Lucknow Sentinel, 1904-02-25, Page 1, _ t, 1 ' • • r 4.14 O]NOWONTARIO, , . .B NK:MAMILIO ONT, 0:13,11.23;;i4a1$2?...00(PidciO.: .$.22,000,Q00. .0•4•FM,417..f.g.ttlSOX,011.S.. Pioi,r, •GitisoN, S. U., or'.. as4notleintor.pi;0 •''..4PDFCAP ND. PRESIONT41394 , • . To--1(tov••:,!-•,nA1000„.• A.: IVIt4sKts.F •• . 31girtIttertit . , , arid,'slivei'62Weatlier • 'E,STA)3LIPHEp gathered rn the yiesbyterian church; - ,olinati";T ItTPN1)4,1itirnitrcntioedav -ebiary .16th,, when •tra. . . . Rh/dm,' Jim,- Putrgtoit, 13; 1„0,pE," and his 'esteemed wife., Rev,' S. M, . T wig en 44 ; Vic e and., gen. Whaley, , . do a gerieilill)iiiiking-builipee9;issue drafts throliglanit qanads and tile • United Statea.. ,Maiteieelleetions on:, all :pointe ineludlng 'Western State:9, .Manitoba and, the '.13'inth; 'west Tereitpries 4nd all ,do,Pections; Whether. nOteen.aoconnts will rebeiyeprnrePt, atten occupied the chair);ancl after devotion% i':iireireiSeti:. c.oncitieta . bini„and • II; 'ftrirA:vii14,:;:&$,Iit;;033:11'..; Mgr, fl. .ttwATsos;" Inspector, . . • . Notes discounted and fariners' sale notes. cashed; : , I loan to larteere ori daub/e'er Bingle notes at from one to twelve months' time, and •especially to farmers' desiring' to' feed eattla over winter and grass them during slimmer, at low rates. . • • . , . I loan, steal/ or large amounts on second mortgages on .frirras ,or other real estate security, and -on -•first chattel mortgages,. on stock, implements and crops. • 4, , • . have a larie amount of fluids to aclvanbe on first mortgages at lowest rates, .0,P-1.,., A....'MCI;anii4i.;--th.4..:Vilkii0,70g. , adclressei, were read by 14,1:c-. • intosh, while the purse, was presented , . A. GlIa?Lrf,hAr, 3ANK1,14G BUBINItt38 • by Mr, Charles Baird arid the cabinet ThADISAGTIOD.' cif" silver by Mr. EdWin Purves. 'Z'armors' Noted cliacoutod. To Rey.' A ngui Mc,Ray,' 112,040 to farmers to boo. Rev. and Dear Sir •—W the mrn- ' ' • stook. ALI lgo'rEs bonght aollectedt taking_aceouni of.your pereenal merits All rates moderate. bars of the congregation of-Litekno,45 • joa,!,(1:pavabif, the • rePt,eaest_ the leading ,English and Cana- and the: valuableservice you rendered • • . • • -draw --Fire---kneuranee Com-paines, •and cgn t • • , „ , , . t •• • . 'stock or i • principal points in Canada and effect insurance on all elaliaea of prepeoLan lle.as our. minister an pastor for he ,• nited States nutual companies asdeaired.-, • SaVings Department. Iivirtish-9,--6E-S-1700--and-upwart.19,Lraceilted ' • a ml interast allowed at etirrent . rates lrom ' ' • • • to.date,of withdrawal, ' • 11n9 9.13 not B Uinta t say delayl an s.r poi tio ,uf the d'eposit.- • • tereit compounded May :3lat and Nov. th in each year. 2 • • ,R,., neLEOD, AGEN7`. . . .. - - past sixteen years and eightmonths,: iiduil::11',?e,:fe,bliin,g.i.itt ,fee.:Iihi as well . as in Courtesy, if,..pn.the eye of Your lie- '-partnre,from•among, us lye' wetild, no - ahottLio Sonie_way_or..anether „L'our:„...p_p-,.. . „ , ..• ,, ..• . . . .. • . :prematienitir.,,the.....saele,•• . . , .. . When .youwere settled •eyet "ris in .3Iay.'18,87,;*; you Were , x comparative - ..stranger,to,,the most Of. in, We made , choice of you as our minister. and paa-; ' JOr-then,because you Were "highly re-.. .. Tile f%steit.gifrie 'of the season. •. . oPioni3Oldei.1.tO.:ue 'by' those who. knew ',„..liou,s0,anzElot:,fer..• s,.ole......„apply to your :it,Orh and beeiitise we,:judged, by. , . ., . . , :kis'....'Matihie,..''.. •• . .' ., : ., ..„.,..• .. , ,,,thelnei4, earnest, and fti,Ithf.ta toaPner :.:Wanted-.A.„strOng b'oy-to learn the. ' you PrettehP4 ...to: ".1:ii. , the :everlasting baking.[. Apply to A. Aleiten!je.,, •' .'' '. gospel,- that you •Were..„in•,ei.iery.. way. -.,.''.1\tis.s..Prances Cornish, of. 'Pine River.,:. 'suitable ..to ,heetir'Sliep.herd, You have is the guest. of Mi isa Jcifinaten, , '-,,• 'bepoine known to uri,..inore.,9,44..**fi„ -,:ge,..n.• '3Jovv.br.4),70.1,Va1thn,.. spent fil,.3. ti#/e..went..on,and,:tOolat aR.Of:.the..-:•ef_siive• Las'expressive.of .7...the' ••"fealingi„ a feW:dais Wjth friend hero this week. 7 reonitiegidi.641 '.•witti ', 'few .'exCeptions,, which we 'hive, :endeavored, altheing,h.:' ,13!iai'•'-tO.stir,09n, ti.*•t:he oPitiiPn .t.,,la.'37: '.feel.11y* .to".M‘tpreas -.arid may'•ged'...r 16h. „formed'ef,your rits.'when:Yori. were ' -' ' • • • ;- ' . ' "1 ''' . '.' • ' -,••1:4 ., ' ' 7 .. . .. : ....•.. est blessings: accompany you, and your ca e wae. a 4 8 ,9;1,8. , !Pee . -P..., . . •fannlythrought the rema,no _au of your caine..Our'miniater,and•paritor,i,n, 1,88'i% ..ii.1e4, ••:: :•:. ' .. • • - • . • • „ „ • Onr.:thanka• are due to a nurnber.nf. yonhaveLendeared yptirielf ;In :us.' in '.. " :people ...ihri.,,havis., pare .,•tip 't , eq. E.311 i ...'"-ffra-Zrwxyr.`7,—Ytrutrirtr—rditastf . • shripticin.:to.. the Sentinel,: ,,•.•,,,,.• . :, ...,„ , :,,tioris;,••we „haveno tiOulof, brive resulted EIi sl: 7Etia-re :yen. ' tried., -.dolettial7thear-74d-ding•tnany, to•tlin•inii-,011;'.-Oriiitelt. as • • Iinir.... S. \L§"V..1-1'sleCY7i"ilr iZ:t.livi:s folk l'in' w2. Foadl If no4', yen ought., ' For -sale should •be saved; ...Etna many. a. weary ie,g„aci.,di...e88.i.hi•viee; eNpiaiiled,,that., ma , . , . . . . at,..I?:.:A.. :Cain'. ,: ., , . .beavyladen'. Zion,witr'd traveller • lien , , , . aCeotint,,.Of the'railroads„heing blocked ' Atter fhe,:first of, yiVia.rch..,we Piir.Poe' :found,tbd,rest propetised ,therrngh,.yonr . - .. . theYeettificata had: not . yet 'Penn? ;.• to piittieg.;a111:;wripikt. :,•8ub'scriptigog,in - .preaching.,-.. And: no .less;-haVe. you; To han. ,;.,;I.:..A. i 31-, , .e,v... ,,:ivorca.y,Fid.cn, . .._..r,es :pear 6. for collection.. ,•pastoral" services been appreciated .b ,For,-Atil.e.-.--TWo•stovei .One7coOk 'and , es all! • ' ' ' . .. Deaf!: Mri.'Makay.':;--,:8orhe 'Sixteen . . . .-ao-d-one-dmi-hte heaper. ....Vo" -i• -p:artivut- - • I'Mpaiehangea -PaOiall V take,' .plaet ,,y,ti:r.a„ ba.v.e.to.ased ninre,...firat you, came, ara apply to Mr.. • Thoth as. lqatt hie. , ,t. in a .large- Congregation like ours chit-. .tiniong us.' !.'burinialineat the.' entire,. . • M ',,•'• W• • 8.1. NIOCrostie, '' Cl.r.k; : :of ' ing eveiiiees: tithe' °ail' thet.t6iPth.; u.„1:' titne yen havn,beeri• 'the inspiration of ,.. ,. . . , .. • • • • •• ,• ,• _ • ,. . 'We' at:,Wavv1anosh,...gave, the' •l'Soatinel.'" 97:•,37.c4i.:PEis.torP'to 9v.?". IP:. • "4""m" onr -nieetinga'and .whatever has; 'been iitaffa 'very pleasant erli'OritOrday.::: liee.,:could not .he .oitemptedfrOm.• the • - • - The' IleV; .M.C?lintoCk ' a •stiident ,alliictione'and,aerrows peCuliar O.:alio . • . . . ... . •, . , •liceoltpli8h8it.. by. our . auxiliary; ' in rein...Knox, enliegeWilLf,:enc.i. jit.: .014.: '°h•arig6s.' • Let us, 'sat .t4t ' 'c't? ' ever• °fiviA:h.. til. °issi°6°Y . 1 efibr... in''' ' pro- f:' , . . • .I -; pre red., ii -fri-e-,p,d,..•0;.,.wiae ,c_ninactInfi-,anir Metill,P.:,•4pig*•.6.f.,..$II-LP:t:c.Fi49.,-9-..f..0OO Preabyteriati:elittreli•naxt S;.1. h c is I y, .',. • ,wererec‘AtagterCue i§ asand- Kingdoin,• ilea 'ever . • . . - .... ' . - , . ..„. , ., , P.Orpietti-..J.Ohoppihg' cloi..'o-;‘ery 4a,Y A:. true COaitorte. r' in every instance neo..u.pder .;y6pii.. watchful. care and a 1.1 t .:4,.9... Liict•o,,,,,.._w:",'Joteri i,_arin• , • ••• -d 'where: youriYaluable ser4oes' itsPaster :re.Widelyour Seeirti • Work•and proMPS attention.' . Lepa' dr, of our .d . gniditnee, '-if: ,••. . ido.'rPd:.' T.° iii94" • .e" • and 'horrid •in (Wee de...as Pr4teiral•:': help- . • . .. . , ..peuglio,.. ., . . ', , •••• ': .... .. • '•• ' • ;• ,'• • MIPS,- n hen, nearing the end of thoir• 5,,irs...:, ,E., 3. ,.qqlith • and ,,mra. A. At., pogrunage„ vu were .a •sotireo_of, cern-mate WaS•a, visible Soirne of strength: ' . -. . -.. and endeared yourselfto many hearts, ..0400;01.1.74,..0.4„,,,,:trovte.r.4„ierea,,*.iiveci, 'fort, asyou pointer] •thein st? the, ,.. in -a life leno•-affection' r . • • ••• .. who girt death•Purchased home list 'Week .-frOm a''.' tWo..rnonths''' r §airi59 '17): Our meeting . today, .is: One of ' the' visit to friends tn Manibba Chicg for all WheballeVe in 'Hire,t he I-nlier:• and.4idgetthyn.„ , • • ..., •itance; an •w o was oving y : waning ev'id6'6.'s of*.'r.a'I'P'e°4:')".4.'ha6git andthat erelong you Mai be ealled, twii,etOd...A couple ettijagene ,, with.: ' to 'receive them, 0110 liy7oneinto that to another ,field et' labor.. tweyearS•or mere: eXperience,' to work- • inheritance,i„ and.to .ii'AnY. a.'°11'Ovillg. ` linowingis•'..,tnething Of 0-ip d'ept4'.of , •40'ns§"tcPt..."Natt,' , FOr'!fu'r,tlier''' partl fiw1y you vfere .found ' .. rue q•YinPa-interon Tfu . , . '6.Mtin beltvemera • . , 'cirlars apply tri..Wrif.'- Pierce, , Box .39 . thiz.er,. by aharing•Wjth 'them lit. tlia •est. 'yel•in the work of .. MIS: Boston, •Man, . ' • sorroir., -.: :,.. ..have..utidl,rtaken .her.e, to • Graindeli veries.in' Qtatirio are 'still - ,- • • i. .. 'resent Ott", W•if•li'n, Lifit.. Membership „vervilightl,.:ffhe odi.aric;,. • a'k,',.' Es'i.,,' rir--.CiillerdwriWT',iiMlie----,,. • .,... , .x.- , ,- . , „„,,,,,,,, , „ -1''''titrw:'41-63'''''''''':-.•-- --:.• . -.'.. • .! .. - uerviticate. itirtiii.T14-0,inmr's 1,,Prsign • • • , , . , . , . ••6•„titiald te-profit 'handsomely *byThavi.iig" mySterioue, And all -wise. .pro.vid.ence of . , ,•. .- . .. . , Miiii°"rY'Secie4 of ' t.11P -PrPs•bYtrt 'hell their whoa*. . ' rOo.65...are now, at. ,. . • .. ... . .. QFFicg HOURS 10 a.m. tO 4 p.m' ,THOM.4§, S.: REID, Jun. , AWAGfE-4-;-' ILOCAL ITEM LUCKNOW-. nockey • Wingliarn vs, Lucknow " In Luc,know rink, to night • :always 10-111 plccd Ro11.-2--Th.e kind' you Bologna .Sausage -Taste Is resh .Sausage --Seasoned 'TO ,yOurr'...tRste-L•rsalways • Jellied Tong.u.e.T:nst the. • thin', .t01. Ilitrrieli 'meal ..---lfl(,St ,141,t71,1,1,;) ,e 'omin•Ao,hor,,,mammemocaval,.......maffog.,••••••• aU) soulS4ivOiiyom for yo:ur hire; as ,niidt r'od Of richt experipncenhe had the reuftuf''pohr set)vief.A. •whisre'ver in tryiigrtiMes-iexperien'eqs. ;GO way see, tit- settlh ;Tom, isthe benow. v_alund, more than ,thousands 013:03.•Tt.nOtt4.1440„-A9.171iN44gi,996.11. ,d4d91148,4--11?.4.A494'4W1.1-''.4..1.12" young' 'man W. ,1l1 .-Signedi•On. inshalf%":Of-:,:tkiert ongreg*, rvOrtaci:ty.Who5nainiStryi, tion, at Ludicnew,: this' sixteenth day: though...there were trialstill the,joys' -,,Fehrettiry,74::1,1-1.1964, ..44:410.0.4447)a)13'4.4411P*4.atfPAY, , ,,tr, 'w,r,•••,„ than. 1. , ' -Edwin P yes ," peculiar •intereSt•' was manifested': .0. .• Te-AEra, 'Mc•KaY, • • athong. the -people, when-Mrr ack ev,. f• • Dear Aladamt,-..0.4. hob toldoftlie-undersigne4: coincidence Cf. •••• now, Presbyterian „con'gregation,, we /lila 'great limier shown hi.inanct., these • no',take 'this, Opperthnity • to give Splendid.presents ' • on; .that• : teatinginy -in seine' practical manner:of particular day—hia birthday+shph Pur,affeetion to you. ?It .is with, 'un-, birthday as 0. did not. expect.. to eep 'feigned 'regret ,that wo:. are a Ware 'of • fiftieth --his j'uhiled. •Y914r ,eonteni:plated....rornoval• frpm 'our Neither he,: nor Yet-, Mr,. Alexander midst, ine'conseq.dence of your 'hniihand"s McKinnon, who aPpointecl the Meeting. ,resignation ria.paster KM'S for - that 'day, -)i -ad thoughts- 'of -• ' arranging that the two •shaiild come. • 'Itis unnecessary here to eninnerate •tegether, lotelior hand was,ov,erruling. your Many as they 'apnear tot, ' Ilo.inthnated that'lle•winird-titi, , . • . . ua in many ways'iri Which' you have' the Course of. two, or thr'ee months, to• so generously' aided the speial, have ene..ot his'Serinons printed and it material and spiritual intereFits of the 'Q4E:presented to 'every fainily, and people. „:.For 'Sixteen ••years you have now 'd,esires. to. secure • the ,iiddressrea of beeninLand-Outi--anntif&-,4tnd-Lfeel 41-1-4,hose4:Whojrnoved,awarce 'the, keenly:tbe, los & yt'o are abont to sustain. conarega,tion durino,. his pastorate, se In our hpities:.we • will inirts,,•SyOur tllat he: May send Cnp,ieS' to, them,. ever -ready „and clieerfel.acIVIce... Vour . .Interestiee• '':.acidressea- also ,eiven:+iy•ReVa,-,M6Lentia,12,and.WhaleY.• need,, your Man.y, kin.dnesies .tliat poly :who Spoke, in the•higliest terms of .Air.; lovOg frier4.4 can ' Orform, iniffiCient _.and Mre.-liiialiayi-f-"W-hile-':Mr. • D. II,;•'„ to:say that ,We lia,Ve•ob'seeve'd that you :Icintosh; ,W.howiten attended have never, been sparing of your time school With his...pastor, referred, kindly: or you talents when:either were sought' net only frit his :ministry nlso to or required. -hiahoytheed'rjaya..•''' • - -:•-•.• • 'And, r19vfi as -'memento ,•of • •our ' Ib Wad then niovedloy_Xtt.-Aicliatorth _ strong; and „abiding ,pateeretandol . regard; :',Seeoned. by • Mr, 11 n' ,, D. Camero. and ,•'we ask your itcceptance,nf,this:cabitiet lie,artY',Vote 'of „thanks .:beAenclered to the thrPe•.,Young,.i.npn;' 'Alisssrs. Alexander, MeKirinOn, CharlesEaird, and • '-7.whe so 'eheerftilly canVassed-:the-congregation • ifoe'those;:presents- and 'the meeting: was closed : with 'fhe :benediction. • Mr. Mackay intends to talce. dea- . ' 0 9. _glogr--rtlie' highest :grades, at low - St prices are to be had at 14', A. Cain's..., GeOrge .Nortlachtte-returped 'home from:the Northwest last week.' Alex:„1.-MeKinnon, r;Ar,tr.tr. „ ( tir',112;00t18 irt. in •!--t-144+++.t+4.+.!+.,*4.-4-t4f ighg.st pllces paid .fSi Butter and Eags. •••••••••••••••••••••• • .• • tiiTrs.Proliptly-Ae-livered FRANXAINi . . • • „ ..3),04*.l,p„0..+4%..,e440.#***.ith-,tetkeit s " 4h. t„ .X X a . • • •. , , • ' •G). ) ' 1 1 Say.s.thmt.31,.; tlie • 2titet,s I : :an,d, Vow. "Year t Osison . is o'ior mixt haying,•soine . gotrds '.1oft ,frtia. 'such. 4 • , _ I. , ' eit,sinif.,arky putiodo all.., lit 11 iiii iiolii, orwa: 11.av'l a lictri6,in itt many lbioic You. ,v4,11 b9.iisflt '.137 4 -I dlliiit listr.-_,--7.;•,---_ 4 J. MITCHL,L.1 JEWELER.* STATIONER is.•i:,.....msonsmaylaWmun+m....clinomaiiimm••• X e res r , r way pn13_§_ily_ live in Lucknnw, till an- other sphere of labor is opened for him , He wishes it to be known that on ' January 8th, 1904,,he was paid by b. R. McIntosh, Treasurer, his' salary in full till the end of 1903; and in full for the filli17;acetlittOefn'Jialne was paid f variety of patterns. * NEW TWEEDS also.new :Worsteds:— Latest styles . • for . . NEW DRESS 'Trirranings ; NEW Laces and Einbroi4 : cleries, etc. • ' • 111410 • 110 0 i Delayed by the E snow blockade, inow .arriving. : • otas000tatiostooste .1 • This vieekwe have opened up ; NEW 1)RESS-4001M latest '..styles for spring : ▪ Costumes • • • NEW '13LOUSINGS in: Color- ed, for ad:Ekistsug. y :LI . . . • . NEW PRINTS in a greatl: 1 •• Call for New Idea Fasbion • : Sheets—Free: • ••• • • • • , OA.. .1111_,• The Lenten • Season, Lent began: on Wednesday, Pb 17th. This is a trifle earlier than laSt 4.ynati• n'aster Sunda will fall on April 3rd, Which Is ninedays earlier , dar will:fall. on Match 2f th and Good' ':Friday on April lat. • 0 .44 000OpoOollosootoioweoisoitioio . oisroostiatstrootsoisoosos000•••• •• • • • • • • -e• . .:•••••••44i,000sp,0000irooOoo.o. 'o• . , II Y014,int 0 .. ••rprostere. "'At Hohr,' • The Independent Order of Foresters' will,be at home to their members and friends in the Town-liall-oil-on . , evening next when a spletidid ,pre, . (Frani will be give.n, The fainous Lori •don Harpers, tire in nucnber, Will sup- ply the inniical program. 's ' ., a en, M. A, bourne has been invited' to the pa stor= , ._•,... _.......... ... .., .. • • ate, of 'the Belmont, 'Circuit? and „lifts aceeptei tits n tine. lie is also expect , ecl to conduct an evangelistic campaign .during Al arch, in Hanover, • • ' #3414 -4 -444~444 -4 -44 -#4* -44-440 upatn of Thos. ,WnIte ThS Many' friends of :Thos White, High Secietary.`01:,.bo Canadian Or- der'of Poresters,Will ref.tret,tO hear,. of his; death whiell: occurred at his herne in 13rantford on Tuesday „night.' • Mr. White:had been. a great siiiterei,'• for sotto yeatd,withan injured knee, abd. some Months ago,his, leg wa4. • amputa- ted and made ttplendid progress toward recovery:until about. two ,weeke ago , when the leg was found to be not heal-- Ing'iterapidly as it ghautiv On Sun • ,God, to oitet. with you. • ' -We .are con-,. , . .. ; . ittn Chure:11, ..(,(ivathed • 'and entwined sequently to lose 'yotir' valuable •,..aer"vi: . on,a .a our yiratclirnan, 4.)0 vaiii ,,,,u, '74:it n ` many•tenditi el,tnolieS, and With tne .as4suriince . ili;it en.: distance can froth cleegerear. SilePher.d.: t''.' lead IIP -saVer•tlie4ieti- of: frienddrip in, •which to timgreen pastures,of God's Word,. ',;• wel,lave be°11 to 'ic)ng ar4I 1°firIP-IY and -our spiritual Cunntorter to cheer .'. and .giaddet,, us in our seasons of, !lot_ ,,bound• together in °dr ' lab of -love, , • . • .. inouglr'parted we Still-werk , together: : y the,highest.point,af .Ihe 'pee rit crop Yenr,, Alanitolia the far;iners have. pretty ,well sold out last year's Crop or wheat ARMtTRONG ATCHES, JEWELERY,,— , °KNOW Now is the .:eakb'n for. M Is a lp.riar, y per v ices : • , 1 . , The: antinad., ntissiiiitary,:sert•lee•A of , 1346,-thogh we'-irre-deprivin the- hate 'Of a con ng d lwhen all .ea.9f, your .tlio :1\letliodigt ..chiveli.:..were .•1.1.:Ild on, Be.rvio,38 es,suei:?, we, will svet. cherish,. nat,lOns: '.shall praise the l',6rd, ,, •Siiiiila,:t' Itt4t._ \% 111 '',.,11.'1,111(111g ' SV'etV ., , , • .. • ,,the ,th. emory pf,,, .yogr. .,,.•sti ,solueug,, us, 1, . May the- ,.•.E'erlastifig, 'A.t.tiis' conipass , aol1. bo:tit' litornitig '10 t'"-'''.:li•ig :13-,: and we ,11,010 that,vpii-en vio• •nletii• nc.,,,, . thee' about that„, t,laty, t.;•iiiiL,ig,in: and :thy tile Ilev.,' Alfred ',..,1ntll'O NV .1 Of • ' Wit:1 toil., , : , fori, the Great white, Ti;tetie .we• shall going Mit may.oe• pieSsecr torever. •,f , .1,:l.a . AII(IIVW W1 ft)" IS Mi. pX-IINSI(11.911, . ' " W ' i ' Of tilt ''srqtlitihi' 6,01.froneo;, iia.,... a.11.41.1t.• eVer lOss [the& Oreat '..Sherfherd, tha't`' *.' 'igneci.- Pie ,,,e!'if.,. l'i t'll'e V. lel\ M. •-• ''' 1,- , n'y'vr••so,vt.,1.11Lri t'et11`,; ill' t; tly „.. pl.. it- . you . gpentl:siiteen , Pat's and :ei'kiit 4exill'i,!1''na: iciel,'(''s'..„.., „ '' months .of ,vour..life.ip ati,Anibrtssador ,Vos,t 11111 141, iliset,upse5, on inigsiettarf ,iqti.t,•:•fogaitf "i'st '‘,1tr-:.11.es; 0 Oittiit'inntingAiif: ' - ' . . - ' . MrS: Ciinnell' liodeVire•Prec ' work 'amng o' tlie 'Indians 'Were beth• , , • -,,,, •. -• i;t-try, in gc.• '.iiWas.ttret-- ,'.. • --, ,iiitevting, Ittid.. iiigthti.e., no 'miss. m, ,Alu.rcliisim,‘ Secretary. 'aii alibi ..ipelilier• anit.. presented -Ore • Mr, IneRay thafili,fkd the peeple fo..r• elainiS fit'. "t lie' triisi4onitry -socipte,", in:. a •, • ., • . , . . these • toiretig,• Of 'their afretion and PrlIotital ),v,:ir -old .411)."41 ('('Iloctiolis • appreciation, of:. tbe...eri.i.e0k; • tendered, ' 1141 : ,m 11)i4.0i''', i I ioliK W-PrC.,...41..;,iliv.fr , i'•••• As a' to en f our., esteem. 'for -pm' Tth inst.; howas With a severe and fol.:your' Partner in. life and the family'we riskth&t Yeti shonlci aecebt -chilkand-ii.ever,recoVered4roM:•-itsr-df.,-- :feats.° :Mr. White 10,1` nearly twenty •yeara' Seeretat*\ of 'the", Oatiaclian Order. 9t' Vorteters, 'being every year elected hi, acclamation and . • waa held in high- esteem by tho mem.' , ,bero the Orderr. .1,lio•boreaVed wife ,antLfainily, l4ve the; eynipatliy a large 'Circle of friends in th6ir tion, ' STOCK FOOD , II A 1";!...14 INTERNATIONAL In 'Pails and, in, 25 50e and': Si 00 PadkagsS of'Cittnefire, • , • INSECT' 1,c-ILLER• , INSECT POWDElt • , .1-TEr4.113011..E.- • LITTLE'S SHEEP DIP LITTLE'S CATTLE' DIP , . . • ' Ntotull`r I A, NI - -NI thia.purseof. fi,'333 in gold; and" mak iti! ePnt4tits s‘let'Itnit. You In rolltthbet",- ht, Ntre, ,;.'tqc.k..iy :•and. ifitagelf,. 1,161.1;i4mIt .of• flit! •Ntiu"li-. ...Chi. .,. .. •., ,. • . Spence once that 'eur4ltaitlapeet to you end f ' .t.qpoli.e with gra.t itode‘ Cf Thi,:liti.;,tt 11:,..1p. ('‘,I'vliig Mr. ...N'9tfi'Iss". p;.vc. 401 intOW:St" I ,, yours ialtrip`Orisliable, in liatu•re. 'Y',',ni peatarryy,e:r:iattili.dy.cg)(50:0(1'.11%evti:iiv::,,'ytii;1„,..gh.., o_nr ' '8,•,lat,,siotts.,LewKci.,;,,,Y0,'ili11v/lAil,•°,°,.in tt,°),,;(„111.;T•tl01:1.t5',, i'.t.,,i.1•',1 L,., il'.;:x.„,,,f.g':,?:{.,1',1'1.,,T.'t!i'i)&1,t.?,,1:,•:•;..h•cri::,:•:,.1t::::;.;.'.04.1i, t(')1. ttit'o''' .'. g)v ,miny,y--i3sr§61",c'Vittits,b16..iervi,,.;;,' all ii,16'4..lje'`!I .8,1i°``T1 •0 f'': 't'.11f ‘; ,..‘01..1,'('''''"Ial 1'N"u'I't I' (t., ‘!. ''' l'''''Ilt"!..' "''t'Lr4fi‘t)91 * co in Mtiaterro.' vineyard -be Still iott 1 of :tit' sorvIssOy, cf t he gayly. 111(1- (..,0)11\1(,m,v11.1, .'stAnt,P,,att.; wilii‘li.."\\1.0 I granted ' to' YOni'. and bayou rittv ' ' ibis 169011:8 41e.litil 10.1,4n.cd in. their,' ur:eiiiI,t,n,i,iyeti by all.' • [ . ' , • ... . • ,. MEDICAL KNC)1/V.