Lucknow Sentinel, 1905-02-09, Page 7Lam
wr jrww
ew.'; r.
to PbOW how j.00teratis, -and
MAYT94a 0 r. "Itird fwlt
b Jesus, wam. -aff4Pt9d.,QA
'Mr. ;Q�hq
A! mb r1al
ligtheurthappy inall,--oodet, to arket R s,
TW ;ny gmqc�r who? 14 a, ta A,
P4qkgt,t`pA is ao.jel�,be 5 h4 mitkep, .,e art
..... —Therivqr4 "knew" calf e �j
w041'_.IIp%V . AAva
les's pr4ri
1044-94 PolrPm9uplag b_ujkj ame Ago
Alitlig4tep o.4e of thOs4 insignt pap� TWO' lit
ILI ONXQVxll� flii,uo percelitions:tly London
e 1C ChWa�o
IF14, ltu*nx 191 xQ05 truth be-� Th lain
n001 10 jestl$ �ACOrdjTjo. jIsr the 4R.
t-ahk of -the, mop
wlgpa, UPDXI blg� widic
�Gfnlsal; ihe Pool of �letll will'showt that the,wbole. �fie� of tile
qtidii," Olin it, 'Of 0111110119
-dd)r -w lice to Witkqqated- conilftiona
-tlie :8am to ere fair'
sufferer jo ijesent fo.,
tbeeye of Jesus
43, tfi4r-of Arit with
An, )YOU144
',hy does he ask'a'q little q rigg 'j��"Vrjcqg� . 1?6,404 QrIP6. Witil,
lit t. ll-�—Nfl -a tbemselve)i or their cont';Y. i
i"a., to� whiqh pbe - sales lisfw74,
nionths,-pilipp, thegoblema,,4ps 0,0ju, At tj
ernAum-was hea jp '�usthpls"Of Y"'p.ate , goa r0a w
Answer was sti. obvious t�- 90194ial Slippqrt_ dpri
;,0;07., -d ?I paid it fOrstlic' fliist time. m4ile
gpe, at, (�ava,' Probably iii order to Arops'd the � sick
01104.14 of g a 9, so, �ql;
isupposo th t, this J4 his, Wit b
argy 4A Wged
.4,,uuL 4, 50 up liels , '.5 $ I Jet, an: orga - d
P;zo r u4mi. of all, the; di.X-
ih% Galilee ot bney h 4 th c
th etep't6w.ards te,
e, first Pllirley 91�m ID00 bilahols a;. f rent
the of the )3,ritish. eipipiro, for,.,
id in ;e en
'went, to,'th -homes, duri be jnspir�A W h 00 xpgota X#14ra
jis.left, Vq 4 te. nit Malti 4:,sellitig,
( li Op ub, fc, 914tck, 912 d or
Andrews Wig Wring sufficient faith' III .09YLON Te A. scale i
.,dir, Da ry
disciples log o,
it or retails, at as quiet, auti, LAurie1r,
I Gre r. 0. of t
7 ;n grocers�. at, 110 1 --the W P 0, - , � , s041ed lead paqko. . t4 P 'y a It Otj 'IL ), -A',, Mr,
Qn, . the: dre mgilre,, 'Z4, I'ema.
w, tie. Y.J., er - and
S* ld" ul D-eakiti
P 0, -449. for, new lwd, and at 93, t� And pil Rho e deal;,
�vent ell art' held stock
rm, pri
e gidrv�
N m4n, lRecije;vited
o tit. 'M9,1vith, the' col�
'th Xd a#d.'Q 014 Xqd4* St L Der d6z quiet at ffe[cps" hyStfl,ty 't
"to t
deiiae, of 0. Cjlrist,'bqt�_ f ittent you, %blIpirs
me Y,-464 4t,47 to its. an ive, NY..iJj trea yo
,ve er4 Ave se load� Ub
ciff it. s'dillitenly rio froh a on, liettgrAliati Ove. fly -9 inch he foreign
fitly-40en. Trhib�ajiid- I Dipsged, 'he oeat' :An. opposition. to, him will 'be Irp WOMEN -'WE R F KILL Q gs."are uilcoapg�d at,
i W. -to aliiq yarius tra tj th
E , 1, 1
es, to g.'foot, in, five, millut $7-75,. theAlitteilzfor.. fig tit. ferrin, orpign
co trAdictibu- land el tile. gr&uYth
t the in Wit -trade int- h
bushel. oo 0 ni C
TelOubet. -'IflielloTi'thiks. that 97 to. 0 'K
ntary.-�-i. unde ieS, ham�erlillx
At. t4e�: fe ng,_of� the fro'so from d �r�ed. ttuj�libl L 07' to "o
D1,� 6o t
. ............ .. ........ .. (y , purid connec Ion o te. Poo with.,thp .7
0, 4 ive..,
001 jo '02,9 ant,
reop ra
In r 1IR
fin ed is
he U 54, to C- 7, ra Id (r) *order . tI14t '0'
tpe ater ive at CA
aNlFehf��r afilie Of- `bus el.,,, a tt.
uses, the expression dr this -i;hi' currpnre�t,but as.,"Writict 'sliddeg, an �arjey, -bus to, 0 .14, to �,u r
een mu" .01' t
ss -the: ifte PC- P,
A'f Ldi-4hp fiffig, d at
'Amoth* OR- froiiJ eire has b dh diffbreq qut6wy Hay", "t, hiii edlonies, 'ask
ce passing Away'. 1 6 A �turn
Inee 'tfIb, man's yI t 0,00 o. 10
feast, 'this -was, w q 1 t 'ill t6 P.O- Inixeti, ion� 7. 00, a S for this
. I �e I'
oli And ornplaint. Feb'
On advaiftage'
.,Ow, no, o
lifuts' to, it is the opinion. now of. the best' 8, Rise, etc--�Commalids, like 'these is i the 'dee glQQm it the� News from 4ornellsv-�Ile F�a Is-. "Mrs� 10,00 CQ given to tbelii
Post Oni some of their prin-
writers" thaUt was the Passover. �t:146 i*01114 mirls faitb* And obe r e , �- e- to 7'001 ciP41 PrOduct§. 'L The'y don't
di terrible a0dpoti t6,,, tolle.sle., ask it. 00
Mbror I t y B.MvIcy h4s irnadi3 an.ante-niode i' bushel 6
6nguc�ii�bro�i�'here means At,- en.ce., "Ail in, tile cse of the �pira yti No; 2 bushel tto all, buitejI dit, t, . adv
ment; in hich she blarlies' the driver fo
of ille- Iladies!.'Aid- Society b Unlw. the disaster., Site said;: "The ladies ber- shotild - b'
amaici the. language sPoken. k� Christ, irlakeg no enquiry as to f be,- No 'bushel 4%'0 Vic 4 5'0'
the man�s,
e given, Corn
ell clover 6 00 to, on
not -the old Acbr6w of tIje'Sdriptutc.s._'.' Christ knew that, he, bad falill;, irersal"Church at it Irade Crossing of the III not to drives on -the frac I'llnothy I 00� I airy pr0iiefs and: :fr�it
a r' * ' , I , r * ell, 0
-me does not oc- and tile mail's attempting to rite, iaid It ivinut. Y rtherh Rail, e -,paid no. attentio, tar them. The 1,25
S '31 . 'to or. er. es a-' his nit It cgs d' t t04 M bill. them ve bat a small. tax 'on', these ar ices.
L was. lit, p ain' si,,ht and anybody Pgg*,, per dozen.' 0,25, to W,
elsewhere. 'means.� bi bed, after thirtj way, ti I � I , 0 . f ]I,
cur* e 126 to 2 4540
-eight 6ais oi- ; 1 .0.
a were killed Butker, -;-dairy:t., to 0 24 11 The
The site -Is ho'identilied qvith m t _in, 71iidh ten. ladle and
po ency was an' f "on- of d see iat' we could -not beat' it
Jtuae,-.,rhe, giqk. ccn:,� fAitb, tfiree —r --.T
ty. 3. Mult ssi. iijTt ed havd on,, ill- -dslc'is for I turn'of the §cAle in trid;...
open, Con �e 2l, Y.- don't -want' a big. �ax..�_Ajl h beem no tr b acrilss,"bitt. Quick' kept. right i&ns, Q 24 0 271,
u I. spring 0 Mto (I I" It
gregated here in grVat rs., W vg�j jil- !tbdr deatfi�,'and it is now believed thuC �h6uglv everybody- was screaing Co Rliks.
e ait: III'. Persecution -by. "the Jews llAs no 0pe knows, better tha t,
lygj cte. liar, P 0 verse an, all 4 t�lcl b r jh� it 4
ar b :t1le injur �L -lie-
Not lawful-Jeriemial c it the llrgt� % Biel Turkeys; per 15 to o 16, nklustriai a lld- ni4nut'icturink concerns
if 4 should be omit -Cd
wle Av. a is. ozen,
t 4 tex Ro o Ilim,not to, cros's." - cabbage; per'd hicli tr e tirely' in
t as maxided, he6d to yolirsejves,� ad' ception. of rs.,. S. R. tin 4u 5 to 6 Illj! tile, 'majority, of
Wis not it. part ofthe, 1 19, suffering from twbiraeturei QfAbe Is Potatoes� per bag 085 to
�r hea n on the Sabb�.:th da� I favor of' Illis Pal' t
wits, in r . ca ity Cauliflower, per. d 1. cY, he tuln o
'th r. �noi, biirtlt ten Womeu Killed. ozen. 0, 75. 'to, f'Abai e an ealin ower .(x*L 21), -and the Jews iriter an
pretd,,tlii� one 6nitiorun&`64c.. e Onions, , poll bag ... .... 1,1 1 00� to 1. consideration.1i
tr watcrs,�we.tre, n o 't --,the as: forbiddinge-cairying- of -the- lightest- iijuries, W - till, The bodies we,da',ughters, 0,
�of, the T X616rv,- per--do;en -30 to 0"10. - a 0
orni la� of Veftc' 4 .fit no n- '.weigIit,. But JereM hi vi;tim$ R1*C bein-, removed,tloth�li among those Coates �vas-pe 13'ect, hindquarters: '0. to 8-i'd
'we 1 a e la, a Illeaning as made td . . DO., forellutirters 00 to 5 so-
tbe,truths ta' A 45.' qreading wine- wed by the, potJ;er�ofL_Nrs.,ShaW. S. -as Ro.;..phoice, ca
ught ill. tlligAea'ion. es. as, fast Wille :arei ijC PRINCESS VICT
@e& ))y y 7, 06 to 7 _� .11 OR1,8`1
coroner, �;vho- as. -arrangj, the, mother of Mrs. Hallett. ' I i��. . '. . I , . -d '!to begin An, Dq.,. medium, carcass 11; Jb4lu lteals. an impoteiit'man,, .(vs: presse4 �abbiatfij, And bri4ing in G-00 to 6 25
5. An : infi No " The''pairty- Aluttetri, "per cwt. 6 00 to, 7 M
-sheaves, Andladirig A'aii invlei;figatloh at once. - definite' ar was given in joho Of t,
es," etc. "'To f6r,
r Ale Veal per; ewu 7 00: to 9. o.6 PASSE&;A, REStLESS XGHTj 'BU
p Ie ther a toss of:,powert -thart a bid.this'nin from ad� 8 00 to. ;,9 5q:,
his bed was rAngements aV6 as yet'beefi'.nIa4 brt y ofi Airs. �va 75, Lamit.-per i:*t.
or who
Pcipitive , d1jisease;' -probably. It like"forbidding a inodefri, inan-to movc the funerals of the vietifiai� but th ig of 1 1. - OTHERWISE FAIRY,,Y. WELL
age. As. was. of
anervous -disease ,�f Pardlytic ty&Ab- claafip-,at�ol di �A chair." of a general fune d,,,riyng,, the , liveryman I
es. OrA1j. C lflie, team Torouto Live Stock..
bott. 'Th' tegitionably 1b e and all I I I
irty and eight yehio --- 4he durlio � :11. her business Sou§ AgIls She was killed, being one
0 -wordi. seem, th, say%that ope 'who the Recelpti..of live stock. at'.
of is, illness loi�d. those'whS, in the'ja�t sjej�h' otile . Cit
tomaday efour irloa do 'such wnder as beii.lint; e, -m' sheen. d Of 170
It hogs and.66
0 e me -,for � go
7 7� fliero was a go 1, neingricy
on, 0 ca a.
aut iorized -b' forward and. le &*p f6otboard', and i, bu
io d., lie had 6�pn FEWER LEPERS.' me -I'm clasbbs -ot- tV era 'were
�eifiddfsed:ap- ienti-fiw oid bn� my feet. �Sigter� Full-' r v ---Lqj?mpj_4ifiing of, It
his I -'roger alia-46 av-
g to set for,jes
-so startled -sbe,:th sJuOlILY t1l'an tney -paid in
-s indeed. the very gpound.,w,hich Ohrist: nie wAs r!W: up,-bpth SupeHritenont of Hosp tal at Trac.
wa i tile country
Himself tlaok." - '12, Who, is tile m" A., N&Id ' exclaiming,, JehnieV, No ddip
s, r ere ore n
orte o'-4raight -loads of.
so sports. sl, iPping, cattle offered,
words, can express iny, ''feelings.' A few, lots pjdked__-�
-V;)-They ignore load of-, tLhers-cattio��Td�a��_25
raise -as- P to $4. w.,e.r'e slow or sale
a 60; export tins -ta , Ck4hf epiumand urg b P.50 �per.cjft.
Jesus bact ' been. -igtitsidle I' of that houi?, endefit
in ut I It�)ipitai,
ma were' few go)d - butollers,
and blie, ii who was-I'leateed a p iJesus, find -ci6ted his --annual ie'' ffered. Tne UeSt;�sold at ;4 *to $4 15'
at peri t
eth; llii� in tl t6mp 611 Trideadie N. B., pi d �per. ,t., 'brou'V
obly' -never seen Him. Convey self -14). This mail - was. round in' 4nd few
the temple .,port. Vile' reg'ister, o rt these pricW;.
tO'9004 sold at $3.;5 t�,$3 go.'comino
'the il'ames' t�n
o prai fbe er- shows of' lifte'en kinjula 14ferfor; $2;,50'fo $3,
IV. Jesus giVpw Advice. fid ii4txtning�, (v. ance. -. T ` ise, is -natural' iniiinct
"piiising -God for his N�onderful'.eliv
e (aiCs And five fying the: feai4s�cs
stockers offered and prices W 01
a b L-. r h
:1.4.. Aftei-ward- to a reniopstr'sAffig with: a:. na- Ili. unc angbd..,,0fie loa6 of'V00:-jb,,, bi bl ifto ilof. a 'redeemed soul'. A Hindoil' migelonm leper, in' the 'Jai to
econd.'sev- -ho lgr .cwL
the.first stage Is, six;'bithe , oo i d'
In- a day or - so.',11fideth i� im.- At the
e Christian Jiv o; Ivas ;Bi on; and in the,third, ant'. The, yolin ilch ows-m,About . 25. milch cows .-and,
g4pat. springets said at $30 6 $4� each,-,
Jesus: bad His -on,.the mAit, . His top�*of his voice.- "Sing,eoftly'; briii is
Patiento ."nd-06 oldest Veal calves"Abou� 40 veal calx -es, $61
work " mith : him , wfts�-Mot. t* tIjea;. hei -saiA. "Sing softly,", was the larigiver Te ni 'ere were 4 to
age. Th four -firin'Orices; goo t -1 -is, ineeting -ws iiot,ac�idental;. is I ou,, our fliAllef, who' tells".. me t"D sand me CO Illnion, R3.50,to,
ny ;(v. three new, cases f., W t
P Ai um to-
Ig softly?; Did you -ever -hear Lq!LAn g, �_v4ete-admitted,-,
jileep. And Lain e r e-5 Y ere. light;
d'as 1ol16- Wd" at -0.
81.� -Sol
We- pritise 'o _. i -n 0- PION -ice. 'Of those oir.ttle. nnsw 11Tr ll(T�jo a? low we
10 0 0 Ter raises three, I
lid hidde of:Jiim, a short threw balck 'o; heads,'afid shobbell,'And fire of � FrenvIt 'of 3.43, laill a. At 51),
time before, pilrtly in:6be(jienceA6 the now do you -tell ugjQw`h'isP' P .$6.00 per
his. herities. and partly to coin'Jilete aut f Jeiu:;?
1 bbu t� about' 2.,lOD hoks
..During the ".2 io"jg for fats.,-
ivi I �c6mbindtion,. at Z5.50 ftir el
ed, Probably,, ity of his, aPeet
.......... lit fhe'shnfilk a tea agd.
It been freely"lis,6(1 tb-4t ttie *z'iame -1of. Wit"w"116m, -go T e -T no State In existence
wb6do _;i7T_
Ive 'cattle :tire qiiat6a'
ar ve' been snf.
dler� wbuld ncounter the vict rs of,'Viart:A,� joining Plitrishe, 'raising 1 0 . ga'ansayers 'at'llt -to 12c per io.,: �efrfgeeatoi- bedr,
an y.ot liIt 01�p tbe niblifi f , undoubted. case .01 9 e
in+equhl'numb.ers with I yeeitaint per, Ill.; epi ;2. to 13C per
bkoir ''is ii very. profitable nd A16LICA�66�;S. I ' 4 I . . I
1�cu vict'Tx gaead ildn�ittad - -1
_9r .
be sT
the s ege,. like the- storm of' Nanshan or
easly. ma upation; Unless, y.of ma In- e found three.' ,.BradstieFei on trhde
a -it's approach to pea 4ons a v
to go
You. of 203-Nletdr hill, which have'coinpelled 01:_ , want into lib'link,linitiniri the th s. Notii lolit
-is. lie has'. v:
-ie th a �-1 in root's sa
a raport tbat� lepl'OS 1 1, - -
ow 'that'the" 13'rings nii6i back�to'jjnj6p and.wbetber Kouropatkin-As not i;apidl� lie -little' tfille-
Government', repl3rts all
Unbelief -6hut 9 nose ;ire not �th e !-071.i
perfenbed s'oldiers to 'doubt w.h
need take. but vc�� little ofyour time. t) e fln"t' sold irs tb
iigbt ,nit of llro,r`30ut tile' t
n'lore have been niore Londoll. ciitbJe.�:4 lkhe bulletin,,isdued'�
dema for� chLck�i it grittill,'suberiority. in numbers It Io ve ionors every. tile first, Indeed. th!k. essbutizil,. xondition' for lils: attached
0. victory for: the troops undr I C corn tile �wholesale Taken 11 1111.
'greatly in excess of'. the supply and, Ui-aft-L)rcsente(l,.-fol-',pal,iiien,t.. 0 " fi, ativ Ils"dom-', anc. thore convince of -%Ah this,iio Ilve
re od It Mi3nica-. iing:bj.
g. -a ti ie'Y of & bilit� of JC'P'rosA tllrc�tigh activil"'
G a. Bn is al' s c amorm oi tman fride i's the Pi ictoria who
means- 'a', steao'y,. to.yoill C ing n 61, celi6s�ilre illect
a operai
with at
t .011 or 'd lllod�. ratoly- actAv , f ppOldiieitis at Bucking Am
�,market; and 'g Prices foe chickens. '-wilt thoit, be.tinad i5u 166 h
tS, 'is "ood. 'Th e, -Pal
0 iip �d t
d t, 'a. le
st c ick-ens'success, Thisi que.5 10,11 li'J)ut to se, a; res -
Ycni bannt�lt'rai '' fil V pag
601.: t 61
to n �ac We trade
fully,with a getting hen. Stie is,iv"t' walting by?tIie t'6iibIell at t.1 w -tt Otlle�%vise i� as, we am:
log -Aire i6tting %� It a Jib6l -of time 9f
lie t.she should b the feast of It, tile'
,ying ei arices tile. ast be'.l6xp 66ted.
calebrit6d. hhis hatchihg and Inig a week. City coll6etibils a ties. DAMAGES.,
Po�ks of Of 1 4-dia E, Pinkharn,6' Ve 'table C9mpd1und,'.`t6:,, co.nt' 'PRIEST SEEK
13 feiv chi�kens uld be r
I Yg five �Ch -,,%t t c gp inue irin. a or'�glk �ozdfi eggs, Th� I'l 1 11 1116 spiritt Of itbe r
and' percentage of c'hickeng'she hat�hegis foe WOM41i, oa�',Se�-ii�r�te:S�h
0 at.WoMan"s Rethed' ers at
muchtless"ttian that prod the �'wate . r is y. �to' alit 001 Cominiesi[oner
no niftn'livIi6n
Chatham Incub aitor*. r (v. Howit_a oput:inlo,ill BradAreet's sitv the Nvlltije�,flje
-eart- lily� oron is. satiA4; -0 -,r
�Alj� 11, i, . tfia,_a, . -Le tof
Incubator. -tit i� Father' . 'Cri:iteau�� of
divinc Son of'inn 0ou-IdAelp''this hope-
filailiam, Incubat6r.41 con'Wn- �ve movement in trade 99". go'bd argaingf, Bi I ickingliamy'
C. . , `b ' 1. ZD
ry less cl '0011 c6ille, io", sQmo its. e -expeted a eparate
ye . aro, Orders -,for sprin I 'Y r d
0'r:c6nstrue e own, or
improvement. of im,portance it), incu-, trson, a
I' "'no 0 'lie! �,4t)"001',Comnii�,oioner,,,:of 1h
bit t
"inith. been .900 s.are M000 for' publiip,Ansiil�. alid, �,slandcr'
.,duped. 7*he�,ar6madeofth6roukhl Coming forward.briak-l., NjY.jth,.jIIc d"
�si. a -: -tvai, 1eard today, tlld- Hull',Superio;
a- Court. The action had'its origl'ti,j
d' wood, with two'%valls, cas571 'cars; mile I vdlit. of wildei -%�-cafhlir buildiiii, opet-,
- Y. a f6i xtelin
withint case. -B 'tw66n*. the' of, tit(, time suffeitill';-ilite I gony.:06*9. 11 b �oinnicnced in ;�rlc`al t u .,the
ago oy
.50 walk n�psjns was �do
tfilne�al wo s pac ubjeet.', to little; a)id hardwa�:o,bbuk� an& Junibei cl�pjo�_
ked fOr " ming the ill'al'stronn, box, 'Often' hold bv nibri tire prepa ]"Cut.' 6f-dic Cbristilail. Brothers
illiusull had , been. a inecting ill. connection, with f
ach'plecc of .1ieavy )ygi -There
ve7., -best in 'latiorr. ' E rinii t& take nit sof
ill case is mortised and grooved and -the ii-aae *hich In will tfifig be created. id'inaking . �tli few'. -athered 'about, d 11' tra& Winqi' viassi a screwe i Whole ag soliO .1, 0 Thbre: is a goo 7 reta .donoi
her; as she.lay in lice extensioli'"Chair, er Crotedu `a�§'a, rodle Chatham Incubators are'- tbr-6ugbot3,t hle'. ciilliltry.� Mone , is t
-Q 6nifig"Avits AcvbtedAo v Ing forivArd lie Tile following o.equipped with kientificall� Perfect P, aeature �in
'.are. aq till 16 'the nion'e' Rot,- is:,a by Pastor EVerett, After' S tirate, ��cho6l Coinfiliss'
y mar loners,
'of tiinc lind call �frnl a to n -ed' flie �reveten(j
6�ns, of ioguliatin the temperture. to a -decline of tbe
regulators which
%-,-ere obliged to Pri e
Cave. ositjItro 4% per,cerlL 'e U tit but defl��'d�tfb
'iller; whonj I Iiad.n9t met'
pea -KI; bb -
efore, 15 :
anx hUnti too it ra e in most lines. is re- 9, ad lied'
"My sister, yo At'Qirdbec, 't
-qui6t, but'it-is 04ect&l'to -bright.- Ilirilself," on. afqrin�_'
No,*h 0� re !tic I,; you are ade i I*qol of
The Lord Ca it make bettei �,n ;up as tile
seasori, ailihinc or, occasf6n.
yOtt; Oil ybill" cot I, tail oil your ICC I
-goods,,qre in nlod6rate aliniand, 'Coli�c- This OfAlic sell001, CQ'
mmls- for -the.- br( and refibwllfs: ar, ion r", 06- tevere gentleman
wl start you pouVr� I lookod starcliingly llto,iny heart' it, fe w
-tba''being o -have done him licate. 06
11de profit With, a Chatham� Incubator -ant -not nnx-
hshoe- noney . from ye . u jOUS 'to one' cotif of,r' t'lle heat (if th(i Tha "nicans'thar yo . It furnriec'-w. a tillict,tclile 'hotie0able ill.'rhost EL.
until 6exf1i
reight hatches .ta:n'take off will 1)e donc,,'anti paid, Arade� but is Pei
n Q 'Th" e Vnderbilt Imt6iest 'U'
make cpnfl, crable Inc, ev if filliv Alo%TAI t6tIll ceptible lit :and I stock's
the Wlit thatr I should dry� at-(,. - alld nit. in,
the Indubtlir bef�r;o the first piymeaL t1lt, it,*, I I I I I Will' nder�
I W take lt�'CoiIs ruciidn,
coine4 ilu. - - '.tile 11 '4 wl g1le. t
Ile a. Come.
f �i,o ittfe d for'spoi
C till, 6frer i heris -is� it eh)jmo� iri tile � gi�ji� '�b
4, ra woro no, certill t vit'l you accept it Imint t here wilg !lot til'At �11611(1'99 Of 'ti-ade. sltxiatioil. )j'oiikY i,� not. lt"onli lly rclli%bI6�.�Ififoi thit s, d rlis
ut, of. the
'Ir go in any more
you ivi t-comitilcte spLIisfaetion,'if bav 'qiiiflcailtin of' 1:6-o' �Xe, �!,elldal, ilke
h 'bc'en iof 1311s"Ivu
to lillose Who, fill voll Incubator ill pay you a4itandsonlo/ 11'ritil. if �itiled be? r uyz-
othcr, yow 6 be te'ras, a, tuntiol ivill'be iinmediatel'y , con -
le: to facilitate,
-ycarl�. inebille., uttakent PN, but de�lers liote have-- no fear killcied, utider'the Det;tdh -Ilivef
I h'e'trnn4pbrtat Ion of 4nd avol the at--
Thiiis �;tripiifq One, lays tlint OV4 d
tr eports, 'of Brad I stftett's rojit Victoria The,Wnud be. built -
it to 8116�V,Otlr s.11prchic COTIC17 le first ery;w.futer.
D I Mot -by the Vinderbilt
dcn�e in-11iiii Chat'llanijilcub, V fillty. Aret' Vancouver sa,� Trlid6 co�tilllle.j it interests',, independent of other road%
Vaht,you to-a�cpt t .1 iiwi . affe . r as aliou . t . iny 1 61 iai , little coagt All data has.bebtit-glitli6red tar.
g:it Wred jr t, . r"lle, are (lie onstruction -at tile tunnel, the equip-,,
tis act� 11,11wi.1- 4�t 'thut sign4I a 'for tile riltig Inapt of 16 to bo- the inest Olaf, engin- eo
nee suite of �the s, C, toif ot; le tmloI16 'fol of bettor tinic
derlO.'1kill devise. .The Welillpii udo-
it; 41ils 'after 01' We con- indiistry. nd-illo 't'- ilig. fit)-
brkto7wilt give. nitchirc pits ears: inin
le it lrge,�t oh, record on both lijdo�
fvep4t.o"t g � of. the
lias. Ma&,Othel�� I)c fore, "the �th6 *1.
rhe* Lord. Jons wei Tile river
dales'i Organic, hei Offltid for twill be tised toil. the tunnel, nd tliere Will bW'
quote, �oni. �No'othcr fewalb raedicind in the wor d iple � newholesale lieugs in Mo. pri
IV 1 1 teceited uch 'widdspir d6d �%prit terl1lieftla,
'Our a 19 6 chd y6u:a Cliaikat;? te"t 'of V . erocds,,A�r ilie in hi' good hild there I* also said tht ,Wlthlu this Yetir ever*
and of .� single.trAt C : I
Or. :'I. Iliv, in Ind I as a -do sprMgL delh bft bbiween. D6trolt,
re cures Uinak-%-troublcs or. such, ly,
I . . .1 And ;Chicago . on the Michigil
Inoubatori dt6&i�;-frelgh prepoid Y o other h hoU; �of � ta fair.
11,9,W�Ilhoa Ott# dent of &a, h from Y it. Aill lilit 9 tieful-filerids,ashng: n Central. *ill
6 A be dciulile�trackod, atidA -block system 41tgb-'
Ybirt 20 ding" t .06ur frt, pery, r qi;lt, of tile divi Lydia '10. Ph getabild
of trade 'at Rainfljoil, 14 llAV
Otito �r, IP064 rhi-bWanco'to be bald nkha'ml:� Ve r
In Octobei,, 106; or On (YM .'6f tiftlillb.$;t oil it Will entlrcly'� Cure -th heAVY.::
a 6d's. k* 8 U Y L a-wor�'t-folmis . �rdp�� re, not, larize, blit
0 .14 era
or.' On &ad Uledration. Displacemen
VDW du u rty ;L,.I/ vi -T - T* -file -an 't of the
r. ri liver ascquo4t�8pIt2ajWcakziesg, and is �Ldd ecti' is air
OX 1 '61c� f 1, 1, ig
. h e. 'Chang -of
Tito It lis oilred m4d,o astgo otfier*,ieih�
.61 give nit i lid an(
60111t, Ohl Mille, t to 11tv 01h edy 66 world' has dver known. It iig'altno8t lhfallibl(
thiA raq,. ir I lit' lilli to' i it
'dissolvdg, and, 0l:Pela tutiatirs from the Utdtus 'in Azi edri .is n d.
stage of doill,
0111.91 plasollit illith both Yhoilbitfor. Ailit Mooli CvAes, U
Would bot lie lMd.
iii,�6 for ft'000
its, I. O -C fbi, Aill 16,01h9p Xdtions PpocArntion, H tlo� I 1111,J) tholigli, Debll�
quic t Yl., vs
lwon, w;� 'il, vivid I hot- fillik.-ts 'bi Weight and batelm, 40h63u-
of ity I oldtolt, W61A,trctuble� )�q id flim I
tevdd curea ,bfay . tinder Orbiks U10,10110,16! 80ttm, and As as arutiess Atro g kIIII
tbe water,
tit ity tinw.o t6ho' '6
it quickly rioza6vibbo ut Fedliligv dkirothe UWAIttidd doh
-IF 71 to
Ott 11;TY 'soIll A`fditll iy'j, nervous -
H13 AtANSdON CAAIPDEI.L C(Y.j ti� T felt z
0, IlIv. I. � � olso hVidt' OtW ibdi
iiH r It of W
Mont 0
k)'6, d
'All Xi . is fair
Ithe, 6tii 6itnPou
a"d Escicllchiti,� of ts,ttb�cir, *X"li tlitf indilstilips, antf, ',.q no,
tnd slftvs Cures,
PA npij if � 6d iinprovelliellt ig not, od, ill t1ld
N* voithilhitt6r, ll.C,f -lliqlU4 bril- Thoad Vtildwen lwhb� kef
A ustkiddolid tilteaL, f tb
or =4 wa. by.) no CiyVotAiltrA., P, 4, all,
jllblk�'V 0
1, cc
th E
. . . ..... . .....