Lucknow Sentinel, 1904-03-24, Page 8�fiIEB:El. • Et£3�iEIE f 3FilF E3©E3f CEIE3F i r y( LnI r,. .E greatest living adviser• She seas at•a )lance what,- your :troubles:'are .414. guide, '4, doll to ultimate success;, With marvello>sansight o>l the most ' phenoneaal; , character she points . ti>�e way. r' Thousands haves recog izeri:'t'1'tcsr ii send°er- ful gift, '•whioh . -combines an' 'absolute • knowledge. of Paim.,; 4a° 'uat povwprs'that: •rake `allure. = mpos ible. 7,,There: are always two ..paths ;: • sh"e helps , you .4 'choose' the. wiser one. MadameLvinsl , •. Telis you about Business, Law Suits, •Changes, 1flarriage,. .Divoce Love Affairs, I11. Health, , Accidents,. •Dangers and Enemies,r adare Livilhski ;is at'CAN'S HOTEL...., Can be .seen at room 6. Fees- 35c and 5oc. Leaving 'Town. Tuesday, ..; a.m., March caused by the severewinter. a motion Was-rnade`by-Trus s -Ca meron-aiid•- Reid that`' our' :caretakerbe. .granted 6 •$1b,,fn • excess' of ;'his regular salary., Carried• •r• An'account°of Thos. Lawrence °for. $16.$7rfor pplies -which on, motion of the"t�oa"iicTyvas ore ei eco •'to fie paid • •Meeting adjourned.• D. 'It: McINTosg, Secy. 2 ,HOLY ROOD I may bo doubted whether the •-world is getting better,but it is car-. tarn that ourhterarysociety, as want - heated -in our last—meeting.--on Friday 'night, .' ie of an . elevating tendency. The audience was 'the largest, 'perhaps that ltasryet assembled here, and seat ,;tag for all 'was out::. of'.the' question This meeting possessed a feature which distinguished it front , all the • others; and one which is likely to find favor tin •Mature gatherings .of. this . kind We refer to the literary contest.. For. tEe sue bees of the meeting, which was, aoinewhat of &venture, ail those who , took part are' deserving of speeiat con - Culbert who hes been'sick" improv - 'AUCTION,: BALES Thos. Brown,, lot 23,•'con 10, Kin ,loss, Tuesday,./.Ma ch 29th. .. Wr1.«.John• mph're ,lot..1,S, . coca;:< 11, West,Wawanosh, Fid y,:.April 1,' Bing lit° •30 •.09n 1'Culross''` Friday''M'arch 25th, • faiM s+:ock R •Forwold,.' Formosa"Carrick, Tues- dayApril 5, fern, stock: ''M 'Thoinp on, near Walkerton, • Brant, •- Wednesday April . 6th, farm 'stock. J Furvs, Auottoneer. METHODIST, CHURCH R•v, 8.. Millyard, Pastor• SABBATH 4y 10 A,.‘111. -- Fellowship Meeting 11 3t -=Public Service °Subject: -"Learning first principles"' 2.45 r. M. -Sunday. Schon •and Young Men% Bible bice,., • ;,+ 7 .r, at.=Pubhe i etvioe. Subject-6"The immortality of the human • Soul'? 'Repeated by request. r. • ,gratulation; and if,ire might venture , .': bo single out:'; any two, Mimes from • Dr' -1 D� d err .1 among thein, we would 'Mention. the -C A. NEWTON, .l adors-°of •both; sides, M`isa" B:"'"'Strath "Honor Rradiiate. rn-ientietry, Toronto�. • • Dental College • and. Doctor of Uental•° Sur,; ' and 1iss M. Mackenzie, to. whose nn- gery, Toronto University; :All` modern plan' ,,u - of operationand carofulneee in workmanship Office in Alibi's block, upstairs P.S.-Wilt visit' Ripley ;every. Thuiaday You .siloulcf, be tbtfl tl . of having your spring .iia provernents ' close, .and. ' 1 wish•,to remind you that, 'am.still in the busiueas and% can serve yog,rigbt,. PAPER ' 'HANGING MINTING RAINING AZ1NGG n,n AND": ALT RIrN]J&>':E .DECORATING- Give rah 'a call` convinced that; 1 can .give you satisfaction both • workand pricer Sne►ilgrove 61. • • >cnderful Discovery OW_ T CELEBRATED' 41 G.UTA[ .AN E.EJ Lr, I5, IN•THE OVEN : Physicians, Scientists, Etc, lavegiven. their --unqualified tests -to --the only known remedy s'.which will absolutely._. dowhat is'.claiined. for . them, and at "the same time maybe relied upon` as ahsolutely-harmless , and. "effective.'' We do not claim to :grow 'hair, en, a shining bald head where.` the roots' of the hair are dead or destroyed and ,no fine hair left,, but if there;•is 'any; fine. hair left we . can, make it grow, we. have grown hair on heads., that have been bald :for years and years and there nota case to be° found. where a young mat, or :woman, who is: losing their hair; and becoming .; bald` where ourr celebrated hair growing remedies. , will fail -to -produce' a- 'good• healthy head °Chair, if used according; to the directions . . This isto certify ',that' • r , baye' :used; Brown's;: Celebrated-HairGrower,' and it has -grown for me a good, fell head of hair. :I ;was quite ball before' 1 used it and nowl: am 'p' ernianently cured of:. baldness, falling hair . and: dandruff. J 'R..'.Johnson,'Guelph., Dated this lfith•day of Decemher 19Q3 •'.FOR .SALE. Ave.*, TSO BARBER LUCKNOW, --tiring energies hie euccess of the tertaiflment''.w•rs in ' s large • measure due The absence ofseveral expected • • to take:part' was the cause o€ some dtsactvantege-as--ehoan which—was- g>ltren ae foliows Mise Strath's aids•.-Two:'selection; from the violin orchestra composed. of. Metiers. Harris, Johnston and Robin son...:Readings Mr . Fit ell;and"1VIr. J, i3trath. Recitations Strath and'` Mr. J. MacDaald.. •. Bial • tNT E BROWN &..GO•, Duel h. p afternoon. ' eed Oats1or Sa e HE•cclebrated Waverley, new established T -math's) heaviest, cropiser and, best Stand - sant oat ever:'breukht to Canada. ' 50(r per bu: :'f 1Jiy: E KING, Winghem. eed Oats and Barle ogee-ADtntal Operation by R,Oor rigan, ` Mies L Mackenzie and „ D' VR Stock of ; Waverley oats which we. U offer for seed is pure • and clean and Strath. comic songs--H. Harris, I worthy the attention of farmers, who wish 'to. •Accompanist- Miss A Farris and grow la ge 'crops ,of gain and straw with the. Rood feature of standing up, ;well in the wet• Mist M.Hamilton (, Beason Our yield' last yer on ordinary cult- , ,.1 ivation was 80 buihels,per acre.Also ()lin)- , Mise Msokenzie s aide `Two s. dee- ited quantity' of •Mandeschure Barley. Prre• es; qCp n on applreatlon. - . xions by mouth organ organ comliosed Messrs. R Harper, •D. Lane, 'M. Foran, J, ' Con.1, , Gori. 12; W. WaWonesh' (1 Salmon, R. Lane and M Mat theson :I eadiug by Miss IL .Mlsckenzie,.,,.R,,gc -. - .itations by mise J,' Laine and Miss B - :Fenders Wanted -�~emit, .Dialogue:"Taking the train" byI ENLll1�,I1S''will be•received b tie Councit• MOeet's. B Baker,; R. Mckenzie end A. , 13card of. West,Wawapesh;up to April Aokerb, Accompanier, .Mira. Harper, '' 12th, for d , . 1-1`wo gnod teams of horssa well equipped A jury : cymposed of elevon meinhevs'01 r and dr;Ver•, to Wrfrk on tile road grader for W the audience :•gave decision'in,favor of W iwanosh .7'wi+ , .. . ; II--N.or.one,q,irui taamof liore`es anti diiver NT, tt x u tt tt tt tt tt tt that tt,e•energy gei;erated in the'fire. ,. six..is 7tlled upou_tada its..wark'.a -it is, necessary;, Besides having t uven arraegemdnt perfect, •to have .iG.. _properly proportioned to•.tne fire -box'. :This 'has^beeg carefully attended 'to 'in ' the Rorne'With 'the moat gratifying' results, ' The oven is'eltnoet, square, with i.ri adl,uetable oven rack. ',., It: is mxde'•4f'cold rolled steoi, which: ruakeq: itrt greet fuet sa8.er, bgsides increas' • ing' its ":efficioncy' as a;bxker It ie;' .covered with a nou-conduct,. i matey- ial whieh 'prevents 'burning .,;i,n top; The ovea;doo'r is. tin liined, •giving• handsome finish' to the stove �o well hail we'';done our :work with this .stove that lost fall we ° *ere forced 'to decline or lets for it, beln' unable to. supply;:;the ''deunand .• tt' tt. 1'eriinsuler Ranges are ''Made tor :'' people '. who ' want the ' best. tt `allnittlJtrtt .{31•f tt•31,{•StTr,' • •. •. •_01it `16� 1J� . �yw• •: A 'TED. • 4N► 4~b44 r, are., -paying $1.8 001�� $15,00, $12 OO.', a,Iid +. ! $' ":: $19:00, pox :houses ld i -j of d- : A-man=to repreFerrc—t'Oa-rhyln' ing' tco size and. quali: y fc r REATEBT <1�it112snR•1C3",ln=thd taw:n of LUOKNOW and surrotnding :country, and ` take`. Orders for ' OUR 'HARDY(': SPECIALTI • ES Tn' Fruit "Frees, Small Fruits, -Ornamentals, ;Shrubs; ' Roses, Vines, Seed Potatoes, &c.' . Jose Scale. A pernaisnent position for .the 'right rh'en n_P_ -either 'salary.: 0r : MAPLE LOGS • district is falling much below our ID requirements..,„ We are now,' per- '4') "..! footing' arrangements to•mov•c•our 111, business ' elsewhere after thie'- • • • el ro • • • Stone Wellington, • .OVER 600 ACRES, the (and egiripinent for twcP'teams) PY Work en t :This •031'3' 14`actiaal a asPfal:-f):93,1't .' Parties tendering Will' pleiss tender for. beink 'develOped. by .our people, and. tlie. iip,precietion ' of it hy the 'attentive ! NO/CO to Creditors.. .1 the SurrSgate 'Court of. the , County' of -•-•Visid41-rt::,:ihaeti,r-; net ciat:wr;:mt r:tn,-,-aw-i4' gitti-11; il i'hiliiii,n0;-i os ei -ern d7Fuigiegli,di 54 tabu adras's,,--„,, 147°41'0AT gclo4u!"41,- sled Solicitor for the Ad; , grat:):::ired;wjt.flha.e. ''''','ad:it*rf* entrol 1'17: ne (3':11i:°111.4:;:c:' dg °•':- ' IA: 1:. , , I 1 C 'T*4 oi 4"4't 112 firt I i if.141:171ii:v :1Vill grdalit7tItuehef1141b1 it:Yretua; ita i filjoatimerd'sywa°11(viti gloifil ta: t ht:hYr e6:4'elePeteelaldri .1:111211:1::: . el his Slater 'Llira 'N`. Pierce, ., i,;.,,,:i, tiii,'0.13ntilstribtltPttl '-fie Will not he responst„ vig,f,tog (mewl, 1-16,.0.,•• . , : 41,e sti. tte time. Of :sse'4h tininstrilibmUn'tivoenn•efre4 natr • LiCeoseDistrict Squtti Broca To Tavern Keepers; 'Shan Keep- er's and all 'others interested, , br Limiest). for the pale of, Iiiquor, is) the License •Dietriet of Smith Brucohr the year 1904-5,,comareiteing_on the irst. daji of April. 1q04," Applieetli W`11 1 12' 'are itt' time -of jun r'esideiit • Inspector. Ti\URG SViriVilre0 • • O. 1 1 q 'rmamental Gate. Li tit 1a• ei ht : Artls i g w. g t c 1a design ' ,Roasonable•.in pricy' • gaol+. large line' of Standard_ ram Gates alwayS, OR hand: 'Every. progressive and -GA'rE.§:tseataleg and prices ou request. FOR SAILE431( • uc now. take yoUttop, records in exchange fOr new,onea• cracked •broken or defected anY way; and allow you 15cta t on 1006 times, I am very aoxions to pet in tompetitiort.with any other Talking in competition Rgainst any. $25 niach-i, machine'. ' 1 will use our $15 machine ine on the market for loudness, p atn- sold.under 5'' var.' guarantee, With II, rectird#°Ettla MO needles Ire 0 ,1 'prices* YOu Crib "hpy :4)1.1i machine or One.. in *ill find that the •stYle 'of .a outlines. of the feot;' yet actUally looks'a .fnif 'size smaller, .14 ,40 ' OiCFOROS $2.450 BooTs 0.76. SPEdtAis 26d. mono . •