Lucknow Sentinel, 1904-06-02, Page 7J 7 4 %I 7-1-1 T! CO T! % t;celilo - , of 01.11vills I ---Row L__0 T, Ile p ne* AWCO (Matt, Was, ILWOW —7p . .. ..... .. . ... T e; to., tu?,� , . I - . - 0 the lnen­�41138WWVO P to P& od d ,�,Wis,6 n';rLd _,,pet4oli ro, tied, 1, pprill r his, ri v o; p P peourIP . or, A. L. 4,44 vrices, ruled a Rls,, Ural"Ot il'ilfth'a a pt laity 010,bpri. lie rocet, firm. Mea qLa l8a,_t, -0tre, for q 1044eoi� �ftt.p, r1reagm �Jisbefg, sel,1019 fx to *6 94 gslstoa 41, �Pqq N L na 11 st 0 o, dd. 113.ag W, all aela#A' -P Xp. dell I tue; Op; "0 to 00- 4ddreKser, were, W, 1;, 0 1 ardina., 'b 00 k" fort. selliog A L 06 .4 N10A JLQ1,' id, Vivo jia� )Udtlfl all 0' tUe- tit I Blillop Vito," 0 Arated t spow It q pp. Pf a W-0 sw� xdor� �t 37 to, PP, y. W, �p ' " �14tjd, the, 04uCts in pol C'T 'phl ta Roff" i,;nla t -rijI TAP, 01 M0 f P, lipm COASTP, 0. A pticag. tral' 'y -onto 'But r14 th, resty i "so at 16 U, W q 10" ( a. I .1� betr 'bel 1170 Ze 'from '4110, Ities nx1ar it fire and', Got, 1, A'. T, i �rrlve:lplit. Mile Pei it � I -�94� take4� last Pe' eM 4 CU�04 adjacela-4 awl eggs a leliffto'- HUPP o-d'�t' 021, or, 8.0- im mok was lap - P9. th 6ff art.. over. , It t $7 ht' in We,,1011tilft 'MA', Op� 0 150' Ride, 14 v � 0 beforp Aftetr P ,I chArgel 11oIaVq,."b4l*" H�d,:A , - 1:1. ro-Ug" 'Ot to joil In' It, P. 'ad, w 1-b a0d, - JjitillibmPO , ill *,,a Nod, ties,,�si 019. a, bwa V.m, And Mir" vilt nearly 'GreL6e-4xc111Oa —art �a Ait.. t IT ov VU -U'r 'ain li'�, -d bf ia,tj). W� U Litt', -1 SIX �tvr DreP andi ligaV'y t' 6rdare of.''it'r*0 00*", first �tria t to lolsai4 urpijy; Ilbu t el0i! 61 in,ain- ted A I' Ok P them, camprom S? P -L;'- ot tite, Ang, QA0 t comqi be .-Pen Sato li IL 'C aSV.. 011ie'. L I I , . kind to: bb A, molley, d Abilit, sc`tg� r 1p� Ir f ix ­' - N U�yonu :the I -0t QL1PIqA iade,�aliout 8q;.dq, To 1, � _ to: high: Fir !4 ls� El 'q,4 §�t6jii je(t, Zanip Of?— t'ols' tteld' $7'5�, 88'. to , ep t eII4 the a4lnil W4eeKk- V..Idatj wilite, aken.belEarel'', * . us A .wttipr . . lltfi. .%%,e,% "Tepas'.I& t VPW-OL , d, ` the. � .. 0 -cardmilso k Sea bl�, r 31a a on...145,: 1 t56o elear,oilt.rae,scherfie: 111�a t ljy. trile 0. QURS' the' Clock in 1.110, Y. �T I 8g, Qats" Maps 15 to t M,' 4tL j dia'"not sot, 04, -We." -her., or, W. the-'stoc 4; to -Isl 11001leals vi Aq� INOE '18c Poo., t*" Wast 7 ,it irl%de Up at ia Napleg the __Qpe,. to the Ual S" Vene- lie 1-4141IL'Tj A%y' - ThI119,1,; 37.'XP, t ep liarruo.tIOP a,19alpff"li bete MCA ktcdBtates!, e any. I L' W tl � lqs� . -leftelV" anie U6 is T4 91, 'T reijuo4v I , .. ., '. I t 'OP0, LW . Ul!;.J1I T W ?U bus. jg)oralug, 4- rjupoyin" for an' not. the-Lunay. VIA, 3011"lly .,V.ill take r6g Ciib he Ina.' 1jI;Xr&ey! to $1a-WJ vare - iliorlZod, IP14 I arm W;! on .134 aILk taken before t Ian, Ift'OUT yr. vivo jiesuw, a. Lhe 1wres'll-i -Zew, YQrl t 't' TJ k)0111- el to "ibe.sold[611$0 -in lld"ILUS for f ied,b V%k t0lil 6ist.er Q g lorbidd. dur-1 iCir'dinal 50 -Dill- 113,- accompa -'late -se,0" Akfarphy Wit' e Of. oli COANT4peo prii. guilt $7;.5o, to Ilia. ,jp4t&l crimp ..examinatio 4 tbe hollairr, Father Agreole;. net. xitmi fv harrel JE&P,per Roll. ur SecQyko� misSio WantL -Isles, ].or P $7, for blitar; '660ing I I ^dA � to. the 0I ac col 2 to J.8CL; (laesatia. ,one. Iright L I iloit ta" tary, .-He gal rmacOncY, ri the) aiuleellir ar"I a d lie e d an pronounced him of -40" 11 - , Only k Viteroi, -weve Dre�scd bK)913 C ld of the 0 -r . - 11+10s,,jhelcase�. re ��fierj dq�jrY� tmst at anp-M, - rePlYlnt, ga '41 barges,. c do sha".110 sea :�Oc - gle, Wilrtl& to" L &1UJJl.VeT$4y . 'L, I to disli: :Laurie lusAft In ";V 0" zen; and couroo.'Wit - oil 'D �Joe.Araeryt 18 d )43 open,,, ut to . , I tj ys,.,per P -I I . �! , thilt i0ille- O� snail. and di0ob course 'Dog lb 14-A, Aar, bpz"�i LiS ' OLVIn betore 4W.T ,,the _"yseo do..'c o. 15C. Tq1`kL St.. altiversit'l Jar. q V_* ars oil Unj­erg prlOtl,b, be4ols o "Men �ilbob!R! in, C abba. ge, staileats:ttie grga 9, 1,09t. Intluen ir d be 0, iders , , I trained 0� tk'e Sian' . b.,6 ail � �i%l* flie,,pan ., pr"esiite(k dif J.� to pl. Vrencl illeL ease , the the or 6-1 11c. r ' 1 0. a its tributarie� 77 I Principles. Q bf 0 to son front among 3"tico liver t to to, $9.,; do t ta F 0, P ping jid dog Me $r Iper- oZo; d in the. ai-Bleef, hind(ins, or bleto�L 's.; 07: Ir t ot" the OPPL eo- ; � c, tte- during Litu f orjK1 k-0 Vbandn6d I T a rh,q no! f-, L pies bAlve, IOU he, �11 solia, n­dJ8kJ%aTd'O era Plies' t Dr propt %au I" ter 0-4 1 . I . ,Jr . . t iin De,Tllct� wPe owenSbbro' arrival. id;wou�a and toe. violation Ulliteu i�� re, acjl:�411,bb. k�a % ge, lam, bqrcak u sihort all the qi iton, Pie)? tie OYlielell"M otner,'AIIO -ilig agaillb been..;iefy -iState�. Con - S-" 10W, not, C con Laws and the �i% 'son in A'Fllul, 4eieu Early. III a$10i to,- $11- Cwt ed onscIengo, imal-;. murdeted The mur I I I _ to: Talla. a pblind. at int pr the sen" ad his Past ie. 50 h and oats -25 Cle nd`iw.'t,i $7. plied. Munits from 'ii,f till veryL f dealt pro-,, lifoc, KA, im. n. and all big atllerl� bandied, "Leon, siagar rice, ofavor- -,boy's - broWer o�%Vlth a' orake, 1 adv y UWIANDS anill Set t ip6rll afirs killed to save the puratoi-�- the. Some L&t'er,, 11 _P -three ing an aspiribut, t to, Pe- ilsto flaosti 4 lif tea him'. -in t, him dogs were atloll pa_t lb. 'ere wer, e!pls�oa. Unt -110 bellsin t to Jbi a.01 st.%,Tv b, 69es, 113 -11111T_ 117 e id' th Og .7 C d ta_'_WVOr- Ita-t-dg 1Dc--tO­')1Ac--pex-­ arrrei-dillm ebrlsVo- _ , 't th 'th ol-I �t rt.. First,' f- in' '�OSWOn -'v1 he Ill-19gy Meat -became sear cling the t 31 earl- - I d joi food pell' . tio rera or lie ppr. met e 10, r frIg , -1 it it, -time, to- x ­W2 liali body slid oll borses N 'Xille di,.l difitin JOWAD CQU, tWoug. fie says, as, 1, I:_.to .1, r0aula, no, vere, froT Zd iOorr 1 beliarl the Of' L�.4rhe, . jis doia e the., dscarrival Of' B111`065 ose,- jostled On him back. es at I 80lence. and c . The lmd _IWt e III, c 6e n Per� &nhedriA mallY 1WA It r pulled heqqper., Subg cit. vs6ii-by �st e lut, su L ition w .0(1071101 at. IYA ne Ll Upright - PID L Lee oductlon, bat Judgme;, at t letition is boin, etbods,. --.L'hii ilitt 0a'.Y. just. relia. D. s, f_:jittleg, :;�uu a and is Al2Tull"ket"' r diEtKrace. licad." ;.& 11 leltly ancireAl. �'7- p3r6'd, - V I. lit. . : iTe, . ... tier LL side's death..' MIctean county, cour of Iney wilk, 9T t 6.�_10, nileetiag 10, Or% arleY, are carcall 51lecla, a (Id& ll�sad to. hold. a to- �0rid, we �.qUd t6 e In :Xr I ­ ­aRib'd to pre wA. , I a, ineri favora, ol e Jirt thous qT,z-- a... St., ees were, ith i , cour n ipP6908 bat Jesusita, itad tepilliel3cle le, rds iAo � a , N w or. xha er, 4� is lei claimed J-9. �w' ati t'h ree �v rt.� t 8 43 Lag, 11113. th Jilt vcred ritud Cle td enie Bull d or'tbe peop e, t pratek,tsidils'O big Son- tribute Vill. ftospprllt of God- and. L er ve _Zt0C ITioronto 6h6vv�-3 I . L 1. 1 1 1.., 0 gild at kin RIB,royl Ilelass. 1111el �pl a', x the: let; re is trilstllig In or to Ses, be as the': 4ittletis re' 9 -so- ex devoted.to'..,' HeAelit0s be. :heart.: lWe, .baby. far. gint; C ,,ss leacierkil,is-ali tbLq.. spirit attl*t he is 41i,ilvIto XL. 13 h,6- , I or God knONFrg- hi' shee, at against a Wom away ids are and irin gal regarvIr la;ngu e e n jxlkk� er r Je 'a -1 the gevere,0 to Ila 'at -*v isay4 � is. I' do -n kDO' 7. . I n', law. Jesus of 'to* infants entritsited to: er 9. and. ral Lbut re Ub kia!yek' Illy ill. e is. � id .'the athe- IISPOcrlsy �y 3o.�Aec6rdifig thereto. al fis. t. bad . 6XPOsod'. their 3aw It littl re for. S, postal Inspector,., at - ;IC nil%Y !OE ­u ke woman$ It ; -90 to ma home.. t no WASheS'. no.and . i de- -Class. %%o MoLtl)*Qs t j seek. -A,01� -y� -Was the 5 oill'ality 0 �a,'TliursdaY a t aTe. not ar, o d'to V W wbb' declared he,4 0, 7&b. a t Th, eam�) as7 V "I bus, 0. Igo b I I Ur ,as a member of er, isiros6cution, #101 �hol'111 1MOI-11 itLe nace in - is th ry but f at Or bl�t*ebn: party 161'alty aserted that iLw.0 tairely bolit, nes t only requis, LAO Mao& that 'he h I�ce'and PrInc-1pie, �1�q I te 0- sisesess u lettOs ba� wod not no bi L' gold hatello L68 that, d their "JOW-19 (if to a ivildicht-1 -Of ttle, li�hes tal All becaus Itlalties � T-pz tter cit ad)­66cl4f,�- pe'ri 911 d -bull me is- llege, U' eirlje coarined-0 � OTpurs t,)Ie AW �se the -lormer In Anoth, 're a L, prIC43-8 (not, Iiltbey taiivis: .. 'of". Of j, 4willdling gaa ieady�niade as :e 'Val I'T e. -t- , 7� )atloollment it..ran inthe a X, Edme,.� d; Mr illoW.ed to . Church avor lVarleY ceren il;wai . ' - repiresell. doni fro �ied ed-,� far the 'al ONY11 -end' the" presbyter 011i and are only., q. th lonse of �s,. Gentile dur� and sit d Njay 30. 061& lat IO-Nv olloi 'room th4 even hbrt jime entered the 1>10004pr dly policy, and the t� ha'd Iambs. U ut forL'a� Plue the. t t 'of their WOI -estige. 1; of f, k 'is bi Gerierst the IMIOTI '%vl jore �werlt on the PT Inspector. found. Asselubly 0 'th titu Shee? o 'r 4rdleltvi pilatA rail fence,�a.- fa,�6r D - Cburcll'by:�'4 boa aN . . j. ',the ts' I I I L SL,% there., and- !the. loss d zeal NNr6rld. lg� elderly i-ilittil I 1thr-them y idarning a;n Fre'sbytqial t prices an ii:- thEi, Phu, Cumberh thill; It' WiL which orth0i 81 Borkeley He, Tobin ' I -- Ile, LVI In me il'brought' be! 143 r S i11 go it' re,tilechtli it.: Th,ey , d a SOUVIlt rLs firit, Was Untq P( Wr he -not 94D TOL. Ch a lee'. til n6 fused'' tO Cal of: tile d line TRE.CEN il blind. -Jeal al�TAY "Ler ay_: quibbill](3199; th the Je�s Iinto the' the 4XII Icl Of gi�ld ,Itdgpth6r bw Oprtergi-��- 6:L1d,at.$4.()0 t calftiel§ all perverted III id they �TOLE oi'Uftitu j; history naed .9 bus ke it la�jpear, p. 'subteoluen la&.4villo TesPO sa . . I _�. expa.rterr, The comm6xi- -.b�ontry haTiON110SP'T o, in' 9* q.tq go as "to ed & 'ditch. d glo MP NOtarlo us' -confess POOR -V 6wt.; M9 PO , 4a, 0 C f or .I I t1i hqUIrY,' jito fal ponisquence 0, - -it'd -10, t a tilieLL, -be tary 01 it -F* Sit "at l6ti 'beer� ke v-Tt re 'to or I it they t 'bull at nOW ed ilO` C Citic. tie I'llef- preferv& 0VA Oto Adsinit Jq Toron innoe cha)?ge,§- Tbey� P -could not Pr6ve; the] -Prlsollor_-�Tbe. chArg Dor for, analleged $1"in( er sold a nt a i., o't ftom t, tile, rec to, id ther.le- T110 J'SaljL beforq Pila. look! nq '50 9 PriceS abou nA. &I I -Ice* ', lcttosri to Tiles, RdbertO i Bar tiaigtim , . . , ered..was-.139 (janhda Mr., -.zpbrt cPwP bheirles-' a1,Fe )Untf Y. all, Kr'bW ..L'- ` do '41 of I cred, n len d parts Of. t. ille; bi ie' d aketibst''.r heilirgel6ld �accusa- i 5anitarlu bY 6assbtry u n e s� tha t to $4.2u, lot" h -recipient A� telflPt. roe-, tile, Lai , , . . CAL t ,\Iurp J�,! �Secretary Made 0 .,t, itler'SLJillprled the p.05- with tile t to 'the, chole tp best C la, �r t trlbute,, - I QU%C ,lveedl Of Hlf I , . _ g le jiOn ,err as bee WtNising . 0 Dutch .I in, quality i'Ri6.was belli6n B. %V,�s TCdT , . I I e butchiers, t -tiloVen. ttrea�01, -in - eaAct, bullt�-- the I i..a* Jeatioll .1i has 9,00 _-IVe tbird-'-d" d`rspeclf i-,oljj6 -Trust, d To 1 t1*6. as of* goo iL eS. stamplil:� totters $170" l0af tl,;L,' �detedtiv e :01 t6,'.b t b 1 rii6rdn't , 0, wri e $4 60 t'O-- eO13f08StO' I sh ONV e'r 861d fit me lull iniopt them t1l.e. -his stock, mileso Outs, 111sert, '�jll6jed:. 6 With' to ."11 [it Free' 4�60, , " yab V more t i's IV,l Sone 50 "to �5 0 0 pi;oil t - $3. 'it 0 le a on the to d till 00 JjbPtIVeS to "te le ole'red 16 Sp less s the 06 th t Ile bore. 'ality d' t5 �btt to JA10'; la$Iii 'or -�clsar s $toe ts ad JDf4, ..,clitntld .c 11, Opn, rpr19c is to ere, co". OOO'LL arily Patten' 0161-1-0. tdid Ing trlbuto�t first And, T:1 lair, oil Corap on 1. 1 a, le Sense n :to Quac tilat -t�stioii r1lile [1-de'd" Ual- it lot: X f I'te]L lie eedot% 'T, lind.jild the the" of. Set sold aV -tile -latter en Upbe eal .01, the , , $.4'15.0 , .. .9_0 to the A . boach a, ac othel, lbs. eaC othe Burke,, not, 11 t W� 0iV-5tOc1`,' th'ble hand, any stage 'to rom . rso f Barnbbris­ IceL aoVer ILI of Patient$ In Will Joe -,WAS 'gg . T'llose t $4 to k6d' t ere receive. ll 11xii9tis -will I Ahe 1 (1 prIgo tier: Wpr of ()ffice' Nuill yj , ., I - tba land In tAle, P . at tbO'VVV t1cle . uts jVh,O of good qi� ed nore to his - Point? w search aide. i. .. C T.1 Arbil `134 calvie's., d 'i see"' n( iscoere tl V.6j, ijls'�.itlltlon, litted'! $4.25, Quale Nvere, I.geff,. agal.nE on `Lbq tbe. s' PC efen 'lly r 'i b Jo' d Ire-! sai& 4,111 . igbt; �. �(,'t r battle 6, pay 3tockers to ... thre En: ti got ib: all' I t1710 Tit- Aile;unable t1tbo1It,.cba�ge--'&nd ad the and 6'. of,. black is tin notio Inv. -e -TI 'Id ng Chri-6 'G- -,on g P. tolaT.. aS T r -doing, que' d at to ed Ct �st kul ib;� lvq the rO'%'Irkce' grades an t ng ag P et TbI9,- C'Vsf -f 4�. rd! 1tt-e-viden-ce nil it Of ;glyc d ibr tthe. pqrpQs­ t1l tjl(i _1e, Supplied Vat' soctor"t rollng by 'the L-1, r,Part Of 50 accO ujid'sPil e lell �Clvs, lettpr af te dersto6do 'wfaO use 0 roo ayotv.0 v .,_Ai d.' �Z'O,n N', t il.j war c b madO I wo $55 e filling U 0 that e no .101111 no ad een I at P, .. .. : deadenl� �glyoerkne, f bustL. snONV gain sold I-rom 6of(I., ir bing t Patfen Ce t C thet no onth. 'er d. i ea U -0. it is CC eted tha $4 50 p slid, bligled '. "11:10*9( to over.a oll�_ '�Ublis t, -file, and t ietel� - It to L ( . L dtss.�!d his I t Y 2� qP, otbe �Of,tbo file..;Quacken �bo� ... b Iss - oblige An Insurrt� , '16-� 'af.lratt�l 'to 0 -.t owes, - tight F DU .. to has. Wireless Un tnq vilich lie' ad . I I :' dmitted lVithip to' -$8 Ott rlcq di�o beftl- S verge, le� rdbber a, ir -9- 'oil U �A�P conflict ------ _ 5 e that�,tbere W: 1 11 1". :. .,. , - Interfere and,� the ' to'L§3 W, at Id W 6 411VLrt tbe" 5 y so t do hs -c cirWni-es t; 141 lield, a, short, 0111104. Go" 'a -,ulngdol re Worls . , L ' , I 'de- 'b plans W`C tilil thrice Sels On "POI cy, port. blle at *;j 'd' lie ring? L -:9riti - ;ented, 1, f thi evic entily -bb rcpre� guilty." ""BIt 0 bartly al', bef or''. "'not Sul., IL911, twig k n lelif �ne I I I., a, I .0 to ltbrea h clared" his verdict, r,bbcr tO,t �Old- At, C 64 Aft,19 in Quackenbu 't 'to) 55, pe V'7 ''d, crl. lead 6vernmentWit1l; the people.prof.estred f no and lu 111 , t� , to, the ques- .as _tllo'ItOm" .�range in L g Of God 11.11C f -Barabblis d to ma tarshall aa a�tel 0. 'then. With- iO' Light si,ritIg ''laull Cell', d'yes 1wims arkeste Forres it under arres t ?Jt.':.thb vv F t igilt them tldW AL% -called Ch td AlArqulil 5o To 94 et'a L tell . I - Ni+� 0 la tits wer, hapy, ye, 64NV, e ;tginei I , all estiF hmout. 111, Rogs-priper I 'and', L0 TIT-- d' d f nta hj tq to shoute 'Ne -DonOgil- -bo, ,,(I �viitercdI, rert Ills 11.11, t line' that d Caegar., thent, 1, -or prisoners. d6o, not �006 t6olc for an and, 0 't atly Late they v�n thbro +,b Marquis d 1as -tiv jC'.AT0RL 1 . 3us Ion o�on- -,naT on -blss wife Ine4i at. NL - Tit Cli- ERAD tilairty, -bat cons ff - hilis gl 11' ear an tat let. in ftlic W�lcted ews. qt tlneir .1 'to th-6, surf cl�- n Atar onvY,, jorelgi) - (10*-'--,�6nal,',Lpra,r�t�Cli4lI Press- ing 'apart Irc deand th the per 10 lie us 1jd de-!, Tt is "Prat"joU SOC �Iifg oiliestion '�blc,g000ls 8nb­ h rene6l Pill 'S' ILI We��'L . I " in III IlVilio no,- rlow,t It d S' Wh'Cn 14 MiairrI64 091111a S t10 in them'OtiVe anec.qs- iti -'Ili 50111 8tock erA injinds'an a ild, a.i pLd d illat illistiered to the S-11, I thin to, biritig ever, tile C:r W era ted liPg which: hed900�1� �Ile 't hblt�. Vill, sigenew. tting,'Tid Ithe - aculli ICS'J Wait to. 5pel,-%V, ile tIlot MOUP. thi) - Infill We. sialte, 6(" e 901310 a'no W&F, fm_ dIVII16 .�raiglit tho, hilltits tit e 'I ns v, s 1.11t _91luut,' ..to wo to, fs tOil tamoct a Son a, or. ity, tllo'rT'S' in deed If noic, he '6refoi"L cd t t. I "ttle firs O� trali'Ljy�. n long., C a-Vbe town Iled V plo, to �pr, a- -city, dtrc� 'Till lie 1�6 . t Nveel, ball" a 14flo'lllotr rsof UP' t r <1 bee'll pea re � L OUrL f k1tedgil�,. t3el'i a k ft little 'illiptoved e .,lot le trile. �WO 1� f alp able tieqt to go ied f hands at L) rLOe here 'in fall,� 0 t ur Co. . 066ar� t (I Pf 11,31der Of the Coll ed jiloV00d, an mn I goo 'rl N t 0 ,tter a astliqy C11111 III A n lilt to Rt t they front Its crop, If the' tThe CAS01. _he tto tLONDIK ph,r, (J t<)(' 'ebb !0plen(lorS 0 N gorgeolls"' Ott ieldtil, lie, poll W111,11 'Ot, 0i Bost the sbollti oplie -,:III nit bjgtor�­ rkillp re to thres., hnd dolo 'I n StIgIt-O' 'PI 0 thro n 8 of 100()()o -(%3,Y to to U.Pil �N,Jll bq 110,11PPIve har abd��' OIli�cllllor,.v ;, t6 01 ,�Jojn of ed'� ore, �61116, d _T ho Tri bill" t. I,, �'baek adhe yOTk V C, r 1,� t 0 the (I an( id ire. 1 f 119 K1111 , 4 L I li-rol tan Iiijocts sety for, s6v6ral years- I N� 0' _. L bb Wrli6ilw C. or WW d 't. '16yrtt sl O.V7U P6�14S" an alt, Jlal4 UO iall, flte­ PA"t Jtg-a d.' t t6 t to IM in "i t; t 1, mcr� in an , qt U, ritig �,-`anii I'llaid- bear!" �Ikfd bften, W_ IL ( 61 t. quen � I-leadiche% guell Pain tilg ji�taii, N00, Well Coln tl�itho t t tort'lljo .110ad Y, t t lis gill, d 0 res, LLU Iee,� tbofore I S. nt" I tiiat it w U cloioed. U. A frOsil 3 a be 0 (31 kt oiler,. E onst Toll) ror -U A III oil ii! ago of S, C ry., 0.r:� �Oot ey ) le 0 1 f.ar. oiiii Ili:L4 T We& ad r P. hisn" INTARI"o cat SELF bccstilog 0, r ilg� d I dolls' relief It( foo :16fto.,7144ts s Jost" 140 Work� get 'the to, n V fto, 0 Molldo-zfto 1, 1011L W, 090,000 d"t HINI LL T.Uexr It' ojl(�i Ak, it'll %V, iti, tl bUt. ;0LnIl­. a LTU t tPos leure met -1 tric 1pidwi t t I e, P� not ilki il A _1111, K -2b.. . . -I 0 Ron d iLd AL yo, C for' so TMI! tit 0 Was viid for thblo t to, UrIt 0011 love. A19t, 1141 itV I T q rL Jil- lDr, ell ty Sod reStorca Atilt lnll� itie 6 app. fcol, lot %111 Ud cernldl]S�� (111;Jrrel A00(n) , n (S rn t lt4L title r I ne& Jft welo U igal. I, dti I IV for VnXNtm 0" F, at &0 IL t of a; . I , et (r, it rf orlot", dol� I tho. 0011, '1040t bot pro-' .1. Mads bV tin ill a J�Ofij,o il'Idittr Pr ##b S! C thA At f Ito 'It ti q �Vklc 01 Y110bil. Ot li'l t jg�nonllll'Olt otilor diA ivitif '11111, niljit W. M. t'rU0 0118 . l I - I . tq for 61r�g, n �Jo % a (loo tlitnol 011 slSid 6�v "to t q1111, . e t ntj,t 0 C N10, of- t 1� off ro tRgifig, Omit V 110L t6. -ID �vll d&AlI9 V t46 � J.� lit; 06 "0. Oil Ill., td 10.11 e tire tr hiad of,,, Wor tablo" liv I 0 all At y 0 e'15' 6 OVA JUS &q 1 S tLt. tOP (I Al USAAO'of bt 'er 1, tit t(50 . ", V , t 111400 bi 1*0 "(10, 1 a h . el.