Lucknow Sentinel, 1905-02-09, Page 67`7 W"Or T '114 L 1> 41 lot, 4.10toril an, ST414,0434 'AA The. SUPlig vo �*a K, 0 ox ge. No; forito win, V; 4;9* 1 140 -'Habit B 'PAI&Illo� tj n , a one t 6,0� All ow, n Jnm' ife uirps, Jit or", no In '? � �­,q tile . ­ I MM t mini I f alWayipo4q need. for. 04"ren ir in tll�a OU septhe, P .be V 9 Mew, ; 110 re & AND inge fo;m o blllbgo:,". YO ould "t essence or i Stroll D g Inc ure, -is : .1A Common upres. J 0-' t TtUnt.§' About' X0A§vrin$, The "Out "`94`4 'S -Uri ight oapk�­., S a b Pbat caf.*maia aig, 4 gr V owiq r g4o, M of UFO FOR, SALE. 97 "Pjri eald! a put 7 �404 Am - 0_4 a I on t lquideko III sion'', We,*' hear 7- e ine riqt bot In ka, pq r - 'Wilt not inj AJ th 14toregi 'Wag Brootmd is e Y� b wit,44pq that in. a, live us., s'llaolisuiiil by, tbifo­ ifilW000r. ",T iis s e d ainty f4b,- the, Ki g, was.for the, When wa: apeiii, As,- its S her AX, A'SIX410a. Opq WP. r gth AW MILL'COMPLETE. 10- 4 pipe GIZ Wells 0 4 14 ',bps go , p1ble, .4hol, Xmistpra, of 'But' � hevirpr some o u4te that of Piskey, or. lirgnifyi,'the, rpol -th a are., tuesn" py,. ttle;r c 4roiv.41, 0 'Coa- Were gui cyniference, �"4 'MOL *helli- We.. a 0 delletpiibug rooks ''of' eXecdskVc 144ru koka.' Sple Id Inyvatineut: terins ienifg.la'; f voJi,,Ult4tion :11law4er" �Ve ei, imagined L ab16. 'D. T, pdgsoifit, Dra,.,6brIdge, Out. it "c ninonied tp th.q, p�04qxtce c4 ­ _9r, r 0, II0tL Xneen"ll,'hiii 'fit' �Iamqts�. put 'In 'L ditio doobtlesiit remedie�. 09 X There a ni,94t' around ;6r qhp I ` 1,4 one recordcd�, case in wh, U TS V TED., -0 `gingei notgry,i.Te Its, Thip. was. 4bit ­,-Jui aily,d6se -.of Q Pailereta Waster. t ir est,�;m it, VIC Im. the urcualM 0, and -a he the d W. .q; a nautici '04 to Quir J�i�iek U9verr 0419AK "as Inpre!R§94, f T -Ow. e n 4rap a, F* ft, ftiiture for -py�,senl ' - 1- -7= vent, 11F. Ilawavirs in use., Is i*ei*. to think of, thiela Ong the babi 18. 'T 41; 11a g A,eilititantly, biJit herL" )a more praetli!ied in Aq. FWU a nje,ad , 're'sey !Atory,,,wQrk9hP0,- and' evorr t4jiitised .'r'anqdies­-;, the United 'S 04iQ, farin, labor 'X4160y'"W94 thii.head OtJhe Atl0i as Its Would 0t-PJPe.` as beto Ainds of tates thaii'iftL 1�ng is' figure Vitus departinepti 9f,hUn* . I , I 1 11 t' ' - '' L . 11ti.164y L described Ili,. dionse er� numbers of L '9.4rk�.Jq history. he Interesting it, , , jan#,� Th.. %1*9ygivlay-K ail, AmportA n' fult 1911 tle� rot. ther6­'a�e to, conten61. 360, -page d -In -cloth; ;in -or iours%-ft- herito-plir"i lAptaiii;0" he riads of tug plok-, don Who chemists, iii. Ton:,� for py, sand. girli to read' .4 few of ..the S' and. passing c 804 1. Milo ad 1; 25 centp, for, a copl�l ..gu4 If nue�, je 'is 0 L actod. as ip4rt 9 :I0FJI0,;�a 41sab t, h opini 'cep w *oftsi le4 rs#,Ip�' tradh Sol be b it Is not Worth the money solid It back.'� and. QIghWuch'II4Wser to ber,,'Ani h6W; OuStbinfers' ..for 'the �.un7'ent It fit ancient - history -thatl.!(q) d. 114 no lli�aibney will, be returnellil,'this W40W they got 4 St'raint L do it, 14" I�; "S�,TT? 70, the,. 7th ttyllot' 'a a, of: itbe .14tat.q. rU]]ni th., �Jidaderous, Ila r 7-m., heavy 14 do-Ilae, for -canv t 4ai is not t rou niid,a concont fat, NO. quantites.ev- : '1110intil there. -WAR it holy bbeOpvanq3 co. bg ;-,,queen Alexan ...n. :Mor; WAA, mit. that theY baye gular, falls; in which 1 -4 , he 41 te. it Sea We on -parFea .,Owiii which is ilge Packthread.-. .86 4,e Won 10 K';rA' Q4 '0 abigolutel que.', eprich, you 00 all ten e lit. tis4, t At gifiers itat' ld nd: 'Yee, cause df W, GEN! -eiw M IS, JUST W A. 7'..ttl ed .. , . Vys. pL PrIc end or es are I Was he dam 4�;Fo at it, I OZII in- 10gerl :,.4tIt the,' apticial man waiiidors�i -up-thfe�ys­em 41AS an( t: PAP awiser clescrinea, ',Is 6,, ay 'fallow.. Every �4, ye�t 'or as fOrnia lon4. IWKIE5�7Brfggi; Wesley Build I n-g., 0mg q C 0 hi ;in lft,�SbmLe ihrand release 'XrqN. do it and be a We 6, Ont. aOr and, t in eight 0, Over' e ree. 0 k er Ilts machg wboisieek p4lliat*ion� o also;. different frd o nd'.flve� allin,fion T ways it. If y ',k Jitchei: dL not. �elk4t wor ey ',,know' jucif in drugs' ad; r Tie'ritaps. 'from thifse'alot laws, oayq, th- that If )Fqvio . '..Qgoen, ioniir�s. inches' in ill IS or' I er'th It w stave' -porpM , . 4- 1. - la,'cbloral irbiglilyn' - Engle, oipd E m Isf -------- US' q d Interest -7 o si� U ocaine and I caind the'later cuptolius ISC 'form tire, aCcUmulatiye which the I migicil 7: plays so Irnp6rtian( eteri a ".5c an A chIO1 Ad' "An, e1glit-litch is, eir.e it, A- yo in the A Cu5tiMIS a bIg-Jand. Oerthelpss, feet ulibif the hunilan 'systqm, ling, mag'' bound out to -WHHN IN NEET),i SEND. A hign,lia, they know. 6 r ice for 7 years. PrIsoners � were con, LADIES fair L red trial 'of our neverw pul apoll. 114 a strain r that ginger OS, tbe.homely r0medy I aWser of this ak r 7 -ygars or. 14 L or 21, -accord tug- tp. failtnig reiiiiidy; rplI4f'quIbk and'safe. Dept. _of dif, Cod -L Live bfthii�qtate is"that 1. Isi for, iiii h -size will 'Stand -poses,. not regarded- % ovaud ft� coil' of'201) fathoms, or Of their, Ybuth, for stbinachic tili olot-hich Mauillk I ense olden. times, i:child was rope lll� weigh be. only Publics- t 10a, Paris Chop!caj Co., IdIlwankee Wis 4L inafried lady rat all, eii t ell.ilittildt was 7 days old, because b ' r more than a ton.,, increilible;L buti it is a:. fact. really'alive until, then. Ud �I*iii Britaift,00, does. not come f eL as not -thought 'UL 'AN TO 4tL ­!­ .. 11 0 Se mialla tit coils of a thour is that, from the: t al 1. NVO tfi"� a Eta - I Erkin&' d a few drops he :te8th in ' Properl;y. cons ructed child EVERY WOM �,De of the markied.ivome feet 1 11 ItErD but now a standard call this' poNver are looked, for in tile, Ittli in ntn,. and. in f our. soring,styids and samples ust such a food i :for ii I wr r pro pe t. 5he �iftclple, of tha 2 f or 1,200, feet. � 14engthill beit, form., of ful car�iiinativo ey are exilected.to let of $4.5 'a, 12 LiallitSi.. in 'cloth, sIII;. and 0 S'. the our up 'the fe d hh'bit of takinci large'do -,4x7 - he. Manag r;, Southcotl; Suit''. law un re fathoms, i . I t*Dn, a "gingeristl� will gro�k nt di the Tth - jea:r, th 3 als t sklrts [in of Dr less 00, Iloweve .. gas, 14 or the guins I tioi Z - A' man be., In tre: -walats. .1hat, the 'K�ifig ifferent D towing. rl 'bui It. favor -of set I sis entliely d use I d' veak ne sea-, as a come p jR�18 t comes of age. -at Al, at IS sikp'o6ed e allbe t ken 1 'th ropes own "to :And Including -ropes, laeor, U [YL:�tfi it palliative,. stren h;, at� 7.5 -i's"ge eqg piped ax, IS ever "'to III A , quAror round are r its 'tbaf Av�men bi#, best:,, at 7x It, a 3, t, i. d body to uringi 4 . Ut*.h and v, al ar sit*=* 8 Of stateor him, o live an left, ured in the same n4anneri Ropes of. less than anecome are, ad milldh addicted, 16 gin SV6 aft �fllff 0 is 0 is t -to, domestic .4 'that, 1141ach, alli -,,a as In therefore the. wh6le, mai an of the" described and ordered by threads are diffimi -life. an le up of to �&ryte quarter In. c1reuratifrence 9L for of bi' Or"E, To thir foo. t1id I td e a 1 .1 . : men,. but-*thc actual victims fill A rope Is ma( a numbe� of stran S. dult'to accqueeal ivaitte i busine� ii a S eack tra4ce - as -to th' oWn-Or­.emaciate&- Yp S at a 7- 1 es te� apes WhIck com upon �Aer, aje-sif." and ipo$ed of ,the a an y singlyj star 1. Dy some figur 'that'tbe nor Ii Ult" Th. thre�dda lit )m ro varfes' ac- ''child Or, gtbwn up person: man'bod .1 it RERS AV FURS L" Ithilt, no, responsibility wboWer in. ie� b Iv&- it #ial: t.,'hurt. ..- I � t eAron needed to ma e cording., to its, sIz6,!. canno very vitiate 'Seven large nail -pouids oU '116*es: prices,' Bond. a,, �Ung-, "The,� e known' d ttp'iha rests upon t'h r' � must'�ibo. d Is', the fat for Ail Eve�ything'.Iq F ura� at' bon for 65 gross. . IA TAWGUE. tr0 arge dose calli the iar RAW' n of lfte sent ally the, 'best th iallin . en'di. s Of tincture, 4 ph enough- for 820,000 in a esL We will pay. hidliesf New York ger, sa It mist I e Ibitaned, besides, 20 spoo all re, ii, iuch� n as inch and'a or is a rol U' It iS�'eS f could' III quart yo h f f bp U 'be said 6 50 lump Sen 'of cotirsi 6f t a sugar, and 'lit other Furs.. d forlorice list.. - Ui slihilemoia,than an -Linth ;an& i ail eighth and ibl* t '. tlie same for Skiinki Cecil, Fox.: and ­.Ilnlijpined as,th� Q threalis'�. and having - a. circumfrence :ot' a Id 111 IN-11016sae Ot it an us. ani Mng' would the ost e'fiourishil�jfit for'delicati h b a diameter. at three�-elghth� an � ail, I ell � full. at r. ax coiv bt t*a hundred .. fathoms op fifteen' 0. t v drums." Once' not 'lfii �16ponsible. for,A-61312 iolently at Ing, ea "lit liudibafti] a 61 he had pi e,- an �re r' Trees Wh e..,, fio`�Urtl threaC Marilla, tope''Weilghs.' f: is' a, pllYsiciF d a t�d, f r 6S ifty' pounds, o5h4dreWand al"' email ich Ruda& �'The; lidusands or^ A curious Alle I M60ii the vegotabIj.' and such. rope when �'Xxq' w wjlk, bear. W Strain aemi.c $irk. a the palate is' 41's. given due notice to tr men and all 'fegarded. lt,'is tb� je�ujt 4�;hi' eOpLe. Who of J.600. pounds t tliers.�ibon'c�rned that he"ould,f6r,"thei �,'Six-Ahread,'6pe bita.-& diameter. 6f one-, I We Will schda"you a. sample free'. sIWrIW; tfi� pie a pZ:tby�-- difse -fbr*ord,, tip; t ot. ll� ate IftL- 'Manila biz throad:,welghs'. twenty-two East It, is it sp.6-cieg. 0( 4�6aei, which off"Lthe I[in can tile ad law SplreiiLsiein. Ili'this, co"linectibi at 1dast thp: CKU do ,no a ptrg�i og,'620 poundsir o, a height of. about-,eight--fect, pounds, and new'14ft thread mo olive Be suri,'Ihit prilimiry alcoholie--drinker-&- r6' SIXT hiloh- gro )hia,'tqI;er.or wil.. a OSSS Its I 'S ya 1D at from, I' Six Inch Manila th and,'whan full sixty feet, o 'W to make -.-a pound;', three find three-quarter, W -a labe, onr rou� wuld t In tht form: �tiigctlier in urls each' ' do At, su t �evei ke .erUiffg7hiM for'iebovery of.the ainouilt Inches ht'16#�th of alen_Inch.Miliallit hawser theragper ofeve bottis He may put that in Iiis mouth—, whight tbe 7 - r UDII, is granted Will Weigh 46 3 L nucb� , brains, but' at lelis. he� S ivigs in M. of a' Ion YOUL buy.. due-, but such -pro a C. nsumptiolm �and: curls c c steals away, his of ded "'Tho" L hawser densntiio�f­ -�P-1&.- I . I — - is _ is a six.;ine haMng"Par- "in this wa f F—buasil self y oil a night's .'sleep'; ILlIC43 st�tbiii ordiftary� manner. She' S C()-ff -sili L; iiii the, operation," G' is. Tonic 'I of .'itwo Illi Two hutillrell Ingerismi Via e0g: to%bibing - distui diameteri WN9' 'The -%resfilf -ot the practice MS'L 0 tannot all Thdre agi- inL 0 i-, fathoms of C jefinisti; depraved form'Of drug�iiig." -uriiiltbern Of I& L 'Jff�teubbed iit IV!II flutteu,as.if her: own Attorney-Geperld and $ 1 6lx7inch -�',welghi :-about 1,300 glibellefs it 6bJ defieril to, iepresent her all l6gyi pounds- and a new -Manila rope of this size ate t bii,n2istakefi. r t going tugsi; "handling , eavy ypsse a., Do ripsul at. linuis tru&:in i I , - or t be some "impatieni at'.the interruptia lough- '.6f 'couitid, eiOpt fg. will Stand a* strain- of. 30,000 pouaAs.­,1Sda- bi i,negqti6n.:of­�the -� jj]�­imed tated 'and ces, 'towd 'outside, cairry, sev en and i'etght inoa� i_m . of its shimbels. L "duitiry 'private purposes, their' seq:i To A, ill T �:"to�l out. octor inJ4- Yesterday that'Abis fo ry a battle for that.c he.oftener: the d :it may bi though OUGhLo 0 V,o i -ten-inch hawsers; L 1.4 onolqsted' the mor t -be 7—' -L len com a of in6briety�, it ef e- hak-in C� C g. of- the It "We SCarce Y e e -3 �0 fteeded.�­ fter giving reli' iiit first, S. b., Wiams �k i0o., is L Would be about'as heavy, as would `06:� no r al to. a bu y brain Ingm odor �cotistitutio P �e, stomach and 50c.' 'the the t- ' b most seagoing -tugs." 40 and i at th s whilst giad to rc- b�gbdr,ild y "All. N.Y., Tairontai an. raueh6 ', and: 'tit 'pait of -the miclu- "A ten -in h -' hawser has a L� IQ" gi tree Dmit�. h in�usbat c led for it feIv`nIo th6 fact a quarter inches.. and a coil. of V ight aiin 3&11. t..cahnoti ose 'si tbria , e and. b, 3,600 )ouiudd,� and' Se, ryant urned tbe S W 200.'-, fathoms will weig; I Table S, lent headache." ,that Aftbr,:ii1I'hu:ff6sition islimlt6d- to a'L new- Minfla.1A*s6r. of this size ill stand� of, An. Old ekvant's' Devotion.. 'A story, is'tolid'of high f ipfght--�bs, used for towing - ai in. the habit 0 1110 a �and heavy coal borgoaL at �ba, and 'for �aucb threslifn undly 2'. C C., I cd.t in times of"adversi the was 'Old Aftet,- d4ering- for gevewyvar�F, - :riilg of big Queeii,,'Co6oit, find' therefore 4, etraid. ot 75,000' Stich. a hawner officer, who `w Alligi ALIFORNIA EXCURSI .44ouching storY, of an' old retainar's -Sbe is in a very arge. sens' one of'his .....ON -or �1ntght�bd- 9­��Ar­vhnts when- subjeets,--and'ifi,bertain. cfises, �-Ther i U-o—urt, Un - Y 0 1 L nd, runs western line I through Y. 'bad ',Vhicli t e) _in as W pleased him -0 he or ser, dared a; no human. possibilit ell* as Smile ith, inflatinni4or to. inquet;Wasldld w al. in 11tege-linies Ae �slfiould 'bei 11jibirger, tiftem-ifich,ii. wsers,.whicii ll�iye. ..VaUt , .,,go to.i a'Lauftim6f bouSd -1 class I an in the , ;, , . . on Mar ad, eleven- months confined- 'to occurring Pulin tourist sle ki�in .. I bf Wettines' been made, wiluI& be morej llkWy Comiliound.:tind' wait -for hfift there. Pre. n7-rdom;'�aiid. for ..t But, in .,othek re L�puit to some special Uses,.aS far wreeli;4.r wo years - . i" o� ie I 16 b Ily turning tip oaeGoii aftil:bronchis. dr. t sen icago every I FO - i gi 9 S a, -oilaea pri excurii6ns from Ch c�s myself i1rithbut"help;, yourulggen t h 'is act Aleges by th tdg,puirpos6s.." wl , 0, heavy hdrse kinted" calling e ence bottle ofL Whipp he thus, address6d. the' offender *.eek.: jo egare.. me "a 'Choice of.4o other.�er- Nv 14 no owest, rittes. MINARD'S.,LI.N.1i­�­1 iltes. tell. 6i Cured Diolithdria; ow, you f pRest sce0*.,- Spec hL attention- a IVIE NLT M 'I'Ve"'got i6ard,ii Lini'm ou. in n Old Woman, said. ill in Afay,,, .1897; and iisko-. 3�le wl given. e. iii witli. hier` fo a tO.. 7 i�,Pai Icult 1 .4 A qe e-;q.uestion-- of-' III -�hoj�e up _on �eish, YOU. withliv. an, ifieli B.. H.� en - high. treason. It is geneially'undeistood' 'BAP ri ed folders, And -rates, address UTFLLA ARE NOT' AT T pr6edred'JU6 gh a main e ne , eneral-A&ent, 2'Kink It person Pr tl elieve'y a comp, dtejy. bured me,.'and Ig , t' eadt�, werdInAhiii-employ'of.hte deccased'is�' 'l, y - hoin Wiii 6ronei -.'!Yeans 4-6 T* . 1 -1e' ' " : I . . at the 11Zhim is, the'olil ore bott is' bi Ill 'but �.silri:,�.letqhnikoff �has a' oro,to stree a:plot -49iiiins ve treili to ent, made lre-' - ful physique, s U'. Pat! hk hAvw -Irad, no r6tittik: of th �. pa i " for e n servant''?", 'ol,Yes- but SO to Ou references o ill stance of y In.. bu.si, ew iteen months. The abov -,WouId­-be­ high-tre ft -al -she failed facts :are 98 . . . ou, sure., ,no, -o bacteria,. IV Ich 'are 'not onlj�. h (CY li-live with c. armle.4s Pap L YOU nest, vind iok lier to _ueen Alexdxidra., All- c �. I �: 14 a . w and neig go qe , essential t6 'You: � h6ry dni i WHERE. L ft IS 19STE .1yell known to 6. erybbody. in this: villa undrel.. ! but benefibial,.,and, ih,'f ii, .,)f ., , I . W EXED. nd she h .I ved me ever sinciet. of ­British monar&3',hav enjo a, purpose, Aborhaad ""7hen, Ph young : t ihe' hunfan body. "A ptlysician. -!76n, still, I thi thtit Mrs.' Ba on.. Anothiii ivitn6ss gaid, this privilege.' iiii We& you. And You The Rail ve4,, art 'the,,bri denied to OL System'.1hat 3�4ies�- Enilisilt one 0 L. it. Married � Queen.' '�Mafy it S Dr, It' st 'eff6cted he Aid saitlioroughly'�that 'big master. had'no relaii d A j�AjiT,,. a me curious, wa or a. week.-- Scotsmani. a him,' thou eii;perimelftts, on 'the isub- s not vl�ible I the Safest i i the W o' lal 'r gard or. her s'her old ,;�r ridi Timotli6e Qli� loth -Mdy, 009 hich lave bi�eil' gh, some time after the ukar ee the' results* 'of W. riageL specia I act of :Parlianient ' was ommunicated, to"the"Acadenly,:pi: S ey indagdt, railwayg,�' .a I ted. td Rid in '� whi 'Iva granted' the cien bett*r iiii, 'Ob* Englain.1. With, -tentli 'our mileage," inifliedit Cur s 11119toulft aSoine' ilibbits . wdre fed'�, f An old, a( -by senjer, travel, EftgWhm-6i haye rc�ord opjH' �tcrilized, o pas - ant re 72 - bui *it ch h a The,, sigliai�re '"Edward! ReX" is' iit� I0 IT WAS Of A' mny: time* ou'n densi tathed I tOL 'all, Stit I e docume , rits. of such *agaiibieg whie14 �ha been iorea. gifp'poid and, fell �oa ZJNSEbT� mp _ oriance as the a ost thoriough , procesi -kn ORLD. the Sidewalk 'way.4,oUt Ili to i, emand it'. - But, in' -;Vithbut 'lojin 4venue d'', IRE bi,, fifteen 'months' g,,a'. life' Thi 'truo.! wing performers - a 6, nl-bt.� ..Two:6atraim lait �no. circru sta s� of. the, -isame. species were nr en hurri ' ed to ber.,kasols . t� in nces *hatever would,', the the h Ow_ :a, train accident. * T6 iciii 1d, b&' food. In'.4this obise t6 tak�:i,: got' her one "Alekandia lleminaii` given t 6 same Cribkets7iiiA long4h&i4d grAd�llo correppop u ppers, on her fe'et 'arid to things -autocratic' ',of/ which "the ktyllid".. Is' b,allowed,-to be i in,c n- Illi , old womdu titached, 'either 6 tbe afir , havingi'� �ein M causer y do tr her fil-6-nearby'store. The r.&. W.h, I , , Li as, .-Very-, inuc'�;`excitcct aS,LShel Was' be t -of i's 'Al =1zed*,:%vere - iinpregnated K Pills 'Curod aracteilgtic,relIiese 41uniction With iha �aj6sty or with. bacilli,, Dodd's Idney- English anner fitativa., -These fel-, "alsted along,; happied " tbatL inalienable igh apW'thout''It'- oil d' i broth iii which bacteria had'b"h art di a... th IOWs—fir it. always th the '413eq. heah, Alistaii j-' .1 Adams' Bright,D pregard ficial 'cultivated 'being splilifili qv�r. "I'll You- gorfuh �to sell, fur no* avialanchi I ahi't.,tiond hurt enut fur** the Queen sli I Sur ve the th to II6­nia�Sfaoj6d bi�..'th Te , ­vo, iriv . - . fig from one e railroads.' rQrim serenadeeii�by-' r,o -WhAt� So no: avalandho. w she at.�preT: Or more� a 11, eaft il es�7, am, lftsfead'of'dyll ir men icom "a lou n: as se it. :an fri ia;n info long took fikr.hom6.' 'Son p0ssessq$,,WO1 b- inight be calladliviiig Ad e the Woption of, the, ildL be Withdr4wh1rom.: th.., ,bb,t She did n'jL Bel leve n Thenit, but To. block, sy§tem;,,, A Aupd"ion ects are. ovoid bf caring, The -locusts bar, only. nominally, in some' of many� PossibW - 1.' dles,' ost,ili is lot 'of s flourished and W- d h Sad but zind 4611 falniid which hadL no paiallbl in'� the Vni- and eri6kets possess acutcheiiing. Their ENCE *IRE ' SliOUji), ..NOT B courtalip -is ca, 'ntirely &ojimll tes. Here in: Ahiiirica;. the rail- fat.- he oil �rs,' , Oft' the eblitrary,' who- E oth6rs wbilst ekiristifittio6itl libsoibed..n,a. rfied on - Di law, iovides"thai., some c' bi eria� whateV�j With 'Collifigwoodi. Ont;, ila�. 30,�(Spciclal.)* inspectors for two, hundred thofis- r urious fAd pbrished:of eAterie'af. hero' of . railroad ' are. just fift&ft ";Ili' r.'It their oQ , soon thi&.medlitni' Of th tiorkwohaWbe placed mpoin.he -Mrs. Th6s.,Adams, who moved' a 405. The no lbiigar bdi-Mgh fections �roduceil by � nonassimilinflon about,1*o, jeiri.��ak6 from,B T-ehiam -in oil' Goveffinlip it�did a good., I a spot playing'. upon The Doi treason to, p ot against urk's Fulls'j. huniber.-Heire- no official. ek.ists Wfi If L ilth her,- and it. is beld, by �ht, ]cast on . a hhas a has i'th#1r:1nstrunii The female lit g Oa armers. of'.Canad of their, antispetidally treated 'foo(L. Of&6 matty pan"a'dians: who duty or even is -auilloriz 74 b Ch I I .. I . .. I ed� to say s undoubt- it- rdid6 ' f 'I wh6h !had, j5)djEfl.' 7Isease -an to a , attratW by'�'thcse gongs, !Beck-the,L It n;rrin s inferen bs� is ':that, as d areno strong a --kail*ay difficer,�."YoU 'ar'- t, 1 0 ence wire on, aa oper Jew y tuthoii1ty 't lit She could not mary 'Lill' iigain."if's 4ished ta-witliout-tI�e regards the; 11 Lik otlie'ra sfie.� wits ourii'167. at'09- -players ;Atli uptiringenergy, t It c$et'r -ears ago.' sine ecies, th6Ahe6ry unsafely. Stop.), e:tlieu fal license and peiniisson of.thd 10hals- tirio, curec y o A I( "ble is the ch ivire os. that' the freer f6o'd-As'froifi bac or of 9? 12 and 'the rd "o4f Trade. d months, gays w ofl'the Inte ­ spull s, produced in relatio wits eight a '13, which are ni6re itsed in brin fent- ineree sioil'. are, in spensa The chief- lTispeetor- na a: ejear; di an no one-Ican te Ljne� Iiiiistrurniints played upoiii 1ept*6von.J�A p *hieh 110 'US, Oil, L r�tate,-;:Comm- 5 successor. r drro the 'c6ntrh tak6g. he plat Al to the aryl d- ble to 14o, Mrs. Adains thisi ag'�fiis.be'en' r is 6artaili,; bacilli: IL' I .. I , 6-ff-0 Il, whi M''doctor. said I bi(!. —Col.' Yoikei Js., big. name prodUde riniirs' to repla,-oi th� vi�rj,' Aprict arid'es6entially,leg digestive functions. Complet A I, -suffered." of lhei­ Nat& ments's ' eenr-n' a Y steriliz- ence 'teful' viJoden f which' the' 00listitiltion', haying, regard ad nourishment is, accojaingi da"'ligeir Bright�s, Disease apd.'Seiatiqi, but I-, got a - getitlema inflita metallic an&lir-teachiiik sounds, '-rklhe Y3, no L relief 'from 'anything. lie gave. -yn. ..At habilfs, and What-h� Sava.'g6e.8' '-tL sOlind,:prioducitil.- portion wihm.s � neo,% Wfrc sthetures, t1jeroby. to. difficulties iihich . have. occurred. in ohsA as,,fiy`.sI&y*ing iall your microbes You Inv 1 -ill last it. fiiend of -fida. it -neces"ry to take',in' yourself likewis6. Th�;,&Inl Ill 6 n, like be at- wyn ipjrol)qr'ty and, -1 himband.induced me bihiris the un n s of liallcilig t 0 Value of' Ii&;aUirouu(r een.; but is Tqspddt �mifdt- be. to h , IL inapet6r, imp ir board th.' h 'i tfi Of to give "Dodil's I�idn�Y` Pills er'of- the riti §b a-iniv. Xot lon-ako an But the tightened theory o, , c - pos in a, trial. 1, Pai-chinent-Iike U wtain danger- inj e in nner in Nvliicll.rti'� ow it .6an:spires"ta t a in n a nc it n -a d9L c to thc,41d 9 It jo� isnemies 'in I f tI I 'holon know, tmind , liu: ftomi our,e, ''.. 0 the, hearts 'of tile' peOpIa;­ad we all ual, method o*f" dilifirmi-- �scrap6d-.toigetlier dorre mht'� to �bear poi 'nd ah' effect had ith in them, foro ressed cc nft I-1ho Vt ... 6 0, no la ette'r;,. bt .0te ais' being� lirott hirig'our n er woul& get b ous 6ohditicing i b jyrd8sttr 6 I gome,.iliat, 'to. a at" Che .,in , wdrk o. expos Okets proper., the Wing oil: tlle.o That three., boxes f them, -'�'vas it 1 The' ili not, the thii bacterial-:16oild ntiol tboft tol�"'- preffid littitli, t�ie' firit Onis�tlpOfi NVIIOM tilet-iia'cak 'be: n terminate b a.', laiLt inWh1i"tlip cri I bave fiad"good. be. -or 6r While- tenderl. Y, sin d?S, I�idney, Pi corres talsed-111010st Or jaito� varti6all vork- injury to rnea. as' it at.,- . . I.. I.. i site" the whilst form' �61 Qod.,Doa, pohd�ng,,' ife p6ri t: pe?em �0rv. or- liglitild is gove oring the. of 3io argr- runfiiiiii of. all intins strilAtilAing. With hi oil the! sPot, usts the praotkal y hon6,6f,tAle, GNSi rnlfico list driv- s organs d�e elevated so 66 The Boy �r GASLIGHT FLAS 91 dn the din' is to permit' scraping fnotl M C W&A rrenteli—F of It aiu t no fuh to Play,Wfth slods' t rom 0 � . are. reccimmo4ed by'tho 'medical. An' �toys all P91ated 'uIce, The Electric have.,. p Wilintbly zine for AlIvuYi 06 musical �r�ans tit , d' 0 )q`cbruary. at.f.,jell- Chilada, Q& that an adon't-aeo, udh for'81ta'da' now� �60�' popular - for advertisilli purpose& jbit fore wlngs� Thcrlii�d' Ivinm4 flltlk.�I,061d 6 plit", 04 'vlb; wifo 4 t , L Lialment Cure's darj�t. in, Co piov�c an. J.oug ..on t alld too like used- only for. flying. f e ain't no a ga�s-flagh, has boon'. desigm6a We ore, %vinos ax* Upon rIff' of -ri ascinadon of fill Ther .44riger, any ore,- of, Ofe. A'tbL Th So. skadn' Me lie cit taken up'by, -flio, so"u'lld' t wmild �New' York, Sum) tddly en­ isnt ieft, -n' I Iddli't -ogre, i �aiil,tb answer, the Sam roduc tell . m4ndit at at as an. Adve ti I g a urn. ing; dolit- b S one-oightij tboLo$t. ig�h Ion jaefnj� a 'k. I 1� strate-bed I want to do I.alilstn't. a letters f6rinfilg 1.9 pal cost f filly t6 to Tie risk 'InvbIVed. in A 'genhis ly bat openly v6ftfo-d' a d jk't;-� p 0 lautomobfla�' into U one, of. the reasons for its 'great; p6bulatity aria the,,to6th fiff, hvil, are independently, a 'in, to ridat Vhal si . 411 11b, . Jls,wou jeoldng, Von areso)ne mail. r Were' theVe It aill't no Spurt on bob.q"L aw.9 etends intfieliacross 0ilq' no 0 .8nift I 'jets" jft..t� voillisi6n ivitli 'the 1' t le preven- tho �olvnet a' ato an i I if alL ail i6xtra,ftti fully, dalageV to,11ild occuriants of the'etirs thqi� F oi- . Icits'al then dolilt 'gilt Would b0.11ttle sport Ili, tbd a 'An' marhm' says -that she d, t Ion. of� cruelt liertr d ioldst �'oi hich, is a pil6b. *hich, s Vy 'capfitrin& cdv 0, 'Ilea' Ili$. Ink.-t6,hounilk football an,� ' If I Wifil Just beware, Wher-bt the tootbed,im%' �'l 6 'fe U,R00 'majay' other. outdoar� spo S6 whatq t6' use of trylh­tiat,� I g always burning. 'By an 'Ingenious -de- 'a number of 'cats, httli'chbig ad�vortisin',' kt.s can not be w thib sit I pply. of gas is i7egulat6d' 130 - placards to -' them.' aJi'd ti�rhi L ng. Timli 4 and I ft" f let. nlar(iin. lull sued. without dallg0f, 'but this, does 'not. ktut There Is rd danger,thore, VII no miton I f6r. 0 re ving.. are precisoly b lit -%Vith tiho pitss. in a.�Y, wily as a deterrant t0tbosd Int4testold. it isn't fair, an' I don't corc,, tha.a. cerialn, am6unt is L aeliVered, at so. bIlLt 01ther 'In b a somethin, -my cr�ed lot and tile fii6rmiin .111 011 al -Is"the sittl8taction fi�lt.-by I !wanit to'd Milig, t bxpeetiia, to old�f OV gular intervys, and ws fliLl how i le bo or the or their, 8108 1 inustu't,'­� ell hi's varvi �cxcftlih7ely -to, cht, and 84 . that Inaidi bsollif ill, the fieldi; the desire 'for pro -em= adbY -the atteliti'dil to. )0k - T� lie% sptoth _X0. it,ghit no ftin- silde and for,a iiot tbb only , cause mel! to) 1. to d6wa.bill, ItLiriod thbire is, a' bi;I7'b 'lie, World 6ifly Ady6itising 1101186hold , Necessitf�4, o1olor of . tit . I%- dangerous paitnism The Il'it r Fat, -papA Says" I way, of,thc fell bi p7hil IV a 'I neer cou)d niflidil; at I a for own, ig urt 0 at all' oaine. - Bilf;' if lic. t l6b, the love, of h p�eikrhncei of the L gas good c as .11 be it 9111Y pl.IY; hiag. i4t said to -identical IV ! rig 00servant c dnt.6f i A,6. t,, t 11 th Inf ell 11, At 1, ha . ated , a;h tbds�l of �rl C%V p" I , 6 '1 coult1titT break tin a? -,m or leg­;� ilhimi 1,coliinpli. +1 1 , d ad- a ainst the hurn u 10 41 n, ost of ostpiittlinq bili Illa ang very t4i Od' Put to to otlier cost of flidir. iiiaintionallit r4and attractive.. it Wait faleo n, I is I till flolln ce it) ell t, '111 mood 0vst`� .1, oId live th 1. j, tho I afi 6i do 841 to be nbout one -di a G., Cats eircill'ato !in thio ai lays' L f4 .1t(1vcrtL4WL al&. ih pl'Ovo n' t ghtb th! t. 6 f V I 'M L':] t (;Ur�S 'current. it 01 d flif, 11 foes tp t lis jikiied�t Lid' It Ain't no "fun here 14;* the* -house advibilice by beflefit to tjoe wid lit uld same forl Tl�icrd In't ahy-dIrt­ U tor every I r ft a ft. ln�span` nek of MVerlil' i iied foe lamptio ic evorythJtilq So wfil r istfo on caltitalistg 7 llf e' iu a raw It lan% fair, (I on't date, deppid )09.01� UI)oti, the. r6-1 tors for I,wahtli(i�do amethin" K� 1011, 1 mit�tn't )erd ito pr-operl 86CI7 N' lir w4reg ill heto 0 0 6WITactilre and A faller rdh't got hurfi-­ Nv'r q nstitlatioli of ;t fidillitted freio,nof du HAT, P. W, I o ttind I Ohl Of flifth 7 list, it Ich plani' be mi 6m, soos tall feattler r0i -to gr(4,06� strollefer Y. Ing till) Col. Ariz.-, itaL 1' 1 or '01 Tntikey, til f 4-gto0pi , . a., of fietthel's Ualfty i of nceoon Tligt ..State. Duokif,�, si 'reA the ?Ar(Idy# is till flit.a.lbato f(h eolpir to lie -to lilt to) T110VO .0.990 at`6 bat, Ill oirl P "? f toe fit,ohd at . otiddi' M0601 this WArt. Ih[ fly flapk 11011comall Tqlnl�erll awl Aljg,� b1rd5'P 'byte metroh, 'Wilt apt,, South bii 11at4i nof611t' Thil 068a 00 tif taken ho inorillax 16 alid, trqlw, farbT rot lie allow. a 'a" '111110611'dFt 0 the 646th of, e'uh Vail, t 0M, h, Wi and, PlAd-alilti , I 'on t 41'Ift the Ait, IC ifasry-- IS W iiijid