Lucknow Sentinel, 1904-03-10, Page 6• 79 -,.,d+n-e••e-+,mss-�.n+�. ;� ^m-ra...,,,.;,..,-,e.,.-,--..�-,�+ • •-M LaiDespatches tQ • Sentinel. toil. ` March p nd It isSnorted at tits Japanese leave made a great oosnliinect attack by sea• and land : on ort Arthur<aiitl that. thin fghtiug� 1' grnit ou and.• that tliene•:We further,; • naval- losses. l'i`ter despatch as'ys theta Japanese •with heavy losses, In: tho Sight, `Arthur the °Jape had 71;;killed and,mii. Large num bec wounded. All theJapanese army two: left for idierfr'ont `alit" a big • lmottle is't.hourly' tcd•. , ` Onethousand Russian,• troops were y frozen while crossing Lake. 1.•. elm .for *ramie • Houue cleanjng; time will.' soon be: here: and Bonnett, the •painter `ie •here to do YOU •fret clava wotk in piper- bingnng a ud decorating, ciao, louse; ptrulting in. the 19test and meett. Un-to- ', p-to- •da`te'syee , iiundrds of new shadiie •�.year Ogee. right work be beat J , :Bennett Painter, Papel' hanger, and Decorator Lucknow; • OLYR09n„ Olesrly the.elevated"-r ds''and the: es ive• winter • are not n considera- :w, tion' when 'ouch . i large crowd,could _bits as Were present as the Liter- onFriday'evening. They gatbe►ed far, and near and with,one accord musd i he enterta tnmenb - a' -congenial - €;:nine. Perhaps none . of the: meetings, yea, `,:.was • more ; significant than 0'thig'.on', from the stand ipotnt. of vari my; el£ictehcy. and eocialibility. Root -tat ,piss were given by Allan, Maotenzie Will•Johneton,'Pred Kenny,' R. Lane•,: no101byEBomer; Harris,' John Gordon, Misi°Stanley; mcuth organ mn8iq by Harper; violin music by J. • John- nrid U.';Walt•' step dancing by A. !itze l.. The: accompanists of the even: ing were, Mr.. R. , Harper, Miss M. Hamilton. •Miss M. McConneIl, `Mies.' .-The subject ts�'H''rris. "Resolved, that, Annexation to ;United ties ,would be to; The beat-' intereste- d Oannda" was' debated . ':The affirm ative-was upheld by. D.,Iasne, J. Pup, R Lane and J: btcDonald; the; negative by; M. Mat, heson , R. Malcol rn A. D. `Mackenzie •and R. Bak. r ' Thiis rate inion y ioereetillag f : -"'tet e aijdience and in :accordance- with --the sentiment ort he-house:'the jury de- oided in favor of the affirmative., At nnusuall .la.e. hour the audience then upon singing with;, fen.' vor , and characteristic patriotism, "God Sage the King" ' onaerfui Ilisoovery iNT CELEBAATE LY • 1uc313' JOIINSTON--Iu.Ow'ilSuumd, on :Satucda Feb, 27tb. to 2c sari Jura Fi anh J obq *ton, .:daughter. .:li,x.l,••..."a.�,c.'v... :'Februi►ry 27th,. do Mr. end.Mra. R!illism,. Eath, a' dangbtor E- YOU TfINKING-' gat Paper You : s Take For 1904 ? Physicians, Scientists, Etc, have given their unqualif ed tests to the only } known raic ed'ys whiali wilt.al + e.,l o,,what ae,�eleinted,for them, and , `the same thins nIay nos relied) `upon. -':as ti bsolately • barmless end' effective.. . 1:a46-14o.t. rt im Vin: , no shining bald'l ead•ivhere the roots, `of the hair.are dead :or; destroyed and 'no• -fine hair left, but iii there' i$; env fine heir.left we cant make it. 'grew,. we.: `have ;grown hair:pn heads ,„that ;have, rl'been`bald a•for .years and years and 'there is nota case"to be :found where' a young man ;or woman -who• is losing their hair and becoming bald where our celebrated hair growing remedies: Will fail to., produce a • good- healthy; head of hair; if used ;according to -the directions. " This is to certify • •.that 1 haye. used Browne Celebrated" Hair Grower,"-it rower," and -it'has"grown for me a good -Nil head - of hair. I was .'quite bald before used it and; now, .:I am permanently: cured of baldness, falling hair, and dan fluff. J. R. ,Johnson, Guelph. d'th Dateie 18v'of m 1L daDecember 1903, Select .the hest, which is. the. • c• ' A. YEAR. Has no equal hi the Province. Read their Premium' offers,, Ai1CTIO14 ' SALE Unre erved disposition sale by pub- ic auction of 20 registered shorthorn cattle,. 30 high class Shropshire sheep, Write for Sample Copy. -= ddresa-A11-G WESTERN. ADVERTIS • • L $TDON QNT . - or Sale or Rini The Brick Store•and `dwelling, house 'con- taining fiveroo,ns'• kitchen. woodshed, two halls, store /rouse. driving shed quarter acre rand, '•-Good. business stand. Will sell' or rent on reasonable terms For particulars . apply. to MRS. R. MURRAY, St.'Helens. • • 4%FOR SALE Blf'oza. - Sc . BARBER LUCKNOVt — Farm for• Sale.' , w , ie a �� .�G�.a�, •• ry ti TIENOOMMEIRII $.ii- !1 F 741I4 • Ttr • kiss TsLtt `a • x #BF4 31B.E E 3 • ONT.. •''Bing.south ball of tete' 45, 46; concession 1 .11/Pleas, contains 95M acre.. About 10 acres buiih land. Hever failing analog creek running through farm, -Keg' house; good, bara.'anti' etablee. Abot two miles 'east of Lucknow. Al to �Lucknow, FOR SALE That Brick Veneered gone, and about 7l• acres of land, • in the Village of Lucknow, near the,' railway' station. At. present occ- upied. by the Rev --Angie McKay. For terms apply to the • • Rev. D. Calleaorr, Oakville, Ont. Who' Wants a Firm ?• ANTED A' man to represent: •`CANADA'S GannTES-r Nunsiti ons" in the town of. J• GNOW urrouridin ' and' take and. sg. country, ' orders •for,; OUR HARDY SPECIALTIES" In Fruit: Trees,' Small Fruits, Ornamentals, 'Shrubs, Roses, Vines,Seed: Potatoes • &c. .c'1z-true &`name and- 1e . Jose Seale.=:.-A.-.permanent_positioiiforr_ the right man ,on either salary commission: Does it'pull your beard.and hurt yonar chin and then leave it half shorn new one ? See what we are offering .. • 2 (only). Clause RaZOrs, fully. gu lr:i,i►ie gid, enc • • t Harr soli Bros.;. and Hon son Razor, • n . Claus ,RazoTs,-guaranteed 'each tt° Wade and Butcher, Special Razor ti Hindoo Razors,. much',;'.. 75p $1.Ot1" • 1.0.0• `1.50 1.50'• er's Special Razors guaranteed;‘ ea 1.50.. 4 ,�' • t�lauss' Bs,rb � p , � • Wat.r..: -Zones, each :,; Howard Razor Straps, each .(Jornbination -1 azor Straps, each. • Ra;zoo :''reriular horse;hde, each Shaving Brushes, eaph • GOc 35e .25c 5c:: aid 35c' tr. Stone & Wellington, FONTHILL; ;NDRSER1ES • OVER 600 AdRES.• Toronto,, .Ont. I have over 4000 acres of choice farmlands for sale. in 50, s75,' 100, 150 and 200 acres. iota in 'Kinloss, .Greenock Bruce, Kincardine, Huron and Ashfield townships. ' Good lands horeee, grade cattle, brood 'sows, ,farm, 'with"good buildings to be. sold cheap on eater terms.•• A good eawmiU for sale,•. almost for' • ,implements and machinery The an_- -a song;' also a good. blacksmith shop (dwell dersigned hove received instruction from Mr. Thompson to' sell by . public: auction'on Thursday, Marsh 3rd, at lot 14, coq'. 4;`Townehip• -of Brant, .`3. miles. from Walkerton :and 7 ;from ;•Hanover,.: The 'following "property; _Shorthorn' 19 cows and heifers and :6' bulls The above herd bas been care- fully bred nothing but aim of inciivi dual merit and choice breeding being. used-and:the stock are in good breed`- ing condition . Shropshire' sheep .18 breeding ewes '.and lands?, 12 ewe sal 1 ram and .the ''sheep are all registered or eligible 'for registration dn.tho..Ameriean:,Sbropshire ..Registry Aosociation 4 -horses; 12 gradecattle; 2 broad sows in pig, fart) implements, and machinery, and, as'the ,proprietor has sold his 'farm. all ;will 1307sold. T'>tz nes:. Yl►1i euma Of $6:00 and. under - cash, ,over that'_amount - 10 months,; •• credit millbe given on furnishing app= bed joint•' note• or` 5:. per cent discount• •per anntim w off for cash. catalogues trailed on application. Lunch served as noon,. Sale 'to 'commence, at :T2 o'clook sharp. ••J, Y Johnston;•' Walk• erton, John Purvii,T Hclyrood;'Asci' ,ioq eers' • M. Thompson, ,Proprietors Walkerton., ing in -connection) •doing good bus nese,' for sale cheap., A generaletore.with large trade, live village: 'Alcoa large amount of mono to loan at 5 per cant. 'Forfurther partieu ars apply to • • J. A MACKENZIE,- jjolyrood, Ont. AticTiON ,March Ttlif firm stock: 11, McArthur; lob 45 on 1' Einctir Tenderti Wanted. rlfiENEDERS will be receird between Feb. a brick chinch at Kinlough, ,for brick-werk,., wood -work and painting to be nuidp separately Plans and specifications mai, be seen -at the home of the Secretary. Marriage LiCense. Agent for Allan Line and; D,ominion Lines Notice Shorthorn Cattle For Saie. • Irndersigntd. cffers for still) at his ' .1mm, oue mite east of Lucknow, Short- horn cows, heifers aud two-youne bulls. some of whiell ale registered and the others legi:Je for registration. For further information IMPORTED oar for Service .13ull For Sale 10,0R SALE thoronghbred roam colored .12 Shorthorn Bull, 18 months -old- Fel. Wanted .4.60006 feet"of Ash, Elm stump, Ifighekit pricei p,61. AVOW is the'time and don't forKet 'to have your buggies and wagons painted.; •.My prices will be reasonable, at 'the old etand over Moise's Machine Shop. Mr Mob° calk do lany rePairing they may want, ". JOSEPH ANDERSON, Painter • Honor grsdnate,fn, dentistry, Toronto Dental College, aild Doctor of Dental Sur. gery, Toronto UntWersity.• All modern plan of Operation, and carefulness workmanship -3 :-PETER'S111110011:: tf!Irning Prayer at 11 a. nil 4 Sunday SchoolL3 p. • Holy Comninnion brat Sunday of every *Male Class *and „choir practise Wedlislui0 tilETHODIS :CHURCH, -0 4; •LTS' elloWship Seting. of and title distil.. EM 41:13F3EIOS 0. • $75:3. 0103;a' 311$.131g2.:0!0; 0.6.°r1")d. • —NOW is 70nr_tit.)441to .8,8 the . quantity o logs to be got-tn.this • district is falling much, below our I requirements. ,. We are now per- • 7, business . elsewhere after ...this le • Frain° house with wood shed, a good n atable find 11 acree of land with ii`ezna,1 orchard:, east of Lucknow for sale 1 or p ticulars a ply to House and Lot Fp'. Bale filHE undersigned offers for ettle his frame 9 rooms. Also ante land, well fenced. good well. and there, is also a good stable ,on the premises. Situated on ile.veleck St.; north. .House.and Lqt .for Sale high, With stone foundation, and kitchen with lot, for stile en 1.0 intoria atria, Lucknovi, The place iwnicelY located and the .lot cab- . tainea large quantity of, all kinde table. The pled° will be bold ebetip. 2 For 14 Street„ belonging, tO Mrs T Mathie hi offered for sale et a reasonable pride Thiel is a OnItdrtal.A.0 hotrie, nicely situated With ivoci lawns, 'orchard, ete. There is n good barn on thO preid40.0'witlfbak'elitr0tide and anyone ded,titlg bargain shoold,calf and ce it, Fortino and other potioulars,:apply House for Sale .thelargo era titithinOtlieuti -.Oil ROSS StreetElliti„proper0 0.1 the late Mtg.:am:no UCKNOW BERLINER TALKING MENA —.41111111; (411PPP. isounkuslue 11111111111131111111111.1111111 • • rnarnental Gates . ' Light in weight Artistic in detain" • • Also alarge line of Standerd Farm. Gates : ,always On /an& Eyety .progrOsive and ,e tote your oid records in exchange for each / inekrecordant110 chit each -46r 1400^ tinkers; 1 yarn' Very anxiOes to get in competition, with ahy,other Tallahg machine. I. Wilt nig (Stir 315 taaehieer, nee's,. clearness arid the natural bine of , YOU den, bey bur Matbine fo,r One AY • .ivhoSe capacity for style exceeds' laern ;1, high-Priced-ctistOni-nieastirilid-skiiT1 Style of 0. "Dorothy.' .0.0aw.J ltds bililities-pf the foqt,.yet,.,actif;ally looks 11, it'll size stnaller„ ."