Lucknow Sentinel, 1904-10-06, Page 1NK;IIA .0410 :14C,1$110.W Fall' FaAe StOp," tuekee* 'ROM Hall then" ,Q11, $2,220.080.90 Black's :J. Prioutson, M. 'WATSON, kafist ureu.saan 0.(1 by Rai Wednesday everting atter the' Fire .depeer,n4,41ii hall -was filled to Sir Wilfrid., P•re!ni?-r ;`). tii,jrisi-nine years, :thegreat:: ,they enjoyed 44: 44.e„. latest siYles.in plain and tan the first aY,' Ole prog•aill an4 One_ prices pt, .54, 7 qi • , „Latere" we..ei twenty-five num- . Notes &equated an' d farm' ers',....te notes H., jsreicenzie., Liberal eau A. Guettn,kr, BASKING .:FeariiiOrS' Notes ditiOoAttet a326. 0.44a11003,mide: to` faittlevis to feed.. •MI rates moderate. • DaArTs issued payable at all° the Siviings' Department, De.positv of $1.00 ,iiiid-npwarsevreoeived , .tied interest allowed at curreat ratea from date of diposit to date of withdrawal. The dep.ositor is aot 'subject to any, delaIi: ; a toyer in th• withdrawal -of the whole or . portion of the deposit.; • —Interest comppunded May 31st and Nei. I loan to farmers on double or single notes for South Bruce and ,.IYIr. Robert 'especially to farmers desiring to.' feed eatt e , o Erie , .. , at low rates. _ - Huron. This ,is .the fiTt...time our over winter and grass them 6during summer, I loau small Pr- large aincivals an si9and villap, has had the honor 'of a visit • mortgages on A security, and 'on first Chattel , mortgages, on f,orn ii have a large amount Of funds to advance here- should hes large -turnout of trip rnipres ,eireturleudiefe--Eg, *._., . Cana- electors 9f both ridings present, to,hear at from One to twelve months' thne; and • 1 Ii I 'Liberal candidate- in West d. tin uished Premier, and effect insurance on all classes of protrty in Diae,forge tlieditletuld steak or mutual ctimpanies as desire Mr. Chester, MacLareri-waS intoWn this •week. ' Miss Sharman of. `Goclerich.,is Mr•.,,orenaChe is thegtiest of :Mrs. . *Sale of furniture and stoVes ea 'Ss. .urchry.'sfternoon at the mart:, Mrs, Clarke of OrangeVille is the Dr;•141ielci Of New Liskard is Visiting her•sistei, florae.' "days With friendiin Ripley laSt week. was hi LucknewMi Tuetida,y afternoon: leeted in the_ large agricithural hall _p ar y erme . , PUY., Ares, was better than ever, and Was given a an.:411-a hetfer dibplaY was never befoie• -ontoa,rne-l'ella;iterlYlia,2-;--olf.- The Premier will each'Ibacknw by special: train froui --London, arid the meeting Will be held inthe large skat-, nig rink 4 2.30 p.m. in.the after000n. This will' afford the fanners the stir - rounding ,townships 'SplendiCEelfitic• An hear the :dietinguished: ',Premier :Of s °dial cheap fare will. alsobe secured Smoked Pickled 'hocks,_:, Breakfast bacon Salt baeon ologna„ and all kinks of HO. Oegceiy On the railway trona Kincardine, Rip. was eompletely'filled tram eed :mid: very good, A. special feature of...the with a magniticient eVdfisiog arid one that greatly delight - les ;department, always' One of the. •ed the large, andience *as ;the High- largefii-iiiitrbert ever seen id.- theAralk, 'and: L°4d9n* Theur -• ntries and in the. quality' of the Irait shewri.: It . many 'le be thelargest and, .best cOC, lection of fruit 'they' had seen at ' any. -dancing .o NIcPherSon and also the Sheen Trews au g in 1 well done, aod *ere heartily • applaud- ed by. the entire andience. •The Misses, :sang Veryl'iqeptiT,W.'-ifoopliy-of-cluets-,- •and with Nlessrs:. Thos, Reid' and: other -fair -this Seasen.' In 'field roots -Thos.. "Watson gave a sp en q 1 SCotch- reels:' with .tind gr. -alit -there was al e • plauded, while Master Wilbur Bryan, lilaY and "°f 'fill° claalith but in garden to ouple of -olos -that were Well vegetables the :eau)! WEI,3 not so large received. .. Miss Dora ees, ably pre- hibits' were two spendid displays made Ray accompanied the I -lig land d_anoes • - - and the Oliair was occupied by Mr. •14 and 'beautiftil peal and wood. stoves, • ' • Pr. W. Stevenson, 9f London; spent a few days witlAucknow friends this ,M re. H. G. Arfa-Strong sod children, of Owen Sound are visiting,friends in Mrs. WhitelY and her grandson,Rob- Lie Whitely retirrnei from „Chicago, on. Saturday. Mise Aggie Patterson •left ,for Detroit last week, where she will at - Mrs Arthur .McDtmald, of Wood- stock is visiting friends in Lucknow .1Vfiss Edna Moody has returned herne after spending a few weeks with', friendsin Berlin. • Bale Qf Furniture furniture, stoves, etC., at the 'kart; on good @lance for, parties needing,- these articles , to buy thena at little costs ,as The battle is' on. Parlianient, hag been dissolved, and thegeneral elect- -tion'set•for Nov. 3,noreinatirins being's ranges, furnaces; et9., which werevery Fancf Wool Goods' fok Waists pur range is large and better than ever before.'' ,20 patterns tb choose from at 50 cts. Finer quality . goods 'at 60 and 75 cts. ',Lee,. gathered at IfelyrOed ' 94(191.: mide7in....thalalL„knd ;Was •,,it great loss to the general public, not te statilesa4 *to , wns, lee the shoir. on Wednesday morn- reierited 'with a, •• Chain aOd ing n041..17°11 4nb In an • - suitably engraved and the, follewing ,Wrapperettes—This is `the season orwrapp haVe this year 20 nice pat=,, Ladies eidy-liAade Skirts, plain „and trimmed, Latest styles and neacfiltiiigTprices-.7 Ladies' underskirts—specia xalues in black sateen at 75c and 95c: Was. held at one qeleck an 1 - school 'e re s feehngs of regret that anbrionsly decided to; pestpatie :the ' r serViCes ai 'our teacher are aboat . 6"106e8' Oa tOL.C6r,i0 OS ..anilivhiki You that Nte shoed- profit by them, , 'and Make progreslin our studies, :You at . the earee tithe advanced- our; moral and.' ' spirtual, Welfare-. 1 We :tender yen our us. Our best wishes will: folleVe. You threugh life atia we', wish you ,,sneCess in: 'whatever sphere. kind Previdence you. to kicept this, present and. hope: that you ',Will appreciate, net so niuch -foritS-valtle- but as a token •,of Our - good •wilLtoward •Iell. ,• Signed 4n. he - week ' Th&time is short, but ;BitoW,tilb next , year.. , All prizes it'iesOfficient to give., hUth aWarded in the indoor dePofitinent will _ forces into giien in Our next iesue.' shape for-the.big hattle op :November LUCKNO Pberion, Of .Kincardine were in the Village on Wednesday. Mc. ,Ab. Mc Gregor of the Carawell' Printing Co. Toronto visiting friends" in 'Lucknovv, and vicinity. Herbet Marshall , of Mount Forest,' 7 and J. A. Spindler, of' town, are aborit to start a first class laundry in Lnck- coining ,t• Luunnow , Lecture in Tewn Hall, -r. Tuesday , evening Oct.- \nth, • Rev.' _throat •speeialiit, '37'0' Queen's Ave:' one cit„his popular lectures' in the Town Church.' Glasses suPPlied. • At Cain's Oliver is anoloquent ,speaker and ap\ intellectual treat is in store for those/ We° attend. A' good musical pro- gramme will be rendered. Admission taken a% 8 o'clock. • T. ,the returing. officer for Soeth Bruce, Dr. ',Moffatt,. of' Toronto, addressed wtitch,i . with Omega, tham or El io,regolar $18,00. • this offer is good durinpruiy. whole:ComMunity wail greatly rniddert death of Alias' Matilda *Lane, :daughter Of Mr., jimies Lane, 'of ,the itith Coneessien Of Ashfield. Lane Was in hero 26thlyear and waS 1,yourig ladies o'2 the township, and her sudden. death,. after feW days illness,. edvas a, severe •ifilictionto, her family apd•triendi, and, in,theli great sorrow -wbole conununity, The funeral to green cemetery On Tueiclar .was largely attended. Wall Paper • Before the -arrival of fall Wall paper Reduced, prices- on watches and all Ladies' Underwear in un- ion and wool at 25c 35c 50e 75c and 1.00. Ladies' Hosiery—See our 3 big specials -4_25c, 35c and 50c in wool and fine Cash- mere. E R kmeetitig in the Presbyteran hereen Ueeday evening in the interest of the bible••seciety. trazeileft. the 'south, wliore,,ShArillegendAlie winter 'An auction Sale 'M. farm Stock Lot :26, Con..4,: West Wawenosli Meeting October one o'cloCk. property !of PreMoss,'4. Purvis, enctiOneer;,! faim 'Bieck anct,„iinplements lot 4, .concession Ituron,, On Oetober 20th„ the .ploperty of '13:1 - saddle, all in'spiendid, Order., ' Horne" tip tti•Alcip3i?er s et:the W. P; 'Caned trogratn 6n "Werna14's 1 Harirent: Horne serVieei will 'be held in St.. Peter's Lucknow.'nothindreiog ,and evening, ,A novel. Method of Advertising tba' And et.St.• Helens. in Vie afternodn. Proy.incial fruit,' flower' 'and honey poryiee,. st 1.1 112••••,,p p. hi., and. 7 p., whieh ;Till be held'in Toronto, The fruit grewers and flOr'sth lute tr.' Have i6 looked over once in a whilo and with a little'attentiOn‘ there is ne ever be anything but a kood reliable s attention. to ,Our repair'departroent. We turn our work , . • tends the exhibition on two days of the, T esdo, lest. the Village has, .lost . 1 DOestin ;0t :on's; 8kirl°11,7 ,, ,.Deceased waS formai-1y . Yeats it nisi-. ' The folloWing raferenea°' the death dent' of .,t4 16Wnship et iclitless before .;°fOirMnaersiy1"4,5-ef j',4,148nt'tekinno;'-i'30t•-..tPaalree,titl:frOnind-'' e:i,u-nuo:livv*:- : iusn'd:rffIlic;:.Plici.licY ' l'-`6e:13.de : vea.ds :131;ela'j' the Leeden,Daiii Free Press; 6a:Fri-: wide, cirele of .:,friends:' Mr 'Thigho, "daY. last Sept'. 30th:7-Ihe death occiir-,.. im,h(') haei,(4ebed .t,i'le ripe old,' age ef ea last evening it. St. 3-'9,sepli''s I-oa., 8c y'e,a6 and 5, inenthri, has. -been in hoine Was in ,VOrest,. but: 'W.110 had,.. re4. lie, was' ; a 'life-lOng ,. 'a:winner:, of tho poor , health'', tor some 'Months plot. gradtiiilY• grow!' Weitker, . She is 'Bei' ,•tiletirls‘.1JYatt;slir‘oaf6T'se6ei'is's‘vrt6.alLiiii7ec:ja*timaitlitg, lol-f show: is.expected this. will great y ine'rea.se the ittendaece mid add great- ly ,to the interest taken in. the, exhibi- tion, The• fruit growers. .vrith,' the idea , of . increasing the demand tor ' taining numerous recipe's for cooking, preserving, etc.,. 'of all.' varieties of sUch as apples, tiearsi lined -Work is being followed ,„ by, the pee' Keopots, vglything possible is being dole tO,' make the show of as .t d it will be strong Irival, • - 'ITCH toenerroW from . the residence of afz), .&-:111.LORE. Vaiegltatint,..: ..11/tra—hicCartneY, ,01: fine frame residences end a large brick la d and be aeld.at' a bargain. _Farm 'or', town' properties 'hOlight, :4old or' exeliangetl.• • for sale id dAvOliiip, A. largo,,amoUnt• et tentacle, 11,eidertt and, guarantee in, apply to ,3%. A. liacken;idi 1-10Vr66,d OF ALL XIN1)S, A11120 ATIONERY Spence M.