Lucknow Sentinel, 1904-02-18, Page 2A 0 7 77 �7 V, 4 X Cn- R: 411geyl ion, g9liple of dgy6 before the dilt r o Ull" 1 nd Nvt. I1,HT11, , it three ppliggiii.en. in tlb ,Cc �'Pypr s�. telegraph 'You, can �,Alva tbQ Polbee, allil. 01pa- that story for )Yhat it -is, wo.411,11 corlti- .4 Ull- c MQuate � �Aif Igo :U di A4 Nreq searched tile CO ded the, 11 lot 611 P". uft In a E 'ELI F01 ape -HAM 'AN tonced tabo It Il�a# 4if stia'qora fpr-titte -wo;L4 t %Pl,4.,,A he 1i 0 It ad, be . It aid of one, tollow 'wbo jIi%4! to �S -,I" Mary,!s, -top, -,of , jhe: T LL 046 a t A AR,SH kol:*ko lifOgg by falliag F LI nj] e a. hoi. wa who Wa . A.': .1 - an, from, MrA WN. Thp,,Grp�d 14ni, imy a TA41 th 'h eliug k . uthod t' -PULbills of 76, am., S y Th rq W i houo not "19"111 sig, MA jinlm� i7 e PI w4o, vould. Xot- g4ct On gary.. -7 Aaron. of -VI JY 'sl, 'k M ayI on e. Russ'J'ai ft" Q' t Wool -01h' "R adi' 6 o SRnday till, 161rodripiday i orajage -C 4 On rO 01 0 '00 _m, Qr .777 A R$ M ar a, and Ad EY 00 ir t e ;tr4-K_J'Vt0 k , T 6ssenger, . no o , 4 a _Pltles tile Billov We e PlI, tA n air�, god. 'a I ire of p live, tji; e0tiong Iare being, W Aj If �T -in, th, t tUd iri UPIO er . occ tributed the fauit, -�M t t I'l JA C.'D 0. still far, -9 AVJ11jain"a Voice'. niq .e o sl ra t f tb 'A PQ lroapy� pit, Ith, P1 n e�priiii* �Vtlie I� 6b,' lip -Io c PQ OP" f alack ,are Ap: d1h t 10 r c i-�l At141, er 4A -IeS' tt Heary ryJett HdjJfA repr 61 A, I p ye4r ioodiM.'w tile Fwi�,t or rQ sattack t nisit. -Jo was i�ecied pes, aa: -.the Qci'yern.m.eii '19'­tpip4al PA -r- iLt iviiiielli o0o wR.re transre� . -oft, ed�catioh' in p, I _'qualiflcd to i ad ers. �Jteeiftl Y I utional'. or -a-l-in jledillll�et,� statioll.: vlock--The lixe­-Atti u.p6ri t ie ail: Quid Wa0inigton, L descrillill- it it .5 Ire], 'on the be& 1ndti9t at i1ne6t rqssl7 absurd n,,w. t�f: -j*v. I rin ars' 61 last or 61. j),r. EdwaN, W,. ser P- and 2,1� in g Alope. ebeaped :destoct�op� connectio so pai 6 thirt�r 4aisoen Is 073,, All hatinful t6 tIld'youth of ­ .,train. had a:b u . pah, in origt, of Tale* Unil- "'The. membent. lifere. QP!!n_'oli'Qf the C vrsi tyj, t jUttee. previgusyears,. course on apa-d her v thpre N, " .111,6ugh tile;, Oted 1 on ai�ious c ewLs' growin tary ivenOttaw. �h c add6d, pumered ten or, rnqip.� ket fol,. jiopq, hvIl1qnitoba %j have, AyYsbiro, the !)Ile :of.,.' 'the �tll '1_1 amplps of Iris voice of* Iper.manant Ts, 'Nortinvost; aind .:Lt Pi'.9 al� 113 1 'ad. �fhe conductqr of left drA bef6re tile rallwaY; CO PA. dis)16iicsf -PrasIion'. of, ail pnippra and. Mote cooditio.11.9, in 3 for. Dr riptut the e.-� ede*4, and tha rC, I sibet I sol, Ing, t it ineaning of itfed. pid it grievqnck )VIlicri oii.� Thero.ls.a- scarcity 0 in t )di.iced-, tile ques-6 Ili rc t la" y.iii but. proolrp 'The M ncar. IiIspec or. and. fioney,at. :prehie: $,I :f0-11 of PIO-116011- d arineo n6t to.-weet the.otl r(Is:-'froiij 'lid pi!rsorks as meay�j- 4ji of the 'pamengers are w e liss6ol tfoin -for -'Caj)aaa, strn-ifle will � pi-asbjimbly ! ilavd, permanent, ne�,Li i's a I .. doubied' or. tinjqr0i r4.Qre or legs severely . tromo by ' producing, too mile] histoi-l-cl' intorbit�Jor with nittional ll�rd book; -101,161 f tithdard _404ion,.I The- uni3,n� a. Iiiiiied Afn Rod-' "tile �1. tbp ;icbldeat N Opp i the jintxcludetio, of importance of- t�jj.p- he recognized as. the n are eNtlinated Ing .,be ku by' consider, ard back df'tlils Doininion4*, v r owri., At;Jir4t, It. w".. hoay,intO the',Catindittit. mar f a, Infitture of, brokv�l trtniond; had plave(I tile --ame of thought. to b-� a Ispirealding rail but '�61 records "Of' optriontlienes,- ..p;6ri tlie 'P1,Ioploisals. After ."too often; find if. 1hei tractio& tqhd ia directors' slipiort � of thol.. tho' fact, that time, . engllne', %vent, tjoa. or r"fn�pejror IV,11. in the� :,Ing adi6arned injo aesired'06' along iA;feiY.,:. tbxcl: qt4er t1*41na, li ad Partictilgr att c�n I tion wagi V I preat. 1 iniiish in -afflifinerit , and at'the- po _11resident.­ -lenry just before passed, Without. misha devel it or I6ngLjnalXE —thFdele aten at, teng of tell, llvifig� the.-' ie6iire' -it. alud-tim;�orr1li v0Toug-w1th--Xh-e t1ii. equisite .16g &0411 . , 9 Cal 6lisryeit , after favot. of a hoh,slemstd-house* an it first this -col 'Importaucei' ithos Referring to, ttie Y 01ces. b -a pres6rIved. F wisli.] to the amocideat. .0- "to, � shQ+.thfit, tile he, n'rt -In. tht E_ _111 e d I M 6 s a I, L -t 11 a it I r 3A T_Q a -r t� d dir -reco --0e Its were net the, -caluse or the ihe fibili.ey, w I on- TO I URDIER ENDEVC Wk -"f AMIA. :Aat proved that. this 'Partlitent had io&�:4ted. ia, ne nor -y to;' 16giSIS10' _U a 'd off c al. e941414 r eapaci I ter. �I -Time And, ent. 0 Wilk 'probabl,eventualiy reveal' the Mati Pf fit.. dbn- tit �tgljjmjj gtabs jinother. Vive. Tinies satisfadotily f�r be. Isla sacre at,C X11jee I mus f Ifecree, but fonaght 'circiijilistance's d fohhy jr 'Shack io,ii0me' deXoct 1d.the :runuing t Feb. '8.� of e, tqA ne 'gear 61 ehind thd engine Pro- at Qlace 13,'jy. jc�night,re-. lords.' ingequi --hided vvith a �JS PH E ENOM, N: Ind laija At Ortix, e,.Vlico, has.been, lt&d, Ili'; tile murdee, of Mr. -.R few coil( The train -1d -night, in, Ii.% s,u e bandss� 0 [A -s, ��onoernjng ;"a t the, 4iiiow P11'a n a ;s�athi�g -renv the* b6tttoui,�of alp enioank-.440 alleto at th if ati6ther' ir� ;h'. Ortiz L &ad, La4g Qriic6s t L a erdinalldo nisni 'knou,n.. ail�:- Dublin meg nbarly* thfrty�,fbdt, bi�lo the It lian named ritaixt, anachro held till by -fi' 'toorle'-place iii - of gallfir ftven:,sa�*ag6s.�.and_ All; Th, murder Mrs. Jdhn.Uass X, ra S. fit. of, Were MAI-' *Iie're t:hbsb -of 1yelan 'wo to quarre h as on her W *ce:,her sick 'iniii, liv6d. il -too' rottefi -to If 1 1 . hAM" w*ere, 8alvador it f I Ld astf 's C Ong t lent ange, ', 0 1 jj�'7fn�-' Mended.. and hilist dwref�re jje�euded..'It'. .fruro," is ;-dead. Coniluptor 'thur. district rel'sortsi., the,' atercliq Flores and his ."became: '611- :.,%vords, When -pan, - vr o* or or.ty- snom tile month Hi> .11 - of tile o . ' "n . I . , , Mhttei I Islbert' , G, . Du 4 ores. o' I were tie would be tlie� dtlij� f iduribl; IIP lig I oqt I ven yeare.halk been kiijining'' 'oh 'two, Inche's, and �'t on proom; pose. the -lived ui tit lie Wag�pr k�'. letto- 'stabb d Galleto,�.flve,tljnep th, Ito06 a i.) , M FAged, and.livlilp eigo e n e - rilLilroad. d ed-- from* m6n0i.,',tho., least -$1 0 e 0 iadoiv6d so c 'it oreal 'b f'LVAqu6ros_- A 6, *ounds' aj� ick succes lon, One of tie ur 6�ip a,t�t , ni his 116inight. 'E. J. Rudd grounil, -there ein ga : Y 7quick succes H( de toun ted ��-t Ooops: I hag laiin,ii earti onroad to. t -ctor ol'the-Camadian Pa r inib.* -a Y. it irnent -of\ ir ciar, inap bh - :-White d, lAguid Act.':, lilt., of tire 1.'� 'Is' hov''ellog between, life. 19 inches.: lia 4, Ili - PUTS dians.; Lutia. *Iti a 'third il e6i, or' ;,,An 181 . -, 'icdklbd�ifself lift t) ;an . 11 . '. T -1 1 11 de4atW. - others iire: ou.'tho ground,' a Got, H I& k e.v. Nfr,. IN yna ia m d and 'twenty r vellbuYst. eavV DalnLageis l'y' hurt',* A'story is..cu o'"o 'Ircrand.! in� rep 1 Go A ' 8���IV bad arrent hat ',:ed'a deptit of OIL tj nen Ason", Fred-, the-,-man.almost died at the Pollit'I -tinizi 'whose ugsa ilant's -to.in fee' ;ar'e' boale4 buried be- of .21, ificiles aLg trod an Act cuts. f his n wo Tile mur of tjj��7k.C6 the wrkk n -class'. DurhIidWj`Ija Lambton''County ean- �pyol::I;tily rbr f led.,and n qt':�et .:been. ap.- ai�d 01gr- r Act a r e -It bt-­ jj�pk . ­ - � ing 411 he. doli I t idar, U. It,' bo; -op( proaa coil tided, thoug tbt if poin A., to a' grafted, iversi y, mu reds oiia kr th e. is pro 'Al s'ko �t trIbUting..,4,rYo0, #Leces :or ciEtticleL �pel'a life y, It 'of fp.ur feet 4'n'tfiegrou b fili 40alded body; pn �,traih: The' eip tregard t Sta,;, Mrs'.. Massey' started- fjoin' htf.* la at. th6 "firs 'I has. had hu it., in. &'*,reck' u of. age. '11111clit, bad, tJ L ' I ' .' , . " 'I "I yndham sit id ;tile leet near _y" tcli 'd tralit4 iciav rig. at�' 10.­ilionth -be 3 inc ies,., ar'. ATb 10W . ng a *clock blall; misised it' -by, I22 1-:4 Dic w tell many person'. we're .,killed, is I)e u it.,. dg�­ � ... ",t LI I , r lie . I ." I . ' 4ofts the 'Al it 0001 FROGIMS AS'. OULTR to' aitenipt anyt an'g- un &Q. wjoal; i 16r"Ithiti itex Y t t o fave -recc! ved­� $1', P, W1.9 rtIDr 'air''. hour 6rty I miji- snow and' f falf, 66 4fichps,' but tile' s''coill, er ide ndre 4 s atem. This m6an 4i\ rel on, te, g rou lid � i tj ug, State t M�w classi,464ioll nrrNqd all larti�s, jn. n at. botAreali t1i, I�P, -rain,' gt'- teci '11 0' a all a u UghaZit' 1' V___n _�cArrying-4-IFOrTY-11 . . ­ __1_6 lijo f All - Ili wit feet dow.a.. A embankment; 7 'With. rvfvrcn�o 'tile a] -.om damages,, I . n x I sacre- nth: ".-S and' uPt. ft event of,4 tar�l 'of t 16ni still, fs; iss'u Y r, 'covering of"10 his re2elving;,injurics', 1t everY Var. ri which " waid, dapsizqd, q1 aw to is I w t6nd ob rev ution.,'ilhe.tr&iii'.wa,s''tdnn.ing'. Tit- t A 'fove a rem esterlt, atario wauld'-n,61 be­�� oris, t4a I to�g -At a,'4 -ate! of.- at: i66st, courts : T ie,c . &so o 1�:-Jondoifi. -4ld )lot Iraa6li th egs from ,I of the third.par 3r en'the- hec: ent, I enedi Lt., duritig, at next' ecutts. rc4erIcK theit, isepar- hour wit d haptp L IF 011. ROMO tA 6ffIC6 or�, an' mol. 7.4 o., Ing, tile ingtoo t A ip -do ithout. srign.. 'r warn, e.. Chic to ew Y6i ` 'll parted Iroin . T ie 'inbineo Int, le's 0 16116 clerk 'Ili t a'f,, biYen at arlimnent, for I co - lidstal inclTes f exrire�s 'cointiany. awil v Wrest'llng, ",ith t ie'e- nitu ds to 'ground; In Ar on-; I . onund egs are re t- ;116 spe Is. of in .011 All e 15 t fi WiOt inig. 'were he:. llorrl- io� , Ing- -of giving, INhe% R016,fo Ir(,`liitn(1,.or a4 - P a r, an iji3d on 'a's "it hthe wrorij.'but darivte Weat ave ". txy�withfn'016 -of red, p . assengers f6utid themselves �in gro lie. end,' 'of he ul, bu- ony, rpcen y I fr of c ianz tj e,y;- la,,iv or �onieihing of, -w -urning bVer, d 't Re the* no�tli t t lte­ has cars that ere t An gyer. *feet- "0' hieli6s. oil been. A ble' to lea, It te re. ary, it x If e'. 111 test' ino the 2 If low;. oM.- their Aegoent� to 'still 6 I)i6teotion to :A.inerj -e home' fe is'� 11 Ila . a ny oyered 'by, bu toad the rilatter. over, Is paAv7for auy 1pper waters -0 . I sion7for.:un answer. jetterVaN ie-ty Alton. Ile 110 ;benaeaidie R -r�:bey6n 43 written 00 Audi,16r of, tho. T4-0,isur's,7 oilN. 10 (juestlo'n t idt'"'iffi"de-e ,Zrise. 'On s a t ,.�rhere the', tides' f. lort Con n t fall _00, et) wp, I a I ­ q � � corgeto it whil'd nstthat I iii sj: fee growilt tude g Ogap;7,q 101 With- M1111. k,q, imill 01YA as: tile 'is q6Pth inche, n Toron iliwiiagtic f ir: s4ire ot dr� known to lia1v t eople; -fifebiding. the t G I bat :0rty. brs�, :D sectio.l.of tile 'nil den a itwho t, -'flv the-,31eiirl -c(. .'.of the enii ire; the t I raln�, twen' y Ined.` In the. . to reci hag sue�- wer o bp stern an eceded In Itetting .,"the, atipipbrt of re I �i nil pironlint J!orsoinen'L inon -illould.. lie. - sett -led, for %it Tile in ur are - heavy if) spois� tkrde�; near t 'Toilit'. 11 f t re ap( 0 t - - Mira. W. -.0a.mpbell, C) Were' ilinches oil t le lit, coill(II no . in op T a 'ii -ed o London; ar in Ithe eiirly. -all 0 car �s were e c tr fWprvsiInt sEte of. e inoney a81st. -'At,Pioictb6to'.27 I 'jrcMn:jbed; r 'Idea thel�, bridalj_�our. tt�o L. tbinsoh'; Vice- Pind.,$7.5 QQ1600, for' It"Pi'll --- Fi�tl' r. of ca r - were ei P BR DSTO fell Etlfel B . entle'y o - rgairls t .Of ded 19i !he, proy.s owq:� oT C, -Tr sno-,v­'covered the -ground, atitl I u e e t i J i of Bree(cils oAv or red. of, thL t, it the prer, A., Tft'.� I'D troctors lep- campt 3 Hudd, �bo,dy injured. bb, ieI W. Wiide rht ri.30. pan.. n j.'Ir The "snow Mi the. oronto,, fru if L, , I . - all _��Torbiito_ head es Al -'d Lt rid - -- , , .- ie Ititt th6 it-th .1hJured "6ut. the a I an DI'de inet.v .esq d. ,;0n, T v& Wl of. the iToliql. est6rday: '117he til' -ii is- c171hg., , ; , o-46fiant,- IG6rge, II ders, - An Armen ttle and i ian'picddlei� pirobably. fa- a sIt. eVI I rl it' Uri n eno' cod tli�' who P_ UL11 leg To tolbeIndust --hat—tIrere7-IjIjd Tth() month -as, to tit acep'niti �p 00 veleg rial regig ra lorig this Ion s and Ilypo cut, trbotit, to I" et t, Morrisol,ari4 chIM 'bound for part ion'. sMd the orly'feniedy for dldliit. 893 Itist kear 'ThePo 1' of Ili,. the absen 3,060, 1)1111� -Jor. F1 iy,,/8t';I` jo6., le.broken'.': prepoad.e I bit .. �ERNEST. SHEL I %tr, tF,- A..: Bustin-,: ex�reag I miss6nger,­:of 'high winds lot!, tn.g, rifts, gileatl ra ure itte 111s,61im Goin �gqtbnHt �2'71ast year., Iq Pt t aimitill't f ppor �'V>t, John, leit.,birolcen, Adin 311� 'Coiidutor -R.' t�- Dfinca-n,, head- ct�. And ail klfi(N,otA:rn;V' S h4.tfi-; Hil6hey Btewlac cut a Out' IV. ranq'es fro lie il ibiring,'which k b nInches o. qvin'pi arlo It,; T I irs ace. t t wo-Ttalians, nit it tb��n - IN Q60bet kn'�31* n ti .131 T o 'a cold, bleal, bit to d;)Zell Of-, lf� iti,'joi 1;ig. it C e N, el', V� rib, 17h7er a—l',,calp 1-n hwound., 'o nt n!qhe tlie 0) 0 11 d U. I -K ( I I k Ssxa it, cut Idc�e� leg; RESIGNW.Yl of t4'� It C "'PRE .1 IN 4 Pr IIte1wrilt 01beet. of'G, T. It. Has It, docAnd to Ii'did I 'Slattl�l""Uf"tll,vic(,-I�ill�s�idt�tlt,"(.,,,��I Y� I(": i o I )!Ill" poop llCY I a! ye er T I alit"n 8iej'* Not'.0 i jrib.,i brdk 0fiow. 'fqr 'all, classgs o to� t, Ing rorscu. I C :.John to� i I 'Ili lit re! To 4-1`N00l A tott f fldont! of file, board, asr ar.Vd1rtto.d, it j. oto' c6 nip lie i a -,arra uts. r ev 0 1 v 6d 66nfij o i r pp r er, ft'Ond-naid roulders., eeillitt r, ll foliox�4 sotf log o I I f hatior ;i 0' 111:icke, rd&ra, -on t�6 tArlec- composed of' e,b 6 dver, in'Wed IV, clol jwnq 11nd W. (j. tx nd T; Ai plial. tile fils pos W� (I n to, 0. Df: blit'ille. ce, ell .0 -Ilm to; 0. Mon I' a �6 Ivirako :,w I o r Was er- Ifts ii t lWLs011 tO in a'.1iftle otlilt" Hit travoll'Or'. for Terfurnery LdmloT qpll�,r.about I -ace. HC) og'. IRK. 111"' 1 his C prosti, an dotibi tillb.tit it IIi for' ifie. to if is., 1-16 mn.bv lit the o� A GENEROUS �A rdit,tirt of $.!d- bon f roin ,I, CT bover ]oft Idicopie Mott bf iTovotito, Fcl� wi .0 1�[IeC .5' :tile of th.P piiiom ot, , I I It ' ' " V . tfor, Ino:, th6t; aln'litial Woe g 11rifirr t a ill Rotet Bills homq� tit tI16 rpej thit t-, I it'( 1 : I p, tile Hoine.; 01 L inthn't" had aiNU, Ilk" Io lIt n darInIt tie, -Y e_ro ticording, to t I t ere -0.ettli- of he little 01', by It ;ail of tk otk- 1 4 1 '1 tikg ej7lid Jill v lip hav "811offly tIla I In, tfio t I gaid 1.4 n, it n I'll slilt at be fo and at thirt, Iitthe It, thous, f6 t to 'Tho 11 , road' foil' KAr , kifl d.t tho i7ei" My 66d ty, to, iliq tho bm .6t J�riond Pik' otmilkyll �1 I'- I Go II1it so -ld' lit; &,jt. arialog .Atro Is �141 iwolta 11inoods. PeLsed, some Vns, I t I I o tol h Iti o Ila 0. s0116 Imity or Y's stic, nion Nvere ult31j"' tho con- Nva A proW Od vith killed firld ,;'000 Ptot' Ill-6use and, 15111,getty *tn�od w3jut I;mid fti�d Wcpt of cil'ses tick A(y to, Tlutt �6s till Wt; U�ag.,A�Aid Ported I and 11 good, f6r, I doNg. Vcirdifiio� sorkLlt are I! work but frotit goo 3vork; Midr thcref , om., ito lift I lilt n'lld , Ift faigood olily its fdtt as Stratio d J116 Otta.%,t t IV .1 d y, Ing for 'all '1101ir it Wait laiii ()it, I pox tit) the sKehXj, ot Vt tvati, blocked Wbrid. M.' nftto the !lots I R. 116*60e ohd It Is Mor, tio.: � - . . I C!, tho imthee Ia "Ached. �trado,rd oil, Life jury'r The the lik'n' -Nag, ion Apt. il�l IV 1 a, reiihigiI %vil&l, tjja�t be hblorc; gj�d: t�. receiflf,,; A) opi?v a expand fttif Cagliel'WnA. f6iffid.g or t Ittitt, initj wl -t! Wit 11111 Jto� tile, -piificl#41� Xarl 11, 9 If abbli to r4o*k4g I tapldl n61thV0drds,,,� WIO� mlilrdbt of AtifuAlbelf, all 01(1 a4liatter,' -oft � bAtidi $1257, � , '�, I.., ­ - 'tie caoicidlan 1�4jjy' who Wreil.in, Hit billill hot filirlr6ffi 06 Nut fhst 16 ii�.t i, octu 48 il.1 'aaVs� us e coj�ol er KU 151 �d, I L TH EA R R' '-U be bu made' tu he ar - to- b 16 Ity- 4 lid ly. t it a b d G r 3