Lucknow Sentinel, 1904-06-23, Page 4S have .purchased the Qiatite .Boot 8 `Shoe' stook of . )..CloMeron erd wig sett, he- ao-below qost two -,aud actikey ale d.`W.. Hamilton make..Every pair is, -a -bargain. 'an Plow ShQes 'tallied', any price yoin want' from 4 clollar up. *now it natuegagommemeagamon it 7i.;t_ .;';•':+toi i +fafa'_oa cit loll E. tiltit Iih4H itfDIV flift ?It?{t 10'4oknON , , June :23a, 3404. A tract .of land :in Utah ;that, had been =sterile' because of alkali in. the soil, has, been, reclaime1 bit. i he + Washing,. oat, systew. Ali; thatis needed 1s" plentiful underground drainage rains do -the rear. i,ft the-systein piraoticab=a .as reported" it should. ,be, tried 60 010 of,,our Northweit •.]ands l et`a alkali is.a, nuisance, Sone interesthas been. aroused '9f late: by .speuulatiou as to; what would.. ha} pen' if: France intet;fered in the war in the ''mit in favors of. Russia. 'The ,mmedi to result of sucli. a Move Is.a matter of rio o itT Tt iould,instant; ly precipitate great Britain,.i'into the conflict tis, Cho ally and'-chanpioi of Japan. Perhaps, • indeed, the season Japan ,hasnot had two enemies stead of one to,;fight: is due to. the knowledge- ofthe •world that. at. Great' Britain is pledged to japan should a. third power• intervene 'The Annual. Movable 'Conference ef the Manchester Unity of, gcldfellols, the parent Of .the Canadian lOrder of Oddfellowa and .of the , Independent beginuing% of '49 month. re7, 'porta-Presented it-WasT-ohown-thatAlie Membership of 'society -wail new 1 (Ilk; 680. and the fundb LI l,d62 32E3:: The aociety noW expends more than' a milliOn 'the ation,of sickness and distress,. The .seventh Valuation Of the assets. and: 4fiabilities of the society: shoWed net the spOt; to do Se is but :to sPread and aggravate the.trotible.: ..The remedies. •tiitt4., Field. extract of grindelia:rC, With alcohoi, and'following, ,this with photographer who:` .gets ' his ...40io" every year, says a 'saturated Solution ot-hYposulphite soda_ never _fails im.' The min. thing is. net ta delay gatting the pcison off the skin.' which we ure offering at very low prices: • e wish to announce that we have moved to our nevi store Campbell Street, 'where we will be pleased to meet our custouiers And friends who will now find us better prepared 'to display the,most up-to-date 'goods. • W SII0P, NEW GOODS, „LOW PRICES, O wish to call attention to our la,rge arid varied stoek .of PICTURE PRA.IVII4'3 'EASELS,. TABLES • '110CICING 'CHAIRS ARM CHAIRS, BED- ItOOM—SUITS; coucHES, ETC.. a. • !..b.Wak4ipp.Q.$e• o4. oopps.pguvgRact...TQ,,,•Ann(,,PART, CROCER BUTT UOKNO AND 'gqQ.s • , it SELL UFA ACCIDENT and S1CICI. NESS POLICIES Raul Eitote and business stocks., Aecounts'audited and collected., , INSCRANOE The thirty-second annual' general meeting 9f the shareholders 'of :the' iltou on MondaY, last. The Annual -report showaah exceedingly, 'satisfac7. - Ory.slate4of affairs. The 'Profits for the year encted'llay '1904.;---after- "deducting charges'of Management and. ful debts; were $335,513.53. :The. premium received on new stock amounted tO. $195,483._ These two' teens, with, a balance of $70,122.94, at the credit of profit and foss 'account; $107,806.75. and a dividend of 5 -per 'cent. payablejuno 19044111,230, ' carried to ihe,reserve fund from "..the, profits .$104,5117, 'and cart4ed. to the ' reserve) fend. from ics rbinitlin 'son. new stock, $195,483; total $300,000. come, elegant laces and ap ,ae for A. MALcousox, BARRISTER, SOUOITell, 4" Conveyancer; etc.,, '(late of Cameron Holt cf: Cameron, Goderush.) Office upsilons in Allin Block, LuCknow. • Commissioner, Notary, Etc. Money to loan. Office over Watson's Barber' Shop, , iviErouc M P 0., Physician, Surgeon, and Accoucher., 'Upstairs in Alibi Block, • Resi- dence Ron) street, behind J. G. MurclOdh M. SPENCE, MM., Residencb os —House of late Dr. Tennant, and ofseedver-Ellintes, Grocery, Main Street, SOCUETIES KiNibss met at per adjournment. lait 1, Meeting .having been, 'read.' axrd transacted. 'A'. bi-law *as, 'passed. Sleith .of :Stratford:n.8 engineer, of the tOsvnsliip at a fee of 86 dtsi and ex- /Arm Iottur Loma; A.F. eisery,Thuradarnight on -or - before the full MOOn, in the street Luoknow. UMMER • ovely Creations in — every Friday .evenins J1_41 No: 112; meets, at 8 o'clock, in their hall, Campbell street, All brethren cordially Noble GrOnd.• • 'Recorder: itaitaow oil, Canadiaa Order of ' Chosen Frisuds,, Meets first and third Tuesdst • -evenings of eac . Mouth, in the Odd - fellow's Hidl,Cainp. bell strbett; lack - now.' Visitors are cordially invited. WRENCE Coma. SittaUsoon NO, 50. Vi siting brethren'Ure•cordially Chief Ranger, itee!sec. second and.fourib'TuesA day of each' month, as brethren' aro ,Cor4ially chief BaAget, , Ree ,6%,80t46cleofiv, otitthlv2ere6ti,i$vtt,(4,N,svskjE4Itikec,berarlia, gr41g.k ji;*1 6", ..,'.11,160.181ylinlIbeetliTasgsnEinGultAtRe 1)171aumr°0g,Dtiteodlii:f9d1'6":1111811":11:11:146016neh c:11° tineov6rd:ilittiahnifynsf(Bitivlitsdeincitiglvteleinetelvt1;8:1 ifiC:ea.i:hctebn'idore:ttt.lisv:ret7earnY: !el $3., Tenders for I;raVelfir:4; air • 11 Lines "light 15:ices. rurni,"+++ttieDeq.e,rs 6+++444.nd iinci,e,rtakers; Vir •