Lucknow Sentinel, 1905-01-19, Page 4-7. "T '34 41 -IL-C 10 C 7, NO .......... , wol P�0�4* ow hIves 01"di ohd-, 4 ilep, irappited, sk 0 a��-T;00.0 QQVA 4" to 011�140 iow e Agtmk4i�: *to F pe aftW 4 nz*d AV 7. 001)" �0 h W 1h h+ bob tuaX or bqoald ]VIllagann0l Gib WedU or, tore' appubl're'swrt, now yq0r,,, be d#w .$26, 0 "for, or all 1W. T.Or aaajob ot-00, votupapy, '#on of, tilree'direp —to 00 ja for 4331100 fi4 11bi;"itot A W Board An, fof tb $ , tar* n Offlim will'then expiti, lal Iftib `grey..LAm'b: Ja.dk-6t',',$A_*e17 for.1$38:., Ames. IWIF Bela., whow. tam A W ROBE' T.4j' beautifu ut, A140 mil"' froin' 40 Me arP, .8 U -F4C greatl� '130ced., prius,:.. o': . . . . . . . . . . . . . . iu ,2 aiid good, buddings, Firs." so; 40 Wilt ba:Wd lift 'Ai' furoE' Dt. SAL 11via d P 19", T . **+* -0* 96.� unjers, _d: h", !0r. a good GrAng6 Half with .'A quarter ro + ip .20. eOland.- tin, x 36t, made of good Jumbei, aituat 2nd �d 25th -�Sidelln e..,of riAld, t . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tho; bouts 4111 Of . b Whighest biddc' 9 ir for carib. iow '"ll '905. It will be to 'THE ary 10, 1 la to ngsi' e... pol, to 21 WOW y %04youtuvc. W A I o,,AaAtter�o, the�-'Estatd"'f .0 h f Il,4� by'ths 61 h T in 'the, Courty,� of il�ip,, t �irjbfield - ore -&vW Ststuws of Ontario, 1894 oh%04 F-0400AVOIR WOOD' tile itcliep'. putintaut to. the and &ofb water at, hand, all �'creffltotp and ot orchard, �Xvpry- almlom th lid Jui,15totheii.wito at n or. No, -iii tige.. ias ever ezLped tbi�gih4jm Wite Al niber A DAQ04, streliquired, 0 _oU�opte . P L er , elo" the A D 1905 yQr at day of Jan op .416 twjhbxt �Ahet to. jntot opalar.fa' 1114, bx PO4 �x 10 kar;_ P014 ?78 _0q'0;, OkVI pp, 'y j5tbthaR'0j,%b'0 ield. in, -the' I .- � as_.the Home enin .J., 4f, 466'. god decei" their 0610iiab!6 bi P ular "eta vountv, thiihort'tilij it h"' N Chilatlan land aw �ez anti. dei-� 1_ as t n or Ill or, tue;r s" "s If attaini6d,` oUr �A .. ...... ... jll'yeri y,:,,o ad wbi h ta it Wl Pr U "A 15, 9 Mjsv, 011"'gough last nientioned,date Me add udillitraU # suceeW ic s Mpg as distribute. the ssmett.eof the Strobi Mckii6wi containing r will ordbeed to, eat e' deceased among 04 Pat% the b niafiufkct.tW6d' jard 1y`totlt1h6Iqimiof*h$q -closet And, w A by'' Moos s"Idn h she lr��g day dl i will 6-noticoi and th&t'the mild, ad - The1o0b4a iin,� 966d,. atitid n es, -as owor�hu part'Me. Zoany roon er- p Q("d' be Stable, and "llot have hen, house 6166 good, 4mt us of:w a" claims �Notloo a U rC t Id Boa Pig WWI 8 ap SAU11151 S oDecelu- la, , - FF y orichol the 7M hiie f rtMitime,'' Irawl of a6 acta 6 ufig land A T� :'N'TAVL d I 'to, Wil I p" , 7 R KN DW T, HATS & BLAIR to,% for the AdniniitVatii plot," pl, reinis6ioftbe' der Cojj.L In opej on or. 'Ai -Agar t wof Luob sigoedi ,,lot 16, N N, 1VIT t E :ng,,- aeDR i10 ed "I V L -par el e. abouthe l0th,ot'No'veml�dr, a wbite, is Zip, and�-.th bbW L.B.C.P..-L :Pug Aon ondb Mounts hat -1 i,e mo,'aid-to' ed ram. - The '.owpqr is, -York d uii the corii1p 'U'. iisi6metir 6radaiie of L6 n q q or ii'd OC 0' prove 'Proper lecti, a at the Y, P*Y' have left sit V L Cb1cago. I*n and tak6- him away. Peter Up' W.;1uAUOwi Thero- ses $iddall. Ban lore won of the' Ey.6, -tar, Nose an X61fitimb, Lucknow P. 0. ld' srties�:: inde6tied, ti ..Diseases Thro9t h 1;9 to Call t e an d, either iettie'; by." CAIiVES ESTRAY .1 to ot'note, kit'will greatly 0 W�LL-n&'AT. Yours truly a A INIOUSE LOCKNOW R to HI RWO� loln't dame ' the premises of:thi u "d f h T R clues KNOW. signed'FAV21 con U� W. am q eiw m Wawa-. 11 Hours m'Ad po M. no has sal'i a'n'w..z i Ten QQ org,0: three C Sh6aflili P r bf,pre ted to provs.,pro- WANTED' 0 owner 1# Ireqqes esin tam *t r6asonable. teram Fnd apay expenses and uke them r ore app 7- to nl.zu� -to: r( STk JjM$" In ther'to.tgn 0. PAH"OUNT away. FOR9 Luokno* P.O� :0RHATF, ST, NbUSEli P JiR 0 '14.to for S616� a'a- suerotiding., country, ant-tak LU C, Almosb� at A Stan& C+:m Iwo, 7 eMdDeneld 'ofAh6 Sou is at orVat jamla in thi age of Ludsm'o'wi's po& aRDHHS receNed A acreof . ground attailled old Irelljjjj� fiatie ItGuil4'ant! wG6r.'tjjIp,!j all -k of fruit with barn and "SPECI Pre t IALTIES 1� MRANO -A Both' and, wood 44 Imimil soft:w 46 111 t WATO ib four motion - Bob �dllt be - sold .69tthor. t received i at fok iiu A Age it vreem 4W, Grusin 6,1111ta flifulm, tr -;tn�ll FrUi didej of'WhIte6hafth For partihill, sl�vl� to tile owner, MU -89 Or'nam, entals-0144fitubs, Rosest" j nq Deeds,. Wil sj t )f PM tHOS. 9UA!N Willotljlxb�V Streit; of to s ipmen on A vialli t4 triindi id. Akeld. iff6glisies. etc,., u tIr . & h", o�s 41 slecul seidpbtito�sp" W. I . �_ 1 � , . � . . - ow,',.Tuesd Yoiie atia frie � rom an 0 ION Jk4te Irvl6g,'of BottineW N All ar AMR. P)3,T-H P , it ly p6dd sh, for' *4flaell., gdesV other' ra. it. Riot, kawii alStoe, true 008' 1 ' - r or11tit r 1A "Thu"ys addl Saturdiyo. Jose M'no`other &4 c n` ­b Seale. posli 0 the jright . 1p%n, 01 ry foot like Cj I is Ma 0 love. 4 Mt. L'Brisign, poen�A -w Solo :BOAR OR 819Pvilak, i.,eith6r,, sila of- 't 'd 3 to fifthe - i with or spr- n Alingfoh The- under& 'i aid -will kdop f I'll'ill ize wldj�g' 1jr are 'St0fie - r onds In oye ice a -61100.4 '13 &6bfield, a, (of t&iiesr Wag. -0, t the, bred VbIrkshilIs Ular, TO -ILL NUASERIES We -have also ,on han.4 s1argo bum.� f STERN ONTARIP., 'ti me �Id at R 600'i or Ic W -ply'to GV104"GE-SWAN I 1 1* 1 ;' ' t iu'bUr- 'bo6tg 4h 11, *11, bosiliwA rip 14 interest o the �me of. Vot Oidigreo OV t Rap Lublinow, 0. 'A �y .. � 9" — . . '01it. be a a rea ona, e price; 0fit or Ispen n t,18 LA MST T 'SOLk AGE TS. FO ADS E pt 0 SHOE T AN NAL U C A IGHT S tiq�ed to Q, premisei%of, the antr Counds' M t . . .... Leg LOS n OR OUR -rouy msoi 'about October' 20th,� two sIV Ott o." 0 and J rope an I)Ayl MOM, rs of th� 60fit 0 d, ruiAent wne4dan have TLE GV& SWILLVAAY "auk" U11 and _,Th1s,0ehuo1.,,.6jOy*.,.,t 0'. teputs, Ion, of 4olng the . bist'wdrk In business ed- IW�, ESTRA, Wit., , 'No large a bi the Domini hnj.)jV4j Olt States 6mp16$,. our iraduateo as tesoh.' CfLme to' th#., preinl8es aad9r- ;And: W, �Ua6at. or Tho.'ah I or rig- no ban(f, four Sri same 1"Itnotibb 1inod.16t 8,jofi- �; M01089, on tjagod thin.,' Tne owner is i6q'ciested, to we) r 1"3 V 0 Sin sais m4k -Oatoiat. 1&ny' *0- e are jL31 enceN jxififon,x�f $p6ekmin, find. Ad and largo bridk, 1 1. r n'fi� the' that the Wt-� ner� soeSENTINtL Ix014n. Xo. 6_4obu now., Provo. P opertf pgy exp lnoattd andloill bo Aol 4t arstain "6—vat r AICL AN 1 0 oft, labosto' and JohW Q Any perso, Ishing to bbY wwi 8 ad 6 K '6' Lu , h - ', ' '4r , , b : , . J 'a' n, u �asea �and take &LLIC all'it,once.' Go' A, Sid well, to e 11T Z , 171,