Lucknow Sentinel, 1904-09-29, Page 8W-1 r- 171" L �7, A �x "'Noll 0,111, W Ot 1� I Ile 4 ot or f lk! Aq urp Polifyin# Q.00 X0 jrAvd, Mth"O'l2hool vo* 4.11 Os- vvnst I t 0 N. 64f bo V 0849 vQj)0q-*': Aq �oi, oing q'i I mmistoo for con4derationij 9r.A.V41 UQ9 J, W- ww'gpilevi Or wet, 11eQ pre;� h �$.hleldq re .'.c or 18:, opqrb to 0,40;'Un �00;. W �,asto coniell. t were inatrudell, tA t tho ttherboa T' A , ayog stock�_of' F,, ill In V's T M X they t e,in. tempormur lug P, the, F�re e p 4e 'iti�`D �qbormeet­ VMQMP�N�PP 0146644 P!k for by iv �mqy,.Q erweig, 11, lAdlea Jack 0 80 ao, �iep.'Iwgd, W, h1t .�S-, 1, 6tw*Q,:]_ have �al. Lvrgo, V in ie '01.4 Y41 n� Wes -iix, givii orners. tJUQL ueh: X no, to Vq to m'ded �'by vi�ry 1pe t styles. ..,-N o �e i eve WR '490ri),00o s coriiO.=_140 'rop".041, 2.,ift "buy.,. W ha. W you pot] to !o"p- AQ;�, Kit.. , i '' o Ji I-0 P t 4' 00� m, e-, , . Rds� US: Iii0gr T 'PO!" p060k aq­ J�h 's.t�j t 10D 0* a ofatminmefio f 4, W *4.100oo" AT �01 T -10., go ad ed' -O" ...... . ot tho we Oe just WPM sou -oi. o pg- arolm yo iill Wi u ling.l regileoi tbeietiogj�& wee, 00 era �yterj4 C, prices yoll ;ov th 4 0epartmout: ch -hatdj oo Vote lay M asked O� s b iiii b' 1: W yv- AW ft's ILL '%:A —A- be, tojho;pod�16,ip,J* thktq W , t.hel an IOU d Our b W d g lillibery Pepartm ad 1 on foatbeis ada'. trii�mingdl of the b6sl a. wi wi 11, &M Qol4!0* 06,uncu 'cow. e "[be ladfe re 'tee-VIPOL of t 0� oleparate- :W& mod, , the h' tw-ishowo goo, a a 0 lug w a; is ecording in. 0 d assist 8 Ju bh os' ob W V 8� or the 'a in nkips t 'Give us a call oning uo 1prrIZe'. T G. 0epp, lier T U13 'theL Ifan ++ .... . ..... at range, L & Being lot V 8tb conciadou of the t on 't� toi- tho speci ize, A` t 0Wnshi of West Wawanosh, bolitoluing 100", e ----------- wife r dau hardwood bush�, beech and niple Our A t6mn stock il prize'for 5Q"P(V.U, -and good nds'of b At a goo4 ftame, h6us — ----- frai�ne'baru with,stone foundation 54 x 36 it. a 'C e 1�tr IS Well 064 9 firgb h fall' f ai d tiVq now 0 .d aud:stra,'sbedT, Also Ah4 W III h 'Ve k atered; by two wellg Ax t)t0xVqj;,loJh @�Tfl . h M1 'min Lk"W RU JL -;S: W1109 "Fooi f U ui�4er particulars apply to 15. 0 6 to = The Clare Bro Mm�ATRIK, & Co,., of' V _-mjTiUfaQtU'rdrs .'o'f re -Penninsu r-­-stoyeo--an their �agej#, �J) erTxu and'hardware, t6ves, . Tangea, urnac . es, VOTEIR f 1904 'La6know wo give One 9 No. A ti Penninsu ar ,00a ,apt hHE V 'or, LVOkX0W -AGE troin r' . I ILL T 'Y' � pppr're�oqoi o70 OUN 'k a oiQ1_9_e&_ -ran that is',ae 'i h herebv� L 10� �th`A.t. I have 6r f � the b t 'NForki�* the parties to- ted'. to.. W, bI W -ho, have U§4� 06 e 'to' 6' t is fianimittea or,dili�er FOR' N on,' tb e. -COALU. cop_ b range h :j:" N o -1880 - &TetLgoniablef tud The ventioned, W. $ections and 0 a I" d rcash 10!a�o tb s - Act as aver 4 ea require n t9". d 'b said AT- 71 transmit.tea or d6liverq&p; of tho�' lists i U to, poptilar, favor' so 'qpA(; cl"Y' FM ,RYMENEALf 'ALTAR pli�Sjj%Iit tor the AM inade dActof all -as the ouie 11eninsularll'.. n persons appearing.by.tlhe last revised, rch 'roll of ther'said' Municipal. 'reabyWrian,Chui j'� Wing- aagesam6nt -has een, on, tfio� P 'Of. the, , the short time it one or -members 'go On;Vineaday.of la.st'. at., 90 Legisi-AtilOe'Asd6mbly' and ill Did' the; marlk.ei oumm�oted:thp nisrri&geL a dr lattAine'd' and that said list" jjal Elee name *An r y office. this�- 13th ClAdde t;ibigfo, Managet:� of. first'iiosted ix� in in as ces$ W le 8 anips Sue e e -190 e bf-L'S pi tuber, 4,. and rimain th6i' �ihe. IA r.'Lain& ot MUA at, fur ElOctors, are called ed i��f �the We R raid e M4dof4ctur ev. D upon 0 examine ihe* sal . 11 r. I - '7� M er r nd a donAld, cu�geabj any .0 0 mmisgo�s or. o�her: e_'r_q a Y 'to take d. -of Dr. Macdonald, 'Mi 'P;,. found, therein, I o.. to'hale th �R�'GOODS ndeedl e sa,.. very The. chure 'Rat r d according to1a N p Oa Cloth iluAtkow Coil other, p an andwhite Wer it a- I isteks;o besidba- . 11 r;: r .� I " , - , , r , :,,D YLOR batIks ot erns, T® ''A MALWM�b h prettily decorated wit an nowerS �111 1, ure our Dted. 0 ptexobe'r 19 4 t t d �01V� dp.�: to h strains oil tl�6 a -ex u Y-edby,. M mek, -,�Oda Ulm 6rch, Reva), e Sbp V'' u: Hait%,,of 13.6 h r1al 1grav' jhe'�* �6ddi`ngL L f on, you'- want .�qtg ng, BROWNIC the bri e.. :, , r 0 'o par0y. took their' d h R it b e her, At e ev., i sing given- In oiL dpu. away -by on Ali b R. C. P. a. ppeia r. 9W ng li 68 F o Rev.' A, Perri6j'­a �si6te r. I . I . Vradu D. '6plostobi, brother of thd, Ae of tooddh Now ''Y6rk xiii N' MC �pg, Cegolfr'; _T" Chi g Oerform6d:the,'�er atti'r Pa.": Dijejoe% of t 'E' Foo Be julyst e, was o crea we. Usy ca d dirried —wILL BB AT NVIT 1) hi6o i'atiii -and 016 Wre,:,ther CUS71: AL BE, E. underwear C 0 lry� veil n a, b6quet, Of ? M ties� g oves,. white 'iloses. NOUSE,, LUCKNOW. 0 aid, sister o If'rthe brid&, WaS FOU d each' moo' h asp 8 I P 1 4 1 I . .. rth We &OSL q 4 n 08, b t mikinp. d' ream honor, being c silk ou re 9 0 W mat III me a re dib while'Xiases A of bridej, acted esT paft g njL" STan LOP qui was, sup.\" - WAN P WO br!de inside.,,- -The jro' P,.,Ta 0 d-' led, Ior,, d: by BIT. H. yjor, wo goo.d'..drivliig�� itt piolerr S, S ++++++ CoTloonce 13 W butieft tO fiald',' And Mrl' tick. R. Atacao Londo .,a$ 04.00tolier1rdt' l'.904.: Apply�et ojje�b* oVe t e on Al ". ate Ing eing; wee S' en6lqeifig testim i g: t t ushers The c4b6ofily b A,fUll, line, of IP *6640 00 artY u 6j'00ijeoijeo'ea p -a "d gueASL -kept' i �n, hazid iaftiesi. quite is, few styi 'iP of tho,666&oting from� a or inapgb U 0 w om. wer Fit a d ki n G.0 ..heavy -..66 -the, o t:door,,, o r ith% tUi the arante, ed W D�Tl, ned to the_home of ko'' -B e re w c d, f6r., Sh hi li ArO Tn a 0- to. itafid' toligh'. *Ork. T are d. oes Arenta, 'W e. re the �V ':. L . '� L� . , , . upon a Wry of jaitla a ri e : IN, j�l TAILOR B For I e of Looknowt, a good q f Oio d one mris of . and t"ohod wear ei hl�. ugn 0 .91Y11)(Y., 0 eb, en ak 6 a ainty w N. t)., IV aild" IAU d b ep.. �(j '20th of ,Se ibqr with' was the recipient &r of a, orge nurn. frauto houad au r t 0 v 0. I r . , ­ gn w to Id of- fruit with bain afid u -all kin V1 prc.�exjts;, w. idh ow. costly' and beautil A 'ibed' Zi6tih tbe.:'driv6, b6uso and 'wo h d Also four Walton Bob V e ted, I enersi of 9t, 6ding, Committees r �ideri high �e.�'tefem �in bar and soft *111 be x6ld �oi - jod n y many Tile UQ ap y fA�,thio;mler, ."Uns ppoint fo e 0 Suing �year A%,f6!;' "She V P1, Ttib a a . L 0 ti1loNg; W c TA I 089, men. lie no Aug happy,couple jef Or On tile a t a D. O)t1d.''HoMe 18 10 P,r'. r in, MP,, 3�19TBR 0 Lucknow. 11. C traip,fo� aisliort tti,ii to To onto., th 0) ore ta it, sere n o OR. I or to() o; TO DE gholii lot Or ag�'t Utjo,a]j rMo,ny a t M is so C. �Alof Alit :; Tji��ride- - -will weaf`io'wel1 and, , : M tuniffiatiOn Of J,eskdence� in ter 1 V gegti�t�6. I , . . r I . . U At iky: S bbath 9ch is mt -bef k i P' their --and Instrumo h' Vat n da Stu ?. A� ig xvsidp -1011. fit b ntg :A e&r taught: pay, Qj1herin; A. Hiefthis are nqtiiftdT ia on'er� 6p Ug; r inidebiiieix forthwith to, A, tqwn, 4nd lie undeisigiiled poilatOor ir' the Xieddtot, Ajed d tir i ladies the Pi0hPe%rr6o�';l10t�a;. jL::�, th� atuoubt of 'thei will be Olved in, Court,, 111 debts remaidug isterai. ML g6riliedY p6nqected ith the lota; I o m. A, . �, A A C T E 'T from t WLS, ralle 0 f6rL It 'tio��rioAti6o'otS Atidif'o" b 6;P ptik h WANTEO ftveL your order y�ifli us,,,or, wpair o wi 0 �the Rev. Jo�' And TO I the ma ri� YPO 'ettij r �d.­ d I:e 6 sume u n An ar� 2t,6, iti! th man o' rep tAngem, er'0-mii&for.hig wn o inducta, of' fgrge, frien iind 'th aLfo OnCEr' t9ST n.... . . . ... COlui __�f n't tftt Aty, hj r now, at �'A ock of'Freneb, k in. Aftarijements of Hutono In,'thd l 'of dslther, J' p .1 US �happy :V60 rio n ding 'do' 7nf 'All persons 6L '��ot 'tb id induction of ne'A. ini ajainst the ;�tate of Citherf glim, late of the Towiship-bf "hfield 6"! Ulf 70, 1. 1 . .. . __ ' L 6 # ejUne A,r,]D, 1904. fi*d'ou P"�Aiiil bharo� bf tudlknow otiogregeo AWPECIA P! htdAypf win n of C te Ou I i Atig, or�btto,�6 the 15tb of Sop. It, F llt!�, md'th the vide'raikned.solicitor fnrtl� exiow. at n rui t6rof isoid­otste 'full iml of1so.661'al. folo, r, - - I fo rticularo of their p . iko*19e. pr6sen - I ogt!50 clatibi xnd.iht, keuritip# (if my) hold b1thegii 3 kl�ill Tres), t Vth� And, Orft r Attlentlitist Shrtib& OP, ti y vqn u ent, bxpebses� said exentort *ill,proeeled �td dietrititits the was d6eldred t*o TL )Od fril the 1� .6.0bo4kilioig, j. too t4d Vj jj;S Sged. PO'f atotg '&d, d 1� ffi�ed by 'tied, '4 anilm;or'of thell6v borro* $500� to, m o tr 'and tioee tj6m San etAtoi Om6hg Aht paities enta trjAe to name Aug 'k, A nd fts�, adce the, eIxfinA­oF W rx. , tart 0, ted 'Metendo ou IYL to 3'6�n�� POdfti�,a Of- DiYrth64*64d. M P Perma)2ont Podiflon for t6u, bLpoVj t etfil ina r shill 06Le't th blk foil ------- bid no be the f the* 6 d arail t PAtIn part to hign ii�� hc*eVoj' :g 66mm;8516 r 6 !IW rtu i W)i they shall. it Vie Aot" of ro 11 rop4rIng.: ubbA& -4ith the Ud6 r ta 0, thiB Unit of stich d" t,t4 'th S that, file., PAYS T14F I& tie nfh'ONT111M MSPIRIVS r Y�M3, I)ated this sth day of Sep ijt tile t,byor. jug ttj & b 1. 1 '60, .1 tbtjt6�L 61 t on, a, em ti.,' $ttieoghi fig th6t �t it I g$ Y,