Lucknow Sentinel, 1904-03-17, Page 8— 0 - � 141, , - _:F . , V_ M . __ I I I ---I, -"I , - �, � - ,, - W� --opol, � 'V , ­. 1 4 , �- ;� - n ................................ *M6I oli�,III, - :gpv ............... _5 13, Is 00 Og ai The. Tow6shi p hallL or T ^i'; 0- 0 POO 77 you. Ah day, night. 'Cho fact t4I L rory, shQuW e d of having Uj� pg. IM, j" t is to- remin ]WOOP of nOt, i h j the, deQ ire. Voter 0 to the kqs for the. AINTI;4 G P,Akk U CST% P d, h AND CIO Rlst"rlov, G ]go. or, IMXD�; Orl 15jee ,a f OL 0 "For asi h6lioI� be Cd C ,V T jury liovooveF, The. '.and. ..'be., ft 'e'o to.mtiie, were:4 ovin-c6d ca you. , A IV `0atis acti ot *;on aW litle b music,* Xr, D. ork OM�T aild Dri V W Joep Von V "WOW Mi U, Is ak - ? R lR., S ell ov- e' _7 anA90I 0 These se,od, ionq ;oh6gtOI M F, alinos hold: the Wiwi r'7, 91 th most, dpligh E �d&dsg� bv. Out, b r rL vfta ioful V1 some - 0. -AN EL ably GUAR i T I , .. it�_ � I '' R A. N'G,.,,,,. �E, S A' R—,, - E ­ 'r. Peter. Corrigan .0 e Voter& A H tire con B WN'S'�­ sul.0 that d this ki6d, An f0I nieetings of -N Tafj OV thw results 4ro, ilkQent'Ves tr, .0 An. Fi jokireeb a th Sooie�j. Teuo0ol on - CR pon 01 do 1 ts w say, besides. h'sVing the 16ox is doled ii ork,. and 7� Sim to siaging, P, 'A sthu t' pq All propierj�. piportioi givell, Thi 6 6 0 9 ha oji:,car I �4erriff Jig-. MOOR[, lot 5- c6nXialossi. t oi unqiialiflea,�.tIists to, only th6 to w olutel.. ;e6ue; �d xemeoysamohk A il . I Abi 8tb 1arn, BtOQk do at -414 .......... as e up n r Armless and bff t sides increna. neI M60�h sr [Mir :9 Robt. spithi lot boli 40,.Culr6fili t Wo, do effioleI A& 'a. baker!,. of ad With,a�n6u-bozidtiotidg, cI 10 far � 'Stde ald hoad�wlisre-'tbI6 -iibotd- t 4uesdiy:M�rch k dead or' di alug ow pp. %be hairL are �st6y'�& And no ial *h1eh teveuii'jb�r r a -all 0 0 D .6i'20 cdo I 0j *jWn.- -11104bgir- 6ft;`-�tut, if,thefo�ji ':-L V-7fi 1T.tOL t e's.tq, sh, N'qndsy air le t w4 no -arch 2lst,,f&rjnbtdok- f grow. we voi no paye sifter t eit 6 inalm. it hat" have have grown ore, x9M r MCK hair on hod§ t 6 con obeen bal&,'for, - vears yea'rs id d. In Uno Wh* So, well, had we d re not'l ere gyr, 'kiuloieo, op.e_ our,: Edi hL-B rbour, Te&,A(er� M f ir, the be fo. $t "th th i stove t a� iL$t,: -wor c wi. vothan W stoo 4 young -ma, ho,is'looiog n or h' DEPT.' Walkerton, their hair And becording',bald' *here *�jowijig jentadjej J teir fAjI'*e,*6re'foreed to;I L Our celebrated. hair Brant, 'Wednesday 6tb, farin g u44 A beln i�:M M gop Qrs Ow a Id' bealthy Moirani R will fail -to 'pr'OL �_Uce� or us Sid d th ed the i1i g to the d IcI d tion er, L L, * . , I . : � ., , . � o 0 Me Iii e 'A 'lid This is. to -6erzify bat I baye used-, and d f ir Or6oler 'elebrated Hi Peninsular, Rangea' are inn Is or ad� peopip wao watiz fle agoi;d REi VEiptibiscotin y: it,has grwy�A (?r,me a., eIS b&I J.' toA7 'I. _0 air. to,. represent was'. quit 6e F-' i nee's Pblid (Lucia .6 11 torIW7 R.L hni6n,' Gudlph.' established, "bu j. -903 ,7 V�do L rri ' I - , Fair, J R W d aIe an ied;I 'n9w, ru. perihaheni1v 8 glary $21',wee i onges, Dated this 18th,d (if Ddeemboi AV honors: A j I L Monday ec V WorI la ekdq' v&I - tiarters. xpe es 0� A, -SALe Y,,,* ------- perinatipp p osiT ion e, urnih (T W Brow he Co onon e verything. ++.+ 4. 0 14 Bar -1 WA N9 Address,,'T bia 630L. S'. orth- Fr6s PattI XCIAoRD U, er MO.; Chim O� 11 o6i 1 .9., , 1. 1 �BARSER- t, H.:A1 in, Fa* ire rence L L.0 ONT. r Has no eq IW as Genend. LO n, A� X Eusijn r OKNOW e Ram 04;.OatiL. f FAeg" er. w . establishe `661ph -DEPM r h Hi'ccleilrat It W I n witbo;ut VAN le the heavitlit, cropper and best',stand arq uat ever brought to Canada., _5I Pu- oil . V thip g"lass bon h, n t oes zT u, t d In E Te nA le, ANTED pindler 1�,ajing $0-90, G. G f e�- t e., Itio and;L 41 nors RI RMOL' di F 14U - , , , j , L — - -412.00 ��Iid a 'AN per, Nay6 ats A-bugand ra, abo,"F,coo 0 C 9 ec&d ii�,- o represeii III .W I now,, ill pur patmitii. XPI . W . VA 0II Q 'Gft1DAtssT si-ingto,:�iie a In It f Waverlek Ojt b qualiLEY fr' itchiso B sped 0 LUC nti "KNO. M SrAill.and ArAI the good feature of standing.It PLE.-� LOC w(irthi t& ;iie nn Of I jo -grow claw Iji— irst_�] couniiI An, take, F* Ing Our lield marybar on otdinaij bult- And 's'urr6v'nd* season �jels per dr . e . . L I � : I L I - ' ... ' - the Cl '1 vation wfia,'80 b Also &,Jim- * * 6 Rei cond. ad bonors— rer u �Oiders. fok'' v.1s your One. t d Se A� andeachure Nos aIntity of logs- to' be r ,got in tWs leave�,'O.Agnewi M Uttle. F 8 once,, On SI qui ......... . IMALTIES 0 d�ptrict is failing 11111011 Deldw Out HARDY SP T-AW6116 Con. 12iW.W to :0 feotidg� arra;p our �affer tl�il§ M ende S' Sihll:Ffu s, - ele h busi eW ere Tice S;' OS So., 86coid.!o ago oaors:— 'R e� to -.Qed Ame n G(ird'o"I the Count enry T.Ry o. Surpgatia Court _y; o 6bbstef, air. A f vi ti. &e�:.P 0�' S' &C' :I, X'0�060�6 L-Dell.x StoI -,claim-'Aysirist th -T Mg �Ally I f -the to*niwp stoqk true to''ii ini4e.andjred,fNoni estate of Henry Ryan,' late 0 a Jes C.deanlIng8j: Molter.' -Couloty of -Hurdn" jetinahentposition,for __Of Jff-AA6 W W o _-DeoAAI v.,bo­-died'.iOLn. -,Or: . aboat - EP V. 'ja 0 KN -0 %the fouti)i� daybf FebruAI -A� 1)" 190 -ti are '.the, rig On. eir. er. sa srequired. On,& befoke'the first: day of, Apn Pt. -IX, Se, . : , I 904li to:sejad to thb.undorsigned Exectitrii of 00olri the said, eatate,'fa "Wipulars'Oftheir'clilms an t -ol"hes–hono 'After tA St '.e -rified by affidih 'W '11ington. d e securities (Saby _)held by'them, duly vit. e said date the drie: E :11ecutrix wilt proceed to distribute the estate Cattier6n, FOX�Vajtl, NURSER E'4" Noithcotil 'long the -partka entitled; �having ieforetico Biarbei Ve unly to the cj&*j of�, which L'she'sliall h -,eojv-d-nodee,"AndT Inflooi on M'S, �L 'buti r ouch distb natone. blieVill. not be rias dusible: for eny.part of the k obatate' to any- orealtor 6f whose tlsim she aliall, 0 n distribution. Ths.no ice, -13 given Pursuant : I E tothe sttAutia-ia that behalf, SIVE' T orIont 0 t not have received 6tice 'at the timi'at. si2ch Pt. AL N XPEN 9 "3011N.AJES' 'Ry A: Hidjq, L 1 Pr bf a brothy Dodd." W. he, _'D Xitcholl, t.,Bogue ! - . . . ? & CIO d t f au 0114 T F Mo B ibund yj v�o e,caRaclty for tyle. exeOddg� her t Ueepers, 14op Keep- W are; RA ur 0 W Creaw !btiee 0 R6 , ..X , 1 1 wish to iulldu 00 611arsi, 'M find that 1he style.6f a,441i vaii V $` t n e ted..- a ytecord4. in exchang tO1r,' ue§A, 6d, Dray, S' HEURV 41V ON -THAT V ipgy, Aud,4116* YOUL 6f, i high.'Pride cus O.M-IM0.4suied 000 1 apI for Lidense� to a �anle ?)f 'ndh record n r BMde, 1w the ektate'.6f James Rb a_Siirr6kAtA, Cbhrt_of�ihe.,CJdunty of' jv t $to 'y DMM, shoe foot all t e i '0 defect �'Or h 6' no*' d stiactit I)TICE L lo- "h r th d, 30 as eaph fo dd ng,,, a otpict Of, South* ':A' n sac a' r the y6ar'1'904-1� commending oil the 10 04r:14ew 1mpr(yVA M Peroons having sur 01 ritoo a der, T AitoIt Wh' th a , oln -0 it Alex n estato! of JaI Rooji.la Vill first d4y, 4 may lheO, will be received bthe Reoords, brown play a' t J. get c n V D ' iii Ddeemed, who died on or About rayisia Vim. f at pro ititornpetltio� go 'ine t is1fle's oe 1, thb, ntffUr�j, 00, tit e; 6' tvith Any ot^]� "�I&Tck%I the 13th Anit of jaauAr 04, are required, �Ap 1, 1, 1" 04'. On. or IQ 4 t �,d4 ri it 196 I *ill iise Or , 'of 'Apri to t , , outlines.. 100tr *et. l9i - � 1506 thd'15th da jF&jr_C AoDevitf-' idd Solicitor for thia Ad Ap�ticafitg wil teqnire to furnish'the banids send toI undefil -fnll Siz, j fail prlioularii of cf two good and auffiejentLeuretiestivIten mrk-' One Ition of the estate. et,for iona jt ion, ny a their�dlaims s th TP 4 r I tone Of, C., Archihald Te'iieher I 'be (if -Any) he d by Ing such A H 3&tiOA from a and the nat 6, Party not now a jicv�aoe uri or the Act, or Ih in verified, by tffidAvjt,Ii Mtor th dxFbnt)d $2-50 47 ',Total AV I, eFj a du for RjenijalaSL not jjO* lloonee(j, MUI OOTS $9 SP1401ALS 256'. MORE It wto otir 'in at b6 4com. the hulOn"V 6 Monte signed a, m4 dolov'o eis U86d, -said Osl pa jes, p-anied by'4 berti jOjd'�jjaet:,A 6'yjar Oxclusivoly 66 6 1' diatributo the MeL among the; tt' ' Vo�d� ontiltied, having riafdrdnee.4 Only $o tb6 elecilon of 3 rd �brd& �nIAOO, needles, 1prices All have roebitod. notice. and.: the Logialative, AssenAlly In the All)). of which he Rh iiiftot Auch distributioit ho,will not bo'kespone, division In �,hlch the promises 13 ;3� Ma"'I Ior Otte e isr yolj efin :gbv but thL �3 fMdelt he1-9 at the titne of such distribution. tireat time of Maj &Is r T T ecolvd, ft tit OV 44 Itate to' Any ciedltbt Mende is mougbt 4' nd No& not_ must includ6 onla.thjr4� �6f the dtootofo Wh pay inents, 6 it.have r6cei the,641iftdli 111 k163 41 ticto the atatato. ob�dlvis oil. latest $0 kIl and get 30 Tlils, tilI 14 givoul %AtriflA kiatIA160, �jn. that b6h&IJ. . I ... I 14th d ..... - Z� ',7 IG t�i ckhow L nd1this ay 0 P. /A AY trato "1021 JA&7 PP , od ke- L