Lucknow Sentinel, 1904-05-05, Page 71_7 J.w 7 7,r 77 TWU9 P V . .............................. a And, "PQ ''inm44494" P 4i, Away Q lu .... ......... Nnw I. oq. 11, .1, Ap, V'j W upon me. V, ,WXono Vu� J)e czar istr P,4�0— �e, ieil tot M, livitilp V foj-L�y titrlPtll for' OPY, pee, 84 . file sulall Elul letax-04. me., Vila T V,,, , I . 6d NOCIF t, Qrdti* to Ing 1,15�beea APPOIAtfia MT9 1101bek! see 4'et one' 0 IP, stow, The, Gri 4" in g�a brolip ., t crime, MuCh III jib OL t AlurL lea4y olpixt, tlb,4 -0-* jo.� N propor�, 0 0A j:he repprt 0 47 ..tile toe, JUEOV.. and unillyprv, ot or N for Au It t A dying., .......... ..... ..... .... Over, 0 -AV iewoo-60, af Islir, Will; at t v me a ition oft, t yer still' J'p e aV 7, b,e ale Rillovince lip, TtqI fail qeaiA&I-1AXlQ 12: "kttei'doing i4l 0% 77 t1o; c,, 4n WOO I , _ 1;j no 'it W41,49""' . , ., - i the. duty 0 ed Lyit .'b LrcX to. 3,Dle'As lbuillif L wit! liquor, �twjer "0' t, f jUnii., Oe -pwj, pelc q- a tire' 49il asy-1; Choice, alry V lkas"awalrd�e e Ile de! ieflt W-111'. 'to hot ."rdir -Me , Y I - q supp -1, 9 �ples� Ill - jt fle�j�. lto A' Vj�ACirj( §,ow �fi , , _. j l�j5' a.10ded ter$. jhp pl, 0' p r, e latterlpar. o little ilix4l); p 13 at. r s" es e,. 4 10.6tieell )Wteau uns�; -I lAttip] _they cou, 0 . 0 ill) I sIAld ijoo i� is all This Igowil 'ee b Ilt Ill thQr I, to: the Ong 0 110 to -Per --new lines. -to he evil 10 9 ho) r a It thowe who InIsti ctlop# Itilat I � 1. 1 1 :: .. . ­ but T- '61--thq oast. ­w 11 )lerVkL**-,.' Ite qze . .... . d' IDni Re CA I Ig, fore Orpo'k. witili, f uff 14# ag,''prEt 'Iy jgood'� �nlfiNv war III- �jtatd suPP ar'to vil [ITIA to of Ire 14,l Ill I It P � t Olesw lw- .'I la ; 3 Jil ism Ills. It $' -1 .". �Mpjoywqp, .; o4i 411!W04 it ur In eastern Of t1lo gQj -'ilexperlO M eat, MIL'i A I it , I , y p ankr.' 'full, -for r 04,41r noni 134 'ix i2ptan � 1, le� ant Ito", 'F ii,00 t Any o,'dut,$' 0 being e3 y raw oell J leads 00.4 W. yosto.., ig, In put it 4., twin, teA plieo: noL P61, bu.V Aw. , '. , ff for VmOtfiY'1w.an�l at':* lid julA - . -d 660�ih about, AVIII1, 0 Iceei ROY I-, latentip 2244i-viitd, now �ljljjjo to 6i, eXq all at, rA.l. .4 es 'brEis6ocV, IiOgP1 R" 4ttit It'd llgwt bipf $6., .04c;". ted n,. r admenitigh to )4tcht'll- ude. .1 e Be �dlllgen t) din lia folir Eft s, jiii , ealctlbe, An. It r44diness- or ,m.�gpdepTInTCl1 Eiri.se.111p% '014 t Xpe, conveirt-4id", hel am 6 aiiit, Ire P4 ;9"F' ir"EtAln"g' t,I)II91 �jkjieil.� XdadlI let aIV )­ ait.-ditt -I;ke. girded, 101 insteo, 5111pi'llAd .4r ea 6 Oats. luto trili-itilIll (A tile "d oatiilg .. I gj Lj7.1 .. trilligh O� wIll W, t erOdl. 3 sabAs"i "Vi A a5V 'a� 01goti, and' 1 Ijl� I'M. inl, Ould 6 d Aie' 'Q- as t isiong -� _J�r� r r jyron.,98 TOE 'b $51,150 tO),mob. .1loin.�tbij TIlap t II no'con iliz"Alon plans,to 0'. -eign 1)0�ye KUL Alke; pei.,04tle18, neg cjovpr-,,, bus. 1 Ity Ir pi.:V deted leeklW no V.a " ! �-wedd 09,13, MIrlistqr "ITAS 41yuig'j," 1% ax Tliq pi? x1veeo, V0 Ing St. Peters tIiixul- "(XI14 I�186& the' t, p6mli-.. Tile. 4. 4LxitPY0,! DO' .4 tdrl�'Y.13 Isiandiii9,011eilay, 'I �Tr i.,libly VIjoy Ill. 6: 0,75 (99s, U . q0tiln'T, Wese 06Wormblil VA man, dV. TP Artjjj�rY kiireai to seven." eA 1 " j�� Ill b r t ge 4 ra 2:, -4?- )Iu illoo: Dal t In lj;a.�, L,ljLw'-PYo1A4ti . A A PaM t - t 0. xfl, xgrea.� 1.4iota, Y, list ttrawon k)" t rko,; as �vcllp li,e cc: 'i".. CtONN'll Pr. -01 t PolItif Do e 'A ilail; V-011 with 'Y' _Ta, lou.4. I It i jel t A ghtingo to -a, lll� ;,-.,jj.0r&6jf;,on t 1309s - , - , ,. j;olln4,t.h, As haol 0.. 'in: le 3 iilc� pat -li WAI e ffico,� lig Lrl, creaul. I b -y L6� Q Cet these alrcad3,�, I It I dering by'-s'a 5 Willie. Nelov, Y00c', Xky ­j)a�iliJvipeft' 1-*e(l the k -t, Ills ban ailon" running, c4ickgnp,� -Pc� '100. . t coil P'. eill loins KLI14i bu�illllg, bolOjj$,and 141 jag'sens; pou ti (1, to, Se;_ nal rull' a,ti ke.1*h,,'-` Per cab 'to lnvqstl-. 'lleir�lM,00tq1, LL to -tiltip tl t!lc� tpe lagton d 0 1' '110 tO goiltreal, bit, Ito. 414ir( rls. and sat pac meet It U un 1. f i.*bp jog, all PLY . toe$, Oct. bmgi. t him Y Oil itedil States d, r rand t4trco', M4. t)LVir or, a. 9pecial 60,n1wl$sloI -10 %>r,p d ci� Va V rall i bid 1119 J1,4 000n� _40. .tq,j.rj1 i., -t for 1,11�6 Ln, mal9t' see.. ILI d Ize, o th&cii.arge W 0. allt 101j&I Inv, d Pr a tells. O� it, . (>It t 'Oftleb 'Lai, r 'tot*, Id-ilstet Nvai, ,Vj�lj,,eag VO Inspeq lio. time. to J. li,�spl pi'A)tv, f I D, IV, P. r- Per' moc - bleef, A� I' py0ous (I I XPOO-1 lz Willil. thur N'lilitAll"Y'. i1fglit, lcile �L4) '0 .5 r 1 ;,11 1 r . . l4st - t 'I,e. alt Tocitia, jlour DOO, and fore cack 1XII) o1OZeIII­ t de' ell 0. e e Illy The �d (2) liVith'� DorrOet any' Ill., ct, tyillrg ln� of a 11111 n gki Ill hD scenes Dice, 0617� t I e$ $7 day buried IjjaAy,aaun* glog. -a_ tly elin �kMrl it Ill r .14 t" . 4 1 Put thing,$ I iihapa qhculd jjjs�. IL -es e nilltodila"%� 11 Car- d, ea t, d it jation. 111ayl "Ofelil nil 'Ir'b I)I�Qttarb, 01 VY dlo�,,,.. vliir� W"llacial vaie ain, ree q-0'red... stakk -or ;n4kQ fililY b1lange y cl6 a. g en; ') bbdile3w have ilicen ijut jortun�, gl x1ileer 1. Tile, (1111ar.ters -$, iVill thus, O.po�li. d6l occurred tile $�;.7, wedlan), Illcre rescalecip but all 1.0 . �Peace , 0 O's a 4V64 , b' yearIVIM- Of, tile Ininer$ tilijIgto, do. irlit he I j4ll respo,41so.id, , L�l; -it Aga�l . bey, will have solple rb� 1� -p r,� getl avit, WIll at ely,, rp il..� :that PIMAIM Iv . t d The ;ing "as-s�_ $0, t -all. TAI"'Al I - 004�bftkditl le Otte I _dT to VVt 6 11 dS : �.. t` , �, illi- 111l DAR LrInn" 11W r a-, here -of -th cut - I - iui�d., ,, Jad_etej��thln tholliNe Iles . to Z�0,50­ to Ily '4 jirsl: &U1110d auu— ,for grall need Unit -.10 veal ents 41're, lie - 000 IL is I �4� I Two �j'ndietm eW 1EA full-Epollec ellbri,ed by,. 0111I Go ahead." -S-0, be prl,ull -.1 1 1 1. NVere; 'T, ietter to ed tile WIkat 1 yeiter,27%, 37:� 'and 'are 11 ig-illyt--hantor.cal ilib. dul. ibell, t the Narkets; d si� odii jr1le,"and t4 e first dlegret� r T l . . _Iijej, is tola in. Ell, is. FrIts- -Ly I q ]gnal to I-aud, jut.' When The blr, 0 tit �dn,658, Of G L b I jkv , 1 - ,ir alstbr, rought 611t., 0949k �Tnli .6111 tile- I . xile fl rvanctErie next 130 reePOIlSer t16"iliL -st 6o ios "'ainst Dadd, 1:t0thschild, return, to a altbVal se, r s% -them jujother" 4:P 13 _.It I ull pj)le� Tir p6deral - Rllk'- VO - nl�l Wed. Ar U, NelT y0ril­' �IS of, tile, git-a si"00(066 of W, V', tbls,'eud 01 '?'Ile' t tile j,,ord � Phall Rh Vtttlootill lit k a The -boat, "ll 'bilikliQud )04 6ht lidowed lstruzik the D lesires to, h: lheayi aUen to, uli:il- "'Irn ol Wa. of the .... ....... -had been fo,jreabi -et.. "It.- .-Would gjjtter4jh� Au wul1j: ities racK Panama, ).vbrld, When -He �Illalg t cil, I l fL tioll . W I e-' It -311c -AM jd� that Country Ou''. ellurbl, to .01tch, His, alledip el "t'liall, In 'alltunt to be I)a lilliAe, the stanalli.. Ing j It jecd., 016 NIP"" Toledo I. .. .... lot. ruit, Olt e -` S ual U0,001110s seem" as tha (Yn. CRIC C T'i1lk, MAIMEA' t e a] )f-. the can -11, Purchase tran� of M air 'Uh; ol;�tl. He t Ile, n , i nll� � g"Llu, ­_ � J. � Individ 110�111, the fill 19grace. an -IONC, Vle .. . . ''. .. .. ., . d to tRdISH A account' 4 - &. - CO.'s. their, JA man,at. tile. re, title 4311e, at pieilpcint . ,Nioa7an asuddelity, -befollie a olrder of buman nd lijilild''slie tbg 'doilum $ NLeIV, Y(?r bl-f-A-r-difti- _bow '00'. _jn� --GM �I� 14 4ith 8110M_�_11_lu _ ­ _tile ..re -LC�n ted, to, VIT-AlLe" lot, 6t 'and, 010rYle u (01 -7 -AP 111ren the-st -i _;U1,ir4 t1ju&6z,�g]ggent -era x7 'tie h re s T e 11 -df- - - _I�F o- —A ;I�Ateh agall Mijef. are 'w5vril into tile "At Ott fee 7`01if 7'eali -nia'-of hIng-'N'V9.: aiagers;of 111111.3 . .1 N &k. 00I awa: EteVeri �T morea iffiger "Or -t" I ", 0. bjjV 'I - I-V -black dOt 011ek ralor he ar cited: at rj$Llk 'I" lo -e�el;e gj&, Jearing a 'the bee e lletil�60 ervigeralor c Ito r'. navy, Was liull IVXI,6ellef rt Olt' pezI. Pound; TheY c"It' ions Iroin, her alnot per ea fit Leell- If a ag, Y r. .311PPO uniTi3d. States .1 P., I adilig Inlifult r leads rpe. -'d%>LM thIti, ostar))p rt, j.,IIIC ..:jtpr first of six of. out I. this CABO wk) he', ell� 0xid' Its, ;D._She�il -1 ...Uv, Lord, t and Lthe 111912! At. ItIj mora _96und-.1- yqa3 the, general 'I , f , de illbe -f-ill-tile-air 3V 4,alom��a�, � tea uln and is On blen ."ga U advance. 1z lhs'� Ihey 1"I inji; the jqrtl -e 9pee- "U �1dVIIIE211 file cost IV is 'tb�`OWX' �TORONTO,C 1j: %and Oven 4,hil.l tile pletyl �,iejj 'into Txx�, jEallure, in diltyl'; delayeth )11,6 comiltill lie tIll I, I . er j3r" 1 22 ipakelvg% �quieji tilain bro'I"37 Tb�n �slic* Cr-allehled 14111's] ''file wax Imuni gu- of UtS' 7L -�:l 7 Cat- J'­$6.,�6`6,60Q;� va� VLqarcd,bIucX na-C Tile "el al against it le lci� 6ey: al"II t lie, .9 V fet 0 -,:Jl if ob urci tbe---w-arm1tjj­­Ot,; -6ff_bjA,,guard anii becomes' fe)301111140 I I'll �t � �Ciptg,Qf me W it, 'Ths efl-RI Id #rne gla"Us, 23' Cal loat.114, dowposed ic dzis� of. �judg rlit� said idifforpil craish k.lp-pled, uP "LIN"e" ealves.and, knots. -he. Work-ingniptIPS tile "'ne- llvw.' ond -or ,tie mere a j'l Ill. $Ije�('P:; .3% - - , ­­­­ ­_ In 'Amocla ion. t�euse gelfirdin -991 -116,ii Vriw� _,b love M-gainot --v% 't lie to' -.b Pa ed I tjlo� bridge. dr(f, d6ck-� dote t, t of ltittiffy t�k ie. Gird 11111403614 Setve thdria Nrejoy, an in r el 9 eight, 0evelail, Lit(, FIT'ie lieading Roo of, the 1 twlenll ICR, ' 1,, j�he ran g� bons of Ili N, ain t -Ile, bloat rebol"IIIII.k. e" lit �Cjiverie� trade 'Whfi r�sideiltt 1.1ellen, tbe!yl icolm ;'Aod He wilt in-akes 311111"Ov"bear It; a trike. .1 CaP.- 4 ri 40 iei Le bUt title ON6116 to ill the -ailroad lot us. - thoge, t tAiat '16VIs -quotaltioJ35i Conn. - I-latIticara R 1-t Is"unnsuall" - - a good,, at. 'I I ,-jsqa, an Wor not P%calUre -tit little danyage alinji ��j tit 46 1, illetur' it.upon tiletr,9er- e lie opee0y, r imPROellee L" back 4M. tiiti� 0, eftiver;I" gew ijaveia & , dL k tic. In inei I -01's 111110a"S be milaters 160 !';,1 . timc, NiN dffler6fit 11 1 EISLe of e�por de a nil Irdm1l' L� �,4, t lilcle III I .. .. --porttivs-� lebklicliery�- -ticia-1 ]Ito lannigall, 'th'. I * , , but. -to but-3,esug (Airitit, was"at ci -aild ul:i'� P'e l , E4,1Nvard jax�,be­w' n.. unfjtL�ftile . Mot tb t, peryei R.,nation hoUl - u �1�oke -1016. in-&tnen. 0 jol Dlie to render 111sLaP L '�, � t 4 50 to $4.;75 Y)eV I -atism. -Ov. ai.1. dolIVIII 20 A1801009 'as ..rile bill S all, 101''Cl, ond tj �reselilt 'time, I nOilded. that.the,nli� bnseiI . tile �flrst Unit(. State :me lit, lip I Jl.�jplufjg6 intlo ,port, States, 'Mins er' of -XiIj.' �4" )4 our,,o',ViIX llltoj'wm�dsbio" de., Water. tholld,6!%�;Tlal Tile Ile jijeteuntp�o - ill-the'r tile,, 'Chineiv -(Ijol. not 0-t 0 75,:Yeal Mr. Allen,, John t an - ber the awlful' A" Ol"Al' d' -w 100:"' j�jctt' , of 0 L. of,, has. Cabled the Awe' '0wvI hOn we it,. 1164. carrie his- 1� Ltle-L"Clill pl� r - n of, tile �quor traf tile, eug es., oald '!`Ie -:13utelle's wen. a.-. into fourwWoell t it,*; lil,le ell had 040111 'title preswet. ..W d I's L) to 10.;50 Abii, I)epart t _�Llnerican Ifight a-dull"(3 the jja*,,gvpre,, - "P', - I - Iftion of tile S ag front gl- bore-lare A,, -such a alelfed " to In lil'i., bout' "25 000 "lloinOr' le_�`otijd not." help t Ur jile're YU butellers" 1-001 aj6� %voiltil t��ebliig,tlic 'oll saYs lic, T 00000lbar ell brid9o,:', Poll" $4 ftik*atch W room. 340, ye f host e at eoun�r�r lers-and about ucir, s 0. InAl 9, "boat, crahtled, intl3i. thel ill quality, Q. .01d. ,,20 tl n I tie gine rool�,I' Inis . ITill! not -ber 4ea . te*� !uorb liq P victilk! to ailY . t en .4 , ingerl 1(ild to.$4.0Q- e4-'ectin- o di the, isecond trout three it e- c �e in tIIA, 0, to In''the U nitell. b,T it "i 't. 11111 the), qi:e, itt. tjtlue.� one, Y 11 111 tnere lk distanCIL'-' r" -ell 'F' Ard- O'cim, it _a Alie,% third till eer to G4 35,- fill" 'I, Id I _8 tn ej I engineer, lijonglitioll'; �Ou tb 'js fin'ding. j,l --corn comb vl, Ile Valid %lid I"Itfoill; ;$3-`#O,� as loug� 'I jol .1 roligh to,: aj' 1 ined. le 'at range t lip 1;O-urth fIi&nf,,.t1j0e to Is Tlie�, Ind Is-inejtr-' 'Nj into tile. as it, .,On: 11;6�)r:- .11text.1 ., - 34 c -l" IeYerd f -­ L. 1-- 1 -the d­qi I�ajjt_ infiA. ja�6d A DOI t-,jDf­Ij-quPr,'fIOii-On,e-�� g_�A. J.", Von trollin ff, . low, FIRST FIRV, or tile CEIP-1 al' MW E HERO bougehold3r's 19110tar'cc ' - much algi 'IVA j,:IIoIV. -tol run, dcrs-�_Stders 0 -004. .1 . a i . is "th"Ll IN tIVAtc 'allp jally, ­el�ctri 1 1.1, CH �460 I,,tI banks. Annot jlgjXn r"Ve"' Id lie k lug 1-1 Fit.% ML !tile allAhe liatio, I dis, LiAlloltber, Clot, ihel- gibbet ;gin I e, So011 "Ile. 0311 to 'I oroo AW, eftC-11i. ben, lot watcll;. Ile of. grajn�Lave! �..Ijjned� does als. w, -efir s Lv . ed 1, l I- I e I ins ar alter-.0je Ir yes he I 00O."blit'slic So I . � , t&kei tie *,Wake, so tlIe',.,Ou:t.Vult or .41;�rr it V kit &hut Allei ed -11 Ij �_, 400'Ad 700 lbr Me l7bbb Viliell 7 -the. DIT colot i9l t .:cOntempt 000, 't 1 Gui i there" - WoAlld Illeall. In' 3;1�40 for ll witr '66 -it bl*�t tile b an( POO� -Cal 'I ' t Iq torill; 0*0411t'il -building, Ontailue' 0 gleep I.nd .9 je(j IrizW thP b go t tile $C4,000, t6, $:3..50 li� tell -I tile Cols". ehbt -all, d9l. 11030affilt slaIllIc Nve F, ts"burg., itched -'In eva� L-11ed- mcku, axl(I'LNII gor. three t '46!� WI bill6dingg A I)III; lei;v —,th 0-vm-pr4t� go�driinjentl NVIIS lileadAW..." mall"V '04 tl:'�Olj L )JI ij,J 1) qIcV Icandedl lortill, $2l5l) to jt�' and gJ�Pfn*'9� the'dri -_j.t_.caine t d ,ViI:d 'there el.,jimble IN Milell, CONNI D_ - a.'t an , d1tel'. U %jilell ve d4ot I 4,ciloin Of Vhile tnaw., to . , COIN._ a lVa. the 'Ant- , .1, fdr 4, de, ntilt)II tile rr6i;tbd`I.1 $S76,000',000; to'$,53.. to Who foliglit' thl� rifit ex larm; S, w- rid6w Of thIe se 'roblj&ry bsary tqid.� t,. Ill Our rear., 'jjlgDL' rold �jt.$2 ma'n is ilki imilly 6 Again. 't t1leledge, 01, oil ntenqe� t-be:watO figures are 6 joint 500 fee to or, nd Inor. [Itly. anyl,! f- ctrue 'a'' atta tit evekjV�jlp rl 6ric, 'Ell 'k "a M 11K4rY-S_Iq-adY_,__fL0_ 1rhee U SoMa 4"bo. jumolp', or, I -OIL. ly 1hundeL ' �jiejli.61l, no E stn e, -Ott- �grl but. Lj,g* ltev­ -I,- ces -�-;p,,t a I _Ualite I unalvares. Jul 61d. �'T he, 'S I!- at .1 t. b3l, ille- f�jct. ielp lie W-111 tip III ink; yeatlina'i mlly tile Ile - ,*cr 62 Ulket L incl. b�lc 115 gulls'. ey All A.ftej. Ic attention G - - itiMit'013 2`1 'n"s a he ]A.,ople, .0 'Lit 1 4 illlelr,� alfibs­�-I fQ1 Carl, ' eg 'I �LS 11 uji Ivotfiers, . - . , e WE "Ovilip tee ta-te�- to Pal`� .�'Ijdrcies. . e 411 jlt)� R' t CS Sa - Lratecl' Vo 11 b-111:1111 "�t 1 n & I a r t 7 A. I GUO fbr ess -0 -Rx) X tile, 7-jTjd- d_rj'jnK 'It . L Li Ina -1 been eo to $0 ��gafiized, not e uOa rd "It'juli'lut, to 1311t, 110 Id" th. It am f been Ll i -r ax prep P e A-Stla �r ILQ irip.. ly .911"d 60 de but lul5`E -repitntallI Ile, I -e 0 s in It--%, I . t 1'. toil :dj j$ ")rgalljLy,�' +It it 40 11 V. t Isnit Is rgilla I Juct"t Cal I Worth :come j D , 'no 14011(14, of: 1W"' i- bodr( it I lie le, Lwi: 8 11 be'taWeit Will., Ilon, Str. t.. $.5 4 Y tj�, ID_ M'ANY _�t�Abp tP-ITIPtatlon &.and t le or, I"t t ilt.g. I , ja ". ';;� . L D N-dra; . i *12 I-IJ6-ie Meda tcv-1 I , , 1. . . Q lie W011111 git, (13 'i'll � %V.e r �6jis ��raAe �Vlc 1, a, K feel 119 a; the - is tbAt t, TO * 0 a Q bver Ville" e(julif e tnan. a ion: I I , .1 Iy so dgt�e n (CaSh' ,I blOO4 ld , be l0w­ Illore, . . ..I llpro�. . , 'I gdv,en EjA a, littlo_4 CaPtdln� i.11.4 t\, rewarded' jerk; olillkIr abov a, At, r for CvIll Sernie 'It in 111,01 J-1,0.4moI e.. -feet ..at my, Al itle." IL. f. tlittli , �c C�I.11at,­Aand Oiling ii, Tile Ile in3POr.t,,,,,( -LIO - . ., I. CIVIC. C'.., � 1. L 4 , Pa.". e c. t ell well tioll. Tai I wo t' oil tile ement. has' gon as I - I I, .S t red, blxt' I aetiNle All AV.11? I�Ftvatl Ithe re , 11;1.vo, the. tOrd y�x'V l. if, �!.� r�-sllillln :'­ id RIWIs'll IV tell rallibe..'411c it. was I i- waie tan. Is needed �V�llftt -a isil.rpris-0 olltm L I., . . d fl? I c,jj to,ine. or ev and, le ni. 'rile' ti. e W,O. ";is oil .1118 011j" It' cl IlaVigatto! % 'lilt �agitiil"r for j3er- is N\ tl, e boar(.1, into ji� are. afterw tile C'erva,liti was (16" t Lit'll OlIeL VVhO wOS In lic.. say' 0�' LtillIC513. ' . . -C . . or Ahe -t Lo. 74). d "It: IV klj . r, Isooll., tt an it, whell d jt!6n (M.. .- L I D ,,tcjji� lalliprepar(44, t a"VIII fijjj�l tire P n tern trilftle"s n, to f �1110 3t,�jt�' -Thl0I I ini: from, M -over IVt L Ill.. We rhe pittsburgl .1 cl :nbt so iad. a, manni� IP t carneg'S sh bu r fOr94 lit hvrn,'�,elf­ Mxmrr; e6m., 1. are- ofib-li'l,tiloug eill "Inell oul tj,.e ero.,. illet" of n II most. dat'ge L r_nicI4 L iiai:6, "TO Own t le of IVCQ o t . , %L �aL for 'a cOlIP , 0, of ,.Nvqr 3 usual t 'iV It' Coln ave 0. t d PIete Oil del stall .4rdis )dint' 111116a Ills �,fiioilgfl [I(,. "llnother well iiaa: ElL, Son v- 11 -of I., I -L -XASsi ile"I* 060 lesq. ofit' bN IV 4;t t(j �P it;--- allIquep .11 be e G I, tile late fit- to- XF=Pol the likitor, IAUqtl,_ Oni.- 11 or I til- v ficift �S,7oi? -e on Nerg t It ifo, t�h MI Hell . of'the In, on )f hC V I It L ark. bg . Pat. in 131116 Ilitalf is It fail be, a tilt" t0ld TiVan"Ishmen 7 f Inds L LES! v: PO , N' in'e. J'by plirt� .,ant-­f(lr-t U W. 91 fo JI formi'lable pri evra niq) Twie -too. f a.. e,rAinge j. jiniprovean( e� r, agl.� MEAS -hand. forl,it 'fAt ""ainivil' -1c' fkr6. fftct,�'; nidn(lL for. L, settled 66: a t. lev ".and T'll. Ili IQ the ,ST,R1CK_E _.UlnjOI j* - and Ill jpoilt Ill- pa_n1S0Vi!*j to tlie'011oll" - . . . jov 1 t Ii e VeA lialol, 'Ing' jIjVe, I . ' . I L 4 " , I I Tile Eltewar A, L . I L_ A -� t a Ik jHa4,%XatrS`t and lin i 'Yor qVItir. en, MN!- Ott d _0 114 Ord Rtrlttll, dines's IM OVIt fit UP t-nilile An Wr and tewpoynil. ,T.,9t2rcd.:it OLt' went -:00,000. k' 10" r it �)New jxit-Itv ee it. �old'. tJ 'L 'thl'.4 'Wee Ile,%v . 'L - .,,13 1 ' ' 'll ' , el likittetY -W 'but., $5,000 follild . I r anolig,' 10, boll-LI3 1 t cut ... 10 tile, V wee the c M 0 clonfidelIPO"il" Ill" j account, of T'l Orcicif 01 Ill , I a , "> - ��' NOW NVA L I'll silx. .1 1 11toLlIdili.g. . be i'n -,I Do - All gattO Olir I'livle 0,31 aild 'are ge. alIId.Ilcgj)C..t0L I "post" M tit; tall, Maxe,:I�. _glt I ILI e -d - %vbi.st ep! -%laysv v;.- . , lit deult(llf.5.4 atil tjj#'dejjlalt fF itV i$ j;uf el in' I.L t f ling. 'front Istory. L I . I.JIL ,Mdc, I-Iller, - .:_1 ­ ­ , ­ , ' . I it , 1_11 A0;'OIj(W' aft,eii;. We -0 �ijojj ity nive,16 bf�, cl I S , , .4 d1il, .,I Vill, it �OT iticI46 Q rviler." juniself T'e - t V C f A , it S43,turd ttjl�,nlfl�� a '�,VjIjtolil , cl egton, rev I.y prov, to WAd. P Rei'llier 0 iii.aVuf isloller 0-M Ila d' 4 t VA, �Uf, Darlt,L ­Nye,.Wer.P-u - 1010S A.), I, lid It that stntenjelit �3e 'Me livid It Zia' tl ar( e Ila t o.1t, filtlIfill and! %�Yls b- :Iyiln 1 dt S, neV Ill L). INI.�. 1ptir.i It ,UIL B, I ille or's IiWaltll , ma. t*oii he prdl� In Ili 1. '00 spoild, Iltiti de i, ITY-: in I:ed (it dat I Nt Coll 4) ft jes during lip !d solllb of f,l OjIthii. 'title. hd in com no his tile 'ridellty�� tl t1lo,. T f 0 170 � : fjgur�s, 0.1 ,his de� ..t untVl,,p,,qm thf,. 'd let bad '10611 ell C of weftl; ort 6 1but t W'lloyal lie �XV%te kfiolild Ile, flyp tile ll.e in in 1%01 receivcd: "19111"' ienii it 011A)W.1) ril, I ling r, the. ql,� 1L. Parta VII 25,.- 1 nclusivei te 'III, I " tIteIrVe, 'ra: 110, To.l,Ap, bee IV ILU(i ay -.1 _I)titill M ''jjjjpl�tl 'as (I tlylen jreladv Kl b,,i I. t ('11('s is 011y tran(-. 'OnI. t1a. I . I - I., , , I , , - t s a, to _Pof;, I , . tiie ieg q bIL t1l, t . I v tile, �r6cedin is 0,119t .114- ... I -� was call all .qsed In 0! once, rVIII -.431 ltll�sll 11, "m t, L�`ll III .. .... XV b Iloct It".1vId - Ili 71 tile ff9 -MIXtOl ell Jill 74jrJeCS 1�10: ffed hV-11'.1o, ed , II.D. _aj- OovQrl) ir"Oe 4% IM Ilo(l titat t1w,41:171, i le 00 D, fill 10, 0' ol, ty, W"I"I'll I TL) V" AIIID�qed IN; I t It' nJY wOlItif' use Ii M,, 0 1- IV V I'D' C (I d 01 fill' 1 11 . Ll ''Sor-Lk'll 'L oat""I sil 7 -0 ............ Y11 11-101.101� ;-."44 lVl. , tlj",t, �.LjlV.rV)J JIjJlJ D'0, , ,, _v�. . ujore I)O11jnd lb-cl -c - 'Ilia' V Vital 0 jjj�y__�NVe 'Sce it YOK AI. I.Al i"O' io I lip into , I. V, ` I, . . 111i.11of.1; I , �, 4�_ .1 , ) id V tI ted NN Inve not 1L 'il I '(lot olillo­%I� OW not ga G 111 -td flirnrds ELM- jlro�'ly' , . . . I . 'I. ' V1 . . . 'Sq'I'(1, N711, g .1 300 t a4 4, �'r, S1 - - 114? P111 " I I v �­,. ., I �r , 1 0 Ov(,'i- all- : 'L Ull;.' - " Ili -, I , to entous . t lIi:.q Y'. I I)llti4M,4. '9, lilt. 1� f1t6t that 'tt ilicred f it. tilt t "llo f'r (N t1l'tt. J'J�Ilj e f -, bv, ot le" to tile .0 (if G0( 3 ILI lit a. jl*,v ji 'Lod or, c.c. `� I -oil) tlle� . I C?Caltlt. I las jill,l,foroint! : - will r( V cill� ;� I' -All ,loci illpi I Fl�jtjt, -:X i�,P,01161 - . I.. I I ! [ e 11 till Vill', MrS.AH& 'I' cil ('111 . cases, t: DI t W, Th IV J.'4 getil'(?, lit, � . . Ili' I l4 (,If in. bill lligo b 01Y jer tjr, FK`r Uxol,rn R I ve 1, IlI+;l'h1.1xwv,,1g. .. 4q" bl" I '71 It -A)II:t ". .,. t( Istrt, I C : �' 11, t'j,' tlp�.11�'_alone­ t 'Il a t g tb, ills, �.Jile tit or It JaIr jltj�� ft IS jjaM S JAI T' to d tilt), olV (ilirgro V i ML , n1b, , I - 1] ", , W t tol, Ille to 11111, ld.rO . i . . V, Vnllt� t ing lettero 1;i�)�A�,,,, 45. 0 t1to i G t '116NV. d' (I,[. � blill l'ilL.Jf; it'Sto"I We.,. IiS �Tllojltlj:� t 4A t Lydil eU :, Into prals.es. A"NN, 0 lit r� It Y I)Vlo'l (1(4 'AVI�il 'feLlIfil L . 1. _.11 -i- llbe W5, � 6.g;,J illAS A tQ 0. d. IOIVc,�i by men lo!d Allol I Ill' 1 1).Pell I Lit — ------- ell Al Vegitable I Spot I I, 'tlle all to lie qliiL�, TlIeje ave. �,Cr lit fit IV PI'liEram retjjiVjJ'()V"'L "to �jjjy Of All'It a oteil v�1110 have' r,7� I .(,-, . L I -ed, -ill)' . If V, APPO "Itild inoiliers 01VAED B.N., All Thl�4 19- 1� 'lit "ll t(it oil lit ill, 11,1I.A Wlyll Ittle Ls it ol v IV I ol'C" 1 .11 f tit Fill it 4, 0; lot ait times, cl (1011, fAriz t it 1, (1 It 'es tj c Ille toi (lilt paijiji �s, 6bly t <40110TV'i IPI de q-tlli O'l k _,V(jj, be""Onlilli lil. till , , Ill., I aid �11111 te it, It,, 4 IvIlti. V *rjjjv . jI, Vj in l�r I)II t 1,.: c,' Ig I repor, -'I, T'L,j *as , Tornlitll� all evirp ILI ncvO the'v", �n Ilqn e 'A' :V"Li*�V" Such Worne r Still r N (11a. Ij(I rull 4 it�di CX' 11 c'I] goldlall* Wcq 'I �, S, ji-AnM - tilt IVV 1'�L.l4e' pnt love IVY 100 l L ' - ' l'tN" V' It is 6, -6'qdr' t I ` - ' - -,%'0i­k1-` 't-�' ' Vq't - - i 'I- _ao lo�t ()Illy Ait tioij fropll' 'IV n ot 0 C:1.11til l4atti . . . . . . . blit -i . VIA Itet y 8r)I(1k­ i'lill-Ais 0(l, ZloftI 'jilft lth '100d lit, P iitio,4 of 40 JIL 1(,O�l j� (I. .*, \ I.�twcl AII P*r( cl- jI"`j'jl�AtjI L �. -azz, , . �tqtl .. , ! otits I In it W,:tlle 0`0 j,jL; t",j"L� At 4, 1l;orfl "OA -11 years Athou pti, I I I I voittilitit" IjIJOI� II lit not- o'I (i &1,0� to. alln'll" v6llilhi L 0 c ut o olil"t , .. 0 L ��o ilrod it! 10110 &1 j4"llaij"all Wicalfiell, 1111t, t' I �.: VIV "' ,�d 0 t 1AI t I I A cAlf-oker l, I I tl c.,,',oMt ; niv� 41. 1 or, -iLooi'l: - �, . I 1. '1111", tit' 6vAyL_w__ alien, 0, yo '91,illil '(34VOTS ree. A after (I th"), 111'"TV li, all 0 Ill L), 011I W 10 ell Sit - 110� of 4 , . . All - '7 1 t V 011 , . . I (V. f1 11 only 'o,[' tjj(�, , '%,", I I (I A 'IL 111) Wit 0 Ll� Mol til n"Pol M..",_ 1, � & jjt� . () f4 �' l� prE , III lli� 1 00(1'.4 C., U w ar" ILE V 0 U, d": t)l . , . I � %YILIL -26M Aj 1 c.i,_. APT Ilk .4, er. till-, ro o 'it ppy, �rail ill '110, Ill' Cur6cli', ha' ilif, 40 t.. 6 aj�d tow- t­Riol-Aj r� It' L ' b ots I I, ta to r t 'lilt Ic jilill: oll"111 Wookl( allodlo. e'll'o 6 v. (1111:11 '01 IN, te 'Olo 4VV $W self'. t, '110 IIIIII'll'"1011 0 SPOI M.4. form';,or Vllli� 't havi vLcI a it my, tj(f Ac � ill(,:, 06 , ,,I It tyorVitlt.o "'Ll"d 0C 13riti III . us� ble jl��Vitjt of ()lie of of 'pflil.1111, , , 't1l"11 iLd crodit - III. bil4lim- 11)� i or 0- -hot, 't tit-, ....... -6 �.MtLIrt- -0vbl0_,g CII'low tlir,� llil,09111 at beltieflL 41jln�.4 Uy .till.out gat L 'VI vj) ;�Y ttteri� 'Stew, fortil. ill q �66(14, �taflOITffY glillent stortlit'd th, 1dre.d.- 'ill nil 11101 Wseil rdste'llM 5 1 A 41 , i I I I tIM , jl.jj( ii r o v o v c" It I 11, w A Ill." lilt bt-, lip tj;�, (11 , tlio C ' tI t t116, niall oil tho W.10 1I Jill. Jill! Ililly 1, � an , 60, ll`7 N to �C,� dol witlon"'o ;ijj(1 ton - 0 bee yl�lg'rr:lg� I ljoro bldt all 06,1��rOIINV,l 11401"1 0 lo.48es ., I NV' , 'V.OiIr otge, iV1 �_Tjje,, rAr, W., ()Ve '10til"I Y 11 it tit, ft lit. fl%(�, d6.jIfit6, �aliaf ti 'c*,tjjVL "g1j. d ulIV 0 'to 8,01)(1 I'llove"iri :111. 1 1 "4 tollj,tj"(iw oil JIS oll in L �,4 1: IV &it d (t I Of t; ic .6 it! t e. to Moll) of, M, I - *It' 'dolisigt- allig *66(1.4� it Sold. T,10 VrAietree lictitt (Mi Inn, Ile (IN I ordel 011. t o'' It able r, I,% Lb J)" dr� gool(Ill k, I iml "t 0, is -golitty Ila I. OTIN't - ciporttlofl, 11-4 Co gl&111611 ol , , . I r . , I LOY "tillig torl,C , $6 . ""fo IL (l it q 061, San! kill � rInii. -Ing d 'IV 0 j lettell proulni" 0 0 fievlv i tit 01,1110 If 0 -it tit jo(jell lbe Orclen, Mid (,'1 6 6 M, (" a ddo?"df 6f 41hou for W 6 6 d. �laoj 66 Oil# va 0. if 'very OW, PPO d il ro nki"Ii- ­010''fitill It() , w,l a 61 1 ; I JOV(� L i0d, olrt 468. ft has t , -by Odd.0 t t lt� V V,,j I o ill AoIl t all, foItir lid 1. I Pu$11 ()ftk,n' t. , Tca,(l wid *4 'I'L. loll Ile � a I Sol(lio.p, ertiW Ye 91 1168s, I � , D, V&I jueb W, I, ell und Ir,lw6 M Wilily r tip oil (i , 6 t � 6" o f - I 'll f rll i�onc d'vi v h6t mtolilaill le'r illo, n ol o Awl 0. rfi A-0 d Y'P, 0, 0 eure 1.1,44 ' 0We' tilt 'I.6rely, lVill blil to PY hig, e$, 0 t :tied, 4 V won e ,d, MA 'A... 4A� r -k A. 12