Lucknow Sentinel, 1904-08-04, Page 77- 7-1-VMW'NW tl 7 4 -o �!iOvw MM "t: 7 ask h0liFAt; I U- � WORLD ------ OLD 511 U Do _,�777­77 7 MET out, appi -Wh -set L 11 aw OF 4 D a iMS Or IA. O,r,pq0, . ..... noeygla, sce as ' , t. 4 1 1,— " " ile wers ANORNAIMI, NAX411WOR 0Q. V who It to Chilc4go Ex Go"'. '01. .e,, Anc 1441N)JIL9, 'Flmr as. et;; T4gelparo4ofia. 6xi-cipet.- e ed A Y w 9 f tl lip, Aya haud of, 44 U L Y' 8 1 The, farmers', filgi*0 tostday mercyj W *w AA ;pupe- isilro. to 10119 th i0c, d om '_rev a 2.1y d A-b"All-4 M.IqM Ifl-I'A"O'll d B "The 11niyergity 9Vli-bqrdeci%. is -s0e 941041id" _ f �a`jesq- r1lgI4:goVoru-­, ZI 't Jlzept,, by the advafitagqo�pf IL IPA saloo in 00- I P '4ullki, t pow '01 - "TO P 04 _P1 ly 25—T -Til , . liogp;, Jp An T'A er is. to. Of `tbe'ir iry pfo.du�ejs,'up Or tp, con pir 414,4040 44 . ch4figed,,)r�th It 349 rpi 7 ingi I, general JO rx,as 4 ye ,, : �S , A a p 1pp. e tvq. eul, ril a k -Ing c ro�f;� r ...... U5 ;0 it 404 h p. B"o6i 49.4, yl his, real c t;Adab,, pepbm�i, 4h,b -'*IAe,§,t city ee�hjovemcnts,' of, rpee t of ditli� biittir� #t� :l, n,, Pill A A bOq*migho'.wi4. the hearts 'A' 'thp. A �eggg � I 46�gjii per, �c 1p T flle'�wCirld,. b M § V. our years fpr�a tjjne,,* I?ut. 18 L, """ I , �jis Al O� 0 P r !�Ad i�ne .'.At Qx �, q f be' W-fit-pplitosting .464 pillar a 0 j' e.r'6yjja?­ �,cbicll;eus`�Asfer at'16. t c _'Ploi And" 0e, ,a AMI y 741s# ilt II!, W ,. 42e., � - - , , W , penwi .40M WA From, verse,14, wooseq, I: strUction tq� ibve�y,'membelr of his Yp leveli-bf art)ie4 hato. bogu f ditekst at 1,1 fijIVjA.a A r,'4 U 5W_. opl�,, Whia gi,.y.. f�o or idust really -for. �do. W itiOIJUE071 , t, il" t his 'roign turned' h . QV�r' 41, th !b :Eb -.of the: Cor jm_ t :.c I y f Asa ',:he begli, structiO4 t :tblOm illov A e, c _y _4 2jLtU u, division' ,4 _jpked, than luI4 ohir_o lg� reign ings4­ Old.," 9, C d" 44 his' ` 6 1 oftei e Olt ,qe,,o 4 Ba4 Zia ltali#s, .22 eL pinig Akins. Wejv� y( Qrief pors, e TM ' : ia .. -, . A44 y p ht'Ziluri" Qmri- 44� m at stialwl AQ:, from'".1,818" t6 1, je eof L t L "'LL to $,,I3;Dtn4 ne ro r T' .,car. I 1 0 870 6h a toil. niffial at' 8,10 -to $11 he entl e. I quo rl 114tpe toi of. w e, rum; - r� direic 61ilujit tileni. ..Che d;lit6s b ga e le ear� !B'ek'p#dition.� jl8b.- XyL It. vi%v: be that Omri'S-L e; "Six eat ;1. 1 L rq;gi hmej�ts b 9 4" c, i:,: W). I Td�, Js. 'e�cej 'er� iqlliR final '92e at _j.q4, 'd iidi it a"O y t, 'It, $7,50;' hp(jile. _Y �.Ie ";, it �Qr Ut to _n - X- , , ­:a- Yvars,-aloue., 'There i's fjowe :'dOqLiim[e4t *aa, translated' b14 `k ­­ " _­ `­; the, weri A . re Qrt� . . j d e c I in h7;3hroftqIOgy- ere.� -t( :$7 60 e 04 As.tQt a Y 'jet bi 2 ft idin' 0 fi0lit a 0at,' whit%, b1i fr�,ee' ji espity. 16r,,pr 71 0, gainst Qq.� An, A &61A M& Briothl Cj1a4A I 002, could, J.. time.. GoAPi A h0rb, 1*4 cabli -uni ar.' at," to U to;, S00"AbAtrI.. pa acq'of Wheat, goBs%, MIA,; Z , a j 4' n. ama)raae; PQ pgrani7 Odrd, P.6of eilk�r Vdfi L ivers '114 o 40h jftreit, .s :4AT 'Apoue'tjor': a ','other., P _41gs' Dayl',� G - , 1.�. i ei,% rui;I6, o lie bir 14 thkr, CAW- t' a pa irza 'in i 4itibil., uncovering o ancien Aft bip W .par -their W tit tjkW,�,illgI j1pdgiuoutis Aqv y "in f pujsltit� Of, 0ml e, s e ind was w b was, jraorQ the t '42 to $13;, The__tQt L-nCtRIP i*14Y)nw- t_�'_aboiA7 Ild,, per top Gevoral Hoipltil '-was, M-.:decI0d.'- .0 0, "Wipa b4t ��bg. 6� 0 en ed ns!Aerafl6ii�-Uth­ Ura y___.CO .4 0: $11, Old. h6gsit Iight, V - I 1­4ro4s '00 ton $10"t p r VA w1c lP &4WI-Ire Maio. -In. thd.cen itirl perve 0.1 lit a �d L nd Tre -fhe- &m -,served-,-Pas"jill",W�=- I e, a I ati-e bf uto us'. to provoke the ],:,qTd of-Isradl, tbat'vglif, Vb &.fi 6 )r to. Sbut !F?t-QP abo �jx Ule�' fro echem, risesi, &q. li�t I � p. . . , *r' L I�L I I I , . , , . i. air ;;,p Qb Ck G -R I � . . , L�Y_ I -, itirtinY' 4p) -f V1 rt, A. fl 1 124 'pid,fire ni et to: I oides, -and ]on flat to xtending emci' os e: f'wifi-sll Atirted- luta, t bu e,%� 'go from ifinnortality i� gt., I -a V from wi kednes6' -to- I dna ian who, fik- and- r qou S,the 0'PI es" Id i r;Sin iv, i in d old, or AM 0 f w kednesg -jus lCo in' the prizo� list.; 'H it �Vel; t e valley. What, greater -wickedness ii'litil divine.' mrep Q t9ok,, jjfth� )Z nper. ii, meted Out and',tholamily ..name, is, Not-! p ;tce be,ne ii, lal, prodigy,'v13rhOiiio Ir prQbAbI ijill as a -merA Palitial qua, rs, van! lies -was sum esson tid, tTh b h euter,,, r What a I 41d. the e in MOned fr9m7,arj. ore oreO&neei became the capital aI the' team to date hiivet, th kin � $5. , Of"llis first mphony'. 6 Om. S�che*, The ch who is wreckless, rn ivip t d' beer�i, 43. Tliosle' wh" I Oice of o lave eaw $!j'.50'to, o1q; PQf, Mt-, $7.09 insiead'of it Md.nday tgL.Plgy Nv" admilable 14 sel�lptf And, more Wicked ion,11, _-Wh 1. individual matolics , have gec*ed on tie A -at BlIc';:1, ng a Post ew vcil,;,pei ' t., $7 50, to palace. tio are. inade Shall thdy' not surely. limb I I .. 1, jngliam h� beauty and spring, -lb., to 12c. a which combined st rengt record I S. .1 read, Th icked but Oils Canad*an n tota s.of about lity.-Stanley. Shemer-The H ebb e,'father, wits %v Mr. lKali Calne's -conflnuod'L absence nsthan This. -qon,wms­w Torovito 11147kitit Vairke. QM ys� is c4iiiing, Irew formiq 81lonaer.. Two kbout. orse e, fdther?' f the kafix,Hoii6 oike DEFIED M17 'A NADMAX., a ef-lkas., s .1 a -Tradd'in.f III I' stitijent t, a2O.-7Teiry. This, W a for' storyof ftom badAo worsetwould be end. 'Sta'g`Q� bf King rtzeli r. Winth al -In rrk Aissati9faction. was a ., rgq SUX oc 'a -am-me of, ,the,-.�Aottbertj� 'kingdom in the endless chafir'of d6spair Jut,for box. Rasp`ber6a§. -6f, antoo Tlj� ftlito -Ydicel C', 'to 124.per,- -his re Bit�- for' HoVrs. manesor 04rrW Away, Isrkel into the. gt�,spel Of Chriot, Alch may-, break 15c, . Cildiri" opol basket,' 715�'fo �$1.25. E�Q- turrants large. e a curlous� cosm ti h -,,Best Sore ilooria, M.; to, A aii'element about.horse-ricingan Oer, Assyrian cap vity.. chain And startt b*eii the otwLick Engh ishmeh'Ma& dbefxies, bas et, �0, Evil,.' Worse t4an was, e., that Txsket�'65-0 85c. oose 0 ed family.on the"upgrad day shot and 'ki led bis'4if( k The rman Pirby was wol. 11 a 'sp worsefthail iiIe' wickeed, klu` 4 jirrWs�.W40 AN to,' many- :. . � eb pzpel,- -oedily at-Thra on -Aniore,*�with Bolt*" at' f6mburg by C, Alint_�nd QJen held the efitire Canton -po ice. , roce 'our �uation ip in d4oger. en"itither land for T011 f--- thall they ha7d g6lib iu'o�i6blisli;� bith the wi& bay Tbi�_s pr r 'force' Brittsh. Cattle, MArkets.; The wofstbrinie with Nv -.was, summ, ofied h 'L 15,tha't h'e mairied Plerce afteil.,olio?ting Londpit,"July 3.---Q.attlb. ate' is, it'jil&cts, JbIjuity nhi ! ,is arged s le three times 'b�rficaded himself' at 13 y regillar:qrmy., ..'in it- for 11- Sey the M6 jq� muAketry, have been o)[igerved, hab fyom s t, the.,Tnt t "Id. As- a lighi thinir the'king ..p.comply with him Jet. his wif, .1b.; refrig n �Iicjh vi., 16,'-ofthb- Istatiftes of: t lo Baynt0n, enth'in 1:� to. Me per ei� , I I ..I. . ; -he ti I -Of his fidusib,' and 'I 13,-8 .,to 61 11 12 'dr GodN pe6plle, hai.doliboiaiFely e'llidsen,' Sit t i upper tpor ion the kiieing .6f 'which nfad�Jsr%il�a O'EcIevt 1 9151 b --announced, 7Q-d-w-�-i-g-fir. f—rffe— —ine-efffing, W-41ife tbig iiijolairou�: woman. SolCl�- C. rough 'f 1psed-4�fiutfers' I 1U. m 60 C61chsi&.1 'he would killfbe icki6d- life: 1. 1 Js7 -the -'r - srw fo6t e a a Abde' m,.Iw strange wives',brough is� : , , Note owo;r of a w t ii,: rst- officer e r, them,.- b4t JP, -more to corrupt- Jain anner was v t &6ef- did on as to'. rL - ' ' valking-'-with 41' apre darigo,'roils whenrastlocigto eSeLj . Will B -c 'to-p"s1xi'and out of'fliet'libuse a StbAlnrdIIer, near'Bish� d :-Israel than t CAM ontest erial jlirCiO.Qrif�, Lit le, n!,, thi�' V4tertowil�. flag"in4rout, o ear -the.. i�hefi-JiLl�-�f6lLl�4�o'd�-i-h6-' t (f. '24) Jt_traii a -kill 1 0 r n h e n a led orme,l Vol. p7w2g) e y en , . M herq pre 1,-,. ung in o thoArl-litest death ,chamber, lie reluest;6d hi London,\0 July'21-T) pass, , ;over brow in" of,:t a, ­ R tois&V 1.1t, Ali the. less. iti ous b iinan'of tio It Oe a e he ifle, Ass, 325 �dxes ofered' by va or an ','It entails motborlit once ther-in-Imm; Chas. McGastenI to come Iiim, crushing ']Jim 'from to foot,,. 0 All d caaci y..(y. .27). 4. the bronze uiedal, *a� lk'regarding i1i to -&y. �4�0m, 22P d he , i I , I I he' hdbi�b �io- til said ."Our m inake i yesterday n�,at suffering d'.1vols On. su06edijig gonera-' yc,0�9 preacile . : I . Werie 2,465% birthi '6rla . f 130'at 7 9.16c. an Ser�t ker kbl6 Xil'Drfltu I'Min of, cer ain on. t ' pers' il effects, and -he 1042- '-dehths. rlegWertea dit 1�'ondohi IiOt ee SkedL: illy -.'.23. his Iight-4t worst,mistakes ip the choice o wives i, k, mv. Of - any. 'class men on carth." God ttble. a Fre& 'Mcssler,..' An ulidertakeirt to d appears.,that. hv� Sto9d,,%A�eII..iji,'thd,aj th I. . choesc',Were' boar4�d,. 1',042. beinji eighi births and, M y-nioo , oaths white 'and it both t e Ive, 'yoilglinen. roT -care fo Iiiis wife's. remains," bir r Our- M�Gre 8--t' C ow for.' d Ii . I. ;Cmnadl ts b�eii in the'cor- It' was' n the camp. that he was e� snares JL , ��Il � . I � the rq6dbrn. Jezebel 1 first4e lljkd to. corlhe�'unta APiorce: hadL 1,000. 4�dlorod; gold" t 7 JL.'�ge;'� the, elected tO'66 'throne; in his relation eks f't it. And I.eSpO# In he ons e d" r"We p qv Sh -taken prisoner.. �da to Jehovah hp 's'tood worfie ihin,'any -of A Pi . U Y -T .o. d f Ilis uard, cars �wnd-, A 0 i95., Majo;, Believille; J I , '23. r 46 a�11;6- re ecesturs. mud O farthest. from Later, Jerce ..W.as -throWn of - Tif�etio* ries 'offeied"35$5 whife -all 50 coldied �Tiie�'Vnion and Cbnsoli at6d A e_- skilful-andu by-Unertak L.Me-,:dfrwb,' X:.g()n' seftil- ft Ila; lie III ronze- he: v_hoiimfan&:,j -Companibi- ML�Cl I - 2- d for -total' 0 g ented� eker h medal: ed, �for f, t.- '�&Iaiieo sold�. on STr Wt �'esentd' with Ame g e TrUll qf tocial-I) hijhpst,�-iggr�jifo sebre -in first- ita thpt� dy. of Mrs. 'Pi6rcejbr,burW. Offi, OA -1, ge. 'j"�a L orldly things$ whille in. spiritual, and bliVe 'V� moloyes.' CA, le en wan 26; lopments, in ih, 'eM7 biH 'ft �divine,'thihg§ he,:-.%vdrkp-. only. mischief, 6f, i.6 -gntg9t, ig's Prize. cletsthen rushed, captured -Piercoi .'o r;lts a 'stead of- .25 nd, c t XlmjgSljo�t' lot... thd Kir Alexandria, U Y O-ddY--'lAS0 centsianhour,ini -religion who- is belfeye4j:4 lA' 'a. -a There hr*ee boftatg'of.100, -nine er a white,� 3 0 -'c6l- 69'. 110 'men mht 26 iiisfead f)f .2, ghge. 28. and' detrik oil. What. %ifthout J �j 25,j_Ao' Merd t fig t,L OjAri' 'Konig',4ber' yitelrd*yls �laf, 99, otw� forced. to b6x ls-so-CAled ivilizdtioli?rm7l., it d tweii ��y I -'all �goja VlAte A 7.1-2c, ored. at,' gj f.. S� n 07. Y, the follol Ore4 -Y slept -He' died, a, deatic session of -t which, �,;6n 1july 1�C anidi"S� made Ing. s, es chloiciiol m..J111.1i The M74iixcipa IT' 01 roppau, in 'AU&- the,boui �7 5-8c. Sales;- J. F,'. 1eGrgqr,'407 box"es;. 6egan`-the tri trfaii-Siliesiatl; as . e e reign and e iq A! of the ''seven Sopiqi 'a t4c; 500,Taids and '600.'ya 9. It followedL. the ' k Th I'' racter 'of 'A �b L.� WalSih J 'A. MeRab, 3 S., J. Sa saw: of hW(BolieWil An capital%, 6041 naiid­'� oravi (vs. 29--3&), -_26-­.YeAir-. of ga�"A Deiii6bratS cusoa'it,the iu�tance. of'the f'L '' `j 'TWO -FAM 6da Yardi. -wSRUP-TEM! king's'' of ISS 11 0" t I, tritilin-bf Ia'dis`-dre0se§, uss an o e en a IIAL. Ma Ing 3. k hip Isiael buried. Began Ahali tsniqggling' Pte. BaYn�oh,:'44h-' -o a,i�fiisti6litokatur6'into: Russia):1'he f Abab k isbable,�Nyk -6 p�rtictliari; Are ror"T -UrU b L"' fWAn­5 P'2& 9::,.I?UMU LAU tban of any of' -FiA Cried' ind nder of- T_ o- c ees4 2 th the.otb&r kings of qrael.' thit's6nie of the imOUy givoll� showed apt. -T 34 fths-evil �ts fii 'qiie'906n appealed' "to Crowe, Guelph, ronio' kls�1319 .1i longt., _he rowe, ft, N Did ab6ve even parrrphl( otter, written to, his, *if& R ph 35, geelp 0 live Stoe cedded.the lniquit�'of i4rin r6ho'the's6ldiet; to iaobey� the -W. R. k-,werei I -�r yingiteit MU�jneri W �O�,wms io yj. 11 1 tD Mf* color Toronto,, Jul� 25.�X*fs�'not often'that� Ill t UC 11 0 n our or e sd�ond ornmandf to� a6aaltl'i ihe,.Pro'6it4 C - A, ight. tbin�j-He not only' bi-oke" �Qlmiiafid to 'ire upon the p6pul4ce n,, loadi, t2 Cattic�,* 836:hog�, 4�6 shodliL and 31' the Oiet'de' bf Vrdfiid -is: biokefi, b 6 ffai�-vfs.�An "I'' oti hilt-i'at ize_-:-one._4no.ther_j.s,', th ii�cfit- W-j-ftr6d he �fenc6, rie;tr the. cl6ge�,of de i�e8 W ed. f su e oplaigg _bipt�� L�WeLrccogn Ing QSC* g6ds u - he bro -e l, first. 0 Uspd' ft'L n., . re',. a I -tlb transac e( k It als sion, CA nsa Ito qving t -orl W 10* LabO,_S9 1Y., G, F, 66 sed time tho. east end the next. i% he e Jon re 'and Nv .. d by bringing in. heathen deities. ezebei, sumin6n. ., ofi fornI4 nt of Fred. *:J.., Cr t ih� 16poni . �glj� wicmarry ;Will likie. ii tussle' there with',' ronto 1.0 e' 'chitraciers meittiontid.' - ei� -Allis dia an. III ria, 'find rris bo -One of the �"t- ian Mm'Robdirt, LG; A at unq tange 091ortSfft.- AX Q.4;dner, il�e rbqke lexitildeir.-i Air. cieed re- r-, rices in'- OtherL th, icriptuT-es. Sbo, uge&'eVery.'effo't� 'the edit r.o f I n's., classes Or � ot'i. 0 t I ewis in �,o -�'3 67., P int,'atirett, 'wh6re he* opt' jla 'Prove L that, t a. ussian Gover S,,f. �V. Guelph' �sided at �Lrli4iiic Mr. obeit lockling, of the 'On'tA,rio to establish'- idolatry.,�jn­ Samaria Arid J,.' G. �Gouaie�- co 'I3.()U6tedfA w e - i�paii ..,sho �ith- er nomina M46 P, �Labor Breau, has rctarned -frobi a. On - n a a-entst- in- thi6 -old, - du4fiter, ,�klrs. ce, �eliflniihed lexterminat'c h d been lqfllpl R., -McGregor, G, F. 'G.'.. 31 Oil heavy ers ini ar o icials in Concord an- peop e wex Balkans sinco IS I.. to ci�e f I ff _';Iivc� :� s1ree P0117. . . `31. klexandek dt'. 3bO -Gerrard ex orth $4 tl&. 25 p et d Afirijor, W� P. Afoorei'Georgeto I I Volition 0 Sl 'result, of the ise It Cwt. I 1, �, lier In- ;the TI 0 of, 8 URSIbus �.'M:.-Morth ci,' 1001 31' �cagt, -herdillsband and s' A d fluence wi ly' felt in Juda o p tove t1ir 'favii ieSL.,:appeaXe. e� IDA, is,illso pow6iful !T� :L. . rough, the §, It t Ir. the witneg§eg Alip U�sjanS, re ncouve .4 34.. BOIL �d 'exppr. 6�6,ld the aal-; J�zcbol's. royal father '-Was" a R' 'SponsiL billty for the murder' ie Colleetfoil of statis Ics. 40' Call- Ethb untiL'.#bout. a' -yj*r agd,' -�$3.751644;, at'413.50 to $3�,75.. 't 28 happ. aprie . s .. 'of Baal and, - I A. diuni t. , yea w c :Rex urd6r .'his' of il mith St 32 lich the r , iei� '-4t .1 , C�reed le He was d' fit: Stam4uloff, i w the' cop- aill d own AleAtidi6r 'And the E__'port'� velitic;u, will t r in. iv Pte. Ne� S Wrs, ribtice& h 'S ranged tfrom. $3.50' brother Ki, Tbiletb� '4rA yers,L 10th 3.1, and A bee.. `C�f iliji ll ix.' that 5 no 'a' P e -H.; T 0 ng, 1�xan6r someti. to parent, usio, t . CIVIlIZed; --Choice picked '16t the'$ I s bUbutch VL --iierhit-of protefti, Ion, Dp egpl&inc'4 among- -.State-� iavin tiny oilk �97 ago- yes or ay e -call- -,ers equa in quali y. -to �bs his theory o '11ebrcw§..-%vifl' latitude� Jbge us Will.13t1i US one mon th Q.rterf,,' I have m9t'hatfin '100"to C0lol-S(*t.'LW.jj.;YO It ih ir.- ge ting. *ork',,done., T ey hill 27 ple le lJoinep and he. me i 4 a AM 'and �eu%slnce, iii6driq Ils Eihb al,king oUthe Tyri j The court took' the. uitder con., taff-S,�Yt. Bayles,' 32' si, NO one k n laws wliere, they. tot $4.50 in t t. es.. 4eply-i", -the oild, 'pppe some, 1111 Zido�j, robable 'that... 'bo'th� AD . , I , 1 ' 'L ' sI$,N b d d'-' ent, 'vell ligown t. at t icy of $4.25.; common at 045 i $3.50'. r. s ensa ion was caused' b a� Goo Yardsl� h' t tT,*eiit4r pdoplo;4re.. an tc� wp., and' Sidon b� n Ask, -romA and inferioi 4t $ Wto $3-�!5 f taking per _L are or tow 64fton inix er ope. stating, Tyre' N�ilthl Y11 t uethr. 'Th6 d6t Ave c 2 govern�' telegram froth th t Served Eiia]�Tho chief ifidl� god ihiLt, it. tie Rusgia'and. Gci-' 28 ed%tp locate the e opers. a" F* d' 9,50" finff'YL6U' ll��Li�e themAo, men aty "betweTiL d band his' 'Foe ers� ee eT,s w�ig ing f �tiii�R , 31rai Cre'e � .'sinte' h6r­hup, thmselve. ey the jeasy.pa� al -of .7 -many coering�fiar.agr�pht'266, � 11 .11. 1- - � . r- � h )avi&6it' 6& At $4-to- lerse 1 Use$ "st. The f bi 1.050 5, o air On was the feiriale divinity. An -unholy L -sian penal., codb I -pathi,!, d6e4 not �,e-j J;S to clo�ed the stor 0 into, e,. iind. ireEtisd.t 'b . 6: cdm�j $4.25 pef cwt.' -Ify 'people how wan the soul weire riot, irst moralized. -The' t iAN-hj -to 'be', c6ininAiled 'andei a t -year], alVes sold ' paragrpp I ref it or, , igh '.they wlll`go.� Woul&'. uevor be entered ing, , f de ;t�ason agamh'foMgh,j)6tentatl6s, *binih, d. waiti,' ee$3 �25 -I treaty, le Co 'refuses-- -to t fe-ar in is. h d Dpply. only where, Inctijo( .0 worcl gaid : � I `" - .5,0:;., mmrriageA�L kortini Iij, iraae, also resu 0 shOW1 ow,, mixe ti. - 6 wif 2�i`75 to obiplibitly� 'provId" forit, 16 Y.. . . I ' i I invari- 9 :Youhill 24 leme)lts. V.Prit. 32. Re �'de A I t f a ie newspa -ers -are. rmp kired aItar,,,et.C;, m built: I dep . ...... cows and'sp rilittkr Ably rose at 5 nd',ma Po n 0 -26. usual pre etioe ,here , of v . ..... 'and in- it. ibrected ap altar -s' of writin, before lbresk� Oiding. odi� sold� at. from, $25 to in g� �e oui thrl , ' Of w lei St. L k.- Work wA a', t 5 to, Y, ' L _e lie" iu_,tIjiK"tiiffe7� �11 _ tt export uct y,s ori a - b L art, ewes Old it fa .:,The gret bill -4ulp er 'Jea g-ar -tive sit,61fice,miglit'bo offcit6d,t`C,.J3aaV� t6rjaj Cornfilont t&r-tri.T1S_" Fowler. 11 1. 2 $3 b 3. e t� size -in the eapitali kiff Konigsberg- ekso.-this -'tSPjonAid_.- ��buix; ] eip ,din one of va 4 y'all been, 11�fitten,Wholj d i,bf the' new -cult 91 S tow�ng f 0 ha ee ) pIngI t' ri es �.an epremon the' in 'I hLa:v-e- a pression maoc'o the,�pub- -bibited �on' a. grand, , s , co With 'd othe' rela- p ,were; e th�, disero, ranfred fr ost lolk are st Lie, by 0 29 to.$4.25.each: terry been,g widLij-6.1jelT, especialy,o -news.- kiiids-�-4 ion's, existing. betlkecil %lf� 1 14 " L n tight I -.1CA-papers',an Verio , ws,-an I , is- my c a. ces for sti. &cComp . , ­ d d -ess,ipn German. 1110. teetimo 01, inusic,. tatutary, proe Jf', it�bcd Governincin'ts. h I . . y d� �,.w�ater $5.40 and 'tom Whenev( out Westman 2$ all per Zt, A or ar IV Vietima, incense bands' of fan- broug the, fact :that th Ru, ­ afid'f, 'dt.t6 'C' 'Lit - And e e virl&� -six, :Coti,iIietitors seoreq O5- for,! liglifs Its t 'ko$­jh lit, out piO rve worked Up - to fiteilzy by' r�ligious Embis'sy k- Beilin- t' s ri, -thrce`:disthnc6;', god from a 'C' 12 oterCtlie r fu'tuie refernce.". lf� 'I exCitemen and the Uke. Astart�'s, em- all40 'din Xonig'sbeiri. ffidorripleig lni6lea : . .: I -148-dicell, an&$156 to� $5, per C-4* of, t1le.hussian d 'aud' license g e I, s ki, the": iltinclus was r RXISIAM0718 '01 passag, p�nal code: :,�il �4e. sedud- st; Iljs� fin "tre �A_ heivorship; to'the ge 'Of 1116. u4jer'caver to icrens court'$ expCris �:Tilado. that' gelt precious to. him like I) of C bri pj� MontTeal,;tbo holiday, .6"-solf, supply the'lhissing., Nvor s, c -give, an as lifey for le, could, liever. sest icentidug ;exeeu§eSY- am i t t hOniffe 4iffeient The National In the Duke, of Call bridoel on �3 Made A klrojvc-��Tlie\Asherah.,` C -, .., 0 � - lost any of flioni. � Ile llil.ikbl�, loate, trade .' I �. little. 'Thl� was to f, esep expreMes amzement, nd.' de at, 900 jard% -the 'unadians oil -the -ders t. quiet. I '.j hili -are' f-iiirly tiln'e: to Lillie o cover special 0116,- ' I . , 0.' Foi the It ental divinity,,of'w ich �a�.s lt,expelcts the Ca w 9� Scores : . .:: . (I , , I , le IS golllg,oll U ollg,j e In -uninerous imd.'well, distriijuto i'tj Ion ourn y . by smisse1 4 ,;the male. 4iethally �loon b,% ious`de�artincnts', of- wholosal'o, or scal but,.npart from thes'o .13lat h* ped these,heathen ei iestI an. erUSh kr. .,.. . : i, , tlie wcAt. ia vl�r- his �'twb '�rc i -e ' ]a a IV gu rly .W Are tefi front' yeai to- *d76ut' the" true re igio;itl q, �an 'bi -PACIEERW ttkIXI E Cpt. j.:C[`6We_L_� . .... able on the­�Yjlojd, t" [I !.rhe Ho,p s $411, :'27 �y of :L6 gr'�atii,*Ain, than to rl6jeet, Davidg6n, coliditions of trader with,t] It to bgy��ib 000, annually in this Ile re. bmitt6d to arte So a Sift i I jig, M Ri Crowe' .6 outlook sbIt'tbmt if anythiiij Went Wro 'od &rgt.' C. th and the pibvided,' ��Co�rdveisy' 'Will, Be nd� UPI f 1. t. ouragin ny ime, one o its'. pr( tht-ho :could no. lon-eV, eorn,. an, 'ri- tit-Ili 11IS 3ee "John iii" Arbitiratifln Dillon ....... ..... .... for the fall. ts ene 9 it. SURXTIEPYI�l ' : , , - i 1. 33 4, 1 . owler Ag. ;ej -to the culminiation hilts uacr de' Cll,L - - ' 00, y t e W VI W'Of­0 10 ISC rael ,n I ft nine Gould 5fa tory; Of 6U'ple good.4 ;d ys ago-, and i the �as., w -ii be,urlid r riterjL, .... 43- are f" MI." is: d ea ier. 'The demand ashVille' Ard, Itioll wjPaiiSe:-ut- th'a Mrr�. Blaho 'hik itidustryr hro�ghoiit the,ldoun-, id,'ItGnirl, and 'Ahmb*' for,'& 'gljmps of, met:,. -tod$ a a Scott' i'i :3.5 Te im'shevas CU'rCd oNi-ing to the sCireity. oU.'the local sup- try"'was 66ttld to-ilight " t "' 6fi. n.;Iells, h rowx, Y UNAPPRgeiAikb" represc)atati�os' of the 'b'' d' tilese, naineg bring befoie 'but Oj&j� pJ16 litnd%the -higher Remittances C ef' IZZI f mor&IL deg o specal I I c...mamen D.Dtlilel. dollii egging Methods' Latlid liipturcs� of cxOetiie stupidit' e '21 ar peribds -by theL USO, VVt6tia a I !'V' vholesalc� H. I , , It Rnequver i the Wtilt4 'and irri6l tel pit'. '41-s of, the Afeat Cut- iles (I'D firence *tw 43 at ckerfy the offid, 35 md. itture �rutc allied , trhdes':, employed At tilt! stock 13 61 f Lydit L Pinkhaeg.V fable Itmde is',fair sAid the outlook: 1W prOm Jut in ja, -Liko,,a-a,n 'or sign& 04 ''has se t eyards.' The Whoba; ofitrovers' i'll W G ouilie 31 1! The, deffiatt4 �f&u interror 'its ww otoll nrecrY 'WI Torcitto, Aly 05 -Alniel'�Cklli isse two.%kirg 'iubmitted, 6-A boliild'of arbitration, both nd an­ini 'told � .,J7HiIwthor6, for to warn others pi-desi'ruetiorl'at, tile end b' cial trAde 'centr L es IS -goo a arre 'I Va9f­ fOrorf � 1 1, 1 .., . . ..Perry" ' t' I;D' do- -the' nortli �'iA px- miley, ., He is 'a onAbide y,**hate.V6 .41' iAU'uns, 1�n�x i Gi Aeifiaud fr6iii' egge; man�- and' bigiofi thig'� board May' reachi ingL got Mollo� aMl -P great toj,�', 'Corporal McGn�gor`rotired 'from the, compels. me'to atelmlilltwledge the poctibd, Aur the nox. few W6ck8, waso ondedviDring by, bet� Fr,6m the orthodok decisioll'of the, arb.itra�' o0 ivho bad.rbMtod Undor;,Jerobo&njLhD.'3 -inetitof.,00rVidgetableCo'mpoiand. U Cl �IftdustiW Aie mbld6tai.Olv I t' be' taken -back eked 'for' tdur,,yesrs 'trith 4r-. 4 air ttin6ifitt, Woula band 'each. p'as�scr-byt` 'a 'catj air no*, -13,pirfinK .1 low of' id6mtersi tiowboard; thi6 Iribn will take Bayntoft tL IIre fo,..w6rk AsW -by, the prizei Ry 1h, f se enthi -Moore, g5th� regulai and aihw melistru of' 'Activi e er� jay'liavb been% "biroad,mnd6d""for L. 1e tra( a C th a ug:'i es, d.ppearcid,: d PDekerso find i 40A, n , I t b �)L "k i, In - the ba6h sn'4 wer 10fibi, for -4 title., fall aba *,?if t, to roctognl7e tho go6d lif-fill �a I L . i to p�ic. ers mbi-At � 11 of .,l 4;l Aort Ight6d 'mbs,- said Atful, sleep 1, dreaded the 16, Which 1hdic&te4,:,c6nfid 'o Ill. 0 employes dret to.,be -ti enoug I 'Gatdne d e46h got 42, L,., sea but I r Or ti me to come which would - 6_4 reffigtafed*witi11lit ean., 6hl§uhi�tiou. bf's 6d .,,from, m 1, A 0 '3-� As, *ou are now sa obo'4 AW, cor MGrltgot of Ace n 4tv Alia.b. Adolatry 1FC 11 uhom.z ".Be rTwan o a ottai'va 00 As I Am o N# you, -may sometime bef 0 g g t ____ atry An o. rear,tin j is the forniet',employces -'Are §tl ED Or ttef heilt e#6 all gate sort 2. fstaff-ser9t. C�q�ep ble. Ly4 t orPlby6d. at the 'of AS devote,6g With cruelty, The holi$e -of and Also *,Oil 42., pqssi, to'halte. the ham"W VegeC otnpo=dL At ITaTuil-ton 't iht site i. pdrsonsi a -b 3;0* -t.. in. our_ has icWlAggrOgatoi - bf-suolhittiiig-t a 9 'out Du W Aleka'ndir�; tbb Daily, Graphic jDhil P tratibb bo'Ard- f.0', SbUlpireni. Y a feW short ti�dntha�, I feel.11 e auot�efi trad'e i.4: �.bolhb n V�.L " Aty, Mhej In,$ L j L ' h Attl tbl.6L \,Vlll retf Telegraph and draplik' , t �cdtet� potg6n,110 plains &Va., do�lhl- El.%h wns An: L, a� toFll orders, . I 'tied auldide. !Both 0M and Ah b� ith to ork, as. 4eh me� � Life glild, a hraiadI or -sca,46n. 'bit I' ill a they eaij' be ll()tlfi 400. attinspeW *eet, to g� nq 01111 tat some day Cruel 'to lthoM who stood in' C(f'of "he' I dgtt We; And ev I wo .�leaoaut very'good., I . I . . I Ahab AnILIM,ti , of the, trouble'," With 'fi;, scbr6, of 48 M440" by 0)7thibg See tistbOry' duflok': wDy of the' havo, bem Pc 'VAtb' Perry, of --And.eagy ttaa�, 0'fop6rted birck- so r e y be''e- d A d, the" �ehsiI6 'tb� ana doc.� lstiLdS81. helei de�tjjde'A th�j'mClfalg of ote(l �that bilidt L ty ' morn. afaftlier C %4n *nr, is g ife�ent cities in, tb6, Accretary',of State for. %�als, v�orfh'.mtto ,thaii iiionths,'Widei 1 91 t§ bd tell 'Of A 4t&oliv it, 'Aliot inat tidon W110144, in()Ji: eojjqpeti Jon# 6a;ro which ire6lbs d14: ubt (161YA ED b' 4t'Afied ihorlsi' Nind, Vid, butl for, bilqfn P66P �Ileflt jud 0�afi I Am of' t, 6 car wa �!rize`,' T�ors Old t*6041"A 8 it go�d for sick-Wbineif i f§.P;o 06. Oil' M- Other 6, jo %lity-604 dalehbf X2, Witli,scord �out''Vekdtkbi,o� - Cbm�ouh4, and I 4"Of 6W $fu plidity d�; Vegaiatibh� 66 th It Aa*L .. I) . urnClytil6h, ht xm, )I, Old, tw�p rt(56,6'ar� ;gte,�, I bo ' t orNnylq toil' a ndiV ,ftgrtMh1Cnt "of Advocate it. to Illy auhmbn4 0 pr c oilobotdicil h0p.11-Uns. a'! fl fifd`f goaq for bilv� Ali q6tiAl, fr Y'r.eolnp c'ed., All' poffits, coilthirlo4 in Ifi,the o.l Ildr ire itell, NkshVi Teuti.`tN )a I I I I vo'boeff Cap 9 t Vol And N TO the SO 'ou.tlt 114 tfi6 fade, of His-6ft, trftt# elC4O &f Ot '600 Yjr jL lconj,.. wit Alth 4 00trts rollltitfe�6.p I , I ca s4. a Uld N no rjck� d h fiDrce n , 1,4 T h b n it 0 leasu 0 ut long IT, 10 1 a