Lucknow Sentinel, 1904-12-22, Page 5• f ° • ii d ?nrcs:rM.. "•'.'�F:i?IFS."X+r.EYxr �» �.:,•'r • .r .sr .. ' r•-•; SC.•VfA.,w%Fs7:4%4. )O h ", ilclrens'ur Caps Jn'. .P suitall-Ergift"forgiftchil i one of our grey Lamb caps, Satin lin- ed, even.cur1, pries $2, 2.50. 3,00. Ladies -.Fur .Caps 'Electric. Seal caps No I quality,, sat- in linings at 2.'75,8.50. Persian- Lamb at ;$3, 6.5Q $S, '$10,. 14 ;Alaska Sable .Rud' Ladies Alaska sable ills.full furred and good t special vale at $1:0, tails, sP Eiderdown; Suits 'pot .; larnkets n value;siie:'6 a x 80, soft finish at 2.50 per pair. Ot herin'es at $3, -$4, $5t $7 Svlk . Underskirts Ladiesblack silk underskirts with deepTaffeta silk frills. Special' at $5. agood variety" . o •sateen _.each. .Tao ' � skirts • A suitable present for the older People, light comturtable and servicer able. We are showing a special. ' line at $5. ' White Bearskin Cloth 'We h'ye just received another piece 01 the iiiuch .called for white bearskin for;ir Tan sts aud`hoods -A- engt'h of pis would make a suitable present for at child. Price per yard $2. Ways ;Rik] era A good assortment o£ Ways mufflers 7at-500, .lac and:.r$1. ,. A splendid ]ino'.-. for children at 35c, 1- Circular Shawls Black or white wool circular shawls_ at $1 ani 2 50 -each ens fur -lined ,:.'Overcoats V10213 fur ,lined overcoats well made' and good fitting : >Prices ` $35 to . $50. :... 4 •••••4 OONO••••••.d►NNOv�►M•O♦i 000 ►0N � h .all our cqtommt5. aid ,Newlands.` (coats :Newlands~imitation fur •• coats., are far' superior' to clieap fur coats, more durable . and more . dressylooking. Mens at $,10,•4142, $15. ` Womens.at $8, 10, r and 12. lop.,_Shrts A ready- to,weai' shirt is allways: ac- ,ceptable at: Xtu . We showing:`a': 1. arke,.ra,2 g n e' of them from ''50 to ','8,50. � yVo n,ens' Co mfOrt.Sli,/)7)ers A`sp lendid: range of •Womens house'. slippers at: 1; :1.: 5 and. 1.50 per :pair. Infants _Knitted: Jackets Infants croched wool jackets -at= 75c, and 1.00 each. "Wool knifed overalls at 50e, 05c. each.. Hoods' at 50c, 75c, and 1.00�each.$: Lace Cancers Heavy lace collars for coats and waists. A new ,.lot; lust :ill: specially. = for mailing.. for Xmas .::. Convenient Pricesr , 50, 75, 1.00, . 1.,25, 1, 50, 2.00. •• and 2.50 each. C1Utld ions ' ,ett' ,Slippef's° Chidr:ens, House slippers, warm -and comfor'table,'' leather • , on 'soles, 25c. Misses sizes '30c. '4 n 11115,01#04,1111 oPit Y. -Fe- are pleasad to be sble ' .to aur•' ) `,14" d•e that,,, by .ejecaa1 �arraiuserateat with publishers, we are 'enabled ta• re. ae* this year our vpecial•'offer of the 'great ' Montreal Weekly , Herald t►nd the Lucknow Sentinel for %1.15 per year to subscribers ,who pt y '.tbeir aubracriptiobs in; advance,. Many our readers took eativantaga of this offer, hast -,dear, and' we have beard aolbing 1314..0" orda of praise and soils -Taction rro>,n thew. Wits in the past'. year- the tiHerWldi. hav'been unproved and :includes, within ' its twenty-four I ,page features of interest and{ ulna r , •t qk• •i u r n'!. , ts ma oxine "' feitnrea;' . and:• s •, 'splendid ,stories, woman: e . page and. farm department,, 8ncdey ,featu es, illustrations and ;.markets, eta s om biped with the Lueknow Sentinel, the - bElocal'. newspi' pa it i - .osis d' ctricf . . makes ours: the. greatest 030 value ever offered by, ,any nea!epaperr, flub scribers who got the 'Weekly. Mon ;treat Herald through u4 last year may, getib at the same'rato again this *in- ter by, renewing. "their eubscriptiont promptly., ,, If you. are not now' god!. ing the -Weekly Herald=aee-that'•your-- subscriptions; ispromptly paid in ad. trance this year and. get . it. TO new subscribers we,offer the Weekly: Mon- treal Herald and the Luoknow Sent%' nal:.from now until January 1st, 1906' for $1.15. 2'11- G. A NEWTON, Honor'gradnate is dentist,,„Toronto Denton. College. and Doctor' ofental Sur- dery, Toronto 'University, All modern • plan of operatioin and carefulueie' in worlfraanehili Office in Allin'e block, upstairs. "; ;P;$•- -Will visit • Ripley every Tbuieda7: afternoon.' . '. ,3.C'xt+'NCY We are ;Sole eutS: for the ' , �✓ Rubbery 'where: aed forwear. i `s . y They arse u.iymr .ss e- .f -duel : r pi ru; �Te=salsa kaodle-thi�"�erlin : ma fl� • �, 15,, ' 0' 2.65'and 3.00 ears wFc se11 at 1;75, 200..2.15. isl 'uroof rubber with good• We have Si,special . k proof' felt sox which sell at 3:65 .for: the combination;-'', k tb see them. :a We have a heavy stock of mens overiihocs at the verylaweat prices. womenc;a> d boys:: Sole agents in LuckflC for celebrated ' Peel leggin ES REPAIRING NOW .. EA TLY AND. PROMPTLY DONE+! le RDlfrRS received for"alio , old reliable; i onuneroial,lairs-insurance- lomPaa Ymperial Silverware O0, -All Good , &Brae-teied.• : - i AgentforYruitTreerandornamentallhrabe, '• tl • T' a n.trrl, r► n 7 Ifr1%i'. 1 �rDeeds,'. Wills;' Mortgeltei. •etc., neatly JGlens fur eaats Wombats at $20, 25. X17, 32. Tas-, .maitian Cowl at $35, Siberian at $20'; and 22. Calf coats at $25F 4ens Slippers Mens felt house shoes at 50c,, Mens kid slilip , ers' at 1,35. Mens pat bather, . $2.Deng,' ' Buckskin at 1.50. Mens dong, ; Romeo 1.75. ' Meas ,comfort, slippers at 1.50. a and promptly egoogted'": WOffio� Town Hall, Lucknow,, Tuesdays 'Thuredaya add Saturdays.. G -RA IFX.A •3• oar for.''Seavice: The undetvlgned will k+ p for service at Z,ot 13thtin the'4th con of`Kinloes a Thorou h ed Registered '.Berkehire•boar. He is a very "e animal and intending breeders should see Ea. Terms•- $1.09 (Cr particulars apply. to • John Graham., LucknoWP.O'' Marriage : License. r ' . , CoxxizLL; Teener of ,,amities' Liseniss' _Aget►t.for Allan.:Line_i d.Dominionl'.iueI; •of.Steamahipr ;..f Life • and Accident' •ent Aseuiance. Campbell St. Luokuow. w., CONN$L: For Sale or lo Rent. On Havelock St. in _`Lncknow. the larg frame residence opposite the station, a g stable. .Will rent all or part. •R. lItOORE,ILttoknow: • Ladies fancy collars arid. ties. Fan- cy belts, fancy handkerchiefs, .' 'fancy, y umbrellas, ecktiesSilk Mufliers, Kid gloves, ''bandkerehlets ,e Teaches of Paan, gas ,aid. Visor 7 Pu •pilol.prepated,' for . Conservatory' Eicamia'- • Yitions. ;Canning Street. Y' . ' • , :, : .. we. Will be ..leased::. Y' nd 'r this: week or' send a postal acrd and pleased Call` std get a talo Q try U One. YYlal l ..:)_ Cep Ea atur A'' Wonderful Discovery BROWN'S ' CELEBR &TEU • R. GRO'ER tista `Etc• have given Physicians, Scsen , ,, their unqualified tests to,the only known .retnedys which ,will absolutely do' what is` claimed: for them, and at the same time maybe relied . upon as absolutely harmless and effective. '' 3 Wef.do not' claim to , grow hair on a shining bald hend where the roots of the hair aro /lead or destroyed and no fine hair left,, but if there. is -anv, fine liair',left-'we •can .make it grow, we have;grownhair•on,heads that have. bee#'bald for yearsand years and there ,is not a case to be found ' where a young man or woman Whale losing 'theirvv •hair and becoming 'bald' here our eelobrated hair' growing/: • remedies will tail to. produce 'e. good healthy head of hair, .if used according to the ditegtions. Bennett the painter has the 1ates. and moot up'to"elite colors; for house' paiutiz of all kinds,. Sh cial` atteastio�s paid, to e K , _ HANGIN. EOORATI O' BENNETT :TO : D IT WILL �' PAY.• 1�0U. TO CET O,,. --��•- YOUR WOK. T HE FAINTER & PAPER -HANGER viewdywwwwwirimpipiwanne Ehisis to;: certify tha `1 hayeruse`d'•._ orown's Celebrated $air Grower, and .it- s gi'owfl.foi :mo -o. good -full heart.: Tf hair.. I, was quite bald before I 'used it and- news x am :.permanently, tired off 3. R. .T daridraoho on, G uelpb., Dated this 18th day at beoiomber 190$' Itia,P011 .SAI. iBlt�i• T.t T 'O N, BARBE LVCKNOW ` . BBOWN� owT .0+, titelvh -/ STAR/.. .FOR RELIABLE S the Xmas holidays are close at hand we .wish to announce to. our many friends tbat we have a full line of all kinds of fruits arriving daily. d' :Valencia°:'Raisins, Seed. ed. ed Reigns special quality;' Morea Recleaned Currants, Dates, Cross Blackwell's Peels, .. Bl ick Dia- mond ,Currants a- mond,Currants the, finest; ' in the — market. • .°' its. are •as good as the best and ' we 'hese, fru lowest:, aslQwas the tt�. rteern ctialtwe -handle-the-best gra<des-yf f d -o tr obtain . pble,v 1yv. Og1lies.a •Cele'bratedIous_...e�a dand dour- Oall:autd seeus. a ld;geeour prices. w .. 4$T'$+4 t7T7$T4 sae ,tU 'r1 r.' qq •d