V. _ I r'L� " a by airric.ulturg tap , viewn ipps t 0 al n t I -and Influstrial'land settle- Intd. Val reff �$Q It TAryffig all the -. tlme� Mighty el t.'i,, �6 ieuta� foiraid. there, the oai�fitlofa r f e Vhe�.mouth InterorOts both -mind., �Mdsant beeiies You view: froill poiM �66jzalls, Boak-,�df Engia4,:uoteq ari-printed-, In fi�ol -foi:- the, reception '-Of Immigr n01 e ower -a the usual- si-Zes.., Army ant inthe bank itself, Six printing pressed. re. t lited ear 'the Ufli fro v! es of 0 -tipper'. lip its silela evori i sumiaer,�:.orj for that. atterr_'Ms.. you, Walk. nistautoporation Ill' fine. priiatoo L, go say4.� in, ni, the grehit at h in yn nO. an4 st�engthea a same mach que fti4sh , ature, Mjq;r4 s Libiment 111H. States. Mr. Rider Ho;gga:r.d has for isev-* el, lif. Its Ica metf- t is towpath; you get these� all, in, it new, lug,. first, the parpcolarp�-or value, sign areil NO& !traIigq;. snow covertil,beauty,. Skating. oii etc�, and than the, number,of page. Its lower, lip,'bas. x story to fell, the: calial whenAt has been iturned into,' a the bpdy,.�when aaa, the note' in a his energies in-a'Moof- qeqW, "IcOnfifecutive *order. The paper Used. Is of etib-delibate'eurves ifil,rotppfise,�a calk as broad,'wififling y public spirited manubr.t�.'exbau, Is 11(bopt fee � ju� inter,- bin.' tough Boxei p ion, Peculiar: texture, being at once t From ituaiii. oec,iVe as do its; ed 'our ves - In Ave 1341�yoix qu far glng� scpnes, along.. the aualities, : togoth Russo-Japanese goods fire beib -thb linbacd, rlvbt Ybu ! h In and -'erisR, apd the :combluation,'ot these ifles into, the conditioji skate the e,�er , eban er ith. the tecullaritlei of g� �showa it, this o( *ntry, b1a: oompetende,f6r the the,iotrAuge and' In- e; alwafi3 the water-niark -Wh h, is d stributed over ,:`1AUghter. iihoreston, eithbr � side, W always the may a . ',,-and bealitiful in p'i'dusioin and fin.d iefifli intrusted'to' him' is above quie"stion,, tnA how specific instrilietions: err N W the whole surface 69,11be papeO� far oil little uQvolti sale., Diiinty. taik . I I L 'I " aTe-the specialty' of'the, - thinM eye falls upon w -he is,'sincerely to be congiatulated 7he lbes at d that,,tbe atable �and'alv�ay :b guarantees I'' it Way 14, Y, AL �Vyitlolt Q ban . yo pal s en jal th prine pal t an"WOU A- Is "Manufat to9W 6f.# new,, reaches,,,; f 0, paper, which, is aIn the river's lew %4� the, a 3igned for in V rotinif.,tuo bead.and opens' up 'cIevqrJapz­but'fromRussja soinebokes on this Volt Merited. bificial recognitiour and everywhere, the JY: at quo. particular. mill, is li .111g; r0m bo(ly J� wa 'ti 'Y lhAY's'bOudOir. -of hiar patriotic and idisintii. sted dim 11glit,rst light r- bezo'04 111109, - allowing Just onough or� .1. , I I... ­ I � 04ed4fix t I fill; -hey tatm. . . . . �prlatjaff of �two notoa Sloe T no.. 0 �Dsr hly-iacqfierdd� -throughtfut.", nitinyth *NMM The fs I 6r -.a to - e -exchanged or poin, . H A good 4qal better thfan:,no forv� the, (?r W%b It.findaL 159me are fitted, with rays, having COM.7 ad Vw,once Ito.4way back td the.'bank 8, d real iby "of liating:' ekd)� Dis�ifcbta g �grT of W is -Animedfataly afrif tnts --Ileattiwiel of. 8 :canceled. Bad, the, reader will probably be. jdwehr��, SoapPow er is t- heart�aiad-a tendency towa p 14 powder, cu�193 'lips, average- --w a girl� Owill, sendviiii a jealig DAVA, to others are te thatioth nt. W I bile sifited td, the storing of' t is bot 'a diietu a a a,v co : at it bank notej or the time'lluilng;wlitch it, -Slbv�ii andiffiA of each a" w,t wear, On the lid y.i^Wbela "the, lower, pe' B 71 -to in actaill"circulatfou, is not more than V that is painted: a- small aqim6 cha, rs�eteristid moujiks in'the M. cinj, � b6yOnd the ��pl of ri0faS 74 ralt days. The returuldil notes are' .,Womefitha Worst,Qamblers. �,_ 4-.� � , X 6 jor'bae,"its. a or Charpiatitler, of rK ch, 'brought, Into - what In" known -its he ntm: o� - Russig"ibe -Joire-mal Of .0 t accou with'thd mu 'Work a -A V6 gorting, office.., Here, they -a wood- G "iblibg at" bridge by warnft­- goes is! 01fit &nver An _rg examik -and-, PeAbant ciatters fit: discussed -Ined' y-�4nsp6ctotSI­who --- reject -any --w..... "en h --you- e,; Vas ew d. by thitt,.this,forna of,.en6rgy of eye bp and lco� and., the Russian a] -1101DUe ur,,� sa ary at,;Neiv�' -may. i4oun counterfeit., In such' a, a ow,, at or the-, 'gionyoubu.' ease the paying4h bank is debited,*ft 'the dior' in' sj�rijjghtiy a0itudesI IIEE; otels.": Dinners latirried. no the- humin-1iddk aiii#'in piltrtioul vatio, oider tha.t �the.pnrty may t 9. through, in h oMeB the;.itnuounoeme ------ wife. 1VIiat6mer 6tber The note ope, in"from v'arlous'llanks-In 'so6uer eiagag� in ganibilng; and ibime'of nel c M nard's Lldfinafat�Cuiesf Bardsi parcels, ie a, parcel. conttiluing, a tion'6 dismy'erg 8goTT y of a w;a yet somfewhat'surik' a memo fire moted t'as', the sharipeqt'. Mi B. InAiden fiiir may' have at, jorin of iadi Bra -randutaj,',stAting -the aumber,.and. Oniount the, women soulful ey a ar e !I aln. ligogurd :,�all: these inViting stud4jut-gt744 -of-th . e�noteg-contained-in-it,,�-t-h&,m��nidmn- -4nd-moat-gra!0i -bf-gamb ing Made -fashio r e note in I ed -to on stiatedthAt �thieb =" I . . d beside her in' of act- o �t -rather .-enoul -serious at' Ut. t owarmer night, InjeCtingL the,. Mmicebl ea' ]-a d 4) f , *6 ridiatton.,in h 5 by -tbm this" concentrate,, o , att6 t- �Uffer - in, cert "d'$1.00.. 50e. att to, li IQU AR w6men'L;Who 'tire' el it e .1 ilys, and '64'/ to of, flefel a6- memorandum. Uqhia fuel is -%now lar"gel ',usod by: grikli, the . moralist as,, sp A ad, themlqe na e or., t'ty,�girIj.whq-Hk08 to�'bfi sp almer to e.'sorted, according ttiji Dutch to fear tho'cons ifences. to I there his' conAt 'have stealdiers,of, the X o�., tb"'li Veiauti -D=L. to no ifter, being defaced ouinklykO time when b. vo 6 M1 �ba&.� better �!kee by"pungning�,ou haietters indicating value you ob t� _. been ser eab ,, j!Ay A. DANCING bas noverbeen -utm,"y t akeftaurt Maplachappij, '(Ro p,Ju mind that your lips f a oi;g,-,wQmej2, a I f all-. ey', 'give you i& of baiiuk�.-4ua,.'Aji4�0 rtnersor a mg- t +1 W*�ea the diffrimt and tearitig.off-lbe corindr.bWatiXig the sig- Compan), gly b1ing of. a floure�4�eut. screen. a yal Packet 6f-,,gb..m late f �Pi 0 an rwonty-four nature, 'are 0assed-to,the biluk notd,library, a hi 1. of' P# able PO.CIP Y - as wider, thk is.,now, lands, of, t i Iadiizu.Archtw: On 11116, and 41S."n U able o suppose where thep, are - plficked, In boxes find preserv- Is awayll� 61.ory''iti a. Netherlands. -,.it� is oil lit Hour, walft pelagb,01. says the Tjnitd&,$tite9,.:je6nsUI, 'it wi I �;Yott Ara not really ly, in Such ". vannots that ed for: possible. futuro -reference during a ch Java be-'yOur by the 6k-p6riftheriter thaj "It �ia residue-Srom, to tfiat It: incre*46. 'Luxiii palls find. e �ubj at Bavaria, Uty of � Youth Helps, a youl* London danclog- lectal hive tee;velfinihatod.�, Mir varietiefi. of Stimulation #p sough-tv and,&Zlth �iudl'the, gbdd,ab The method -Ma the. petroleuria.'eanipany0a; ells .-in Bar- The :devil'fifids mi . so I hie that, ster,,'h;�. sloqpteoY the -challenge of f t� I is to attach heo.- -The. total c6fisumption of this' Ii ��s ii Gj for- idl 'rmyozil �,Au S� I I t Liverpool professor,.6f dfinoiag�" .hands to do..' t gereou'-ta. :416t.so swoc'i a the patient's'lipAd�Ad ',n, qui uel by J�Minite � it , 'Vance -to a fini'sh.11 the�.. Royal� Vjcke't,:Coiw%' r YOUR A tiintly'by, mcttug�,bf� a,'-Vadiographio. tube. Was lj7001 �A'Fiefichmz pany's, steamers axis and' IS - or oel� It at present which is enclos6ol-ima wood6n; 6VU tons, Of 1902� and .1003', r-espeq'Uv'e'Iy',, ZW�,Z;or 1abitu ctw box. Wh er PAC. 804iget"C', k; ;record,. linving don0unced. t on world's dau6iji' 1mr, mum te -with - -10: Del RfK . ft �. y gb- Any _qvr, a a to o4 vary* c .Vhe comp ha6 6oh- tjve__, /Affe q 911905' 9Q jthL d Aciuini4s"r hope to estAblisla an with the Asiatic -Petrp in le na, Co'� w _. the 1psychiqah activity. b -HOW CAltite Rkha�rd, J. P-',,� Nal Unglish, record 1, dancing twide�4r _4 11 bit,'' ajr. is.' If Oland do a, expression of yoUr ulbuth The source of tho� radiation has, appr.: S pfiuy�Ao the- extent of _'32',000 tons e a. w, a . ypi YOU t1he':cIaeki - : ' ' year. , The- fainted, at a zedribir it.haob6621ound After-UsiniD ddls,Kid" - a cntl.14eit 0 ney. c x6rt F.'Huradall, the'*ell-kno*ft woni'linly,lthe: $aoit will. be'wriftertAb bu . 1. . : about, V,.�o hatha it ing 1nstrwtor,,'ha§ all�:fhe air 6r,eVeky man W 6,lookEiLat) rahg6aaeutd at uppe . r suc price 'OU to- See. P-OWerful effect. -:From',tlie'.16irehead and in, hand frAhe extrordin 4.50 per ton,..but undetatopd lab LU And, then like, Womanly girls� 'least dubl. ary art 6f,,Ilrocals is'paid. 'hy the Royal, PaekA, T -raetx t9r: a t CoWfarky when"cout 0.- bfnitt6d, but'.appakently, the lWake" the.14�Idneys8train ng centre'no, rays art ..,The t ­d'd the Liverpool, ose men do. io are' wz�r on. es jjLVV4,, rL are a. will They* kraphic a -on Mar& t- he ex 'sev a challenger nedep a he conditions, At the. Present time. there Cures, 'Consubip, KiMUM behind the 94ii. "'Pat phoro' Te attract -begin at noon plailadd 91(iod all the Seedb or the Disw eifiten df the company!j , Steamers. leave it too lot ed y om( ba6r. k.- , Ttr -it -n; vations reliheinents and. a entative. yesterdo. oDA4 'Theit Tfriofulb'6 6 eg. usi 'I- are'cssen,�al, to ?se precautiom ug: iquid fuel, and, it is - found Inubht money back -if t - does e re.. tuie *ili be Sixty. note form length Owe 6 tilne-throughout cmcrittepni. Your mouth be,' explosure',, iviinesi Abadie K an coo .-better for - b9nefit you. a, eat Co., N. B., -Feb. 20.' :tfi- bollerg,:eldaner in,,eid a -minu e, and� the waltz i0ill, be ry. Ny 'T Co. SDI -as ',of of develo aufferin An �Prlc(is: S. ent �et.ei. the:44tice seleoi ed titdrg will ork t be !3out ya4rs,frofaa Kidney re: required -tO w fur-, Toronto. Q&: qua, I ; Trouble,.Cilixie Aicli-, 25c. 50c. $1, W. Aanc0f in an �ihnar N t an ati6far is- largeij jjf � Me 'thif d fsei n" ' ' I _�e E; bX 9 fo Y lev t. Men a ''Tag In., e, OM uaces.' -reserve f6rce,z of � se -con t ira, the: Justice af he' Plaiie a, sugges ion, of, Sam e# engi- ething. desir that ti ina'Aananweguliles -in the u er:Ing'to &.',,.matter of if 'iig oy, atid 4ha"M ittle".Xptlife' The Credit is due'the itiperinienid ehere, is fully.'rocioverbd,�tdd, he say's A dutomatid piano inVentiug4 system of, injectin pany., ford.. Lot I d, Cuizon. 4L A haud.' Whenever the' hand 49topi---an A the Royal PackiaC 4�blff' one (if Dcidd's Kidney Plllii;-cured hillas a Ingr be :, t I g�thb liquid. 'j- 'a h X-jffigt-been re p'. sweet "I' -had Kid- 7�9111 Vh it p f'Yefs,7 said -fuel into th V Un �tween a -big Str.4 d' ny TkeaW oier trty 'yj with-t1i e 4urnaces, of- the'steanj b6ii, p oxint e'd viceroy of India, is, 47 -years, old.-` y..,boy an big tnothei.� "Mna nbon on the 6th to 1hi, hour,, -on e; oug 'p, 7t when lj� h. 'r 1. . The.'fuel- is'.. 6r lit deF:,4,Pres4 T 'ago he Did'y"ou:ever nOtice.it?!Se6 Nnish� thie Feault'ithat I was. a. worn-out man at wen y years sistant,pil- the dancers. � I 'sure of. from 11'. to . wen y pounds' to* to tel R '.'C,- C.4 RICHARDS &-Co.,-' pride, thef-littlb SeVenty-two.- ataiate it va egara c6iapdtitais twill be on -the mo 4'. t kin � the 'seorcitArj ito - the lite Lord 9 ' fault - inch, anaayap6irnieil �Itiiout leIt I e follawiiig, yeat 'he entered if� �daughtqr,, 13, yeara lader �Ls ppV( rovidAd. and 0) ateaut This.* 'apparatus. 'works er bo 'A' mitly. she feelA 4s%safo. Of rUdy. ld's'kicrnify rills; and' the result is , U . h Wtners Will be, p' citt he wer 't d drink, that the phiii is'gone fleom-my"baoIcTuft - �TBX)iarii 11a -ConservA6-.mem r' old$ was thrown from a sildigh.'. e gian o will id taken, lwhil'6�,daiid. er eitt s- and'in- v satis 6 iI , . is acto ly, h6ti -noise an 'Ipt6d..-her 'elboi'96. badly. it'.remined in �,t out -the loss.�of fresh w e� t�6 . - k , , . . *yp hdro.,. am war again. 'Southport and continued Until. 1898i, ater 'Foi- ing arious dy'Pills Ma4d t e old -feel liquid-, 'fuel es thbugli Helps will traini: or ministerial. 'offtq6s. ''Ififl' And' ee d f the dance Doddls'Kidu b tidl�ily� th� wais 'I je tk iniO hold tle f Ing. �Lwkwaid]Y S: �Ch ike. the kidneys ifitervals,of a Strenuous , the 0 -the furnibeg b' MeRns' Of A a e in Ljet,, d jkjL " , . . a ar -t. he,'eAre'S"Seia -her. 'a da'116' r' a a ho d s6,un idne] in ing very h ' se, -.a t' Y. lite he travelled extensivel �.jjj op.. plet cured her; and a e, 4,0, m - nine n ..'Shlseeing to's of -the bloodit- of the iseases I ahnoying'." d6r Ao iialibicall kn ed, for tw;yeara�. -MY joy, e tf ubl ItII611 . r a acquire goo th.. -passengers and may be my pro ector. find, ouppdrt be:ind, e slow-, I Irand,to -solve political, problems, His tra- y ruly, - , - t, U i in to whieh a. �q are 'SUbjerA, such. as and using the oss! ours t e 1, 4, . . much froth'wa4 dan hours ether. 11ficleach e atism, Urinalry and voig, efilb UE. r., n xP 6SS. t4ir M the form, of 'a am. -� A suitibi; raced Persia- India, f , ' 4 '1 : " I . darling little urnace. arranj e6fi, proper LI-VE86 Blfiddii r ubles etc Asia, Bokhara is' is my. i varnarkand,- C emplat , a jit anada,, -.�t. Joibph. P., 0,. l8t Au,cr­'1900- mothen I na ­ 't IC going Firemen -and Whi'skey,,. I apan, as tinir lind o, great t find perfect bii, ing of the. f4el,. 96 thdt 11 1 1, hi b-ina' Corea J' her *hen � 1, get; tb-,;be� a­�maia.­.Vhee boys th '-fU .1� 169§ lie waar elevated t h teAse Me r for kissing her:, and 'real Ladies '�s,,Pallbearors.' *�efy little - sm6ke est - Ila istail �n �pes,frona e i ina. -half- nel�. steam'is kept, regularly,, t the same peerage, and 'in the folio vi g. fire i- iiihts :ago "a via. Fiant DSl-01sj**ho died reodutly a Year was ly I'd. rather the��, -didn't ee me d frozen roll'orter asked battalion'chlof jecroy -of- India;--aild offid-K, p essure firing. the the appoin, ed tpr than she, upi, FOR VER kii*Y. but'I IoVe lf-i4ii,lieapi bet 0� 1 o ik&'a drink to al�m hitfi al ViddriA, Aoipk�aj- -after it very, brief boil' is,lcopt at a er tirliforin,tempeiatuei to le i lie had fisj)irgoi- ev 11thq6s; frqnfi, puetilmortia,. was a charter 'thus' will' have -,some *hiSkey; f6plied pirevehting� mucl A Groat' Mevival in the' 'Ahip`meutqj ys."pr6mpt 1 0 e -and� other dAynag6. -Liquid, fuel, was -mber of., Victoria 'Lodge lVo 6l.broulile from le�k- scliboldO§, Df He is', aiv h obedience. to' the fikemano "bui 1 wonot drink it I" Im. I I - y 2, LoYal -ig range eneyo. n, Company 'rd!s U abor­�avi ng Device I a, '7her,-counuands �buf 6h6,doei;n't Vorry,, to -The reporter led the wi t1i; lclat� Ass6ci�tio ajol she first ua�dliy ii and ordered %i the Christian- in � 18,68, :and, a room of a, salcio the oyaPifcket i6a aitn6niJor 991d everywhero for't3be knows. thai"sh4 only has. t kalroso ,member ' 6f'.' 6 it -has -;been found satis- 'Far several obvious rehsons�, whiiih- o ile an -attempt t e Churchi where - a e' r v'rice s were 'factory, 911 new'6hips iiuil� 1 Lavil been W�e Iffili that' -I t ti The fireman, ever, ma I ale is rus 1 0 n the-geth-- - cited 'from � ti ng bim, and iaikin or re ta th* 'f Am---- a instalii�g, - me . to 'time iaiso his glass. t6 hi Ij x4ticted: by, the liasrtoi,� Rev. Ms�e. eirlindef, have bo0aLfurhislifed ,�Ith -wishes will-, be'tomPed- itm 'h" ,e ekpo'i S:O fier� "I'll hold, My b6at',collar b kenzie. At -grave�..fih,0!1, li 'and 'man crican ack. anilyou' amiliar ptaeti&' f Y nece. me dols, whiela pour that, down hif, -back of, my noilk,!t a "bfitkor'� in, frot, bf q 4toy-o t6,jjl�ite'! d macji' lenChlad contldei4fe-, "he of the Orange Order were. i6ad by; 'the of, the old-i'l6aft'llave Machini Ply, �an pfiti ices lers for tht of the tud, pmon an the. 8firy change Made, here.' It is of -by. h, reached. their' highest dejreI6 ' , i6dei-v d 'strong-.' t '11 he said. 1899-1900i declined in Iq Stich a boy *111 fieve soaks ito, annels and the, parofiage e r break his does - m, go 0 The!F oof�t, passers as all but -eu, cs" vo unte. he ' li - " ' 1, 0 pu tily it question' f time ho t, 'tfiirA, of their `gI t 't I lea e more g- d a I was, t I 1 6 Th 0.4 to about 0 of VIA rii Lodge.* iallbbaicts,*ere th6iberls it. Sh6 �gecins to f eel sure -it in- my'stdrdach, rid. its' a, heap sight, pa ion.,& of �this fallin.� 'a Avere mail! sue a,'boy can liav�e kpcll SWO ofidon-F 6d, by - the auof this. - Only company j1e,has.,bec0 spplautcu The general �i advertisement, -which., ad�' dnd.gig' toPress, three: ostratioli 'of , n1aii it iothtir. Only,juch a: iiadfber�cafi have if Pt ufactViling,in dui tries' ili,, German Oh 'this isn aL new wri ikle"? Said' drosses; . every one M10 tpofi, whoe. cars his' solicitation y at that stich'a, son.. the". !,to chief. s6liae'll 3m6n �,ur a C loveit Neurilglit., erman Mae line re t '6k of ., their neck' nd domyriands.'a. niore:'aftelit Iitne; he faa Jh_ take of r my hot', I �pec love Similes fi'Rh e' it G whiskey dpivo' the ba shopt equipped with Aincrican infichillir- r PSI citb6"bgpe 0 'atid"some " it it ia-th4ir �'rubber boots. Cemeteries as Death T A (Philad a Iftefird fore al'o, loft to o�tiplicate r -of f, tlie pf, 6S�t,, ria tons.. Both -.,VnYS ar�'gagd, 'hut I' like mine. on As Wet aw a jis a few '%arkers" -a ling XbwS. , r , I , ; . h -as dry, - B4' oi- )ll' ' ' ! �* iiivoh � mitchined -Di l I . : : (St. bone, list - therce are a- few pe� nd.many-�other articles, , I . . I As live as 4'b1rdL4§ fl�alid ad a b smy back. t emdn otonk at lesg`thau 'the cost -Of 64 inipoifod grant dbdl W unfle''cesfiry "suffering 16 As plfimp,di svartrldgd-�'-as poor as it iat. p, onin"aft, �01 i )g:. 'n old-Aribic of' fit" k6- loriginals, and-thaf,many Ameficij Man- ien they gei�ycry cold. Of course,' fill -white as- a lfly�as black ah tbad of 16tting it ilra interW P tt, Charity 61ht Usual U oI c AS ins U IRZ don't ta'ke their:wbisk-ey 'this in a .1 idnch Inc. a catifind aducting AS plain,as a pilt6staff-as rough t 1 11 , � C; I I . 1, - .(Cie funerals, the itk, :But: where the i- �vfacturcrs lia(l ettabliAlled,b flieni6n lrei ll,�`m#thod,of-co a coal. vehuid load6r.) way,, , -it. would, be a good. -thing f Duk.ing literise ddid,,th'at, fro-, As tight as wdrura-ag free as, otiog' in orinany, tl f they ealk, nlost, in venethere is genera ic., products f' Ad heavy as 16ad-Lits,11glit as a fdatheis :which oin po t cd direedy'with the output VI�To tittently,.-pievaills 3h our�wlateps. thi. mouth. Aeghih1,ii;. iir'�coilej��'expqj,96 idi rotio. World. AS 6teAd? as tlme�uhcortaln as w little , biting -611 lof tbe: , parent 'mania fa' clners, the, offidiating clergyman , and, - the As hot as an Oven -as 8old 69 ing. pipblit; adedunt ift. not -1 -6�00 . I ile 'port of tic atorigs in th 6 % ' .1 ' I Mezidh� Of the family are -dompelled 'ta itand 'As gay as a laric-g3 ibitaisil -item Ch t is thatt. YvoriY' That,' Brinb' Doitth.,' Sometimes bareheaded bikpos6d to 'the'llitter As sto, Jnited States� alifty, W a w- oag a tortolse�afj.swlft the W1111, qir, - 1, couldn't to cold di;id bitigg WithA1113ir 4viffillty As, a, 'as the, lgoepel�_.as false, as ankind Morde di Ititot pfirtioujars 0 1 ', already l6wdked �'by, grficf�, the, relatives Of Ad, n as IC is' how parent that the peri'�d n "that' p Int You know�-' tul a hirring-lis: fat ag a lowest diiiiiession is definitel. 'pa4 nd thdt, Is— A evo ed to itigg : k It SUT)p - ditten to"e e this 6xposure th flopun, AS. a 6.ud as it k' '' ose soeof, berapoutica, telepathy and; kindred: in fidur Wt a, grjg� ti.lo News,) qanceg w ere 41VAge as tiger"s Mild- 0 a 0�96 in. pen especially, are in no cork- AS , pr _v . t., b "charify cqver�r ns that hotisund&. 61 1 dove. export ofAmetimn ;�ac a� multi tk., ,PbyikI4fis sitv that lbuch iickness and As Stiff as a pokof`-as�llrnp ad ff� glov TheY. hanged an ex.MaYdr�lfi ot otlf6r, ny."is, inoreas WiveA to, 61 Ald I , This -golvd8 th iy to.'Gerni peop e� ac tbtWfundrale dV. if! d(je tually �'think them oinetimee'death'havd rdsixlt&d f blind As i bAt�ffs'deaf as,n p N�hfit, $hall 0,porplexin 4fiel;. eojiducW in the allad air tioyl: - (10 9664 thinto in cc' deatb.'It i's not thinkin in Wthtor.: `A� coal its, a cdufnbor­�as *arm its We with. ou'0.11'to' tile genef-ii). iedo 0 your in b n e. , 't. ; 1. gi to- think 'would V be to f6rtifj the min" against fflorhi& --------- ;ndii9rq1' 4"t' V in lliS f as -1 'no a.0will,,but i,tla bqttw_,r. to To reasons ire a�cribod ra. 'Make, it fiai. ity. Thet othat, nroadonalild' a g an Unreagonji, � 4 u- orry, *6fJ8 inct -petnici a fniiaot-An'd h Irm Kpf6�al students of 'psychology.,, MCA but theto is n �ttraction 6,fioftle fflifids'' di i6yi ifi, lr�orbid if�lolanclioly an isposit, N.D'U�, RATE tollbk'�,t�siiy on Viltork PIRE'.. W of editors:, 011(thpdr th,111 There In "adthlb 1A, th6! vol'y Qdsily, -quality., of ', , I � n d 6talup 'for she se� 1 Would like to w do pporthireditok b Raw be 91ts tnto till' t 0 1 NPVU khts and haff -find the, dthe 6d1tOrF 6. 11611. 'but dear. ntp Y Vt 96.thAy. of thdy g6,, otime, V a tdft6f but k6t',IfckPd higaelf ana,tame, :66 bottam-Ole'a6 PAII Md tub. 6, lrhb boda editor Is' the ljoh� job for. nitihnYI k6of o2id.wiro. 15" that gObvi. Callers 15 pretty, hard to J1cK they' don't '01t4lak6d rbitielf., ()he,% rilY Pa tried t6 lJok "Wilo With a 46. oil bli& -ifid iia sold It e oft, yu t1to trving tO 'talk away th6 ffe6­ -lot k6boeh Awn of tlitf Pr"s. pa a ad Y th bank � b V g YDad h fll