Lucknow Sentinel, 1904-03-24, Page 7-low W W 7. /W. pTId,, g � 1. d qh f Ue lopq'Il,'.� -0, ',look 04do nlb!y 8119 8 ivit rep yu t vox)ijorini , rillig"UXT, e4rnpo� ivot-clo to" Poll or "ptigglrimlep from slio NwInooly', It ENT fOR, ake,2 and W ­ so ben-tillful" IliA.t Iffei W419le tile 0. rl 0.6, ) 4111,* 'T RE ATM 11 tiler [Le US, stli 1. oil I ct Iijt it- INlao, xtof )Mo klijo: jjajd�, 11110�1.1tL 'to t nd IdellIb4tolik ent ar Jo F 4PO, A6,44 go, , , I—- �._ ,., - - L,-'- , t. � , �-' -1:- ­­_,­*� . . . . . . . -blikiii 11 of- -4L 1 4"11 a -V jfb__ ' . -_ - - : 0 AT 510-T :IN , I I -r- "OOV.-ineili- t:�­.,'_ .*_.-a- - , - V 10 - 00 "Vo ii q0, - I- r, va 0 - 1z Igtlt Olt .1 11 L . I I. I ol� pbolurd know fKV,"n 4 viM , Its; ww";c vino� -aboluf M' 000911. JOPI Is T W, It poelb" ot �,Adohu A it 11 e I V.: 1""h, - ff. _it y Olt A., -ila, ter$ it, jlffls jbl� pox I " .1.10, ` 'aft , >, lo, I � n cwa No , lit i T ili.), b;, rung., Flo, W, c n t eXj ull by tor. 040atfsh. I lihoilght. It @01 bo; till -11", ot. atraot an4 'gardifig, th, form., out: fj� linpoot�vltvje: tor "'YLVIt"e." 4trinors' re Olt fj I s ttllj�;, b�, I ki liquid. 811.0 1 111 . 81do in tile Q �gldv6i 09, 40 'r oai j riattltUd ainto'l-K.,A)f olod. IX . e.r tho. rttr IN"'ItO fu I or �1)3 Usic. tj,(,a,t, I liZ 0 UrIt I It 0 ".is, 1�.X jj�jlr­ I a;,do in; solld ObIdL _AV I - I � Wal t. 10 . JX_ lit vlvk . , I r 1*14ikol __0 L to' g(layd(an, Avir'e"B" �Q� f Ij I I 'Q : t1le. (�y *d. pro llel; t every . ino'lociti.� 110 LLould IhNit?m; hav& b t �t a, It Sweet— U 310t '8 �Ie,K L in- the xrg.!Vt� Of 'Cie. to all �ld X volef e rCpad IiInIL: write ;' it' P sit go O�zt�v io, ahvert, x* t, it- vo, i 1 V, A 0wrido n cities. obappo. were, -1,s 'Pile, 00418 a, rolindL. blal.- TbPv iv, �a'ij�el that, - corn tb,?�� a MQ.Bt (Jr("CA:u4pt Cali alu V;R91116-L tou At .;lot St 06VIII-for"t _Ii re +:-It, must. at It ;opli, lie I voll)(11 't - I IAj9 Ix, htji lie 041izthla v 'Oa.,t'k4L �r -c T,ot up, c r I s V, M Tj d - g o 'to r t I I. hVIZ-04-41 10- ill', -8111 ''I it ' �- ' . P 01 0. 0 jU"j�Ijo'.ep1jPg Of '190" 1111 Aliat` -in W QL k ble u t r ueo,tba�t'slf w, W 'her V I 4nd fillipl; l; to Ali- t 'L , ;. . i _ 7 , - _Pon jklilil�-;1W �fQad In, vam. I but, lifl. Wuld, ft do, t fjL tile, Sumflx( ."wor b ,V' 'Id ho, ., . . -*114 � t Ilie.-glilt., ,no, rost' ke' 'im, Th tior 1-4. .10 wip -this sod, ?, , - t'ql in o tqj vpr .*BROS, t lip] t I t ill io, late to , " '' L' - I I Con L ba L �,�C it t 17gl(All lj� I I�R'. NV 1; L I i It je� �L j � - , ' c V,4� r y 51. ahlit.;war-faie, kb t, 64614'.Prli C.t. 14Mt t ft V. �jjl�V S-riev t J thdt "Pj-QV9'jL alft"tiva ' She W. lo� no -I It 1, -to, him b r talpe sopmeo �.j than did llxc­-�ab it It'd. W. oubw'. gay way. love Ili -t y Up: Wrici� Marti L., only pf L OVO4 J, Ott though$, f ."'OpenaQ.,1111 U#Eed'? , l# f _04L "'jo- iiVU, , Wfi 70,7.. U., 11,1.bfill Wo, re I "VL �,04 her VFA9­411, RP, Xl:, w;4t Ilory early' t'll'S. wee Ott or 'tat" ab"lit, 40 -is "Arl V."; 'J.vtjt;� it is?" r _j fil, nt* v"x" vt "7 _ "7 y is p -IOU, :j 7 '.,TeWVVL ed' 'I'[6te, grew R' bet t awa� "" `h �l �, .1 ­ 1, . I ce 1. 11 � . a _--7" '_ L "i I I I -z - : . , " I. -at" Itipt r s o' it 'PEtaMire,� betw .10 nalsorable hbopf -him: that,"' she' A oen 00 UR11.10S 1171W 000111%,14f '4,1' ffantj 'PAt "151:.* ly in lixi bC4ja,V';*I1, 'ibinetbing s6W r6se to ter Ny�r& Ufh' at 011� 1. � . . .1 # n . S_ `ii�gbt - chief 404, -'sq 16'r, 16-ellyu�', , , " I . . .. .1 1 S , . % I - ;, , 1 3,15 tl, F g -alit W'a'B 0 � ell- ill Denver his )Lt '.0illoth L ' - I I I de !role�i; Thle I W if G . 1ps. be. .bo ill,. . 1 1 V Eve le no. , .. . . xe '13,0*1LUtifill. topaj -fed af� ftIIQ' 'od, to, Ixappil: as, cl, I ng tovol.A C;Axvt�l to. g.r f 9 yp't,. 1p.� ' , tirlrrlb 'd, , � . Ik W, .143 W, ie. av-6, -`� �, . i opi ind 1-i6c 5fi ­ . I I N` - I! .1lerililln IQ' �J. I lu k, 0., flen(U �qoynet ;mi 'AV .., 1, "W41 C . z I said'. - the "" -it had, -s6&ioir_qf 4 Pid Inhilt eA catioli W, u Itudi" w . * Oro i�li.'dei , omen il-0 mo friforido­1 am, IIVIS: Very Die' XU L I t jjjjjbjjL n&4 come, .9 .alk,_to, y py a, I it P, ljr,'.flfteo illut6s. ill. ','or, my'libart t "ir f il­­hi� 641-',fo, I in jV0111(t lot �t liko tt , Nva R 'as wife to I l3iirlihgtop Out . -Aix, jiji�jj. , t, L I Y" .,of Den er, foi^C u n, -laurq Fax"is;­a, sly, old Roynard 'ail W '4QjIb slighi thing."Ci U �,Ubollt this stirrow.",* -Thpto a)�,�Itbrdo` tbe� giv,bot-,. vo, ce 'C 31 B1 'd , a 11 d: 'valul:- oil enongw. d 1,011 t - viiii per 'Ji6, w P& 6t"oneo -I -,like (4118 - htzliiel�'g TUI -4, wi e s ire c... rt (Ile awa y 'NIP lit alia , ll 'way, All a e n d filea- to No. 2 In ge, li�. will .4116.1 "d -had-almo§t ecrase Aa. w imlit6rsloil In Btiiei-,toil� 0111 pay ng, hi to droink to d ! iseii4a6lii, 6 -a re"ok-' -Mor at, ally Witlit 18 the maiter with him, Z ve'? vid f- 1clesjj4jr-;,, thley have! no '04W iiiii ling. Tbep_jrL�t a, bvlayqfai�e, 1 l6f'o,"Whe'", Al -e;a N6th Ifavish, pi-goligality,, and the See - Q topp'p was th, -eak and' Bpoke :tmeni. it Pitrong �J;,Ulut Her qfl looks It- so k:t Dr. Lqdl Nv, "Ill5foi , 3 6 not 6a t or sle-ep. ItlW' he 66, 0& a rovi#ed Wi 4. nobility. You lillt t0l"itle-I y04 sp - j6 are above, t1lat..,oth- Ile A : . . , 'fpaum C013-, UIDU j" �d6n, therliselve . 8 ; they Shut Put to, eo"I Ir -t-.1 �vxnti, Like a, mail .,who, 'fieLs been stunned era, biz;t ixx.� ?.It Itlay ancy. pieces 0 'It Y P can ol,.�; and' f f, gailt �-Iqvstotfe) In, I -;;aJU)n hlq� ow�s'so� bard and 1 .11,11, bught to Ue-'�pry Iniiiy with -1 (f .'cloth viiielt of 11im'. He'doos not Jill iov,(� and oyrilivathy from .'tile'' 6-11 � Ii "I V�, Milt/ t lial.q. fivelited -bit 'h color&I lip had, boilight 9T jV Work;�' lie said,-:'�bilt thofle bell's, dis- .0 water* anil tit iinnivilging t 6 am a st'afrald 'to m.,, iliax on th4"�f4A::6 Or py ry mail Jute 'for his pil wl'. & al bloarto old tract. rvxe'�,. I have' hird,to Pitt JiLwjjy� 'olit,�, I'll trlf�,Fibllit On for 'a p?tfjoct or llc otty, lsqulkw ppon-hili.lipaft t6 m6.;.Ile ioid,8 thek� - gxio* c and pro lid, ft 11441164 lkaldl`0 IIIJI, to lave my -wr) ,!ng were a azed o, see 5, ' 't" 6ass., A 'What" 'are. thqy D,9-: in Ili luence 'roaclleB anil wO qt It t* firs it lie kilidly re.,ad pity,,, it mu,A fit 1 01 ut SO ii, an jildian. irai;�Ilirtff does not pvelt: Lojok.At. Me -410 Mo ;he, 0 And the. Icind-It (or lobkll Q U -trAITI. tl 0 *hg, used to, Love -me -so. -Well.tW,hati tbzlxx-o '001ois'.- -and Ubdr -friend, -for, (1,66tor .3. IMFU61-hion lij. :Bruvotpive oems-to, JOE> I so. r J�. t I "'It Ilgo'.'. a. tot Ho'rs III— ' il4s' lhdiax�.s T.-Ilave ig-hear cro- tire are. 'tile' pbbI $jje c'o'dl'd',-h-%vWtQld hlli� that every: earfed'doe' tile, -'&0ltItIOD Ujacid ,$am 'does not allo�v Is -t*_ matter *ith him, Elile V believe me, � Pe - 'I" d sad, 6neEi ­' ix.0cept 09rrOV, -as'. part �aflajy, ai w%lm_ 00, oTo " joipk6d "very Pale , an. womp, _,l n d eh, m,t* �o In". kift It e_ nt I, tou not, beard tile s, J. 1 (1, Wa 'd6'bY 1-dWW1 ohb� pq e o am. 'it from t ie,, reBerva but of tile.. discipline of, clouded'; er awl6et 'face w4s Ittlew that on'. tho it, ioiow. VIOle. so,) blit6stletur' in, .1-10 gallonk tion. Clifef'R -tit t Ic rj�bjjil Heitvelt. and while 'ziccep( t 1,.No—T bea so -'IlttI6-7 '617 �Vr�t6r. ed, Fox wa� equipped Nvi. Ka4* In ber. distress., dLd,no r pt� wa., SIW OlVell. 1: tile. ohtRiWor6 �imlvxW In tills' t irom�.Ageut 0ifford ot th6, -riod, �W 12 "houre. it. it With,buiplilty, bqa�lri 'Aft Ivith here bit s always,, -What IS' it fOL'2i pag5por 0, ao iem' nobloo gra' d nd Dq§er aKency - in Montana; Wh p t�&? hoo Continued.): follitloti for a' 1) kh could, hpv& to, hini al:69� It a t1to julat- dlgbity�: Itmalkes. tj that p ace a Ir'. r iew you wiliat 4 4.P3bjj_ 0 61 ld 0. 0 1; Witlk� Bluestoxici 'So- 'said. he 146ft' tofith ago - th _ij 4. �jp�jnkll,Avg eV 'arid bett -shlb ,replied,," III heird It this or. It to an education r&k4.otjry'for Iti Ul axte+. Indigna n L v ith I tlovx�Thls:' sol., oil d pay let flaye a gone' thM prop or ' th�-tx* -for beavo.n. It liti IV, filieiidlyr �isitl!. to the. Pattawg ss FOP AM: 'Iflissolvihr,�,,Qnl) pou, ufto�rpocin. vibi Ila ;�'r liles,tOA tonfle roscrilAt n 1A, NIV.Pich of, i'lle throb pl;l be MEDICINE rt�l ,of b jo in - Iridialit , Ter'ri.,ory. 01 W.ill YOIL I<!- il-�Jfnos. bzglim 10 ich, Was "4. t London' to' be marrieW!, fear th.k.t of_wat(,�r, i 4" 1 - . b%l 11 '.� Ball NVorrian.Bporfed -a passportv too, at it wida Impos- join,. Fe X V"', -osh cOncern-, to COW. out ih it for iaig 'over. ilia oatz there WAs Z61nething fi "it -cou-Ill 'f -nid s6liviedling. not, bo�Vjolet iil"w' last�lf I can, E ve, lie's&ld; I jj. j11,11',116 , -11 tllpv Nvare in 61 'Hers 'was "Signed 'by Agent Jobviii g that Ito o Ji, Vv ybilit. win i3arl ish Worr I," '6&rathed_tV-F-O IT, SIOIWT CO 0 Ila . ion -was only &6d' (, at thoroxiahl P avid Brace Up ibe steiii, i6drefull.ji -n I ve Or no' I . %. . I . . . I a�fteli I I Inle., It,calill, t a t 4 .69,11 in Sul-` It 0, so$" Said "'Evo har fair fam� to, you iii indidn, Territoryi.'and ne Aunt.: Ja told M tills afternoon, flBelleve me;." she went on, ea 11 'P all Has: At ievor� pbetirred, th:,a t . 5., Immersion ill P6t4 for sjixtk. days. Thiii 'passport"was se. 'P it 66N� l,i tilde, '9011ftion, -The about -,t-iie-r-epresentitii)n�that,-il-�- -orwid-be-I 1PITS7 tiot �yotr redn. upon to 'dI6 what grea rrP s,,,, 5 ter us# g 0", Pilot, ir, Men-] s morel -Lame Deer 7 at.,'once, n 4, * I t O�; young" men; but. wa ty goingi - -to the le, I came IleaVeli fOL e a -con,gel ous, Ing 'rike Irsee for,. hourii� t . .1. . .. it 5 a .1 and then Wo Miall tbanli: - � one oll't of our own US"Jinen Are -vbu, fieveL � l" , , , agenpy � on. -a - visi . But a b 'OfE fter. engaf,,-_1�11- Is. s4ii, (A b f eak and, not. -think any solution. ma 6 lw" 8 lyin pi as Soon as. h tbeiii.. Trat-re n that, I teaibf some -n`blWf at -ha.S Uj,dk- the ispeciial 110111K 11 0 PO y on lthelway she - WAS join siviDilt, , ti3vie,' Alneel, holisehold 4 s ' ill, . . I f , Ki o ' 1" . 1 4 to be dual -sustain nedd ilepair !,by Chief Red' 'Fox and , the tvro were' coWai ,, lit the i one t6 London ell WA t- i. iqe. .11(rel lv�jjiblj: Ilion I World is A Eve. �CO3 'gil"'OlIx's Of or., by. any brou le. I IV Atiin. �Jt,ff lit. no Id not - tel Ilm.;- �lc poll, Id, ipakB_ a, M marri d Worry an out q ed_iri:�.NV t�, ­164mmersi illit '1_ , , 1 Liv- WeSafull in f Wormaldehyde),- lie s 1 d 01 '01, f �sh acciderit, ' 1 t IT` �9M battIffiol.,li, a n, tv. e bly, helfi-,hillif his - lrork;­ Chief.. Red Fox, wits. unsu a,e, t ilia, n ov 'a sake -.7 heart' and, "o. could i's yropto ed for. J. jjo,6911�, cried'X "t t Urnpitatt to but -,.his, Open, ajad above- - IlIovlid, Wooing anger,fdr her tly to oile: 6, f6rWallix it,,s lLe-im.. erst r "I do not know'!�slirj UUS ROO Ula great gliter hak"St-4 no,,t look, 'apl,blirx Aoid.-'say, `Tiu­w 'Otllcr� ce,gik ivaS' made by pibli�ringohe-hftlf Ball-Woulaft, f6k.. the reaboiiithv�t. Bbeds would be (Ij "L 'Sylluptijing Aivaduche, that coxxxvg,;Ito�, its. It SO tuorroW w.1,II: be,.,Vio�jet's Nve 1 Ing.. are, nervous d blit .1 bip I V er. fo r you i F to �'I­ 'prise V 4ick, at' orning lazifi6ss', - ezIT' r, 16 11 cast f, dif- 10 1 nl§. of lWa e' . r; ,tiid , t to E e 6d� - 't " attetcli'of land, e . it,* -is BOW Out' bf-Aho, forlitiallb, into !2j.,'gaI_., an hojmgs and. -her title to aul, im man,. birs:� Itiye, is at turned aw, 'in k- ea SL' in' Illinois is still in t. 0 down �and d16 'than* to,db battle U 'k -t, fj�f " uits, ..rl '' chic&, he" latest. Nvild' Wit liL -,oxcitolnont'. about., "'heart, when all&. r6moIUl;br.ed flio' iIcult to'.get -out of iwP&, co 140 r. tribe iW wore . Im, _.Polui ion of ed a -lid tile d9l� riversed la �ihlq y . eal it fdyk the. ervielty., a fe t --min what, influence. hq,had 't6..'break,ovvff.,th o U. r -114� pack i;l�i It"— by.' day, and li��. 'tre ellng'' in i; gbj Ito 1t.LW%_toid -ray -al�llt 'ilri- A' b - 66 -,to, � utes. -down-." at �­Jtimxlt t.111itf � site, .6ould' ..,I; -j�iatbje�sxie'ss after, Jig roro Wje� staitedY -And- jillien.. je... serrow 11 h:t p�ier lie rep I ill , od. 7.,''Sprinkli-xilk'', UW Dilutod Forll match, .'and ''as �rosujj bf his interfer- -Viol uld, Xve," nor -lo- per- _nOt­,ta,k -A x den.--up.,oll, Ne. t, or. e. I e_ x it j rill a s.neur- tjie er. 1A, laoiA t and erve, pain. s ah �h has. nevel­s fered, is herself :Jmhlli)��G(110 Ila fl­p� [A t of, fox enc�,:Cliief Red 6Xtkud.' 'Ball WOD'iti b stiffer. for lilin' S )�,,a's it w)as, , poured,,-�-ftl�tlo �:,Iive grill ons o, p anne -elilperiventj which vqs,;'car- oth, 'wlep toge pvifny� S.Ou a 021 e omames - said ."Wt 'a. 1 tie said. lie 'aI t .dr ould k1d,, 6citittea or hiSlIvient. . . rotitird -it -,"'all ""LU&N i V:," and JI6.bje, F�cvlij ig tile. one b'a bra�v� i.enoiIgh, but 6he c' , L . 11 . were then iilW. ou ,f ' ivilli,iiis well­,as�th`r oy' has hidde say -'t6'- him fo'r: 10T.0 ID Dr.. .,�%Tjj 1 �,,Mg -poor b N ""toki 'I face, brothers - and' S. Hi .'OP" Kate. What,, paiBBes tllroll�ll'. tile f I �b -e -eaking 3, 0,11 r led I. t I 11 S s 6 lu V1 and 'of their pa e i ;' -bi heart Lilt -furnace :of vNill '.v* o it ax qJnfedh,-inc'if`6r njori_ adC direp, Ily. C., lest wo should 'k In vkv aidwas 'N41lo � skip by. "the light: pf' the-titailivin in W istrdn,g f, t "The 41ri. Umms, Pink� IV rom* las ()in r . ". - ­-, ­ � - _� - eZ efu .s t1fred" Irn It ir _iIiq , , . to-Aburce " li- R digles h.6aveld, and !q�qiilogi, oltft,��,pure gold -,m-no3oAmse iliifxkt�'­ 1r, -1 A,:-­Bq�liftloot Itl M' I W r to :'mots, -en JIDC- BUS � one to Ruffored. tt e 0 yo-,) thoroughly. h of, the -bestAt9own In - with 'ilit "alloy ll -but ry metal - or gold you'r Pain, - tha, P, to is: going *1forio.niality �.N, , Lgor,-, and energy,im 'diatis in'thoi midd-le west,,wa­s, the U0W.'6,-. freacm t A t f -oats, nt-i pure; . refillOd, rue 'gold., Tic, MMS- grdiki IS6,17 6h�,,­rcpiIk go' 'marry to niork6w, t le- filft", --abOV0 itrove t to appetv c,,, an, one up t! , 11 �nd 'flv�e whote''' siySlt' eiml. of,'each'varlety wvx,9jeft.'..u'nt�ieJited Vljy.;�n-evi and..Nvorriltvil mus, a of Ball''Wouiltri, and'jfir6ugI ;.'IIY6tL taiij PAix wilont: y`oiv disllko,-.11 ndirveq, gtowal, tory'll' V 0 tl,�,6 ed, to.. aill "t" lie tit d' heil­-,vvbJiteliiir tiflbi-, W� landIg that, "_"sh, nbVer' ordej�,,�-iftat. , ,6 ot' nxii *h6re -lie 16;. bliffel' She-:talked� to "Irim. agiiin "I'll M,U H.'. f tit , grand' Zir and f' tite jtrany- men.. 3v,ho, jriou-s treatments. might e '-.in Illi InIls It eir' gr'gnolfatber� - Shawbeu'ee 1-1�0 ;best 'bef6vred He I"GIV; 't died kildlir -ib4t God,aprids I Ph �oi-seisse& O�. �i,T, Cp flidni. 1) 'o i slemo, straill, -0, a R,, is one o w I go, allol ape Mo. s6r I­CNN�jl o :111oblillty, of ! por, )W,s 'Vi,idliled - tile Tadlie Dr. - w.11 qjlo,�kfj, at bravery "o to h� V��.,, 110 �valij son.d,s pal.h.",,. beilring'opaln',' the c6vmixticc. of fall-, a lit- Sul T ,!, , . pages.! in .1be, ; . 1. ,,rxlwtk.yB soil -lowing. in the brial I. packed, 'd roti -41,0 glad Ito -tie 'able to -sily '1�tat 1 1141`41i, Morit. 'After.the it.(. a -y6-; tIlfL :J�f I igbt - 10t (,:OatB, Of (;iioli variety. �-Tlie two-moLl t -Do go _r6r �aa ex"plo­ - I ou,Sldiiijo. and then.,'ivike'n', W4ere Which the e- been wal%'S. foil, � o I you ca,11-.c.oni-, i4tient, voice J_ bed him. 1�` WiIiiiiins".:'Pink alit longings, speiied to Kai 011 �lioovi,. Go 6nd, try, it plie left Ititu,, wlfI found _r., 'g j4o:q'.rqj e 6:i; 's Nvere `dd ' W fen). was,:, f the, mt - lie, vor�r kin -d To, ]Jim ito-nioirb' lainied fo�. 'il I W, A , , on o r'OB� I " I tRut �s "0'.1 T6ir dr�ss A;'- � �o;finbingti .;.).4 fort In. A III, Beparate- 1$�cxu ]lave d m.y.ndpliv, t t W :. I -, Of!. th parerull Plato.' f eald, n W� IV -ill �,--:talp t turne nomads 0 IA ca pie uresque cos -A into, _011ght pain ben -you.'snould s0ea 6f ad,,4t,jjey.. the'pWfis and � of thoo 4-cli ITCA had lic) sorroW that poor,: ap-d 1jisufferiad rnwilt, fibivil that,, Qf the. M#A �t. flide it wex�e'exdxxxlnecl, fro�quetitjy 1W 'I * , I "Shion 0, �Iil not dro�alrl; :: I rcL in 9411cil a fix, Q-1`011 Ileada-le bes Doctors'. xifedi-�� ism'iiftI6d ie-adowbre,.rernoved Jytdianis. :Cbidf Rod- FPx�'Nvo 4= .4- a W, She Plaited, h ..clothes"' and -bad d broa sombr4ej6 �,M_ Y4M. 110 d'he tlxotx�bi� :tl"" t d all I k- 1,1jo ;lJot t 116. 1 1, )1, 111 'go. 01 iio vvor(:I,; nio, le, give me, the ii�6deii'wc a rmsxo ,I -.1iice A�rala ta that -of Pic t ll� ind, Vzx%6 counted I dak o h. . ". , . ed like ljobt 11 �t nig"it. FlIono: jh.e,IiMrA'G!. - . to try r. -him froin , - oth6r' pa.:gsen In ", I - 'I'l. -, t1i c . ; , - - - (lay, '1 6 foljowing � tab e �� J. vle-9. M 4"1 ler "at, so oflecld(�d D` V fintfS, thilop9h 'the Zanglalsl: diffv,riint 'ice"Os.- It. ji4xils' Vinks Pills f6r, 'a Ina. illSok 'On Ilo (eir: ry 'g, dcipiv.0 tip 0 bStal:pereeritag6�of 9-inutied! :hea Ills bait. ;Was 6ilt short arid. 'his feet t Nvilt,n I- jco� Of.oti,ts frdn Bbb -Aald, crept, into a isupor ro'clill. y:Jormer' health. re-; af- ,Yes, I ba;ti�-:a,: great b 'ill toijdoii,. bo:�.c; tIvhell In, .04 . . . . rs.) !N11 -1,11y''100 it trea t iii,ent. - were enease-d t in shoes.. ]!is' bride-"wor4 Irqui 's.11.11,11IL I'lirlipI ;,,ttnt nq W1 f* tit �.Vtlt er4 It 'bli. liek,misefdri of, sorrow 11111' it' IS, Vh-cifle I . . d ornamente i d fl n I I 11L k b eiv libnta,�e, 6i sixxs.�, small -'!iiiil d t fllb.d a :Nio, ico-lit "'Will with, me.: arvd,wint,; .-I o M;'. IN"i t 11 xrldily I ail gracof4 19- 11 , � - I . I . - - bhJlnket,. A]. tj 1. - 1-Tidlp Sun it ­Q�. my' gra. lend-, I �qads. . 'She %Nloroi, a ivijo_ 'd' ssi the 136 �'.Iviirlod in. No.. _;q, a, cliolco, e -,blerof fr� do: ri. men 11,ot wa,t' -disti' -4 he jk,, igtityi. lo niiiBI ill, re # Woifak, nervou W, _'Q. and there Was little'-W� ingwo r for �ljb ljjliv�rer and Mqrii:d'' r . ..... . ....... L ,done Nilth tit- brofx�0. I,WIjjjf:jja,& your- sorrOW- - I t twomi�n, :f6o­Nl ill". find', from the, bordell 'j,JjJ Px`(j' y , . new� L 4i jUeL, �Pltif. tie I n, or 'a tj I Ifor fail,, fewel6t. fave,.,As -he- tx,�kbd aft off biq Wilde.' idir. use: 41 `­ --brifill:,i), I . . %in appli'livess ip .-t DIlit­st(V116,.%1,2 'hours­� ... .... .. .3 bbr dress -tVil. that of Ilia oiv:� tllb,bodutlfu� 1i h,t of! —Wial But - 1Lt,3 io� ri rink fed 'W7 Xx thinking wlia-f, sh'el "'Again .'gain )rne firip.;iinvuseine t ii ft. Dr. iamfv," Pink fs. ... ... anket - 'Ell el-siye to -X; u pill -61Y ag, tfavoillnig Jaea rt," St, have bL"en' to r wpu, V p.�Z� -7' -it d' nidecitivis rfiei "It A e d. ra y ""ci Mu. �Wiilutcili f. ;­ ..., . .. has Ope Oil. William Nvith'tho"11111 Mimo,' 0. varmaIin, 20 .0 'k Vosturne. She: Nviig,c An the'lix- thoul ducatbd t, plied, .'!it. lids -all ituself. to, thim 'brit Into tile - ffi W.I. :,Pink Pills - for'' jN�I Pe6p e: prin l... .. ...... lo ion. _;, - %L -an pay r y - � -1 -*No., Nv� .7.-Torra'alin, op t, '19� e d t ed oil , it -Tic wraline -ar' diaxi'scb�ol "on the roserva in e in oliud: � eye' L Ad _y_ r Uritremtod- ,-i n e_­ -suffereGi 111W li sixt. one w4o",IlAq LIUB box. 8614 ��, by �., inIci it, -dea 111 7UTra-TCT`y. 'SteP6,41to stop the' il'un 'Only 11,00 .1yent inu Mat, We 10, butl­slidk�-a4d. f '11-aw wines 1134 Im pale, 'en!t IV braill"'a t great 'r.eductiolf. in, tile Yield' I.. - I . I , -Owuloo t cents" a jbO­k, 'e'allisep Their a I" tioble, sen- of 11511filao, alvia. walp a QbI it �g iA;t,pjaU( cd hini-eiLic, 11- pl� aw, Q .�Po S re, L liof� "'. the, -xviiiINirdy; ON wonder It '811a;1I Idea-tintil they, . . . . . . lor, di�. papers, ay.e b a hadlw likedeath' he in is" my,! true I tit' r' .0 o onger., )EVTc�­Wlth, d et 'I Said- you 'win' 0- iven Nye elo�ffi­ Nver qreutly,' U. I He ;51,b 0 ti'mant, cac: I T.116'Dr. )VII liants' MFIdiLine Co' r.4.p&k_ wit. look,64 Up In. Sa colita do ��O 11 Lr,, joi-ihiilin, immenslort, An and eij,� who' k NW, to I . I . . .... 1 T4 blue.40, ve xl� 1661.6; In at aodiiv.6'r' id 8 hav tragge t rev s t* 01 - Jr. L esti iw 'biw il,�itor. r"el. -e li'6iir Al ir Me: '�Gvlli dezi !Wk Th,V 1110011 'L ILI e, C I ta ibveT her' -So.. faco airid light livoll..t. t . . . . . . . . . W,4 IaOw_0L_a_,_1 niueOln no -to MillLuGer" U1 Ills can -Woo o. iftrub,,,ir.: IN-jior-bili'la -all tlj0..IUcL, VERY&M"ERVEII bi .-frolu-'almod avxy,_.druj_,. _'-yoaaa. W' mol, Mstrib'uting Colds� vell 6f Ivr.jueleas ya uee a %reatl 'of lVispaper )v nial in - - - I stdrPr,.Fjlftejreatihont -with. ofmalin IS, .1 child. A lie. it. 1h a Xc* hi'tZ' �,dsly -' perrorni`W * 'comparativ file: Xe�*� yotk ��I, L, I cois 16ij�oc bed wayi lie sobWd ilk 'Evc;' Orliinge, 1tJn1g � , ii Pod Illky 'Aj,�M- old fricired T".'sal - blosisdivirt. 'Nv'i 1,40 8L91 It] 11 IOCR� "land towa-,'' as serit. -to� x'eport - aw ��te' y H -Wk. to, Ilifivi arid t t chaij, arlidi as simpt 6hild., filigilt.�'jivo jj� (1, %�ttlit;6 tjvjIliyieht� -,,he 9ho livAint round, linil very leffec'u'al.'."Far re ttlivatein's ''san'"; y. a s a 0 woujA, Aj0,:wej1,to­tre�t t-lici dia a re, - b'.y r 64is"be", f Wj I tile S 'WIT b dou heaW,�Pail walq� a, fi-ittin-ph of a rt., it shone 6ir a �and, did. other itunts.jn� hdr*"acco *bi, aFi urit of the on jact Idt �a $oirng ore, iso, rig n pri g�, ibeir ou. caw, &ill! CPA_ to. ter arpit, arid. tile -first lea; rs;llo, tied. �prottjy ,I Le. W�d'.. 'File, Jilfair ifie worrign 'Nvil�Ptc.:, & 2-. -.4 -W lv!ll� thi taw it-. wa-0: till'' cat Over the �grcblt - soirlriolw. Of. It is, Life - re,l 1 WIS f4ftlla' two' solos with t 41 n. 4tite�.Jxti -oi -U6,pcotae W d, Ale$Mll I. easli"llvolefi- and 4u�.IsAkorvi.�Prpf .0 iaiio'Agriodujiu`ra iege, GuelPit kiW.,1y ll�'ual nor �i - . .. . . I but -b 06'.,jerlhilist 7� T of' P. piljoNN­:,�_-.6n. a fair -or C416 b Sq :�Ilconrfort I_ . orrvr6rf scorni 'tell lled. , .,tile 60i �o r No "Seo��L ('a t fc', bNLiIilfuI` "'falue - .1111 0 ;x Qd, Ing r-' -their,.- lellow4paislaspi &W oin rC you poet'' �Slng4; f il n TO "LAN From tha',t` kktiv .. I e 1, 1 j ni�JIn,fN'ci,Ve , .,don't YO119" ovie ".what-,- 0 fo a 4311113190 auto I : , . b 0' CAKES." Isee, 1 j i"s even' in, to -kn6k If vou"hail lie lie -.Vian! home, f0r, 6, h j4 luid! iitol,- the singin bad'. 'd 9S 911,01) Me hejxi� a :maix, an eezois,. lie' bepqrv7gq for tile iii0ment a 1311113 ro, �ftaivxi' -IV . �illj" - ----- - er dts,� ov - a " .1,6!ie i- ' ' 01 papero.f ei., thiij even Jig 1-6, .Vimet, llaye, itrid, -y6u-e( "e011iji.ij v , 1�h ail - a M,61Z )nucus 1� jine @pr;Wy,.' teow '16 t Ile Come. Iliote"It. �6ftect I his Ireart 0 6 m day ONv It )enjurti,:.i hil, . apa, I a li'a 6d Bi' al'; , lib pp"!nix wilol, oily, ij ;�j4o startl-od on that War love arid 'AY had, go C. "But it' Vi -ill riuitke' 'Mrs '131aiilc �argi ev�rSj,� (ion sidetuxi- (till jc_ t t -find ' Ill rind NI -e sliall. probably i�e 4tre� foil(! of sweet7% bI1,3'jjo6i;6 tirid V ill, fing S,'eol(i lie demtlr. % i-,.lile wh6w.-Sille jIa�&,b.hrtq di tot hat li��avl froitti-lier. Tlia;-piroudf�ktkru. �Old�- ri, v on tlfb oil*, lid.1" tile co8tly gout ti6r �f ),.bo�Aidajth'Gf 146 it big Tpograp uca n ip licir owjft�ller Sweet I "andf t p3sabss, t lie' PoVvCj "ll,cil 116-1,1rat, jt was it � N ts, aild they. it frooln.Adin, Ile took. licit dilos�bs_: ill(6`� woaltf �t�' tills 'gprayi sbojiN be She fol ropirds., � tile' I -iWa arifl, icisso tile it ad Sold crl.� - Thiii; vviil �Oppilse 11�11 wrilth", ali�l- in ag pakec,4 r -which 0110 byes filled Vvit -c .0 �tafideixr �fo 16 hl�; Windkerdblef; illil!Bt not luiliid"�y6urlchlldi ri, I n' elrol'tg 1j . tb hiti0el not i if, pqIvfr t I W0.14. in . I ' 1 0 F�11OUIO IV F e . r 1]1,* tell "r list Itt f the: -most � iml,�68sibi'o ma t bill a I in d, 'rt iiga-i tile '4 elliffircri. of 111 B Ow 11, rtitil ifillimss." Their 4rtlstic sense, co, 'enables IOU fto 113 jil()OIl shown into t I re dic.paper for J - 110.. Tlit� Bit n I I ' tit 0 the' on ]ter not 4(4, tile, .1. clivill) 1'�JG 'Aild so 'it,e ell donvr . 0 1 1 - I `!' kntlti-� 't I 'j6'.gjN`o it beauty`evei t9 in. ill(- piIjift IlbJII n, 0' tfiem to".theso pbrishb,blp 'ld;ii1lf,b of: tit .111., T16s, par cularl�j -11 "till In.6o 0, t 1,10, 0, sklo,,�rj' e' fprins are Wil - Lie liq I )NN'le woIll g a(lden fai iffei 1 t, A*011- - , 1, " ;'�. " I I - .. truo ott -4n6n oin it d1n rg xv: pars, hot.bn -n .' 're Da J t a Y Ill (.,IlN f, end, . d 1�1111 B L b 61i 11431kll ' I' .,was ITM . a . . 'S ": . ta -n or IvWit-�'riig' on'to) -a-listri zold a 41 -roll �Ie did 'not sliff-er lose om1ttitit, it , -ough, Am bittOr lirpil" Of Ill. tcd bath jjj.,'h�e anti and holdlagA �pbt;por d Witli'llif , i loved till TROUBLE -*�OME- BARIE f, I,' flo,wor' ,trio carefully vvl_ 110-1,11 4 0 - tlie leaf 0 P 1,011, ;Lvu V, 13 billimr lio I Lilt nie h5t nit,Wr. n C tston. 0 In c Is, 'It' t1lat tf It' NVQre, jjos�i le 1, 0, iv tJ n I d: bee,, tl.�i u slop'p ru jittIO'll'; jllt�;.JP 't. . wO tb . 0 s" ,I IM. it 6. 1,, -it tliey. oftei lot R1 �0:. t lie s t 4g hardest Ol I did. If\ slione 0aft Idild �Irf5 llla.de, l;)f )("Ids , l W, dlov.,l, tolo' �JjJCP, Ills Mil , Ao-, to..�rjnll V�tc 111 ally'Llikliq droiVa iihbi�hl lid lirtgbt, vt�t,iinfOa oVol, his tircid. vol�k. lie bould find., Mid 5"0 fic colyr, tt dr) it joy fo y6til-..Iionid�- tct M, -Orcij' all ri, t I I d 'NOw I -ybu it (it I ly �,�Ovry Jill, I b @ ro" 01� "VI I. -:.4rot II,110V� tho ivo 6tlblel,0111,'�' I in; �r. r I 0 it I kilow, senses. '-.NL I �, I t , - I'l-i 1) it Ulbro, b; fi� of. flic, Air �rkIatbr tlialr, brlij'kl�ll fic TOr ol(�pond, lipon C, 0i". -.4 6y' I I vis� sbITOIN, oo it I so j"illi\ Illiti.I.Aill 91, -) toi t a "Iii it r r -y , ol -!141 oWl rtol�' b, ilixp:J,�Sill I�blilellijle� hVin. ing ot V,00 y6li love(I arill"l,iiIA Oelal�xf 11 y in I I n it, 1- 1. '. t -If re.e(VOUN-0 Coll od "Irl't aitioli, ccivdd iuIli. vlqlc�t bo h", ot' tivre faIlItOtit 01. lorb� 1�� 6if� td n 1100 1 trust "(1,11i'a.s. de del-&j�tQ j�ololl.. �Ojllv a, am ng lit ptlpli� o"t,'.01"V. y ll� orrow, in Rroof, eg 1 o I, t'i ISO .0 '.�ot 1 S" &ro, oflamo. I �Ilf d r, 0. lloc,� slo6lv jib xia,%:io, Ifivi �1,r 111;1.� It 6, 1, 'M,,1;- !,,�l vo.s iald 116"'ITITO" di'll, tell Vhlrow; lilki. poroll k tll,,�' As " '1 .1 - ro pit -,9 'lit, sped 'L)j.,Lt 4ill.. jxii'pllc.� 'll'o '11119'llt -'elbk; . Ills' 'by'bI04 ;ltlil"'t-11111 ' 1 11 1 , tbb, fj1,111 'of, 611IN, c vllco c �Iiio: 9la.fl,liWWwk 'w I L I t 'it 0 r.� I'l lip"i, lip G.rr dl ild" Ili -1 bf, ifivit-:* 'I'lix plon�'soa to..rst",�to t1lial II&ve �vll lionfl, jl�Ajr t 0ONT" kwr�- "o 'm -ly, the j d t1loliV 1�*,011 it L IL411 ti 6 cet odt v I -ft 111;I11"Il" '9, ot, ilry b�f �vith -Jil Ila I 1 LC -hill] I t I L -11q, Iijo:j-t,j,tjgI4lI%,. iqv,,4P cof bro) fol'dod 1�i nlot j B I to 'j, % , I' r - . I N, J4(4�. A s, In _I It 811-nek 111,I)l .I Ivr L N� o: I, Ing, to; Ill'trev., ."III t'lJ`(3A.Z�)V`Ii`.8 fIll. Allijil, Ole hco I, 41itl WD-IIIAH I _vlolot waH go. .(I 4lk!n lnloll�.:.Tt lnllal��. nit'. '(1111to 1,10611ot t,4 11!11�0 0i'llitis,c; �llf 14' ar liwl. - . . I n I � I, a W Jill no o,llflir. frik, , t; I k v� 0 on! on k)y: t licit, lor!1J)" milm it I" 6rimin lIoNNr . '' vlvdrcs� f vow tho d�k, ill"Ill I "I)ooll k 6 do -for all. Alw, ;66n. lit tl it 'I'ti,rb' alid il.(1110 Ur. I)ril t�4 bildifforldrice that all"ItIg4it ;divcc, 1,6 L ot-It ,i'nIl cNor.V 1),voI go I I I L11 e- 11 1'1�11 MN' 110 -00 fourtobil"th of -s ili.6etq 1�ro VVoj,(f5 to 'Inotil'or", 10 ;bltvo. �.�tl ollblp�401!11'0. WW? , , I, - 60 ally, �11! 16, 11 f r I, (I 'I f th�lrol WnW a I'OtO all' It 0 I-jium �,j till flol"Ll, "tld llc),� loll.g(i I y� W.btrv.,4.11 m,il lit, t"evi'd,ii 17, lsljit0f) kill, . -1 1, . I It y 01100 �ltt 'yQa I kfcb or nny :fit I, thit, ho linil ro'n. '116i � Ir'! ill - wv�ilf.0011a, 'bi 'Mila: 6(it S Fib IV] I Tl.qul, clon��U� � (q lit, tl)11-11(lil 1111-6' 011,110 1 1311t t rLov�tli of I tt v�, "I't 4". ti fle,, 'to, V I I 1i Vii'mf"IA, g4ttell. .,It, whs 'fllo foil, lii�tloil,, IndligroqUoll '-d! 41to T'llo Nvllol�e W, 'o wits 1111004, vqx1w,,t drp itione 'r;)upd,' of ni'llet- aIIAIP.,ubL . W '(11,1to '' 110 1 could " 'fiot Wilchlot. Ivt ICKV" voioo� There iv"iff to. be, m ivc t, clroii�fy",A W)", irri(ation at t4,otll 11 it ev� b rolnelIll)(14" that it dillerbcliql, 411--froin r�lvltt6iit beqvh- 040 In - lroi,�akcll I le t tj old" .1,11d, (Te'litroy ofticlil;14 , ba. jv. 6ondornn illil 'It i n- ily V ti"", te, 31 Itfstuilly, 111L­viittclrll)�� (V "COVIT, -to plajill loo at. )ire IX.,ley III-( Wid, tor rill)"fl ol i.t.py Ot. lot* a�'o .0. Rf AV In, f V, rion I) r . I , 9 . Ili 11"I"VO V"�", vilf 00 Antviul let there. at , 0 '. , ., . . I . . , 1117, r(ILUlil 60I`f'6VN` -.001t ils b lid bi�oll f. I Ilow a N'bry lovely" I'llorni Jig f�ltlloro. Alrag till, .116 vi-alil6lb1s, A.),Ill il),yl opto ion) 4*1 ro- nll� (le o� Jill J"#'ar It Iflit Wight Ctinsliltl.6, -s ducki:,156 Pol, c'llt I& all,llzxtllro� loolke , (I -blitho 111011,,�lle -Vi,blot will 'llot '16 fff,�,, 'flry will rmt, 1� j6 "f)L (�Iltlo � 0 - thioB a IV. IN j , "O'do, ti-lix h 1 4' , ; - j, - i , tlnl� oil Ole -1 be'll's -ill lio lip 1114 Ind. gi�Ivr still' lie co(lid, floi lin'dor, 'dirnat n nAklIrmS,.� th("p-- 101' c� " I ' ` 0", lot or oorro%y oo 1111WIM'.30, ""Ill Tzel, Que ev I'll "Th-1.6im"a 011"Nt, oll v at rX I -l46j'r(jW f11115 lyid 'Clio 'ecivxill4A!414f� lit tht, t Sle(11,06" C6., AfrOL, -VI n'll hill --wIld, Ij4, "lln nrl�,(,l -Alt, 'I "Wa Jovlfil-11, 1 11 (A Affootlo! totir bol c INIIIIS 0�-tbe It I i5, 11 aakIi ]lip of val(y 1 alvily� 1,171.41 wolro Ua clerk viola' h1)bn;, 'Is tv v0l 10111 ttctllol�. ViliO, 611fj G :t,0.4- 'li CP iq� * �of work,litlIll , a L - no ioll(, 1)jjt�tfit* y 11 " s !lot- D183APPEA, 0 V 'THE - 801 I't IJ4 8;,rt� l4tirvol:� In "A Ill 1140 .11MVI ll,1tI,PI.1wl.1;L Omlol;� t )WR k1l"Ilit AN nat. it lr� 06, Tq"s.vWh_jI0(18 )�jjjdly, 1ndustrIOU's G6 I ,� 11 , .. ri, - pa e c huui 6,1* tjie IA� f4, t lip M111110. ,of ill' aff(l. the �fpitllg' I V 1, Pa lift" AillorAily' 1)('('0 4164, VO IV n '10, '6110 e oqwitlt to mil'sl attal:�ks-of"ll; Mill- 1011i.solf, N ilil,od to (.lhlIIllIl­� .,not I m' o I Utllfityi-oll,, nlaidtv- b� i he jil(q)) oft afid t rl y I% lj,�lrqt -Ii '101NMAOIAO AVIll"'(1 ill 't's.1ilrd a 0 nlaw flin Mt,; M WI V Illn k 1'.�[ Ito,, I M, �1,ft f od, . t I I � flys it It( V641 A', i it' ltj" O'llind I I, foil figs .. q , I , . ) ­ 61attfo" of �oyrill. 'I... 'flenillg nP0 uOrd, t.1 a, 110 Of:M()Q(, t11011g."t1m j it 11. , 1, 01'! r:, ly Aw a thek, :I fte-1, ylr�fttlr, WIN10111 " V lilt o 0 li 0 (S111,1--olitlior I'I'mI . I I i s i)m 111611 M'M� OAZ 06,l 1 1111)(" 010, 'Is,li . filf'. tlki� 11141 Tio - qLW10tio,4*nI`(% not. or�rdollo iiT er � Ilvir.Ara, 'Jlnpl1'o `j4'jj*jjj01' Vlolwr that nlivol,­'111. 0 f, k rod fil 'MW vo dt�Iy '*L_� '.4 I lov*1 31c.1, ly, i't, el.111'ed ?"i, lig .61 Blit let"," Jill (101 'Ott 10 rvlgt�- ll�11'01l, 4, t1lick, bIn't-vol-41v st 1 '+0 111111*80,11l" , J; s, obsor it'll VII - &I �Ixyo :y Slit, bolla": Ile, I lit "allao" oN lIq it.) NvAi o tr,t I i0 U1 t 0 ll'o. 't in, 'ill�tcll itloye.,61116 Of Wil'Mlf� lkilfto. gtvllp�s or klky* 10illt rio(t 't ng,.of. flto� 1, a t lot k�, or, titk, $27,'I'M I (o tllio! fill go,08 '00,rl� Ile "'OTIO, 114 br, e. ii, nmtrr 1v6'l!0 xltfs'� , , I . , I NAl ... fr , , till U%4 Ao, Idnifli, IV otyll _�n ff, opt, 'a V�p toat 8 1 (1, tha, )do b r., d. ty� 4011 I'll jb h g a Ott In I "yoll, fidl llbft� t- Min, why."Blio 1fov-, here, 0 qil& liki ft �'Xj' illoLher Oyer PP,1100, ItZill-14i Wpilittlif allot (Itod tifluo r 0 4