Lucknow Sentinel, 1904-05-19, Page 4• i ve purchase l the entire Clung ; ,iii,, amilton ' E. l e. •. very pair • S oot86: Shoo stock' or 'tbo; Sarno below cost . iti Iuu bargain. en's Plow Shoes lust tamed; any price.you want from a dollat'up, 14101;40114 Mai SBih, *' 1006 Advietla :from the of the :giro- grecsof the Wheat crop ;are Ndry:`.en�: couraging. The wheat hi'` already • up; and '.showing;p good:- growth , guy. Became; Many.' • ;Pre ,. sa s eci :than with, . the .usual ofnditions =.and an increased acreagOo,. the roduotion: xliia. ;year 'win IialargerThanUFA I,. SEI,L 4tE; IFF., ACCIDENT• and :S1C$*' tF,SS . PPLIC g� . .- Ocean} Lake, Rail. and Accident Iearlranco' I• buy And sell Enaownmen .0119168# Ii enl Estate and business stocks. Aecoupt6 audited,and•collected, ,; J. 31up:OHI.SO11, Luoknow. • The Llepartmenu df the ipterior. had :been, advised that 0 W.' a successful,farmer in Illinois, has'cou;: pieted arkangetnent:, to, move to Oana', da :with six mitae$'eebe and.1i8 bboraea : He•v i11 tartar eight sections• and bring with hina a::ce,pital of. $300„000: Some 28: families will follow. Mr:.W lliams from. Illinois.. A:PPIaE•OB0ARDS.. There are -a let of "orchards witbima various,,reasetis; the crop •rettirna have' been ,yery nniatisfaotory of late years.. InsectS: and fungi have. Venn . playing' What .Was filarketable. was laSt year particularly unsatisfactory! • It •,.is to. help' these..Conditions that expert .frUit. Ontario .and- poininion.: Agricultural ,practical Subjects to: those Wno are .tO,COuie oat to hear there. 1V1r.. Ai herrMition? who iere . tew agO, bee. been Working, P!1. ,years„and:Lib_':so„,well.satie0e.d•with the results ihat he, saia he..0oUld. not ex- ".farm,he knows farmer .'inalceS More off hie linndred :acres then Xr. , upon, the Market lor MUD, tiii place,. and, his over 250 Varieties Of .fruitAinongst which to carry on -such ichardEPleft-:iir --b-tethren are. °9144."47- fatO Onartibil-tWtree7trep-1 not yield. •.;-, ;Tr 0tU QUNNINCHAI, '. INSU.RAHOE... . • FIRE 'AND NIAR�INE ` NUELPH Wct-M &tO',titv:ewKs;ur+ t tors etc, goderieh Ont. ' L. Dickinekn, . , . Chas. Oarrow, or, Conveyancer, etc.„, (late of ..ciaMeion Holt di Cameron; Gederia4.)_ Mee ppstiiirs: I. in 411in Eleek;,14noloievi, to loon, Office over Wo.tson's Barber Shop- With a, cup of good Coffee for your preahfast hich you can get by using. OW dence Ross street, behind X. G. 'Murdoch, 44 CO's, etore• MICE D Residence --House of iiitte .1/1:--wennant, and o ce over Elliott's Grocery' Main Street, Celebrated for their FlavOr and Stren '400 'and 50o per lb. RRIC LD 3;IGHT LODGE, A.F. ev ry Thursday night on pr • before the tull mooli, in the Akio.; a /1101111:3 at:',187o7Cileek in their ' hall; Campbell Street, All brethren , cordially Oil; Canadian • Friends, meets first and third,d'uesday evenings ot each month, in the Odd - fellow's Hall,CansP- Our.S ring Millinery is now eomplete FLOWfliS, FEhTHERS 01111AN1ENTS Monda3r of every znonth in the eOrangeYHall. • • ,E104.NOW LODGE dependent Order of FOresters meets in the second an& fOurtli Tues. - ,day of •each. month, as His own flees ,arejlantei4 30', feet. and advlses leaving a ?Pace ,of '40 feet betireen. Pruning he recommencle• to be done.in lklarcli, hut any .time Order ot United of the Ancient Workmen, Meets in the Oddfelloits' hall on. the second and last MondaY even; ings of each. month :7;5 eight o'clock. , cordially invited - leaving small, branches evenly; ctigtri-, Tolliesoa. principal :knowlege he., has • Of frnit. 'greiving hp43 all been gained the, course of Ills huSineas as a fruit... 'fariti7._ 4,1 We wish to announce 'that we have moved to our new storeou Campbell , Street, where,we will be iiieased to meet our customers aid. friends wilO will/now fiud better prepared -to display the most up-to-date goods. NEW SHOP, NEW GOODS, LOW PRICES :AND PROMPT ATTENTION. all and see our table of HA We just received sornii-of tli We wish tO call attention to our -large and Varied 'stack,' of ” EASELS, TABL'ES 'Orange Hall, CamPbell street,eXaoknow, on Oa -second Tuesday.evening of each and evdry month. Degree night on the Second -Tuesday - &ening following. All Visiting ,:brethren cOrdially invited to the meetings. , NV. •Cooit MILL= MIST threttO .0 -operative methods. For year t'kiiiae -Men i!ea.ilocis harr0 for toW41,,, where' it graded priotically:the .same: 'eV that • rra ,S.lierringtOn 1...fas.:' in'. idea . that 4"' it'll 6'3r Diseases of .the gye, Eary $ose and na AT lil '.......,. 'TAtieliT 6, , .. ,r,,t.k.:00i111,,, axe iiatirgbt LSO•A. GOOD STOCK OF : ne,iitith .6664 ,roan out w.est. the' shiproents and col lect.. payments. btleine88 tO•=oporati'Ve• hash!, and lammoranimamozimfmarimirrivkaidatevorainge OUR 'UNDERTAXING att(41ded day or' night, awre P111.111:146: jy1.1.113)S11Y)