Lucknow Sentinel, 1904-03-24, Page 1KOH,,- ILTQIV 01EAR. OTFICEP, "0104TOR ;0 010!� RZT11111110013D., vil a 4 W i Gii�jmi&AL )BAXONG BUSIS'ESIS TRANSACTIOD r motis Nol 4110913i 44=000 WAS to fimiulc, -No�rims'bcught. and colledl �ed d6ra e. �AlLxateql mo t :D44 at', all the losix-ea, pa villints'in., Qanada�_au& the , , & I I .,pr i� I Uni= 84tes 6vings. Dep nt­ __qrtme .0 �.W and, - UPWI arl rl - lo vtrertlut rates I rom Alait t at�e of d�fe. of 4 o a 1n1W1;lt)r i ftot_subjec-C_�_ �Uy_ the Whole, 01 "hateve of r de It' riv p4ition of th pos A . Stat and *QV.'L G ESTABLIS#W I -.'W .d and a so., -tbrottlghojj�, Caiis sl ! all P oin el Statast: it 1, collec i, hoi a aanage h r '41 re I -and arml ot" ;q�ites 100l imbed. 1-1"u to"farcierii on l or single at'fro'm ono to nto"llu-ner lists. ;desiri feed q6ttle, asoecialli to tirn OR er and grass q Over wint t On during sum 00 I loaa small, or large amounts on second farms. or otbo r -real 'estate, mortgages ow . security nd on first cliattel mortgages, on .1i,e stc, V imiptial aid propoll. I'llavel large amount -of funds to advano aave �;on.firs rticages at lowest ratl t 100:0 I rbpresoat t1te leading 91�04 "d -can*. dii., Fire Insurance , Cmpardes, and can ffact Wou %iiae 6n; all classes of - prorerty in. a desire mutual - c6milauhs as OFFICE. HOURS 10 a.m. -to. 4-'p,.m, THOMA,9 S. RE: ID -7. � —L. . -, - ­ - ­ ­ - - M IqLAGER.. 0 9. r *x.Wj;l bout - oOU,Te � I J4 haV�ing; �jpq.Q: CPO r -POOL d d D . 9 10. rdbu �0, i t 6141 042111 w6od be,-gl:, as Q w lad ifl ` bo'g.", t 0 friend to, whor C aqsoja oW -tth outul kiud� :!on Id y return tho J60. T 151:644� ` MaDy'pleople" who mve had stray 'h alcoMe been vi]ti)&C the imlpre4sioqJ that they . , . .. . r: : . ' -cot0d Claim from e e'"the th ijin q. air,. p a be- whather nimali came. t :6 I c oh' qdveiti6ed it or pat., This, is 07 Wr I Ong The on Y I , 'Y' re adY ti. , . rom, ibe. they a In 12'8'3, -w I ll�en- A14rl in a law tha.", flu— 40 acto I � in,g her rein -any: maidba sNould.h%ve, IP Ala. -E 0 -s*1 d gs .�: L. lial Fk ult r4dwers F , , '' i . j4 1 -the u now QWn I A pl� add rapte viill-.ba -deliv d by -M P.' X Y, of the divisioil, �f I . ... A. K �herrington Of* lkierion. All,,iUi;4estbd'in th grlow,4ug Of '.fro. t a lis. meeting. afilutild.4. -presept at ti .. I . 1 � lll' 0OmW6jj0W­ at one 0. oc.; P; W., . :1 � : I. -I , I " , Died, In :-To "On, oliiteb, form y, of Ashi, rl; in;r his fathe -Ur.-Robec wor ker in the. Mei,h6dist'Cha. over vea'r a a lo ae'41* at h ome in roatio on '$unduy- 1. 1 1I !. Pe"bruary 28, aftee an lllnE�W tivro x, oir my oti,Ul e yla �a wis �!jo I I t we ly 113 R! and 'b Inow I an W, oa . n, f Pawn 9, . , . I I I . D -Rit, M CINTOSIL' in.�A V ,11 64 ertiefim auls fi 11! 'FIA W Al III nex BAND *EET1140 Annual Metitloc �t Luali . or ho AlIusill society, T nuil meefilig l6f 'the L , be in,' 86cioiy'o ban'd W&P held 'D the b6tilicti Chamber od lP9 Mar�h llth*, 1904. 3/1 r., D; C '&rMvir-=-wa , eag4ged--as- eader�40 low. so and he fol in t�6 coming eea a _0fli a :. 'HOD.. Pres6,—Wm- agog W11011, sr Htiving.' ld -out oldi stock'* '40 sho�i, t4u, '6t, Boots "an& 8 tvin 19rKed 0 M III eu! s Fur- ill fof 1 '10 , 0 0 9 nishinp; thl,4'.4pac. 0 DOW 6, fill -led with a tie 8 ock -of I l Tw6eds and' Wo lil 40 "th ewe,St,*RUd� se' e comprising. . e n jo gdod-9� for spriAg A ohance 0: sbason Of Twtiieds. 'at ereatll ly rices give 1.9, us U 0 reduced: ' P *,a fine rfa it.. $ $17.50 it bought, in., t hL* -a-re-guar—war—A-107-:�so sp ecidi values. .offeriii at LOCAL TE lo ltdad,.May id, eachysl -iy'�. natry er h k' d He. elgives a. ea aj wge W, .0 $ 13 and $14 �br% suit. a �1. UAbLFj OD,. KII'l Yll tSUitS ... ... years wic t SQns li- ughteris ; Owl , oildeii.­., "Foi-Eitra, lity'. .. . : �11111 up .4 w both son a rb Tre ar C 1600. S66 what -wei...are -6, b , , h i lty eing ed.000. luum oiiad.,.,- After, the I . ; . �, - .1 1, �., . � P .., .,. n. $17 to, $29.. THE A' inar. k- 'weeks sit: i of' tho at a I , � HiiiOn. C, t '96 - ., I .. , * oun. I I was decided: that th), bib l d �an tWis fe 0'' bf'Tr6merings ur,range arger iin-41 than —77 roin n e f, ou ay.., Nfi lWw- -0-wrotv-d. Wo li�i 1j- i th I fo6rt &,4kf4g - Ile g y- 9. C I h brate thb 24t o kk:d.'t�Q L.h6aor the'sbacription aepr4lv - , 0 h�g b' an val ties equal, een- - ettt,h'�4 got (o* kiin u, Wit 4( er i year�-of CoUlity,OCU'Upids a goo Poe ion a.'r , ; ��. . , ;r. 11 br when -cille oil. - ny fif.'the trade' .: t . 6 a AY tho d, -k- Q� ar .1139IL. fS in This is t le 0, 11 .19!, 9 i,ra a a ge,year 1 . . Th& pe6p]e of �Luckaow,�',clan* 'look 'We iiiiiihig a spe�ialty ., 7d -W- lip Millan-visife tn* v eap..yei t6 eaih, ate per tj ii..Ye r '1orw.iitdt6- 1, t 0 usick - Casts the wing: 'I't t of eitpa- qua I V- I -'REL j:&QLE,' h til .0 frenf 'd oncerlt 9.4,� th`,� se6dii -9; :c son as, prospects., or� �,a :'gooc L hand , 0 ia, 61.1 suii. to Drd&, Tit 6 'and, Mr. John F. Tennant Ol on is �Thti,'Scottish l t h average race foe the'tenja ars was 1, g th. agapport. of,'thle' sk gu antel6d. tl ar apvn ing a ew iys -w JE TOWn'4611 I ereI V 7 -DU ariM�'tOtll ity, AAti6r 4,Aor ther,9q4bhll* U e rer, respac. ior IOU* I I y Y k uu(ier the,sup Piee3.Pf'tjje of .866i- is" in -best efiteki"ainment­eW mand, 9.6i, and. 3 ti. kin ch o .'Mr. Thol Wiaeon ti� g. ar I, )!lsgeli -and, othei:,coiriatiL age Over .10. ScHodIs M)�ETXKG,� �r " , I I n barber shop ihere.. 1%,1 i J -ae'd' �compahy re.i ur n tey .3er'tai hale bu�linpet. Every piece. Dled.,,rou on Y ular. ffi �tlfticr '0 S. 3. CAMERO. "`� l: L 'lll '1�1�� ­­Zf 1_41 061bblobg poogam, *Vh iie I*FDEL ek; me ...eyeplily Ir a Spwd Rol 146 kind YOW V,Jt to fi'lljoilt L ehorea '"d no ter pl( Mi of.�ASWI�ld* fita so, t 6 prlllq�pft 8(011 S.' v a ithe Tbwn A.. dinte liLetic( b4pt their: inutes of 4aq6'i �etin�, -ilead and :Bol a Y e!, 6i; 11rs.jo in - Rbidj, htid in'. NeSSAT on,:". dibd- i�4ddt,�ly, l coil T1 ' In firnidd ie , see -ad vhi6h S,goo Arigus QOti Jef 6: ]as aron t'ek l6eased,,I%dy wa8 9 age Aoe.. s, hlf­yb�lrly.,eepoa-t iv4s I re h that',vii6lif any excel je.. 0 FrO 5a:,SA#saj.i—SeASoned. P- ot Innip o ii 6 ii i t nds'. build- l M. Auxili lk; hold'in, Eoter th4ok-olffbtipg servi�:e in tL -a' h �e boe is.sqp1o6.e to a n Ht6arb� d a' eac oin-�"exc�alleht wor 7 ...;y0tif S iy ing v a a ral this'sul' 'lluu:gtoa U L U' c 4b dh re on.. t. a t -'&a6 al t.hou the ' ' i '" 'd Chish6lin makes si!y that-' free to f . j 11� f 0 ley -S. � - a "Wa gllt:!it- �'O min Is'' el�enin; of, Gan Frid April Ist" ., I . . ." . .. . I d Do &'�:'good b i r laro, b eeik. race vc tiou. by -liar pat her?. inent st deport' or ifiteil&. h: ie'Isuckho* sc 0 uit —the. 77�-7 h alon alid'three, ess, d his In_ thi , inea , ITongue—.— 4 old *as ouitd' L-4 " - I `6t 'd peollirl lb:)iug',pr,�vided, iticludirig', s , a:n addres'' 4 a I lba;�v, as thri;a b�OL6. era hrete. insp9latorato..% ithe av6ve, -Ceport, tl ie atbentioxi4,6f Ahe':. 41 elI . 1, a -Tut. %.y;. FAnd We ow" � . ;� q ­ ner. the . �qiid. moher, iu�. A fi �ld and, htef,fathti, h;, el board -,is-deawn act ve !B cii0n, 10ilt, be rak-enwherit.thos6lk Pe l,xddoinmen to inoura: her lose., The il 5Y`6i`athY: Of m -unity -'ex. an a to7-T d Alsoll, Atiorts�lwhichl Ithb, a, es. aod tbeplate. to the bereave in L ib I and I c rl 1 . 4 . I . lat sprilic 1*.q t :ffriit�bre K�ll I air aml ied out lace 6 Nvill doubtless, 1W.,slchoptl s4 + s it l Indepi mrid'Oii�­ iDailie will, bal� "a s an SUP dinfe ht it' ieaV-. pri aq.,puehise t -n epl, C; a d'f I * in,t ie coun y. rior an ew equal s Xl6mulleo; 'oil Fli"telock S;. deit, Order of- 0 wS A ows that ng is t a. prol me, Io.� Th&f6lj*i h 'par i ' Wtion� made by Tiudtec ii a �.P. Foul .1 N VRON y d ere asL tiW lodg'03, having A. ine in or'cuftcert., to be' th' k m,N w')il'that chiss, b be a . . . . . . 77 t] d 'POOMp y0lelivere -16ndoa Modd'ay �al a Pl asant -s -ad ls, betship Of 28 644 ill mcr4ase . du '9 ryan. ou - ahi'..�B , , riday, r durhig' the s'umll ar'. holidays Pulp people adopt.g a s, -i. 7-7 Ordclm V. a year o, tiring a, year' -a %-a ii -ill, d,­tlxe­b1ac,k­bq -fri­6f ard 4beii lol4ks soloo aau h bers.of the,.Catnadialu Ti a inew as he tdi I a pW 0111 Ps ra.. t R einarkg ',:bv C"irmari, 'Rev k siairg be rejjliite&, rried, . ameron.' d- Iovedsby —Un 6ile iise'.9laises Is d h' 'th nee t em at en +1k oi3elod, them �ott .*aut,th to RAW. cis c a Ve il"Idl feschool: n a ives t 10A*ell. ind 'Yiel riglitts' 'YOU on.V2,& ''136b'for Stl.- Y, an 10 Vgatbd ipg: an. o-$268.22, -16 the PtiblioLibrary i0m..ilie' appreldial ite whal't ""*a mein -b afor". 4a Th -fund y ",,a accumulated qa%.rteVe.,.,, d' b I)ard',be'lappointe j namelyz essr. -ing, so 1 you ome ct. fitt a if' cf ihi.4. j.�ar wilrf� s0 lows: Uty on T�ssdai,; Do- h .19 11 to G- I 1§'talker, his Moorbousb: Marc an 0 blition. on Friday;, iabor'DaV on So *10 so l 'Call-' n inquisitive man- wiph. c'! de; HIS Thoque.qtion. of xlon�'r6 a. ie., ro rif.�Ilp ARMS7 The me% in�'Wrs of the ub%rio-:I1egis-- book ub at lh' 9, a' d Mi. iq g'O'llik &'round, , 0 7 & in:&:ni ti eing Mado itn& i6d' 'Th'it is I )f, 60" t le.raigip the village these -A yq asking�pb6pl e6rts o ques ions., a Olants to- k now ol 0. Ml 'R Matheom Is r, 'IV e:orchestva. Ing, out c '61, 0 A L 'W Y itAQ'Innity 1*(", 4 06100 to $10-, each -u Rea 6g J "Nf rc -on ihiiit , r q ir d' am Alft., N1 I'l wool, age, of,eacb,,, 0,�iily i6ligion .(if they avo 'b d poi,sons�l u scionkl', qa�r, t It 0 ot per month. And )loll d' 111631i o �j4o No W sf-Ith-0. 0490n r., Wll!`r','� hA h8l'i hwt'n� str"ger shoulld I)lv the orlellesti q.:" loour 'pi cipa -per, inon LO146' k iltilouiar �n4di' ni�ji as as pai ires about 0 3111g bli' III a -pal b SK 10008 14k w4i $16 00: Mr $7 06 t'tak d6gs'as it they.:were n4mbors of 66 'A a, tat; 00.'' 60 sWR 6 bo fauiil It io Win.. Lyq s be disesgor. a n 'A P�upi SANE 4k* 8 1;0 t1 rder all tu:�dinply W, li's 0 10k 6 150 0.0 of ra 1!i 'of Death of it. Hill a d rn 11 fovbicl 4�) teach t id, ERNATIONAL'' :10k ir), 00 4,00, VU'US0ilog4 ag q.% tra iellkl Oiedial D ve6irig-"St On TtittrAltv., 13ig the ' Wnb aftdr, Api,il k, by Iordeji!ot,,� I, VIIJUe jLjj a e r, il�! stlible belo Igi n iii Pails R114:1n'25�, 150� We gi6algO,jAakingpbme Snow fp I oti t v3 I 8(h mW U l0arda, 87 Well ingt6h, stropet, Vh6 $1.00 Puckldlgea of Carh(i 01, in suid it-tj�l:i Atwid with. bb b, rig"ht up, 'deeeisl hbeen ailing tot home 0 1 -ol io�qtly'das,'�d�bd lby M N 0 "tey inbatlhl- kIL-L ER hesit d te, W�S, fS-VICT 1 date wit I.% t1io, J SECT PO U to a, ur I nionuke am one, week to 41141ghillF, Udll- bitt -ye !�a4L I'd itilcow'dil6l: a. a ret a ato a6 u 6 �thftlking of: . iii', feed- en he, With ii l0ife u ned, the tia b L 4 . "f arrieYloarap, . I 21S, SHEEP D.1' (I a At iny,.p f, t, ftilts,aro DOW, f wh'c sbo 'Phild' Vold to thlo'l A' wi Is I Dd 611, b some fif )my a he A.digeussion'Wit.44mal "ontere'd in o,l t W MI T H ELL' 11,90 v% (Y'00"18811 fib`6 'A 61-0 sT tit., Rectoiy, -Slincao. thW,.funcrftl­ k' O'd, wa, '66' d an a, neig, by Oe, board �bglrdffig the 14. irl tkildllk�� Ail akit" r 0, o niOV6, stock, aCtA, -SOO. jimul 0 OMAN y Nuiisf; w lob -will'beorival a, will lt�tke pl�e� - �o On Wiidxy l4f tl sit �5 061 A 'to 1016n 0 havLn"' a M lwoRt ilequit;hwo to' pjy a. roulx fee .16,11EL - Loa 'or(*. S a xQ4 In aa_.. d"l"' E ALL A 'to lj� 0 And 4A tl 1)o� 0 ta On, olni iii doditock pliper Of I, Wee, rt6 J,oll to all -oy e.;, em.)rds' the 1)4466 and rofets to fully $�600 red viltbe I hSo I in o, n, it (066tib e ol a pags). Un. KNIM .. .... .... At 3 's 4"- ` �tm�,P " �W_ �r " , I I "pot, 'V� � 1,- '7� , I I ", ., "`� l: L 'lll '1�1�� ­­Zf 1_41