Lucknow Sentinel, 1905-02-16, Page 7t bor of Wi Cp�by; a. niwi�-b 441p et, pift 9. �A la.4. sworep, that Q 0 the, night QVIAA110, 14W ilftboughtpf the out e prisqmrs- C#MP ('30, tbe 'thro A Ji MOK 'The'Outco'Me -of Using -an-pow ivexor tboy ta, neava, to his hot%�o itiga gitzop, or and- tblo, 14,4",*b il� �ihjitiga- (if, thol ey, pla), Q� 'I th won.t. ANVILYi. towarlil ;4ttIo­14t_ -driving betook ein.,, -.9, Ila !ANA I provid9z 'of, Up, "Ciampiiny tqx�-�Oblqh be �V, ILP ;ed;ll' 444 4 nd. cleo ilight, 'Ile, Siw tb ,11 th4t could be., foull t. b f Past .lie hQ4 they -or 1 44 so' TIr W Tk X flat cako� likoit, largo. ers. iffidd '964 '140 Illie i 'Ile twont. %rloy! was, 'their, Poorest foo" - lit" no the: outter,�.l th, tile 'xlllbe� Vero Meg sm r1p4 or, p1qkIedtI Apd, a '-piv -cattle, are fl On 4- L n a John 6: I -IJ., or'a �Qol- fe relilt ooXh. were.. eAte W with brog4 like Our .#*r, 1 , -C ttorney Wein*4 *40w, Nilhorl ro , ,, L4 :?% � to .9%0 TgfFl*eFat9r bee4, fttroIl 4rle figiiin JopoSr� ;IR 14 dipf%, lit William Y04,0g, foreman,"of Evan�.' ji�o N. 11T. T Ititudis 'fed, vi,.,: the �to, :8%6 wp'er� sheep, he mi; 10, JR, 110; livery, into' tho, Y909,, had jlce''44rilag, big a," -O, poupd.� - $J�ko the M oit-1,11n orderly ranks, for delic9que. two hind. slioilis th# bloirse. the k6 1, - 1� , the convenient distribili egiVing in t ;44 woney, .9, - th 0i bed�iug� Of, Bethesda ,up Ministry �erj. itifusi,94 prisplier, tion oftto,,,fiD'Q(1. CEYLON Tog Jit A 424" iilbox usefl,,had- worn; thq 1. wonto GaIi Iii Mlri was A Mark, days 'the L y 13.0.,by hunoll L rpop, - 04 r night. Tito offOr , Idge _4 0C Au a g'PL . ain, to -0421 were 14 q during q , oil $bme, in u" ;L�40'1111tojy 'Turpilt" V4 "9T had o ly ex etly of gt v lippelir 04 40, 00, it tshoeds-were. �4 vqr fiftipp. .'IT o, b, ro'. as, beads ar a t v b Aeappin, devorib�pil� in Matt., titrAe1i pit,,' he 0# w prices. steady W, 29' .1 1- - wboX pgpy,ca s -of families around , -I., � Rilj ;rien,,' eat ao ueq. with, 4 4g U lv.142 iot',4r _A, i0est. qw 444. 0, PJ#Xq X9 Isaxe, you, 0 -0d, ItTx. rup- Of gpqse, ett'01 i tborhorsps stab], t jo, woMea And ghildrefi. were *Q6, to ft 444 10 bus 0 --including, " hL . i ' - . - 'gro III ' 1p�l 6 1 . , - 94 e ;it .1!4 Many m"Coo" ItTrAn L ' �3 in Oe ho .0, U, the Mount,' the. eat) r- th�tlgh. tho Men, alone, were 41a Iitt 6010 ulgekaas#�4 sel"oni op ppi I Ile t is -C;k bile t - mc N yith.� -the tw.elvro., q9mp4nieo,#p& inimbpred, w lll� # GIV4 tq, Sic.. .00-o' ''I . 40Q'L'btf6hqhI oelli ;kn4,'tA6 Missign of .0 bell, me*.,jLnd ==77 eveiAts,,_ao Voll,,.a Wep wero.-serypill l6s,!� --said Young -Iftba�t's quite a,* iire,'fte *�eili selling 0 - A, IL aliloan' mints ry& commoWthi4i -7 th ly, A& i6fleiijavoustpiq ir redp"�44ngp-, t This gqui G is, Ir mI�) oil noi:_ 1 - now �b' a ;46T c per, ; 4-d r re Bpsid,ji, 7gMol Case thousand t il6i'otb'er five, 6es iin another r in, the Stable a� all., tbreliI. and h6ld pggs-at W to'25c Fwa, is b - 1. 1 1'., � '. " L - 4, Aren'-(Mitt. xiv. 21)'. There. must bavb- -nOw -%Vhotber, - li,ay, in, I a r supply, ;*Ith. li4ei. Ve� didn`,t. * d. been jout. on: I le tit to '$,B, tt C fee q. loads ati, $9 to it ton � file knq. y Vope i , h- gl li�,' abil it will. not� be sc) again'' d bee"o 113and, periqns, t had. 'arra ngedi tb ea�m, tr OW the; triumfIbal elitrY, sa v WS this Ctitter lin iad at'$?. foi bIlied. . Otraw't em;jsq. t Qet,�.- Co ac-eklo, lip of anu or nQ,. .118 oad'sel�ing at ton. ering, erman t TI closed 'the. '6116 1 boy� Qvpmme#t;Lry,-Thq, �gath multi 58 ell courited.. Dr are; tude (vo. 1-4);. 1 After tlieqei; things-�-:,- 'ease.: essed hogs unchanged, with 11,41 't' k1he. fLote lbro*w Cans . oo of.. M25 heavy,,,,aad: at ;7..0Q, to, :$7.60 for he'.$ '-bilit pu myjitster, f4mi Y_ AM t -be: Ooirt` IIT connect". 'ry -ffe b' -'the: tbb.f t Of thosq beed,; newi - bus eV '.$1 ;ig like the is, 66 to, is, 'gun. a orlos� WOW. f the" twt ly, tho ;repor Clients armament Frefigh like to'Go 0 f, M a 104 -the rdport that'Iffetod Tw gild tb let6� 'satisfacii6n_* -.of the ;76uti, Do bushel . 0 d D V gn4 hundil gixdi� tha ,.be, pro:,qny o equip, tbAt,, way jn a.;, goo" -0 2 of at �tho` table werd. p4rinitteiil"tu" tst 4ct'4or il'deot' think jorlig'.M)r him. The.twe 1 -4 f- IIA ys uring, tho: eputract4forthe ,r.re iurtIe 4 y d regarding -the'rou madif. bus I b French,' empu Oats, , 42 had I*exi. n Carman..:,"fT IS .peui out.tovd'r 0alil6dImem Jesus. hi�il it: 61. t,%e'TUrkiqh*.- Artillery Tli.6se -terms th6,.Ilt� 0 W tq :411 oe ared, prison6r4l �re, Bile4wb4at, - bushel Its toxesti In" bb final ail Ing d Mel an besides the,tvomen, and eb 6n., Nvo '.d hehli* eWl preach ,ildr ta. serious., turb- iotlltivigg received,.�& reply ...... bus IXOIL d . to 0 Ilsudflejly,� like a fli5sh f rom . a, far may itti give 0 51-, Ildve,but little, but if we, infoitneiI the r6as,-busliel lip Olin' etwe ba -.,e fto icla- Feb. 6, the Ambassadqr to ED., be nows that' J. of WAS )00 to. 0 t aoua" caraoi� the I' Tesus' He will ;ul Slice I;tncbTTurk TRE T -nment, that'lle-refused timothy, -toil''.. 0, 50 tan., Turkish Govej 00, to. the Baptist 1144,r been beheaded"by tip -fold.,and' �ssit-baok tilins.` The F reiiieh. 4mviisspilor 'here, X, 1. 1 8 00 to'us; COntinim Oppogition,in,'�U. S. SenatifA, 7:00 tb' Ilia fo!�e '�t Pass- a ' i further Stia*, xie' i ly it a thousand e the ncgAiati6n, adding that the Hay-Boud Dai�.. ni1xdd,' ton M cherus � orti I., The dis' -proposes to leave Constant' to, grant u§, the privi o r in, order to eqn- loans. As a. I, to "7 06 - for Paris bushel 6. ngton, D. C., .2., bushel multitudes,.. Given thanl;O�Jesus. hus an Bank.,vrillidrew 'Its, to 5,76 Antipas, .14 a Constans, French I, market 1V robiably if ing it out, tol'the'starvfiik, siii-burdeni3d. a, close r�aty. Hploi hastened,, to -Jesus, P, nople, 'shortly a result' of this noti'r auln, As chi kens. haston. t shit Peb. l3._Th6 Ha7 M, 1, s - " thd helwk-hovers, I , . Do., No:, 3,� IA;sh I ca ion the Ottoft I 0 1. 110 Bondr TreAj fOr tfi q iuCprQvempnt ',., ;f w on should never -14A. guit'with. Foreign. n ster Ddleassc. In f, and Ii -example;, we _p)roj,ected an i rom - Capernaum, -without', fiW Od, or our -,vli!Llc the amlidss, 00" 0 sea�r 4liking G notif ied'the'Minister of -I th $cnate tp- Tifndt y, 100 to 1 ,iItt-t , wfdundr h ro'-' f., ibe 11 It - we ?inance, Resliad: 'commerein oatiesi meet rn, and as' Dis- that -the' y rOssed: 11 . age on their !retu. kina. His'bles formed the Tdrkfsh- Government 9 colusidered b 7 60, e? X!!�up rasha�, that'K - n land� Iva Claw oentertal 7,25 to 'sion. Ariiiies.; per bb X 2 cromil d 5 to 2 F1 as et'is-e OBe 0- resp�,-ap eatiow-af 'the _�-GOLVemnlentjb "-d-_ ill leaislative. lies _Cffeapo� Just how tbe.mir-� d -t an -y -f all 71. vi.* 3 'came ment 0 vances, pflle�Deu en r T urkish loani SCommit ee. Btitter,:. eilde. They� =1,,h as 16che'. Bank- th s Avere adapted 5ut the tre 022 to 0 Zia. of the 6iformed'...'. id be bread aid with aii.otfer to a rutifi� .0 24 to 0 29 mini'ste'r� amery 0 e ortwki Do.!, We SGalilee to Ifte "hn,_ -t tile foot f the hills iieA-11 tiply 04 hands f -Te -us, or: C e aTIS UL70 Llluzq- Mi 6-1 the reasu the. offering spoin'denale' WQC Ducks, per plain �at lmplroillis� bei- td 0 -iii1w I ays lies, lot), in ion Q eorre Turkeyst pet"Ib., Bet4valuda, just -044idb 6pliniono hanoill.of the",ili%leiplegj, 'Sonle tried� tw do th6. o are, the result or, aw in �complete jjbss�ss S rian I -if teiod,Antip did tho.-diseiples 'put 4 piece . of: brea4 -field and. an, irade� ba -al?, :iLodgb and Vrcmiei'Bqnd. to settle, tHe f�;Aojy:t i , . Senat6e 0 35 'to 0-tO - this rb manner. Silis tte French the finan Cabbage,' per doi�en, W the, ha�nds'�of - those -who sat ortlerillg�.'. the odge� and Hale led 080 to .111-90 phy I ry rpot. ne . iv - 1 9 bag 000 11, pu '11 t e, to r per dozen, ofor sical Test1j, (2)p, for and, -lita ' i be 6mulgatbd 19ehators, L iirem to, purchase f -ti - -t cauliflower, 70 to I W nks Wlth,ordiars to' - Claimants' 'and 0 utis - in'GerniAl. e ratification o for. communion..' i ll�t the oh& of the ra part.., of tit so-Iti, 040 (3) wi to the amount' of 42,300, fa n i The, equipment I . . ii, I ries,. I' deoiidIqd �only er do�en GoWl" 2 titl'4dd followed give:, it to their companio s Lssa4oi,, howev�.i,, fa The Opp Onions,- per,.bag, 1 00" -to 135, re 'is " it', ha's beer Q§ition, and in, the. Cl Mill pliA in France. The amilt for ak,lhis no dou& but-4hat tbe'food-multi batieriiip 4t,lixe.4'ent'. �i, covering. nearly' -three 7 t50 to - 850 -ariyi 8 extended debat' Beef, hjndquaVters rord I d I - . lo came f %IL directidus "the expenditure of $0,000,900, to"- P n. sit' all aon the llne�' Jesus hinded put to 4emanded s' ori holift'i it was. difficult, to 'Piedigt' what, Do.; 'forequa ers .6 to, rn," and,', norther ores 9 1 the, new. ste 9,:' ginally, pppo �7 ol). to 7 25d the va ut -ON. �e cardase' Rids, and Villa, dA. eir tbeing 00 to . imi the weste reAse Would'be the o e the ' Do..,- choic 6 't with -c liseiples; 'it ing d n, hands utcout if is said Hh; 4 b ut,top the ulti at, the prese mutton, per� cwt. '6 60 popill6us Do..� medium, carctise.. reie e ra �fi s 50, to f -the 4PGS als. they hande -a treaty ay t oil 700 to fles:had Stirred d in rho preachingo it' as *, pisSed, 't fr6m on 0! an- cotin a And, flF bees', tip, nioining f - -find as 6 i, - , "Oil I' .. - , veali per. cwt to, try, the news'of the tra RE� CROOKED tSHOES. testified 0 se0ion Lamb, per eWt. the vhdle and Could , Not' Cbnvlct�, on' in the snow, dutsi Carnian which, Jesu HmItecelpte of One cblouy� as. missing h&d wr9liglit to fishes as muck' judge nce_lu_ follo*ed tbq miracles self a C tgh t L War C I S well kfioYM, In d atil� Live Stock. btlier ibit breiii ntinued too i X0. ,Janliary 20th;". said he "I ii'dticcd tro''eko gic end of ohfi� w iii, was T. MCIDE Ga1j1e6,' hadd excitt' il�Gwdil: in tlleiflla�48 UlAil,06y''awhad f 4-v bee-bouse. PREACiFrR TOT hild 0, spare.' Till live stock it th olrld��f an. -does�not­�,meain-thxt- cat R y�j 63 8 �.Iiad filled rt e, PIC wt wonder. anct trac s hogs. e, was a scarci but. tbat.all. cnn t Over 'tllk6e `fencec�, in, Hi's Ao'us'C,!:*, St. Louis,' 'ile,� 4�. e A"St, ibatharin6i 'report 0 bivip Ila . , Ili , L. . , I . , . . L" I , be run was so I r er:t UP thii t of fish,' on lind olirlQSlty. irph 6 the r in -much AS they' carted -to. T 0 n -ate, W Crooked -finallY or -the, road. There r e tFeb. for rLildety's' In r e 6- no tht . --on a,. cutte.r 'track ............... 9 11 CIOSe: 0 U of xny�, northern. tintIILSJX'iuoiltIx4 ago pastol Ing delivired the lake, ran le borge-8hoe mark in1ho Snow, as 'Dead �bces 'were -strewn abojit"on ues a sher6 od, rapidly -'according .f. prices''were unc an e &I t the iiiarket on,,, that; of. the Christin Church"at Graiitw City, 4% 12. WbeA.L."._ the ti-acks in tbq air, hogs, 61 - -Here ls. one: -in ithe they- liiiutwent!�Ith" e un inni, stable,had shiles' 0 a SIM. I d aiii;in" - this afternoon, by, sheep al w4s foun cattle, for ok 'in" di he -op. -a-ri-fter-L -Esportem so I' around -;4.40 to to: h �t%­if-therc'ivas r-flieli-i e-fro'na 'Inent 1,2.50 t07 yhaf h6mej 4 417 North' .'3. A mount Ilgh ground neqr caiitor, jourij. peoplee d Sein'the base I tie. sold. over $4.50-!Pei:cwt-- ia s Ill in L C a' one n�ed':ovei when' the' three p. per S. wrk, 1,,o t' 'Tit diseciverYL-was- better Quality of, enoett', which, there Closely -i� eave 0hrist's tAble hungr. y. He Johla,� Uussell; Arthur alall the girl the horge�had. left'a. eculi�r h,6of-nf urtelinth* stxce it ore been 'a E �efie T. Md-' cattle, . per aPS a , Ull ugat Is Ight ftave,* bra n;._'iiT)pbared. 'before. ]I tit its 9hoe'lind bee itile bihis s6n,the, e -export deal�-i Proaches 'thb lake Slit ollse n juin�d in u, Aere they -to sliktisfy, eve an, ore u lIarlind, pastor of -od the Chicago' on filightly. - - we because 'rs :p 6riz efer to olperate -t mc -ally. ivliat oter t waY,' t .1 -561 -Penrose -street.. better-, III et o- 7. restj ore ry. demanil: of, soul' 'and Jessie F rid as 'the',edrk; oi ClriailL. * lit any, of the h SM9 ta" hi full. of' 'I t 'kT4Vill�' - . es --Read Mark Vh ve the: Fourth H6.is the, hr , ead* of, life.. pl�iinted­tha -aPd. lit ey jUiLn alid "repot w . demania tbees -. from the bee-h6use,oi' ers6n: the fracke �k ed per-ew 9 'livery I told they tour ittle or�nqc atinSbolop, dy," cold. An 4�iturn ' sola at 5 to had done on the evange IXIP9 matter for, Christ 6 fill 'LIS. .�T�ero`& J.. Winslow, pri the" night John. li. Evan The o DU 9 war* i at Mr.. ttcherlii'�- lie; bat'butcher C ..had. just. o, lit 1 $C50 PP 6 returned;. h orc ieet Showed th fri whicli'4,. they ja.�uary; - 16th. -His ilooIr'discliarged which' had the c I f p, box at�-thc it., Jbut and that ouly (if bad -'a, otse, a� n dema ;4.25' to; �ovei their 'Plans,'their StIC7': fillnegg"if Mere If la, doiken.. Ill prisonbr&�,without callina. - f6i tile x �? tk' lit told ine'that Rus- !'AlcF:: land bad- n th 116. t ', f light, is understand. 'Frag-' tile its shoe ar -there were no Id at'� $3 90 cr"!Plaked. a, lettelo- price.., 'Loads -.of good so -kilinal that' sell 'and - the 'girl Friosman_ half ten ille-rope over I .:kaft I . . 'to 43.75; bxtt;c� true' lnehts� pioces'.-*6RhL,reMain evidence for'; thii, defefice,' -hol tb.$4; medidmi,�, hers. $3.50, would need a41 and then�.kickie 0, fligh ry 19. loop about, his.,neck, d U siruCtion they Thai n4thing -be ost only, think'- the crown Tied "estab- thp blftsia out t1t.6 sold ill"the.walp fr�p &�-rl) to U-50' canners W '11 fe t -were Mid, bulk of AlM - jy, btL preaching -the gospel to1lie..worldi ov'er the fete ol-dead b Ix ;f I' . Q . . eh.)). The n, to bAn- out the,, precious- llsbOol t that the acetised''wbre ;Wd -6xitinineil"Iflie. cutter, aiid foufi 0 . rom under - nm I at, $1.60 to, peir nsequently'� I 4ibbut it'fo -hed siold' lit, tl�ey' should -bottom of floor., besi., butichers' . steeri' and, ers re boilibod of 'Wi 6a to'h aid as, to the.gospol. the fooll-litilliel It in the, zioigl� ils ow -S bees' the" Co '$4 CW be:Of thlare Jestis, given. se*eh, t t D t .4. 'The �paisbivvr­r�But . . i swote owarran s ..agam espondeinc.,� is ave been $3.70L to per hin question. Went''and StbckL%rs-Tbere IS afair de - Jesus: id Twelve: baskets 4146mord on the niFeeders find 'd number of good qixalltr� - : . , - . . . a 9 o a: in chlip6it 7 ;chaif. 13. the the 'f the's= and for sOn Mentipribil. -,means pocketSL or, �Winslow w 0, O_ feeders let the L.. Fe, no W�l The gold. '.death. Fe'ast of the Ilets. _I, e r,7 weIN e befQrb hiSL e ofirs 950'to L050 it em the. -twelve x alloN 0 'he t 0, oed -he-bondit v f weiv.e st d light teedersti. .--Thi irsto joi"t ockeret an .50 to $3.9% __7 --to�'950 lbs_eg _k $3,,50; postles, w if. was- 'a 7zo Jo . IM a' entile. his -gospel' h -on Ztheir tc1l,_sAld it $3.25 to �Jesus evidently C.ommon eastern o.. G readers. dt ekers�. amid at 'W -5 per. cwt. written in Asia:Minor, .iinting ' Roman jo -flet-thirt-A-1116- -Hea fife I, tended'-,thait lie-apidii* I; so that t the-Pleeilis as:ilicir 'needs demanled, 'an Tra e. , �Pdssbver wits -night -it- Bradstieet's been stiirtin on -their the h many, must w eo ell j aroun.f' th 14),14.'Th sa 116ntroialL trade -kojortt;46 tr ve i, 3,':J Ary r'6giras the xuovein�nt, Vf whole e lake �N- . C journey o' Jerx:18410111 a&cliints for 'filose me L ii- 'at the Present momcnt� -'partli, ' Th and . through thii Concourse 'Of mulfitl`ldeg�ll Pe- -Ab ould be 110 s no out',wbieh there c. it a hebvy' v,olume �of business do.- e.,�Pression 6notifig in-. F6r 'spr! OAVever, or- ddubt. iii'm deliver�, It Joube . eit-All who Ii certainty, That pr6pli ad _DF -gob a .1 �iqth.his disciples (v5- aria faitly" 5atisfactory.., - sus c nfor Was­ll)� d6irf ul mircle, were so Pro more. - Particularly;' Anon, pLA, luip' the fternoon, Aow -d ioun but -the hardware-' seen. t Ils: won III eveningi; ','when ycs.-�s6d, with, it ,that; fib tb iYeAr, (Luke aid lier 'e;m.. be fib doitbt ilif iinpiov� !jIiugS; -the: Proplret�; %, tut Ch.- also stead ;tbo.day began a, little .4 eve -it 0 into the world, according: 1.0, It ,�Ii,some. improve on ,at '3 o'clock the :stiond c Ille first began �6 ococA groat- N%as ��prdictioln`of'Moseg (Defit: xvi.ii; n -861ne. 'The city, retail has, City 'Well ered, from 'the f With .1valked N at once tried to take Him 'by. fo, a -lid nionth. 'R C -the Oo opl, teaching i6ni xnal'Y! lnitkc� Him their inp list einittan Cat from Ilmotici the PC, .............. . :Vglue*!� d I' aling their ry ar things an Ilia '4�tentioll,' ociples called W THE .'WOnD PRINW, i of-commoditie aremeii�mainzsu as, the mid - w6oli I re f'rinL find -oats', are a,desert place, and nip' Ion mAndiffg higli prices�, by. �Ijd tke Aftude had been,there Sired Lead, in r aild I66in Itbat this Was The Inn Europeaif People onsu op -�rngrcgatiob E tone pl tradods bealt it, wits, tim of. 6 r1tS and Wine. e tOL 0 nd, b, -bright. '66 the people could 6y olitlook for the future is may- ey (Matt. iv.. official rl, rep6rts to Bradstree tie WIXY, Lolidoll, Feb ornto. de , iere' L lest Qth faint by h6legale tra I' 'is' -He% IV.,alcoholic na, normally'. He saltli qtntci Philip blished the quarit'i 3, 1. pil 0, 1 rovAde for tlid,,digeipleg t healthy coditioxi. Gr6corii �ejcjrt a,fabr -tile �by,various -na lows t fl, Whence -are- - o6ds. T .... ....... tviveirialis Were he iolunlc.70iL 1% ii6wtLL C .16, dry'gdods.trit e. bad 019: yetir. fielng� d6n 4. 11)v sonic morel ''(11. -'bodies, or, viveraging, 551 eavier tWi fed1heik Sou and healed tfivif tile, beto na, ionS"'' 'season an twits to be h 'each, "but of ti ud', th spiring Oposds to -bo at�ear. ­ . .. Ili any -previo e. IS fli-st with, averitgo ft&iiir ho, III eq& their aallbiis thiLt jrfi46 in � this riest)bc . prom)sqi. ablp,'to till Tielgilifil �cgrne 3 'to he and: illivis �slij* 't also great'de-' record breaker. - Iiii'll 41.1 ga Ils., Kingd avC Aivity lit the hardi�,a're lirad�; orders 'L for fojailL thei uo111.0re Uilited thad kn6wil lx�avy..� 'Retki into tillit, llc�i allons, and AM ei-ica all lines being unusual d lit HOWA twi, ears; ail I Of the apostles, sill trade is 1, -lip well. : Farm. produce, tie rest Of, 0,111d,begin Yi,t;I '.aq, av 01 �Sjciaining th� high��prices ve wx C -d to - tile. C0.11sliniption. of SOnIeL illn lt.fit� %N-'oiiId do- regai for - 6, Oats 'd ice PO011sof. Chit Ili va 1 ' he an w on a loss in, 11 , i I . 0 the list with 0.4. Aii, ever, is, counsels" but. ill Fr-�Ilcc with, .30.2, ga ons. nedeti) 40 bus a' 'h t n here I Sol s at $1.08. caso;, IS li-ices ta stteot"i re - the! mb ad% P11113110.!! hrslnol)06"'� sprDenniarle -Icadg', Nvith Win' nipeg tnoe,:ne Couirs'e. he till ,don,, consumed 99 ga ort tradd gone t PIRlip's ia, Xing I tivm p tlio 4lic'stion to tes nra*S neardt.. n few' lilies, I.Vie consui ity as spring All,nt. inNthlug 'blitthr Lit LO"d sanln� 71 id -United, States ls, not given but' it is the' movenic Alijit, his apostles �pccded le"O. SL ill 0 ) beeft.-irredtor than' pildrate.'but, the� outI661c".favois a rnuch� future. o_thi" and, I the-ruited Kingilb m oving 'benefit AS for the betiefit Of the 11111gry to! ue derived rom ta�il 'stocks 'haVe' me, in regard to flle� toven ATCH. 1,65'4 me, for, ' are I)CginningLto C0 j-,oin an'd. DAN 'P, muntude., T�Vo: Injuldied P, al Vevown 1i;08. 'tile Xing� n 0 ' 32 -'per' -d in b The �pc i Value tloin lilts tile or ho,imp'rovenient and conics nex worth t vsboiliplittle I LED F t is &Iier eoll'n_* driv eit ' 1 to F. U'l 'COLOR[ 61F gdods Paper foreL, a Olt .. iII)II ttt(j n tit(, Rentit."'L - 'lave -EAUTI ALI PICTU ot rly 20 AN.,�?A REE: b t $32., TC be6iv 611 llic jR1LL1,z(Nt'd6t6RS. "SUE 25 liy'22 IXOM -%* t Ont Aances are stogidy iind linptovinient, :f PRINTED IN, OIX IlantCOILarg'VII 0 re wevill send youle a large,re pri�ted in six bril rF Opr6ductlois the itbovii engraving, id Itnee should be o piiituref this famous VIA goods 1 te letu aceandisw hyp�faplcelnauyh e., Xf yotl elrie.ri of h Stalildii in ekiSfa alt�O STAGE' ar-lisolne ini0rovemOt and the iridus- . oPF MPAID ;r Of t (je,'Ifrovifices: itre ;I)cginning, bM) ItsSeveral Law, -v -is MAILED TIRK V %Vl lilts C r "FOLLOWING 9.11�nONS- Tit 6' lumber' trade, holtirt or,' oq amount no,�, r 4D iiN�WER THE wpITP r 0 'ALL KtNDS,D6'YOV that, it! t le 6urZr THIS . PA I' f Wholesale XAur P�ft till igy NOW &I.XIGH DT06K OF 'ATIONA FOOD �.%CO-q supp L� WilYs ti-Ilde cS 'fo I utnb�rdng and his &C ount6re,.wa�g tlit,, A Sill)) APORES3 INTERN' L §T eill t It, �l.tsv 4 A, N-rpp' good 'effect; UPOII IlIg deti, �-thik point lttx 1W o t itt hbot OAN ATCHL to till illib ;lultitude DT -1N­S1 STOPLE) ai'd frlInly',bitt Ad P? t 41 1% ft7ti for Ila not �tct ConlillirJor�V, Ol its ilii n t1 apostlbs' 61-011 liAl, (,�k Hlg� ONDERFUL RECOVERY t PATCH. GIVAN iiF go Izo Zeat Gt�j GiftelitL tp to We bi thr" Ve buy this 91 tile, Wee of %hd lisigisAis Clity Vloftr lDAN,' coll6sov si; ro.ft �. to, ,dq7,JJr?Mifti tions we a P wIle 1 B to 'llifestillp' Jagi *4 coombupled �Ijspd" nLinu tradc ill Op vo Pfinsdi) liftwART, 7d.n., V, Is '011 lIt. about 10.1.0%; rd, GlIPt J�rtll hij Sire &en b nin alit v L. a 1. it , Zgneo,flyantIM , %ftipt 4id'= it Dealt Siri.4'Arst taw jonir hoprilt-ra." rate 0imuotI o f diet boweld ftselpiall 1JprI 0141a.. JU244" TW2kjaS­JQ'i)W"Qf'0t to tile , YL S* 1, pain I the 4b4atnitipil VIVIOMS mlized by Ir, . � ". I h. watiotiffewingsolvelel � ". I h. e( =,Ipr �'Q`ld I* tilado fin�, Ito that wu,notin shape for Wrests. gw�0;7 lag "t tile, "Is flialso We W.1i 72 "r "I littiddshl !=, �11=ra he illid i�*14* 'Eta The bw4ft.�011 =w X= 415 & y=alk probably CAUW b IOUL 4gU add It, Slt W.Jul film fto. his ljejaitL 'tVd&. parathre IM , The chat 2nove t ON au-'ek Out, ell _24 L&Mudidl" 'Without Tied ahle:4. 00 ft"%al Ll "RUAS Ueen of 'liormal 'it is; - 11 4S. , =spunmilem, it uoeltinX Owarjea.by a iusti-Illy Ak14niVftItV, 311A is 10&, Th.U.Ot = I? , Wrelpilir t1th =or tile ))%tls4 wu week. tlnhulobhuolii,�x the ti AVOR to week has and h1p; tOmplim urn wl oternlard br Itillitiot Isagit"1411111, 10 On". I air di Imil ilklion at th6JAWAnd1l.- in ARAW Ir fdr IL C014 fin.Topillumn cliorell the enumbim Tntw,. of he griplits aralatirs am 1.91 ture Showed indoobtabla Itin"no- a r �,ontbluciuk, The it AWM F saetory Ubdolutfillit CATIlly, 'A& Td3J WAU th IV )It sid 16blo Ito' IPM%b proinowlAwAS "tr to latittite or I tp fio" kdalpt Soo of ]its Spip, @op& Lot 64 14 yours. Oft Owil CIEN 'Apr F Mdex� tho illo, pill Ili till ft'getli't be vcb.. Ohl! intm ptar sir 1.41 thank 7ou 'A., -a A AfterWL441*0 prLiotoq�- 0. IF.; lit a 004t bndution,wora M,� U 4116, al.o, yo.',t Wll alit of& 00 h 'SIMI Ir so (IN Of" Illuo N1 11 till; 6.106 Ing ito A 0010111, bag tit Otte tit a eeft MONEY ISACR .1 F T ot. 0 "NL411v to ill A I V tegit lias; YOU VY oosit� Wd h-obr d not AfTot'd tl� mako s* up twtho staaara6 coitA 111,01,64 lip 601newlint, tile list Wool. id Prep= *%4 r fan is (1, bgtter tolie L04 tt.*, iin4 pring dellf- Sit 1 0 All Iffiba of oilly il,40 a lit 1,16' to oalstiot af L. MA e t C ai ix W I d d be oil I add a tb I 6--Jra way nd h r b�. e -A%