Lucknow Sentinel, 1905-02-16, Page 4• 'cliOctiprf ea:ln the:fa'llowiag Brava. _ r 1 etti o *rl,,,�# 1 -•,.moots- tAnd BhaflA :- e6eings,..O verg ters ` Overshoes, Cardigan loves .,alld• ;M• itts,; Q a line Qf boots 'afl4 shoes `�wi; " r p "'qes. e qo a at bargain KNOW itziti P1V : 'timet, 6:7 %aolomowt Ve13114047 i Cth 1906; .onituary MLS, C1111s04a Satith.,lV ut1ougii Was 'aorn'iri Sootlnna iu 164{ arra nisi' tt St. Paul', Mil .n , 1uesduy040ni#ary 17, 71 04, .^. . , 0.4eage, of tea, alias Su ith (toss Qd the ccean aad settieci::.witttl' her. ,i fter sot o•yearsksite marded .D4r Jug allow, gl#, whoa in 18$ removed �iEh `his wife+ and: family '° to 4'pa l,ouuty,; ;14.9tth: Dabott,` and.sett1 d on a.farm southwe t ,of Who%c1acd:, Elr ven. years•ago she was ce,llgd to paputa .the 1088 pg Lor bind and' loving 'hudian i , Wiph Christian .fortitude sle bore her' loss and lovingly .labored on fotg• the family'loft"in her,oare. ' During the last two or_ three years .•her hath began to fail and early iasu: .;fall;aho Hent to I,}ve'with•her '414111::: era in St. Paul, who•:being.: graduated: nurses copld render every .!`possible at- r:tV•�t-it:ir.,Fit h_l't= rtl'E:3iLSt:if.tfTft_f • i I ua en 'ton. • Mrs; Mallough- early in life poused.the cause of• Christ;and.'up to the lastreained,:a faithful consist ent•memmber; of the Methodist, Church. The remains arrived from St. Paul on Thur day morning and the funeral' services' were. hold in, the ;Methodist' church at 2 p. to.. Rev. P. A. Scott• preaching`,from Psalms 17:15.• The I following Sens: Rd.daug_litel&ai 'deft: to rnourn• the loss of a most loving,, in- dulgent t mother:':Hon,: B. 1:1, J ihn, David, , M. S.; George •:and James; Mrs.':IialeolMorris and the Misses•: Ella and ,Alpna Mallough, ; The v�e�r'' large, gathering that fol. lowecl',.CIie remains to • the -cemetery •i' was.ovidenco of the great; esteem. '-of the•deceased. The 'surviving, family bas the profoundest sympathy of . the', entire conimunity. • • • •The following+ was .Fent to the pas- for of the Methodiet (Lurch at Wheat- land,: I�i:'Da o a, an hQ congregation: .from Sb. Paul Dear friend It was. my p ivilege` to:know. Mrs Mallaugh v.,ell . 1. often;. visited her, and always, found tierin- ;terested in 'things •spirtual: , .She '° de- lighted to hear: the' 'scriptures read and prayer' offered, and "we who knew"' her here, joininpraise to God:- for the vietories'she had''in ehrist while she. lived • with us- here •"Her children rise up and call bel blessed" '. The, sainted'woman'• needs no commenda- tion from ':me, •but 1 send you this solution in.the•Lerd that: our mutual faith and hope • may'. 'be ' strength-• erred 3 ; trust that when ' devout men' car ryrher to•:her :burial, the'ocoasion may begone-ofjthe sweet-corisolatiou' •to ' all '' 'whet are present, and 'especially to the •children. aid• relatives Whom she bore' upon her, heart' to the end. How blest the righteous when` -he dies. ••H. V.; Givler Pastor'. First C;hurch,•' Sit• Paul,. Minn. Deceased was',a sister: of Mrs. Norman Matheson;- Luc uiow. s without doubt the greatest preparation nfiwn cleaning -al l fr'cle.tall t inds-of �; ,.a NTELS`. 41� f; a LO ;cent trial bottle'''. ° Great Stuck 'raking Said or •: Groceries, (onfeetionery, lt:te , Etc , commencing on >1a Crockery,.Glassware • and lasting until We start taking :stock in, \tait1i•.gird w,e' wait •• to 'makea big;`' a�eductioii< itt 4J1. .lines •. r 1 • (�.OUSE . AND OFFICE, FITRNITtJRE. our,wants can be supplied best . by us. Our prices .bring us the trade ou have .our personal 'supervision r and satisfaction guaranteed,., We have always on hand.. a, large. assortment of the latest styles iri fnrniture; etc, NEW SHOP, 'NEW C4bODSt LOW''PRICES AND PROMPT ATTENTION. 44444-4. St VIC= n a11•'lines' bfTobaccos, ugar •,lou: •and Feed: Come in and 'see us, you are not compelled. to bu 1)isco into,"it will. pay you, T.HF, 1!ADL tc UNDLrntTAltt1Xt AND ..WIWIY.:V. W I,Iw�,Y.,,.1arY.ri.n.,lY•�w. y / ‘ItarAt(t4S A101410 156 _'ro NI 1x Ugh DAY, (1A11111Wi N LAMA 1V AAN . ' +,k11t ' KINLOUGH. , et our/ r These discounts •apply, only to cash iuuyers.; VERYTHIN,( ; 'RE AND' QP TO -DATE p O'F'F' u'_ TTE Miss Martha Robinsozi' i. at p os est very low, : ' d Wttn.; Nich'o14, who has . been in- the vic nity'visiting friends' is;going back West this, Minnie Ellis left last weelc for Ca;t ,, gory, whei'e she intends. W remain, ' Wes Boyle ,has .pur„hased ono 'of the finest C;lyclNedalo titailtonK' ' that has come.;arnurid this .part I:t'o got Pi ni in London: `W'o 1?olieve the 'price to he Setnewhere aroubd' .00008. There vaso' ri;ivico ira, 'tb2 J',•rr ' by,terian; clturcli ort . Sun;lay' 'le►rtt ,;'till . account (f'oponiitgot;,church'i itt ,As - tension, FOODS ELVER .I ,s, A Wonderful:;,'Discovery- - ,T� y . R ELE B R ATE U' '• 1,.�rnrr.'ilvrr..iw.nfirl�l.�.wi�w♦t+'�w +wu'Irt'1'. Physicians, Scientists; Etc,: Lave given ,their unqualified tests• to tho •oniy,. known remedys which will absolutely. 'do -what -is claimed-for_..thein, and, at 'the same. time may relied' upon ,as • ;cbsolutely harmless . and ''effective. We -do not claim to grow hair on a shining bald head where the roots of the hair are dead• or destroyed and no line hair left, but ifbthero is any fine hair.loft we can moire tt. grow, we have grown; hair.on heaill;•, that have been! bald for years' -and .years and Clicrois not a caso'to b© ,found where .n, young man or wontia.n ivho, is losing• ,,their hair and beconiing bald where• ztir celebrated' hair growing remeci,tes• , vill fail to ,produce • a good • hoaltby 118ad of hair, if, used•aceordhig to the The awrura;t•'meting• -of .,the •11,Lbg• Aid'o 'Iyrosbytrr itn GtTturr h 'wr a . ltralcl the rtfteriuton ;o2f .WodnridaY, li?ob,. 1st.. u l .v ta,s,:;weli.reti4tillr rt,.. for the yea' 1.904 w}iuh has. hoot; is •sued mulles a:very' satinfmtery,„, r♦I,t,'ty-• log, 'Uhc. rn rrihorship Of: the ''6h044, is-,:nrsw 1:12, rttnt;;.atew..rnetabo t..1tr►vr,ttg,.: fair,:tocelve,l d:uwing the yeit': ' ' Only. ono :mcsmlaqr.-'Writry 14i•rorib tt • .1.1k,,d durfhg t}tr:'y„aw, ea against'.rii�{lrt i111 'died during 4003, •7."ho total r:o*ipl e.. for tlrrxwor,3 ,41,1$713. 0' 'i'lo. tota1' ,rxirr`7idi1urc •' 1!y ii 5.8 Iviii, .only tb r'f Nrn LII •Crs h a1L rr ,.hand but it. Tod %N't ,sf tr• ovemcntH T,rtva bcrh 'tlt,ttit: ttri l pa'i d I c to ' ng Strest,,;,,„,q,.. Ilhisis to . certify that I hayo :used. 'o rown'st Colebi'ated:H sir Grower.. and ,t i hae,grown for ma a good ,full ,head '1'f Bar, • .I was ,quite bald. before .I used it . and now .1 'am .permanently tired of baldness, falling 'hair and rlandrulf, J. It. Johnson, ,Guelph,, bated this 18th day of :Docetabor 1905 ok • SALE [3Y' .T t T. ATS: N,; LARBEi' •. J. BROWN C0:• Guelph T paro4IZ7 irtecia Tcaslatt 11db x.. x 1!r,fvlla t)fr,i,urr;ti for tlo tl .(: tnsei vatory l'uxatnh . n LAWRENCE & JOHNSTON. EIS Furniture . Dealers 10 at• • ndertiatleii't ,..., .44 ++04-444/ 44+• •+++++''• ][:413 C3kX ° WWWMAMIAMSONAMINAP.,41PI Mtl!NW tl' 41 1